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For state-funded grants, enter N/A.)/Type/Annot/V(847996188)>> endobj 21 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x @߲^mˁ MHO+*Vbj))]dH{~ -/4>C?Zュ8IgGZZ_ endstream endobj 22 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 4 0 R /Parent 248 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 63.577 332.867 283.657 352.686]/StructParent 7/Subtype/Widget/T(Address[0])/TU(Enter the organization's street address.)/Type/Annot/V(9841 Washingtonian Blvd. Suite 330)>> endobj 23 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x= 0>CĘhҡ?ᤩ+*0Up,.)<ma<]nl@܁a %DAg # i&\W|7Y)'χwCRMlʪ/ endstream endobj 24 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 4 0 R /Parent 248 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 311.18 332.867 397.893 352.686]/StructParent 8/Subtype/Widget/T(City[0])/TU(Enter the city in which the organization is located.)/Type/Annot/V(Gaithersburg)>> endobj 25 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x 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13/Subtype/Widget/T(form1[0].Page1[0].SecContact[0])/TU(Enter the name of the person TEA should contact second with questions or information regarding the application.)/Type/Annot/V(Alejandro Cardemil)>> endobj 35 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x1 0WQDkMF:T8KKA7'>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 4 0 R /Parent 248 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 278.454 281.336 477.895 301.155]/StructParent 14/Subtype/Widget/T(SecContactEmail[0])/TU(Enter the secondary contact's direct email address.)/Type/Annot/V(acardemil@learningundefeated.org)>> endobj 37 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x ˱ 0FLhIKǀʁa!S<,_E3mkM}QnP` W.5H3әcl) kI%%,`[L??H#b endstream endobj 38 0 obj <>/Border[ 0 0 0]/DA(//MyriadPro-Regular 11 Tf 0 g)/DV(240-552-9312)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 4 0 R /Rect[ 515.961 281.336 591.474 301.155]/StructParent 15/Subtype/Widget/T(form1[0].Page1[0].SecContactPhone[0])/TU(Enter the secondary contact's direct 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17/Subtype/Widget/T(ProvAssur[0])/TU(You are required to check this box to indicate your acceptance of all provisions and assurances \(the General Provisions and Assurances and any provisions and assurances specific to the grant, as listed in the program guidelines\).)/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 45 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@B.CC  sq\ F 9\`] T 7 endstream endobj 46 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@.\ endstream endobj 47 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+2T0T¢Tp<.# 3BH!6ϊ endstream endobj 48 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 4 0 R /Parent 248 0 R /Rect[ 360.051 151.03 370.051 161.03]/StructParent 18/Subtype/Widget/T(Debarment[0])/TU(You are required to check this box to indicate your acceptance of the requirements conveyed in the Debarment and Suspension Certification.)/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 49 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@B.CC  sq\ F 9\`] T 7 endstream 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organization official authorized to obligate the organization in a legally binding contractual agreement.)/Type/Annot/V(Alejandro Cardemil)>> endobj 57 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x˱ 0E>u0MԶhCǂJ9XZb?rƏS/of29)]5fE1ī,{>9BsXRն]re~¹V5 :> endstream endobj 58 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 4 0 R /Parent 248 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 391.174 104.412 592.939 124.231]/StructParent 21/Subtype/Widget/T(AuthOffTitle[0])/TU(Enter the authorized official's title.)/Type/Annot/V(Vice President, Development)>> endobj 59 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x-˽0\7jtI4:{$?ѻ yUn!4ZTA"L <Ӂ-wq)aON%t`-ݑ=S$E\{wꇉF?nxL>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 4 0 R /Parent 248 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 55.192 78.903 391.668 98.722]/StructParent 22/Subtype/Widget/T(AuthOffEmail[0])/TU(Enter the authorized official's direct email address.)/Type/Annot/V(acardemil@learningundefeated.org)>> endobj 61 0 obj 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Enter N/A when applying for grant funds.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 97 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 98 0 obj <> endobj 99 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 90 0 R /Parent 249 0 R /Rect[ 20.747 446.871 30.747 456.871]/StructParent 31/Subtype/Widget/T(CheckBox-TopAlign[0])/TU(6. The applicant assures that any Electronic Information Resources \(EIR\) produced as part of this agreement will comply with the State of Texas Accessibility requirements as specified in 1 TAC 206, 1 TAC Chapter 213, Federal Section 508 standards, and the WCAG 2.0 AA Accessibility Guidelines. )/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 100 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@B.CC  sq\ F 9\`] T 7 endstream endobj 101 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@.\ endstream endobj 102 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+2T0T¢Tp<.# 3BH!6ϊ endstream endobj 103 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 90 0 R /Parent 249 0 R /Rect[ 20.622 655.254 30.622 665.254]/StructParent 32/Subtype/Widget/T(CheckBox-TopAlign[1])/TU(1. The applicant provides assurance that program funds will supplement \(increase the level of service\), and not supplant \(replace\) state mandates, State Board of Education rules, and activities previously conducted with state or local funds. The applicant provides assurance that state or local funds may not be decreased or diverted for other purposes merely because of the availability of these funds. The applicant provides assurance that program services and activities to be funded from this LOI will be supplementary to existing services and activities and will not be used for any services or activities required by state law, State Board of Education rules, or local policy.)/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 104 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@B.CC  sq\ F 9\`] T 7 endstream endobj 105 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@.\ endstream endobj 106 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+2T0T¢Tp<.# 3BH!6ϊ endstream endobj 107 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 90 0 R /Parent 249 0 R /Rect[ 20.466 571.477 30.466 581.477]/StructParent 33/Subtype/Widget/T(CheckBox-TopAlign[2])/TU(2. The applicant provides assurance that the application does not contain any information that would be protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act \(FERPA\) from general release to the public.)/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 108 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@B.CC  sq\ F 9\`] T 7 endstream endobj 109 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@.\ endstream endobj 110 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+2T0T¢Tp<.# 3BH!6ϊ endstream endobj 111 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 90 0 R /Parent 249 0 R /Rect[ 20.466 534.907 30.466 544.907]/StructParent 34/Subtype/Widget/T(CheckBox-TopAlign[3])/TU(3. The applicant provides assurance to adhere to all the Statutory and TEA Program requirements as noted in the 2020-2022 Mobile STEM Laboratory Grant Program Guidelines.)/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 112 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@B.CC  sq\ F 9\`] T 7 endstream endobj 113 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@.\ endstream endobj 114 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+2T0T¢Tp<.# 3BH!6ϊ endstream endobj 115 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 90 0 R /Parent 249 0 R /Rect[ 20.466 499.176 30.466 509.176]/StructParent 35/Subtype/Widget/T(CheckBox-TopAlign[4])/TU(4. The applicant provides assurance to adhere to all the Performance Measures, as noted in the 2020-2022 Mobile STEM Laboratory Program Guidelines, and shall provide to TEA, upon request, any performance data necessary to assess the success of the program.)/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 116 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@B.CC  sq\ F 9\`] T 7 endstream endobj 117 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@.\ endstream endobj 118 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+2T0T¢Tp<.# 3BH!6ϊ endstream endobj 119 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 90 0 R /Parent 249 0 R /Rect[ 20.466 385.192 30.466 395.192]/StructParent 36/Subtype/Widget/T(CheckBox-TopAlign[5])/TU(5. The applicant will provide a Mobile STEM Laboratory that is fully equipped with a power source, technology, equipment, consumables, and lessons for educators to use with their students. Districts shall not be expected to provide any supplies \(including perishable items\) to complete activities in the Mobile STEM Laboratory or supply power for the Mobile STEM Laboratory.)/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 120 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@B.CC  sq\ F 9\`] T 7 endstream endobj 121 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@.\ endstream endobj 122 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+2T0T¢Tp<.# 3BH!6ϊ endstream endobj 123 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 90 0 R /Parent 249 0 R /Rect[ 20.466 325.237 30.466 335.237]/StructParent 37/Subtype/Widget/T(CheckBox-TopAlign[6])/TU(6. The applicant assures a dedicated staff member will travel with the Mobile STEM Laboratory to lead activities with the students and model how a STEM lesson is facilitated. The staff member shall model research based pedagogy and best practices. )/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 124 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@B.CC  sq\ F 9\`] T 7 endstream endobj 125 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@.\ endstream endobj 126 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+2T0T¢Tp<.# 3BH!6ϊ endstream endobj 127 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 90 0 R /Parent 249 0 R /Rect[ 20.466 265.264 30.466 275.264]/StructParent 38/Subtype/Widget/T(CheckBox-TopAlign[7])/TU(7. The applicant will develop a survey for the district/campus to complete that includes but is not limited to information about the students who used the labs, including student demographic information, gender, and effectiveness of the mobile lab. )/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 128 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@B.CC  sq\ F 9\`] T 7 endstream endobj 129 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@.\ endstream endobj 130 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+2T0T¢Tp<.# 3BH!6ϊ endstream endobj 131 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 90 0 R /Parent 249 0 R /Rect[ 20.747 215.369 30.747 225.369]/StructParent 39/Subtype/Widget/T(CheckBox-TopAlign[8])/TU(9. The applicant provides assurance a data collection system will be developed to analyze the data collection and generate monthly reports including assessment data, survey information, and highlights from each visit. )/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 132 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@B.CC  sq\ F 9\`] T 7 endstream endobj 133 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@.\ endstream endobj 134 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+2T0T¢Tp<.# 3BH!6ϊ endstream endobj 135 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 90 0 R /Parent 249 0 R /Rect[ 21.132 159.787 31.132 169.787]/StructParent 40/Subtype/Widget/T(CheckBox-TopAlign[9])/TU(10. The applicant assures proper safety measures will be in place to ensure safety while students are working in the Mobile STEM Laboratory. )/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 136 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@B.CC  sq\ F 9\`] T 7 endstream endobj 137 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@.\ endstream endobj 138 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+2T0T¢Tp<.# 3BH!6ϊ endstream endobj 139 0 obj <>/BS<>/Border[ 0 0 0]/NM(form1[0].Page7[0].CheckBox-TopAlign[10].#hyperlink[0])/P 90 0 R /Rect[ 266.278 110.537 564.334 123.759]/StructParent 42/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> endobj 140 0 obj <>/BS<>/Border[ 0 0 0]/NM(form1[0].Page7[0].CheckBox-TopAlign[10].#hyperlink[1])/P 90 0 R /Rect[ 34.622 97.587 130.872 110.809]/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> endobj 141 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 90 0 R /Parent 249 0 R /Rect[ 20.466 124.487 30.466 134.487]/StructParent 41/Subtype/Widget/T(CheckBox-TopAlign[10])/TU(11. The applicant assures safety equipment will be provided for activities according to the Texas Safety Standards Laws and Rules. For more information, please click here: /sites/default/files/Safety%20Laws%20and%20Rules%202016.pdf)/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 142 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@B.CC  sq\ F 9\`] T 7 endstream endobj 143 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@.\ endstream endobj 144 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+2T0T¢Tp<.# 3BH!6ϊ endstream endobj 145 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 90 0 R /Parent 249 0 R /Rect[ 20.466 66.235 30.466 76.235]/StructParent 43/Subtype/Widget/T(CheckBox-TopAlign[11])/TU(12. The applicant assures the Mobile STEM Laboratory will contain STEM activities for K-8th grade that integrate content knowledge aligned to the TEKS and approved by TEA prior to use. )/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 146 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@B.CC  sq\ F 9\`] T 7 endstream endobj 147 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@.\ endstream endobj 148 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+2T0T¢Tp<.# 3BH!6ϊ endstream endobj 149 0 obj <>stream x[ko6nt0".$3m&FlӱJr<_zNЩ#})aػKZo?}g?c=sQ%Q4Ix,,,&pB!BɤaEi𿽇ϐ0Yfqa}&n 9I-[Lf9q6۵ن頋bEmɅl)9ܵ] fdi:7caw7xt'= >qEm !A`0dwy+`PsS*0*E_ TI4,oQEKMO"tx{\4c|.-{p+ttܿ7x7z!َ($8]xy軍x#ґ~IoI9Am*riĺu0b@ᤇH4K$gChuEP/Rh`mA%f#}PxGݚ=ZiXEŤ:ܘwɼ:NSg `6h9OB0uza݃!GHvjGYSyL!ԓr,y=3/Fy meoDWGեp7Z$AQK1S$ʽ M>,f47,_.FW~d*ʕ&Y^TB+[[ia#]aGW'4:.(! dR',kpNT"G}EqF:GlK ԡ$dBqg XՎ*Q?R/*rWj*Se)@jsUE%̹3|ٲ55[&I8 Yi j;tPW_㼠('|/rry9T\շ}=ie3em9I92Rϖ w! 6pf%]ۈ7wVuNXQup.)>9雽ƸVNS!"pȍ[o) P[EAh5ny^|hEM!B&Z1,*}]XAz O\w?c_79pvU] 槶D+G:0_ESd!s\5XV='`͢6v԰2[):axDe_Z+^[ۡ꨺jOmV4ݣgQEe: ӀϺ͛=gHi|N*KȂWTt*/0aK[I(_#TsRLo:zke= ;pXafYQ.CXA~uT]6KV؁CGjVxetX :Ap+['BIAbv/J2M$Ek}".r| y4ӭu/vL 5z { Y$;,˳/I𥰿+#YǷLʳܰձՌ汹@!"2$)hmަށPˀ23w0h=Γ¾m.<1T X8cqzmt)n9[=3rJ'diUVW}HЩ'krHX!|EE4SFd> ]e>jfN)n&~'l?XۧpgS!O s2.wbs` tS.厰m]CC~FbX _t!>ǐ-³Oݙ75쳦٥6ٳռ;°nkƕdWDJsf8|qi4c|n~ѓe-Dc> n: Du)PkylPO xchc.FR?RjX2HDZp [ca#JlS~W᧧ӱ 鹺f;Y<4J0 endstream endobj 150 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 44/Type/Page>> endobj 151 0 obj [ 152 0 R 155 0 R 157 0 R 159 0 R 163 0 R 167 0 R 171 0 R 175 0 R 179 0 R 183 0 R 187 0 R 188 0 R 192 0 R 196 0 R 200 0 R 204 0 R 208 0 R 212 0 R 220 0 R ] endobj 152 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 150 0 R /Parent 250 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 567.209 747.227 591.165 767.046]/StructParent 45/Subtype/Widget/T(AmendmentNo[0])/TU(Enter the amendment number if submitting an amendment to the original application. Enter N/A when applying for grant funds.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 153 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 154 0 obj <> endobj 155 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 150 0 R /Parent 250 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 142.285 747.227 223.611 767.046]/StructParent 46/Subtype/Widget/T(VendorID[0])/TU(Enter the organization's vendor ID. )/Type/Annot/V(32067507510)>> endobj 156 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x ˱ 0~`<][:T8ZEB{=imcWz@UCNuOt|}N1VzOAcrzH $kM^ڊpPz4 endstream endobj 157 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 150 0 R /Parent 250 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 44.532 747.227 89.144 767.046]/StructParent 47/Subtype/Widget/T(CDN[0])/TU(Enter the organization's county-district number.)/Type/Annot/V(N/A)>> endobj 158 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream xPpuV*2R0R01334R0430T(J r ,LL ( JM/I,R04TI2PHj430UIwTr rus( endstream endobj 159 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 150 0 R /Parent 250 0 R /Rect[ 20.208 227.535 30.208 237.535]/StructParent 48/Subtype/Widget/T(CheckBox-TopAlign[0])/TU(25. The applicant assures the Mobile STEM Laboratory will be provided to districts at no cost. Title 1 schools that have a high number of students living in poverty, who are English learners, or who live in a rural area shall have priority placement in the Mobile STEM Laboratory. )/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 160 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@B.CC  sq\ F 9\`] T 7 endstream endobj 161 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@.\ endstream endobj 162 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+2T0T¢Tp<.# 3BH!6ϊ endstream endobj 163 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 150 0 R /Parent 250 0 R /Rect[ 20.208 271.806 30.208 281.806]/StructParent 49/Subtype/Widget/T(CheckBox-TopAlign[1])/TU(24. The applicant assures all students will sign permission slips to participate in STEM activities and have signed waivers or pictures of students that are shared with the TEA.)/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 164 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@B.CC  sq\ F 9\`] T 7 endstream endobj 165 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@.\ endstream endobj 166 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+2T0T¢Tp<.# 3BH!6ϊ endstream endobj 167 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 150 0 R /Parent 250 0 R /Rect[ 20.208 299.359 30.208 309.359]/StructParent 50/Subtype/Widget/T(CheckBox-TopAlign[2])/TU(23. The applicant will provide the TEA a monthly report including highlights from each visit and pictures that will be used to spotlight the Mobile STEM Laboratory in the state STEM newsletter. )/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 168 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@B.CC  sq\ F 9\`] T 7 endstream endobj 169 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@.\ endstream endobj 170 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+2T0T¢Tp<.# 3BH!6ϊ endstream endobj 171 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 150 0 R /Parent 250 0 R /Rect[ 20.208 326.45 30.208 336.45]/StructParent 51/Subtype/Widget/T(CheckBox-TopAlign[3])/TU(22. The applicant assures they will communicate with the TEA the delivery locations and point of contact at each location prior to the program start date to ensure all regions in Texas are being served. )/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 172 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@B.CC  sq\ F 9\`] T 7 endstream endobj 173 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@.\ endstream endobj 174 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+2T0T¢Tp<.# 3BH!6ϊ endstream endobj 175 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 150 0 R /Parent 250 0 R /Rect[ 20.208 366.654 30.208 376.654]/StructParent 52/Subtype/Widget/T(CheckBox-TopAlign[4])/TU(21. The applicant assures an application process as well as an application will be developed for districts to apply to access the Mobile STEM Laboratory. The application must request information that will help the determine needs such as a high number of students who are living in poverty, English learners, or who live in a rural area. )/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 176 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@B.CC  sq\ F 9\`] T 7 endstream endobj 177 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@.\ endstream endobj 178 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+2T0T¢Tp<.# 3BH!6ϊ endstream endobj 179 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 150 0 R /Parent 250 0 R /Rect[ 20.208 392.849 30.208 402.849]/StructParent 53/Subtype/Widget/T(CheckBox-TopAlign[5])/TU(20. The applicant assures a dedicated website to the Texas Mobile STEM Laboratory will be available for districts to apply for access to the Mobile STEM Laboratory. )/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 180 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@B.CC  sq\ F 9\`] T 7 endstream endobj 181 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@.\ endstream endobj 182 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+2T0T¢Tp<.# 3BH!6ϊ endstream endobj 183 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 150 0 R /Parent 250 0 R /Rect[ 20.208 445.698 30.208 455.698]/StructParent 54/Subtype/Widget/T(CheckBox-TopAlign[6])/TU(19. The applicant will provide to the TEA a marketing plan to spread awareness of the Mobile STEM Laboratory throughout the state including how information will be distributed to districts, examples of brochures, flyers, and other marketing materials, and how rural and high needs districts will be targeted. The marketing plan will be presented to the TEA for approval. )/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 184 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@B.CC  sq\ F 9\`] T 7 endstream endobj 185 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@.\ endstream endobj 186 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+2T0T¢Tp<.# 3BH!6ϊ endstream endobj 187 0 obj <>/BS<>/Border[ 0 0 0]/NM(form1[0].Page8[0].CheckBox-TopAlign[7].#hyperlink[0])/P 150 0 R /Rect[ 277.503 498.278 577.242 511.5]/StructParent 56/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> endobj 188 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 150 0 R /Parent 250 0 R /Rect[ 20.208 525.178 30.208 535.178]/StructParent 55/Subtype/Widget/T(CheckBox-TopAlign[7])/TU(18. The applicant assures the Mobile STEM Laboratory will be stocked with enough materials and equipment for at least 25 students to participate at the same time and extra supplies available so that activities can be restocked and used for the entire grade level. The applicant will use AskTED \(http://mansfield.tea.state.tx.us/tea.askted.web/Forms/Home.aspx\) and review the enrollment data to ensure the Mobile STEM Laboratory is stocked with enough supplies to accommodate the district being served. )/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 189 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@B.CC  sq\ F 9\`] T 7 endstream endobj 190 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@.\ endstream endobj 191 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+2T0T¢Tp<.# 3BH!6ϊ endstream endobj 192 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 150 0 R /Parent 250 0 R /Rect[ 20.208 557.238 30.208 567.238]/StructParent 57/Subtype/Widget/T(CheckBox-TopAlign[8])/TU(17. The applicant assures that each region will be allowed to have access to the Mobile STEM Laboratory at least one time during the grant period to allow for maximum coverage of the state. )/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 193 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@B.CC  sq\ F 9\`] T 7 endstream endobj 194 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@.\ endstream endobj 195 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+2T0T¢Tp<.# 3BH!6ϊ endstream endobj 196 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 150 0 R /Parent 250 0 R /Rect[ 20.208 578.926 30.208 588.926]/StructParent 58/Subtype/Widget/T(CheckBox-TopAlign[9])/TU(16. The applicant assures the Mobile STEM Laboratory will serve all 20 educational regions during each year of operation. )/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 197 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@B.CC  sq\ F 9\`] T 7 endstream endobj 198 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@.\ endstream endobj 199 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+2T0T¢Tp<.# 3BH!6ϊ endstream endobj 200 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 150 0 R /Parent 250 0 R /Rect[ 19.321 637.926 29.321 647.926]/StructParent 59/Subtype/Widget/T(CheckBox-TopAlign[10])/TU(15. The applicant assures activities, materials and a flyer will be provided to encourage campuses to host a community night where families and community members are invited to visit and engage in a community design challenge using the Mobile STEM Laboratory.)/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 201 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@B.CC  sq\ F 9\`] T 7 endstream endobj 202 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@.\ endstream endobj 203 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+2T0T¢Tp<.# 3BH!6ϊ endstream endobj 204 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 150 0 R /Parent 250 0 R /Rect[ 20.208 660.686 30.208 670.686]/StructParent 60/Subtype/Widget/T(CheckBox-TopAlign[11])/TU(14. The applicant assures the length of activities for K-2 will be 20-30 minutes and 3-8 will be 45-60 minutes. )/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 205 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@B.CC  sq\ F 9\`] T 7 endstream endobj 206 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@.\ endstream endobj 207 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+2T0T¢Tp<.# 3BH!6ϊ endstream endobj 208 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 150 0 R /Parent 250 0 R /Rect[ 20.208 704.932 30.208 714.932]/StructParent 61/Subtype/Widget/T(CheckBox-TopAlign[12])/TU(13. The applicant assures all STEM activities will include the engineering design process so that students are designing a product or process during the activity and will not focus on content in silos. Activities must be approved by the TEA prior to use. )/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 209 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@B.CC  sq\ F 9\`] T 7 endstream endobj 210 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237402VH2P0P0T4@.\ endstream endobj 211 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+2T0T¢Tp<.# 3BH!6ϊ endstream endobj 212 0 obj <>/Border[ 0 0 0]/DA(//MyriadPro-Regular 10 Tf 0 g)/DV(Jennifer provides strategic direction of educational programs and new\rinitiatives. Jennifer has developed seven mobile laboratory programs has\rextensive experience developing and delivering science education programs\rfor students and professional development workshops for educators. Jennifer\rscientific background includes genomics and DNA sequencing research,\rdevelopment and quality control experience.)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8392704/MK<<>>/Rect[ 255.107 48.586 591.165 125.787]/StructParent 62/Subtype/Widget/T(form1[0].Page8[0].TextField1[0])/TU(Enter Qualifications, Experience, Certifications for Position 1)/Type/Annot/V(Jennifer has 20+ years experience developing and delivering science education programs for students and professional development workshops for educators, including seven mobile laboratory programs.\n\nDesurae and Katie are the current Texas Mobile STEM Lab instructors and James co-developed the curriuclum with TEA in 2020.)>> endobj 213 0 obj <>stream xSˎ0giMg}dv"uQuA'A}4Bqq;< 3-bj 7X|t 14 U(P|ȡi$y\+5Vja: ,}'FRFH0h:2VK,aP_nݣ%u5<t![l/OQr qJcOS]znppz$F$֌Mx3"/'\ТB9v(W)O3PzuOAMjصa@2*3}Ȝ1dW{/5sC<?3h8ڗ#j6vĊ\[V{q_*nfN.hj_|NDQԉpk:ڼ'h^,^^? endstream endobj 214 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>> endobj 215 0 obj [/ICCBased 216 0 R ] endobj 216 0 obj <>stream xU[he>%>h[ZhziY0TtMܮM4Ulf3 }" "X/ؼؗzj*XATߙY,7?|;}*Qˍb57Q#n~Rbz׭˔aɥ!ջT7CZ籼zh2쨰}Ự3rƷ< _b~ x/?Qu anˑU߉I$l؇JY*X{QAʹ? |tgCؔe=/v0ft2ɣc?7$:1)^bX~!JTD_:=6+=jCjMH-Z,9IQ yH؛^ywit$Q͢&>_G1R'b1q|&X]ˎ72pAd.lBDpf3[ۻ}O/ouԗ[R^e/ \8biB'4f:e+׬BuiEZt5OUߕ:W+W%R-DiZUӃM]gOmY{MS+pTἰ$|-|#|$|O ]έ뤤#Wq&=kę/Yr5˜fV8V6Zx2z{+U_AeRPv()SJV٫P6+{F evzyi.*GeQkZ=鰏dx.&itOLb2ϡlq8"3b '{q4N%ytfjrAΑ*g1yD>8$֕waw w#$oDy_y+Rhcj/GS-;oj`f1j>G78:2o endstream endobj 217 0 obj <> endobj 218 0 obj <> endobj 219 0 obj <>stream xm{@IwB f0B {,gAE" i;H@6t)AzA"X&x|ovlf穫|5?kos5rw〝)JFM)(Wk G(_ o߰'͛5gΜ_ۿxxKf|w1~\5{5gFM P.( j u?7H=Ҁ4!]W`w5^aQGY*yD=>@lgA3x Mc=4354?kѣGo:dtb5xXl&>%Ng3k̚1:rLcK֚5MkZZZ=Z[=M{vNڃ?kC(T2A2]BMGb!qDJR$W$w_$_(m;j&ZKm(cʅ|35D[G3[gv;OHT::::u>|)Ӌ!mJ[чh:Oӹt]G7[JRB:Z*ʤӤsR[4Xz\zF-(JoIKKH+ՕN]Vwn]s]{]/XDlRݫ]txz@O zk vY9yE&$^YCG-D$&>jN;{ $m̼uDr1S^3r@-'߃28408 >}<",Tsa{_7A^aꝋrpԃfC!C$_ .ՑǃYkk#fη̜ʄhˇ/ϱ$`>$a-hl}H.yJԹO$*i&]_y %BV_X]f$,͘ [^oБe%vv2oʂQ!!ufC~O r{縺xyfysƔkdҎ{ӌ$%Px#GFkq5 ;`Bu>H0J  M$H@"Myz bl,¢P ׻MByYr'f@V;a  jY\faA&">8NՐ́i"_M+Qq1sO{-پe=w S309y{:+""1:ܾG"9#~uex^!SbSٺ6y*r;-,] ԛCE<x/Wr^o6 Wh{P"F7Ȝ =CՉ*/pɝ`2LR,4 Cd z`Awf3s3sr%7d=2̅]¬:> M˹sw#/'~I}/KPʁ{ҹ2_dŏ,#l<.&ϸƚ.ohs/ypgoM[ oġ|\k;9/~a<>Rﱫ޲Ǖbظf=x76Ȓ=4g];˿BϳӰ²O;⅝ڰSճF,z"粹<_:ۅ1RtKFL?;^ҫNQđ6눫d1^Gg@܆\{} .~rlBB(p/bG["Imr*9W|'اGRs<\%WU1pALϙB_L.ǐ>2bl;"/Jm _@Pm7 қD5t=*SY'a_ZPϠw'y/a4C;4gRS/pM K.W_ytQu[Dh%t;AD=SOȁ+>xLF\f羰\āpmXůg_ ~ cN.ӸQ3'+~Acy Pvc26 ^^0HX 8_Y@\C9[OF*wMsbATM*%dfA'X2D |<\atIPw鹫4!uqGe+UTɔ<ƅwG"=3< %]H5Ut.*AGt)o_ {["e-QH5ŖtRd]PnjlHNVEԣ2: bGRMM>SVMjB緇̾rGU6^2> GiŕZfΦrI/*ꔓ[OzT1)'b9M.6$ITjW=2ngV:u<`hu 2"U]x02 sjͥLхRwxtP^&#ãjBQս:~mMltDNd^ɖVއT+"-Lsy7l:u2f稶VDEX(8&uFrb \XgA B ʪ7!T(s]m?AN7Q;d6"5fc}kRN4i<"\^jB }u8\pu].xMߋ\<\(U,Q(n fTeȹF2P!o] ;ݲ?4LdĦo'sj[n[Fn&b2cu[N:}ڝE7={8ٛ߸7[/OIAeٓM؜-Df~}v#Wle[8Mu$nW:lݑJW>BeȮ5%+NFXP:[zAJTs/ @LS _/W6˜8QV48Yn Ag{AL3H}x4M~> Vqq.ULBrL);1Am2POwQBT4L;`5Z ..%GP47 8hl|(mpIղzk7:/=37/='-^*E5=ޝy{xvz8bwe:>qgyYQLBU#VҠW:Ԙմ+ #$fSh [Н@@-$Tפ@<($„[ c\mz?Toxs3ӬOܮ5ߕ)b2[da>񰫭c)*ePy#W K.y=ٻyy_(twrqw»lV/ OsbΤ0IIQT$ dLVe(x6Gbc+l\3?$ gmoh( zl=ϦƝaO$DWpA=? 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Enter N/A when applying for grant funds.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 226 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 227 0 obj <> endobj 228 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 223 0 R /Parent 251 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 141.854 751.346 223.18 771.165]/StructParent 66/Subtype/Widget/T(VendorID[0])/TU(Enter the organization's vendor ID. )/Type/Annot/V(32067507510)>> endobj 229 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x ˱ 0~`<][:T8ZEB{=imcWz@UCNuOt|}N1VzOAcrzH $kM^ڊpPz4 endstream endobj 230 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 223 0 R /Parent 251 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 44.526 751.346 89.138 771.165]/StructParent 67/Subtype/Widget/T(CDN[0])/TU(Enter the organization's county-district number.)/Type/Annot/V(N/A)>> endobj 231 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream xPpuV*2R0R01334R0430T(J r ,LL ( JM/I,R04TI2PHj430UIwTr rus( endstream endobj 232 0 obj <>/Border[ 0 0 0]/DA(//MyriadPro-Regular 11 Tf 0 g)/DS(font: "Myriad Pro" 11.00pt; text-align:left; color:#000000)/DV( Learning Undefeated will develop dynamic and compelling standards-based STEM activities for use on the Texas Mobile STEM Laboratory. Using TEKS as guidance, educators and SMEs will focus on aligning activities and instruction. Formative and summative evaluations will be used to measure the impact of the program on student achievement, attitudes and confidence levels towards STEM topics and techniques, and awareness of STEM careers. Outcomes are measured and evaluated using a variety of methods that may include classroom observation, focus groups, interviews, and pre/post surveys. The Texas Mobile STEM Laboratory is a custom outfitted STEM learning space that offers engaging, immersive, hands-on STEM experiences for students and teachers, teaching science, technology, engineering and mathematics topics and skills. Onboard the Lab, students are immersed in a self-directed career exploration experience using augmented reality and game-based learning, taking them on a multisensory immersive journey as they explore high-demand STEM careers. The Lab transports activity resource carts for in-classroom, hands-on learning and STEM activities for students in grades K-8. All Texas public schools that offer classes for grades K-8 are eligible to request a visit. At least one school from every education district will receive a visit each school year. Priority for visits will be given to schools in rural areas and those demonstrating high economic need. In subsequent years, priority will also be given to schools that have not yet had a Mobile STEM Lab visit. A visit can last up to one week, depending on the size of the school. Once a school has been selected for the program, Learning Undefeated will notify the school to confirm visit dates. Selected schools will receive a "welcome packet" about what to expect, and a virtual pre-visit meeting will be conducted to coordinate the logistics of the visit. During the visit, Learning Undefeated educators will deploy STEM activities both inside the classroom and on the lab. Classroom activities will include TEKS-aligned, TEA approved STEM activities that are approximately 45 minutes in length, with the mobile lab experiences expanding on the classroom learning through authentic, interactive, immersive STEM experiences. At select schools, community STEM nights will be incorporated in a visit to engage the school community. STEM nights will be conducted after school at 10-15 sites throughout the school year. The timing and logistics of the STEM night will be determined in collaboration with the school that is being visited, and will take on different formats depending on the size and location of the school.)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 41947136/MK<<>>/RV(


The goal of the Texas Mobile STEM Laboratory is to increase the number of grade K-8 students who can engage in STEM design-based challenges aligned to the content they are learning in class and raise awareness for STEM careers. By meeting teachers and students where they are, mobile laboratories deliver compelling STEM instruction, supplies, and the excitement of an out-of-school experience statewide, bringing hands-on learning opportunities to school districts where field trips may be a challenge. Learning Undefeated will serve a minimum of one K-8 school in each of Texas’ 20 educational regions, for a total of 25 visits per school year. The program will provide the experiences, all equipment and supplies, and all instruction in the classroom and on the mobile laboratory at no cost to the school. Learning Undefeated will leverage its partnership with TEA and network of Texas teachers and school, as well as the ESCs, to make schools and teachers aware of the 2022/23 and 2023/24 school year opportunities. Visit requests will be collected via the Texas Mobile STEM Lab website txmobilestem.org April 1 – May 31 for the following school year. School visits will start the fourth week of August and continue until May. During the visit Learning Undefeated educators will present STEM activities both inside the classroom and on the mobile laboratory on a schedule developed with the participating teachers. In the classroom, Lab staff will lead students in the TEA approved engineering design challenges and model the STEM activities teachers can use in their own classrooms. Onboard the Lab, students will use augmented reality and game-based learning in an immersive learning environment to extend classroom learning and explorer STEM careers. Learning Undefeated will work with campuses to encourage STEM Night events in conjunction with the mobile laboratory visit. STEM Nights will take place on the first or second night of the mobile laboratory visit. The STEM events will showcase local businesses related to STEM, tours of the Mobile Lab, and time for students’ families to participate together in a hands-on STEM challenge. At least 15 STEM Nights will be planned each school year.

)/Rect[ 20.835 46.322 590.74 397.011]/StructParent 68/Subtype/Widget/T(form1[0].Page2[0].FirstBenchTxt[0])/TU(2. Describe clearly, specifically, and as completely as possible, the methodology for carrying out the objectives and requirements of the Mobile STEM Laboratory as described in Program Guidelines. )/Type/Annot/V(The goal of the Texas Mobile STEM Laboratory is to increase the number of grade K-8 students who can engage in STEM design-based challenges aligned to the content they are learning in class and raise awareness for STEM careers. By meeting teachers and students where they are, mobile laboratories deliver compelling STEM instruction, supplies, and the excitement of an out-of-school experience statewide, bringing hands-on learning opportunities to school districts where field trips may be a challenge. \r\rLearning Undefeated will serve a minimum of one K-8 school in each of Texas 20 educational regions, for a total of 25 visits per school year. The program will provide the experiences, all equipment and supplies, and all instruction in the classroom and on the mobile laboratory at no cost to the school.\r\rLearning Undefeated will leverage its partnership with TEA and network of Texas teachers and school, as well as the ESCs, to make schools and teachers aware of the 2022/23 and 2023/24 school year opportunities. Visit requests will be collected via the Texas Mobile STEM Lab website txmobilestem.org April 1 May 31 for the following school year. School visits will start the fourth week of August and continue until May.\r\rDuring the visit Learning Undefeated educators will present STEM activities both inside the classroom and on the mobile laboratory on a schedule developed with the participating teachers. In the classroom, Lab staff will lead students in the TEA approved engineering design challenges and model the STEM activities teachers can use in their own classrooms. Onboard the Lab, students will use augmented reality and game-based learning in an immersive learning environment to extend classroom learning and explorer STEM careers.\r\rLearning Undefeated will work with campuses to encourage STEM Night events in conjunction with the mobile laboratory visit. STEM Nights will take place on the first or second night of the mobile laboratory visit. The STEM events will showcase local businesses related to STEM, tours of the Mobile Lab, and time for students families to participate together in a hands-on STEM challenge. At least 15 STEM Nights will be planned each school year.\r)>> endobj 233 0 obj <>stream xXrF+HVzmG$vR.3!,ɍ$/}gvHBfJLOOO3=?˛=E>ؘ2l3c9/9/+b@DVYW&)dh[UjcwԔ4Z4 M.}Y=|O%MR\CfJ|'&%ix;VsL[՞ rE;6m]EYjHmUcJzX f=$1#@ȕ. 3[#œ]Zxog))d.c|JCT(6[=+R{|Id,w7.;PKӈBR ?gı lWCf;,f\PXSAk B?*ɞ\< ĹXhUґeLٍ_{˥  R|0L#5;g]d0,XxFmT }4:%bAɜTf,6S|g$i_Q>iQs,.(!$}A͈j P0"7!joĚٞ̓'XѷߐNEcצdE<Аck@[]4hy}& G' &yd0p`d8ܗU\? /ԓυq Z2Vnv DZeN ^RJ?^{CD琀dC< Qg|b|"((fL{:gW< N a΍cJIr,Z] ?tJTh?;1xle=faRfktbLFH9# )V;Jk-׿|̖މd}W@ӿ+^9/!y"07O:EQ<0>R/9tJI{:G3(Xn\9ɭw&J:9o-z5+ڴZ VXގQiBr b9AޖhV5XA9h:ʲE{r^d]AIaev!Cl691j}?':ӵzյ?|t ^oq b;sˎ†{;Ki:+N%uFuN {QDX]Vp¨~ӾCQŭņ浆DNZHĊ(i 3KxiuuYbbqcsM} E!uX']8+0Beb1&L49lȃ$8` n .<{E`V~yi2rUѩ;{d ްLx&`W)c03e5kZ~S endstream endobj 234 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>> endobj 235 0 obj [/ICCBased 236 0 R ] endobj 236 0 obj <>stream xU[he>%>h[ZhziY0TtMܮM4Ulf3 }" "X/ؼؗzj*XATߙY,7?|;}*Qˍb57Q#n~Rbz׭˔aɥ!ջT7CZ籼zh2쨰}Ự3rƷ< _b~ x/?Qu anˑU߉I$l؇JY*X{QAʹ? |tgCؔe=/v0ft2ɣc?7$:1)^bX~!JTD_:=6+=jCjMH-Z,9IQ yH؛^ywit$Q͢&>_G1R'b1q|&X]ˎ72pAd.lBDpf3[ۻ}O/ouԗ[R^e/ \8biB'4f:e+׬BuiEZt5OUߕ:W+W%R-DiZUӃM]gOmY{MS+pTἰ$|-|#|$|O ]έ뤤#Wq&=kę/Yr5˜fV8V6Zx2z{+U_AeRPv()SJV٫P6+{F evzyi.*GeQkZ=鰏dx.&itOLb2ϡlq8"3b '{q4N%ytfjrAΑ*g1yD>8$֕waw w#$oDy_y+Rhcj/GS-;oj`f1j>G78:2o endstream endobj 237 0 obj <> endobj 238 0 obj <> endobj 239 0 obj <>stream xm{@K6dmrgw(* M&Q:R) TAQP;*S9wg5 Kd2}{ FBժ?kmp3paCup(Tj4Dˀv7lou DB!;vٳg=ѷL}G8`UP'x'P*4z F0eD" (H)*j5mjNj>H]Ҁ4%WQw_a;FZBiR3]'LuS`N-@#4Fkh԰8QY5j(Q%*F,!ѐH%%lZg^=z胣GW:d4kNܥiyPff#kRhMڪ壕uY]ր'-()IKIKHwJ-NhiGBN EGϠk荴mBtOUt=}~Bk5ugi/ުm]}IQMKό!aqBf9cȘ1~& gL.S1M !2IerXT":N. e.Ȫd-۲;P::: :tl1١cSsEUSs7:u~@tӝHw]]]褸SW6Cw &&)>NܱqoV48Y\H 4]|h dt엣P-Řx̲s n |Z./1>"H99CTt9f)OS;X4w)h Jzy 75wMw-/Lķ)%9*0:(64NX\=PLDT$s#БV| dj|jb2WV]y}^q`eB6KKO.LafN^Y^]7ڗYKnPG+/^a4u~snZGr'C'ןސp%woUjh2SK9|eCn} םE•Ԇ# ~aYavU+ߩ (E@6J<), 0<s[w/)ͨ)Ug_ĕd.` Ԃ쏷޴c~%q~~.A\YKg"S ?spH~x<oP1 jb8Qy>9}|&!eso :^¾y|6hw ף+mKŌ qHa/؉@.؊K;6g_TVW͈,9.)m~{`G?Q]LJu:ە1-m{3wZ]^Z&k+C^qއߣ' ܆lkCQ>z]0Bp !B1B0uݢoTЏ^>wB||e}0( ׮5(ss {*GK-βwM/dxMY { z*͌EqK[֥/;U, J'xIIbEXyH?v-pkxg']@S(et u\A?9r;{_Ür1u12Hr{†2aX)쇧_~ cb㊎v*SV K1h\$@<ј{K CV:) w ((*H8oeq]i~]S}^"ʐ)Fٜ3Yy6h:..3g./'Yq^YlIޱc|d'y08ړ5(PډP] Z89UI7(>~r](Zn/+t^r5޾p#S=Џӊ  }EI45qn}iIN"(Z<]`w/զWkk[yqGԝ e8딓0OzVGy->>,ItjU=8neW8=aXĵI.2"Uyx_Veeޕ eОQ R]yhڵ. 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Learning Undefeated attributes its success to dynamic elements central to our work: leading-edge STEM education programs that meet students where they are; successful track record with proven results; existing and trusted relationships with K-12 schools and educators; centering gender and racial equity, including embedding a racial equity perspective in our programs and organization to drive race equity among our partners, collaborators, and the communities we serve.\r Learning Undefeated has been partnered with TEA since 2020 to bring students and teachers the Texas Mobile STEM Lab. In its first year, which was heavily impacted by pandemic-related closures and restrictions, the Texas Mobile STEM Lab was able to serve more than 3500 students and 158 teachers at 21 schools in 16 of the Education Service Center \(ESC\) areas. The Texas Mobile STEM Lab will continue to serve new campuses across Texas each year. At least one campus from each of the 20 ESC regions will be selected each year. In addition, Learning Undefeated will work with campuses to encourage STEM Night events in conjunction with the mobile laboratory visit. \r The largest challenge facing in-person programming is the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Learning Undefeated has successfully operated in-person programming during the pandemic by reducing class sizes, limiting shared materials between student groups, enhanced cleaning protocols, improved ventilation, and HEPA filtration. Schools who are unable or do not wish to participate virtual visit accommodations will be granted priority during the next scheduling cycle. )/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8392704/MK<<>>/P 223 0 R /Rect[ 20.835 442.883 590.74 678.394]/StructParent 69/Subtype/Widget/T(form1[0].Page2[0].textfield[0])/TU(1. Describe an understanding of prior work in STEM and research in running a Mobile STEM program\(s\). Specifically describe how the tasks will be performed and identify potential problems in the conduct of the project and methods to identify and solve such problems.)/Type/Annot/V( Since 2003, Learning Undefeated has successfully operated the most expansive and innovative mobile STEM education program in the country, delivering robust, standards-aligned experiences in a compelling learning environment that travels to schools in under-resourced communities. Learning Undefeated attributes its success to dynamic elements central to our work: leading-edge STEM education programs that meet students where they are; successful track record with proven results; existing and trusted relationships with K-12 schools and educators; centering gender and racial equity, including embedding a racial equity perspective in our programs and organization to drive race equity among our partners, collaborators, and the communities we serve.\r Learning Undefeated has partnered with TEA since 2020 to bring students and teachers the Texas Mobile STEM Lab. In its first year, which was heavily impacted by pandemic-related closures and restrictions, the Texas Mobile STEM Lab was able to serve more than 3500 students and 158 teachers at 21 schools in 16 of the Education Service Center \(ESC\) areas. The Texas Mobile STEM Lab will continue to serve new campuses across Texas each year. At least one campus from each of the 20 ESC regions will be selected each year. In addition, Learning Undefeated will work with campuses to encourage STEM Night events in conjunction with the mobile laboratory visit. \r The largest challenge facing in-person programming is the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Learning Undefeated has successfully operated in-person programming during the pandemic by reducing class sizes, limiting shared materials between student groups, enhanced cleaning protocols, improved ventilation, and HEPA filtration. Virtual visit accommodations will be offered for schools who are unable or do not wish to participate in person. )>> endobj 241 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream HWM4WUaɖ? 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The vendor ID is the organizations state taxpayer identification number on file\rwith the state comptrollers office. Applicants that do not have a vendor ID can find the form online at https://comptroller.texas.gov/taxes/franchise/forms/.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 250 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 251 0 obj <> endobj 252 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 247 0 R /Parent 252 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 141.854 750.861 223.18 770.68]/StructParent 72/Subtype/Widget/T(VendorID[0])/TU(Enter the organization's vendor ID. )/Type/Annot/V(32067507510)>> endobj 253 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x ˱ 0~`<][:T8ZEB{=imcWz@UCNuOt|}N1VzOAcrzH $kM^ڊpPz4 endstream endobj 254 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 247 0 R /Parent 252 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 44.526 750.861 89.138 770.68]/StructParent 73/Subtype/Widget/T(CDN[0])/TU(Enter the organization's county-district number.)/Type/Annot/V(N/A)>> endobj 255 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream xPpuV*2R0R01334R0430T(J r ,LL ( JM/I,R04TI2PHj430UIwTr rus( endstream endobj 256 0 obj <>/Border[ 0 0 0]/DA(//MyriadPro-Regular 11 Tf 0 g)/DV( Learning Undefeated has partnered with TEA since 2020 to deliver the Texas Mobile STEM Lab and will operate its Drop Anywhere Lab shipping container for the 2022/23 and 2023/24 program years. The custom outfitted shipping container offers engaging, immersive, hands-on STEM experiences for students without leaving the school parking lot. \r The Texas Mobile STEM Lab will continue to offer the TEA-approved TEKS-aligned activities developed in summer 2020. Learning Undefeated worked with TEA, Texas educators, and STEM industry subject matter experts \(SMEs\) to develop the dynamic and compelling TEKS-aligned Texas Mobile STEM Lab curriculum in summer 2020. The hands-on engineering design challenge activities are 45-minutes long for grades 1 8 and up to 30-minutes for grade K. This curriculum was evaluated and revised using feedback from educators across Texas the first two years of the program. Program evaluation and assessment will continue to measure the impact of the program on teacher and student achievement and satisfaction and mobile laboratory operations. Learning Undefeated will also collect and track data on the reach of the program, including number of students, teachers and campuses served, demographics of students and schools, and STEM Night participation. Learning Undefeated will leverage its partnership with TEA and network of Texas teachers and school, as well as the ESCs, to make schools and teachers aware of the 2022/23 and 2023/24 school year opportunities. At least one school from every education service center region \(ESC\) will receive a visit each school year. Priority for visits will be given to schools in rural areas, demonstrating high economic need, and those that have not yet had a Texas Mobile STEM Lab visit.\r Jennifer Colvin, Learning Undefeated's Chief Innovation Officer, will oversee the project throughout the duration of the program. Ms. Colvin provides strategic direction of educational programs and new initiatives, having overseen the development and implementation of six \(6\) mobile laboratory programs during her tenure. Two \(2\) instructors are responsible for day-to-day operations of the Texas Mobile STEM Lab. Instructor responsibilities include: presenting the Texas Mobile STEM Lab curriculum, coordinating with schools and teachers, facilitating immersive experience on the lab, scheduling & logistics for each school visit, and traveling with lab to ensure proper maintenance upkeep is taking place.)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8392704/MK<<>>/Rect[ 21.232 44.192 591.137 338.42]/StructParent 74/Subtype/Widget/T(form1[0].Page3[0].StatProgReq1Txt[0])/TU(4. Describe the comprehensive project plan, which must serve each Educational Region of Texas. Include and clearly describe tasks, activities major milestones, and products/projects as well as demonstrate the expertise, experience, and capacity to evaluate, develop, deliver, and curate specific instructional materials and resources for all aspects of the project.)/Type/Annot/V(Learning Undefeated will operate its Drop Anywhere Lab shipping container for the 2022/23 and 2023/24 Texas Mobile STEM Lab program years. The custom outfitted shipping container offers engaging, immersive, hands-on STEM experiences for students and teachers without leaving the school parking lot. The program will continue to offer the TEA-approved TEKS-aligned activities developed in summer 2020. The engineering design challenge activities are 45-minutes long for grades 1 8 and up to 30-minutes for grade K. Program evaluation and assessment will continue to measure the impact of the program on teacher and student achievement and satisfaction and mobile laboratory operations. Learning Undefeated will also collect and track data on the reach of the program, including number of students, teachers and campuses served, demographics of students and schools, and STEM Night participation.\n\nAll Texas public schools that offer classes for grades K-8 are eligible to request a visit. At least one school from every education service center region \(ESC\) will receive a visit each school year. Priority for visits will be given to schools in rural areas, demonstrating high economic need \(majority student body that qualifies for free & reduced meals\), those that have not yet had a Texas Mobile STEM Lab visit, and the quality of the response from a short answer question. Each visit will be up to one week long.\n\nThe Texas Mobile STEM Lab will provide all curriculum and supplies at no cost to schools. Curriculum and teaching resources used in the classrooms will be available on the Learning Undefeated website as for teachers to download and use. Learning Undefeated staff are also available for professional development related to the engineering design challenges, STEM, and the Texas Mobile STEM Lab at the request of schools and districts.\n\nOnce a school has been selected for the program, Learning Undefeated will notify the school to and confirm visit dates. Selected schools will receive a Welcome Packet  about what to expect and visit preparation dates and deadlines. As each visit approaches, Learning Undefeated will conduct a virtual pre-visit meeting with each selected school to coordinate the logistics of the visit. \n)>> endobj 257 0 obj <>stream xXrF+"DJD=Kl'q)@`)ne*>rE >zz{f~s|oTGSjIf,Ky/-Vo6M>O)JvSCfJыsjFK n q3T5}(8>^e?7}Ndyta t.Վ5[EtqNI&)]ᇒ N }F3msEw/xOZL+Ar +rXE+{Da(mGOX̼6`ikǂ&aPm|)vTؙ41 P;@@~cZF\@VeDezpuixY{h͔+&)8`f (gaIUS JFLGMy^ajNo+vH.]b*+;FZΒ: ao?a}|b{ږ *3&ln4*)_=.ɴ\}n3% ]Pp)㧡t9S nb9+A0Lמf3łшC NB:?.CVM oV@iM5ҷ (8-kY)01ʘ3 Jן*1uQ x& l,ק#O4rq.b~[m~5}fh(ɺrg_hp.D`UhaFg;t顧$9bQ?_L֫4D5$L6c*b~D;N&E݂kdTIUqn ؓLe[v5"aLq_ΐ?IuYT0:Z>#r`CF_\2 ʖ@l+&4 r.9b-f65R Uxf= ex*mV PqF:>ɩM;Mvgmُ" %~فV-Y'wO}1B>qd0MluD> kGg&(}R^Pteu$wOi77@^dfHe_h]eBYQ^zj j5JE?ABm2~ ]Vm1φ*oࣰ,Mt_ʪAεdi0L/]ʉU_زߵ (yVb^B; t\"5.Fڞz~qXGCX(8Ezs DSJ&J `XqUgvh;;iiSVN)*h;n&pyS(vP !s6 kG 0̶-j櫪4 TYd"n|SZ bO,hy>xd+ut0.־#,/4f385'<_ 3"mP|\QγEMWn6^{΅ u*[Jn>8͸zeJ'D~%"F..{ 뙁|ON {DTpGG wl@K а)jPEPd YrM9j=GyϏ&;ZqG§$_V endstream endobj 258 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>> endobj 259 0 obj [/ICCBased 260 0 R ] endobj 260 0 obj <>stream xU[he>%>h[ZhziY0TtMܮM4Ulf3 }" "X/ؼؗzj*XATߙY,7?|;}*Qˍb57Q#n~Rbz׭˔aɥ!ջT7CZ籼zh2쨰}Ự3rƷ< _b~ x/?Qu anˑU߉I$l؇JY*X{QAʹ? |tgCؔe=/v0ft2ɣc?7$:1)^bX~!JTD_:=6+=jCjMH-Z,9IQ yH؛^ywit$Q͢&>_G1R'b1q|&X]ˎ72pAd.lBDpf3[ۻ}O/ouԗ[R^e/ \8biB'4f:e+׬BuiEZt5OUߕ:W+W%R-DiZUӃM]gOmY{MS+pTἰ$|-|#|$|O ]έ뤤#Wq&=kę/Yr5˜fV8V6Zx2z{+U_AeRPv()SJV٫P6+{F evzyi.*GeQkZ=鰏dx.&itOLb2ϡlq8"3b '{q4N%ytfjrAΑ*g1yD>8$֕waw w#$oDy_y+Rhcj/GS-;oj`f1j>G78:2o endstream endobj 261 0 obj <> endobj 262 0 obj <> endobj 263 0 obj <>stream xXYƝfs0@ {_(4K QA@T {C6Oxwo]!99s߿ 4 B?+'m t3tbS *VfJ!Rh,f_7߰'to~]T  IQ3N>녾W+g3nZ;RSxH5l0ai DHQLTAhilpxp"| D?vҝ|%!^+ܤyGoc+5EyQ!T7@,pHkN- PCZZ%Z#6pQ4|ϒa-*\r\&ɔ<՞B{p O{љKJSAb:НEW7Un#~OP:\*N.nZJdeiZBϧWhcڔv}x:.+:LM[E^[/Z/E/O^^^k!C242bƈ1c& gL6S2 2Ier(D <N! eJefm=sYٿ)}}}Dy+зwӏO/ֿߢߡ_@` dL6g`AAAtb4+ȡY9DиW!vJCvZ6O_foC|"έ48p)rmp!4?L%'P}GFB/e@Fjám1x[B%bՃ e8cV(vF4\nπHyj[C#GA噌_QmH# /4oV./o* =e"R=Nc6n\bw3+Znb"-ŝc¢8ۍ잽篿ԟqfdrwp% ukƑLJ5 pʟMAA&"!ח+HЎJun1@x}`h`%i=0@"iǮsVŝs9WK<'cq/FƑgS0 C Iw9YoC)?gN;I?tAO7CQMa2O N{Yc}&8]Ƀ^,/ͽ\ήl\n睲t 0_]Rړ:\{f}Ɯ^n]<tA7Ȃ ;hp\8*4(F$xQf0u*`&y8=+<{/ _TVsS~û־+5Lîv(š3d/?޲1}QY ;qxf,!G9󶛔ù<{\9FF>7ᨧ.MK䋳4ی*q+ͣse<@U]'?is?^?^*d\:}+OaLFLnl]uZk>Qrx4Hς ٗKx2t>]ʴQ>p*y1מǰپ27ݨ8Jӥ&VYwFaH[sX*ADbn v )f~NuC&)𸯿@#GΧ:9$kJ kx:)38.7@N{{0ä”*4pfC=~fK&vmJbμ|&OW]4=ʼn5y9VAޜ!չ[OZ̦^l$~za(BbVUK\ZlUc2^LWuuɟP?v 8UQ.0ݴz?&n{*=6+ް3\zk'Myޖ)f>\ql~j1ېrKJ]/$+U8قڏvWmv9FDU4KxUV*?}) ?ev',Hy4W^`J,zB/0AK\=BWex4Z^c/KfaoP WBOrXFl߽|yAHI5?NY/Xyu\Wv K^W"2= 79!ic0] %Zm(4-5sю^r(7™iS\Rq-lDitq<'{bxݛ*?̹@9.H~ƒE,h}ݺ9b2#-JQئԉ ,@BcX~m}n 2|Us:N>jN-~xMQܟzvʮ輗6Z+2|}'Vw^GןmotJ NYȣF=V%ӧl @+Y7Z`C5CX {E0U@駟L8g[tOӠ6 4=06ϼݞڔmÿգU'H'62$t/z*}1U~I!b[ҧ,ʁ}~oI#|>{Ąx.g{w`q*A%gvņpÅ_6-D35SҊ;$ `Qk^EGhIP'W-vdOd'6$1U` 2 BE "c w;[R02!r>,0?= tكi3LIӴg,_LNZzvN@g_6/!|)1v{g'GJorn |Ή̍oݬDπY?"SbO=]I\OsaxxjFY$B{87u9S)Ohg=MOV1ZK6S̟'ok,㕱J9MhiK<αW΁ȤLFmnS%_zגxCPYЮv . * ,Grxt5]9ť==9d-.t{\p#l.-lp1{GzEyq<#sBh%&nT?I%ߑI@u?F3O0*ڕmnvɶ/pɹvBA l&pi&+dJ2{!e:nF4s#97Uup! & E"F8^<NCL 2D;:^|\i9$7!̘|9lh!^0cQv8xʉ5>23)q'irվ8Nu%}IA?0E_!_ %̇GDKNy&V{Mbyi oWnpaMp eXȰWl҇7ߥUUt\ b67$OR22;հ9=;<\"NV^~M[1\8$ÅRtatm\L<{0 @D>_ۘ]]pI l)g`8F8b,9fl=dna4XX8U^\SW/yOēuʓ)+UX'pUjANu%dPÊi{I8Դp..N f(ܷp* J^B꯿ҔGguHjmg.[ Fj1p `fb壃lq`:V@$訲W5C%PWMuCU'eppҴy0[jc~&li˥E@Bs£oDRGUGdz~Mx.gR's)4` 3.f:x;dxD)58* +Z̛&SV@s%XWRХ'j̡ ' S`-p~ڄĒ@[s`c`$?Ē"D 8SXXDD=Dj'gV^i ς/’k"h2r(5x^*ilPLI{Z=d}UN , ylv)8αйǰ \)uwU~xG죊F} 4O>k)^Xqs*4i1oMg;`Sܺ%ZgR@Ua PvptȗNaIC AS~eepf1MS(y$d*܆'o+JBCqay8,:+ 9P1KL@ 2–kil>,h/$kAUzZq!W(?{q ?m"@cllK֛\%PޱU0feEW Ч s?6nge/hފ-Pп>[~ ^V)q6l\ŹİQD#$r"γ ɬnLi¡IiilP,R*;V8r^ OƗ"dKjw,y1/WKUbp%!:]T@ @&)%#+',"*&.!-#+/X)AJZFVN^AQ`($,0 L[3N[b~jwl~'_BmTLB P)<)^ o ? 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The program will provide the experiences, all equipment and supplies, and all instruction in the classroom and on the mobile laboratory at no cost to the school. All activities will be designed to engage students in STEM design-based challenges, increase content knowledge, raise awareness of STEM careers, and demonstrate the engineering design process. Activities will also promote the STEM Fluency Skills \(such as communication, collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, etc.\). \r Learning Undefeated works to increase student engagement and interest in STEM learning through access to equipment, experiential curriculum, and modern technology. All of Learning Undefeated's programs have a focus on serving students typically underrepresented in STEM careers and include the following objectives: increase equitable access to quality STEM education and opportunities for under-resourced communities; excite and engage student populations typically underrepresented in STEM careers through engaging and motivating hands-on STEM experiences; support fostering of STEM identify among participants; increase student and teacher experience and confidence with STEM concepts and techniques; increase participant awareness of and understanding about well-paying, high-demand STEM careers.\r Additional program activities will include the following: host approximately 15 community STEM nights within the 20 regions at no charge to the communities being served; conduct marketing and outreach to identify schools in rural and high needs districts; Texas Mobile STEM Lab website will be maintained and updated as necessary, providing the application process for schools to apply for the program, PPTS and other digitals resources for teaching activities, a schedule of cities that are planned to be served during the school year, and the Mobile STEM Laboratory approved activities for free access and use by districts; a kick-off webinar will be conducted to explain the logistics and expectations of a mobile lab visit.)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8392704/MK<<>>/Rect[ 21.232 401.474 591.137 684.384]/StructParent 75/Subtype/Widget/T(form1[0].Page3[0].StatProgReq1Txt[1])/TU(3. Describe the project design, project activities, materials, and other products, services, and reports to be generated during the grant period and relate them to the stated purposes and specifications as described in the Program Guidelines.)/Type/Annot/V( Learning Undefeated will continue to offer the 10 Texas Mobile STEM Lab design challenges developed in 2020 with TEA \(available at txmobilestem.org\) via the mobile laboratory program. Handouts, presentation materials and other digital resources for teaching the activities will be maintained and available on the website.\n\nLearning Undefeated will analyze feedback from educators who have used the Texas Mobile STEM Lab during the first two program years to revise any curriculum or operational procedures. Revised activities and procedures will be reviewed with TEA to offer feedback and final approval before use on the Mobile Laboratory.\n\nIn order to facilitate marketing of the program, Learning Undefeated will generate an annual marketing plan that includes one promotional flyer, two social media graphics, and pre-written copy for use in TEA s marketing outreach emails. Other materials are available upon request with sufficient notice. \n\nTo support the management and reporting of the project, Learning Undefeated will generate monthly and year end status reports that include student and school data, along with photos. \n\nFormative and summative evaluations will be used to measure the impact of the program on teacher and student content knowledge, career awareness, and the engineering design process. Outcomes will be measured and evaluated using a variety of methods that may include classroom observation, focus groups, interviews, and pre/post surveys. Learning Undefeated will also collect campus-level administrator surveys to collect and track data on the reach of the program, including number of students served, demographics, and percentage of those that qualify as high need. Year end evaluation reports will be provided with results and analysis to TEA.)>> endobj 265 0 obj <>stream xXێ6|WG˛=mH(>mD)ygsI]U ĶDQ23gGzOğVw}LEPI1m,WyYZwkuZ1M4QaJs|)uLmqoL )GFO:)ůhbJwK"نTKª&)CM ~J, \ow6PM#()'yʝ|Dʱfб'3xה9'+?2FۓB۩ͶĴ^bΰ±ҹɗ^91󷡨M*ģ_ڋzI󖛿0,̣<1r@csxv4V<6 (ĶvSIK4+P~\;d6U'oc/0Cv#^f`FJQ6`7v"OV' S|5,_J*b+9Vѻʦ{cr|jɌ@N8fZHxA9 &Dw*u.O$y 3`{bi'Ҩn=[Cf qCAŠ,ytKG_wC(̏&yU&1fK90q|\pTv kL Ā+Gs/;u$,ڸmfy~d"e0jǤ+SħqwR{8 mQ2k;qw UM' ~ S<Y(fƧ`lni\90ٌ=nԫ@Rno/${fr`n`>X&;ݻ¼Uన;ϻ&%ۡK1βpsI> AzXm'S;#^騳p.*;yˉЁ^w!dfяNJ` endstream endobj 266 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>> endobj 267 0 obj [/ICCBased 268 0 R ] endobj 268 0 obj <>stream xU[he>%>h[ZhziY0TtMܮM4Ulf3 }" "X/ؼؗzj*XATߙY,7?|;}*Qˍb57Q#n~Rbz׭˔aɥ!ջT7CZ籼zh2쨰}Ự3rƷ< _b~ x/?Qu anˑU߉I$l؇JY*X{QAʹ? |tgCؔe=/v0ft2ɣc?7$:1)^bX~!JTD_:=6+=jCjMH-Z,9IQ yH؛^ywit$Q͢&>_G1R'b1q|&X]ˎ72pAd.lBDpf3[ۻ}O/ouԗ[R^e/ \8biB'4f:e+׬BuiEZt5OUߕ:W+W%R-DiZUӃM]gOmY{MS+pTἰ$|-|#|$|O ]έ뤤#Wq&=kę/Yr5˜fV8V6Zx2z{+U_AeRPv()SJV٫P6+{F evzyi.*GeQkZ=鰏dx.&itOLb2ϡlq8"3b '{q4N%ytfjrAΑ*g1yD>8$֕waw w#$oDy_y+Rhcj/GS-;oj`f1j>G78:2o endstream endobj 269 0 obj <> endobj 270 0 obj <> endobj 271 0 obj <>stream xm{@H.K6d{]ςD)Ҥw"JA@4D* bGEީ5gy{Ż{6d2ϯE(PW‘TVOnoek2m>;/'+w՛@9JM)WjbY(_1n(Q PHꍞ=}̙>wjJfBwa,5{5g7"M(P!*j uտ7H=Ҁ4!]`[w5^ aa;YJiQөݔDuS:`΀k@j#45wikk, e?I$5c$]%y:B{FlqhD؈F<7_ZXZ,ܵi*jzo [Ӵhk?YJIeұ)ҥ-]R 4J""푾"Jkjz#mD.Oѥt%]Gߧ_:b-=:KtxD\iiy2$C3,3,e SƊ93aL$saʙZ}=z3۩g:~"x48ѵ3"6Ā(>yRs<_V3HZ_)5 ׍wP{PBc mq`Wz.\xE;\ 't1@# G2=t@d`&ڈ]z3R1Zˆs\ ϱImbd;f&_[`!Kުѐ$@yS\B{{//两K Jr47fMm[;;5OOuP:fw0(yٹ罳]]<\3=xIZCJ]u82yۙiQSTsu("`!f##ɐڠz+QUR3`gjXݡC6h= >F40QO 4=֞?tx/Ǡz܋q%Nj^ |Z>/1~gqDrs&!x;.PTSgt=OdqH&?Noק%e`2EiE4/x.iW[7Z[nYAJVM6~Nnޞ!NQ1!Zڹ=GGFއؽEk JyI?Bĥ$$qU-xT+K[XxpQ$` 2sϹtrY>վ |^r:ZUqY>*)=@r^v$u;tj ozoIwlr6zOi |W҈"C=}7{^> K$\axA8(_ r_ G!s26U'~+ಯwKy0>d4u>"fdGg^Kknoxr6ص;[ K쏷,gܴsAc%y~~.A^fwm?qph^X"<g:_F_p!(ܜEވGY׷/~a>>RQs6CQە~"R8f-qhA7.ȒM=6e\twϻB@*kmMM/..izwP&G?V]tJyo:˅1-m{3wZUVRƓ6k䞱^Xc@܆l\k}1>r]P[TmoSw[ Xrg˝`Ziisq\T]m׀sc~Ζ:fن̙'vngعzqtlQ3t|o(L5eTD!X>vL’+N}Ie@ <_^iE4@p4҄۞NME3#^}In'JD?/]{uE>WON)'9xLF^f纰Au +^3E?2yǺOvjjåhl$@#ѐs'W8mo49+7NQ3+#Q`d0¬}c}^"J)Gu8\ٜ\”(+:..3k&/nKv<3*N"PPk_|gI4Sps*W)1I'}9v!EVaK+-tAr^>#5ЏR٪ٷɷɲ.46N6."0ʡ<]Qo{$'դUkYzrGԝ %>80Oxղ)b㓳-..4Qtj=4Ա9=aٜ52<5yxfEK dʐRCyhܽ~](*ܰ#Δ,Zm8$߇+Rz0ᰪ"ϳ$<}L-|\Lsق! @ej1\tr, ` x>tl͵2$,,Y1X½$R%y縂}Ly ,z2Ãa\yBE3H2g'5DXfYxMp=9G ؗQ_OP WCOYo۳d$Ј a´E{4녙b7kw>(ʢ;0Lgrc+ ksU 6K⏬gޕFsbѳ .k?<%G]ͥ-gO'lY!8[(ʋq9D ZѼ~<$$3=RQԮQa,BB cPAmn' 3:;g e2< #~tmq)ܟ:kw&ogw[z{}Lox`HyhKe]^g;ݷ1SV)O y\ @KY#? 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Enter N/A when applying for grant funds.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 280 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 281 0 obj <> endobj 282 0 obj <>/BS<>/Border[ 0 0 0]/DA(//Helvetica 11 Tf 0 g)/DV(Learning Undefeated has reviews and monitors local and state health department, and other official guidance, to create protocols and procedures to operate our educational programming in a safe manner during the COVID-19 pandemic. Safety Procedures will be regularly revisited throughout the school year to ensure they encompass the latest policies and recommendations. These guidelines are not meant to supersede guidelines provided by local or state governments. Additionally, Learning Undefeated will work with schools to follow any additional protocols their school finds necessary to keep students safe.\r\rOther safety issues around the mobile laboratory involve laboratory and reagent safety, security measures around visitors, and emergencies, including weather, medical and student. Many safety issues aboard the lab are similar to those that schools face inside a standard classroom or school environment. Security measures and policies are used to identify individuals requesting to enter the vehicle and doors are locked from the outside. The laboratory team must also prepare for and work to prevent any discomfort students may experience in the unique, enclosed environment. To combat this, labs are designed to be well-ventilated, monitor air quality, allow easy access to entry and exit doors, and inform participants about what to expect prior to boarding. Laboratory safety and an understanding of the chemicals and reagents that are carried and transported aboard the lab should also be considered. All laboratory reagents are documented and accompanied with proper Material Safety Data Sheets \(MSDS\). The mobile laboratory also does not carry reagents above a Biosafety Level \(BSL\) 1 to limit the impact of any spills or accidents.\r)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8392704/MK<<>>/Rect[ 21.337 50.389 590.099 379.162]/StructParent 80/Subtype/Widget/T(form1[0].Page5[0].StatProgReq2Txt[0])/TU(6. Provide a description of safety issues related to operating a Mobile STEM Laboratory. A safety plan must be attached to this application that includes assurance of the safety of Texas students while participating in the Mobile STEM Laboratory program.)/Type/Annot/V(Learning Undefeated reviews and monitors local and state health department, and other official guidance, to create protocols and procedures to operate our educational programming in a safe manner during the COVID-19 pandemic. Safety procedures will be regularly revisited throughout the school year to ensure they encompass the latest policies and recommendations. These guidelines are not meant to supersede guidelines provided by local or state governments. Additionally, Learning Undefeated will work with schools to follow any additional protocols their school finds necessary to keep students safe.\r\rOther safety issues around the mobile laboratory involve laboratory and reagent safety, security measures around visitors, and emergencies, including weather, medical and student. Many safety issues aboard the lab are similar to those that schools face inside a standard classroom or school environment. Security measures and policies are used to identify individuals requesting to enter the vehicle and doors are locked from the outside. The laboratory team must also prepare for and work to prevent any discomfort students may experience in the unique, enclosed environment. To combat this, labs are designed to be well-ventilated, monitor air quality, allow easy access to entry and exit doors, and inform participants about what to expect prior to boarding. Laboratory safety and an understanding of the chemicals and reagents that are carried and transported aboard the lab should also be considered. All laboratory reagents are documented and accompanied with proper Material Safety Data Sheets \(MSDS\). The mobile laboratory also does not carry reagents above a Biosafety Level \(BSL\) 1 to limit the impact of any spills or accidents.\n\r)>> endobj 283 0 obj <>stream x[EWԾ"Hc0k1uAw{J:ߩV]Y'O^zLou6lw7i>'IO?7i?fq%7'7"?!=6YzC*/Wz7zYqՕiiN_?TY^TS]t?0hx?Ӫ; 4 4<]Ȑ5G,cLŒ_(ߑ ܓn&VX*zM0j&,}@n4tUy:ĒD`J:5rlwW=O}QTp1 x`( @,p@9:kHhX:H9 R-6E0"qa^!%++/ߟևO4dVsW S_R`|]_ 5,EEk>v6F:Cva~Rŷ 5#fEM^xE$[ѱH0!BޟJ c?S qXU4{ejB@%ޙC-8edBjUw=lGՇX#RtwT `M":k=cʭkۻ'~d渡ifWB@DCM({]&S~wA#ILI u_ d5>{e K䠆ISYeR$'A90~ 9j5/rqߊx*(IbCx#S{GF&[/,OZж -7 Àh 6ݟ?[ߧ9Y?/%ޯq~9ȺY3Cqx%XX 8dlq.GAde=Me =Ez65*]Ox&CR' ѥam&kj>g;8^G-ʥ;\+䰪צ2ұ"4ɭ0@$͛ܩڮnѷ?ڸv44`@"|?$׵QFIp+{7K56Ҋw"`|XCioaH^R  - ŔPw"G x?Psn&i 檟Bf=T// \|TlM7 z"sXJ7N4`'1曲iul>Z*X6@(cB򿶵;r&90PZ3Youu4R&X#aݒ7 x傔Z, o\.˚aLՃU=OZ3fq!Ӝsp?&v@>7+.bPxt{.x rV%уV^9Ki "Hd[ "=VFt1$wE`K5+!0d=h0j&UcsB2 H _Y|A +)|Px\5rm\ahΡimz$hn"6,ypWv^Xwnb/}!DkRFA2GJ%E颌r!3$ɺ51m8%ֹްRh)aihvC4NµSa2V-:8% W&<  {Hiڻ+LTd/*kQ3J#6pQb,Wை4mrxB5YbgsBSFq1V[n=JcCY-LYAVu!j*J Nk2 $Fdfg \2c8k'uReu[滖)"g$qSЈd7= (iZ,w`C2*H!(|]I'{Pf'|I6#;&1]b\d( vap*!8D˹HՈ}٬r՜R Hu -DFfB-)Z_w?L:Pm~QDO}܂/"!ڐp4J#) \z_Cªw|^zLDGs( @BPڈl!i]N\+ ^;z` B<0Z{E?sH^ȇT&P0륻u^xtv7NІ>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>> endobj 285 0 obj [/ICCBased 286 0 R ] endobj 286 0 obj <>stream xU[he>%>h[ZhziY0TtMܮM4Ulf3 }" "X/ؼؗzj*XATߙY,7?|;}*Qˍb57Q#n~Rbz׭˔aɥ!ջT7CZ籼zh2쨰}Ự3rƷ< _b~ x/?Qu anˑU߉I$l؇JY*X{QAʹ? 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Provide evidence of running a data driven project. Include how previous projects have been adapted based on data analysis.)/Type/Annot/V( Formative and summative evaluations have been used to measure the impact of the Texas Mobile STEM Lab during its first two years of operations. Outcomes were measured using classroom observation and surveys from students, teachers, and campus administrators. Learning Undefeated also collects and tracks data on the reach of its programs, including number of students served, and percentage of those that qualify as high need.\r The TEA Mobile STEM Lab first program year albeit impacted by COVID-19 should be considered a success. Students enjoyed the STEM activities and asked for more time to keep doing the activities or participate in new ones. Teachers and campus administrators were satisfied with their visits, but requested additional time for more students to participate and/or more fully engage with the experience. Teachers also reported improved confidence in implementing STEM activities in the future, either from the Texas Mobile STEM Lab curriculum or new activities that they create on their own. This suggests teachers are comfortable with the instructional model being demonstrated. Further iteration on activities and student survey items were implemented during the 2021/22 program year to better capture targeted goals. \r Feedback also informed programmatic changes, including providing additional information for teachers and campus administrators during the pre-visits to better prepare, increasing classes to one hour when possible, and explaining more thoroughly the skills needed to perform certain activities. The largest critiques of the program have been teachers not feeling optimally prepared for a visit and needing more time for the lessons. Learning Undefeated now provides recordings of the pre-visits to schools so that if a teacher was unable to attend the pre-visit, they are able to view it afterwards. Additionally, teacher and administration surveys are reviewed more frequently to monitor operations feedback more closely and implement changes more quickly.)>> endobj 295 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream HW+tL",  y7U);l_rHH$Y}#tPo*:xo>W_W|B VDbSɒ^V?nW.V/lC:*ZƿV?Wq̤(gc[g}KsǹS]Q"M?DX=}Vs~W8» S&/`Y銾Ne{c,V+7X|C>?8"HSf}CEey-RXSh $EAT:о1ZD!֕ h-;wRD>dnLP;BR+2 ૶pхib&v@B&޹N5P EE@=/ԱGa P_-)b*Gws>2Xw ]d.so%LDӔ=a?4%( y/%% Pꏳ1w [R{taKw,V ⠄A9x< pj1RQn!1T,INGZ,k{c?`EA:QDwF<Ӈں <ܼh-b{/ďj*$b9NJ}dRB7/#48[$ vϴ(Xy Yo 鎄5Pe܂j99TǃPwC981GUi ~/%>ҭ^eh`maս2 0Tf;bEyj_c!Z\".LKȁ8v&=>$EcU{G҂(NK:Fك @'M Fzw@ S&JlA?R T$&<CH `%z'{ۖ5 YĞ05t:ҾPR2`7WwE rְG$Q`fۓ4B6@] We҇3kf`1TLÑZuGs5-aycoQ<@D oF􃣱f8ёUɩ{E*騺,c Y|%! @e:JOIӛQD\Oǥ9Y'gD.':bGu֔v5;MY,+ؙ~ML@ΦkLk*eN02(2ۣm9Y63Z$(#ش4 wlxˆ΁G`Dɂc~@ Y%o]uRJ;\& 4{bbVƎ'ՄE4ŵDWr ҅3 #"g)Lw1}QF9]b% i"PByL,;>#N!Э;4Q@V"zNoS{hR/V rd?Po. 21K|4gELJU$Yy`<I4+iho5mד$A|I*xNJ.!"ݜėo}mh&"q1r%c?u^w>mWZ}zG endstream endobj 296 0 obj <>stream xXmO80~88)&ؖV+A˝]SSH ͪMJoIC+"Dp^<>\O!/_.?w~kI=I,le2K̼PJIBN.YûAW B B"BJp*!j`BiΝ?q4.8iwE6]!#o8#8\XoVE@4,ұffcAGUƞxpSgKw eRF$u(#_. 4o. &}F_;‘$dL[9#!ɣnsaLBj8<|QåRj-wi{׌U3^`x9(J(HTKNkpͬ+CP@`; ATh2+*0C+Ek~{2YY!ڗ.}̴Lׄ!L}Q(J8Ea1 >-),,;Ѕ< %.|^p=W$aWҢ5u#ppa)JKq(ZB$xGCPGqu_+nC0{ "2j˞ݚ;F0T\i'T. 5D:"$XDCT&*]rX).{ytĢm1Y9"V"qڧ,Jˬ5I<ژ [/~/q[#8;鵂.$զހEH3NNEk^d$2KƉzԐrA)K+?߯X`]oJ|Ncc`!N{SVsU&\lW2LM^`G  ^6IRYdy3kOn|NcȻiMB WĬÆbfwfG[O,`uPVZ*:LDx}ث{WS}ߦ!IkwDŽ^FDf oi:H_c橱,7yf%J/%s%?LZn  >ĉŦھf'H (NIXd01_怉8~'*HDžD%F>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 82/Type/Page>> endobj 298 0 obj [ 299 0 R 301 0 R 303 0 R 306 0 R 308 0 R ] endobj 299 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 297 0 R /Parent 254 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 45.263 750.252 89.875 770.071]/StructParent 83/Subtype/Widget/T(CDN[0])/TU(Enter the organization's county-district number.)/Type/Annot/V(N/A)>> endobj 300 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream xPpuV*2R0R01334R0430T(J r ,LL ( JM/I,R04TI2PHj430UIwTr rus( endstream endobj 301 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 297 0 R /Parent 254 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 140.405 750.252 221.731 770.071]/StructParent 84/Subtype/Widget/T(VendorID[0])/TU(Enter the organization's vendor ID. )/Type/Annot/V(32067507510)>> endobj 302 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x ˱ 0~`<][:T8ZEB{=imcWz@UCNuOt|}N1VzOAcrzH $kM^ڊpPz4 endstream endobj 303 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 297 0 R /Parent 254 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 567.209 750.252 591.165 770.071]/StructParent 85/Subtype/Widget/T(AmendmentNo[0])/TU(Enter the amendment number if submitting an amendment to the original application. Enter N/A when applying for grant funds.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 304 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 305 0 obj <> endobj 306 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8392704/MK<<>>/P 297 0 R /Parent 254 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 21.997 48.079 591.134 365.564]/StructParent 86/Subtype/Widget/T(StatProgReq4Txt[0])/TU(8. Describe the organization's current Mobile STEM Laboratory capacity. Include the number of Mobile STEM Laboratories the organization has, how they are transported, and how many students can be served with each mobile unit. )/Type/Annot/V(Learning Undefeateds six mobile laboratories have the capacity to serve 60,000 students per academic year. Learning Undefeated has three types of mobile laboratories in its fleet:\rLab Format Geographic Location\(s\) Students Served\r Annually Class Size\rDrop Anywhere Lab Shipping container Texas 10,000 15\rDrop Anywhere Lab Shipping container Louisiana 10,000 15\rDrop Anywhere Lab Shipping container Mid-Atlantic 10,000 15\rMXLab Tractor trailer Mid-Atlantic 10,000 42\rMdBioLab Tractor trailer Disaster recovery 10,000 32\rExplorer Lab Bus Mid-Atlantic 10,000 16\r\rTransportation method: \r+Drop Anywhere Labs are shipping containers that are transported on a rollaway trailer\r+The Explorer Lab is a bus that is self-propelled and driven by a Class B professional driver\r+The MdBioLab and MXLab are tractor trailers that require a Class A tractor for transport\r\rLearning Undefeated will utilize the Drop Anywhere Lab for the 2022/23 and 2023/24 program years of the Texas Mobile STEM Lab program. The Drop Anywhere Lab is a custom-built shipping container that has its own onboard power, HVAC and water system and is wheelchair accessible. The lab offers an immersive technology-rich learning environment that uses augmented reality and game-based learning and transports resource carts for in-classroom learning. The lab also offers temporary science and technology teaching space when needed. A mobile laboratory instructor will present the Texas Mobile STEM Lab activities in classrooms to students alongside their teacher. At the same time, smaller groups of up to 15 students will participate in the 20-minute immersive learning experience onboard the mobile lab with another instructor.)>> endobj 307 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream HWMsWԎ0 H͞$qUQvs DAR%)_nPcwSAׯ_?|\>o>g\̵,\fR[7inw۰?Զg|=,\1Ur=g7?ϗ) cӿ8ۻBBu-n.8ny n/$.k#8w-EdJVvv @ftĻ]Pe 9_d7)xfTIxಂR\K5%r#"ᰉ{d m3G !%|lj)V._jy:KhwP>_]o~yR_Be{ec)z"^`}=1r%@I 9t4[ '>նCi&iX {ZÎ[udgPxN>)$='1 Mo}e}etOPyo*̚cr3:3 pX0`,/2o+fx`藠T9Z2:ί7}m*$"cE{14C E4$Rlm*O I`Zh c*CvbE>a}U$"DX!AYx|g,XIuUxp6J͌Q/'W#%Si_#:'Jb*=\Bl ܷVz&!$ /q#ۇkmX'-ǴwIM1C%#'eq*P2Wdb/E ʌ-2H,~ &|#M#ә!_P1C um-s86X>g%+Ên$EBsT%dV}djh$աK)a@6ebiwuˬ$fM. 6sD?W~TFfĩup1Ls(Pj>HX H2P_ 9OG4>Zr{@6pGgh=Ma p&h¯j|rv/5 BlH^BjLgfC!KʥMqj)v}oCv̓oCsMbWIχu0(fέcF۝[lGԡF.5lj Ud\m刷D*KKNԓ7" \3W̨\KG.Đ8<]@UHdU5x zU"]LA札CQ2 ?u{ ʮጚHڭ5"`""p!Y sJ]`d$ix1H{7˰3${yj5b%ckw:A$3Zke&O+`kSrxoz:=1l;r*;!uiNwgTe6!'}0, ͐ Q+Xܔ<ŤTeTǭoc[{)iځ@LMU>~K^$Ws jCg?/g}4m endstream endobj 308 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8392704/MK<<>>/P 297 0 R /Parent 254 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 20.835 422.646 589.972 668.487]/StructParent 87/Subtype/Widget/T(StatProgReq3Txt[0])/TU(7. Describe how community events will be hosted and how the Mobile STEM Laboratory can connect to local communities in addition to serving the students in the schools.)/Type/Annot/V( A tremendous benefit that these Mobile STEM Laboratories provide is the opportunity to engage students, educators and community residents with hands-on experiential STEM learning and STEM career exploration in their schools and in their communities. Bringing this resource directly to a community further strengthens the impact of school programming, and eliminates obstacles many families have around transportation and access. There are a multitude of different ways in which the program can engage the general community in the program. Examples include: \r Local community events can be coordinated and facilitated with the Mobile STEM Lab on school campuses. Educators as well as local STEM professionals would have opportunities to share their work and career path, helping bring awareness to the work that they do. \r Invite students and their families to take a tour, meet STEM professionals and learn about STEM careers and pathways\r Students and their families will be given the chance to participate in a hands-on STEM challenge together. \r Learning Undefeated will work with campuses to encourage a STEM Night event in conjunction with the mobile laboratory visit. Each STEM Night will be unique to each campus and mobile laboratory staff will work with schools to provide guidance and suggestions for the event. The STEM events will showcase local businesses related to STEM, tours of the Mobile Lab, and time for students families to participate together in a hands-on STEM challenge. STEM Nights are optional for each campus and will require assistance from the school to invite the local STEM community. To keep operating costs within budget STEM Nights will be held on the school campus. STEM Nights will take place on the first or second night of the mobile laboratory visit. At least 15 STEM Nights will be planned each school year.\r)>> endobj 309 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream HWɒ8+tڎ:Lg: EBl.2*ORB&(\˗/}~akVZ1'kg,3կ?v[s~ڭ~ J8(WXO_OW3ut:|k鎆Ԧ)۱?S)S1w1;;k "Ɲ'L*ۭ܇X2?̷mmg /ٖ\H/'Sm7^%";"X18QZa,M3ߤd2R9S α"L73L⽢wәޞ =b^pp 1r+m 24ߎ 61tnW2yf.3"\N#U5Aϐ(k!t@{J,)m[d*TWUUK=f}yLIM.#bh^v C72jvWF8Z &?%L0W @4|lzjIǼ1oQʹN߂~wy]C]md1-md* iDµm}S,a7.?"VDJVgd> &u툞 ]0|Ev0=,YF~rY /oNTHq Vl64/K|(9Ӝ_8pDVz gX0)1 Eܐ2;_t8@#Jp3bD *уR*dMLֳ~1&ǶXf1Ey̳0T*/uA,vJ/]^@ 0 -SB~CIbE*vcOs@EL>\J)hx jViPٝ (8Fk/X!wq &\51$ ŒIp@"(MP-Mų\XE] <虌v0ՑF޷'H: u$+%# #+[N:Nܥ5v#J4Nˊ(,DfDĐ1nF2*0PI^FU @0N%`ݶ#fi7S<֍4؎RŸό/i ' BV5S ?ZC[1[XȓD4qؖ֡XU 2v3$/% |=u/,R5ٙh^' P\Xq9)@.4#,HX> >Es:>M1^7L䜖Vw׷< EJvCcj.(Yt!#ih0#0^ qr?\=JA/Lnf 6ݎf[ ўe됺wR=/2g[!і&FF8%ߛ~eOԤv#\/݆[ @law"? gڗ"=EċCގBBЙ3`Dg2K1}ś\6a]<.27X 0`̓UikC5֧I: ~t ?ND4N/ȣ?6lU4y1vhԘt(o=Q]Vv^xAjyHA^H&b \Bov"Wɢi{elПF1GRU䢖F>YDj{V*1ǰJXq!*y#Z5.le`a%A=# ļ O-`*Gf'ٮj.lPj8 =3p7L7#4zP9~РlI\QWhtwtQPB-+*L!bip endstream endobj 310 0 obj <>stream x]o6?MD ( 8q6h6z`Pd֦Te~lӲciĦ,yCREUlӧ닫 <_=nt٣ Y uO(3R{5~QJ1`NoǷCwy^ƞOTO/!J %4ƈ)ڛ ov/"Aا <e!1v "DriQ\g(nXLa1wtg>c#p]g$UU|H(o}zJ"Ui1IP:.Ū#!;uo&ؙvvF &s Dn~@*IXA)GE!-,S Aʰ&G"|Ma"sdۡm/0O( $ۨQm%#3Pk `a|`8&I0H{jMj~z=Lڬ*vvm/ c b~OP]SpظCϘaL Gg + bd@"۾pG[BEĉo.U W"̏v8d=69w`ߜz7vATq\ֈ !#Yo;Dc\? ow)$5lR $_H.˲.D؃DNTRdRC#61Ѓ۠J4wJG/KK~[ޘe\,I[8~a]v/pe !18~} ݤuv]hyRf&ƄHum̴iYL઼;I\6F#l*0BNuGnva4aQ=3ϐsCUzrj *?CӢvbI QO)kt[kYf-*ŌKUp dB{S)p@+Wk(uTpEf^U* .w[]+nC}k8٦;Ĭ ]h@5.!ȴ* gЏ֒OY=٠u5ɦJ,5Vw[A^IS@+%S?Y tYF?+Vd]x=NU7h;I"Ts|Q{{ d?UaPF1B2 [uҴ@座fQ-s@W Zb iWuCݟfuUXM6hgaԖ7i3]Z:ϻyاY.f5-w'X4p9].90 0bgr4+:s8*]`)3yp(5ymY^qE$x5׺I72uazwjO>޷C k endstream endobj 311 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 88/Type/Page>> endobj 312 0 obj [ 313 0 R 315 0 R 317 0 R 320 0 R ] endobj 313 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 311 0 R /Parent 255 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 43.919 751.346 89.138 771.165]/StructParent 89/Subtype/Widget/T(CDN[0])/TU(Enter the organization's county-district number.)/Type/Annot/V(N/A)>> endobj 314 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream xPpuV*2R0R0132T0430T(J r ,LL ( JM/I,R04TI2PHj430UIwTr ruu, endstream endobj 315 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 311 0 R /Parent 255 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 141.854 751.346 223.18 771.165]/StructParent 90/Subtype/Widget/T(VendorID[0])/TU(Enter the organization's vendor ID. )/Type/Annot/V(32067507510)>> endobj 316 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x ˱ 0~`<][:T8ZEB{=imcWz@UCNuOt|}N1VzOAcrzH $kM^ڊpPz4 endstream endobj 317 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 311 0 R /Parent 255 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 567.209 751.346 591.165 771.165]/StructParent 91/Subtype/Widget/T(AmendmentNo[0])/TU(Enter the amendment number if submitting an amendment to the original application. Enter N/A when applying for grant funds.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 318 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 319 0 obj <> endobj 320 0 obj <>/Border[ 0 0 0]/DA(//MyriadPro-Regular 11 Tf 0 g)/DV(We are estimating the direct costs of the program to be $250,000 annually. The budget incorporates up to 25 weeks of lab visits to at least one school in each educational district, and incorporates 15 Community STEM Nights. \r\rPayroll Costs \(6100\) Program management and administration includes the Chief Innovation Officer \(Project Director: 10% of 1 FTE\), the Education Director \(Project Coordinator: 10% of 1 FTE\), and the Program Manager \(Project Coordinator: 30% of 1 FTE\). Academic/Instructional staff includes two Mobile Lab Instructors \(Teachers: 100% of 2 FTE\). \r\rProfessional and Contracted Services \(6200\) Contracted flatbed semi-tractor trailer drivers deliver Labs to each location \($1,505 per move\). \r\rSupplies and Materials \(6300\) Non-capitalized lab equipment incudes items such as tube racks, beakers, safety goggles, mini Centrifuges, micropipettes, and other scientific. Reagents used include agar, buffers and gel stains. Consumables are items such as pipet tips, nitrile gloves, culture tubes, and spill pads. Materials and printing covers costs for student/teacher handouts and other instructional materials. \($9,291\)\r\rOther Operating Costs \(6400\) This section includes local staff travel for instructors \(mileage at $36,638 per year[$0.58/mile], lodging at $26,847 per year, and per diems at $11,722 per year[$52/day]\) and is based on visits to each of the 20 educational districts. Cloud computing facilitates program and instruction management and includes subscriptions for internet, Dropbox, Airtable, and Office365. Cell phones are used by instructors in the field and by students in conjunction with the VR equipment and related activities in the classroom \($125 per month\). \r)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8392704/MK<<>>/P 311 0 R /Rect[ 20.835 49.927 591.137 678.818]/StructParent 92/Subtype/Widget/T(form1[0].Page4[0].ProjEvalMod[0])/TU(Describe how the proposed budget will meet the needs and goals of the program, including for staffing, supplies and materials, contracts, travel, etc. If applicable, include a high-level snapshot of funds currently allocated to similar programs. Include a short narrative describing how adjustments will be made in the future to meet needs.)/Type/Annot/V(We are estimating the direct costs of the program to be $250,000 annually. The budget incorporates up to 25 weeks of lab visits to at least one school in each educational district, and incorporates 15 Community STEM Nights. \r\rPayroll Costs \(6100\) Academic/Instructional staff includes two Mobile Lab Instructors \(Teachers: 100% of 2 FTE\). Program management and administration includes the Chief Innovation Officer \(Project Director: 5% of 1 FTE\), the Education Director \(Project Coordinator: 5% of 1 FTE\), and the Instructional Designer \(5% of 1 FTE\). \r\rProfessional and Contracted Services \(6200\) Contracted rollaway trailer drivers deliver Drop Anywhere Lab to each location \($1,505 per move\). \r\rSupplies and Materials \(6300\) Consumable supplies for engineering design activities include cups, glue sticks, tape, vibration motors, batteries, straws, pipe cleaners, string, paper, and bottles. Materials and printing covers costs for student/teacher handouts and other instructional materials. \($9,291\)\r\rOther Operating Costs \(6400\) This section includes local staff travel for instructors \(mileage at $36,638 per year[$0.58/mile], lodging at $26,847 per year, and per diems at $11,722 per year[$52/day]\) and is based on visits to each of the 20 educational districts. Cloud computing facilitates program and instruction management and includes subscriptions for internet, Dropbox, Airtable, and Office365. Cell phones are used by instructors in the field \($125 per month\). \r)>> endobj 321 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream HWK6WZ%)zK6[ @I99m3DWo;Zsr&z0 w蘅fZteB8#~!{[bvTG1 +9 wK0q/Еo>GQp(]uhT`}@EaFr_lvcJJ SRQf٦% ݴ8R"j*Yߑ6FXNߍY:Y:J׮ 5 g1>]^0OhL HM]H¡;{ݚ\7TJF?1zm),XG/}hē XM$`;$/).ā'iڦ0uUvr*Oo2׺5s m,-9W,E_uI*kVﷶ;# ajusc#F .hP>Ij.9j,ƀBDQc~BO@o.a:2z1'r=OM\@Y"s@?(G}!sx!B{h0ݖ-Ɗ|sn*`#Jn/m "s,(غޙZ4'LPEG} fHWLOӊ(-҄+P+{0"t!.;AMⅣ4x_KЋqǃo xstx[쁮!<97>2a"ҏ:8P#5+wd4<%CkZlpu܎`(gVi`ncc -``Qq|{6v$=PFKQ8)WJH{seNK[|%pVI)H^(DO夎 Kvd@!VHJF lJGZJÓOhZ3 &ɡSr' <}i#Y .1:&=E\޻L:,7逓4aN nj5@>stream x]kHz]K3%Дmb*Vч+ {F㱭І`yk{3FG߃Ip=* |x0C>ݎGDephIQUۦJgP"($2 XL0Ƀ˧'[pq&AD 'B&R)p@PB 0F"NOo8K/pnӠEzdbL߃`ryi9ɥF \F$bS:wp\La蘷ڳiYx=dZVISV?8__ޘ#j ?FRT M(؆ Ѹ~L_7~GvÙv8!] _Ч ),?%SIuidD03w`;kǺ_=mJ JRES =bГ9P_#3(h F$3(vI35bG#PKkM޵w-rw\%x`0"-1mw`:': %y J+s/Spw^=P'0xs^S-ea6d6 \L#q(!MO'gQE[.ܫEv/!MyL'A>A0pM|!a~;92[Z0; #;'C S^|p5\,_P & =(3OUQu t wr>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 93/Type/Page>> endobj 324 0 obj [ 325 0 R 327 0 R 329 0 R 332 0 R 333 0 R 336 0 R 339 0 R 342 0 R 345 0 R 348 0 R 351 0 R 354 0 R 357 0 R 360 0 R ] endobj 325 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 323 0 R /Parent 246 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 44.537 749.957 89.149 769.776]/StructParent 94/Subtype/Widget/T(CDN[0])/TU(Enter the organization's county-district number.)/Type/Annot/V(N/A)>> endobj 326 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream xPpuV*2R0R01334R0430T(J r ,LL ( JM/I,R04TI2PHj430UIwTr rus( endstream endobj 327 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 323 0 R /Parent 246 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 142.29 749.957 223.616 769.776]/StructParent 95/Subtype/Widget/T(VendorID[0])/TU(Enter the organization's vendor ID. )/Type/Annot/V(32067507510)>> endobj 328 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x ˱ 0~`<][:T8ZEB{=imcWz@UCNuOt|}N1VzOAcrzH $kM^ڊpPz4 endstream endobj 329 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 323 0 R /Parent 246 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 567.209 749.957 591.165 769.776]/StructParent 96/Subtype/Widget/T(AmendmentNo[0])/TU(Enter the amendment number if submitting an amendment to the original application. Enter N/A when applying for grant funds.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 330 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 331 0 obj <> endobj 332 0 obj <>/BS<>/Border[ 0 0 0]/NM(form1[0].Page11[0].AmendTxt[0].#hyperlink[0])/P 323 0 R /Rect[ 305.46 698.444 411.83 713.459]/StructParent 97/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> endobj 333 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 10.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Ch/Ff 67239936/MK<<>>/Opt[[(Summary of Program)(Summary of Program)][(Qualifications and Experience of Key Personnel)(Qualifications and Experience of Key Personnel)][(Goals, Objectives, and Strategies)(Goals, Objectives, and Strategies)][(Performance and Evaluation Measures)(Performance and Evaluation Measures)][(Budget Narrative)(Budget Narrative)][(Statutory/Program Requirements)(Statutory/Program Requirements)][(Request for Grant Funds)(Request for Grant Funds)]]/P 323 0 R /Parent 246 0 R /Rect[ 20.835 550.639 231.613 570.481]/StructParent 98/Subtype/Widget/T(AmendSec1[0])/TU(Enter the number and name of the first section you are amending.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 334 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream xuP; } h(&<^%ˢ*8I4D$RY)nhu, .H%Kq[i:ݠ<3fWﰑ$֏Vۊ792~S:;?? 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purpose of the change to the third amended section.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 343 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 344 0 obj <> endobj 345 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 10.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8392704/MK<<>>/P 323 0 R /Parent 246 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 237.331 142.564 591.165 246.671]/StructParent 102/Subtype/Widget/T(PurposeOf4[0])/TU(Describe the purpose of the change to the fourth amended section.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 346 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 347 0 obj <> endobj 348 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 10.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8392704/MK<<>>/P 323 0 R /Parent 246 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 238.034 45.899 591.165 136.564]/StructParent 103/Subtype/Widget/T(PurposeOf5[0])/TU(Describe the purpose of the change to the fifth amended section.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 349 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 350 0 obj <> endobj 351 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 10.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Ch/Ff 67239936/MK<<>>/Opt[[(Summary of Program)(Summary of Program)][(Qualifications and Experience of Key Personnel)(Qualifications and Experience of Key Personnel)][(Goals, Objectives, and Strategies)(Goals, Objectives, and Strategies)][(Performance and Evaluation Measures)(Performance and Evaluation Measures)][(Budget Narrative)(Budget Narrative)][(Statutory/Program Requirements)(Statutory/Program Requirements)][(Request for Grant Funds)(Request for Grant Funds)]]/P 323 0 R /Parent 246 0 R /Rect[ 20.835 446.091 231.613 465.933]/StructParent 104/Subtype/Widget/T(AmendSec1[1])/TU(Enter the number and name of the second section you are amending.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 352 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream xu; D{Bu 1r$ .0tⱫeipr \fddY0Dp[TV`*\5X{3Nk>=˼E،6rٛ2a{S: ~vT7[M endstream endobj 353 0 obj <> endobj 354 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 10.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Ch/Ff 67239936/MK<<>>/Opt[[(Summary of Program)(Summary of Program)][(Qualifications and Experience of Key Personnel)(Qualifications and Experience of Key Personnel)][(Goals, Objectives, and Strategies)(Goals, Objectives, and Strategies)][(Performance and Evaluation Measures)(Performance and Evaluation Measures)][(Budget Narrative)(Budget Narrative)][(Statutory/Program Requirements)(Statutory/Program Requirements)][(Request for Grant Funds)(Request for Grant Funds)]]/P 323 0 R /Parent 246 0 R /Rect[ 20.835 338.148 231.613 357.99]/StructParent 105/Subtype/Widget/T(AmendSec1[2])/TU(Enter the number and name of the third section you are amending.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 355 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream xu; D{Bu 1r$ .0tⱫeipr \fddY0Dp[TV`*\5X{3Nk>=˼E،6rٛ2a{S: ~vT7[M endstream endobj 356 0 obj <> endobj 357 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 10.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Ch/Ff 67239936/MK<<>>/Opt[[(Summary of Program)(Summary of Program)][(Qualifications and Experience of Key Personnel)(Qualifications and Experience of Key Personnel)][(Goals, Objectives, and Strategies)(Goals, Objectives, and Strategies)][(Performance and Evaluation Measures)(Performance and Evaluation Measures)][(Budget Narrative)(Budget Narrative)][(Statutory/Program Requirements)(Statutory/Program Requirements)][(Request for Grant Funds)(Request for Grant Funds)]]/P 323 0 R /Parent 246 0 R /Rect[ 20.835 226.831 231.613 246.673]/StructParent 106/Subtype/Widget/T(AmendSec1[3])/TU(Enter the number and name of the fourth section you are amending.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 358 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream xu; D{Bu cI\AacWR $"^$RY)nhuCY@\>HrŖqZN0O7;lvgGm792t;vv;_YM endstream endobj 359 0 obj <> endobj 360 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 10.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Ch/Ff 67239936/MK<<>>/Opt[[(Summary of Program)(Summary of Program)][(Qualifications and Experience of Key Personnel)(Qualifications and Experience of Key Personnel)][(Goals, Objectives, and Strategies)(Goals, Objectives, and Strategies)][(Performance and Evaluation Measures)(Performance and Evaluation Measures)][(Budget Narrative)(Budget Narrative)][(Statutory/Program Requirements)(Statutory/Program Requirements)][(Request for Grant Funds)(Request for Grant Funds)]]/P 323 0 R /Parent 246 0 R /Rect[ 20.835 116.643 231.613 136.485]/StructParent 107/Subtype/Widget/T(AmendSec1[4])/TU(Enter the number and name of the fifth section you are amending.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 361 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream xuP; } xcm2GtdY4C$s ڲ+ERq>ڀpHJwSYȓMxzinPlf c3l>Ik&xxE&) JU !M endstream endobj 362 0 obj <> endobj 363 0 obj <>stream xYoF. âᜢb',+r-8(wPTs_7KJ\Rv *Λ78x;ʗe,w߽pqo؀3Uܤ~Ky^d, +gf!CX2&l\^޲w x`@c-QeZ"fR\ VYXdئbةmE>-⊃$R"(׸8˨䃐=ן<=R؇|Sv;z+ER b]]Ps~6#|,']{!6Pl4\ҳ&DvAHHɆU,/GVʴ0 d8-PH,"_[GnDq t̬e k*Lݮ'hY-!N'.x,>=K6yܴ2NdԹ) pvN%`w_}jܸwa3n7Y?+IT8w3I/hU]]潇Aᅩsc.Bt$mbPJޤ5) Mt2Ah{saDp ux8:@'#ٜXb6[,yܰQ2A]8ã->"F g( ƑK:T^m˩# P<)UA*'2ң)ҴMAЫqŨwsǸ7]òRSg*0"jKV:yP]G*KLu飕LyQ}'X\euqsx,^f&k_t&&MfJTel4U82BG/) IJ6畴j_Jo^B/uNƘ/&*UGU(/)xlS Q?a endstream endobj 364 0 obj <> endobj 365 0 obj <> endobj 366 0 obj <>stream H|TTWg( `}o&%XB bCDciĖ(&X {#P@ˮ U/K࿔rc93s޹sΛA‚|ebPd`4C4;Zk@ 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