Program Evaluation: Teacher Incentive Programs
In November 2005, the Governor's Office authorized a performance-based pay grant program for Texas public school educators. This initiative, the Governor’s Educator Excellence grant program, commenced in August 2006. In addition, the 79th Legislature authorized two additional performance-based pay programs for Texas educators. All three of these programs were the subject of comprehensive evaluations. The evaluation reports and executive summaries are available in PDF format from the links below.
Governor's Educator Excellence Grants
Governor's Educator Excellence Grants appropriated approximately $10 million in federal funds, which were targeted for 100 campuses with high percentages of economically disadvantaged students and with high achievement or significant improvement in the areas of math and reading.
The evaluation reports and executive summaries are available from the links below:
Governor's Educator Excellence Grant (GEEG) Program: Year Three Evaluation Report (National Center on Performance Incentives, August 2009)
Executive Summary (9 pages)
Governor's Educator Excellence Grant (GEEG) Program: Year Two Evaluation Report (National Center on Performance Incentives, July 2009)
Executive Summary (8 pages)
Governor's Educator Excellence Grant (GEEG) Program: Year One Evaluation Report (National Center on Performance Incentives, August 2007)
Executive Summary (5 pages)
Governor's Educator Excellence Awards Program: Governor's Educator Excellence Grants Year One Interim Report: Campus Plans and Teacher Experiences (National Center on Performance Incentives, May 2007)
Executive Summary (4 pages)
Texas Educator Excellence Grant
The Texas Educator Excellence Grant program appropriated approximately $198 million in state funds, which were targeted for 2,241 campuses with high percentages of economically disadvantaged students and were cited for high achievement or showed significant improvement in the areas of math and reading.
The evaluation reports and executive summaries are available from the links below:
Texas Educator Excellence Grant (TEEG) Program: Year Three Evaluation Report (National Center on Performance Incentives, August 2009)
Executive Summary (11 pages)
Texas Educator Excellence Grant (TEEG) Program: Year Two Evaluation Report (National Center on Performance Incentives, December 2008)
Executive Summary (7 pages)
Texas Educator Excellence Grant (TEEG) Program: Year One Evaluation Report (National Center on Performance Incentives, February 2008)
Executive Summary (7 pages)
District Awards for Teacher Excellence
District Awards for Teacher Excellence (DATE) was a noncompetitive grant that provided funding to support the establishment of the following district-wide goals:
- Â award teachers for positively impacting student achievement,
- Â target the district's most in-need campuses to improve teacher quality, and
- Â create capacity and sustainability for improved instruction within the district.
DATE allowed districts the opportunity to create district-wide incentive plans, create campus-based incentive plans, or implement the Teacher Advancement Program.
 The evaluation reports and executive summaries are available from the links below:
District Awards for Teacher Excellence (DATE): Final Evaluation Report (National Center on Performance Incentives, December 2010)
Executive Summary (12 pages)
District Awards for Teacher Excellence (DATE): Year One Evaluation Report (National Center on Performance Incentives, April 2010)