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Applicants that do not have a vendor ID can find the form online at https://comptroller.texas.gov/taxes/franchise/forms/.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 19 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 20 0 obj <> endobj 21 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 4 0 R /Parent 161 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 403.387 358.833 421.757 378.652]/StructParent 5/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Enter the ESC region in which the applicant is located. Refer to /regional_services/esc/ for an ESC region map.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 22 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 23 0 obj <> endobj 24 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 10.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388610/MK<<>>/P 4 0 R /Parent 161 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 476.844 358.889 591.474 378.708]/StructParent 6/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(For federal grants, enter the applicant organization's UEI number. Visit https://sam.directory/UEI?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI-6TR76Wr-gIVfxXUAR08VAGfEAAYASAAEgKalPD_BwE to apply for a UEI number. For state-funded grants, enter N/A.)/Type/Annot/V(U2K3Y28SPDK3)>> endobj 25 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+ Ppu*r 2PH2T034545RI,LL ( JM/I,R04PI564p6Tr ru endstream endobj 26 0 obj <> endobj 27 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 4 0 R /Parent 161 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 63.577 332.867 283.657 352.686]/StructParent 7/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Enter the organization's street address.)/Type/Annot/V(1701 West Ave)>> endobj 28 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+ Ppu*r 2PH2T0300545VI,LL ( JM/I,R04TI0470TO-.Qp,KTr ru endstream endobj 29 0 obj <> endobj 30 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 4 0 R /Parent 161 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 311.18 332.867 397.893 352.686]/StructParent 8/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Enter the city in which the organization is located.)/Type/Annot/V(Austin)>> endobj 31 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+ Ppu*r 2PH2T0300545VI,LL ( JM/I,R04TIp,-.Tr ruWV` endstream endobj 32 0 obj <> endobj 33 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 4 0 R /Parent 161 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 420.946 332.867 475.109 352.686]/StructParent 9/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Enter the organization's ZIP code.)/Type/Annot/V(78701)>> endobj 34 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+ Ppu*r 2PH2T0300545VI,LL ( JM/I,R04TI0070Tr ru.T endstream endobj 35 0 obj <> endobj 36 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 4 0 R /Parent 161 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 97.725 306.315 241.455 326.134]/StructParent 10/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Enter the name of the person TEA should contact first with questions or information regarding the application.)/Type/Annot/V(Debbie Wieland)>> endobj 37 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream xA @0+#l }張ѴJ=ύt!hu!*`ܔbM")7d6xZt91c=~ endstream endobj 38 0 obj <> endobj 39 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 4 0 R /Parent 161 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 278.12 306.315 478.23 326.134]/StructParent 11/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Enter the primary contact's direct email address.)/Type/Annot/V(dwieland@texaslodging.com)>> endobj 40 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream xA 0?,뢚-]ˀ\ tҐ Ɗ}oňO(@ӽV㦔&4WÞ\!߸}r> endobj 42 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 4 0 R /Parent 161 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 515.961 306.315 591.474 326.134]/StructParent 12/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Enter the primary contact's direct phone number.)/Type/Annot/V(512-630-8518)>> endobj 43 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x; 0bK-j$b0w&"ԗ:#S0j ne1/cʹ5'!ݐYL[qV\NzbP E endstream endobj 44 0 obj <> endobj 45 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 4 0 R /Parent 161 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 110.781 281.336 241.489 301.155]/StructParent 13/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Enter the name of the person TEA should contact second with questions or information regarding the application.)/Type/Annot/V(Sheila Olivarez)>> endobj 46 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream xK ]֠Rh\4~of E91ZD ETBHbBk3#$%d٬oz7 endstream endobj 47 0 obj <> endobj 48 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 4 0 R /Parent 161 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 278.454 281.336 477.895 301.155]/StructParent 14/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Enter the secondary contact's direct email address.)/Type/Annot/V(solivarez@texaslodging.com)>> endobj 49 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream xK 0]ꠚ06"``a@75ņ!AR]B꛼6}Ѻ3DRO{=DO\rc@Zpy endstream endobj 50 0 obj <> endobj 51 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 4 0 R /Parent 161 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 515.961 281.336 591.474 301.155]/StructParent 15/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Enter the secondary contact's direct phone number.)/Type/Annot/V(512-474-2996)>> endobj 52 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x; 0bK-b0A$AoLG)/n@D/д.m+dAteJB"f YF*uuNrbxn;O endstream endobj 53 0 obj <> endobj 54 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 4 0 R /Parent 161 0 R /Rect[ 23.868 151.03 33.868 161.03]/StructParent 16/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(You are required to check this box to indicate your acceptance of application and grant requirements detailed in the grant application, grant guidelines \(General and Fiscal as well as program guidelines\), and instructions provided for completing the application.)/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 55 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H237402VH2P0P0T4B.CC rù Lʹ\ F 9\`]`R1 endstream endobj 56 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x337402VH2P0P0T4.C endstream endobj 57 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H*2T0T¢Tp<.=Sr.#@.Bmfsr  endstream endobj 58 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 4 0 R /Parent 161 0 R /Rect[ 23.868 132.972 33.868 142.972]/StructParent 17/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(You are required to check this box to indicate your acceptance of all provisions and assurances \(the General Provisions and Assurances and any provisions and assurances specific to the grant, as listed in the program guidelines\).)/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 59 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H237402VH2P0P0T4B.CC rù Lʹ\ F 9\`]`R1 endstream endobj 60 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x337402VH2P0P0T4.C endstream endobj 61 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H*2T0T¢Tp<.=Sr.#@.Bmfsr  endstream endobj 62 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 4 0 R /Parent 161 0 R /Rect[ 360.051 151.03 370.051 161.03]/StructParent 18/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(You are required to check this box to indicate your acceptance of the requirements conveyed in the Debarment and Suspension Certification.)/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 63 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H237402VH2P0P0T4B.CC rù Lʹ\ F 9\`]`R1 endstream endobj 64 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x337402VH2P0P0T4.C endstream endobj 65 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H*2T0T¢Tp<.=Sr.#@.Bmfsr  endstream endobj 66 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 4 0 R /Parent 161 0 R /Rect[ 360.051 132.284 370.051 142.284]/StructParent 19/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(You are required to check this box to indicate your acceptance of the requirements conveyed in the Lobbying Certification.)/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 67 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H237402VH2P0P0T4B.CC rù Lʹ\ F 9\`]`R1 endstream endobj 68 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x337402VH2P0P0T4.C endstream endobj 69 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H*2T0T¢Tp<.=Sr.#@.Bmfsr  endstream endobj 70 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 4 0 R /Parent 161 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 140.644 104.412 362.812 124.231]/StructParent 20/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Enter the name and title of the organization official authorized to obligate the organization in a legally binding contractual agreement.)/Type/Annot/V(Debbie Wieland)>> endobj 71 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x; wQkQȸlhaHԿ_倀QAM^m5A!贙-x$d,z}PT endstream endobj 72 0 obj <> endobj 73 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 4 0 R /Parent 161 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 391.174 104.412 592.939 124.231]/StructParent 21/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Enter the authorized official's title.)/Type/Annot/V(Education Outreach & Foundation Director)>> endobj 74 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x%ȱ0~ś 5 ֭QPBhxi{x6 C鱡c4BQ{KsmJ) cYRo/Vz,vtOeE .'9ЌK0! endstream endobj 75 0 obj <> endobj 76 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 4 0 R /Parent 161 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 55.192 78.903 391.668 98.722]/StructParent 22/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Enter the authorized official's direct email address.)/Type/Annot/V(dwieland@texaslodging.com)>> endobj 77 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream xA 0?,E+@@pE{{[#bE(AQ嫬' |R| I79 fnO(/.|'1ztm endstream endobj 78 0 obj <> endobj 79 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 4 0 R /Parent 161 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 432.22 78.903 592.939 98.722]/StructParent 23/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Enter the authorized official's direct phone number.)/Type/Annot/V(512-474-2996)>> endobj 80 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x; 0bK-IXi#EޙJy)7@CܰwdFOs.5.sN!YU*YY]Nr b^ endstream endobj 81 0 obj <> endobj 82 0 obj <>/P 4 0 R /Parent 161 0 R /Rect[ 70.667 53.38 424.825 73.23]/StructParent 24/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Enter the authorized official's digital ID. )/Type/Annot>> endobj 83 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 4 0 R /Parent 161 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 455.835 53.388 592.942 73.23]/StructParent 25/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(For applications signed by hand: Enter the date of signature.)/Type/Annot/V(2/5/2024)>> endobj 84 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+ Ppu*r 2PH2T03047SI,LL ( JM/I,R04TI077202Tr rum endstream endobj 85 0 obj <> endobj 86 0 obj <>/BS<>/C[ 0 0.301961 0.901961]/CA 1/F 4/InkList[[ 97.9546 70.4091 97.9159 70.4091 97.8259 70.4477 97.7255 70.5377 97.6369 70.5995 97.5694 70.598 97.5238 70.5265 97.497 70.3162 97.5227 69.9178 97.5704 69.3384 97.5822 68.574 97.5742 67.6151 97.5189 66.4515 97.3721 65.1129 97.1273 63.644 96.7592 62.0891 96.276 60.4852 95.663 58.859 94.9347 57.1888 94.1566 55.5103 93.2928 53.8425 92.3784 52.2317 91.4396 50.7687 90.4936 49.5511 89.589 48.6631 88.7429 48.1682 87.9927 48.0699 87.3406 48.3798 86.7712 49.0729 86.3013 50.1102 85.9224 51.4138 85.6148 52.8607 85.3951 54.3651 85.2567 55.8356 85.2212 57.2325 85.3203 58.5096 85.5473 59.6642 85.8768 60.6772 86.3175 61.5632 86.8934 62.3122 87.5936 62.9041 88.3914 63.3168 89.257 63.5697 90.1638 63.6998 91.0916 63.6691 92.0268 63.4858 92.9612 63.103 93.8909 62.4923 94.7761 61.6782 95.6431 60.669 96.431 59.5793 97.1225 58.4415 97.7257 57.357 98.2593 56.3677 98.7448 55.5169 99.2009 54.8414 99.6421 54.3683 100.039 54.0768 100.425 53.9258 100.815 53.9092 101.22 54.0013 101.64 54.1708 102.073 54.4661 102.517 54.8899 102.968 55.4605 103.384 56.2007 103.713 57.0931 103.941 58.1415 104.081 59.3218 104.114 60.599 104.049 61.9393 103.831 63.2767 103.457 64.5783 102.952 65.7954 102.353 66.8405 101.73 67.6993 101.086 68.3189 100.502 68.7135 99.9705 68.8514 99.4391 68.7601 98.921 68.4152 98.4204 67.8477 97.975 67.0334 97.5943 66.0024 97.272 64.7679 97.0723 63.4096 97.0066 61.95 97.0962 60.4558 97.3642 58.9282 97.8304 57.4115 98.5096 56.0037 99.373 54.7737 100.375 53.8417 101.469 53.2558 102.616 53.097 103.788 53.3335 104.967 53.8818 106.141 54.686 107.307 55.6361 108.425 56.7293 109.445 57.8629 110.397 59.017 111.269 60.2171 112.069 61.4293 112.851 62.6734 113.608 63.9537 114.339 65.2662 115.048 66.5649 115.743 67.7905 116.389 68.8871 116.978 69.7714 117.477 70.3992 117.885 70.7148 118.178 70.7047 118.403 70.3017 118.555 69.5389 118.644 68.4168 118.688 66.9967 118.74 65.3599 118.787 63.6226 118.862 61.8986 118.977 60.2811 119.17 58.9145 119.407 57.8285 119.704 57.0674 120.057 56.5981 120.456 56.3931 120.887 56.4324 121.338 56.6644 121.761 57.0307 122.214 57.5177 122.682 58.1368 123.117 58.8713 123.539 59.7704 123.921 60.7922 124.257 61.9334 124.551 63.1335 124.813 64.3136 125.014 65.3603 125.19 66.2011 125.323 66.7572 125.45 66.9607 125.592 66.76 125.755 66.1595 125.979 65.1136 126.234 63.6749 126.538 61.9368 126.892 60.0352 127.288 58.1435 127.716 56.385 128.124 54.9535 128.532 53.9675 128.946 53.565 129.333 53.7159 129.717 54.3882 130.111 55.4775 130.522 56.8992 130.947 58.5544 131.385 60.3541 131.794 62.2678 132.157 64.2224 132.435 66.2127 132.585 68.1917 132.607 70.0991 132.523 71.8782 132.399 73.4839 132.278 74.8459 132.177 75.8931 132.143 76.6048 132.148 77.0278]]/Rect[ 84.2106 47.0347 133.618 78.0278]/Subtype/Ink/Type/Annot>> endobj 87 0 obj <>stream xMzɭDIl+eAb:J&M U\I'OD~\'o~~R~߿ky!+9! 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Enter N/A when applying for grant funds.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 123 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 124 0 obj <> endobj 125 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 114 0 R /Parent 162 0 R /Rect[ 20.747 564.447 30.747 574.447]/StructParent 30/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(1. The applicant provides assurance that program funds will supplement \(increase the level of service\), and not supplant \(replace\) state mandates, State Board of Education rules, and activities previously conducted with state or local funds. The applicant provides assurance that state or local funds may not be decreased or diverted for other purposes merely because of the availability of these funds. The applicant provides assurance that program services and activities to be funded from this LOI will be supplementary to existing services and activities and will not be used for any services or activities required by state law, State Board of Education rules, or local policy.)/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 126 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H237402VH2P0P0T4B.CC rù Lʹ\ F 9\`]`R1 endstream endobj 127 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x337402VH2P0P0T4.C endstream endobj 128 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H*2T0T¢Tp<.=Sr.#@.Bmfsr  endstream endobj 129 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 114 0 R /Parent 162 0 R /Rect[ 20.747 471.547 30.747 481.547]/StructParent 31/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(2. The applicant provides assurance that the application does not contain any information that would be protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act \(FERPA\) from general release to the public.)/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 130 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H237402VH2P0P0T4B.CC rù Lʹ\ F 9\`]`R1 endstream endobj 131 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x337402VH2P0P0T4.C endstream endobj 132 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H*2T0T¢Tp<.=Sr.#@.Bmfsr  endstream endobj 133 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 114 0 R /Parent 162 0 R /Rect[ 20.747 425.008 30.747 435.008]/StructParent 32/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(3. The applicant provides assurance to adhere to all the Statutory and TEA Program requirements as noted in the Program Guidelines.)/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 134 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H237402VH2P0P0T4B.CC rù Lʹ\ F 9\`]`R1 endstream endobj 135 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x337402VH2P0P0T4.C endstream endobj 136 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H*2T0T¢Tp<.=Sr.#@.Bmfsr  endstream endobj 137 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 114 0 R /Parent 162 0 R /Rect[ 20.747 378.466 30.747 388.466]/StructParent 33/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(4. The applicant provides assurance to adhere to all the Performance Measures, as noted in the Program Guidelines, and shall provide to TEA, upon request, any performance data necessary to assess the success of the program.)/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 138 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H237402VH2P0P0T4B.CC rù Lʹ\ F 9\`]`R1 endstream endobj 139 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x337402VH2P0P0T4.C endstream endobj 140 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H*2T0T¢Tp<.=Sr.#@.Bmfsr  endstream endobj 141 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 114 0 R /Parent 162 0 R /Rect[ 20.313 327.011 30.313 337.011]/StructParent 34/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(6. The applicant assures that any Electronic Information Resources \(EIR\) produced as part of this agreement will comply with the State of Texas Accessibility requirements as specified in 1 TAC 206, 1 TAC Chapter 213, Federal Section 508 standards, and the WCAG 2.0 AA Accessibility Guidelines. )/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 142 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H237402VH2P0P0T4B.CC rù Lʹ\ F 9\`]`R1 endstream endobj 143 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x337402VH2P0P0T4.C endstream endobj 144 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H*2T0T¢Tp<.=Sr.#@.Bmfsr  endstream endobj 145 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 114 0 R /Parent 162 0 R /Rect[ 19.831 264.507 29.831 274.507]/StructParent 35/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(3. The applicant provides assurance to adhere to all the Statutory and TEA Program requirements as noted in the Program Guidelines.)/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 146 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H237402VH2P0P0T4B.CC rù Lʹ\ F 9\`]`R1 endstream endobj 147 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x337402VH2P0P0T4.C endstream endobj 148 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H*2T0T¢Tp<.=Sr.#@.Bmfsr  endstream endobj 149 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 114 0 R /Parent 162 0 R /Rect[ 19.321 223.49 29.321 233.49]/StructParent 36/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(3. The applicant provides assurance to adhere to all the Statutory and TEA Program requirements as noted in the Program Guidelines.)/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 150 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H237402VH2P0P0T4B.CC rù Lʹ\ F 9\`]`R1 endstream endobj 151 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x337402VH2P0P0T4.C endstream endobj 152 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H*2T0T¢Tp<.=Sr.#@.Bmfsr  endstream endobj 153 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 114 0 R /Parent 162 0 R /Rect[ 19.321 180.998 29.321 190.998]/StructParent 37/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(3. The applicant provides assurance to adhere to all the Statutory and TEA Program requirements as noted in the Program Guidelines.)/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 154 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H237402VH2P0P0T4B.CC rù Lʹ\ F 9\`]`R1 endstream endobj 155 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x337402VH2P0P0T4.C endstream endobj 156 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H*2T0T¢Tp<.=Sr.#@.Bmfsr  endstream endobj 157 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 114 0 R /Parent 162 0 R /Rect[ 19.321 141.512 29.321 151.512]/StructParent 38/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(3. The applicant provides assurance to adhere to all the Statutory and TEA Program requirements as noted in the Program Guidelines.)/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 158 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H237402VH2P0P0T4B.CC rù Lʹ\ F 9\`]`R1 endstream endobj 159 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x337402VH2P0P0T4.C endstream endobj 160 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H*2T0T¢Tp<.=Sr.#@.Bmfsr  endstream endobj 161 0 obj <>stream xZmo8na;CU4-aظ"H[Yr))Y߯? )K] xșzpowU٘~x@p L4 <O(0> s֌cЈ %Lx{7;O0J* !QZ `$#,  _/"IB_* ?g 4T )=D1Tt=?хفηI*$pﲣ|y;쐑&<ڥxal^$J. L*8#TF"R$n4I笏o_q#T!(}$MTvf6Y[_{=- 4$< SUK^ d,VT>Klf,~0fnoͭPƎܺ8]&en! MZ-KѺ6HXj& L׾MeXւㄤ\"/SH"ƅd_&XmyO6NST֏_;3S`MZ}]b`>yz\J7\xӜ{U ITiKH7< Z-4 p پǰ;EmdvlsmBGͰ~bgI}UCdyC-YN$A2AB:ǽ$b|d6L>!BD2Dd5ή!k2DR™??!_u?򮵮K)nxBazX6Ia:ʹ#n~|  *5usqItlv `[,i(Mj꺫6unSbXLN7-tLlp3'XnNkr)T|3$/_"ojgۘhAS$iB:$҆9yDT"z+UGzϧ0iB*Iܓr{ &@pM(ޅSTg,%ĕAD]AQy]qbzؑ>E C}T4X"Z&mlU)|Z܊o?? 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Enter N/A when applying for grant funds.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 168 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 169 0 obj <> endobj 170 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 165 0 R /Parent 163 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 141.854 751.346 223.18 771.165]/StructParent 41/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Enter the organization's vendor ID. )/Type/Annot>> endobj 171 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 172 0 obj <> endobj 173 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 165 0 R /Parent 163 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 44.526 751.346 89.138 771.165]/StructParent 42/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Enter the organization's county-district number.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 174 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 175 0 obj <> endobj 176 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 10.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8392704/MK<<>>/P 165 0 R /Parent 163 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 22.201 429.772 591.414 698.694]/StructParent 43/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Provide an overview of the program to be implemented with grant funds. Include the overall mission and specific needs of the organization. Describe how the program will address the mission and needs. )/Type/Annot/V(The proposed CTSO to be implemented with grant funds aims to empower students to become knowledgeable leaders and professionals in the hospitality industry, thereby fostering positive impacts in their communities and the wider economy. The program will enhance the three programs of study within the hospitality career clusterLodging & Resort Management, Travel, Tourism, and Attractions, and Culinary Artsby providing additional real-life learning opportunities for students to demonstrate competency in the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills included in the program of study courses. Developing the CTSO will be a joint effort between the Texas Hotel & Lodging Association and the Hospitality Educators Association of Texas. \r\nThe overall mission of the program is to empower students pursuing careers in Lodging & Resort Management, Travel Tourism & Attractions, and Culinary Arts through comprehensive educational experiences, leadership development, and industry exposure. It aims to create a supportive environment where students can explore their interests, refine their skills, and unlock their full potential.\r\nTo achieve this mission, the program will focus on the following core objectives:\r\n1. Leadership Development: Nurturing leadership qualities in students by providing opportunities to lead, collaborate, and inspire others within the hospitality industry.\r\n2. Personal Growth: Supporting the personal growth and development of students through mentorship, guidance, and resources to help them achieve their academic and hospitality industry career aspirations.\r\n3. Industry Integration: Bridging the gap between education and the hospitality industry by facilitating meaningful interactions, internships, and experiential learning opportunities that prepare students for successful careers.\r\n4. Practical Approach to Learning: Implementing a hands-on, practical approach to learning that immerses students in real-world scenarios, equipping them with the skills, knowledge, and confidence needed to excel in the hospitality industry.\r\n5. Community Engagement: Fostering a sense of community among students, educators, industry professionals, and stakeholders to create a supportive network that promotes collaboration, innovation, and lifelong learning.\r\nThrough these initiatives, the program seeks to cultivate a vibrant community of future hospitality leaders who excel in their chosen careers, enriching the industry with innovation, professionalism, and passion. It aims to create a network of empowered students equipped with the skills, knowledge, and leadership qualities necessary to thrive in the dynamic world of hospitality.\r\n\r\n\r\n)>> endobj 177 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream xWMs6W) %qӸMb؁%kegA1f{sfnls8x/[X\\WXLnPgsX_gŢòRYs :u VQ`I*>O/8xo뿻 ZapcW[&eJF)RP(VU5J]G֧Tt([2[{ءG#IPqvZpp_cOJGiIJ,Yc%רcatGT AWRVa~=9khF8GR fi=ܕA O|II"ZZCx~긃`]`dd+ Enb-6hcCHt(ԣSPrbϬ l@Zd p!2nʒaÙI k82-:f`R&EȂ$*h ^T' lĘc9@ٹh9=3X;;uN8TfOZ􋥍oqh.q=bU >E&fPUWcQxT۽޲$%JƃUEcOsOǺYۙkE7fh1BWHytG\#{yYľ D!9SD'$d]8y i4”֍lS6dwO$asP]zo~> 8IR%'"D~8_$OSp; K[38f ph#hcͳAFdlx†t r, ٧$ jɣ˕Z?}<|hC,6m2qb"pWZ☼c*i4 ふ!f^3@clGdKg~ ;{.Ui:r'M/${1Q'l{[#8{Qb~˿~>gw3 endstream endobj 178 0 obj <> endobj 179 0 obj <> endobj 180 0 obj <>/FontDescriptor 181 0 R /Subtype/CIDFontType2/Type/Font/W[ 7716 7716 281 814[ 291 365 614 537 817 718 225 296 296 420 679 225 408 225 384 537 379 537 537 558 537 537 516 537 537 225 225 679 679 679 447 972 650 569 636 701 515 485 691 707 247 345 560 475 879 742 777 563 777 585 522 529 679 625 933 587 559 584 296 763 296 679 425 262 512 584 461 585 524 296 585 560 224 224 475 224 858 560 584 584 585 345 412 320 561 474 711 446 476 471 296 236 296 679]]>> endobj 181 0 obj <> endobj 182 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 10.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8392704/MK<<>>/P 165 0 R /Parent 163 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 254.569 320.896 590.627 367.171]/StructParent 44/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Enter Qualifications, Experience, Certifications for Position 1)/Type/Annot/V(Knowledge of Texas Career & Technical Education; Experience and knowlege of Career and Technical Education Student Organizations)>> endobj 183 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream xm@E[,%v*C|lq]%ѯ79hG*sJRY6]ds(Cq Nmh&{]:RͣcJz}GHJwQҭkEW .PgbLt)3s~C-6j^xReNo&{F% endstream endobj 184 0 obj <> endobj 185 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 10.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8392704/MK<<>>/P 165 0 R /Parent 163 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 254.569 109.573 590.627 155.848]/StructParent 45/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Enter Qualifications, Experience, Certifications for Position 5)/Type/Annot>> endobj 186 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 187 0 obj <> endobj 188 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 10.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8392704/MK<<>>/P 165 0 R /Parent 163 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 254.569 161.898 590.627 208.173]/StructParent 46/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Enter Qualifications, Experience, Certifications for Position 4)/Type/Annot>> endobj 189 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 190 0 obj <> endobj 191 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 10.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8392704/MK<<>>/P 165 0 R /Parent 163 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 254.569 214.217 590.627 260.492]/StructParent 47/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Enter Qualifications, Experience, Certifications for Position 3)/Type/Annot>> endobj 192 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 193 0 obj <> endobj 194 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 10.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8392704/MK<<>>/P 165 0 R /Parent 163 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 254.569 266.539 590.627 312.814]/StructParent 48/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Enter Qualifications, Experience, Certifications for Position 2)/Type/Annot>> endobj 195 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 196 0 obj <> endobj 197 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 10.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8392704/MK<<>>/P 165 0 R /Parent 163 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 21.555 109.573 246.688 156.245]/StructParent 49/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Enter Title of Position 5)/Type/Annot>> endobj 198 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 199 0 obj <> endobj 200 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 10.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8392704/MK<<>>/P 165 0 R /Parent 163 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 21.555 161.793 246.688 208.465]/StructParent 50/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Enter Title of Position 4)/Type/Annot>> endobj 201 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 202 0 obj <> endobj 203 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 10.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8392704/MK<<>>/P 165 0 R /Parent 163 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 21.555 214.016 246.688 260.688]/StructParent 51/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Enter Title of Position 3)/Type/Annot>> endobj 204 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 205 0 obj <> endobj 206 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 10.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8392704/MK<<>>/P 165 0 R /Parent 163 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 21.555 266.241 246.688 312.913]/StructParent 52/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Enter Title of Position 2)/Type/Annot>> endobj 207 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 208 0 obj <> endobj 209 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 10.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8392704/MK<<>>/P 165 0 R /Parent 163 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 21.555 318.464 246.688 365.136]/StructParent 53/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Enter Title of Position 1)/Type/Annot/V(CTSO Coordinator)>> endobj 210 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream xM@0wY@KX6Mјp{]K50TT.sdsNH+#twxGZJ endstream endobj 211 0 obj <> endobj 212 0 obj <>stream xŘ]oF ?.9=@Q EPua,ilHd(Z3i梮:_uo~x ~ 6{s˼+E]M]S̠)7SMF&"B8pJ.~5#{dCc-0L1@sdj:P(p챏{iAr$z.AXJ0,Őq;J?o~`ޢ8Za_{.&\o.jS?Y^»,]y=B) :kK x3RS 1;C6L&!Z?Bs\7@,]/+(m3Ƅ0[DE:A.0agzI-^x}dRGHZQ uI3Y G20TC Ql! "E h[A!(X9v u&jȞ%9cmd%añ($(5?6DԳቚ朼Hϳ݇$"3"L0> П_5P endstream endobj 213 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 54/Type/Page>> endobj 214 0 obj [ 215 0 R 218 0 R 221 0 R 224 0 R 230 0 R ] endobj 215 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 213 0 R /Parent 164 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 567.209 746.643 591.165 766.462]/StructParent 55/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Enter the amendment number if submitting an amendment to the original application. Enter N/A when applying for grant funds.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 216 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 217 0 obj <> endobj 218 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 213 0 R /Parent 164 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 141.854 747 223.18 766.819]/StructParent 56/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Enter the organization's vendor ID. )/Type/Annot>> endobj 219 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 220 0 obj <> endobj 221 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 213 0 R /Parent 164 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 44.526 747 89.138 766.819]/StructParent 57/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Enter the organization's county-district number.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 222 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 223 0 obj <> endobj 224 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8392704/MK<<>>/P 213 0 R /Parent 164 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 21.26 395.113 591.165 695.3]/StructParent 58/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Describe the major goals/objectives of the proposed program. What activities/strategies will be implemented to meet those goals/objectives? )/Type/Annot/V(The new CTSO will provide a comprehensive approach to empowering students pursuing careers in the hospitality industry. Here's a summary of the major goals and objectives, along with the strategies and activities to achieve them:\r\nMajor Goals and Objectives:\r\n1. Empower Students: Cultivate leadership qualities, personal growth, and industry integration among students.\r\n2. Bridge Education and Industry: Provide real-life learning opportunities to bridge the gap between education and the hospitality industry.\r\n3. Promote Practical Learning: Implement hands-on, practical learning experiences to equip students with essential skills.\r\n4. Foster Community Engagement: Create a supportive network among students, educators, Hospitality industry professionals, and stakeholders.\r\n5. Ensure Sustainability: Develop a sustainable framework to support the organization's activities beyond the initial funding period.\r\nStrategies and Activities:\r\n1. Membership Dues: Implement a dues structure to contribute to operational expenses and activities.\r\n2. Corporate Sponsorships: Seek partnerships with industry sponsors for financial support and opportunities for student engagement.\r\n3. Fundraising Events: Organize events to supplement revenue streams and support organizational initiatives.\r\n4. Grant Opportunities: Pursue grants to expand programs, enhance resources, and support special projects.\r\n5. Alumni Engagement: Involve alumni in supporting sustainability efforts through donations, mentorship, and guidance.\r\n6. Strategic Partnerships: Collaborate with educational institutions and community organizations to leverage resources and expand outreach.\r\n7. Grantsmanship and Development: Invest in grantsmanship training to secure external funding sources.\r\n8. Budgeting and Financial Management: Implement sound financial management practices for accountability and optimization.\r\n\r\n\r\n)>> endobj 225 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x}UKS8Wmg!!fZ fI՞;vjђ_%1 `[Oߣξ.f=epzv_\$/&gLvȎ 8L",͋(:h( X/f[( UEPrk2N Za, Zސ(S" .ĕH(!hYQ+TyyoX*NOҎ"ytLaWk"q"*¶$ j79H2jACtQ@p) U() >j,>ewT$F K"wt;CGjZ˞N^%j6jjxhTءn=[E.@OAWw&{sdB Qi=JIW< ̸m#+/075 fBQ[!ay|#A;_p2Ɵ^s*:upa44qA .U7&6h`K m,5'i%p~A `(]HWc}6m E7.Dv=Prq G"Q9L]I$XvCTlWѵhR~ z 4˨gObv&Gs$PՔĉݠytvbUۧO%JgUVݾw E;̲`= endstream endobj 226 0 obj <> endobj 227 0 obj <> endobj 228 0 obj <>/FontDescriptor 229 0 R /Subtype/CIDFontType2/Type/Font/W[ 7716 7716 281 814[ 291 365 614 537 817 718 225 296 296 420 679 225 408 225 384 537 379 537 537 558 537 537 516 537 537 225 225 679 679 679 447 972 650 569 636 701 515 485 691 707 247 345 560 475 879 742 777 563 777 585 522 529 679 625 933 587 559 584 296 763 296 679 425 262 512 584 461 585 524 296 585 560 224 224 475 224 858 560 584 584 585 345 412 320 561 474 711 446 476 471 296 236 296 679]]>> endobj 229 0 obj <> endobj 230 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8392704/MK<<>>/P 213 0 R /Parent 164 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 21.26 47.353 590.176 330.054]/StructParent 59/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Describe the performance measures identified for this program which are related to student outcomes and are consistent with the purpose of the program. Include the tools used to measure performance, as well as the processes that will be used to ensure the effectiveness of project objectives and strategies. )/Type/Annot/V(Here are performance measures related to student outcomes that align with the purpose of the program:\r\n1. Student Leadership Development:\r\na. Percentage of students participating in leadership workshops, retreats, and conferences.\r\nb. Number of students enrolled in mentorship programs.\r\nc. Percentage of students holding leadership positions within the organization \(local, regional, state\).\r\n2. Industry Integration and Practical Learning:\r\na. Number of students participating in real-life learning opportunities \(internships, industry projects, job shadowing\).\r\nb. Percentage of students demonstrating competency in essential hospitality industry skills through practical assessments.\r\nc. Number of industry partnerships established to provide hands-on experiences for students.\r\n3. Community Engagement and Networking:\r\na. Number of networking events organized.\r\nb. Percentage of students actively engaged in community service activities.\r\nc. Feedback from industry professionals, educators, and stakeholders regarding the effectiveness of student networking and community engagement efforts.\r\n4. Sustainability:\r\na. Percentage of operational expenses covered by membership dues.\r\nb. Amount of funds raised through fundraising events and corporate sponsorships.\r\nc. Number of grant opportunities secured and utilized for program expansion and enhancement.\r\nd. Alumni engagement metrics, including participation in donations, mentorship, and guidance.\r\n5. Student Membership and Inclusion:\r\na. Membership growth rate over time.\r\nb. Percentage of special population students and non-traditional students actively involved in the organization.\r\nc. Feedback from special population students regarding the inclusivity and accessibility of resources and activities.\r\n6. Recognition and Scholarship Programs:\r\na. Number of students recognized for academic achievement and leadership.\r\nb. Amount of scholarship funds awarded to students based on criteria and selection process.\r\nc. Percentage of scholarship recipients participating in professional development opportunities.\r\nd. Alumni engagement in supporting scholarship programs.\r\n7. Local Chapter Support and Engagement:\r\na. Number of local chapters implementing inclusive programming and activities.\r\nb. Percentage of local chapters meeting or exceeding membership goals.\r\nc. Feedback from local chapter leaders and members regarding the effectiveness of support initiatives.\r\n8. Statewide Outreach and Recruitment:\r\na. Number of outreach events conducted across the state.\r\nb. Percentage of special population students reached through targeted outreach efforts.\r\nc. Feedback from educators, counselors, and community organizations regarding the effectiveness of recruitment strategies.\r\n9. Partnership Development and Collaboration:\r\na. Number of strategic partnerships established with educational institutions, industry stakeholders, and community organizations.\r\nb. Feedback from partners regarding the value and impact of collaborative initiatives.\r\n10. Continuous Evaluation and Improvement:\r\na. Frequency of evaluations conducted to assess program effectiveness and student outcomes.\r\nb. Percentage of feedback implemented to make improvements to program activities and initiatives.\r\nc. Long-term trend analysis of student outcomes and program impact.\r\nThese performance measures will help monitor the effectiveness of the program in achieving its goals and objectives related to student outcomes and overall program success.\r\n\r\n\r\n)>> endobj 231 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream xXr8 +pLgv[Mg3Mf MAPAiw@ږXwfolx7)L|z1d2}MMaa:p_P=sug* lk^}b|XVzR\lm[JDI4lTv3bYD'فH/+6?n Emw(^>%G a _eŁZrE7*kڕ@@Lr>wZw5)1/Ds는=Tmm_w^B [1hJ>LQM|(S9p4~y5P4"j`(}vRH +l}cBStfրiZ(]2פbg)Zc>nߠKV-( Gz_Nt|d0jvsoej:a6k;/U:YY1Nd=\It}aӥJM n/yݾrrF=<[!){שծ: F1O7[g Ζ+4F?;œj-4L /o2O|6=+ ")YYI>0_pu?6 m endstream endobj 232 0 obj <> endobj 233 0 obj <> endobj 234 0 obj <>/FontDescriptor 235 0 R /Subtype/CIDFontType2/Type/Font/W[ 7716 7716 281 814[ 291 365 614 537 817 718 225 296 296 420 679 225 408 225 384 537 379 537 537 558 537 537 516 537 537 225 225 679 679 679 447 972 650 569 636 701 515 485 691 707 247 345 560 475 879 742 777 563 777 585 522 529 679 625 933 587 559 584 296 763 296 679 425 262 512 584 461 585 524 296 585 560 224 224 475 224 858 560 584 584 585 345 412 320 561 474 711 446 476 471 296 236 296 679]]>> endobj 235 0 obj <> endobj 236 0 obj <>stream xn8fՄ34HO1vo ,TUV*옖h 6-{=/UW-|y~s z2᧞ehZTum].π`4͈l" "dר2;f7]2Z` "$,*c, 2 A&Oo2%0J=Zv{ JH$Gcksy TBh Cm#(w4D"[IMH'6T6p{b'~֢HSxxH՞'.w'ST8:ba,z,_9t !ŋ")$JioŎg(K'4SM1mi13ıS{6eu[Nq o17ڐDuĕouC;,V5̪bќW_qǛ~]Ib߼h7M[r/‡'@[yxf ' 9߰" e2dYFЊ2 & ;&1d.4sx.<)g?0C~H$čY F`#/'/`]H2 ,GK惯U,Vc)uY׾"Cd=z)-Ghs,G/+ C2nCʷZDSFpj$fRNPwoRx3O @I^`FhbsiO9񫶜~Ӫv^6rr= endstream endobj 237 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 60/Type/Page>> endobj 238 0 obj [ 239 0 R 242 0 R 245 0 R 248 0 R 251 0 R ] endobj 239 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 237 0 R /Parent 165 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 567.209 750.504 591.165 770.323]/StructParent 61/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Enter the organization's county-district number \(ISDs, charters, and ESCs\) or vendor ID. The vendor ID is the organizations state taxpayer identification number on file\rwith the state comptrollers office. Applicants that do not have a vendor ID can find the form online at https://comptroller.texas.gov/taxes/franchise/forms/.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 240 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 241 0 obj <> endobj 242 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 237 0 R /Parent 165 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 141.854 750.861 223.18 770.68]/StructParent 62/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Enter the organization's vendor ID. )/Type/Annot>> endobj 243 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 244 0 obj <> endobj 245 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 237 0 R /Parent 165 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 44.526 750.861 89.138 770.68]/StructParent 63/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Enter the organization's county-district number.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 246 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 247 0 obj <> endobj 248 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8392704/MK<<>>/P 237 0 R /Parent 165 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 20.835 406.738 591.137 690.789]/StructParent 64/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Describe how the proposed budget will meet the needs and goals of the program, including for staffing, supplies and materials, contracts, travel, etc. If applicable, include a high-level snapshot of funds currently allocated to similar programs. Include a short narrative describing how adjustments will be made in the future to meet needs.)/Type/Annot/V(The proposed budget of $27,000 will effectively address the needs and goals of developing a career and technical student organization. Here's a breakdown of how the funds will be allocated:\r\n1. Staffing: $10,000 will be allocated to compensate qualified personnel to oversee the organization's day-to-day operations and coordinate events. \r\n2. Supplies and Materials: $2,000 will be designated for purchasing essential supplies, such as curriculum materials, training resources, and educational materials to support student learning and development component of the CTSO.\r\n3. Marketing and Logo Development: $3,000 will be invested in marketing efforts to promote the organization and attract student participation. Additionally, $2,000 will be allocated for logo development to establish a strong brand identity.\r\n4. Contracts \(Website\): $3,000 will be allocated for contracting web development services to create and maintain an informative and user-friendly website for the organization, facilitating communication and information dissemination.\r\n5. Travel: $3,000 will be set aside to cover travel expenses associated with attending conferences, workshops, and competitions, providing students with valuable networking and learning opportunities.\r\n6. Regional Chapter Convenings: A total of $4,000 will be earmarked to allocate $1,000 to each of the four local chapters \(San Antonio, Dallas, Houston, and Austin\) to cover expenses associated with regional convenings.\r\n A high-level snapshot of funds currently allocated to similar programs indicates that comparable organizations typically allocate funds in a similar manner, with a focus on staffing, supplies, marketing, website development, and travel expenses.\r\nTo ensure that the organization remains responsive to evolving needs, adjustments will be made in the future through regular budget reviews and assessments of program effectiveness. This may involve reallocating funds based on emerging priorities, expanding partnerships to leverage resources, and seeking additional funding sources through grants and sponsorships. Flexibility and adaptability will be key principles guiding future budget adjustments to ensure that the organization continues to effectively meet the needs of students and achieve its goals.\r\n)>> endobj 249 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream xVMoH W)ਸ਼ӴIniE1K.ͨH/8U7C!G%{ p:/ayW`ʾe>Pe X_Woae7[hp!b2;_-6Xw|>u,'4IbMzU@'zPO.WP q:-ЁΐV߳9\,.rqsF0sLLLlk:lRFkt.ܞ^E 1bYZ_b~(6EhZGΖ ''BO,D 1W1\Bhg LM5S92g*ǰ8XFzzS xGTU$ Z*ISX_nP$]dK޸Ql)Ϡ:1A*Btj'CƊPO`aؓ{PkhpX''S]AgO$6VM72_OӰ ,uh@&&uLjT )ztnԸ;(꼍dw9|jHIC-A ]oOX!4+wbE: Ţލk:}1$Gpc6#:2ϡm:?>c+5A©A> endobj 251 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8392704/MK<<>>/P 237 0 R /Parent 165 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 20.835 46.829 590.74 355.153]/StructParent 65/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(This requirement is either stated in the statute that authorizes this program or is defined by TEA. Describe you plan to address the requirement.)/Type/Annot/V(The CTSO endeavors to empower students to emerge as accomplished leaders and professionals within the hospitality industry, fostering positive impacts in their communities and the wider economy. The CTSO will bolster the three programs of study encompassed in the hospitality career cluster: Lodging & Resort Management, Travel, Tourism, and Attractions, and Culinary Arts by providing additional real-life learning opportunities for students to show competency of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills included in the program of study courses. \r\n\r\nVision:\r\nTo cultivate a vibrant community of future hospitality leaders who excel in their chosen careers, enriching the hospitality industry with innovation, professionalism, and passion. Creating a network of empowered students equipped with the skills, knowledge, and leadership qualities necessary to thrive in the dynamic world of hospitality.\r\nMission:\r\nTo empower students pursuing careers in Lodging & Resort Management, Travel Tourism & Attractions, and Culinary Arts programs of study through comprehensive educational experiences, leadership development, and industry exposure. Aiming to foster a supportive environment where students can explore their interests, refine their skills, and unlock their full potential.\r\n\r\nCore Objectives:\r\n1. Leadership Development: Nurture leadership qualities in students, providing them with opportunities to lead, collaborate, and inspire others within the hospitality industry.\r\n2. Personal Growth: Support the personal growth and development of students by offering mentorship, guidance, and resources to help them achieve their academic and Hospitality industry career aspirations.\r\n3. Industry Integration: Bridge the gap between education and the hospitality industry by facilitating meaningful interactions, internships, and experiential learning opportunities that prepare students for successful careers.\r\n4. Practical Approach to Learning: Implement a hands-on, practical approach to learning that immerses students in real-world scenarios, equipping them with the skills, knowledge, and confidence needed to excel in the Hospitality industry.\r\n5. Community Engagement: Foster a sense of community among students, educators, industry professionals, and stakeholders, creating a supportive network that promotes collaboration, innovation, and lifelong learning.\r\n)>> endobj 252 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream xV˒6+TiiiZ$x*9CpԀ^1QS%{z) n߼ӛ[ɯo1'U62Mv6dvlt) VEvoA! nh !}!*ҚP P@T`r6VC* ٸ_`=:no w((DdKh(h7n,nRdk 2&O.}g[ɭ鏱bD[ *R;@/~bDZ)dJ b *F'bA7lC=Ibd%'fw7ċeW;;iacSؘ]:[P^Ni0N me FzTW܇>Z~t:KuhDG]kg jj9`Gn}Yo+ZXEQAƮYWIhc˧ V '7L=[]0ҠdF C5 sX2(qK({C90Om4]A5$$N&80U웯lO"1X$I2_ǡyU[ [bg6i9?z)?,58 ^өoF^bj*YBdhZzslk yܠ'bB8&;['QAAh}SqL^.mivGbca|Ѓk#yC#T|c)H>aL>&ar dٳJ~h K/Rf2֟&ԚXE( eUZl vW9|FI-3mcobt*gcbx-kQ)dek3;ITnRJW72VrgNl B>R:[|IJ޳K|ss!J[gc%kTqEB}~y\)F3V*Bبcǥm,L)0saR2>5n\ZjRބ..[{ k<=~\ ]vK4BgL+9,Q}~/DPptU/v@' Dr38zĊIi!|}<@5E p)ݏ>Ŭ- ҁܯ/2rIv endstream endobj 253 0 obj <> endobj 254 0 obj <>stream x]o6?ߤ@dC. 0(mkTdehQ|s-0Uڲo>o~}a *>@;_/Ub|iX8d[t/-] Mcn!i5f2>QytP+^ 7)ڗ: FlT%9MBR'5]x]1|$9ֹ9@JkL¢zvaᩮf涅(`im믖f_ͫhܚᢚry9-VY^aVдl4"Θ &2mmE3iUu:mulvp;M0M V"/>2}jUꚭʬ骮m!-j6&_EZ;ZWvk]nnUBֵ߲@ʱnٿuoңeYKה Umoo^]sbIn $ʿDYYN>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 66/Type/Page>> endobj 256 0 obj [ 257 0 R 260 0 R 263 0 R 266 0 R 272 0 R ] endobj 257 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 255 0 R /Parent 166 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 567.209 742.921 591.165 762.74]/StructParent 67/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Enter the organization's county-district number \(ISDs, charters, and ESCs\) or vendor ID. The vendor ID is the organizations state taxpayer identification number on file\rwith the state comptrollers office. Applicants that do not have a vendor ID can find the form online at https://comptroller.texas.gov/taxes/franchise/forms/.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 258 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 259 0 obj <> endobj 260 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 255 0 R /Parent 166 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 141.854 743.279 223.18 763.098]/StructParent 68/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Enter the organization's vendor ID. )/Type/Annot>> endobj 261 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 262 0 obj <> endobj 263 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 255 0 R /Parent 166 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 44.526 743.279 89.138 763.098]/StructParent 69/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Enter the organization's county-district number.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 264 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 265 0 obj <> endobj 266 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8392704/MK<<>>/P 255 0 R /Parent 166 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 20.835 378.34 590.74 700.667]/StructParent 70/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(This requirement is either stated in the statute that authorizes this program or is defined by TEA. Describe you plan to address the requirement.)/Type/Annot/V(Sustainability Plan Outline\r\nAfter the initial year of funding, the sustainability of the career and technical student organization will be ensured through the following strategic measures:\r\n1. Membership Dues: Implement a membership dues structure for student participants. Dues will contribute to the organization's operational expenses and ongoing activities. Membership benefits may include access to events, workshops, and networking opportunities.\r\n2. Corporate Sponsorships: Pursue partnerships with corporate sponsors within the hospitality industry. Corporate sponsors can provide financial support, in-kind donations, and opportunities for student engagement such as internships, job placements, and industry mentorship programs.\r\n3. Fundraising Events: Organize fundraising events and initiatives to supplement revenue streams. These events could include charity galas, bake sales, silent auctions, and community outreach programs. Proceeds from fundraising events will directly support the organization's initiatives and activities.\r\n4. Grant Opportunities: Continuously seek grant opportunities from government agencies, foundations, and philanthropic organizations that align with the organization's mission and objectives. Grant funding can be utilized to expand programs, enhance educational resources, and support special projects and initiatives.\r\n5. Alumni Engagement: Establish an alumni network and engage former members in supporting the organization's sustainability efforts. Alumni contributions can include monetary donations, volunteering as guest speakers or mentors, and providing guidance and support to current students.\r\n6. Strategic Partnerships: Forge strategic partnerships with educational institutions, industry associations, and community organizations to leverage resources, share expertise, and expand outreach efforts. Collaborative initiatives can include joint events, shared facilities, and collaborative research projects.\r\n7. Grantsmanship and Development: Invest in grantsmanship training and development for organization leaders and advisors. Building grant writing and fundraising skills will enable the organization to secure external funding sources and sustain its operations in the long term.\r\n8. Budgeting and Financial Management: Implement sound financial management practices, including budgeting, tracking expenses, and transparent reporting. Regular financial audits and reviews will ensure accountability and help optimize resource allocation for maximum impact.\r\nBy diversifying revenue streams, fostering strategic partnerships, and maintaining strong financial stewardship, the career and technical student organization will establish a sustainable framework for continued growth, innovation, and impact in the hospitality industry and beyond.\r\n\r\n)>> endobj 267 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream xWrH +pLH^;T8UjB$&E\L/ME{a nply:8 <R\mT׫9l3w޽dz ]G Yp˖, |KѲП/V~}<:Z_\U>"y5 GF Bn$%K/.?5<-JW(/Fvl-l HBTBKU 3=THh||vh>=KfK>D6F!4O/DAoN&&Ep27Nmef`LS#kh~$B&I4A43[q XM%C!(ړİGBڰSc EPùu>&"aZ3GKvuJ=hQKK>$4IU 5@,څ#f)D 2(z`ǂbT!lI&;,:>+3IUL %vJk}!gO |/IJ(7^vCiFSWTԤqaSSqɖs 25z-O@RX@`{( 5R{4҆; Q`]V:fD{T(Iz)X#tعё KjNHK|10'CAOS%yl(tÝJ{\>ӯo U 5I9C7{qs{] endstream endobj 268 0 obj <> endobj 269 0 obj <> endobj 270 0 obj <>/FontDescriptor 271 0 R /Subtype/CIDFontType2/Type/Font/W[ 7716 7716 281 814[ 291 365 614 537 817 718 225 296 296 420 679 225 408 225 384 537 379 537 537 558 537 537 516 537 537 225 225 679 679 679 447 972 650 569 636 701 515 485 691 707 247 345 560 475 879 742 777 563 777 585 522 529 679 625 933 587 559 584 296 763 296 679 425 262 512 584 461 585 524 296 585 560 224 224 475 224 858 560 584 584 585 345 412 320 561 474 711 446 476 471 296 236 296 679]]>> endobj 271 0 obj <> endobj 272 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8392704/MK<<>>/P 255 0 R /Parent 166 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 21.26 44.334 591.165 343.162]/StructParent 71/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(This requirement is either stated in the statute that authorizes this program or is defined by TEA. Describe you plan to address the requirement.)/Type/Annot/V(1. Leadership Workshops and Training Sessions:\r\na. Host a statewide leadership conference/summit where student leaders from across Texas can come together to share ideas, exchange best practices, and collaborate on innovative solutions to pressing issues in the hospitality industry. \r\nb. The conference will include training sessions for student members to develop essential leadership skills such as customer service, event planning, effective communication, teamwork, conflict resolution, and decision-making. These sessions will be facilitated by experienced educators, hospitality industry professionals, and guest speakers.\r\nc. The conference may include inspirational keynote speakers. \r\n2. Leadership Retreats and Conferences: \r\nHost a summer leadership retreat where student leadership members can engage in team-building activities, leadership exercises, and networking opportunities. These events will provide a platform for student leaders to connect with peers, gain insights from industry leaders, and explore emerging trends in the hospitality sector. \r\n3. Mentorship Programs:\r\nEstablish a statewide mentorship program pairing student members with industry professionals, alumni, or senior members of the organization. Mentors will provide guidance, support, and advice to help students navigate their academic and career pathways while fostering leadership development.\r\n4. Student Leadership Council:\r\nForm a student leadership council comprising elected student representatives responsible for organizing and leading various activities and initiatives within the organization. The council will serve as a voice for student members, coordinate events, and promote leadership opportunities.\r\n5. THLA Board of Directors \(BOD\) Participation:\r\nCoordinate efforts to include Texas Hotel & Lodging Association \(THLA\) Board of Directors \(BOD\) participation in June and November when THLA BOD members meet. Provide local student members with an opportunity to attend and observe THLA BOD meetings, engage with industry leaders, and gain insights into governance and decision-making processes.\r\n6. Leadership Development Projects:\r\nEncourage student members to spearhead leadership development projects and initiatives within their local chapters or communities. Projects could include organizing community service events, launching fundraising campaigns, or leading educational workshops for peers.\r\n7. Leadership Awards and Recognition:\r\nImplement a recognition and awards program to celebrate the achievements and contributions of outstanding student leaders at the local, regional, and state levels. Awards will be presented annually to recognize leadership excellence, innovation, and impact within the organization and the broader hospitality community.\r\n8. Continuous Feedback and Evaluation:\r\nSolicit feedback from student members and their teachers regarding leadership activities and programs to ensure relevance, effectiveness, and alignment with their needs and interests. Conduct periodic evaluations and assessments to measure the impact of leadership initiatives and identify areas for improvement.\r\n\r\nBy implementing a comprehensive leadership activities plan, the organization will empower student members to cultivate leadership skills, foster personal growth, and make meaningful contributions to the hospitality industry and their communities. The inclusion of THLA BOD participation will provide invaluable exposure and networking opportunities for student leaders, further enriching their leadership development journey.\r\n)>> endobj 273 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream xX]o}E n~%}k,nk`_B(hxGc;Vo1Cr|=[޼}x}...@i,nV fKzx%/;e,FUQaU9{\g‚4_6V8Tbd sX]k Ib0і I(I)8zۚ ƣP4N%FXFpICTB5*D*\9Ѓ1Tk ZEQ纜xkQLC &D]J;Z١ ĖzN;Pt1nquNgUMwAPqiY.I yib!񞽏;W$ )D˜S$ݰ9ƾz ,e4Mء1DlE.҈UiA srّeO$&(ѱgk; &8? =*eUgǖ4.&>pnO زf=$z9U呞QRv~(18>y؁YL2*(7,abݱ/LNlB8: =:j%#m+CTnnU6fhݕJ樱G'1[N5DFD>5rU,M0D3֋PCZYI)g%I6_- k>J<]L##l}h5D]x#_HG\hɝ/瘦YB2=XOK5v6B Wf&V@5))-"lkDn`R|;ۭtb7B<'_4k'g^4Vi@!9Z ׹ A" EnOAe-6A V޲3fd1-8kSroU5?V>A-@JȚdz?>x_Q;ns9'cT){hnIy|"C8,H{y@zx\-'yp^ QZGdIyq ;+ S"[(@=9|V쏽CdCL禷l8!Gcd R.82>x՚0,]mdʵ|Ƿ0P0Ƴ.8*09&<xwć-jѣTV۴~oZOW}<ޛiY6Zt5&ߎVz؟RLI7Q`ʱ3sP2} ޚ!.B w&QyOyM="rⰣ|~\W}Lw0ql"FTw/}xvTXC~~RP{20)nѥi/7D8zBQ}&UH)(:)ϢyR{.T: a8C)\\7-dS6nvvWTj ^U硶iSΦ-}'ޜ'z| ·}f*m{])XvDI&߾o\l6oH;G *mC+_I29YPv@AaA?@Sz[}CS endstream endobj 274 0 obj <> endobj 275 0 obj <>stream xk: ap}s$YA^ݭ ipq%%qZY?d'JHA|gIO>Ѫ}YûwgF/@.Fj]E^hXUU1H,!jzp 5cri8hWBҢ6Ȣ$0OfrN Pj pAD:@$( fP$] β)+QK΂FH:on~n-ؠڱgFy}y9ܖ$_t3bUuo'(Agn3BO&fFS<)FP*%&j4iHɃ8+ i/C p`2F`l Kt:T:TE~&9UӶM6%_GHSF96}x5^@-j#4[B #䣄6"h+)8GlcU/ lj#l>݅3SJ J`E#F/a=HZd%Xfdqbqbm VQrugqG 3cb}.;݆NF9U__NW|vC)ԜfMJ!!!5tj(왡d(> k1CfD6%̰GP3ctyڀU@R=fahj mp<:sx v[p|~ȀaZ[j5%\MQɪLq(nFt Hh+A2e Q6[4e_qR8tBz&[N=)bNş26GE>> {$+*¡l)E9G 9^;m;6OДB\~iLd99阦ZL~t:d37V%ܮVP,an&5,|>|Rߋo4,KiwmfG endstream endobj 276 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 72/Type/Page>> endobj 277 0 obj [ 278 0 R 281 0 R 284 0 R 287 0 R 290 0 R ] endobj 278 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 276 0 R /Parent 167 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 43.919 751.346 89.138 771.165]/StructParent 73/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Enter the organization's county-district number.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 279 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 280 0 obj <> endobj 281 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 276 0 R /Parent 167 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 141.854 751.346 223.18 771.165]/StructParent 74/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Enter the organization's vendor ID. )/Type/Annot>> endobj 282 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 283 0 obj <> endobj 284 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 276 0 R /Parent 167 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 567.209 751.346 591.165 771.165]/StructParent 75/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Enter the amendment number if submitting an amendment to the original application. Enter N/A when applying for grant funds.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 285 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 286 0 obj <> endobj 287 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8392704/MK<<>>/P 276 0 R /Parent 167 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 20.835 408.331 590.74 694.148]/StructParent 76/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(This requirement is either stated in the statute that authorizes this program or is defined by TEA. Describe you plan to address the requirement.)/Type/Annot/V(Leadership Opportunities Plan for Student Members:\r\n1. Local Chapter Leadership Positions:\r\nEstablish local chapter leadership positions in key areas such as President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Committee Chairs. These positions will be responsible for organizing chapter activities, coordinating events, and representing student members within their respective communities.\r\n2. Regional Leadership Councils:\r\nForm regional leadership councils in Austin, San Antonio, Houston, Dallas, South Texas, and West Texas to provide student members with leadership opportunities at the regional level. Each council will have elected representatives who will collaborate with local chapters, plan regional events, and advocate for student interests.\r\n3. State Leadership Board:\r\nCreate a State Leadership Board composed of student representatives from each region to oversee statewide initiatives, coordinate collaborative projects, and serve as liaisons between local chapters and the organization's leadership team. The State Leadership Board will play a vital role in shaping the organization's strategic direction and advocating for student needs at the state level.\r\n4. Election and Appointment Process:\r\nEstablish transparent and democratic election and appointment processes for selecting student leaders at the local, regional, and state levels. Elections will be held annually allowing student members to nominate candidates and cast their votes for leadership positions. \r\n5. Collaborative Projects and Initiatives:\r\nEncourage collaboration and teamwork among local chapters and regional councils by organizing collaborative projects and initiatives that address common challenges and opportunities facing student members. These projects could include community service initiatives, fundraising campaigns, advocacy efforts, and educational programs.\r\nBy providing diverse and meaningful leadership opportunities at the local, regional, and state levels, the organization will empower student members to develop their leadership potential, make a positive impact in their communities, and shape the future of the hospitality industry in Texas.\r\n\r\n)>> endobj 288 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream xVMs7 録d7[uJi 2 ɕCZڶ7C=-}Xe- onwWe_2=) 淋j!o:|*Tff>j 4CI",:rTkr P Ϯ|>]/»YYe>QAG 7 ~ 7lCu9)sqJ@!֪ _F @ ak 0fUeR"^L9K47† PXjP3W[@̮t9h0ڑK_"}tZ`oRiLhT"P\UHy0eZr픱*ơQ]HPd^K Owcb7_Zx:1bjCbwFӱ@C*xɘ!P=VwdI%pW#X[3tr:zJB}% ӨW9$(|@G8#iŏ,lW@\ۉ; D,Lٌ0FLfAS'깉v$n ('r?<DԟjFy /v&VXѼP7&qBahd2 #>sEOvP{6.URbXQ+8tc Ib%v8 68Dj V'CJݨ5!pj;;tFkҺL pј˜=:hǩkE®sXy{y)iJFEqٌt^+vťq8.~NŹ;ofvoH`C*1j(谓֒+:baǵ/RIZk?rfA?9&6]bNJ3|rW Z5E>$i6_"t!?ɛr򜄡%kǾ3w|VH _(nʣE ':%z#ȷu_%G/[S2N1=4o>eOWm endstream endobj 289 0 obj <> endobj 290 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8392704/MK<<>>/P 276 0 R /Parent 167 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 21.232 46.347 591.137 371.65]/StructParent 77/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(This requirement is either stated in the statute that authorizes this program or is defined by TEA. Describe you plan to address the requirement.)/Type/Annot/V(Plan for Providing Recognition and Scholarship Opportunities for Student Membership:\r\n1. Establishment of Recognition Programs:\r\nDevelop formal recognition programs to acknowledge student members who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement, leadership qualities, community involvement, and contributions to the organization. Recognition can include certificates of achievement, plaques, trophies, and public acknowledgment during organization events.\r\n2. Scholarship Fund Allocation:\r\nAllocate a portion of the organization's budget towards establishing scholarship funds aimed at supporting student members pursuing careers in the hospitality industry. Scholarships can be awarded based on academic merit, financial need, leadership potential, and commitment to the organization's mission and values.\r\n3. Criteria and Selection Process:\r\nDefine clear criteria and a transparent selection process for awarding scholarships to eligible student members. Criteria may include academic performance, extracurricular involvement, demonstrated leadership, financial need, and commitment to the hospitality industry. A selection committee comprising educators, industry professionals, and organization leaders will be responsible for reviewing applications and selecting scholarship recipients.\r\n4. Promotion and Awareness:\r\nImplement a comprehensive marketing and communication strategy to promote scholarship opportunities and raise awareness among student members. Utilize various channels such as social media, newsletters, website announcements, and information sessions to disseminate information about available scholarships, eligibility requirements, application deadlines, and selection criteria.\r\n5. Partnerships and Sponsorships:\r\nForge partnerships with corporate sponsors, hospitality industry associations, philanthropic organizations, and alumni networks to expand scholarship opportunities for student members. Collaborate with industry stakeholders to secure funding, establish endowments, and create named scholarships that align with the organization's mission and goals.\r\n6. Diversification of Scholarship Types:\r\nOffer a diverse range of scholarship types to cater to the unique needs and aspirations of student members. This may include merit-based scholarships, need-based scholarships, leadership scholarships, career-specific scholarships \(e.g., culinary arts, hotel management, tourism\), and scholarships for underrepresented groups within the hospitality industry.\r\n7. Professional Development Opportunities:\r\nIn addition to financial assistance, provide scholarship recipients with access to professional development opportunities such as mentorship programs, internships, industry networking events, hotel summer camp, and career counseling services. These opportunities will enhance students' skills, knowledge, and career readiness, positioning them for success in the competitive hospitality industry.\r\n\r\n8. Recognition Events and Ceremonies:\r\nOrganize special events and ceremonies to recognize scholarship recipients, celebrate their accomplishments, and express gratitude to donors and sponsors who support the organization's scholarship programs. These events provide an opportunity for scholarship recipients to connect with donors, mentors, and fellow students, fostering a sense of community and appreciation within the organization.\r\nBy implementing a robust plan for providing recognition and scholarship opportunities for student membership, the organization will empower students to achieve their academic and career goals, invest in the future leaders of the hospitality industry, and make a positive impact in their communities.\r\n)>> endobj 291 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream xXMs6W-錢Jvƽ3=d \[)ί,ʤdӛG&}[aWxa v} xZ0w7׫7[6?=zW_M=l6/^i4=pæ/lk85?Tg5бYB^GL Q~`b 6׫`xYq9t,Yw޶0H['T55-AzkB l!ɯ Y׹/QuLKЄMy[xHs9lKma)&z%aƎ Cq5BlN Q#Ya s@޺..4Q2MR1V3T\&5jmU^|Nzɫ"9/ ".5-E @jeO S!T%~ɠ|HBOq^&'2C;5 dԓ縄=4Qa1DDPF2Q{gd"@! ^=NtAp {I(\XoXl&[ D&806te"rθ -OG0{|+S%Q%Y~7q4ҏ*\0f^5oGU)[E"yRjh}XVIiE];g Gֳx Κk,Lx:0ssNskWgs`8JS\=#z3 ԑ | S0=  [p4Aj'$=rqR5#8g! $6뤧q AS$4iX16_6,gd7-g4lkM1heg!zzH#4f3DHՓsJYh> endobj 293 0 obj <>stream x]o6?͆脇" R'zѮM]Tq4Ȓ# RNLˊaC2$|CQwir6Uy|b iٕ+wb麦AS$gS&! 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Enter N/A when applying for grant funds.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 297 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 298 0 obj <> endobj 299 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 294 0 R /Parent 168 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 142.285 742.737 223.611 762.556]/StructParent 80/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Enter the organization's vendor ID. )/Type/Annot>> endobj 300 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 301 0 obj <> endobj 302 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 294 0 R /Parent 168 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 44.532 742.737 89.144 762.556]/StructParent 81/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Enter the organization's county-district number.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 303 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 304 0 obj <> endobj 305 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8392704/MK<<>>/P 294 0 R /Parent 168 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 20.835 367.824 590.74 690.015]/StructParent 82/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(This requirement is either stated in the statute that authorizes this program or is defined by TEA. Describe you plan to address the requirement.)/Type/Annot/V(Plan to Support Local Chapter Efforts in Student Engagement, Membership Increase, and Inclusion of Special Populations CTE Students:\r\n\r\nLocal chapter leaders and their teachers will receive comprehensive training and resources to support efforts in increasing student engagement, expanding memberships, and enhancing the inclusion of special populations CTE students within their chapters. Attention will be directed toward the following items: \r\n\r\n1. Local Chapter Outreach and Recruitment Activities: \r\na. Create comprehensive and inclusive marketing and outreach strategies to effectively promote the organization's advantages and opportunities to a diverse audience, specifically targeting special populations CTE students. \r\nb. Employ a range of communication channels, including social media, email newsletters, school announcements, and community events, to effectively engage potential members and underscore the organization's dedication to diversity, equity, and inclusion. \r\nc. Partner with guidance counselors, teachers, and community organizations to raise awareness about the organization's benefits, opportunities, and inclusive culture.\r\nd. Host recruitment events, information sessions, and campus visits to engage prospective members and their families.\r\n2. Local Middle School Outreach Program\r\nEstablish a middle school outreach program aimed at introducing middle school students to the opportunities available in the hospitality industry. Collaborate with middle schools to organize career fairs, workshops, and informational sessions highlighting various career paths in culinary arts, lodging management, and tourism. Provide interactive demonstrations, guest speakers, and hands-on activities to engage middle school students and ignite their interest in the field.\r\n3. Incentives for Highest Local Membership:\r\nImplement a recognition program to reward local chapters with the highest membership levels. Recognize chapters achieving significant membership growth and retention rates through certificates, trophies, and public acknowledgment during organization events. Encourage healthy competition among chapters by setting achievable goals and offering incentives such as leadership development resources, exclusive networking opportunities, and organizational support.\r\n4. Incentives for Membership Increases:\r\nOffer incentives and rewards for local chapters that successfully increase their membership numbers within a specified timeframe. Incentives may include discounted event tickets, exclusive merchandise, leadership training scholarships, or opportunities to participate in special events or competitions. Recognize and celebrate the efforts of individual members and chapters that contribute to membership growth and engagement.\r\n5. Diverse Programming and Activities:\r\nWork collaboratively with local chapter leaders to develop a diverse range of programming and activities that cater to the interests, needs, and aspirations of students from diverse backgrounds, including special populations CTE students. Offer a mix of educational workshops, skill-building sessions, community service projects, social events, and industry networking opportunities to appeal to a broad spectrum of students.\r\n6. Inclusive Leadership and Representation:\r\nFoster a culture of inclusivity and diversity within local chapters by promoting leadership opportunities and representation for students from special populations CTE backgrounds. Encourage the participation of diverse voices in decision-making processes, event planning, and organizational leadership roles. Provide training, mentorship, and support to empower students from special populations to take on leadership roles and contribute to the organization's success.\r\n7. Peer Mentorship and Support Networks:\r\nEstablish peer support and mentorship programs within local chapters to facilitate connections and provide guidance for special populations CTE students. Pair incoming students with experienced mentors who can offer academic support, career advice, and social integration opportunities. Create safe spaces and support networks where students from diverse backgrounds can share experiences, seek advice, and build meaningful relationships.\r\n8. Accessible Resources and Accommodations\r\nEnsure that resources, materials, and activities offered by local chapters are accessible and inclusive for students with diverse needs and abilities. Provide accommodations, assistive technologies, and alternative formats to support students with disabilities, learning differences, or language barriers. Create welcoming and inclusive environments where all students feel valued, respected, and empowered to participate fully in chapter activities.\r\n9. Continuous Evaluation and Feedback Mechanisms:\r\nRegularly assess the effectiveness of local chapter efforts to increase student engagement, memberships, and inclusion of special populations CTE students. Solicit feedback from students, advisors, and stakeholders to identify areas for improvement and innovation. Adjust strategies, policies, and practices based on feedback and data-driven insights to ensure ongoing progress and success.\r\nBy implementing a comprehensive plan to support local chapter efforts, the organization will create inclusive and empowering environments where all students can thrive, connect, and pursue their passions in the hospitality industry.\r\n)>> endobj 306 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream xYMsFϯmUƖ7[TRm[U9cAVn2HkhIDsfm-}~s}yu޼lWiʮ>=.]mr~{}ꧻg]|v4afޠ8 G)4pm8/qd#[5Q#:7ਙu[ 9@DfT͒ q@h[p(e I%9; jzҌkـ`( T֍V%P.8Rތ}f h9/_DW^򅾍3D8B{ђOMx6qJ1عY ,sc@#K KN>M=m BVZօm|(HnjXc=?JͼWeig|y]6_2& /|}" l`s!4`;=&UC 8cp_2NNO(D:H=9:7LU f*ђCKSYb)vCSiӐcm(:"T')ђe7H&&Rҧ(MbyN[B3@aN*;W0JȊBhFQEv.!ÎĪ>t!x$E;. 2ECdH$=yE2iiuU:3I5xe;ɦ A14IFv9pwp8Y3QPdy7UЖGWъeU9j>Yn%2/@r$$甝FUB*S5X"] ez}]?Cz7Z}*X(s#K=-U lnd_dQ{VI }%%]uUY fjׅa 4yqy:ϳw] ~?\^OlL/b`і3IIXw3v=JuJ7jWoOB8Y 7Q$ =FY+eg K/z^w,I7h/΍Y GYUp B .M6Q =-;iGgR9u1y7Ő֓ѿs ,QbF.&Yt4pkeO蓶)VP1c%n<|'sf-PSϪ(vG-tSPFh."0*%I-t$>]gY)СY„D''&PPތr^+971!E ~my ;,Aʆ1D2MCljJCZx X#9ݾOh)T5i wV CZ":ImēkBEg>2)"<Ѷpt&,({"S4-dsZИ=Z6c9fLwWnU]׵6eEs/CiA:ܑhW"qS9HSdkδWUKg7M]_aQRC~z73U-7r= ItBekN[Om:e`aHnMh4H05F^r l<{ P&g['PM$]/~w}:?<mbFj>DǶyvUŐ/>,4EBͱ c,פrCy3?Ww7BM endstream endobj 307 0 obj <> endobj 308 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8392704/MK<<>>/P 294 0 R /Parent 168 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 21.26 49.263 591.165 331.959]/StructParent 83/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(This requirement is either stated in the statute that authorizes this program or is defined by TEA. Describe you plan to address the requirement.)/Type/Annot/V(Inclusive Outreach and Recruitment Efforts:\r\nThe organization's commitment to recruiting and serving special population students and non-traditional students is demonstrated through statewide outreach and recruitment activities, ensuring accessibility and accommodations, fostering inclusive leadership and representation, collaborating with supportive entities, providing culturally competent training and development, soliciting continuous feedback and evaluation, and celebrating diversity and inclusion. Through a comprehensive plan tailored to meet the unique needs of diverse student populations, the organization aims to create an inclusive and supportive environment where all students can thrive, succeed, and make meaningful contributions to the community.\r\n\r\n1. Statewide Outreach and Recruitment Activities: \r\na. Foster collaborations with key entities such as the ˿Ƶ Special Education Department, Gear Up grant recipients, small and rural school boards, Texas ACE, and Communities in Schools programs to ensure an expansive reach and tailored approach to diverse student populations.\r\nb. Create comprehensive and inclusive marketing and outreach strategies to effectively promote the organization's advantages and opportunities to a diverse audience, specifically targeting special populations CTE students. \r\nc. Employ a range of communication channels, including social media, email newsletters, school announcements, and community events, to effectively engage potential members and underscore the organization's dedication to diversity, equity, and inclusion. \r\nd. Host recruitment events, information sessions, and campus visits to engage prospective members and their teachers. \r\ne. Implement targeted outreach and recruitment efforts specifically aimed at special population students and non-traditional students. \r\nf. Develop tailored programming and support services to meet the unique needs and interests of special population students and non-traditional students. \r\n2. Accessible Resources and Accommodations\r\na. Ensure that resources, materials, and activities offered by local chapters are accessible and inclusive for students with diverse needs and abilities. Provide accommodations, assistive technologies, and alternative formats to support students with disabilities, learning differences, or language barriers. Create welcoming and inclusive environments where all students feel valued, respected, and empowered to participate fully in chapter activities.\r\n3. Inclusive Leadership and Representation:\r\na. Foster a culture of inclusivity and diversity within local chapters by promoting leadership opportunities and representation for students from special populations CTE backgrounds. Encourage the participation of diverse voices in decision-making processes, event planning, and organizational leadership roles. Provide training, mentorship, and support to empower students from special populations to take on leadership roles and contribute to the organization's success.\r\n4. Collaboration with Supportive Entities:\r\na. Establish partnerships and collaborations with supportive entities such as disability services offices, multicultural centers, veteran affairs offices, and community-based organizations to enhance support services and resources available to special population students and non-traditional students. Leverage existing networks and resources to provide holistic support and advocacy for students facing unique challenges and circumstances.\r\n5. Culturally Competent Training and Development:\r\na. Provide culturally competent training and development opportunities for organization leaders, advisors, and volunteers to enhance their understanding and awareness of the needs and experiences of special population students and non-traditional students. Offer workshops, seminars, and resources focused on diversity, equity, inclusion, and cultural sensitivity to create welcoming and inclusive environments for all students.\r\n6. Continuous Feedback and Evaluation: \r\na. Solicit feedback from special population students, non-traditional students, and other stakeholders to assess the effectiveness of recruitment and support efforts and identify areas for improvement. Utilize feedback mechanisms, surveys, focus groups, and student advisory boards to gather input and inform decision-making processes.\r\n7. Celebration of Diversity and Inclusion:\r\na. Celebrate diversity and inclusion within the organization by highlighting the contributions, achievements, and experiences of special population students and non-traditional students. Showcase success stories, host cultural events, and recognize individuals and groups that embody the organization's values of equity, respect, and belonging.\r\nBy implementing a comprehensive plan to recruit and serve special population students and non-traditional students, the organization will demonstrate its commitment to fostering a diverse, inclusive, and supportive environment where all students can thrive, succeed, and make meaningful contributions to the community.\r\n)>> endobj 309 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream xXMs6ϯ[U#FH,Ov]WkR{$V @ ɯj 9Mxu[qܮ6wpx{}u,ҫ9ԫ \+W?~9Xo֜}Wha]zY ;9{K(@]W%a[Uz_6?盫p]C`lZ^a6} xuڑoב3]—|_.FyP?JOL9?SJjvޢ|cM_7:>b߄蠶} KBvcrC0{td6f6EmaT[`AF(£uao^e&oFX¢=M9X业}c?8_k<Yr@H&`7wؗ`sf+)xuSYm;e`Qĵ AG45) $LxRE@ӃS=YLjmz-@z'%]cM&x'ck&ya/ #a'ܚc?kRWƶrS tۮw0H'}5K}C҂g v2)*cXlBȆ`CN?>8⢋/5#<߬bg(A'(&IEH}s`2q} tZd*gM`8^(#Pqv>v*c\qj9$WoAщ>C $m +OVOV?w4*cOnbꨊB0tP=l?fp ّdkEKGABmg(+nRȎmz.6nj-ZdylX~=RK: ?F`TxK[q=Ccu1+klGcy\[q[0\rYCf$!Zg:knT2YP3bJkԲ.Ʊ` (ά,&7z>1%QӨ ]u.Ei䋻Yo4}t[qkBtq4T>3Mw* LUHr@r$d^]; NUo}=5F1Pmŝn!f[gDl;Fcd&R?i%kpJ#n|T `k ~K>%ed{l. 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Enter N/A when applying for grant funds.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 321 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 322 0 obj <> endobj 323 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8392704/MK<<>>/P 312 0 R /Parent 169 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 21.26 370.721 591.165 693.904]/StructParent 88/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(This requirement is either stated in the statute that authorizes this program or is defined by TEA. Describe you plan to address the requirement.)/Type/Annot/V(Through partnership development with educational institutions, industry stakeholders, and community organizations, we aim to expand our reach and enhance support for student engagement and membership growth. Our commitment to inclusive programming ensures that we develop activities catering to the diverse interests and needs of student populations, including special populations CTE students, fostering a sense of belonging and participation. Implementing targeted outreach initiatives using various communication channels allows us to engage special populations CTE students and non-traditional students, highlighting the benefits and opportunities offered by our organization. By providing tailored leadership development opportunities, we empower students to take on active roles within the organization and their communities. We prioritize accessibility and accommodation measures to support students with diverse needs, promoting inclusivity and equal participation in our activities. Through continuous evaluation, we regularly assess and refine our initiatives, soliciting feedback from students and stakeholders to drive improvement. Through this comprehensive approach, we contribute to statewide efforts aimed at increasing student engagement, expanding memberships, and promoting the inclusion of special populations CTE students across Texas.\r\n \r\n1. Partnership Development: Forge partnerships with educational institutions, industry stakeholders, and community organizations to expand reach and enhance support for student engagement and membership growth.\r\n\r\n2. Inclusive Programming: Develop inclusive programs and activities that cater to the interests and needs of diverse student populations, including special populations CTE students, fostering a sense of belonging and participation.\r\n\r\n3. Targeted Outreach: Implement targeted outreach initiatives utilizing various communication channels to engage special populations CTE students and non-traditional students, highlighting the benefits and opportunities offered by the organization.\r\n\r\n4. Leadership Development: Provide leadership development opportunities tailored to diverse student needs, empowering them to take on active roles within the organization and in their communities.\r\n\r\n5. Access and Accommodations: Ensure accessibility and accommodation measures are in place to support students with diverse needs, promoting inclusivity and equal participation in organization activities.\r\n\r\n6. Continuous Evaluation: Regularly assess and evaluate the effectiveness of initiatives and programs, soliciting feedback from students and stakeholders to identify areas for improvement and refine strategies.\r\n\r\nBy implementing this plan, the organization will contribute to statewide efforts aimed at increasing student engagement, expanding memberships, and promoting inclusion of special populations CTE students across Texas.\r\n)>> endobj 324 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream xMoH >,chw*fyaVZ%h&J!)SW=,ٗ@YgQk7?7Y]DQY7~gg4,>==&A zCXi)HSԵrc& "IX W+m*5K_"fLT55Ūb]iXrKA[!==p%A 'K;2&Hߒ\:"BlWSʨ`p w.@n\v^6'et!?LZ)| _ZI O'~=/A£ l}mHKԚT,]4`:> 4[̸e_RqQJBsҔs# ]3yN2nCp &X#+4&If{gu}j$' OFD`"'Z2,|IlǤtbƲWLSr`H&[Ǯ[ͤm.|-NUf:ns:> CRcU#Hzsݵ&6gc 88eesL sA-&I\sr}2X`ZJ.!KƓޣ%g\Q*2oonpv|6hYQSkGo4q?-h%.0QŨ @ߺ+4/=j;roH$u,aP7{Y4ocѱU:akKdpW]P ?@nq_?^[3(#8n=!Ê|c-T'"g C[> %! 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Enter N/A when applying for grant funds.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 336 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 337 0 obj <> endobj 338 0 obj <>/BS<>/Border[ 0 0 0]/NM(form1[0].Page11[0].AmendTxt[0].#hyperlink[0])/P 327 0 R /Rect[ 305.46 698.444 411.83 713.459]/StructParent 93/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> endobj 339 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 10.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Ch/Ff 67239936/MK<<>>/Opt[[(Summary of Program)(Summary of Program)][(Qualifications and Experience of Key Personnel)(Qualifications and Experience of Key Personnel)][(Goals, Objectives, and Strategies)(Goals, Objectives, and Strategies)][(Performance and Evaluation Measures)(Performance and Evaluation Measures)][(Budget Narrative)(Budget Narrative)][(Statutory/Program Requirements)(Statutory/Program Requirements)][(Request for Grant Funds)(Request for Grant Funds)]]/P 327 0 R /Parent 170 0 R /Rect[ 20.835 550.639 231.613 570.481]/StructParent 94/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Enter the number and name of the first section you are amending.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 340 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x};0 D{18Ć& /ZOh`4ImYI=rvb w]>tk7 tHtRzP\evTl3_L)@F3rzle!Y^ruaI(Zt{`ЁG|=\ endstream endobj 341 0 obj <> endobj 342 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 10.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8392704/MK<<>>/P 327 0 R /Parent 170 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 237.331 471.842 591.165 570.481]/StructParent 95/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Describe the purpose of the change to the first amended section.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 343 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 344 0 obj <> endobj 345 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 10.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8392704/MK<<>>/P 327 0 R /Parent 170 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 237.331 364.28 591.165 465.933]/StructParent 96/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Describe the purpose of the change to the second amended section.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 346 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 347 0 obj <> endobj 348 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 10.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8392704/MK<<>>/P 327 0 R /Parent 170 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 237.331 253.225 591.165 358.565]/StructParent 97/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Describe the purpose of the change to the third amended section.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 349 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 350 0 obj <> endobj 351 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 10.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8392704/MK<<>>/P 327 0 R /Parent 170 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 237.331 142.564 591.165 246.671]/StructParent 98/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Describe the purpose of the change to the fourth amended section.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 352 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 353 0 obj <> endobj 354 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 10.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8392704/MK<<>>/P 327 0 R /Parent 170 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 238.034 45.899 591.165 136.564]/StructParent 99/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Describe the purpose of the change to the fifth amended section.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 355 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 356 0 obj <> endobj 357 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 10.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Ch/Ff 67239936/MK<<>>/Opt[[(Summary of Program)(Summary of Program)][(Qualifications and Experience of Key Personnel)(Qualifications and Experience of Key Personnel)][(Goals, Objectives, and Strategies)(Goals, Objectives, and Strategies)][(Performance and Evaluation Measures)(Performance and Evaluation Measures)][(Budget Narrative)(Budget Narrative)][(Statutory/Program Requirements)(Statutory/Program Requirements)][(Request for Grant Funds)(Request for Grant Funds)]]/P 327 0 R /Parent 170 0 R /Rect[ 20.835 446.091 231.613 465.933]/StructParent 100/Subtype/Widget/T/TU(Enter the number and name of the second section you are amending.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 358 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x};0D{NAB臎CnBQHo`4IϏm.$9; \'}.ˇLp5W+8i@.z=V\t5Pb{/ 5XfhzKBYۃ]*gMpk? 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