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If additional clarification is needed, please call (512)463-9238. 5. Program Authority: Texas Education Code, Chapter 46 6. Index to this application: Place an X in the column next to the schedule(s) being submitted as part of this application or amendment.Sch. No. Schedule NameNew App.Amend. App.Sch. No. Schedule NameNew App.Amend.App.1General Information4Program Abstract2Cert. of Projects by More than One District4ADebt Description3Budget Summary4BProject Descriptions3APurpose of Amendment4CAllocation of Debt ServiceSupport Schedules for (4DCalculation of Weighted Average Maturity3BPayroll Costs 61004ERefunding Bonds Requirement/CalculationX3CProfessional and Contracted Services 62005A(Other Supplemental Schedules, Specify)3DSupplies and Materials 63006AProvisions and Assurances3EOther Operating Costs 64006BDebarment and Suspension Certification3FDebt Service 65006CLobbying Certification3GCapital Outlay 66006DDisclosure of Lobbying Activities(Exclusive of 6619 and 6629)6ESpecial Provisions and Assurances3HBuilding Purchase, Construction, or Improvements 6629 Certification and Incorporation 7. I hereby certify that the information contained in this application is, to the best of my knowledge, correct and that the local education agency named above has authorized me as its representative to obligate this agency. I further certify that any ensuing program and activity will be conducted in accordance with all applicable Federal and State laws and regulations, application guidelines and instructions, the Provisions and Assurances, Debarment and Suspension, lobbying requirements, Special Provisions and Assurances, and the schedules attached as applicable. It is understood by the applicant that this application constitutes an offer and, if accepted by Agency or renegotiated to acceptance, will form a binding agreement.Typed Name and Title of Authorized District Official Telephone Number Date Signed Original Authorized District Official Signature (blue ink preferred) Send signed and dated original applications and application amendments as a PDF file for each separate title/name of applicable bond issue or lease-purchase to:  HYPERLINK "mailto:IFAApplications@tea.texas.gov" IFAApplications@tea.texas.gov. Send signed and dated refunding amendments as a PDF file for each separate title/name of applicable bond issue or lease-purchase to:  HYPERLINK "mailto:IFARefundingAmendments@tea.texas.gov" IFARefundingAmendments@tea.texas.gov. Include Excel versions of Schedules #4C, #4D and #4E, as applicable. See  HYPERLINK "/Finance_and_Grants/State_Funding/Facilities_Funding_and_Standards/Instructional__Facilities_Allotment_Application_Forms___Schedules/" Application Forms and Schedules. ____________________________  TEA DOCUMENT CONTROL NO. Rev 03/12/2019  !12 * , - L X  ɹseR$ jh_h*5CJ\^JaJh_h*>*CJ^JaJhlh*OJQJ^Jh_h*>*CJ^JaJ!h_h*5>*CJ\^JaJh_h*CJ^JaJh_h*CJ^JaJh_h*5CJ\^JaJ&hlh*5CJOJQJ\^JaJ hlh*CJOJQJ^JaJhlh*CJaJ h_h* !2IJrf $$Ifa$gd+_fkd$$IfTlF -+/j+    44 layt+_T $Ifgd+_ $$Ifa$gd+_ $$Ifa$gd+_gd*  + , w $$Ifa$gd+_ $$Ifa$gd+_ $Ifgd+_fkdu$$IfTlF -+/j+    44 layt+_T, - L X vj^ $$Ifa$gd+_ $$Ifa$gd+_!  Z$&dIfP]^Z`gd+_fkd$$IfTlF -+/j+    44 layt+_T  w $$Ifa$gd+_ $$Ifa$gd+_ $Ifgd+_fkd_$$IfTlF -+/j+    44 layt+_T   % . 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