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The vendor ID is the organizations state taxpayer identification number on file\rwith the state comptrollers office. Applicants that do not have a vendor ID can find the form online at https://comptroller.texas.gov/taxes/franchise/forms/.)/Type/Annot/V(74-6001448)>> endobj 19 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+ Ppu*r 2PH2T0300545VI,LL ( JM/I,R04TI07530041Tr  4  endstream endobj 20 0 obj <> endobj 21 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 4 0 R /Parent 216 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 432.683 358.504 451.053 378.323]/StructParent 5/Subtype/Widget/T(ESC[0])/TU(Enter the ESC region in which the applicant is located. Refer to /regional_services/esc/ for an ESC region map.)/Type/Annot/V(13)>> endobj 22 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+ Ppu*r 2PH2T030A.}ʢĔ|ݠҜ"CC4. 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352.686]/StructParent 8/Subtype/Widget/T(ZIP[0])/TU(Enter the organization's ZIP code.)/Type/Annot/V(76537)>> endobj 31 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+ Ppu*r 2PH2T0300545VI,LL ( JM/I,R04TI07356Tr  4. endstream endobj 32 0 obj <> endobj 33 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 4 0 R /Parent 216 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 97.725 306.315 241.455 326.134]/StructParent 9/Subtype/Widget/T(PrimContact[0])/TU(Enter the name of the person TEA should contact first with questions or information regarding the application.)/Type/Annot/V(Laura Buckley)>> endobj 34 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+ Ppu*r 2PH2T0300500TI,LL ( JM/I,R0Jqi$%*8&gVj*dq tc endstream endobj 35 0 obj <> endobj 36 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 4 0 R /Parent 216 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 278.12 306.315 478.23 326.134]/StructParent 10/Subtype/Widget/T(PrimContEmail[0])/TU(Enter the primary contact's direct email address.)/Type/Annot/V(laura.buckley@jarrellisd.org)>> endobj 37 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+ Ppu*r 2PH2T0300500TI,LL ( JM/I,R0Jqi$%%&gV:d%dk*dqw  endstream endobj 38 0 obj <> endobj 39 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 4 0 R /Parent 216 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 515.961 306.315 591.474 326.134]/StructParent 11/Subtype/Widget/T(PrimConPhone[0])/TU(Enter the primary contact's direct phone number.)/Type/Annot/V(\(512\) 746-2124)>> endobj 40 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+ Ppu*r 2PH2T0300500TI,LL ( JM/I,R0Jqihh*h*dqt`< endstream endobj 41 0 obj <> endobj 42 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 4 0 R /Parent 216 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 110.781 281.336 241.489 301.155]/StructParent 12/Subtype/Widget/T(SecContact[0])/TU(Enter the name of the person TEA should contact second with questions or information regarding the application.)/Type/Annot/V(Laura Bicknell)>> endobj 43 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+ Ppu*r 2PH2T0300500TI,LL ( JM/I,R0Jqi$%*8e&gh*dqMt endstream endobj 44 0 obj <> endobj 45 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 4 0 R /Parent 216 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 278.454 281.336 477.895 301.155]/StructParent 13/Subtype/Widget/T(SecContactEmail[0])/TU(Enter the secondary contact's direct email address.)/Type/Annot/V(laura.bicknell@jarrellisd.org)>> endobj 46 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+ Ppu*r 2PH2T0300500TI,LL ( JM/I,R0Jqi$%%e&g8d%tM,.@M endstream endobj 47 0 obj <> endobj 48 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 4 0 R /Parent 216 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 515.961 281.336 591.474 301.155]/StructParent 14/Subtype/Widget/T(SecContactPhone[0])/TU(Enter the secondary contact's direct phone number.)/Type/Annot/V(\(512\) 746-2124)>> endobj 49 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+ Ppu*r 2PH2T0300500TI,LL ( JM/I,R0Jqihh*h*dqt`< endstream endobj 50 0 obj <> endobj 51 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 4 0 R /Parent 216 0 R /Rect[ 23.868 151.03 33.868 161.03]/StructParent 15/Subtype/Widget/T(GrantApp[0])/TU(You are required to check this box to indicate your acceptance of application and grant requirements detailed in the grant application, grant guidelines \(General and Fiscal as well as program guidelines\), and instructions provided for completing the application.)/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 52 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H237402VH2P0P0T4B.CC rù Lʹ\ F 9\`]`R1 endstream endobj 53 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x337402VH2P0P0T4.C endstream endobj 54 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H*2T0T¢Tp<.=Sr.#@.Bmfsr  endstream endobj 55 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/Off/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 4 0 R /Parent 216 0 R /Rect[ 23.868 132.972 33.868 142.972]/StructParent 16/Subtype/Widget/T(ProvAssur[0])/TU(You are required to check this box to indicate your acceptance of all provisions and assurances \(the General Provisions and Assurances and any provisions and assurances specific to the grant, as listed in the program guidelines\).)/Type/Annot>> endobj 56 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H237402VH2P0P0T4B.CC rù Lʹ\ F 9\`]`R1 endstream endobj 57 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x337402VH2P0P0T4.C endstream endobj 58 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H*2T0T¢Tp<.=Sr.#@.Bmfsr  endstream endobj 59 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/Off/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 4 0 R /Parent 216 0 R /Rect[ 360.051 151.03 370.051 161.03]/StructParent 17/Subtype/Widget/T(Debarment[0])/TU(You are required to check this box to indicate your acceptance of the requirements conveyed in the Debarment and Suspension Certification.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 60 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H237402VH2P0P0T4B.CC rù Lʹ\ F 9\`]`R1 endstream endobj 61 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x337402VH2P0P0T4.C endstream endobj 62 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H*2T0T¢Tp<.=Sr.#@.Bmfsr  endstream endobj 63 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/Off/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 4 0 R /Parent 216 0 R /Rect[ 360.051 132.284 370.051 142.284]/StructParent 18/Subtype/Widget/T(Lobbying[0])/TU(You are required to check this box to indicate your acceptance of the requirements conveyed in the Lobbying Certification.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 64 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H237402VH2P0P0T4B.CC rù Lʹ\ F 9\`]`R1 endstream endobj 65 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x337402VH2P0P0T4.C endstream endobj 66 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H*2T0T¢Tp<.=Sr.#@.Bmfsr  endstream endobj 67 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 4 0 R /Parent 216 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 140.644 104.412 362.812 124.231]/StructParent 19/Subtype/Widget/T(AuthOffName[0])/TU(Enter the name and title of the organization official authorized to obligate the organization in a legally binding contractual agreement.)/Type/Annot/V(Robert Navarro)>> endobj 68 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+ Ppu*r 2PH2T030043RI,LL ( JM/I,R04TIOJ-*QK,K,*Tr  4 !Z endstream endobj 69 0 obj <> endobj 70 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 4 0 R /Parent 216 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 391.174 104.412 592.939 124.231]/StructParent 20/Subtype/Widget/T(AuthOffTitle[0])/TU(Enter the authorized official's title.)/Type/Annot/V(Chief Financial Officer)>> endobj 71 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+ Ppu*r 2PH2T030043RI,LL ( JM/I,R04TIpLMSpKKLQOKLN-Tr  4.U endstream endobj 72 0 obj <> endobj 73 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 4 0 R /Parent 216 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 55.192 78.903 391.668 98.722]/StructParent 21/Subtype/Widget/T(AuthOffEmail[0])/TU(Enter the authorized official's direct email address.)/Type/Annot/V(robert.navarro@jarrellisd.org)>> endobj 74 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+ Ppu*r 2PH2T030043RI,LL ( JM/I,R04TI(OJ-*K,K,*w99)zE !Y\!@ \ endstream endobj 75 0 obj <> endobj 76 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 4 0 R /Parent 216 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 432.22 78.903 592.939 98.722]/StructParent 22/Subtype/Widget/T(AuthOffPhone[0])/TU(Enter the authorized official's direct phone number.)/Type/Annot/V(\(512\) 746-2124)>> endobj 77 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+ Ppu*r 2PH2T030043RI,LL ( JM/I,R04TI҈054T0715242Tr  4K endstream endobj 78 0 obj <> endobj 79 0 obj <>/P 4 0 R /Parent 216 0 R /Rect[ 70.667 53.38 424.825 73.23]/StructParent 23/Subtype/Widget/T(AuthOffSig[0])/TU(Enter the authorized official's digital ID. )/Type/Annot>> endobj 80 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 4 0 R /Parent 216 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 455.835 53.388 592.942 73.23]/StructParent 24/Subtype/Widget/T(AuthOffDate[0])/TU(For applications signed by hand: Enter the date of signature.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 81 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 82 0 obj <> endobj 83 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 4 0 R /Parent 216 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 346.306 358.504 410.139 378.323]/StructParent 25/Subtype/Widget/T(OrgName[1])/TU(Enter the name of the campus applying for the grant.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 84 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 85 0 obj <> endobj 86 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 4 0 R /Parent 216 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 481.009 358.889 592.939 378.708]/StructParent 26/Subtype/Widget/T(UEI[0])/TU(For federal grants, enter the applicant organization's UEI number. Visit https://sam.directory/register to apply for a UEI number. For state-funded grants, enter N/A.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 87 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 88 0 obj <> endobj 89 0 obj <>stream HUoHnfzק:QũUu _*!6٘Kzov $T:!c 3y3{5.:u. #hi+mnXu+?gEVs"h$9L/3ᣬ7Y>lJ?mA|nނ/!ԩB:@ogIpږ,{'LV}Hr~ s|x5Vv='pU Z{Bifn] |0_:7sJHBy c6"0?08b(K\0aˉBB&+)Cb0+iLU"W0qEaTgvNVm|D*7&-5ȓY#>~I^,,b޷~q)];>5K}s`KAjA2' .4LYC?7c8Ӵ^GsMa@hE] O!F HIP`JP5:*=)|aCTǀT9)P\$|`M߯anu=~y~Rh&%Eеl_a3 Fʸc sb8s9/`?xZ'sq3 kIa:nq- :@ev"SJ#GJhФ<P(DgB=Gt@DD3 (}ܖl'x~Atai0-kߴC<_tY܄q=&_u]] tӋ7N/zjE lwWjޝs\8\J蟂 @RxR{8O7W/9GG/t `inM&φqQ] XgRg<S=,'a endstream endobj 90 0 obj <>stream HVn@}?۽_Jڂ@)JM6lT34IZ(Y9sfgg'ί. x9$O3K䐜w FӄxD1 )"4Q ?я.s9J(1%Ke\GhF9A)#hOԷ(99૰e 3` #10 e))jrbõFd^><S nz G?-Nh<&JɧQV|`V#%l¼n?y5eC!C֬h|g2,a2O`e<4(A\+yzdaA[IKoGzufChQNkH\G/}.6 ]]ü7(}o̬ɪjw| [~*CGoТ!dyNnSpxgw%AWi.[oI1ye4Fc$qFmE{>/Lhp(1 Wմn:&9lǨ!ŏ}&՚&es*| K +Hθ0.#D(IX,"Qaj11E^C|P`Q8qŽR+곰F]RϸvۊϨ=1knނﲹҧd֠[<} 9QjUg*nxx 8ě'C rQО\a/azB `Al\0]US8lE}XhDV*&qJՎ%S^ 2 endstream endobj 91 0 obj <>stream H=o0w 2D!-ݍ(b5:R-JQ"Q2ӣ2 zK[5|<(UN⹽pr\ʩXw7jğH'Hc%nX.ٲr |ႎΡMulyz٫ˋfSWW׫F$#@WtNmvՇχV6YoM s礃hgp LK[KE޲ lWȩBiK,Ɇ6dln l~~=A,Efi /6ҭi+Q^#Oˊh5XtȩDa{0x>27y 0>3ŒtD~Gt6Aݬp(^!ev ϲyS6fa7?xif8d6{/]7ʹ/m!sēljQ]RpLG8v$9k06dPE5 endstream endobj 92 0 obj <>stream HMo0>&,"Ҟz%*$Τ/BJ0,<^)QT8+J>#J,.:ٲѰ%U-jm;48PO6[4>stream HMo@Hsl)8>U8V(lTwc[%n.]xFP'!!&*\(dCR%_ܥ⵻O~×YPLE64xaCf7o@Ӹ+w؎g$iO G*K'm緓k./'shȆ 09 l|6g2GY:cA2T:Amz9/EFH[FQbRF1{-܍21>&1h#|!C BYLW+3L?ln,JsDJaHcu]"RF.AeyLsTA]"|.]$Dle9b8}DC`oqrP;ͮ?q &6޸n & ߁\e4$SЕzn36cf?}iY~sG:,[KJ nmو58?8}ޣnਖ਼ݣ{\Gȗɗx.$uuyQK_ξ}ϐM?CaauPsny- endstream endobj 94 0 obj <>stream HUn0 ?1)bU/rQH '/RCR1ܯ)Mbؐhj3;Z'K.K.+`FQna;(P[ځ]3K.WJr%P2.]zqlhssVcK4 j+h1a|@RbnSIV [{5#ƮiF n hh4$`1SIj)x,nH3X1!v ]16 01,̠"Li܉Vf58X;r!HKX6m ^2Y US5KCGuSc/˄8i VjxWtw ^qq׵zJ{৯ޟgo(u(! 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Enter N/A when applying for grant funds.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 113 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 114 0 obj <> endobj 115 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 104 0 R /Parent 217 0 R /Rect[ 20.747 564.447 30.747 574.447]/StructParent 31/Subtype/Widget/T(CheckBox-TopAlign[0])/TU(1. The applicant provides assurance that program funds will supplement \(increase the level of service\), and not supplant \(replace\) state mandates, State Board of Education rules, and activities previously conducted with state or local funds. The applicant provides assurance that state or local funds may not be decreased or diverted for other purposes merely because of the availability of these funds. The applicant provides assurance that program services and activities to be funded from this LOI will be supplementary to existing services and activities and will not be used for any services or activities required by state law, State Board of Education rules, or local policy.)/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 116 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237U@E\  `TʕU \ \ 9@!m dU5 endstream endobj 117 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+237U@E\  `TʕUA endstream endobj 118 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+ *2Pp2TTT0T lK ;- endstream endobj 119 0 obj <>stream x+  endstream endobj 120 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 104 0 R /Parent 217 0 R /Rect[ 20.747 471.547 30.747 481.547]/StructParent 32/Subtype/Widget/T(CheckBox-TopAlign[1])/TU(2. The applicant provides assurance that the application does not contain any information that would be protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act \(FERPA\) from general release to the public.)/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 121 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H237402VH2P0P0T4B.CC rù Lʹ\ F 9\`]`R1 endstream endobj 122 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x337402VH2P0P0T4.C endstream endobj 123 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H*2T0T¢Tp<.=Sr.#@.Bmfsr  endstream endobj 124 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 104 0 R /Parent 217 0 R /Rect[ 20.747 425.008 30.747 435.008]/StructParent 33/Subtype/Widget/T(CheckBox-TopAlign[2])/TU(3. The applicant provides assurance to adhere to all the Statutory and TEA Program requirements as noted in the Program Guidelines.)/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 125 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H237402VH2P0P0T4B.CC rù Lʹ\ F 9\`]`R1 endstream endobj 126 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x337402VH2P0P0T4.C endstream endobj 127 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H*2T0T¢Tp<.=Sr.#@.Bmfsr  endstream endobj 128 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 104 0 R /Parent 217 0 R /Rect[ 20.747 378.466 30.747 388.466]/StructParent 34/Subtype/Widget/T(CheckBox-TopAlign[3])/TU(4. The applicant provides assurance to adhere to all the Performance Measures, as noted in the Program Guidelines, and shall provide to TEA, upon request, any performance data necessary to assess the success of the program.)/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 129 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H237402VH2P0P0T4B.CC rù Lʹ\ F 9\`]`R1 endstream endobj 130 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x337402VH2P0P0T4.C endstream endobj 131 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H*2T0T¢Tp<.=Sr.#@.Bmfsr  endstream endobj 132 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 104 0 R /Parent 217 0 R /Rect[ 20.747 335.016 30.747 345.016]/StructParent 35/Subtype/Widget/T(CheckBox-TopAlign[4])/TU(6. The applicant assures that any Electronic Information Resources \(EIR\) produced as part of this agreement will comply with the State of Texas Accessibility requirements as specified in 1 TAC 206, 1 TAC Chapter 213, Federal Section 508 standards, and the WCAG 2.0 AA Accessibility Guidelines. )/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 133 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H237402VH2P0P0T4B.CC rù Lʹ\ F 9\`]`R1 endstream endobj 134 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x337402VH2P0P0T4.C endstream endobj 135 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H*2T0T¢Tp<.=Sr.#@.Bmfsr  endstream endobj 136 0 obj <>stream xYmoH(龰q~V+1Iff7НNB:9v|gl/ﯪDYf4quU=OUW >7yV_zs ۧX@J*yQ7yJUEA g?p-ki3+ \&}fh:~wp|,[Ϥ=pƹB0P ^$8Ζ6q^$G]\6(lµݱpm&mI[Z89~9w@}D_Xwh"a$e=j 3Rh*,@Ax,ߚN3R(s(%Ngq1ܭG*VX0P,?O:<$ADtn06 g/ 4p8㮄h1^MY$g?;Va'9wge13nDc >'GD@{@$@?0#M@ tM>s>j>zgeI=.W =g` Ia,o_!Td+:vƍ z-\k NB0-7opc|X/{/8/+{t_c P zѱ3n ]؁ 8 lpﳣc|X;p`\cZ[&[z腋8slm0Hp\Nғ̗OVarZsqпw?a tx֢bsPEIYgD|{VڻWn-]mgT4&ڀpN7PP- E zR m>BD%k3Jߐ$6iU"!0|E^jIҥxvŽgk񛥊*;z%Y+.@[HH!Bir04a9o $uZ{Fx y]20.$k*=SNB5m ~qמqЬojm.gc%FjJe<08T}Ibb}K;dUXE%3MM|dQRiEDR/I\AŐG? 0uC𻼂ELZ:2N9ikT|(MK%Rg(^dQ hGaj(?Fѧh|O bEK4R1n r`79Ƨu]5Tds&iIi~Çu>$´ՙ*%~O*I@9@SǺ49:'Ѳ=4!q2³ݙ>ڲ6M2ڱʲ;ɶ즲s­/5a{ɶ3uǻ7—ڰİ,q&.d¶dq-vw>okjQ0TY]Edq[xvGem!pΗuDӆj:o8FiciC 3uHפ6 N dzwa&^ޟqha'0}xB7=hA)sȲ͛f N:S؍ endstream endobj 137 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 36/Type/Page>> endobj 138 0 obj [ 139 0 R 142 0 R 145 0 R 148 0 R ] endobj 139 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 137 0 R /Parent 218 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 567.209 750.989 591.165 770.808]/StructParent 37/Subtype/Widget/T(AmendmentNo[0])/TU(Enter the amendment number if submitting an amendment to the original application. Enter N/A when applying for grant funds.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 140 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 141 0 obj <> endobj 142 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 137 0 R /Parent 218 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 141.854 751.346 223.18 771.165]/StructParent 38/Subtype/Widget/T(VendorID[0])/TU(Enter the organization's vendor ID. )/Type/Annot/V(74-6001448)>> endobj 143 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+ Ppu*r 2PH2T0300545VI,LL ( JM/I,R04TI07530041Tr  4  endstream endobj 144 0 obj <> endobj 145 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 137 0 R /Parent 218 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 44.526 751.346 89.138 771.165]/StructParent 39/Subtype/Widget/T(CDN[0])/TU(Enter the organization's county-district number.)/Type/Annot/V(246907)>> endobj 146 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+ Ppu*r 2PH2T0300545VI,LL ( JM/I,R04TI02140Tr  4BY( endstream endobj 147 0 obj <> endobj 148 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 10.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8392704/MK<<>>/P 137 0 R /Parent 218 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 21.555 44.975 591.114 668.361]/StructParent 40/Subtype/Widget/T(TextField1[0])/TU(Provide an overview of the program to be implemented with grant funds. Include the overall mission and specific needs of the organization. Describe how the program will address the mission and needs. )/Type/Annot/V(Summary of Program\r\nWith these grant monies, Jarrell ISD will create an environment that allows for personal advising, professional mentorship and career success that will empower students to partake in a comprehensive approach to planning for and achieving success both at Jarrell ISD and in an increasingly more global world. In partnership with academic and career readiness advising, students will explore their strengths and curiosities and be connected with relevant resources and experiential opportunities. This plan will guide counselors and advisors in developing and implementing a college and career advising continuum, using the identified student milestones along the continuum. The plan allows for assessment of students' progress, and support for students in developing and updating individualized plans. In addition, students will be given opportunities to learn about a range of college and career options, as well as, the education requirements linked to careers through advising and exploration. Although this plan will begin with career awareness and exploration in elementary school, grant funds will be used to fund the activities and support necessary to implement comprehensive career advising in the 5th grade as the student transitions to middle school, and from middle school to high school. Two EAF Priorities for Lever 2 and 3 evolved through the scoring on the EAF Diagnostic and EAF Priority Map from the Planning year and Implementation Year 1. Jarrell intends to utilize strategic Professional Development and retain quality certified counselors to improve staff and counselor skills for quality individual advising and align programming with the Texas Comprehensive Counseling Model, strengthening CTE Programs of Study and improving the CCMR Outcomes. \r\n\r\nFull implementation calls for the following: \r\n\r\n1.PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Jarrell ISD recognizes the importance of professional development as training is imperative to best support students. Using grant funds JISD counselors and advisors will attend more Region 13 Counselor workshops, conferences such as the Texas School Counseling Conference, one counselor to attend the CTAT Conference \(Career and Technical Association of Texas \)with the CTE Coordinator, Texas Association for College Admission Counseling, and SchooLinks onboarding. \r\n2. SCUTA: Program and Implementation costs for best practices based on data of quality time spent advising students, aligning with SB 179, keeping accurate records and developing a data driven school counseling program. SCUTA offers confidential, comprehensive documentation and a use-of-time analysis system. \r\n3. VALIDATE ME: Contracted Service to ensure Limited English Proficient students continue on a solid educational path towards a high school graduation and a post secondary education by ensuring the proper reading of transcript and accurate class placement with Validate Me. \r\n4. SCHOOLINKS: This software provides students in K-12 with a single platform for college and career planning that places equal access on career and college planning. Schoolinks will support the students, families and CTE and counseling staff in quality advising with real time progress for student work and planning. \r\n5. SCUTA is the tool counselors will use to monitor the quality time spent advising students, aligning with SB 179 for 80% time spent with students, , keeping accurate records and developing a data driven school counseling program. SCUTA follows the ASCA Model recommendations and offers confidential, comprehensive documentation and data for an effective advising program.\r\n6. TSIA: Because TSIA compliance is necessary for college admissions, the district will cover the cost of the first full TSIA assessment f. In the event the student does not pass, grant funding will cover the cost of additional assessments after remediation.\r\n7. STUDENT PLANNING/ORGANIZATION MATERIALS & STRESS RELIEF ITEMS to help reduce student stress and support career planning and organization materials such as notebooks, calendars and stress aids . \r\n8. CALENDLY: A scheduling platform for appointments for parents, college, career and military recruiters.\r\n9. AVID Summer Institute - Many students do not truly have the opportunity to be college-ready because they are the first in their families to attend college and are from groups traditionally underrepresented in higher education. AVID Secondary equips teachers and schools with what they need to help these students succeed on a path to college and career success. \r\n\r\n)>> endobj 149 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream xXMsFWe7NEKvdKeBJ{+\f_{EpmmU.z_~ݍo7i1<>Es\FW.?(]ɃgjS҉soeIwv-Ggx,.*NBdhJS1[ފ?bd4Bvd Nj,LSbmȕTd6ȝ]+5?[R"brܻsep ;/t|RB!Elܩ2^lec4t7k'=+ 0pU7]h_BBM@Ԯ޺4a Q pDe:b#6F ]f[}KcI/2biu+Qq U;JSޖ..4ֈuEiHD[֦ -W/Fg]v8S,Oу^"TB!TYfCQ "4!ULPLxؤTk=RÔGMyȽr(rԗueHSDtRTGFx&L@Z79>Uὕ-QH tmN)%KSIKrN=qHyB(:إulUWHbGcfF@Ӛ{?ɱ> "9tXIݺ4I `q4SŃ7}!6I;$鴘 ڲf"MBxVi-;of 1[tt^TKE8HLWu"I蝅'J系_7av]8$XҊ+,TˆgdϘ'&fC}]B=s R,dԖksJrY kA:ļ^O[$K^Uӽ67/0Q;Ee]b:tSʣ`xR]T}{zu=)Zk/'Hz ;3?a}zDcX܅vci/>`[ >X/2<4 TTu7VDcq1"4@sj$,4hi*9yNDZQY (GIKf;rpEQT@]ve* HvSxfw?y|7ca2 hl<_#58Ϧ,.4U6Z2Ryź8i#`V>$S\5շjpO^Fb2On12]єG?w:ZƌvN+A;٭vxyfJ% 9žX&C r:[!;gԨxxi@u&ӈr;3v;n0MvTQ{FM#osɒH‰IS > endobj 151 0 obj <> endobj 152 0 obj <>/FontDescriptor 153 0 R /Subtype/CIDFontType2/Type/Font/W[ 7716 7716 281 814[ 291 365 614 537 817 718 225 296 296 420 679 225 408 225 384 537 379 537 537 558 537 537 516 537 537 225 225 679 679 679 447 972 650 569 636 701 515 485 691 707 247 345 560 475 879 742 777 563 777 585 522 529 679 625 933 587 559 584 296 763 296 679 425 262 512 584 461 585 524 296 585 560 224 224 475 224 858 560 584 584 585 345 412 320 561 474 711 446 476 471 296 236 296 679]]>> endobj 153 0 obj <> endobj 154 0 obj <>stream xWo6. #R$E E4Ɋ|&ƀŢmnJr;RM; AV{_ꦮ:]uǛ[ݻ7D`Ep3.Ɣk \M?PJnC)%QʀI"I\>^?/o&w1$HDF܂X$@iJ0FB. >6QHа<&2{S!c2~N#RHĎuXsysDb:}Y/s= iMrU! >4JU =p; o#OPb2H$DvR$#lN+ŏӈH~y){#lgl^%Kk\$Iҿ|n:,{S'S(Y/@~saxXmb.c`畭v=n'3"2s urθ"Ap]75 9ԈD.FDiS;{p:ރ=t=d^4Y 4nhhi4i vѱG\>2ٳ<`ow .)k,ol~6Y7Folna5jx`ac%,ܰ4_W(M~ .0}5+uYo0iw6(]VuӁr묀UULgu5ΒK]vxkg˺.juxسt0U}x3*-lzQWXfYwH'kn0T-7ٷ,*fi˰֯7v*>1-Znk#׻(82S 5>0ocƢ"!ɱ<8V9-vEzkƣZ^KuSlB-KY{y0^%B#dH]ߩzR/{;{>6b_}-x󡎑w;; ~9>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 41/Type/Page>> endobj 156 0 obj [ 157 0 R 160 0 R 163 0 R 166 0 R ] endobj 157 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 155 0 R /Parent 219 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 567.209 750.504 591.165 770.323]/StructParent 42/Subtype/Widget/T(AmendmentNo[0])/TU(Enter the organization's county-district number \(ISDs, charters, and ESCs\) or vendor ID. The vendor ID is the organizations state taxpayer identification number on file\rwith the state comptrollers office. Applicants that do not have a vendor ID can find the form online at https://comptroller.texas.gov/taxes/franchise/forms/.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 158 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 159 0 obj <> endobj 160 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 155 0 R /Parent 219 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 141.854 750.861 223.18 770.68]/StructParent 43/Subtype/Widget/T(VendorID[0])/TU(Enter the organization's vendor ID. )/Type/Annot/V(74-6001448)>> endobj 161 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+ Ppu*r 2PH2T0300545VI,LL ( JM/I,R04TI07530041Tr  4  endstream endobj 162 0 obj <> endobj 163 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 155 0 R /Parent 219 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 44.526 750.861 89.138 770.68]/StructParent 44/Subtype/Widget/T(CDN[0])/TU(Enter the organization's county-district number.)/Type/Annot/V(246907)>> endobj 164 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+ Ppu*r 2PH2T0300545VI,LL ( JM/I,R04TI02140Tr  4BY( endstream endobj 165 0 obj <> endobj 166 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8392704/MK<<>>/P 155 0 R /Parent 219 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 21.26 44.975 591.165 565.511]/StructParent 45/Subtype/Widget/T(textfield[0])/TU(1. \(cont'd\) Summary of Program: Provide an overview of the program to be implemented with grant funds. Include \(1\) program goals, deliverables, milestones, and roles and responsibilities, \(2\) strategy for coordinating efforts with Effective Advising Program Leads, \(3\) facilitation and support strategy for participating and individual districts, and \(4\) communication strategy. )/Type/Annot/V(EAF Coach \r\nCharlotte Winkelmann will be Jarrell ISDs EAF Coach for the Implementation 2 Grant.\r\nShe has over 50 years experience as a teacher, counselor, administrator, and Counseling\r\nDirector. She was the EAF Coach for our EAF Planning Grant and the Implementation 1 Grant.\r\nShe was able to support our district through our vision, mission and goals for a successful\r\nimplementation for both grants to improve CCMR and CTE Outcomes. Because of her\r\ncoaching success, she is a TEA EAF Designated Coach and will be a TEA Distinguished EAF\r\ncoach by the end of the summer of 2023. She is a consultant at Region 13, meaning she leads professional development and is a mentor for the Counseling Coordinators and Directors in the Region 13 area. She is also the Secondary Counseling Support consultant and works with several Region 13 districts in maintaining strong Counseling Programs. \r\n\r\nProject Lead \r\nLaura Bicknell is the project lead. Laura is qualified for this position as she is currently the Coordinator of Health Services. In addition, Laura is a former school counselor with a Texas Certification. Based on her current roles and responsibilities which include providing support for counselors, the CCMR Coordinator and CTE Coordinator. Laura will spend approximately 10% of her time on this project.\r\nDistrict Steering Committee\r\nThe HS, MS and ES counselors will collaborate to align strategic milestones to implement and monitor progress for grade level expectations. A Sped Representative will provide information for and ensure equity for students receiving special education services. CTE Coordinator will collaboratively work to implement and monitor work based programs, Programs of Study and communicate any CTE updates.. A CCMR representative will collaboratively work on the committee to implement and monitor progress for interventions and will provide information about College, Career, Military Readiness. The Coordinator of Health Services will collaboratively work to implement and monitor progress for interventions and will provide information pertaining to student wellness. \r\n\r\nDistrict Commitment \r\nThe district and campus support school counselors and advisors in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of a comprehensive school counseling program, in alignment with the Texas Model for Comprehensive School Counseling Programs, that are led by a certified professional school counselor. In addition, the district provides school counseling program leaders with adequate funding and sufficient control over their budgets to ensure access to necessary resources for implementation of a school counseling program. This includes providing adequate support, staff, training, and a timeline for implementation. The district and campus leadership structure ensures that the school counseling program is represented on district and campus leadership team\(s\) to ensure alignment in counseling program and district/campus goals. The district and campus administrators reserve time for regularly scheduled meetings with school counseling program staff. The district and campus provide opportunities for ongoing support and professional development of school counseling program staff, especially in the areas of academic and career development for effective advising. District and campus administrators are trained on the Texas Model for Comprehensive School Counseling Programs and ensure that counseling and advising are reflected in district and campus goals.\r\n)>> endobj 167 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream xWn7}W@(d;Xv1XvGrMrmsŞbiՅ3gΜ|tp;j5㷣񙚗7݋ZV{5rݯjtVξ^Oތ'_gӵHS'[VZ av)Of8>~,v0Ϋ&j,UTGթ:(Fo NuP(zh RMH@~ ցã.+S.D~5 x\]O>Rw3\᪄_?Xz}Sm))"];pPU&]9m`Ӹ((ek3C||jZf` j:Iͯԧ60RT6rK3Q U@k5z']R0ZG*;r9TK0KZ%ʰ(b# \lڪlt|z* WF[T 2ZK \,IVtq5L`,$ iΗf]ɺ]P?o)I!R$33Q!ԣY,E<|y6n¶Ptgy:Qz'C}`*t-x/"0$U/g"EeUe0( L_L g^8qWdU+ z 3dr]j4,p8  H SUw$ׅ T*hf옃zn[7m(/;4̝T 6C(m?f PW<Bt?ܺRn!܄AR5)11?Q.YfыysՁ,FұZIªy~ekKh R3H~lD?SOFĦջ?/(Ir;~DGaۏ(FWMfSbr7DnAÝ'tm2:dяLIC*"y3d׮1p9u~02Fk,,Pf`v4UR;VHͮOqWp$Leشٖ+JkggyZE&~Nr;d[)j^ܒ"S3mذF\1 '+yD)DŽѸ6 ObBHH%u6 8[Mƿ{TY| [UCGbM'ݕ2ɋJ76t<(-̦O/0@0-P+B_Jmz?t",Y-^-e_Yeک!;[7@*1 0O K,#50RAvQrDѭ`qe'j>2-T endstream endobj 168 0 obj <> endobj 169 0 obj <> endobj 170 0 obj <>/FontDescriptor 171 0 R /Subtype/CIDFontType2/Type/Font/W[ 7716 7716 281 814[ 291 365 614 537 817 718 225 296 296 420 679 225 408 225 384 537 379 537 537 558 537 537 516 537 537 225 225 679 679 679 447 972 650 569 636 701 515 485 691 707 247 345 560 475 879 742 777 563 777 585 522 529 679 625 933 587 559 584 296 763 296 679 425 262 512 584 461 585 524 296 585 560 224 224 475 224 858 560 584 584 585 345 412 320 561 474 711 446 476 471 296 236 296 679]]>> endobj 171 0 obj <> endobj 172 0 obj <> endobj 173 0 obj <>/FontDescriptor 174 0 R /Subtype/CIDFontType2/Type/Font/W[ 7716 7716 281 814[ 291 365 614 537 817 718 225 296 296 420 679 225 408 225 384 537 379 537 537 558 537 537 516 537 537 225 225 679 679 679 447 972 650 569 636 701 515 485 691 707 247 345 560 475 879 742 777 563 777 585 522 529 679 625 933 587 559 584 296 763 296 679 425 262 512 584 461 585 524 296 585 560 224 224 475 224 858 560 584 584 585 345 412 320 561 474 711 446 476 471 296 236 296 679]]>> endobj 174 0 obj <> endobj 175 0 obj <>stream xmo6w8`/ 5#RE"sҢS驒 ~wdQbomQyw?~X.yVˬׯ/^ %,LZ=eJe]J5\,8ףY17p`.nnoWn~F7 CN0>8<!es(l^(g6ь 0:$c4T:l̎zLf ֆװ Y:/yiP2>"xHfxpG`nrSu'~6 {h 8p25i6~G4_O[:vى/#`n qAo>ﳹS\Ep A.׿ ^ѹ;8vӄu]RtH:7zza'Bgc(^QذigFa\ZBՅkrńZ`A7ynDC50]-:_ƞΰ:F5::1NzO&@g$>0^џ O6>":oiT n @XCXwpY C|`mZmhH$3d%3Y'wxl6ľ$(>ɾu|QBh 6z_A~WG*_ meUKY8OSUF$]D 22AopeaB>+f'. +m 9Tw.$*:}ݒDƶ.4kYťj8־[%i%vB:GY(jѡUMN/c$,$!ھjYMO7^Sx5T)~ 2^aqf498g=9@;D)#*pd-mwFKSR]Bey򠷜"2 +bJjoJY0!ҵbæ=RψY$ceD}{0zbu3B5{6GH N‹ N '5CIQޛai~HJ0م=*9o- endstream endobj 176 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 46/Type/Page>> endobj 177 0 obj [ 178 0 R 181 0 R 184 0 R 187 0 R ] endobj 178 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 176 0 R /Parent 220 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 43.919 751.346 89.138 771.165]/StructParent 47/Subtype/Widget/T(CDN[0])/TU(Enter the organization's county-district number.)/Type/Annot/V(246907)>> endobj 179 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+ Ppu*r 2PH2T0300545VI,LL ( JM/I,R04TI02140Tr  4BY( endstream endobj 180 0 obj <> endobj 181 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 176 0 R /Parent 220 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 141.854 751.346 223.18 771.165]/StructParent 48/Subtype/Widget/T(VendorID[0])/TU(Enter the organization's vendor ID. )/Type/Annot/V(74-6001448)>> endobj 182 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+ Ppu*r 2PH2T0300545VI,LL ( JM/I,R04TI07530041Tr  4  endstream endobj 183 0 obj <> endobj 184 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 176 0 R /Parent 220 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 567.209 751.346 591.165 771.165]/StructParent 49/Subtype/Widget/T(AmendmentNo[0])/TU(Enter the amendment number if submitting an amendment to the original application. Enter N/A when applying for grant funds.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 185 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 186 0 obj <> endobj 187 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8392704/MK<<>>/P 176 0 R /Parent 220 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 20.835 45.539 591.137 575.235]/StructParent 50/Subtype/Widget/T(ProjEvalMod[0])/TU(2. School District Partner Selection: Outline the process you took to identify and select districts to participate in the Effective Advising Planning Pilot. What are the key elements that informed your selection? How will you ensure that participating districts fulfill their commitment to develop an Effective Advising Program Plan?)/Type/Annot/V(District Implementation Plan for Grade Expectations and Essential Actions\r\nPriority One: Lever 5:Quality Tools and Resources 5.2 Integrate materials into the individual planning system to support parent and family engagement. EA 5.1 and 5.3 could also be part of this priority focus area., Lever 3: Internal culture for Advising, and Lever 2: , Lever 5: Quality Materials and Assessment Resources, Lever 1: Strong Program Leadership and Planning. \r\n\r\nDevelopmental Area for this Priority: Academic \r\nGrade level Intervention identified to be implemented: By the end of the 9th grade, 90% of the students will take the PSAT 8/9, review the results and align their career goals with the results of Planning Assessments on Schoolinks and College Board resources \(Khan Academy and Big Future\). Making this a grade level expectation in 9th will allow students to review their PGPs they completed in 8th grade in the Implementation Year and make changes if necessary and complete their ICAP.\r\nTargeted grade-level: 9th grade\r\nNumber of students: 245\r\nDevelopmental Area Addressed: Academics.\r\nAlignment to grade level expectations developed during the planning and Implementation year 1. By the end of the 9th grade, 100% students will have taken the PSAT 8/9, complete the Planning Assessments on Schoolinks and create a career goal.\r\nMetrics to be monitored throughout implementation: SchooLinks data and PSAT reports, Khan Academy and Big Futures access will also be monitored. Data will be collected on parents logins to Schoolinks and attendance in the one-on one conferences for HB 5. Data on parent logins and one on one conferences with parents will also be collected. \r\n Key staff: Counselors, CCMR Coordinator, Testing Coordinator & CTE Coordinator and staff. Communication and/or Professional Development needed to addressed the implementation of the priority\r\nAlthough District staff will own this initiative, counselors and trained staff will be leading this grade level expectation. District will provide training for parents who will support students. District technology will collaborate and update as needed. \r\nQuality tools and resources: PSAT 8/9 score results, SchooLinks Planning Assessments and College Board resources: Big Futures and Khan Academy, and usage reports from Schoolinks. \r\nExpected student outcomes: 90% participation in PSAT 8/9 and goal setting. For those who did not take the PSAT, students will still participate in this grade level expectation.. \r\nAnticipated Student Outcomes and their alignment to the metrics: Students will utilize Schoolinks to make wiser choices in exploring, investigating, and selecting post-secondary program options in relation to their future goals and interests. As students plan their PGPs, moving towards their ICAPs, this will also build student self-ownership in their course selections, programs of study, and academic careers.\r\n\r\nGrade Level Expectation 2: Developmental Area for this Priority: Career Planning and Financial Literacy\r\nEAF Levers: Lever 1: Strong Program Leadership and Planning. Lever 2: Effective, well-supported school counselors and advisors , Lever 3: Internal Culture of Advising, Lever 4: Effective Outside Partnerships and Lever 5: Quality Materials and Assessment Resources.5.2 Integrate materials into the individual planning system to support parent and family engagement. EA 5.1 and 5.3 could also be part of this priority focus area.\r\n)>> endobj 188 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream xWr6+Ҏ3#іl6o"؍hә\`PRԯ.@cdr%A޾ч=.G_GS&|Gr}{}qft%Oo6ZM>򲩘60V]]Y$+&PhsX}y?`21W [}dzfg>[kGx/y |5 hqTȍjt <[iyw&U`b/rjtS Y9w;LSJ[8T3;ۉ\t'Z:O.!SMWZP !Be Ơ9Km @K0k*hB^*" p7ڇ2 SE_TUKK;tNJ|n* w uT0I 1rr9\XUC"q~6C 5tM H՘8!zGldKQ$ Gpå-.$mtrLi(jvO+Iav5~AzF:(ߐ T %f-dHI>_̛LɂT&y;љ ]8 ˳T4GR=)7QMQx!vCaҮЀPPb~ :YG jrgZNg~v;pM/E&+w1;TpktvF,e.9HeOǚq_#{ƭˎx[e~oQ2ܑc|5p6lu4jkM7,~:FZ=nFaP22vb8־ƎU.мx1¥H;uV01:NkC??[ԴhoAnDէQLƴӽRsL6Jc#ׄYMsvߟcKlp3x:ҫ K?=ѓA ,;FY-+Ȥ?=kUI[I.!W^w}"+ox@*2T(Ӗg3x-Fn1E~ݻeh^y= endstream endobj 189 0 obj <> endobj 190 0 obj <>stream xXm.@a~\{ĸ] ±kr%m|Q}gvIiEN@b֑<<3;ُ}Ulo?=?=vvQU_}W*d[j5]ufz5q]9  aU>ެʝ=̻â8/ڴ3ύ9<j9t|| ypuߧIFmB3(<"%=x$1x>A_> 1ws{Kq) wWըr O>@G~{ğye4JYNx ydM.9ͬOw0G~ 5BG@.4>e;]_ PF@ H .P^.}ڗnKN_z' e,-7Ώ]X`"@ *\(tC 㘅o^C}=pe)(z9cYb 0L&\(b:sDaYv~(\cǪ@w(yVN UD"^e_̪D@2D~$Xe FD@N8r uįO"avlyYy|90Y6&{V&#A8$4PLjÑ*I%ReZez"@غ@ׁ6xR}z%~ gX?E3 {D do$i;M$ k$, SLGXŽD Igv8N~EٯeVXZD v'94m]w?M`'6zNŚ&_g7#dCUF>JE+u8-28IHPeXTy^=N{K!ϵRQ@ v1I2٤2rR2 Qml8Gh+m}a8>sJq*;7Z+ꭤﷵ2_e^477Pϲ&MmȔHq KNXDղid6v]^FY/D @vd}{Y7UIv *U"LF1|šV"=R"WRwq̌{|$k=J eI,1W&S摻!kҢ*U[ոa@$xKI@rjRMX'=a(đźuR7V`V*E~;L' V)UuCkPqV n<9E2bc7y<sӊCNoIwUCZ 1=% "CrI}=||>*xVy~ m**CI2[oh_%u( N};Z/c@zkf"`j@uĨCr,Le2n8@ ivN(,U3Xj#{?!=ܙӉDl}%pQs>9P^.=L&3(3x) SKۣn]RMAzuyHuFv!٠~"..|cW߫gx^ωTw?,엝U)ps+~*y{敒t޹w:2(b)Yϥ.{$şEizLҺ8x,]><=%zHNWp> endobj 192 0 obj <> endobj 193 0 obj <>stream H|TmPSg你es;qҺum  $4 H|$"A0@CC) (jEtgvnꌮ]=׾t7ڹ3g9>Ҕ؋i:tkʖMI+Rjev 9[ \B%lOE0o{[(/qVG ]kcUVy>!Gӊ "~fVUN,?("ūxڐJܧ&x*79B׺3x'\|F $X+59+ s^g^*]Aڎb ʥ(-4"(*L KP۩N!H3^^nED'P"F?Fły+v|]߇02p;Lg2v{<"%FH/q)H+< (kƉV0^p @"^;O.80t{n \X ~ SpB˙nDPϸG08 ŝLEPHH n9C . 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Enter N/A when applying for grant funds.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 203 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 204 0 obj <> endobj 205 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8392704/MK<<>>/P 194 0 R /Parent 221 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 21.26 44.997 591.165 707.744]/StructParent 55/Subtype/Widget/T(StatProgReq1Txt[0])/TU(Outline the required qualifications and experience for primary project lead \(EAF Coach\) in the implementation and delivery of the program. Include whether the position is existing or proposed.)/Type/Annot/V(Grade level expectation Intervention identified to be implemented: 100% of 8th grade students will create their PGP that will be formalized with their ICAP in 9th grade with their counselor and staff after Find My Path on SchooLinks to identify a career goal based on interest and begin researching the educational pathway of their desired career. The PGP will drive the student course selection process. The FAFSA/TASFA graduation requirement will be discussed in anticipation of submission in their Senior year. Many of the 8th grade students will be enrolled in leadership classes with AVID trained teachers, allowing for the collaboration and an external partnership for AVID training and staff support. \r\nIntervention identified to be implemented Find My Path Assessment completion in Schoolinks. This will include a Financial literacy milestone of utilizing Texas Reality: Check\r\nTargeted grade-level: 8th grade.\r\nNumber of students: 247.\r\nDevelopmental Area Addressed: Career planning and financial literacy\r\nAlignment to grade level expectations developed during the planning year: Students will create a PGP, moving towards their ICAP plan with their counselor. \r\nMetrics to be monitored throughout implementation: SchooLinks and https://texasrealitycheck.com/\r\nKey staff: Counselors, CCMR Coordinator, & CTE Teachers. Professional Development will be needed to address the implementation of this grade level expectation.\r\nDistrict staff will own this initiative, though it will be guided by campus counselors and teachers trained in using these tools and materials. District will provide training for parents who will support students with Schoolinks and PGP conferences. District technology will collaborate and update as needed. \r\nQuality tools and resources: SchooLinks and Texas Reality Check\r\nExpected student outcomes: 100% of 8th graders will complete their PGP and Find My Path in Schoolinks.\r\nAnticipated Student Outcomes and their alignment to the metrics: Students will utilize Schoolinks to make wiser choices in exploring, investigating, and selecting post-secondary program options in relation to their future goals and interests. As students plan their PGPs, moving towards their ICAPs, this will also build student self-ownership in their course selections, programs of study, and postsecondary options. \r\nEssential Action/Grade Level Expectation 3 : Developmental Area for this Priority: Social/Emotional \r\nEAF Lever 5: High Quality Tools & Resources and Lever 3: Creating an internal culture for advising.\r\nIntervention identified to be implemented: 100% of students will complete their Personality Survey on SchooLinks with their counselor and other staff to increase their familiarity, explore their social/emotional interests, and aid in the transition to middle school for course selection.\r\nTargeted grade-level: 5th grade.Number of students: 256. \r\nDevelopmental Area Addressed: This would support social/emotional learning as the students become aware of how their skills related to emotion, behavior, and mindset impacts success in and out of the classroom. \r\nAlignment to grade level expectations developed during the planning year: 5th grade students will start earlier than Middle School in the exploration of personal/social emotional development for career awareness.\r\nMetrics to be monitored throughout implementation: SchooLinks data reports and usage, also parent engagement with the outcomes of the Personality assessment. .\r\nKey staff: Counselors, CCMR Coordinator, & CTE Teachers.Professional Development needed to address the implementation of the priority grade level expectation.: \r\nDistrict staff will own this initiative, but will be guided by campus counselors and teachers trained in using these tools and materials. \r\nDistrict will provide training for parents for Schoolinks to support their students in their Personality Assessment. District technology will collaborate and update as needed. \r\nQuality tools and resources: SchooLinks \r\nExpected student outcomes: 100% participation in Schoolinks career exploration through inventories of personal and social interests-Personality Assessment.\r\nAnticipated Student Outcomes and their alignment to the metrics: Students will utilize Schoolinks to make wiser choices in exploring, investigating, and selecting post-secondary program options in relation to their future goals and interests. As students learn more about themselves, this will also build student self-ownership in their course selections, programs of study, and academic careers.\r\nIntervention Plan: Student progress for all Essential Actions will be monitored and shared with stakeholders using SchooLinks reports. Tier 2 students needing additional support will meet in small groups with a school counselor. Tier 3 students needing more structured support will complete their Essential Actions individually with a school counselor or teacher.\r\n)>> endobj 206 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream xXMs6W쥙tƖ,۲cN3Z'ִg$$-~H6ɴ.}O3_> 4ΎGc2r^ h&`4%?U C1-oH%er#3KTRwE%FJRɔ*MwT^f2Ǐ2KzUi嶳U+,=,HQIRy{OiR= N'KhM.2'b>(엿ݐ*袍3uae "Eb$9ZnƁnUqo@x[Y/^a$YiEN\.v'WH _0Z+ΉdZ'XW"r|`+Xq%HڸR 5C 1Xщw=뙫W5S، 5OMjgA ?m}+k[$,Ǻ[bHsQ4'eatЙ#ƮUII&~{*#T4"Y㩃X:" ;m2QЃc"D]0ޣRjW.%g|L{5c P2U$JbQ$ G"SH$[UB2u[|6ZGfS\>BN5HQ~;t(?a$V\ kY,ͥo2EͲ-BsֳL WfzZ,%siZ ĞS'(J?0=A㽟G<ON⹬JlU Ui֒jmtZN5k׌UUhT1ß0CPpNMhGM $YJ q~Nv44eUhn~(^hJaF*.U8ۻ-;/kaTXh2A+ fvڵi bwzl\kTԂ^$y$XbQ T2Y:ӫm}+mXh~jǷP^ 1ɐ#Գt isjB̼#bz'tGw8-Dk)1sZ!Â\ܳP@P.N.:|EV3u;Զ:LH2Pt7XUmsDt^EI^[rH4;u!]YWYmnȾ3pbیץ+K(GWO,n{'FW=k}BSzbys'7o5U]8&SIAZz =SA:srB"(V5m^E>*'[c_w:aSMxjۄ[ "%˶-=;JX GZWi:~v'hOۮIkW(S7Xe;"G7})Bz'YH\PΘ ܃ MrbLyA JJ3ܭhGȝ|CH$5k`e!gbm ]1HPDsRS; F}Ĕb{V-X%f=Jt8v-?{8BSg p[i;<@w+oase_6m_7(!sd,gW+Qرv7{-r> voX ӼЅ˵UKQ 3gH ǝPp:C*FR\*dP9 ^R4~W]P/dN,n=T06 R yɶH9ex|\/*c endstream endobj 207 0 obj <> endobj 208 0 obj <>stream x]o6+@Q "-D(L?Α䘒U h H|C>}]v}۷g7s 2 S?fwzzWWr_WPWeK@(Vbs5AD! 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Enter N/A when applying for grant funds.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 224 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 225 0 obj <> endobj 226 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8392704/MK<<>>/P 215 0 R /Parent 222 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 22.003 44.998 589.598 665.183]/StructParent 60/Subtype/Widget/T(StatProgReq2Txt[0])/TU(Describe how the proposed budget will meet the needs and goals of the program, including for staffing, supplies and materials, contracts, travel, etc. If applicable, include a high-level snapshot of funds currently allocated to similar programs. Include a short narrative describing how adjustments will be made in the future to meet needs.)/Type/Annot/V(The budget is based on JISDs EAF Priority Map, EAF Diagnostic and in Alignment with the EAF mission, vision and goals from the Planning Year and Implementation Year 1\r\nPriority 1: EA 5.2 Integrate materials into the individual planning system to support parent and family engagement. Priority 2: EA 3.2 Require training on the fundamentals of advising for all district staff who work directly with students and include additional required advising-related training for staff with specific advising support roles. Priority 3: EA 2.1: Recruit, select, assign, induct, and retain highly qualified school counselors and advisors to lead the implementation of the individual student planning system. By the end of the 2023-2024 school year, all district staff who work directly with students will receive training on the fundamentals of advising through training and experiences that allows for more effective student advising. The district will select high qualified school counselors and then provide campus professional development and training as needed for job responsibilities. By recruiting, hiring, and retaining highly qualified counselors, all students will benefit from higher quality advising and implementation of the individual student planning system as well as improved relationships. In support of Lever 1, the school counseling program leadership ensures all school counselors, advisors, and advising support partners receive adequate training related to academic and career advising.\r\nFunds for leadership and planning \(Payroll 6100\): \r\nTeam Lead Stipend \($1,000\) The district has an identified leader who ensures successful integration of effective advising into the overall comprehensive program organizational structure. \r\nEAF Steering Committee Stipends \($5,000\) The EA Steering Committee evaluates school counseling staff roles and responsibilities to ensure an effective advising system.\r\nEAF Steering Committee Stipends: Special Education/SEL Coordinator & CTE Coordinator \($2,000\) The steering committee collects student-level data to drive equitable practices.\r\nExternal partners \(Professional and Contracted Services 6200\): \r\nThese expenditures support Lever 4 by providing funding for effective external partners. These external partners and professional contracted services have been strategically selected to support advising goals. Texas Counseling Association Dues \($1600\) 10 counselors. School counselor and advisor growth and learning through professional development.\r\nTSCA Conference for one elementary and one secondary counselor \($1,550\) \r\nEAF Coach \($20,000\) Identifies gaps in campus and district capacity to meet program goals\r\nTexas Association for College Admission and Counseling \(TACAC\) membership for two high school counselors \($230\) and conference fees and travel for one counselor \($1200\) \r\nCareer and Technical Association of Texas \(CTAT\) for CTE Coordinator and Counselor \($3,000\)\r\nTSIA \($1500\) for retests after intervention.\r\nRegion 13 High School Student Advising Cooperative for one counselor \($500\)\r\nSeeds of Hope \($10,000\) 5th grade students will start earlier in the personal/social emotional development for career awareness as it relates to their personal and social exploration\r\nRegion 13 Counseling Cooperative for all counselors \($2,000\)\r\nRegion 13 New Counselor Institute for one counselor \($900\) \r\nAVID Summer Institute Training 2024 \($60,600\) San Antonio- housing, stipend, travel allotment\r\nCTE Fair for grades 6-8 \($1500\)\r\nHigh-quality Materials and Assessments: \(6300\)\r\nThese expenditures support Lever 5 by creating advising efficiency with tools and resources that support college and career readiness, and align with grade-level benchmarks established in Lever 1.\r\nStress Relief/Organization Materials \($700\)\r\nAdobe Docusign \($480\) For MOUs for External Partnerships, PGPs, HB 5 schedule changes \r\nValidate Me \($1,000\)\r\nCalendly \($900\)\r\nSCUTA \($2,250\) Provides school counselors adequate time to ensure fidelity of implementation.\r\nSchooLinks \($14,500\)\r\n6th Grade Cougar Camp \($1500\) Summer transition activity for incoming 6th grade students.\r\nCTE and Post Secondary Signing Day for Seniors \($1,500\)\r\nFreshman Cougar Boot Camp \($1,500\) Summer transition activity for incoming 9th grade students.)>> endobj 227 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream xX[s8}Wak+SE$FH2 0UylkږhIaOBbf_廜s>}pycwA6Fx(1#f0f oF?q6`$VF_~Iq܈Tm%1iٖ[1ؿ=,Hm;g+'J['CUĤbL&*ʱt)sIZՐJO'g6!`:L&-EyWWJG Tz)e\pGLp{s]iB>!6Mؓr"1 X ޤ䫌 ]F3[v82`bJx04* ҡ(BEgtxD~AHZgdu<>l7\7"tǃo] 3 G$8)Fd*j8*N2&ԁH ہdsg*BSH7dVdz@:ঠ(#BaLRd|?"auB](Xզ݇E?a&xTR},#|"eVcނd<^㺎2 B "I#C1 rGQT"qQ@J?#FIԧPRy!kAѠCXV"wy]'kOeJ)2; 'DSo ߭;ٵ᭍k+cՑIaJ+_?Rj$)@ )~e޺M0< Fzd7XFC}i CP%m)8`Nq;&SiP)%Ʌo}XZi;ݍ"_٬QSxG0KDžr;Da)ҹo 5Q6.2V~UZhfA 5T!Pf^i&JWQ"Q]k|RtUm)Y'q <#.+{% I%~8U4GjOjITO<]6{@9ob̨;NyF26#29dF}a!~ݕ^j4ݷv~?JemmU[J^)Zit~nѴ\lKk+0gr/!P7{+o(e҅zu}!|9s`#>i݅%F%o*qY/m, |V3%+[DWڰ|#(3ayz+?βh:ykawUe5`d#TJr(xXnXٟNiILJ>,b1"Jj'51)`>²k ab?hv&5:~q86C@;8Y0QPҨLDXDJ1k~Ӥu.! /^ZJ8iGz:{̶Pv| \9֏zbQǓ©rmm.|g"EΦ6aט &JKۖsvX G1ȁn%8Ǭi޻X$/jܛ 1dHP:oX]"[ܳ!<(wfUYU3(Cew@MZD֞0*?ADgY3pm{?6&~(3&ϵ͉E梳x ]׋>"շr *< ^+* gW  )uGH[i;K,{^Z^ }٧> endobj 229 0 obj <> endobj 230 0 obj <>/FontDescriptor 231 0 R /Subtype/CIDFontType2/Type/Font/W[ 7716 7716 281 814[ 291 365 614 537 817 718 225 296 296 420 679 225 408 225 384 537 379 537 537 558 537 537 516 537 537 225 225 679 679 679 447 972 650 569 636 701 515 485 691 707 247 345 560 475 879 742 777 563 777 585 522 529 679 625 933 587 559 584 296 763 296 679 425 262 512 584 461 585 524 296 585 560 224 224 475 224 858 560 584 584 585 345 412 320 561 474 711 446 476 471 296 236 296 679]]>> endobj 231 0 obj <> endobj 232 0 obj <> endobj 233 0 obj <>/FontDescriptor 234 0 R /Subtype/CIDFontType2/Type/Font/W[ 7716 7716 281 814[ 291 365 614 537 817 718 225 296 296 420 679 225 408 225 384 537 379 537 537 558 537 537 516 537 537 225 225 679 679 679 447 972 650 569 636 701 515 485 691 707 247 345 560 475 879 742 777 563 777 585 522 529 679 625 933 587 559 584 296 763 296 679 425 262 512 584 461 585 524 296 585 560 224 224 475 224 858 560 584 584 585 345 412 320 561 474 711 446 476 471 296 236 296 679]]>> endobj 234 0 obj <> endobj 235 0 obj <>stream xWn6}1#"%E4I~ODr$ӾlTHBK=)dJ*KGI3_Hx 0tw _!.Lfb ICVgŌn,e Abk9'fT*-Lsf}$d 9,1ŒRopc'/K1:q!h TN)Z(&0D}CNӴS,k#2_/7x~Dx* "e؁8Mlv`PwomǞ 1aW GFt5YP-[jQ-a@;[&K(6vOmYw/Eڡ_=5Eę1{ΰzfWXxh mﶅ-Z[Exd?M^C ?~!Yܡbθ3:8a%V;p0l%*}F|آ?;#{\4N|2I9ql h ,ƾ=-g)gqa]4HB43V͇Uɂ:\Q ?% d]b d~Lth#[8Al1ƟP VPH'*'P :BAeJzߪW,8PQ;C{.vU? 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Enter N/A when applying for grant funds.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 245 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 246 0 obj <> endobj 247 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/0/F 4/MK<>/NM(form1[0].Page9[0].RadioButtonList[0].NoBarriers[0])/P 236 0 R /Parent 227 0 R /Rect[ 37.701 689.713 47.701 699.713]/StructParent 65/Subtype/Widget/Type/Annot>> endobj 248 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream Hl 0FL4c8>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H237402VH*2T0BCS L2r@!t|].H(dDetAY4@. endstream endobj 250 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H*2T0BCS L2r@)$sp% IP &, ҇@hK 0T endstream endobj 251 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/Off/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/MK<>/NM(form1[0].Page9[0].RadioButtonList[0].Barriers[0])/P 236 0 R /Parent 227 0 R /Rect[ 37.996 664.995 47.996 674.995]/StructParent 66/Subtype/Widget/Type/Annot>> endobj 252 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream Hl 0FL4c8>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H237402VH*2T0BCS L2r@!t|].H(dDetAY4@. endstream endobj 254 0 obj 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69/Subtype/Widget/T(Group[1])/TU(Name the second group for whom barriers exist.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 262 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 263 0 obj <> endobj 264 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 236 0 R /Parent 223 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 264.898 612.352 589.371 630.105]/StructParent 70/Subtype/Widget/T(Barrier[1])/TU(Name the barrier to equitable access and participation for the second group.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 265 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 266 0 obj <> endobj 267 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 236 0 R /Parent 223 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 82.165 588.37 231.378 606.123]/StructParent 71/Subtype/Widget/T(Group[2])/TU(Name the third group for whom barriers exist.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 268 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 269 0 obj <> endobj 270 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 236 0 R /Parent 223 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 264.898 588.37 589.371 606.123]/StructParent 72/Subtype/Widget/T(Barrier[2])/TU(Name the barrier to equitable access and participation for the third group.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 271 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 272 0 obj <> endobj 273 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 236 0 R /Parent 223 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 82.165 565.126 231.378 582.879]/StructParent 73/Subtype/Widget/T(Group[3])/TU(Name the fourth group for whom barriers exist.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 274 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 275 0 obj <> endobj 276 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 236 0 R /Parent 223 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 264.898 565.126 589.371 582.879]/StructParent 74/Subtype/Widget/T(Barrier[3])/TU(Name the barrier to equitable access and participation for the fourth group.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 277 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 278 0 obj <> endobj 279 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/Off/F 4/MK<>/NM(form1[0].Page9[0].RadioButtonList[1].YesPNP[0])/P 236 0 R /Parent 236 0 R /Rect[ 56.183 512.167 66.183 522.167]/StructParent 75/Subtype/Widget/Type/Annot>> endobj 280 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream Hl 0FL4c8>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H237402VH*2T0BCS L2r@!t|].H(dDetAY4@. endstream endobj 282 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H*2T0BCS L2r@)$sp% IP &, ҇@hK 0T endstream endobj 283 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/MK<>/NM(form1[0].Page9[0].RadioButtonList[1].NoPNP[0])/P 236 0 R /Parent 236 0 R /Rect[ 93.002 512.167 103.002 522.167]/StructParent 76/Subtype/Widget/Type/Annot>> endobj 284 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream Hl 0FL4c8>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H237402VH*2T0BCS L2r@!t|].H(dDetAY4@. endstream endobj 286 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H*2T0BCS L2r@)$sp% IP &, ҇@hK 0T endstream endobj 287 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/Off/F 4/MK<>/NM(form1[0].Page9[0].RadioButtonList[2].YesPart[0])/P 236 0 R /Parent 237 0 R /Rect[ 56.183 457.668 66.183 467.668]/StructParent 77/Subtype/Widget/Type/Annot>> endobj 288 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream Hl 0FL4c8>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H237402VH*2T0BCS L2r@!t|].H(dDetAY4@. endstream endobj 290 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H*2T0BCS L2r@)$sp% IP &, ҇@hK 0T endstream endobj 291 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/MK<>/NM(form1[0].Page9[0].RadioButtonList[2].NoPart[0])/P 236 0 R /Parent 237 0 R /Rect[ 93.002 457.668 103.002 467.668]/StructParent 78/Subtype/Widget/Type/Annot>> endobj 292 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream Hl 0FL4c8>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H237402VH*2T0BCS L2r@!t|].H(dDetAY4@. endstream endobj 294 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H*2T0BCS L2r@)$sp% IP &, ҇@hK 0T endstream endobj 295 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 236 0 R /Parent 223 0 R /Rect[ 37.18 398.618 47.18 408.618]/StructParent 79/Subtype/Widget/T(Discussed[0])/TU(Check this box to provide the required assurance.)/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 296 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H237402VH2P0P0T4B.CC rù Lʹ\ F 9\`]`R1 endstream endobj 297 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x337402VH2P0P0T4.C endstream endobj 298 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H*2T0T¢Tp<.=Sr.#@.Bmfsr  endstream endobj 299 0 obj <>/N<>>>/AS/1/DA(/ZaDb 8.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Btn/MK<>/P 236 0 R /Parent 223 0 R /Rect[ 37.18 369.422 47.18 379.422]/StructParent 80/Subtype/Widget/T(Affirmation[0])/TU(Check this box to provide the required assurance.)/Type/Annot/V/1>> endobj 300 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H237402VH2P0P0T4B.CC rù Lʹ\ F 9\`]`R1 endstream endobj 301 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x337402VH2P0P0T4.C endstream endobj 302 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream H*2T0T¢Tp<.=Sr.#@.Bmfsr  endstream endobj 303 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/Ff 8388608/MK<<>>/P 236 0 R /Parent 223 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 526.156 323.805 590.207 341.555]/StructParent 81/Subtype/Widget/T(ESCalc1[0])/TU(Enter the number of students enrolled at the LEA.)/Type/Annot/V(3500)>> endobj 304 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+ Ppu*r 2PH2T0304.}ʢĔ|ݠҜ"CC4. cSM,.9@3( endstream endobj 305 0 obj <> endobj 306 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 236 0 R /Parent 223 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 526.156 300.558 590.207 318.311]/StructParent 82/Subtype/Widget/T(ESCalc2[0])/TU(Enter the enrollment of private nonprofit schools participating in the grant.)/Type/Annot/V(0)>> endobj 307 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+ Ppu*r 2PH2T03045540SI,LL ( JM/I,R04TI0Tr  4 endstream endobj 308 0 obj <> endobj 309 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 236 0 R /Parent 223 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 526.156 277.313 590.207 295.066]/StructParent 83/Subtype/Widget/T(ESCalc3[0])/TU(3. Total enrollment of LEA and all participating PNPs \(line 1 plus line 2\))/Type/Annot/V(3500)>> endobj 310 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+ Ppu*r 2PH2T03045540SI,LL ( JM/I,R04TI0650Tr  4 endstream endobj 311 0 obj <> endobj 312 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 236 0 R /Parent 223 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 526.156 254.069 590.207 271.822]/StructParent 84/Subtype/Widget/T(ESCalc4[0])/TU(Enter your current-year allocation for the ESSA title program that funds this grant.)/Type/Annot/V(136,910)>> endobj 313 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+ Ppu*r 2PH2T0304545VI,LL ( JM/I,R04TI046ӱ44Tr  4UsL endstream endobj 314 0 obj <> endobj 315 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 236 0 R /Parent 223 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 526.519 229.833 590.57 247.586]/StructParent 85/Subtype/Widget/T(ESCalc5[0])/TU(Enter the amount you have reserved for direct administrative costs.)/Type/Annot/V(0)>> endobj 316 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+ Ppu*r 2PH2T0304545VI,LL ( JM/I,R04TI0Tr  4| endstream endobj 317 0 obj <> endobj 318 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 11.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Tx/MK<<>>/P 236 0 R /Parent 223 0 R /Q 0/Rect[ 526.156 206.107 590.207 223.86]/StructParent 86/Subtype/Widget/T(ESCalc6[0])/TU(6. 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Enter N/A when applying for grant funds.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 340 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x+  endstream endobj 341 0 obj <> endobj 342 0 obj <>/BS<>/Border[ 0 0 0]/NM(form1[0].Page11[0].AmendTxt[0].#hyperlink[0])/P 331 0 R /Rect[ 305.46 698.444 411.83 713.459]/StructParent 93/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> endobj 343 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 10.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Ch/Ff 67239936/MK<<>>/Opt[[(Summary of Program)(Summary of Program)][(Qualifications and Experience of Key Personnel)(Qualifications and Experience of Key Personnel)][(Goals, Objectives, and Strategies)(Goals, Objectives, and Strategies)][(Performance and Evaluation Measures)(Performance and Evaluation Measures)][(Budget Narrative)(Budget Narrative)][(Statutory/Program Requirements)(Statutory/Program Requirements)][(Request for Grant Funds)(Request for Grant Funds)]]/P 331 0 R /Parent 214 0 R /Rect[ 20.835 550.639 231.613 570.481]/StructParent 94/Subtype/Widget/T(AmendSec1[0])/TU(Enter the number and name of 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Personnel)(Qualifications and Experience of Key Personnel)][(Goals, Objectives, and Strategies)(Goals, Objectives, and Strategies)][(Performance and Evaluation Measures)(Performance and Evaluation Measures)][(Budget Narrative)(Budget Narrative)][(Statutory/Program Requirements)(Statutory/Program Requirements)][(Request for Grant Funds)(Request for Grant Funds)]]/P 331 0 R /Parent 214 0 R /Rect[ 20.835 226.831 231.613 246.673]/StructParent 102/Subtype/Widget/T(AmendSec1[3])/TU(Enter the number and name of the fourth section you are amending.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 368 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x}Q; } xH$P ylX%= <x F5 #[d5 13,<cIܺW#1CyOӒc;:P^^goNXCy+TjBiȡ yy.q :Xg|}[N endstream endobj 369 0 obj <> endobj 370 0 obj <>/DA(/MyriadPro-Regular 10.00 Tf 0 g)/F 4/FT/Ch/Ff 67239936/MK<<>>/Opt[[(Summary of Program)(Summary of Program)][(Qualifications and Experience of Key Personnel)(Qualifications and Experience of Key Personnel)][(Goals, Objectives, and Strategies)(Goals, Objectives, and Strategies)][(Performance and Evaluation Measures)(Performance and Evaluation Measures)][(Budget Narrative)(Budget Narrative)][(Statutory/Program Requirements)(Statutory/Program Requirements)][(Request for Grant Funds)(Request for Grant Funds)]]/P 331 0 R /Parent 214 0 R /Rect[ 20.835 116.643 231.613 136.485]/StructParent 103/Subtype/Widget/T(AmendSec1[4])/TU(Enter the number and name of the fifth section you are amending.)/Type/Annot>> endobj 371 0 obj <>/Subtype/Form/Type/XObject>>stream x}; D{Bu F1r;]COjg dbuQ$YMtBdq`nskW !͆rVsQizz?>_{ORUi!5ddaㄉ5Ꭻ!{x\ endstream endobj 372 0 obj <> endobj 373 0 obj <>stream xYkoF. aNQMGQpl]E Jlj{E9#=J{;jY˂}ݻn` ?m:Oj5_"-lln$-d@J4I)Sa??!@00"um2q-Cf 2bJq%,2f:IA}F@蒅v, 9E#jK8b .T!z;ou*o% PePz/} .glny^-y$gSV=<6iC##h:ǥg̃l]F!~NRՌ~>*U! a& i1Ra98RDnKr1}rȭQ_<(,41mGz0 B +ZhYT zOP_}rT,GmPEzcj 5I[v!27J>e#ۮ 0dٗHv[asbJ)\$?I,eRl63M$~Õdnl,C$Rm)zSd>wQv nxm{)J %Yi Nnp{yڲEn˲U'Y+I8g3.n:k)`]q̥"ЈDEo1]wgRJ =JK'-7#([S2s[kudD6.6D玼CI<:hn4r냹YKPG0")z#4GR 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