ࡱ> JLI'` ^,bjbj 8LP$ (((8`T$>' $ h"vAAA&A^A 0o,^($|j#!`j#j# 30c"333R333AAAA (( TREx Project and System Overview The purpose of this training exercise is to introduce you to the TREx system as well as the TEA TREx support website. TREx facilitates the electronic exchange of both student records and transcripts. Specifically, with TREx you can exchange electronic records between Texas K-12 schools, when you need to transfer a student from one district to another, and you can send high school transcripts to postsecondary institutions that are registered on the SPEEDE Server. Before we review the TREx system, lets take a look at the TEA TREx support website which can be found at the URL that is currently displayed on your screen.  HYPERLINK "http://www.tea.state.tx.us/index4.aspx?id=3190" http://www.tea.state.tx.us/index4.aspx?id=3190 The TREx support site provides the following support materials: Data Standards, Training Materials, Institutes of Higher Education Tools, New Features, and Frequently Asked Questions. Instead of returning to the TREx support site home page, you can select the next support category from the links at the top of each page. Next, well select Data Standards. In a later training module, well discuss in more detail how to get your student data into TREx. But for now, it is important for you to know that in order for this data to be uploaded into TREx, the data extract generated by your local student information system must meet a particular data schema. Information about this data schema can be found by accessing the Data Standards area of the TREx support site. We will now select the Training Materials link. This area of the TREx support website provides access to training information such as the TREx User Guide, Training Aids and demos, and other materials. The IHE Tools section of the TEA TREx support site provides helpful information about the data files that institutes of higher education may receive from TREx. By accessing New Features, you can review information about new features that were included in a version of TREx that has already been released as well as new features that are scheduled for future releases. If you access the Frequently Asked Questions area, you will find that the questions are actually broken into categories, and you can select the appropriate document for the type of question you may have. Before we leave the TEA TREx support website, I want to mention that information gets regularly updated and posted, so its important to periodically visit the TREx support website and its components so that you are up to date with the project. I am now on the Home Page of the TREx system. You will access TREx via your TEASE account. Once you have logged in to tease and authenticated your session, you can choose the TREx application. After choosing the TREx application, you will be brought to this TREx Home Page. Each user must have his/her own TEASE account. Sharing of logins is not allowed or accepted by TREx. Although for training purposes, this user's name is Campus Registrar TREx, your name will display here as well as the name of the school with which you are associated. Everything on this Home Page is specific to either the user or the users school, in this case, Travis High School. If at any time you want to logout of TREx, you will do so by selecting the Logout link that I have currently highlighted. Before we review the information contained on the Home Page, lets take a look at a few items that will be accessible from any page within the system. First, there is a TREx logo at the top left-hand corner. This logo will display throughout the TREx system, and by clicking on it, you will always be brought to the TREx Home Page. Throughout the application, you can look up a students TREx transaction history by entering the students first and last names as search criteria in the area I have highlighted. Then, select the search button. You can also enter a particular transactions tracking number to review that transactions history. A tracking number is a unique identification number that gets assigned to every transaction that occurs within TREx. For example, if you want to check the status of a transcript request that you sent, you can enter that tracking number in the top right-hand corner and choose the search button. The transaction history for that tracking number will be returned for your review. You can access the Help System by selecting the Need Help link. When it opens, it will always open to the help content specific to the page from which you selected Need Help. For example, I selected Need Help from the Home Page, and you can see that the help text displayed is related to the Home Page. From this point, you could access more information about the Home Page by selecting the appropriate link. You can also look for information by accessing a chapter in the Table of Contents, accessing the Index or by searching the Help System for a particular word or words. Now, lets take a closer look at the functionality on the Home Page when we are logged in as a Registrar. The top left of the page displays the Items Requiring Attention area. Think of this as an inbox. The links within this area have different functions, but they all provide access to items that have been sent to you. You will know how many of each item is waiting for your attention by the number displayed next to each link. For example, if a school has requested that you send them a record or transcript, this request will be waiting for you in the Inbound requests link. If you have one request waiting, there will be a one next to Inbound requests, if you have two requests waiting, there will be a two, and so on. To access the requests you receive, you will select this link. If a school has sent you a student record or transcript, the Inbound records / transcripts link will reflect this. Rejected outbound requests will contain any requests for school records or transcripts your school has made that were rejected. In the event that a record or transcript your school sent to another institution was rejected by that institution, you will be notified of this within Rejected outbound records. Finally, TREx can automatically refresh your items requiring attention if you select the Refresh button. The bottom left area of the page displays a dynamic, graphical depiction of the Top 10 Places Travis High School has sent transcripts. On the right of the Home Page, each of these links is either a specific workflow in the system or a report detailing your transactions. The first section is the records and transcripts section. Lets review the workflows contained in this section. First, you have the Send one record or transcript workflow. You would select this if you want to send one students record or transcript to another campus or to one or more colleges or universities. However, if you want to send multiple students records or transcripts to a single institution, you would select the Send multiple records / transcripts workflow. If you would like to view any pending outbound records / transcripts transactions that you have, you would do so by accessing the link named View pending outbound records / transcripts. The next workflow is Manage records /transcripts. If you need to manually enter into TREx record information for a student, you will access this workflow. Also, when a campus sends you a record or transcript and you accept it, it will be moved to and stored in the Manage records / transcripts area. By selecting this last workflow you have the ability to view all completed TREx transactions for your campus, district, or education service center. The next area is the Requests section of the Home Page. If you need to request a students record or transcript from another institution, you would select the Request record / transcript link and if you would like to view any pending requests your school has made, you can do so by selecting the View pending outbound requests link. Next, we have the reporting section. All of the reports are dynamically generated based on the activity and the usage of either your TREx campus account, your district account, or your education service center account. One of the reports you will notice is the Campus activity summary. This report allows you to view the TREx activity for your campus. When you choose to access this report, you can modify the timeframe of the report by selecting the appropriate parameters. For example, you can indicate that you only want to see you campus transaction activity for the last month. The Transaction status report provides detail on specific transaction types and their states for your school, district, or education service center. You can also define the time period that should be reflected in the report. For example, you could say that you would like to view the record and transcript deliveries that were accepted by other institutions last week. The last area displayed on the Home Page is the Administration area. From here, you can upload and then manage your schools transcript or record legend information. This concludes the training module introducing you to your TREx system and the TEA TREx support website.      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