ࡱ> 5 bjbj hxꉻdꉻdI!I!@@@$AAAPiA-CALDpYE(EEE{l wyyyyyy$ ~@o{@{I!I!EE5$]]]I!E@Ew]w]]'8E)dNcvLG   @ ł6]DӇłłłłłłL łłłłłłłłł  : Section 1 - TREx Requirements and Overview Introduction TREx is a web-based application hosted by the ˿Ƶ (TEA) for transfering student records electronicaly between Texas public school districts and open enrollment charter schools, as well as transmitting high school transcripts to Texas public colleges and universities that use the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) SPEEDE server, formerly known as the UT SPEEDE Server. The TEA Student Attendance Accounting Handbook describes the following minimum information that must be transmitted when a student transfers from one Texas public school district or open enrollment charter school to another under Withdrawal Procedures. Student ID (Social Security Number or State-Approved Alternate ID); Prior ID (Social Security Number or State-Approved Alternate ID, if different from above); Local Student ID Number, if used; County-District-Campus Number; Campus Name and Phone Number; First, Middle, and Last Name and Suffix of the student; Gender, Ethnicity, and Date of Birth of the student; Current Grade Level for the student; and Immunization records. Texas Education Code (TEC) 25.002(a)(3). Home Language Survey The U.S. Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights and Texas state law require school districts to collect information about a students language background at the time of enrollment/registration in order to determine whether the student is a potential English learner. When a student enrolls in a Texas school for the very first time, a home language survey is completed. If a language other than English is identified, the student shall be tested to determine the students language classification and eligibility for placement into a bilingual education or English as a second language program. This original home language survey is retained in the students permanent record for the duration of the students education. Original Home Language Survey Initial/end-of-year Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC) documentation Parent permission/denial forms In addition, TEC 7.010 requires the following information to be included with the student records sent though TREx. Note that the IEP may be scanned and sent as an attached file. See the section on File Requirements below. Appendix A contains a complete list of data elements that may be transmitted through the TREx application. Student Course or Grade Completion Teachers of Record Student Assessment Results Receipt of special education services, including placement in a special education program and individualized education program developed (IEP). Students Personal Graduation Plan Registrars are encouraged to send all relevant information that is available through TREx when a student transfers from one school to another. While schools are not required to send copies of birth certificates of social security cards through TREx when a student transfers, these documents may be scanned and transmitted as attachments if the registrar chooses. Please be aware if you are sending a transcript to a college or university on behalf of a student who is applying for college admission, most Texas public colleges require the following information as part of their admission process. Although Exit Level TAKS or STAAR EOC scores will not appear on the transcript, the scores will be transmitted electronically to the college or university through the SPEEDE server if they are populated on the xml file. Class Size Class Rank Date of Class Rank Date of Graduation Exit Level TAKs or STAAR EOC score by Subject The Student Attendance Accounting Handbook, Part 3 Section 3-9, states enrollment by a student in a school district constitutes authority for the sending district to release the education records of that student, regardless of whether parental authority has been received. (The federal Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) 34 CFR Part 99, 99.31(a)(2) and 99.34) By law (TEC 25.002(a-1)), a district must respond to a request for a student record from the receiving district within 10 working days after the date the request for information is received. The timely transfer of a student record is important for a student's appropriate instructional placement for continued education as well as for various reports and entries on the state assessment forms. TREx facilitates the process of responding to and fulfilling requests for records within the required timeframe. Responsibilities The following sections describe the responsibilities of each participant within the TREx process. School Districts and Campuses Response to Request Districts must ensure that copies of student records are made available to schools to which students transfer. The transfer of a student record to another school district/charter may not be withheld for any reason. By law, (TEC 25.002(a-1)), a district must respond to a request for a student record from the receiving district within 10 working days. Privacy TEC 25.002 and FERPA 34 CFR Part 99, 99.31(a)(2) and 99.34 protect the right of access to the student record. Districts must protect the private information on student records and transcripts from unauthorized individuals. TREx encryption ensures protection of the data during transmission and within the TREx process; however, once the data are downloaded, data security becomes the responsibility of the receiving school district/campus. Local Student Information System The student record information transmitted through TREx is created locally by extracting data from the local student information system. It is the responsibility of the district to implement software that will extract the required data from the local student information system and create an xml file in the prescribed format for uploading to TREx. The receiving district/campus has the ability to download and store the data once the district/campus accepts the student record/transcript through TREx. TREx does not automatically update the receiving campus student information system. However, additional time and effort may be saved if the district chooses to modify the local software extract to populate the local student information system upon receipt of the requested information. Note: It is important to remember that data in TREx are transitory. The data held for campus/district review are automatically purged from TREx within a set number of days. Data Accuracy Campuses and districts are responsible for the accuracy and validity of the data in the student records and transcripts. TREx includes edits and validations of the data that are related to formatting, business rules, and data integrity for transmission and storage purposes. TREx edits and validations are not related to the accuracy of the data. Sending districts and campuses certify the content of their TREx data transmissions (high school transcripts) by electronically signing the "Registrars Statement of Approval" available in TREx. The electronic signature certifies that the district has taken measures to verify the accuracy and the authenticity of the data in the high school transcript. The electronically signed form is stored on a secured TEA server and a copy is downloaded by the receiving registrar. TEAL Approval Districts and campuses obtain access to the TREx application through the ˿Ƶ Secure Environment (TEAL) authentication approval process. Each TREx user must request access through the TEAL Account User and Account Management process. After logging into TEAL, select My application Accounts from the Self-Service menu. The Superintendent or authorized designee must approve all TEAL authorization requests before the requests are sent to TEA for approval. Note: Districts and campuses must submit TREx requests for TEAL access through the automated process available from  HYPERLINK "https://pryor.tea.state.tx.us/" https://pryor.tea.state.tx.us/ . The TREx project does not accept hardcopy TEAL request forms. Equipment Requirements Scanner Software Requirements Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) version 6.0 or higher Email access Minimum System Requirements The PC must have Internet access The Internet browser must be able to support SSL 2.0 standards 128 encryption File Requirements The suggested default file location for attachments (scanned documents) is: C:\TREx. File size limitation: 32MB Extract files are submitted to TREx with the following naming convention: ####LastName_FirstName_descriptor #### = last 4 digits of the Student ID LastName = students last name FirstName = students first name Descriptor = stu (student record) Order123456DescriptionLast 4 digits of Student IDStudent Last NameunderscoreStudent First Nameunderscore3-character descriptorExample1234Doe_John_stuExample: 1234Doe_John_stu Note: Extract files do not require an extension of .XML to be accepted by TREx. As long as the XML format meets the schema requirements, TREx will accept the file with any extension. Attachments are submitted to TREx with the following naming convention: ####LastName_FirstName_Descriptor## #### = last 4 digits of the Student ID LastName = students last name FirstName = students first name Descriptor = le (Limited English Proficiency (LEP) attachment) im (Immunization record attachment) gt (Gifted/Talented (GT) attachment, such as a GT profile) ms (Miscellaneous record) ot (Other to be used for any document that the district is uncomfortable giving any indication of what is contained within the document) tl (Transcript Legend) ## - two-digit generation number (01-99)* to allow for multiple attachments within type *Note: Numbers 81-89 under ms (miscellaneous record) are strictly reserved for Disciplinary Action attachments. Numbers 91-99 under ms (miscellaneous record) are strictly reserved for Individual Education Plan (IEP) attachments. Order1234567DescriptionLast 4 digits of Student IDStudent Last NameunderscoreStudent First Nameunderscore2-character descriptor2-digit generation numberExample1234Doe_John_ot91Example: 1234Doe_John_gt01 (indicates the attachment is a GT record) 1234Doe_John_ms91 (indicates the attachment is related to an IEP) 1234Doe_John_ms01 (indicates miscellaneous attachment is not IEP-related) Record Ownership and Storage The permanent retention of student records and transcripts continues to be the responsibility of districts/campuses and does not change with the implementation of TREx. Districts must maintain high school transcripts permanently (19 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) 74.14(a)). TEA does not store the transcript or academic achievement record (AAR) data transmitted through the TREx system. TREx automatically purges high school transcript data in the same manner and timeframe as student record extract files. Public Colleges and Universities Public colleges and universities are responsible for the timely processing and acknowlgement of student transcript records received from TREx through the NSC SPEEDE server. Education Service Centers (ESCs) Training to Districts and Campuses While campuses and districts process the transfer of student records and high school transcripts, the ESCs provide support and training on the TREx application and processes to districts. The instruction on TREx provided by ESCs to school districts and campuses may include: overall data flow and process; data element definitions; data transmission requirements; and reporting options In addition the TREx User Guide and Video Tutorials are available on the TEA TREx web site at  HYPERLINK "http://tea.texas.gov/Reports_and_Data/Data_Submission/Texas_Records_Exchange_(TREx)/TREx_Training/%20" http://tea.texas.gov/Reports_and_Data/Data_Submission/Texas_Records_Exchange_(TREx)/TREx_Training/ . TEA also provides TREx Customer Support by phone at (512) 463-7246 and email at  HYPERLINK "mailto:TREx@tea.Texas.gov" TREx@tea.Texas.gov. TEAL Approval ESCs obtain access to the TREx application through the TEAL authentication approval process. Each TREx user must request access through the TEAL Account User and Account Management process. After logging into TEAL, select My application Accounts from the Self-Service menu. The Executive Director or authorized designee must approve all TEAL authorization requests before the requests are sent to TEA for approval. ˿Ƶ TEA is responsible for the implementation, administration, and maintenance of the TREx application. Privacy TEC 7.010 mandates that TEA collect and transfer student data for educational purposes. The federal Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) regulations mandate that personally identifiable student data be kept confidential. TEA must follow all FERPA requirements protecting the confidential information in student records and transcripts being sent through the TREx application. All users of the system must also adhere to the FERPA requirements as well. Security TEA is responsible for the security of the data while in transit. TREx has multiple levels of system and application-level security to protect the privacy of student education records as established by FERPA including: TREx has a multi-layered security protocol that safeguards the network. Authentication blocks users until they are approved by the TEAL (˿Ƶ Login secure environment) system. Extensive Access Control Lists (ACLs) apply policies that keep users from reaching restricted resources. Training to ESCs TEA provides training and training materials for the TREx application to the ESCs and provides information to assist ESCs train the districts and/or campuses. TEA and ESCs have an established relationship in providing a train-the-trainer approach. This same training approach is used with the TREx application. Training materials may be accessed from the TREx project web site at:  HYPERLINK "http://tea.texas.gov/Reports_and_Data/Data_Submission/Texas_Records_Exchange_(TREx)/TREx_Training/%20" http://tea.texas.gov/Reports_and_Data/Data_Submission/Texas_Records_Exchange_(TREx)/TREx_Training/ . Record Storage TEA stores all TREx data, including attachments extracted from a local student information system, in a relational database within TREx for a limited number of days. TEA sets and maintains this parameter. Note: At no time during the transmission or the temporary storage of the data does TEA take ownership of the data. The permanent retention of student records and transcripts continues to be the responsibility of districts/campuses and does not change with the implementation of TREx. TEAL Request Processing The TEA Computer Access group approves and notifies the requestor by email when the TEAL ID is ready to use. (The email notifications from the Computer Access group include basic instructions for the initial login and password change.) TREx Roles Following is a list of TREx roles and privileges. TREx Role NameExamples of UsersPrivilegesCampus Registrar/CounselorCounselors, Registrars, Admissions Office staff Send, receive, accept, download, view, track, and approve all information in student records or transcripts for a campus; generate and view TREx reports for a campus; manually enter student record/transcript data for a campus; attach TEA-approved graduation diploma seals and send official high school transcripts for graduates at a campusCampus Registrar/Counselor Multiple CampusesCounselors, Registrars, Admissions Office staff responsible for more than one campus but not for a full districtSend, receive, accept, download, view, track, and approve all information in student records or transcripts for a campus; generate and view TREx reports for a campus; manually enter student record/transcript data for a campus; attach TEA-approved graduation diploma seals and send official high school transcripts for graduates at more than one campusCampus View-OnlyPrincipal, Vice-Principal, SecretaryTrack and view TREx transaction history logs for a campus; view TREx summary reportsDistrict Registrar/CounselorDistrict-wide Admissions staff or District RegistrarSend, receive, accept, download, view, track, and approve all information in student records or transcripts for all campuses within a district; generate and view TREx reports for all campuses within a district; manually enter student record/transcript data for all campuses within a district; attach TEA-approved graduation diploma seals and send official high school transcripts for graduates for any campus within a districtDistrict Registrar/Counselor Multiple DistrictsCounselors, Registrars, Admissions Office staff responsible for more than one districtSend, receive, accept, download, view, track, and approve all information in student records or transcripts for all campuses within a district; generate and view TREx reports for all campuses within a district; manually enter student record/transcript data for all campuses within a district; attach TEA-approved graduation diploma seals and send official high school transcripts for graduates for any campus within multiple districtsDistrict View-OnlyDistrict staff, TREx CoordinatorTrack and view transaction history logs district-wide (all campuses within a district); view TREx summary reports for all campuses in the districtESC View-OnlyESC TREx Coordinator/TrainerTrack and view transaction history; view TREx summary reports for all districts or campuses within the ESC regionVendorSIS VendorsValidate XML extract files against TREx schema.TEA View-OnlyAgency TREx staff and managersTrack and view transaction history logs; view TREx summary reports for all campuses/districts within the stateTEA AdministratorAgency technical staff supporting TREx Perform technical administrative and trouble-shooting functions on a statewide level; generate and view reports TREx Process Overview As Texas students transfer between school districts/campuses or move on to a college or university after graduation, Texas public school registrars receive requests for the transfer of student records to school districts and high school transcripts to institutions of higher education (IHE). These types of record exchange requests occur year-round, with specific patterns of heavier activity based on student semester completion. TREx is designed to meet the requirements for districts and campuses at all times of the year. Although TREx provides a manual entry capability to create student records or transcripts, most districts transmit the data through TREx in an XML-based extract file. The file is referred to as an extract file because it is created through a local vendor-supported process that extracts the student record or transcript information from a districts local student information system. On a per-student basis, districts/campuses upload data (extract file) into TREx and transmit the data to the TREx server. TREx sends the data to the receiving district/campus or to the NSC SPEEDE server (if the extract file is for a transcript) and subsequently deletes data within a set number of calendar days. The number of days that TREx holds a request or extract file is limited from the time it is initially transmitted to TREx. Each TREx transaction is date-stamped, thereby informing users of the number of days remaining before TREx purges the data. Student Records In TREx, a student record is an individual student record sent between one Texas public school district/campus and another Texas public school district/campus. A student record in TREx may apply to grades EE through 12 and should include data for all of the grade levels, if available. When a student record exchange request is an inbound type, it originates from a receiving district. In other words, the student has transferred and the district receiving that student needs his or her student records from the campus of last enrollment. The receiving registrar creates a record request in TREx, which is transmitted to the students previous campus. TREx notifies the exiting registrar (at the campus of last enrollment) by email that a request exists if the campus does not open the request within 24 hours of its being sent. The exiting registrar clicks on the request link from the TREx home page and verifies through local records that the student did attend that campus. If the request is not valid for that campus (i.e., the student was not enrolled at the campus), the exiting registrar rejects the request. TREx logs the rejected transaction status and sends the receiving registrar notification. If the request is valid, the exiting registrar creates an extract file from the local student information system and transmits the student record through TREx. If the request is valid but the student record is not available from a local student information system, the registrar can manually enter the data in TREx. High School Transcripts A high school transcript record in TREx refers to the official high school transcript or academic achievement record (AAR) for Grades 9-12. The transcript is an official and permanent record of a student's academic performance during high school and, in some cases, of high school courses completed in middle school or junior high school (TEC 28.025(e)). When the request is an outbound type (a high school student requesting a transcript be sent to a college), the exiting registrar uploads the students high school transcript to TREx via an extract file of data from the local student information system and selects the college. Sending districts and campuses certify the content of the high school transcript data by electronically signing the "Registrars Statement of Approval" available in TREx. The electronic signature certifies that the district has taken measures to verify the accuracy and the authenticity of the data in the high school transcript. As with student records, registrars have the ability to manually enter transcripts in TREx if the data are not available in the local student information system. Note: The campus or district procedures for how high school students request a transcript be sent to a college or university remain unchanged; only the means by which the request is fulfilled changes with the implementation of the TREx system. An interface into TREx from authorized external applications such as ApplyTexas has been added. A student using such an application may create an electronic request for a transcript to be sent to a college or university. The resulting request is placed in the students high school campus TREx inbound request queue. The high school registrar may then process this request in the same manner as if the request was made by the student in person. TREx presents the transcript in the required standard AAR format with the approved graduation seal. TREx transmits the high school transcript to the NSC SPEEDE server, which then transmits it to a designated server at the receiving college or university. Note: TREx includes a campus/district transcript legend option that creates a pdf, which can be attached to all transcript records. Since there is no national standard for transmission of the pdf file format and public colleges and universities in Texas are not prepared to receive such a file via the NSC SPEEDE Server, this document should not be transmitted through TREx to the NSC SPEEDE Server. Following is an illustration of the general TREx process flow for Student Records transmitted between Texas public school districts:  Following is an illustration of the general TREx process flow for High School Transcripts being sent to colleges and universities from Texas public high schools:  TREx Functionality As the work flow diagrams illustrate, functionality within TREx includes the ability to search student records, upload the XML-based extract files from local student information systems to TREx and transmit the extract file to the selected public school or public IHE. Additional TREx functionality includes the ability to review data received, download the data, fulfill a request, hold a request (for example if current coursework in the student record requires updating with final grades), and reject a request if it is invalid. An example of an invalid request is a student record request for a student who did not attend the campus receiving the request for a student record. Managing Student Records TREx provides a user home page that includes a group of Managing Student Records functions. This group of functions allows the users to search through student records and transcripts (if applicable) within their Manage Records folder on the home page. Registrars can view the student record or transcript, as well as upload to TREx or download records from TREx for their campus/district (as defined by their TREx role). Additionally registrars can track inbound and outbound requests by their tracking number and view the full transaction history of those requests from the Manage Student Records page. Send Record Request TREx is designed to meet the needs of both the exiting and receiving registrars in locating the correct student records. For a receiving registrar, the TREx process begins with a request created in TREx that is presented to an exiting registrar. A TREx request includes the following key elements: Student ID; First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Suffix (generation code); Date of Birth; Gender; Ethnicity; and Information of the requesting district/campus. A receiving campus can retrieve the request from the TREx home page. TREx sends an email notification to receiving campuses if no transaction status change is logged after 24 hours of receipt of an inbound request. Search Capabilities TREx interfaces with another TEA application to assist registrars in searching for the last campus attended by for a student. Registrars perform searches by providing key elements found in the request itself. If the student record exists for a campus, TREx displays a single student or a list of students and the registrar can select the correct student. If no students match the request, the registrar has to rely on alternate means to obtain the information, such as searching by student ID or name. TREx also provides the ability to search for institutions by type (PK-12 or Post-Secondary), campus ID, campus name, and city. Manual Data Entry When the exiting registrar fulfills a request for the student record or transcript, the exiting registrar extracts the data from the local student information system and uploads the data to TREx. If the data are not in the local student information system, the exiting registrar can enter the data on the manual data entry forms available within TREx. The manual data entry screens are organized by data types, such as student identification or demographic data. Drop-down selection lists are available for those data elements that are a CODED Type. For data elements with a TEXT Type, free-form fields are available; each is limited by the length specified in the TREx Data Standards. TREx validates the data and then creates an XML file that then can be processed as those XML extract files generated through the SIS extract process. Attachments In some cases registrars want to attach information to a student record. If attachments are needed, attachments in TREx can be sent in the following formats: PDF format; MS Word (.doc) files; MS Excel (.xls) files; and Data file (such as ASCII data file) in another application. Examples of attachments in the TREx process include: Immunization records, if the data are not available electronically; Personal graduation plan, if applicable; and Individualized Education Plan (IEP), if applicable. An example of an attachment that is prohibited in the TREx records exchange process is video files. Note: For information on file naming conventions for TREx attachments, please reference File Requirements in this chapter. Email Notifications TREx sends email notifications for any type of change in status, such as received, accepted, fulfilled, and denied. Following is an example of an aged email notification: Your TREx account shows inbound student records, transcripts, and/or requests from other districts and campuses that have not shown any transaction status change in over 24 hours after having been sent to your campus or district. Please log in to the TREx system and review the Items Requiring Attention portion of the TREx home page for a full listing of transaction statuses. At the time of this notification, this includes: AUSTIN H S (AUSTIN ISD) -------------------------------------------------------- 4 Inbound Requests 4 Inbound Records/Transcripts 4 Rejected Outbound Requests 1 Rejected Outbound Records/Transcripts -------------------------------------------------------- To access TREx, log on through TEAL at;  HYPERLINK "https://pryor.tea.state.tx.us/" https://pryor.tea.state.tx.us/ TREx automatically sends the email notification throughout the record transfer process to campuses or districts if the receiver does not process inbound requests or records in the queue within 24 hours of transmission. (TREx sends these email notifications to all participants at the district or campus as set by their TREx role and privileges.) TREx displays inbound records or requests in rows with each row displaying the delivery time, last name, first name, student ID, and a link to the transaction history. Tracking Transactions The Tracking Request and Records group of functions in TREx provide users with a dynamic mechanism for tracking the progress and status of pending outbound and inbound requests. TREx provides the ability to track each transaction throughout the process flow by a unique transaction ID assigned by TREx. This is similar to many on-line mail delivery tracking applications. Additionally TREx logs each transaction status in a permanent transaction log. The transaction history includes: Date stamp of request submission; Date stamp of receipt of request; Date stamp of rejection; Date stamp of transmission; Date stamp of acceptance/retrieval by receiving school; Date stamp of transmission failure; and Date stamp of purge from TREx. TREx does not permanently store the student record or transcript files. Only the transaction history is saved in TREx. Reports TREx includes dynamically-generated reports that may be used for evaluation of general performance and electronic transfers. Examples of TREx reports include: Printable PDF of student record and transcript together for Grades 8-12; Printable PDF of student record alone for Grades PK-7; Printable PDF of high school transcript only Available in Phase 3; Tracking Details by Transaction; Activity Summary by Time Periods (day, week, month, quarter, year); Activity Summary by Specific Date; Activity Summary by Destination; Activity Summary by Status Type Available in Phase 3; Transaction List by Student; Top 10 Record/Transcript Sources; Top 10 Record/Transcript Destinations; Top 10 Request Sources; and Top 10 Request Destinations. Additional printable screens or views available in TREx include: Printable example of XML extract file; Printable screen listing error messages from Validation Tool for validation of XML schema; Printable screen listing validation warnings for minimum data for student record; Printable screen listing validation warnings for recommended data for student record; Printable screen listing validation warnings for minimum data for an interim high school transcript; Printable screen listing validation warnings for recommended data for an interim high school transcript; Printable screen listing validation warnings for minimum data for a final high school transcript; and Printable screen listing validation warnings for recommended data for a final high school transcript. Additionally, TREx allows campuses and districts to access user-initiated data reports. For more information on TREx functionality, you may access the TREx Users Guide from the project web site:  HYPERLINK "http://tea.texas.gov/Reports_and_Data/Data_Submission/Texas_Records_Exchange_(TREx)/TREx_Training/" http://tea.texas.gov/Reports_and_Data/Data_Submission/Texas_Records_Exchange_(TREx)/TREx_Training/ .     2018-2019 TREx version 4.7 Data Standards Section 1 Requirements and Overview 2018-2019 TREx version 4.7 Data Standards Section 1 Requirements and Overview 1. PAGE 2 1. PAGE 15 6. Exiting registrar receives request for student record through TREx 8A.2. Exiting registrar uploads the local SIS extract into TREx 4. Receiving registrar has the option to enter identifying information and search for the student s last school of enrollment 5. Receiving registrar determines last school of enrollment for student and initiates a request for student record 8B. Exiting registrar designates the request as On Hold in TREx 8C. Exiting registrar rejects an invalid request in TREx 8B.1. Exiting registrar keys in all of the record data into TREx 8A.1. Exiting registrar locates and extracts student record from the local SIS 9. Exiting registrar selects student s record from TREx and sends it to requesting institution 10. Receiving registrar receives student s record in TREx 7. Exiting registrar makes a decision to fulfill, hold or reject the request 8A. Exiting registrar determines if the most current data are in TREx or the local SIS COMPLETE COMPLETE until further action is required COMPLETE OR 1. Student transfers to new campus/district 2. Receiving registrar logs into TEAL to authenticate 3. Receiving registrar accesses TREx OR OR OR Manual Entry Hold Request Fulfill Request Reject Request Local SIS Data Source TREx Data Source 6. Exiting registrar receives request for student record through TREx 8A.2. Exiting registrar uploads the local SIS extract into TREx 4. Receiving registrar has the option to enter identifying information and search for the student s last school of enrollment 5. Receiving registrar determines last school of enrollment for student and initiates a request for student record 8B. Exiting registrar designates the request as On Hold in TREx 8C. Exiting registrar rejects an invalid request in TREx 8B.1. Exiting registrar keys in all of the record data into TREx 8A.1. Exiting registrar locates and extracts student record from the local SIS 9. Exiting registrar selects student s record from TREx and sends it to requesting institution 11. Receiving registrar Prints th ereceived records and/or exports the records down to their PC within 14 days. receives student s record in TREx 7. Exiting registrar makes a decision to fulfill, hold or reject the request 8A. Exiting registrar determines if the most current data are in TREx or the local SIS COMPLETE COMPLETE until further action is required COMPLETE OR 1. Student transfers to new campus/district 2. Receiving registrar logs into TEAL to authenticate 3. Receiving registrar accesses TREx OR OR OR Manual Entry Hold Request Fulfill Request Reject Request Local SIS Data Source TREx Data Source 12. SYSTEM After 14 days, records are purged from TREx. Registrar must take action prior to that to capture the received record. 5. High School Registrar creates extract file 10. College registrar checks SPEEDE server for incoming transcripts COMPLETE 1. Student requests that High School Registrar send transcript to a college or university 2. High School Registrar logs into TEASE to authenticate 4. High School Registrar accesses transcript record in local student information system 8. High School Registrar selects the college or university from TREx list 9. High School Registrar sends transcript through server 11. College registrar or Admissions Office downloads transcript from SPEEDE server 3. High School Registrar accesses TREx application 7. Data are verified and approved 6. High School Registrar uploads extract file to TREx 5. High School Registrar creates extract file 10. College registrar checks SPEEDE server for incoming transcripts COMPLETE 1. Student requests that High School Registrar send transcript to a college or university 2. High School Registrar logs into TEASE to authenticate 4. High School Registrar accesses transcript record in local student information system 8. High School Registrar selects the college or university from TREx list 9. High School Registrar sends transcript through TREX to NSC SPEEDE server 11. College registrar or Admissions Office downloads transcript from SPEEDE server 3. High School Registrar accesses TREx application 7. Data are verified and approved 6. 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