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ItemTREx v 3.4 Enhancements Requires Schema 1.3Update extractUpdate SIS1Manual Update - Records can now be updated after they have been uploaded to the TREx server. This provides the ability to add data to an existing record instead of scanning and attaching a document. Example: adding immunization information to an existing record. 2Attachments can now be added on the Inbound Request screen without going through Manage Records/Transcripts3New data elements have been added to support the new federal ethnicity and race data collection which allow multiple race codes to be reported. This data can be reported through the new version of TREx, but will not be required until November 2009.New CodesAdd CodesYes4A new section has been added to the student record and transcript listing the four Advanced Measures a student has completed as required to graduate under the Distinguished Graduation Program.New Data ElementAdd new Data ElementYes5A new data element has been added to the TREx schema, Date Exit Level Requirement Met, to indicate the date the student completed the requirements for each exit level assessment. The Student Record will continue to show the assessment name, date and score in addition to the date the exit level requirement was met. The transcript will now show the date the Exit Level Requirement was met for each assessment instead of the test score. However, If a transcript is sent to a college or university through SPEEDE, the Exit Level scores will be transmitted electronically to the SPEEDE server if provided. New Data Element Add new Data Element Possible Change 6Districts will receive one aged email for all pending requests instead of one per campus. 7ESC Viewer Role - Reports can now be run for ALL DISTRICTS or for an individual district or campus. Results can be grouped by - Sending Institution - Receiving Institution - Sending District - Receiving District8A new Final Grade Average element has been added to the student record and the transcript for year long courses. If a school uses the local option to average both semester grades to award credit for a year long course, the final grade average must be populated. If populated, the final grade average will be sent through SPEEDE in lieu of the grade average.New data elementAdd new data elementIf needed9Support for a new Course Special Explanation Code "0" (zero) was added to TREx in preparation for the new 2008 AAR Minimum Standards. However, this code was withdrawn before the 2008 AAR Minimum Standards were released. No school districts should have used this special explanation code, and support for this code is being removed from TREx. Code deletedPossible Edit10Course Special Explanation Code V will no longer print on the transcript. Historical records containing code V can still be uploaded through TREx, but this code will no longer appear on the transcript.11EE has been added to the TREx Grade Level code table in the schema and can now be reported through TRExNew Grade Level CodePossible Edit12Grade Level is no longer required for students who have graduated if a valid graduation date is present. Possible Edit13For the Graduation Diploma Program Type the description Minimum, Recommended, or Distinguished will now appear on the student transcript instead of the code value. 14The Upload Legend now clarifies that the uploaded file will be attached to every record sent through TREx from a campus. This function was intended for campus grade scales and other documentation to be sent with every student record or transcript. 15The upper limit of the following date fields has been changed from 01/01/2012 to 01/01/2040. IMMUNIZATION-DATE DATE-OF-BIRTH LAST-DATE-OF- ATTENDANCE CERTIFICATION-COMPLETION-DATE DATE-OF-RANKING ASSESSMENT-DATE Possible Edit 16The format for course grades on the Transcript and Student Record has been expanded for quarterly and trimester academic sessions.17Immunizations are now sorted by name on the Student Record.18The PID Search function on the Records Request screen has been changed to a PET Search, to allow users to view enrollment history on request. The first record returned will be the school where the student was last enrolled. To view the students enrollment history or request records from a school the student previously attended, select View Enrollment History to the right of the current enrollment record. 19The Completed Transaction Report now displays whether a college or university has rejected a transcript.20Inactive TREx users no longer receive email notifications21On National Option Records - Assessment Names and Scores now appear on the same row.22On the History view of a National Option institution, the duplicate delivery status after a SEND has been eliminated. 23 The label College Board has been changed to CB/ACT on the transcript.24The label Certificate Completion Date has been changed to Certificate of Completion Date on the transcript.25The campus Zip code will now appear on the Fulfillment or Request screen for receiving school.26The Texas Grant Indicator code will be added to the EDI record format sent through SPEEDE.27The watermark Unofficial no longer appears on the transcript when a record is first uploaded.28The watermark Pending only displays until the record is accepted by the requester.  TREx Documentation: The TREx v3.4 Data Standards, Users Guide and Video Tutorials are available on the TEA website at  HYPERLINK "http://www.tea.state.tx.us/index4.aspx?id=3190" http://www.tea.state.tx.us/index4.aspx?id=3190 . TREx v3.4 documentation that was posted in March has been replaced by new versions containing information on the additional enhancements added to the release. We have also added a new selection from the TREX Frequent Asked Questions page titled Common Problems and Solutions. The first entry under this new section details a number of steps to take to resolve a problem with the Upload Button being grayed out on the Managed Records Transcripts screen. Our intent is to add more self-help items to this page in the future. Message about Colleges and Universities receiving transcripts. A reminder to TREx users that Texas public colleges and universities are required to accept Texas public high school transcripts transmitted through TREx via the UT SPEEDE server. Private institutions may also participate, but are not required to do so. Before sending a transcript to a Texas private institution, check their TREx readiness status on the UT website at;  HYPERLINK "http://registrar.utexas.edu/speede/trex/index.html" http://registrar.utexas.edu/speede/trex/index.html. If they are not listed, contact their registrars office, they may be participating but failed to list themselves on the website. THECB has asked that all school districts partner with a college to test their transcript extract. The colleges were to ensure that the school district was added to the list of districts at the above website that have successfully tested. We know there are a number of districts that tested whose names do not appear on the list. If you have tested and are not listed, contact TREx Customer Support at 512 463-7246 and provide your test information, including your testing partner and test dates. We will insure your information gets posted to the website. If you are a Texas public high school that has not yet tested with a higher education institution, see the above website on how to go about setting up a testing partnership to get listed. Some data elements on the transcript are not required by TREx. However, please be aware that if you are sending a transcript on behalf of a student who is applying for admission to a Texas public college or university, these institutions require the following elements for their admissions process; Class Size Class Rank Date of Ranking THECB has been working with the Texas public colleges and universities to ensure that they send an acknowledgement through TREx when they receive a high school transcript. We are seeing many more acknowledgements sent thought the system at this point in time. If you send a transcript to a Texas public college or university and do not receive an acknowledgement, please contact their registrar. If you consistently do not receive an acknowledgement from a particular college or university, please contact TREx Customer Support at 512 463-7246. TEA will forward this information to the THECB. Schema Changes: In order to make use of new codes new data elements, and edits in TREx 3.4 the School district software that generated the TREx XML must reference the new schema, version v1.3. For example: XML file pointing to v1.2 of the TREx XSD Should be changed to XML file pointing to v1.3 of the TREx XSD The new version 1.3 xsd file is available on the TREx website at;  HYPERLINK "http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/trex/newfeatures/TRExVersion1.3.xsd" http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/trex/newfeatures/TRExVersion1.3.xsd To validate an XML file against the new XML Schema (XSD), download the xsd file and: Use an XML editor that supports schema validation (i.e. XMLSpy, Oxygen XML, Stylus Studio). A more comprehensive list of tools providers can be found at (HYPERLINK http://www.w3.org/XML/Schema http://www.w3.org/XML/Schema) Or use an API that supports XML/XSD validation (i.e. Xerces, Saxon,MSXML) Please forward this email to your TREx extract vendor. If you or your vendor has any questions, please contact the TREx Help Desk at 512-463-7246 or email TREx@tea.state.tx.us. 89: . / w ŷַַ֖p_p_pQhYCJOJQJ^JaJ h 5CJOJQJ\^JaJ&h]h 5CJOJQJ\^JaJ#h]h 5CJOJQJ^JaJh 5CJOJQJ^JaJ#hXC2h CJH*OJQJ^JaJh CJOJQJ^JaJ hXC2h CJOJQJ^JaJ h]h CJOJQJ^JaJhWn hWnh . hh5hWnh .589: . /   % 0 ? 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