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Extract files are submitted to TREx with the following naming convention: ####LastName_FirstName_descriptor #### = last 4 digits of the Student ID LastName = students last name FirstName = students first name Descriptor = stu (student record) Order123456DescriptionLast 4 digits of Student IDStudent Last NameunderscoreStudent First Nameunderscore3-character descriptorExample1234Doe_John_stuExample: 1234Doe_John_stu Attachments are submitted to TREx with the following naming convention: ####LastName_FirstName_Descriptor## #### = last 4 digits of the Student ID LastName = students last name FirstName = students first name Descriptor = le (Limited English Proficiency (LEP) attachment) im (Immunization record attachment) gt (Gifted/Talented (GT) attachment, such as a GT profile) ms (Miscellaneous record) ot (Other to be used for any document that the district is uncomfortable giving any indication of what is contained within the document) tl (Transcript Legend) ## - two-digit generation number (01-99)* to allow for multiple attachments within type *Note: Numbers 81-89 under ms (miscellaneous record) are strictly reserved for Disciplinary Action attachments. Numbers 91-99 under ms (miscellaneous record) are strictly reserved for Individual Education Plan (IEP) attachments. Order1234567DescriptionLast 4 digits of Student IDStudent Last NameunderscoreStudent First Nameunderscore2-character descriptor2-digit sequence numberExample1234Doe_John_ot91Example: 1234Doe_John_gt01 (indicates the attachment is a GT record) 1234Doe_John_ms91 (indicates the attachment is related to an IEP) 1234Doe_John_ms01 (indicates miscellaneous attachment is not IEP-related) Example You are sending a student record for Laura Miranda Shaw to a receiving registrar. Lauras Student ID is XXX-XX-1234. You are attaching the following documents to her student record extract: Immunization record LEP Assessment Profile LEP document TAKS document Unexpired Disciplinary Action document IEP document The student record extract file is named: 1234Shaw_Laura_stu The attachments are named: 1234Shaw_Laura_im01(Immunization Record)1234Shaw_Laura_le01(LEP Assessment Profile)1234Shaw_Laura_le02(Second LEP document)1234Shaw_Laura_ms01(TAKS document)1234Shaw_Laura_ot81(Unexpired Disciplinary Action document)1234Shaw_Laura_ot91(IEP document)     Page  PAGE 2 /=RXwyR S z    ' / C N O Ҿ㜍{{i㾭W# *h(h'^)CJOJQJ^JaJ#hh'^)5CJOJQJ^JaJ#hz"h'^)5CJOJQJ^JaJh'^)5CJOJQJ^JaJ h(h'^)CJOJQJ^JaJ hz"h'^)CJOJQJ^JaJ&h'^)h'^)5>*CJOJQJ^JaJ hy$h'^)CJOJQJ^JaJh'^)CJOJQJ^JaJh'^)h'^)h'^)CJaJ"/ 7 X z $<$Ifa$gdXq <$IfgdXq x^gd'^)^gd'^) x^gd'^) & Fxgd'^)gd'^)$a$gd'^)/ % <$IfgdXqkd$$Ifl֞T `!m!&%T t0644 la<  <$IfgdXq   % <$IfgdXqkd$$Ifl֞T `!m!&%T t0644 la<    " & $<$Ifa$gdXq& ' B % xx^gd'^)kd$$Ifl֞T `!m!&%T t0644 la<B C  [  _ v $<$Ifa$gdXq <$IfgdXqgd'^) x^gd'^)@ ^@ gd'^)^gd'^) x^gd'^) & Fxxgd'^) xx^gd'^)   " `hbcjklǵǵǵݕsbQbQb hbhhbhCJOJQJ^JaJ hbhh'^)CJOJQJ^JaJ h&Yh'^)CJOJQJ^JaJ h&YhCJOJQJ^JaJhbhCJOJQJ^JaJ#hh'^)5CJOJQJ^JaJ#hz"h'^)5CJOJQJ^JaJh'^)5CJOJQJ^JaJ h(h'^)h'^)h'^)CJOJQJ^JaJ h(h'^)CJOJQJ^JaJ $<$Ifa$gdXq kdv$$Iflִ p"&%\< t06    44 la< %0G_ <$IfgdXq_`kd^$$Iflִ p"&%\< t06    44 la<`hmqsxz}$<$Ifa$gdXq <$IfgdXqkdF$$Iflִ p"&%\< t06    44 la<bkl,-AXes$a$gd&Yh^hgd&Y & Fgd&Y$a$gdbh x^gd'^)^gd'^) x^gd'^)X0D^rᮝ{{{{{{jb^b^b^hXqjhXqU h&Yh&YCJOJQJ^JaJ hbhhbhCJOJQJ^JaJ h&Yh'^)CJOJQJ^JaJ hbhh'^)CJOJQJ^JaJ hbhh&YCJOJQJ^JaJ hbhh&YCJOJQJ^JaJ hbhhbhCJOJQJ^JaJ hbhh'^)CJOJQJ^JaJhECJOJQJ^JaJ$/0D]^r>Skd$$Ifl0 $ p t644 la Skd.$$Ifl0 $ p t644 la $x$Ifa$gdbh x$Ifgdbhr>Skd$$Ifl0 $ p t644 la  x$IfgdbhSkd\$$Ifl0 $ p t644 la $x$Ifa$gdbh><<Skd!$$Ifl0 $ p t644 la $x$Ifa$gdbh x$IfgdbhSkd$$Ifl0 $ p t644 la -./0$a$gd'^) "#)*+,./0 h&Yh&YCJOJQJ^JaJhE0JmHnHu hbh0Jjhbh0JUhbhhXqjhXqU 21h:p'^)/ =!"#$% $$If<!vh5%5_5 5555?#v%#v_#v #v#v#v#v?:Vl t65%5555T55a<$$If<!vh5%5_5 5555?#v%#v_#v #v#v#v#v?:Vl t65%5555T55a<$$If<!vh5%5_5 5555?#v%#v_#v #v#v#v#v?:Vl t65%5555T55a<$$If<!vh5%5555I555<#v%#v#v#v#vI#v#v#v<:Vl t65%55\55555<a<$$If<!vh5%5555I555<#v%#v#v#v#vI#v#v#v<:Vl t65%55\55555<a<$$If<!vh5%5555I555<#v%#v#v#v#vI#v#v#v<:Vl t65%55\55555<a<$$If !vh5 5p#v #vp:Vl t065 5pa $$If !vh5 5p#v #vp:Vl t065 5pa $$If !vh5 5p#v #vp:Vl t065 5pa $$If !vh5 5p#v #vp:Vl t065 5pa $$If !vh5 5p#v #vp:Vl t065 5pa $$If !vh5 5p#v #vp:Vl t065 5pa @@@ '^)NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH V@V v1 Heading 3$<@&5CJOJQJ\^JaJDA@D Default Paragraph FontRi@R  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No ListjOj A 3heading1P-DM 33^P5B*CJ(OJQJ\aJph\O\ A 3heading2-DM ff^5CJ$OJQJ\aJ$2O12 v1head3 xCJ`O"` !]G heading2"-D1$M ff^5CJ$OJQJ\aJJO2J!]GEleTextxCJOJQJaJmHnHuNOBN MF heading2b-DM B*aJ(phTORT $head6$1$7$8$H$B*CJOJQJ^JaJphTObT Ddhead5$1$7$8$H$B*CJOJQJ^JaJphj@sj '^) Table Grid7:V0NON '^)Notedxx^6CJOJQJaJ4@4 '^)Header  !4 @4 '^)Footer  !.)@. 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