ࡱ> MOL bjbjss 4Dq ``4;ssss0, 0222222$[NV8"88VssSk88ss080sŧq Hd0KKKp8888888VV8888888K888888888` i: Schedule #4BProject Descriptions For TEA Use OnlyTEXAS EDUCATION AGENCY Adjustments and/or annotations madeStandard Application System (SAS)County-District No.on this (page) have been confirmed withInstructional Facilities Allotment APPLICATIONAmendment No.  by telephone/fax on _____________________ SCHEDULE #4BProject Descriptions by of TEA._________________________ Title/Name of Applicable Bond Issue or Lease-Purchase Describe the intended uses of bond proceeds or the lease-purchase financing. Provide an estimated budget using the form below. Please refer to appendix C of the RFA for examples and useful definitions. The narrative section should provide a brief description that outlines the scope of the project, including the major building features and/or components to be constructed or renovated. Drawing and site plans may be submitted as supplements to a narrative description, but may not be substituted for the information required for this schedule. Complete a project description for each project to be funded with this bond issue or lease-purchase agreement. This schedule may be reproduced to provide additional space as needed. Total Costs = $Total Qualified Costs = $Total Nonqualified Costs = $ Project 1. Campus Name: No. of Students:Grade Levels Served:Estimated Project Completion Date:Project Type: FORMCHECKBOX  New Campus _________ Sq. Ft. (Estimated Sq. Footage Required) FORMCHECKBOX  Addition to Campus __________ Sq. Ft. (Estimated Sq. Footage Required)  FORMCHECKBOX  Renovation of Campus Estimated Project Budget:Qualified Costs:Nonqualified Costs:Are any of the projects located in a city or an unincorporated area without an adopted building code?  FORMCHECKBOX  Yes  FORMCHECKBOX  No If yes, has the school district adopted a building code as required by the school facilities standards, and does the district have a procedure in place to ensure that an independent third party building code review of the plans and specifications is performed?  FORMCHECKBOX  Yes  FORMCHECKBOX  NoNarrative description:  Project 2. Campus Name: No. of Students:Grade Levels Served:Estimated Project Completion Date:Project Type: FORMCHECKBOX  New Campus _________ Sq. Ft. (Estimated Sq. Footage Required) FORMCHECKBOX  Addition to Campus __________ Sq. Ft. (Estimated Sq. Footage Required)  FORMCHECKBOX  Renovation of Campus Estimated Project Budget:Qualified Costs:Nonqualified Costs:Are any of the projects located in a city or an unincorporated area without an adopted building code?  FORMCHECKBOX  Yes  FORMCHECKBOX  No If yes, has the school district adopted a building code as required by the school facilities standards, and does the district have a procedure in place to ensure that an independent third party building code review of the plans and specifications is performed?  FORMCHECKBOX  Yes  FORMCHECKBOX  NoNarrative description:  Rev. 5/03/2005 "#4KZ[\    # / = I J K ` ɻɔɮuhZuuh_h%T>*CJ^JaJh_h%TCJ^JaJh_h%T>*CJ^JaJ!h_h%T5>*CJ\^JaJh_h%TCJ^JaJh_h%TCJ^JaJh_h%TCJ^JaJh_h%T>*CJ^JaJh_h%T5CJ\^JaJh_h%T5CJ\^JaJh_h%T5CJ\^JaJ h_h%T "4K[\aX $Ifgdmhkd$$IfTlF-+[z+    44 laytmT$ `+$Ifa$gdm$ `+$Ifa$gdm $$Ifa$gdmgd%T  {i$ `+$Ifa$gdm$ `+$Ifa$gdm $Ifgdmhkd$$IfTlF-+[z+    44 laytmT  # / J t[I$ `+$Ifa$gdm$ `+$1$7$8$@&H$Ifa$gdm!  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