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After choosing the TREx application, you will be brought to this TREx Home Page. In order to receive a record or transcript via TREx, you will need to be logged in to TREx as the role of a registrar. For the purpose of this demonstration, we are logged in as a Pearce HS registrar. If you take a look at the Items Requiring Attention area of the TREx Home Page, you will see that there is 1 inbound record or transcript waiting in the Inbound records / transcripts workflow. In order to access this workflow, you will select the associated link, and you are brought to the page that lists the records or transcripts that have been delivered to your school. In this case, there is only one, and it is the record for the student by the name of First One. If you would like to view First One’s record before taking any action, you can do so by selecting the PDF link. At the top of this page, let’s indicate that we only want to view the transcript. You will notice that there is a “Pending” watermark across the transcript because you, the receiving institution, have not yet accepted it. If you select the details link, a separate window opens that gives an overview of the details of this transaction. You can also access the tracking information by selecting the tracking number from this window. On this page, you have the option of either accepting or rejecting the records or transcripts that have been sent to your school, and you will notice that when First One’s record is selected, the Accept and Reject buttons become enabled. In this example, let’s accept First One’s record by clicking on the Accept button. A message appears letting us know that 1 record has been moved to the Manage Records / Transcripts section of the Home Page. So let's go to the Home Page and select the link that will take us into the Manage Records / Transcripts section. Notice that in the source column, there are records that have a source of local upload. This means that these records were uploaded by your institution. However, you can see that First One’s record has a source of Travis High School. This is because this is a record or transcript that you have accepted from another institution. Again, let’s view the PDF so you can see that the watermark is no longer displayed on the transcript. This is because Pearce High School, which is the receiving institution, took possession of this record. From this point, you can choose to save this record or transcript as a PDF file. You could also print it. Also from this page, you have the option of downloading the actual student xml data file by selecting the record and then the download link. You can then select the location to which you’d like to save the xml data file. If you open the file, you will see the transcript data formatted in xml. Because it is xml, the data can be easily repurposed so that it can be uploaded into another system, including your student information system. However, you will need to work with your system vendors to determine if this is possible. Whether you decide to save the PDF, print the PDF or download the xml data, it is important for you to know that a record or transcript will remain in the Manage Records / Transcripts area of TREx for only 10 days. After 10 days, it will be purged from the system. This concludes the training module for receiving a student record or transcript.     !їќ 3 9 Y j  ` b ˆ ­ м ќ " # $ < ­ ! 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