ࡱ>  \ .bjbj jn%t..q+q+q+q+q++++8+ . +.^<;?Q?Q?Q?DFaGPѕӕӕӕӕӕӕ.tӕq+7HD@D7H7Hӕq+q+Q?Q?>QQQ7Hzq+Q?q+Q?ѕQ7HѕQQ!~EQ?p+Jb40.(MVXEE$q+iTGGQG GXGGGӕӕiOVGGG.7H7H7H7HGGGGGGGGG. 7*: P030 DISTRICT FINANCE DATA-BUDGETRevision: Revised bulletOption to Change the Start Date of the Fiscal Year In order to change the fiscal year start date to July 1, 2012, districts must file with TEA no later than June 30, 2011, a Notification of Intent to Change the Fiscal Year Start Date to July 1, 2012. This form (FIN-003) is available on the TEA website at  HYPERLINK "http://www.tea.state.tx.us/school.finance/audit/FIN_003.pdf" http://www.tea.state.tx.us/school.finance/audit/FIN_003.pdf.Option to Change the Start Date of the Fiscal Year In order to change the fiscal year start date to July 1, 2013, districts must file with TEA no later than June 30, 2012, a Notification of Intent to Change the Fiscal Year Start Date to July 1, 2013. This form (FIN-003) is available on the TEA website at  HYPERLINK "http://www.tea.state.tx.us/school.finance/audit/FIN_003.pdf" http://www.tea.state.tx.us/school.finance/audit/FIN_003.pdf.P032 DISTRICT FINANCE DATA-ACTUALRevision: Revised bulletOption to Change the Start Date of the Fiscal Year In order to change the fiscal year start date to July 1, 2012, districts must file with TEA no later than June 30, 2011, a Notification of Intent to Change the Fiscal Year Start Date to July 1, 2012. This form (FIN-003) is available on the TEA website at  HYPERLINK "http://www.tea.state.tx.us/school.finance/audit/FIN_003.pdf" http://www.tea.state.tx.us/school.finance/audit/FIN_003.pdf.Option to Change the Start Date of the Fiscal Year In order to change the fiscal year start date to July 1, 2013, districts must file with TEA no later than June 30, 2012, a Notification of Intent to Change the Fiscal Year Start Date to July 1, 2013. This form (FIN-003) is available on the TEA website at  HYPERLINK "http://www.tea.state.tx.us/school.finance/audit/FIN_003.pdf" http://www.tea.state.tx.us/school.finance/audit/FIN_003.pdf.P100 STUDENT DATA IDENTIFICA-TIONAddition: New bulletNone100 STUDENT DATA IDENFICATION New Bullet: symbol 110 \f "Wingdings" \s 8 \h HOMELESS-STATUS-CODE is to be used by all districts for reporting whether or not a student is homeless and, if homeless, what their primary nighttime residence is at the time of identification. There are only four categories of primary nighttime residence, and if a student is homeless, their nighttime residence must be in one of these four categories. The four categories are: Shelters, Doubled-Up, Unsheltered, and Motels/Hotels. Shelters: Supervised publicly or privately operated facilities designed to provide temporary living accommodations. Included are emergency shelters, family shelters, domestic violence shelters, youth shelters, transitional housing programs, and temporary placements while awaiting foster care. The shelters category for homeless students does not include residential treatment facilities, Title I Neglected or Delinquent facilities, or TYC facilities. Doubled-Up: Sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason (e.g., living with another family). This classification requires a case-by-case determination. Unsheltered: A nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designed for, or ordinarily used as, a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings. It includes such places as cars, parks, campgrounds (if living there because they lack an alternative accommodation), temporary trailers (if living there because they lack an alternative accommodation), abandoned buildings, and substandard housing. Substandard housing may be determined by local building codes, community norms, and/or a case-by-case determination as to whether the accommodation is a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. Motels/Hotels: Students who stay at a motel or hotel are considered homeless if they reside there because they have lost their housing, lack an alternative accommodation, and do not have a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. P100 STUDENT DATA IDENTIFICA-TIONAddition: New bulletNone100 STUDENT DATA IDENFICATION New Bullet: symbol 110 \f "Wingdings" \s 8 \h HOMELESS-STATUS-CODE is used to identify all the students that have experienced homelessness at some point during the school year. If a student is homeless, but later that school year enters into permanent housing, this status code should not be changed and should still indicate that the student had been homeless. For PEIMS reporting purposes, all students identified as homeless in the Fall Snapshot must also be coded as homeless in the summer collection. The homeless status of each student should be determined upon enrollment and at the start of each new school year. Additionally, every school district needs to have processes and procedures in place to help identify students who become homeless after enrollment or after the start of a new school year. The homeless status of each student must be determined each year. P100 STUDENT DATA IDENTIFICA-TIONAddition: New bulletNone100 STUDENT DATA IDENFICATION New Bullet: symbol 110 \f "Wingdings" \s 8 \h The McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Improvements Act (Title X, Part C of the No Child Left Behind Act) requires that all students that meet the statutory definition of homelessness be identified by the school district. The law requires that all students experiencing homelessness are able to enroll, attend, and succeed in school. The purpose of identifying students experiencing homelessness is to make sure that all are able to enroll, that they have access to services for which they are eligible, and to provide a count of the numbers of students that experience homelessness during a given school year. P100 STUDENT DATA IDENTIFICA-TIONAddition: New bulletNone100 STUDENT DATA IDENFICATION New Bullet: symbol 110 \f "Wingdings" \s 8 \h The McKinney-Vento Act requires that every school district designate a homeless liaison. A districts homeless liaison should be knowledgeable about the statutory definition of homelessness in the McKinney-Vento Act, the provisions of the McKinney-Vento Act, and the services in the district for which homeless students are eligible. Contact your local homeless liaison for questions about the statutory definition of homelessness in the McKinney-Vento Act, whether or not a student meets that definition, and what category of living situation is appropriate. Information can also be obtained from the Texas Homeless Education Office at (800) 446-3142. For access to the McKinney-Vento Act and other relevant laws and rules, as well as guidance and information about serving the needs of homeless students, visit the Texas Homeless Education Office Website at HYPERLINK "http://www.utdanacenter.org/theo"http://www.utdanacenter.org/theo. A database of district homeless liaisons can be accessed at HYPERLINK "http://www.utdanacenter.org/theo/directory.html"http://www.utdanacenter.org/theo/directory.html. One of the responsibilities assigned to homeless liaisons under the McKinney-Vento Act is the identification of students experiencing homelessness. Many districts use a residency questionnaire to help determine homeless status. A sample residency questionnaire is available on the Texas Homeless Education Office website.P100 STUDENT DATA IDENTIFICA-TIONAddition: New bulletNone100 STUDENT DATA IDENFICATION New Bullet: symbol 110 \f "Wingdings" \s 8 \h UNACCOMPANIED-YOUTH-STATUS-CODE is to be used by all districts to identify and report whether or not a homeless student is unaccompanied (not in the physical custody of a parent or legal guardian), and if unaccompanied, whether or not they received services under the McKinney-Vento program at any time during the school year. The services may be direct services as outlined in the McKinney-Vento Act in Section 723, or indirect services such as those provided by a staff member who position is funded with McKinney-Vento funds Any homeless student who is 1) under age 21 on September 1 of the applicable school year or if the student is less than 22 on September 1 of the applicable school year and is eligible for special education services, and 2) not in the physical custody of a parent or legal guardian, even if the student is living with a caregiver who is not the students parent or legal guardian. If a homeless student is unaccompanied, but later that school year becomes accompanied, this status code should not be changed and should still indicate that the student had been unaccompanied. For PEIMS reporting purposes, all students identified as unaccompanied in the Fall Snapshot must also be coded as unaccompanied in the summer collection. The unaccompanied status of each homeless student should be determined upon enrollment and at the start of each new school year. Additionally, every school district needs to have processes and procedures in place to help identify students who become unaccompanied after enrollment or after the start of a new school year. The unaccompanied status of each homeless student must be determined each year. If a homeless student is an unaccompanied youth, the district must indicate whether or not the student received direct services under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Program. This program is also known as the TEXSHEP program. P100 STUDENT DATA IDENTIFICA-TIONRevision: Add a new data element to the record.None100 STUDENT DATA - IDENTIFICATION Add E1082 HOMELESS-STATUS-CODE to column 79.P100 STUDENT DATA IDENTIFICA-TIONRevision: Add a new data element to the record.None100 STUDENT DATA - IDENTIFICATION Add E1084 UNACCOMPANIED-YOUTH-STATUS-CODE to column 80.P110 STUDENT DATA ENROLL-MENTRevision: Update Limited English Proficient Decision ChartRevision:  EMBED Visio.Drawing.11   EMBED Visio.Drawing.11   EMBED Visio.Drawing.11   EMBED Visio.Drawing.11   EMBED Visio.Drawing.11  All instances  EMBED Visio.Drawing.11 Revisions    SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT    All instances  SHAPE \* MERGEFORMAT P400 BASIC ATTENDANCE DATA STUDENT Deletion: Delete data element400 BASIC ATTENDANCE DATA STUDENT E1012 PEP-INDICATOR-CODE400 BASIC ATTENDANCE DATA STUDENT Delete E1012 PEP-INDICATOR-CODE from column 70.P400 BASIC ATTENDANCE DATA STUDENTRevision: Revised PK chart titleRevision: Chart for Determining PK Funding Source Reporting for Summer SubmissionRevision: Chart for Determining PK Funding Source Required for Summer SubmissionP400 BASIC ATTENDANCE DATA STUDENTDeletion: Delete bulletsymbol 110 \f "Wingdings" \s 8 \h The Pregnancy, Education, and Parenting (PEP) program is a state funded competitive grant that provides services to pregnant and parenting students. It is described in TEC 29.085, and is separate from the Pregnancy Related Services (PRS) program. Both males and females can participate in the PEP program. For a listing of currently funded Pregnancy Education and Parenting (PEP) Grant Districts visit the PEP webpage on the TEA website at the following URL:  HYPERLINK "http://www.tea.state.tx.us/pep/contacts.html" http://www.tea.state.tx.us/pep/contacts.html It is the responsibility of the Districts PEP Program staff to determine program eligibility of participating students. PEP Program Staff are responsible for providing to PEIMS staff a listing of all eligible participants (based on a district defined schedule). PEIMS staff must provide PEP program staff with edit+ reports for data verification purposes in preparation for the PEIMS summer submission. NoneP400 BASIC ATTENDANCE DATA STUDENTDeletion: Example #1: Delete Bulletsymbol 110 \f "Wingdings" \s 8 \h PEP-INDICATOR-CODE was removed from column 70 symbol 110 \f "Wingdings" \s 8 \h PEP-INDICATOR-CODE is 0 since Tex is not in this program.symbol 110 \f "Wingdings" \s 8 \h All references to PEP-INDICATOR-CODE have been removed from example #1.P400 BASIC ATTENDANCE DATA STUDENTDeletion: Example #2: Delete Bulletsymbol 110 \f "Wingdings" \s 8 \h PEP-INDICATOR-CODE was removed from column 70 symbol 110 \f "Wingdings" \s 8 \h PEP-INDICATOR-CODE is 0 since Jane is not served in this program.symbol 110 \f "Wingdings" \s 8 \h All references to PEP-INDICATOR-CODE have been removed from example #2.P400 BASIC ATTENDANCE DATA STUDENTDeletion: Example #3: Delete Bulletsymbol 110 \f "Wingdings" \s 8 \h PEP-INDICATOR-CODE was removed from column 70 symbol 110 \f "Wingdings" \s 8 \h PEP-INDICATOR-CODE is 1 since Jane is served in the PEP program.symbol 110 \f "Wingdings" \s 8 \h All references to PEP-INDICATOR-CODE have been removed from example #3.P400 BASIC ATTENDANCE DATA STUDENTDeletion: Example #4: Delete Bulletsymbol 110 \f "Wingdings" \s 8 \h PEP-INDICATOR-CODE was removed from column 70 symbol 110 \f "Wingdings" \s 8 \h PEP-INDICATOR-CODE is 0 since Tex is not served in this program.symbol 110 \f "Wingdings" \s 8 \h All references to PEP-INDICATOR-CODE have been removed from example #4.P400 BASIC ATTENDANCE DATA STUDENTDeletion: Example #5: Delete Bulletsymbol 110 \f "Wingdings" \s 8 \h PEP-INDICATOR-CODE was removed from column 70symbol 110 \f "Wingdings" \s 8 \h All references to PEP-INDICATOR-CODE have been removed from example #5.P400 BASIC ATTENDANCE DATA STUDENTDeletion: Example #6 Delete Bulletsymbol 110 \f "Wingdings" \s 8 \h PEP-INDICATOR-CODE was removed from column 70symbol 110 \f "Wingdings" \s 8 \h All references to PEP-INDICATOR-CODE have been removed from example #6.P400 BASIC ATTENDANCE DATA STUDENTDeletion: Example #7: Delete Bulletsymbol 110 \f "Wingdings" \s 8 \h PEP-INDICATOR-CODE was removed from column 70 symbol 110 \f "Wingdings" \s 8 \h PEP-INDICATOR-CODE is 0 since Bobby and Joe are not served in this program.symbol 110 \f "Wingdings" \s 8 \h All references to PEP-INDICATOR-CODE have been removed from example #7.P407 STUDENT DATA OPTIONAL EXTENDED YEAR PROGRAM (OEYP) Deletion: Delete 407 record407 STUDENT DATA OPTIONAL FLEXIBLE EXTENDED YEAR PROGRAM (OEYP) 407 STUDENT DATA OPTIONAL FLEXIBLE EXTENDED YEAR PROGRAM (OEYP) Delete 407 STUDENT DATA OPTIONAL FLEXIBLE EXTENDED YEAR PROGRAM (OEYP)P425 DISCIPLINARY ACTION DATA STUDENTRevision: Add a new data element to the record.None425 DISCIPLINARY ACTION DATA - STUDENT Add E1083 BEHAVIOR-LOCATION-CODE to columns 76-80.P425 DISCIPLINARY ACTION DATA STUDENTAddition: New bulletNone 425 DISCIPLINARY ACTION DATA STUDENT symbol 110 \f "Wingdings" \s 8 \h BEHAVIOR-LOCATION-CODE identifies the location where a student committed an applicable offense that is enumerated in Texas Education Code 37.006 or 37.007. (On/off campus, school related activities, etc) This code is not reported for truancy violations. P461 STUDENT DATA TITLE I PART ADeletion: Delete data element 461 STUDENT DATA TITLE I PART A E1017 TITLE-I-PART-A-HOMELESS-INDICATOR-CODE461 STUDENT DATA TITLE I PART A Delete E1017 TITLE-I-PART-A-HOMELESS-INDICATOR-CODE from column 29.P500 FLEXIBLE ATTENDANCE DATA STUDENTDeletion: Delete data element500 FLEXIBLE ATTENDANCE DATA STUDENT E1012 PEP-INDICATOR-CODE500 FLEXIBLE ATTENDANCE DATA STUDENT Delete E1012 PEP-INDICATOR-CODE from column 65.P500 FLEXIBLE ATTENDANCE DATA STUDENTDeletion: Delete Bulletsymbol 110 \f "Wingdings" \s 8 \h The Pregnancy, Education, and Parenting (PEP) program is a state-funded competitive grant that provides services to pregnant and parenting students. It is described in TEC 29.085 and is separate from the Pregnancy Related Services (PRS) program. Both males and females may participate in the PEP program.NoneP500 FLEXIBLE ATTENDANCE DATA STUDENTDeletion: Example #1 Delete Bulletsymbol 110 \f "Wingdings" \s 8 \h PEP-indicator-code 0 indicates that Tex is not in the PEP program.NoneP500 FLEXIBLE ATTENDANCE DATA STUDENTDeletion: Example #2 Delete Bulletsymbol 110 \f "Wingdings" \s 8 \h PEP-indicator-code 0 indicates that Ted and Bill are not in the PEP program.None M040 Staff Data Identification/DemographicAdd BulletNoneIf a school district or charter school offers a Non-Campus Based Instruction education opportunity for its students, and the district is required to report a Teacher of Record per requirements documented in the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook, then the school district or charter school must enter into either a contractual relationship or develop a memorandum of understanding with the entity providing the educational instruction to obtain the minimum staff identification and demographic information required on the 040 Staff Identification, 043 Staff Demographic, and 050 Staff Employment PEIMS records. Failure to obtain and report this required staff information may result in a loss of state funding in the event of an audit.M100 Student Data - IdentificationDelete BulletThe naming standards that follow were revised in the 2006-2007 PEIMS Data Standards and apply to students who entered the Texas public school system for the first time in the 2006-2007 school year or later. The revised naming standards are not retroactive.None.M101 Student Data DemographicRevisionBeginning in 2008-09, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ACCOUNTABILITY will be reported in Submissions 1 and 3. CAMPUS-ID-OF-ACCOUNTABILITY will be reported in Submissions 1 and 3. M305 Teacher Class Assignment RecordAdd BulletNoneIf a school district or charter school offers a Non-Campus Based Instruction education opportunity for its students, and the district is required to report a Teacher of Record per requirements documented in the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook, then the school district or charter school must enter into either a contractual relationship or develop a memorandum of understanding with the entity providing the educational instruction to obtain the minimum staff identification and demographic information required on the 040 Staff Identification, 043 Staff Demographic, and 050 Staff Employment PEIMS records. Failure to obtain and report this required staff information may result in a loss of state funding in the event of an audit.M305 Teacher Class Assignment RecordAdd BulletNoneA district or charter school that is providing a Non-Campus Based Instruction education opportunity for its students will be required to report a Teacher of Record for any special program services that requires an appropriately certified Teacher of Record to be reported by the rules documented in the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook. Despite any PEIMS reporting allowances offered for Non-Campus Based Instructional education situations, a district or charter school must follow the reporting requirements documented in the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook to ensure eligibility for specific special program funding.M040 Staff Data Identification/Demographic RecordRevision FIRST-NAME, MIDDLE-NAME, and LAST-NAME are required for all students. A full MIDDLE-NAME is required, if available. If a student has no middle name, enter one equal sign (=). Do not use an initial for FIRST-NAME, unless an initial is the legal first name. GENERATION-CODE is optional. GENERATION-CODE is reported when available. MIDDLE-NAME identifies a person's legal middle name. This field may be blank for staff and students. For staff and students, enter the middle name as shown on the identification documentation. If the staff person or the student has no middle name, the field must be left blank. Do not use any other text such as NONE, NA, NMI, etc for the middle name if the staff person or the student has no middle name. Do not use periods or any other punctuation other than a hyphen or a single apostrophe. (implemented by edits 04049 and 10015)M100 Student Identification RecordRevision FIRST-NAME, MIDDLE-NAME, and LAST-NAME are required for all students. A full MIDDLE-NAME is required, if available. If a student has no middle name, enter one equal sign (=). Do not use an initial for FIRST-NAME, unless an initial is the legal first name. GENERATION-CODE is optional. GENERATION-CODE is reported when available. MIDDLE-NAME identifies a person's legal middle name. This field may be blank for staff and students. For staff and students, enter the middle name as shown on the identification documentation. If the staff person or the student has no middle name, the field must be left blank. Do not use any other text such as NONE, NA, NMI, etc for the middle name if the staff person or the student has no middle name. Do not use periods or any other punctuation other than a hyphen or a single apostrophe. (implemented by edits 04049 and 10015)A010 ORGANIZA-TION DATA - DISTRICTAdditionNoneDISTRICT-ID on the 010 District record must match the value for the LEA county district number in the PEIMS submission file name.A090 STAFF DATA RESPON-SIBILITIESDeletion Allowable Uses of Career and Technical Education SERVICE-IDs on Code Table C022, chart Labeled with an H or M in the CTE columnNone.A100 STUDENT IDENTIFICA-TION RECORDDeletionBe aware that the LEA that reports a student will be subject to all accountability system implications for the student, including TAKS (Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills), SDAA (state developed alternative assessment), LDAA (locally developed/selected alternate assessment) scores, dropout accounting, and Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS).None.A100 STUDENT IDENTIFICA-TION RECORDAdditionNone.For submission 1 and students enrolled on the last Friday in October, the ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE must match the ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE on a 110 Student Enrollment record. The ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE must be blank in Submission 3 and Submission 4. (implemented by edit 10024)PA100 STUDENT DATA- IDENTIFICATIONRevisionTEC 25.0021 states that a Texas public school student must be identified by his or her legal surname. Legal name is obtained from the birth certificate. The name entered matches the birth certificate exactly as shown. Double last names on the birth certificate are recorded exactly as shown. Each name on the birth certificate appears in one of the PEIMS name fields. If the birth certificate name cannot be understood completely, the parent is asked to clarify. If the first or last name is not indicated on a student's birth certificate, then the parent(s) provides a first or last name to be used for PEIMS reporting purposes. If the parent does not provide a name, then the school district uses "none. The name chosen by the parent is used consistently while the child is enrolled in Texas public schools. If a student is also an employee of the district, then staff naming rules must apply. TEC 25.0021 states that a Texas public school student must be identified by his or her legal surname. Legal name is obtained from the birth certificate. The name entered matches the birth certificate exactly as shown. Double last names on the birth certificate are recorded exactly as shown. Each name on the birth certificate appears in one of the PEIMS name fields. If the birth certificate name cannot be understood completely, the parent is asked to clarify. If the first or last name is not indicated on a student's birth certificate, then the parent(s) provides a first or last name to be used for PEIMS reporting purposes. The name chosen by the parent is used consistently while the child is enrolled in Texas public schools. If a student is also an employee of the district, then staff naming rules must apply. A101 STUDENT DATA DEMOGRAP-HICAdditionNoneCAMPUS-ID-ACCOUNTABILITY will be reported in Submissions 1 and 3.A101 STUDENT DATA DEMOGRAP-HIC RevisionThere must be a 203 record with a matching STUDENT-ID if AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is D, or E. There must be a 110 record with a matching STUDENT-ID if AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is B, D, F or X. The value of DISTRICT-ID in this record must match the value of DISTRICT-ID on the districts 010 record. For any 101 record reported, there must be at least one 400 or one 500 record reported with a matching STUDENT-ID and GRADE-LEVEL-CODE.There must be a 203 record with a matching STUDENT-ID if AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is D, or E. There must be a 110 record with a matching STUDENT-ID if AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is B, D, F or X. For any 101 record reported, there must be at least one 400 or one 500 record reported with a matching STUDENT-ID and GRADE-LEVEL-CODE.A101 STUDENT DATA DEMOGRAPHICDeletionWhen assigning the CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-CD, all Career and Technical Education courses are considered, regardless of funding weight.NoneA101 STUDENT DATA DEMOGRAPHICAdditionNone.All open-enrollment charter schools must report a STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE other than 00 for each student that is enrolled. This rule applies to each PEIMS submission that reports students. Open-enrollment charter schools may use any applicable STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE 01 24 depending on the individual enrollment circumstances of each student. STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE for school districts, excluding open-enrollment charter schools, may be any code 00 24 depending on the individual enrollment circumstances of each student. *Regularly assigned to district means that the student was a resident of the LEA immediately prior to being placed in one of these special facilities.A101 STUDENT DATA DEMOGRAPHICAdditionNone.The last three characters of CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must be in the range of 001-698. ORGANIZATION-CODE 699 is designated for summer school, and is never used in reporting student data. CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT is required and allowed only in Submission 1 for students with AS-OF-STATUS-CODEs of C, E, or G. A105 STUDENT DATA-STUDENTRevision: Add a new data element to the recordNone.105 STUDENT DATA-STUDENT Add E1522 EARLY-READING-INDICATOR-CODE to column 28.PA105 STUDENT DATA-STUDENTRevisionEARLY-READING-INDICATOR-CODE (E1522) indicates whether a student is reading on grade level or is not reading on grade level as a result of reading difficulties or having dyslexia as indicated by the administered reading instrument. The EARLY-READING-INDICATOR-CODEs 1, 2 and 3 only apply to students in grades KG, 01, and 02. Students enrolled in all other grade levels should be reported with a blank. For Submission 1: report grade level reading status based on the Beginning of Year assessment results. For Submission 3: report grade level reading status based on the latest assessment results available for the student. EARLY-READING-INDICATOR-CODE (E1522) indicates whether a student is eligible for accelerated reading instruction as a result of reading difficulties or having dyslexia as indicated by the administered reading instrument. The EARLY-READING-INDICATOR-CODEs 1, 2 and 3 only apply to students in grades KG, 01, and 02. Students enrolled in all other grade levels should be reported with a blank. For Submission 1: report eligibility status based on the Beginning of Year assessment results. For Submission 3: report eligibility status based on the latest assessment results available for the student. PA105 STUDENT DATA-STUDENTRevisionDescription The 105 Student Data record indicates that a students identification number has changed since the last PEIMS submission containing the same student. The 105 Student Data record also indicates whether a student is reading on grade level or is not reading on grade level as a result of reading difficulties or having dyslexia as indicated by the administered reading instrument. Description The 105 Student Data record indicates that a students identification number has changed since the last PEIMS submission containing the same student. The 105 Student Data record indicates whether a student is eligible for accelerated reading instruction as a result of reading difficulties or having dyslexia as indicated by the administered reading instrument. A105 STUDENT DATA-STUDENTAddition: Add a new Bullet to Reporting RequirementsNoneA 105 Student Data Record is submitted for each Kindergarten, First Grade, and Second Grade student to indicate their Early Reading Indicator status.A110 STUDENT DATA - ENROLLMENTAdditionNoneFor submission 1 and students enrolled on the last Friday in October, the ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE must match the ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE on a 100 Student Identification record. A110 STUDENT DATA ENROLL-MENTAdditionNone.The ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE must be blank in Submission 3 and Submission 4. (implemented by edit 10024)A110 STUDENT DATA ENROLL-MENTAdditionNone.The PK-FOSTER-CARE-INDICATOR-CODE is only reported for Pre-kindergarten students. This is one of several eligibility criteria for a student being categorized as eligible for the Pre-kindergarten program. Please refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook Pre-kindergarten section for additional information concerning this data element. A110 STUDENT DATA ENROLL-MENTAdditionNone.All students attending a Title I, Part A schoolwide campus must have a code of 6 as the TITLE-I-PART-A-INDICATOR-CODE.A110 STUDENT DATA ENROLL-MENTDeletionA migrant student who is not receiving Title I, Part A services should have a code of 0 for TITLE-I-PART-A-INDICATOR-CODE. However, if this same migrant student was previously served by Title I, Part A at the current campus, the student should have a code of 8.None.A110 STUDENT DATA ENROLL-MENTAdditionNone.A GIFTED-TALENTED-INDICATOR-CODE 1 can only be reported for grades Kindergarten through Twelve. Grade Levels EE and PK must be reported with a GIFTED-TALENTED-INDICATOR-CODE of 0. A110 STUDENT DATA ENROLL-MENTDeletionNCLB DEFINITION: For PEIMS reporting purposes the federal definition of immigrant is used. Please refer to the definition listed under E0797 IMMIGRANT-INDICATOR-CODE. None.A110 STUDENT DATA ENROLL-MENTDeletionESOL I AND ESOL II DEFINITION: For ESOL I and ESOL II, Chapter 74 does not provide a specific definition of immigrant. The dictionary defines an immigrant as a person who comes to a country to take up permanent residence. An immigrant student is a student who was not born in the United States. For additional information please go to the Curriculum Division webpage and select Bilingual ESL at the following URL: HYPERLINK "http://www.tea.state.tx.us/curriculum/biling/"http://www.tea.state.tx.us/curriculum/biling/ .None.A110 STUDENT DATA ENROLL-MENTDeletionMany districts have expressed concerns about the difficulty in clearing student data errors when the district uses a local ID number, rather than a SSN or alternate ID number. None.A110 STUDENT DATA ENROLL-MENTDeletionThis indicator must be reported for every student meeting all of the following conditions: the student was eligible for assessment/testing as specified by TAC 101.2003; and the student in the previous school year was in a grade to which the SSI applies; and a Grade Placement Committee as required by TAC 101.2007 was established for the student because the student had not met the SSI requirements after the second assessment/testing date; and the student did not meet SSI requirements after the third assessment/testing date. SSI-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODE, applies only to students participating in the Student Success Initiative (SSI). Refer to TAC Chapter 101, Subchapter BB and TEC 28.0211 for SSI information. The SSI will be phased in over several school years as described below. In 2004-2005, students in grade 3 must perform satisfactorily on the Reading assessment instrument to be promoted to grade 4 and students in grade 5 must perform satisfactorily on the Reading and Mathematics assessment instruments to be promoted to grade 6 or be promoted by decision of their Grade Placement Committees. E1030 applies to students in grades 3-6 in 2005-2006 and beyond. In 2007-2008, students in grade 8 must perform satisfactorily on the Reading and Mathematics assessment instruments to be promoted to grade 9 or be promoted by decision of their Grade Placement Committees. E1030 applies to students in grades 3-6, 8, and 9 in 2008-2009 and beyond. In 2009-2010, the Texas Legislature amended the Texas Education Code 28.0211 such that students in grade 3 who are retained or promoted after the spring of 2009 will no longer be affected by the Student Success Initiative. E1030 applies to students in grades 5, 6, 8, and 9 in 2009-2010 and beyond. Each school district and charter school shall establish procedures for convening a Grade Placement Committee to prescribe accelerated instruction for each student who fails to demonstrate proficiency on the second administration of the assessment instrument(s) required for promotion. A student who does not pass the third assessment instrument(s) required for promotion may be promoted by unanimous decision of his or her Grade Placement Committee. Refer to TEC 28.0211(c) and TAC 101.2007 for Grade Placement Committee information and roles. For SSI purposes, assessment instrument refers to the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS). SSI-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODE, does not meet SSI requirements refers to students who do not pass the appropriate assessment instrument(s) required for promotion. This includes students who are tested and do not pass the assessment instrument(s) and students who are absent or do not receive test scores. When a student who participates in the SSI transfers/relocates to another public school or charter district in Texas, the receiving district should obtain Grade Placement Committee documentation from the students previous school district through the records request process. This documentation should include the previous districts accelerated instruction and promotion/retention decision(s) and/or provide valuable details about the students progress and assessment score(s) so that the receiving district may better decide whether the SSI student should be promoted or retained. GRADE ADVANCEMENT REQUIREMENTS OF THE STUDENT SUCCESS INITIATIVE: Additional information on the Student Success Initiative can be accessed by visiting the Student Success Initiative webpage located on the Student Assessment Division webpage on the TEA website. The following URL is for the Student Success Initiative webpage: HYPERLINK "http://www.tea.state.tx.us/student.assessment/resources/ssi/index.html"http://www.tea.state.tx.us/student.assessment/resources/ssi/index.html A FLOWCHART detailing the decision making process for SSI grade advancement can be accessed from the Student Success Initiative webpage. The document name is Interactive Flow Chart and can be found under the document grouping entitled Grade Placement Committee Manual. A FLOWCHART detailing the decision making process for SSI grade advancement for students receiving special education services can be accessed from the Student Success Initiative webpage. The document name is Flowchart for Students Receiving Special Education Services and can be found under the document grouping entitled Grade Placement Committee Manual.None.A110 STUDENT DATA ENROLL-MENTAdditionNone.The Home Language Survey from which the Home Language Code is derived consists of two questions: (1) "What language is spoken in your home most of the time?" (2) "What language does your child speak most of the time?" A110 STUDENT DATA ENROLL-MENTRevisionFor each CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT reported on the 110 Student Enrollment records, there must be a 020 Campus record with a matching CAMPUS-ID registered with TEA as an active instructional campus.For each CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT reported on the 110 Student Enrollment records, there must be a 020 Campus record with a matching CAMPUS-ID registered with TEA as an active instructional campus.A110 STUDENT DATA ENROLL-MENTDeletionIf there is at least one 110 Student Enrollment record with a CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT for a particular campus, then there must be at least one 090 Staff Responsibility record with a matching CAMPUS-ID and a ROLE-ID of 047, or 087, unless the campus is registered with the TEA as a JJAEP. If there is at least one record on a campus where GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is 07-12, then there must be at least one 203 record with a matching CAMPUS-ID where LEAVER-REASON-CODE is not 01.None.A110 STUDENT DATA ENROLL-MENTAdditionNone.Each student enrolled in an LEA on the last Friday in October must be reported with one, and only one, 110 Student Enrollment record. A110 STUDENT DATA ENROLLMENTDeletionIf there is at least one 110 Student Enrollment record with a CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT for a particular campus, then there must be at least one 090 Staff Responsibility record with a matching CAMPUS-ID and a ROLE-ID of 047, or 087, unless the campus is registered with the TEA as a JJAEP. If there is at least one record on a campus where GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is 07-12, then there must be at least one 203 record with a matching CAMPUS-ID where LEAVER-REASON-CODE is not 01.None.A110 STUDENT DATA ENROLL-MENTDeletionIf a student is reported with a PARENTAL-PERMISSION-CODE of "F", the student must also be coded as ESL and LEP, and in grades 9-12. None.A163 STUDENT DATA SPECIAL EDUCATIONAdditionNonePRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE of Non-Categorical Early Childhood (Disability Code 14) can only be reported for special education students can only be reported for students who are at least 3 and less than 6 years of age on the PEIMS fall snapshot date. A163 STUDENT DATA SPECIAL EDUCATIONAdditionNone The SECONDARY-DISABILITY-CODE is not a required field unless the special education student has been identified with a SECONDARY-DISABILITY-CODE by the admission, review, and dismissal committee (ARD). The SECONDARY-DISABILITY-CODE cannot be reported as Non-Categorical Early Childhood (Disability Code 14). A163 STUDENT DATA SPECIAL EDUCATIONAdditionNone.The TERTIARY-DISABILITY-CODE cannot be reported as Non-Categorical Early Childhood (Disability Code 14). A163 STUDENT DATA SPECIAL EDUCATIONAdditionNone.If a special education student is reported as MULTIPLY-DISABLED-CODE (Code1), then the student must also be reported with a SECONDARY-DISABILITY-CODE other than 00. A163 STUDENT DATA SPECIAL EDUCATIONRevisionPRESCHL-PROG-CHLDRN-WITH-DISAB-IND-CD (E0899) indicates whether the infant or toddler, from birth through age 2, is participating in the early childhood intervention program. (See Texas Human Resources Code 73.001 and 73.021.)PRESCHL-PROG-CHLDRN-WITH-DISAB-IND-CD (E0899) indicates whether the preschool student, age three through five years old, is receiving any special education and related services (including AI and VI) from the LEA in any setting(s) or environment. [See 19 TAC 89.1035, and 34 CFR 300.101(b).]A163 STUDENT DATA SPECIAL EDUCATIONDeletionStudents, 3 to 5 years old, previously coded 1, who are 6 years old as of the PEIMS snapshot date, should be coded 0 not receiving services, or condition or situation not applicable to this person or campus.None.A163 STUDENT DATA SPECIAL EDUCATIONRevisionAll students receiving special education services IDEA Part B who are ages 3 5, as of the PEIMS fall snapshot date, are participating in and must be coded as PPCD regardless of their disability or instructional setting. PPCD is a Texas term which refers to a federally funded program under IDEA Part B which is targeted specifically for 3, 4 and 5 year olds receiving special education and related services. Each LEA shall ensure that a continuum of alternative placements is available to meet the needs of children with disabilities for special education and related services. (CFR 300.115) For 3, 4, and 5 year olds in PPCD, the district continuum could include but is not limited to: District or Community Child Care Programs Pre-Kindergarten Programs Kindergarten Programs Head Start Programs Home Environment Special Education Resource Settings Special Education Self Contained Settings District or Community Therapy Settings (Speech, OT/PT, etc.) PPCD includes students whose only special education service is speech therapy regardless of where the services are provided.PRESCHL-PROG-CHLDRN-WITH-DISAB-IND-CODE of 1 can only be reported for special education students who are at least 3 and less than 6 years of age on the PEIMS fall snapshot date. All students receiving special education services IDEA Part B who are ages 3 5, as of the PEIMS fall snapshot date, are participating in the PPCD program and must be coded as PRESCHL-PROG-CHLDRN-WITH-DISAB-IND-CODE 1 regardless of their disability or instructional setting. PPCD is a Texas term which refers to a federally funded program under IDEA Part B which is targeted specifically for 3, 4 and 5 year olds receiving special education and related services. Each LEA shall ensure that a continuum of alternative placements is available to meet the needs of children with disabilities for special education and related services. (CFR 300.115) For 3, 4, and 5 year olds in PPCD, the district continuum could include but is not limited to: District or Community Child Care Programs Pre-Kindergarten Programs Kindergarten Programs Head Start Programs Home Environment Special Education Resource Settings Special Education Self Contained Settings District or Community Therapy Settings (Speech, OT/PT, etc.) PPCD includes students whose only special education service is speech therapy regardless of where the services are provided. A163 STUDENT DATA SPECIAL EDUCATIONDeletionPRESCHL-PROG-CHLDRN-WITH-DISAB-IND-CODE students previously coded 1, who are 6 years old as of the PEIMS snapshot date, should be coded 0 not receiving services, or condition or situation not applicable to this person or campus. NONE.A163 STUDENT DATA SPECIAL EDUCATIONDeletionPPCD includes students whose only special education service is speech therapy regardless of where the services are provided. NONE.A163 STUDENT DATA SPECIAL EDUCATIONRevisionPEIMS data must be reported for each student served by the Regional Day School Program for the Deaf (RDSPD). It is recommended that the RDSPD fiscal agent report PEIMS data for students served, except for itinerant students. PEIMS data must be reported for each student served by the Regional Day School Program for the Deaf (RDSPD). The RDSPD is part of an LEA special education program which receives additional state funds, and includes students from more than one LEA. Note: The TEA RDSPD SSA Procedures document requires all SSAs to include two or more LEAs. The fiscal agent for the RDSPD is often the LEA where students attend classes. Additionally, there are some Education Service Centers (ESC) that serve as RDSPD fiscal agents. Please note the following guidelines for the reporting of PEIMS data in the fall submission for RDSPD students: Only one LEA may report PEIMS data on RDSPD student. If there are sending and receiving LEAs involved, an agreement should be made between the LEAs regarding which LEA will report PEIMS data. It is recommended that this agreement be in writing. It is recommended that the RDSPD fiscal agent report PEIMS data for students served, except for itinerant students. All students in the RDSPD must have a disabling condition of AI (03) (Auditory Impairment) as either their primary, secondary, or tertiary disability. This must reflect exactly what the ARD/IEP states. If a RDSPD student is deaf-blind, the disabling condition should be coded as AI (03) and D-B (05) in appropriate order of disabling condition. All students who are in the RDSPD may generate average daily attendance (ADA) based on their ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE and their special education instructional setting code. These general education funds in regular education and in special education can be used to supplement the costs of the RDSPD.A163 STUDENT DATA SPECIAL EDUCATIONDeletionReport the INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE used for determining the student's funding through the attendance accounting system.None.A163 STUDENT DATA SPECIAL EDUCATIONAdditionNone.The INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE is reported based on the INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE documented in the students IEP on the PEIMS fall snapshot date. Refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook for additional guidance on the instructional setting codes for special education students. A163 STUDENT DATA SPECIAL EDUCATIONDeletionThis instructional arrangement/setting is for providing speech therapy/speech pathology services. Although a warning message will be issued asking for verification in edit 16311 if the edit specifications are not met, a student with only speech impairment may receive special education services in any instructional setting without receiving direct speech therapy. Such an instructional arrangement would need to be the recommendation of an ARD committee. In such circumstances the SPEECH-THERAPY-INDICATOR-CODE of 0 is to be used to indicate that the student is not receiving direct speech therapy. None.A163 STUDENT DATA SPECIAL EDUCATIONAdditionNone.Students who are provided speech therapy services only are not eligible to be counted for any other instructional arrangement. Speech therapy/speech pathology services must be provided by a professional with a TEA certificate in Speech & Hearing Therapy, Speech Therapy, School Speech-Language Pathology, or with a license from the State Board of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathology(S-LP) and Audiology. A S-LP assistant may provide speech language pathology services under the supervision of a speech-language pathologist.A163 STUDENT DATA SPECIAL EDUCATIONDeletionTERTIARY-DISABILITY-CODE must be blank if SECONDARY-DISABILITY-CODE is blank.None.A163 STUDENT DATA SPECIAL EDUCATIONDeletionA district is required by federal guidelines to maintain a listing which indicates the dates of the student's current full and individual evaluation and current IEP which correspond with the student's STUDENT-ID DATE-OF-BIRTH FIRST-NAME MIDDLE-NAME LAST-NAME SPECIAL-ED-INDICATOR-CODE PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE, and CHILD-COUNT-FUNDING-TYPE-CODE as reported on the PEIMS fall snapshot date. This district listing will be used for monitoring and audit purposes. Pursuant to 34 CFR 300.102(a)(3), students with disabilities who graduate under 19 TAC 89.1070(c) and return to school are included on the IDEA Part B child count.None.A169 STUDENT DATA CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION (CTE) PROGRAMAdditionNone.If the TRANSPORTATION-CTE-SUPPORT-SERVICE data element is reported with a code of 1, then the ECONOMIC-DISADVANTAGE-CODE on the 101 Student Demographic record cannot be reported with a code of 00. A169 STUDENT DATA CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION (CTE) PROGRAMAdditionNone.The 169 Career and Technical Education Program record must be reported for students enrolled at Texas School for the Deaf, Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and Texas Juvenile Justice Department (formerly Texas Youth Commission) who participate in the career and technical education program. A170 STUDENT DATA - CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION (CTE) COURSE DeletionIf the SERVICE-ID listed in Code Table C022 ends in XXX, then any value will be allowed in character positions 6-8. The values in character positions 6-8 will be changed to XXX at TEA during data loading.None.A170 STUDENT DATA - CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION (CTE) COURSEDeletionTime spent at a WBL training site is instructionally engaged time. Up to 120 minutes required time at a training station counts toward meeting full-time and half-time attendance requirements (Section V, Student Attendance Accounting Handbook).None.A170 STUDENT DATA - CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION (CTE) COURSEDeletionAllowable Uses of Career and Technical Education SERVICE-IDs on Code Table C022 Chart.None.A170 STUDENT DATA - CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION (CTE) COURSE AdditionNoneThe SERVICE-ID on the 170 Career and Technical Education Course record must be one of the codes listed in PEIMS Code Table C022 with a value of M (Middle School) or H (High School) in the CTE Course column. A170 STUDENT DATA - CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION (CTE) COURSE RevisionA separate 170 record must be reported for every career and technical education course in which a student is enrolled in grades 6-12 on the PEIMS fall snapshot date. If a course taught in your district is described by one of the course numbers and names shown in C022 as appropriate for the 170 record it should be reported, even if no contact hours are allowed. All state-approved CTE courses must be reported on the 170 record, even though some courses may not be eligible for weighted state career and technical funding. A separate 170 Career and Technical Education Course record must be reported for every career and technical education course in which a student is enrolled in grades 6-12 on the PEIMS fall snapshot date. All state-approved CTE courses must be reported on the 170 Career and Technical Education Course record, even though some courses may not be eligible for weighted state career and technical funding. A170 STUDENT DATA - CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION (CTE) COURSE DeletionIf the SERVICE-ID listed in Code Table C022 ends in XXX, then any value will be allowed in character positions 6-8. The values in character positions 6-8 will be changed to XXX at TEA during data loading. None.A170 STUDENT DATA - CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION (CTE) COURSE RevisionFor each unique STUDENT-ID reported on a 170 record, there must be a 101 record with a matching STUDENT-ID where CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-CD is not 0. For each unique STUDENT-ID reported on a 170 Career and Technical Education Course record, there must be a 101 record with a matching STUDENT-ID where CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-CD is not 0. A170 STUDENT DATA - CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION (CTE) COURSE RevisionFor each unique STUDENT-ID reported on a 170 record, there must be a 169 record with a matching STUDENT-ID. For each unique STUDENT-ID reported on a 170 Career and Technical Education Course record, there must be a 169 Career and Technical Education Program record with a matching STUDENT-ID. A170 STUDENT DATA - CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION (CTE) COURSE RevisionFor each 170 record, there must be a 110 Student Enrollment record with a matching STUDENT-ID.For each 170 Career and Technical Education Course record, there must be a 110 Student Enrollment record with a matching STUDENT-ID.A170 STUDENT DATA - CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION (CTE) COURSE DeletionThe value of STUDENT-ID on this record must match the value of STUDENT-ID on some 100 record. Allowable Uses of Career and Technical Education SERVICE-IDs on Code Table C022, Labeled with an H or M in the CTE column AND CHART. None.A170 STUDENT DATA - CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION (CTE) COURSEAdditionNone.The 170 Career and Technical Education Course record must be reported for students enrolled at Texas School for the Deaf, Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and Texas Juvenile Justice Department (formerly Texas Youth Commission) who participate in the career and technical education program.A203 STUDENT-SCHOOL-LEAVERRevisionStudents moving to or from the TSD or the TSBVI should be treated as any other student moving between LEAs and are not automatically reported with a on the 203 record. Students leaving TSD or and do not graduate or continue enrollment in another school setting either in or out of Texas should be reported with a 203 Leaver record with the appropriate for other reasons should be assigned the appropriate LEAVER-REASON-CODE. Students who are movers, moving to or from the Texas School for the Deaf (TSD), Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (TSBVI), and Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD) (formerly TYC) should be treated as any other student moving between LEAs and are not automatically reported with a 203 Leaver record. Students who leave Texas School for the Deaf (TSD), Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (TSBVI), and Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD) (formerly TYC) and do not graduate or continue enrollment in another school setting either in or out of Texas should be reported with a 203 Leaver record with the appropriate LEAVER-REASON-CODE. A203 SCHOOL LEAVER DATA - STUDENT DeletionFollow the Resource Guide rules for reporting organizations/campus IDs. For 055 and 090 records, if the last three digits of CAMPUS-ID are greater than 698, except for 751, then the last three digits will be changed to 700 at TEA during the data load. However, 700 is not a valid number for use by districts in reporting to TEA.None.A300 CAMPUS-COURSE SECTIONRevisionFor the 300 Course Section record, do not include courses with SERVICE-IDs that begin with SA, SR, SS, 01, 8, or 9. If the SERVICE-ID listed in Code Table C022 ends in XXX, then any value will be allowed in character positions 6-8. The values in character positions 6-8 will be changed to XXX at TEA during data loading. High school students enrolled in English for Speakers of Other Languages I and English for Speakers of Other Languages II may not receive high school graduation credit unless they are LEP and are immigrants to the United States. SERVICE-ID 02000000, Elementary, Grades 1-6, should be used only when a teacher is serving multi-grade or ungraded student populations, typically in a pullout program. It is not used for those situations where a district assigns a teacher two contiguous grades of students because neither grade has enough students to allow for a single classroom. Such teachers would have two 090 records with different Service IDs and different CLASS-ID-NUMBERs. For elementary school courses, districts have the option of using either the generic elementary SERVICE-IDs (02010000 - Grade 1, 02020000 - Grade 2, 02030000 - Grade 3, 02040000 - Grade 4, 02050000 - Grade 5, 02060000 - Grade 6) for the core curriculum or the subject specific Service IDs in the student and teacher scheduling system(s). However, the district should make the decision to report these elementary Service IDs based upon how the students will be reported on the 415 Course Completion record in the summer submission. A school will not be able to report teachers using one method and students with the other as the data will not pass the fatal edits in the summer submission for the Classroom Link data reporting. For the 300 Course Section record, do not include courses with SERVICE-IDs that begin with SA, SE, SR, SS, 01, 8, or 9. Additionally the SERVICE-IDs for Prekindergarten and Kindergarten that begin with 02 cannot be reported on the 300 Course Section record. This rule is enforced by a fatal edit. SERVICE-ID 02000000, Elementary, Grades 1-6, should be used only when a teacher is serving multi-grade or ungraded student populations, typically in a pullout program. It is not used for those situations where a district assigns a teacher two contiguous grades of students because neither grade has enough students to allow for a single classroom. For elementary school courses, districts have the option of using either the generic elementary SERVICE-IDs (02010000 - Grade 1, 02020000 - Grade 2, 02030000 - Grade 3, 02040000 - Grade 4, 02050000 - Grade 5, 02060000 - Grade 6) for the core curriculum or the subject specific Service IDs in the student and teacher scheduling system(s). However, the district should make the decision to report these elementary Service IDs based upon how the students will be reported on the 415 Course Completion record in the summer submission. A school will not be able to report teachers using one method and students with the other as the data will not pass the fatal edits in the summer submission for the Classroom Link data reporting. A300 CAMPUS-COURSE SECTIONRevisionUse any combination of letters and/or numbers. The value reported for CLASS-PERIOD is useful to school teachers and administrators who review classroom performance data in the Student Assessment Data Portal. The value reported for CLASS-PERIOD may consist of any combination of letters (A Z) and/or numbers (0 9). The value reported for CLASS-PERIOD is useful to school teachers and administrators who review classroom performance data in the Student Assessment Data Portal.A300 CAMPUS-COURSE-SECTIONRevisionAn instructional campus: 1) has an assigned administrator, 2) has enrolled students who are counted for average daily attendance, 3) has assigned instructional staff, 4) receives federal and/or state and/or local funds as its primary support, 5) provides instruction in the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), 6) has one or more grade groups in the range from early education through grade 12, and 7) is not a program for students enrolled in another public school. An alternative instructional unit: 1) is an instructional site, center, program, or arrangement that is not governed by an individual campus organization, and 2) does not meet the above standard definition of an instructional campus. Follow the Resource Guide rules for reporting organizations/campus IDs. For 055 and 090 records, if the last three digits of CAMPUS-ID are greater than 698, except for 751, then the last three digits will be changed to 700 at TEA during the data load. However, 700 is not a valid number for use by districts in reporting to TEA.An instructional campus: 1) has an assigned administrator, 2) has enrolled students who are counted for average daily attendance, 3) has assigned instructional staff, 4) receives federal and/or state and/or local funds as its primary support, 5) provides instruction in the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), 6) has one or more grade groups in the range from early education through grade 12, and 7) is not a program for students enrolled in another public school. An alternative instructional unit: 1) is an instructional site, center, program, or arrangement that is not governed by an individual campus organization, and 2) does not meet the above standard definition of an instructional campus. The last three characters of CAMPUS-ID must be in the range of 001-698. CAMPUS-ID must match CAMPUS-ID on a 020 Campus record. A300 CAMPUS-COURSE-SECTIONRevisionThe CLASS-ID-NUMBER may be any 14 character district defined identifier comprised of letters and/or numbers. CLASS-ID-NUMBER must be unique such that when multiple one or more teachers are assigned to a particular course section, those teachers can be linked to a single particular 300 Course Section record through the 305 Teacher Assignment Records. Additionally, the uniqueness of the CLASS-ID-NUMBER will allow the students reported on the 415 Course Completion Record to be linked to the particular 300 Course Section record. The union of these three data records creates the classroom link. and that the students enrolled in a unique course section can be identified by the CLASS-ID-NUMBER on the 415 Course Completion Record.The CLASS-ID-NUMBER may be any 14 character district defined identifier comprised of letters and/or numbers. The CLASS-ID-NUMBER and SERVICE-ID must be unique for a particular course section at the campus level and match an entry on the 300 Course Section record. A300 CAMPUS-COURSE SECTIONRevisionCOURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE (E0948) indicates which portion of a course that is more than one semester in length is being reported. The code for the first semester of Algebra I is reported as "1", no matter if the course is taken in the fall semester or the spring semester. The COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE identifies how the course was taught to the student during the school year. COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE (E0948) indicates which portion of a course that is more than one semester in length is being reported. The COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE identifies the order in which the course was scheduled in the class scheduling system. A300 CAMPUS-COURSE SECTIONRevisionExamples include but are not limited to college based instruction, non-district teacher, non-campus teacher, internet based instruction, electronic Course Pilot (eCP), and Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN). NON-CAMPUS-BASED-INSTRUCTION-CODE Reporting Guidelines 01 - College Campus Based Course - College course (usually a dual credit course) is taught either on a college campus or a high school campus by an instructor not employed by the LEA. College courses taught on a high school campus by a LEA teacher with college credentials cannot be coded with NON-CAMPUS-BASED-INSTRUCTION-CODE 01. 02 - Electronic/Internet/Correspondence Based Course Any course that is taught not using an actual teacher (ROLE-ID 087 or 047) in the classroom where the student(s) meet for the class. Examples include internet delivered curriculum, academic instructional software programs, video instruction (live or recorded), online courses, etc 03 - Non-District Teacher Providing Classroom Instruction Services This course is taught by a teacher that is employed by another school district/charter. The classroom could be at any suitable location. Do not use this code for reporting college instructors. 04 Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN) Online Schools program (Formerly Electronic Course Program (eCP)) This is a full-time virtual program available only to eligible students in grade levels 3 - 12 who are enrolled in an eligible LEA participating in the program. For additional information and rules refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook. In order for a school to receive state funding for students enrolled in the TxVSN online school, all TxVSN Online Schools program course sections offered to students must be reported with this code. 05 - Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN) Statewide Online Course Catalog This program provides a supplemental statewide online course catalog of high school, advanced placement, and dual credit courses to eligible students in grade levels 9 - 12 who are enrolled in the LEA. For additional information refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook. In order for a school to receive state funding for students enrolled in courses offered through the TxVSN statewide course catalog, all TxVSN Statewide course catalog course sections offered to students must be reported with this code. 06 - Non-Campus Teacher Providing Instruction at Another District Facility These courses are taught in the district at a location that does not have its own campus number. An example of this would be when the CTE program courses are all taught at a central CTE location that is not eligible for its own campus number. These teachers are not associated with any other campus in the LEA. 07 - Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP) - TEC 37.011 These courses are always taught at a JJAEP that has been established in accordance with TEC 37.011, and are taught by teachers that are hired or are paid for by the JJAEP. 08 - Credit by Exam This code reflects those courses for which a student earned credit through the official credit by exam process. 09 - Out of District DAEP Program This code reflects those courses that a student is assigned to while placed in a DAEP that is physically located in another school district or charter school. While this code is similar to the Non District Teacher code 03, it is limited to those instances of a student attending a DAEP that is physically under the control of another school district or charter school. 10 - Non-District PE Substitution Program (Limited to Service IDs PES00008 - PES00011) The use of this code is limited to those cases where the LEA has authorized a student to earn PE credit by participating in a physical education activity that is not offered by the LEA. These include such things as gymnastic organizations, etc 99 Other - The use of this code is limited to those situations where no other Non Campus Based Instruction code listed above applies and the teacher, if applicable, in the classroom is not employed by or under direct contract to the LEA. The use of Non Campus Based Instruction Code 99 should be rare. A300 CAMPUS-COURSE SECTIONRevisionOne 300 Course Section record must be submitted in submission 3 for each unique class (course section) that was offered during the school year. Report all courses offered through a campus regardless of the method of instructional delivery. If a student is being instructed in a particular Service on or through a campus, then the information for that SERVICE-ID should be included on the 300 Course Section record. For each 300 record reported where NON-CAMPUS-BASED-INSTRUCTION-CODE is 00, there must be a matching 305 record where CAMPUS-ID, SERVICE-ID, CLASS-ID-NUMBER, and COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE is the same. For each 300 record where NON-CAMPUS-BASED-INSTRUCTION-CODE is 00, there must be a matching 305 record (DISTRICT-ID, CAMPUS-ID, SERVICE-ID, CLASS-ID-NUMBER, and COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE, where CLASS-ROLE is 01 (Teacher of Record). For each 300 record, there must be a matching 415 record where CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT matches CAMPUS-ID, and SERVICE-ID, CLASS-ID-NUMBER, and COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE is the same For students that are placed in or are expelled to a DAEP program, or expelled to a JJAEP, the campus that enrolls the student during these disciplinary removals is responsible for creating the 300 Course Section records that reflect the new course sections to which the student has been assigned while attending a DAEP or a JJAEP. One 300 Course Section record must be submitted in submission 3 for each reportable unique class (course section) that was offered during the school year. Report all courses offered through a campus regardless of the method of instructional delivery. If a student is being instructed in a particular Service on or through a campus, then the information for that SERVICE-ID should be included on the 300 Course Section record. Each LEA must begin tracking the course sections for reporting purposes as of the PEIMS fall snapshot date and for any course sections that were completed prior to the PEIMS fall snapshot date. For each 300 record reported, there must be a matching 305 record where CAMPUS-ID, SERVICE-ID, CLASS-ID-NUMBER, and COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE is the same. This rule checks the data key between the 300 Course Section and the 305 Teacher Class Assignment record and is enforced by a fatal edit. For each 300 record where NON-CAMPUS-BASED-INSTRUCTION-CODE is 00, there must be a matching 305 record (DISTRICT-ID, CAMPUS-ID, SERVICE-ID, CLASS-ID-NUMBER, and COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE, where CLASS-ROLE is 01 (Teacher of Record). This rule ensures that each course section offered at a campus that should have a teacher assigned to it, does indeed have a teacher reported for that section. This rule is enforced by a fatal edit. For each 300 record, there must be a matching 415 record where CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT matches CAMPUS-ID, and SERVICE-ID, CLASS-ID-NUMBER, and COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE is the same. This rule ensures that each course section offered at a campus has at least one student assigned to that course section. This rule is enforced by a fatal edit. For students that are placed in or are expelled to a DAEP program, or expelled to a JJAEP, the campus that enrolls the student during these disciplinary removals is responsible for creating the 300 Course Section records that reflect the new course sections to which the student has been assigned while attending a DAEP or a JJAEP. A300 CAMPUS-COURSE SECTIONAdditionNone. Texas School for the Deaf (TSD) and Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (TSBVI), and Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD) (formerly TYC) must report the 300 Course Section record.A305 STAFF TEACHER-ASSIGNMENTSRevisionAn instructional campus: 1) has an assigned administrator, 2) has enrolled students who are counted for average daily attendance, 3) has assigned instructional staff, 4) receives federal and/or state and/or local funds as its primary support, 5) provides instruction in the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), 6) has one or more grade groups in the range from early education through grade 12, and 7) is not a program for students enrolled in another public school. An alternative instructional unit: 1) is an instructional site, center, program, or arrangement that is not governed by an individual campus organization, and 2) does not meet the above standard definition of an instructional campus. Follow the Resource Guide rules for reporting organizations/campus IDs. For 055 and 090 records, if the last three digits of CAMPUS-ID are greater than 698, except for 751, then the last three digits will be changed to 700 at TEA during the data load. However, 700 is not a valid number for use by districts in reporting to TEA.An instructional campus: 1) has an assigned administrator, 2) has enrolled students who are counted for average daily attendance, 3) has assigned instructional staff, 4) receives federal and/or state and/or local funds as its primary support, 5) provides instruction in the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS), 6) has one or more grade groups in the range from early education through grade 12, and 7) is not a program for students enrolled in another public school. An alternative instructional unit: 1) is an instructional site, center, program, or arrangement that is not governed by an individual campus organization, and 2) does not meet the above standard definition of an instructional campus. The last three characters of CAMPUS-ID must be in the range of 001-698. CAMPUS-ID must match CAMPUS-ID on a 020 Campus record. A305 STAFF TEACHER-ASSIGNMENTSRevisionFor the 305 Teacher Class Assignment record, the only staff reported are those with ROLE-IDs 087 and 047. All other roles are not reported on this record. For the 305 Teacher Class Assignment record, the only staff reported are those with ROLE-IDs 087 and 047. All other roles are not reported on this record. Do not report any staff roles other than 047- Teacher or 047 Substitute Teacher. Do not report the substitute teachers as assigned to a particular course section unless the substitute teacher has replaced a teacher who died, resigned, or was terminated.A305 STAFF TEACHER-ASSIGNMENTSRevisionFor the 305 Teacher Class Assignment record, do not include courses with SERVICE-IDs that begin with SA, SR, SS, 01, 8, or 9. For the 305 Teacher Class Assignment record, do not include courses with SERVICE-IDs that begin with SA, SE, SR, SS, 01, 8, or 9. Additionally the SERVICE-IDs for Prekindergarten and Kindergarten that begin with 02 cannot be reported on the 305 Teacher Class Assignment record. This rule is enforced by a fatal edit. SERVICE-ID 02000000, Elementary, Grades 1-6, should be used only when a teacher is serving multi-grade or ungraded student populations, typically in a pullout program. It is not used for those situations where a district assigns a teacher two contiguous grades of students because neither grade has enough students to allow for a single classroom. For elementary school courses, districts have the option of using either the generic elementary SERVICE-IDs (02010000 - Grade 1, 02020000 - Grade 2, 02030000 - Grade 3, 02040000 - Grade 4, 02050000 - Grade 5, 02060000 - Grade 6) for the core curriculum or the subject specific Service IDs in the student and teacher scheduling system(s). However, the district should make the decision to report these elementary Service IDs based upon how the students will be reported on the 415 Course Completion record in the summer submission. A school will not be able to report teachers using one method and students with the other as the data will not pass the fatal edits in the summer submission for the Classroom Link data reporting.A305 STAFF TEACHER-ASSIGNMENTSAdditionNone.CLASS-ID-NUMBER must be unique such that when one or more teachers are assigned to a particular course section, the teachers can be linked to a particular 300 Course Section record through the 305 Teacher Assignment Records. Additionally, the uniqueness of the CLASS-ID-NUMBER will allow the students reported on the 415 Course Completion Record to be linked to the particular 300 Course Section record. The union of these three data records creates the classroom link. A305 STAFF TEACHER-ASSIGNMENTSRevisionThe COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE identifies how the course was taught to the student during the school year.The COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE identifies the order in which the course was scheduled in the class scheduling system.A305 STAFF TEACHER-ASSIGNMENTSRevisionThe POPULATION-SERVED-CODE is determined for the population which the service (class) was designed, not by the student population(s) that receives the service. If two or more populations are being served in the same course section, only one POPULATION-SERVED-CODE can be reported for that course section. If the POPULATION-SERVED-CODE intent cannot be determined, report POPULATION-SERVED-CODE 01, regular students. The POPULATION-SERVED-CODE does not necessarily identify the program eligibility of the students who receive the service. The POPULATION-SERVED-CODEis determined by the population for which the service was designed, not by the student population(s) that receives the service. If two or more populations are being served, only one record should be reported, using the population for which the service was designed. If a POPULATION-SERVED-CODE cannot be determined, use POPULATION-SERVED-CODE code 01, regular students. The correct value of POPULATION-SERVED-CODE is determined by the population for which the service was designed, not by the student population that receives a service. If two or more populations are being served, only one record should be reported, using the population for which the service was designed.The POPULATION-SERVED-CODE is determined for the population which the service (class) was designed, not by the student population(s) that receives the service. If two or more populations are being served in the same course section, only one POPULATION-SERVED-CODE can be reported for that course section. If the POPULATION-SERVED-CODE intent cannot be determined, report POPULATION-SERVED-CODE 01, regular students. A305 STAFF TEACHER-ASSIGNMENTSRevisionCLASS-ROLE identifies the role served by a teacher(s) in a class. The teacher(s) reported for each course section are a Teacher of Record, Assistant Teacher, or a Support Teacher. If more than one Teacher of Record is assigned to a class during the duration of the class, then all Teachers of Record must be reported on a 305 record. CLASS-ROLE identifies the role served by a teacher(s) in a class. The teacher(s) reported for each course section are a Teacher of Record, Assistant Teacher, or a Support Teacher. -A Teacher of Record is almost always in the classroom of a particular course section delivering the class curriculum delivery to students, and determining the final outcome for each student in the class. -An Assistant Teacher is almost always in the classroom of a particular course section and assist the Teacher of Record in the delivery of the class curriculum to the students. This teacher may work with the students as a whole or in part as directed by the Teacher of Record. -A Support Teacher is occasionally in the classroom assisting the Teacher of Record with the delivery of specialized instruction related to that course section for all or part of the class as directed by the Teacher of Record. Each course section must be reported with at least one Teacher of Record. This rule is enforced by a fatal edit. If the Teacher of Record changes during the duration of the course section, then the Teacher of Record will be shown with a ending date and the new Teacher of Record will be shown in the same course section with a starting date after the former Teacher of Record ended their service for the course section. A305 STAFF TEACHER-ASSIGNMENTSRevisionThe ASSIGNMENT-BEGIN-DATE identifies the first date a teacher was assigned to a class in the current school year. If more than one teacher is assigned to a course section during the duration of a course section, then there must be a 305 Teacher Class Assignment record for each teacher that was assigned to the course section. If a particular teacher is assigned to a course section, leaves that course section assignment, and then at a later date is reassigned to that course section (returns to that class at a later date), then there must be a 305 Teacher Class Assignment record for each of these teacher ASSIGNMENT-BEGIN-DATEs. A305 STAFF TEACHER-ASSIGNMENTSRevisionThe ASSIGNMENT-END-DATE identifies the last date a teacher was assigned to a class in the current school year. If after being assigned to a particular course section a teacher leaves that course section, then there must be a 305 Teacher Class Assignment record reflecting both the ASSIGNMENT-BEGIN-DATE and the Teacher Class Assignment for that particular teachers segment of service to that course section. If a particular teacher is assigned to a course section, leaves that course section assignment more than once, then there must be a 305 Teacher Class Assignment record for each of the teacher ASSIGNMENT-BEGIN-DATE and ASSIGNMENT-BEGIN-DATEs. The teacher(s) that are assigned to a particular course section on the last date the course section meets must be reported on their 305 Teacher Class Assignment record(s) with a ASSIGNMENT-BEGIN-DATE that reflects the last date the class met. A305 STAFF TEACHER-ASSIGNMENTSRevisionAt least one 305 Teacher Class Assignment record must be submitted in submission 3 for each reportable unique class (course section) that was offered during the school year. Report all courses offered through a campus regardless of the method of instructional delivery. If a student is being instructed in a particular service on or through a campus by a teacher employed or contracted for by the LEA, then the information for that SERVICE-ID should be reported on a 305 Teacher Class Assignment record. Each LEA must begin tracking the course sections for reporting purposes as of the PEIMS fall snapshot date and for any course sections that were completed prior to the PEIMS fall snapshot date. For each 305 Teacher Class Assignment record, there must be a matching 300 Course Section record with a matching CAMPUS-ID, SERVICE-ID, CLASS-ID-NUMBER, and COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE. For a particular STAFF-ID on a 305 Teacher Class Assignment record, there must be a matching STAFF-ID on some 040 Staff Identification, 043 Staff Demographic, and 050 Staff Employment record. LEAs are required to report all teachers (Teachers of Record, Assistant Teachers, and Support Teachers) that provide instructional services for a particular class, excluding the Service IDs that are not reportable. For example, if a teacher rotates through each of the third grade classes providing a reading service to the students, then that teacher would have a class role of support teacher and would be assigned to and reported with each class (course section) that they provide the instructional reading service. LEAs are required to report the actual ASSIGNMENT-BEGIN-DATEs and the ASSIGNMENT-END-DATEs for all teachers (Teachers of Record, Assistant Teachers, and Support Teachers) associated with a particular class (course section). For example, if a particular section of Algebra I had two different Teachers of Record before the class ended, then the actual ASSIGNMENT-BEGIN-DATEs and ASSIGNMENT-END-DATEs for each teachers service would be reported on their respective 305 records. For teaching staff that are assigned to an in-district DAEP program, the 305 Teacher Assignment records must identify the teachers serving as either a teacher of record, assistant teacher, or support teacher. If the teaching staff in charge of the DAEP classrooms are merely serving as a facilitator for the home campus teacher(s) of record of the students that are assigned to the DAEP, then the DAEP facilitators should not be reported with a 305 Teacher Class Assignment record. Therefore, the home campus teacher(s) of record will be reported with a 305 Teacher Class Assignment record for the students assigned to the DAEP program. Determining the teacher of record for students assigned to a DAEP program is based on the definition of teacher of record (CLASS-ROLE 01) from PEIMS code table C180. For homebound teachers serving homebound students on a short-term basis, the homebound student should remain (teacher of record) prior to moving into the homebound setting. For homebound teachers serving homebound students on a long-term basis (full grading periods/semesters) the LEA should determine the teacher of record based on the definition of teacher of record (CLASS-ROLE 01) from PEIMS code table C180. At least one 305 Teacher Class Assignment record must be submitted in submission 3 for each reportable unique class (course section) that was offered during the school year. Report all courses offered through a campus regardless of the method of instructional delivery. If a student is being instructed in a particular service on or through a campus by a teacher employed or contracted for by the LEA, then the information for that SERVICE-ID should be reported on a 305 Teacher Class Assignment record. Each LEA must begin tracking the course sections for reporting purposes as of the PEIMS fall snapshot date and for any course sections that were completed prior to the PEIMS fall snapshot date. For each 305 Teacher Class Assignment record, there must be a matching 300 Course Section record with a matching CAMPUS-ID, SERVICE-ID, CLASS-ID-NUMBER, and COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE. For a particular STAFF-ID on a 305 Teacher Class Assignment record, there must be a matching STAFF-ID on some 040 Staff Identification, 043 Staff Demographic, and 050 Staff Employment record. LEAs are required to report all teachers (Teachers of Record, Assistant Teachers, and Support Teachers) that provide instructional services for a particular class, excluding the Service IDs that are not reportable. For example, if a teacher rotates through each of the third grade classes providing a reading service to the students, then that teacher would have a class role of support teacher and would be assigned to and reported with each class (course section) that they provide the instructional reading service. LEAs are required to report the actual ASSIGNMENT-BEGIN-DATEs and the ASSIGNMENT-END-DATEs for all teachers (Teachers of Record, Assistant Teachers, and Support Teachers) associated with a particular class (course section). For example, if a particular section of Algebra I had two different Teachers of Record before the class ended, then the actual ASSIGNMENT-BEGIN-DATEs and ASSIGNMENT-END-DATEs for each teachers service would be reported on their respective 305 records. For teaching staff that are assigned to an in-district DAEP program (not a DAEP campus), the 305 Teacher Assignment records should identify the teachers serving as either a teacher of record, assistant teacher, or support teacher. If the teaching staff in charge of the DAEP classrooms are merely serving as a facilitator for the home campus teacher(s) of record of the students that are assigned to the DAEP, then the DAEP facilitators should not be reported with a 305 Teacher Class Assignment record. In this scenario, the home campus teacher(s) of record will be reported with a 305 Teacher Class Assignment record for the students assigned to the DAEP program. This will likely mean that the students assigned to a DAEP program in this situation will remain assigned to their course sections at the campus where they are still enrolled. Determining the teacher of record for students assigned to a DAEP program is based on the definition of teacher of record (CLASS-ROLE 01) from PEIMS code table C180. For homebound teachers serving homebound students on a short-term basis (less than a full grading period/semester), the homebound students served should remain assigned to the course section (teacher of record) they were assigned prior to moving into the homebound setting. For homebound teachers serving homebound students on a long-term basis (full grading periods/semesters/school year), the LEA should determine the teacher of record based on the definition of teacher of record (CLASS-ROLE 01) from PEIMS code table C180. A305 STAFF TEACHER-ASSIGNMENTSRevisionIf a LEA school offers a Non-Campus Based Instruction education opportunity for its students, and the LEA is required to report a Teacher of Record per requirements documented in the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook, then the LEA must enter into either a contractual relationship or develop a memorandum of understanding with the entity providing the educational instruction to obtain the minimum staff identification and demographic information required on the 040 Staff Identification, 043 Staff Demographic, and 050 Staff Employment PEIMS records. Failure to obtain and report this required staff information may result in a loss of state funding in the event of an audit. A LEA that is providing a Non-Campus Based Instruction education opportunity for its students will be required to report a Teacher of Record for any special program services that requires an appropriately certified Teacher of Record to be reported by the rules documented in the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook. Despite any PEIMS reporting allowances offered for Non-Campus Based Instructional education situations, a LEA must follow the reporting requirements documented in the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook to ensure eligibility for specific special program funding. If a LEA school offers a Non-Campus Based Instruction career and technical education opportunity for its students, and the LEA is required to report a Teacher of Record per requirements documented in the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook, then the LEA must enter into either a contractual relationship or develop a memorandum of understanding with the entity providing the educational instruction to obtain the minimum staff identification and demographic information required on the 040 Staff Identification, 043 Staff Demographic, and 050 Staff Employment PEIMS records. Failure to obtain and report this required staff information may result in a loss of state funding in the event of an audit. Despite any PEIMS reporting allowances offered for Non-Campus Based Instructional education situations, a LEA must follow the reporting requirements documented in the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook to ensure eligibility for specific special program funding. Texas School for the Deaf (TSD) and Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (TSBVI), and Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD) (formerly TYC) must report the 300 Course Section record. A400 BASIC ATTENDANCE DATA-STUDENTAdditionNone.Students who are enrolled in the Texas School for the Deaf (TSD), Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (TSBVI), and Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD) (formerly TYC) must report the attendance their students using TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT for the period of time that they are in attendance at either school. This rule is enforced by a fatal edit. A400 BASIC ATTENDANCE DATA-STUDENTAdditionNone.Addition: A campus can have up to 10 instructional tracks (0-9). Anytime the NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT for a particular sixweek reporting period at a campus are different, then there must be an additional INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE for that sixweek reporting period. A400 BASIC ATTENDANCE DATA-STUDENTDeletionDeletion: Example: A campus that waives days of instruction for grades three and five will report an INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE of "0" for students in grades kindergarten through two and four, and an INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE of "1" (different calendar) for grades three and five.  None.A400 BASIC ATTENDANCE DATA-STUDENTAdditionnone.For additional rules concerning the reporting of days absent for a particular student, please refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook. A400 BASIC ATTENDANCE DATA-STUDENTDeletionThe sum of TOTAL-DAYS-ABSENT and TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT is usually not more than 180 for any student.None. A400 BASIC ATTENDANCE DATA-STUDENTAdditionNone.If a student leaves the G/T program during a reporting period, report the student with a GIFTED-TALENTED-INDICATOR-CODE of 1 for the current reporting period and with a GIFTED-TALENTED-INDICATOR-CODE of "0" in the subsequent reporting period. If a student begins or returns to the G/T program during a reporting period, report the student with a GIFTED-TALENTED-INDICATOR-CODE of 1 for the current reporting period. For additional rules concerning the reporting of Gifted and Talented Indicator Code for a particular student, please refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook.A400 BASIC ATTENDANCE DATA-STUDENTAdditionNone.For submission 3, the PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE is reported for each reporting period that a student was in attendance. If the PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE changes for a student during the course of a school year, then the students 400 Basic Attendance records will reflect the different PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODEs for each reporting period. Refer to the 163 Student Data - Special Education record for additional information regarding PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE. A400 BASIC ATTENDANCE DATA - STUDENTAdditionNone.Addition: Warning: School calendar tracks exceeding 180 days will result in less ADA funding per day for the school district/campus. For the 400 Basic Attendance record, the REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE is limited to codes 1 6. A400 BASIC ATTENDANCE DATA - STUDENTDeletion(enrolled for at least two hours for one or more days within the indicated reporting period)None.A400 BASIC ATTENDANCE DATA - STUDENTDeletionAll schools must submit attendance data by the required reporting date. If the school year for a particular school/track has not ended when the submission is due, report the actual number of instructional days completed thus far. Include the completed attendance data for the entire school year with the resubmission. Districts with year-round programs that end after the reporting date will be permitted to delay their one resubmission, as specified in the resubmission policy. None.A400 BASIC ATTENDANCE DATA - STUDENTDeletionReport 400 records only for each student who was in membership in the district during the course of the school year. Report 400 records only for those students who are in membership in the district. In order to be counted in membership, a student must be enrolled for at least two hours per day. Do not report a 400 record for students in GRADE-LEVEL-CODE EE who are not served through the special education program at least two hours each day. None.A400 BASIC ATTENDANCE DATA - STUDENTDeletionFor a particular CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, if there are any students where REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR CODE is 3 or 6, GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is 09-12, and there is not at least one 415 record with a matching STUDENT-ID, then the total number of students in this category will be shown. For a particular STUDENT-ID where TOTAL-ELIG-PREG-REL-SVCS-DAYS-PRESENT is not 0000, SEX-CODE must be F on the 101 record with a matching STUDENT-ID. If CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT is a campus registered with the TEA as a JJAEP or a DAEP, then there must be a 425 record with a matching STUDENT-ID. None.A400 BASIC ATTENDANCE DATA - STUDENTRevisionThe "days present" reported for each data element on the 400 attendance record is the total for that specific reporting period. If a student has multiple entries and withdrawals in the same grade, in the same school, on the same instructional track during a specific reporting period, only one 400 attendance record is required. and the total days for each data element are reported. Revision: The "days present" reported on the 400 attendance record is the total for that specific reporting period. If a student has multiple entries and withdrawals in the same grade, in the same school, on the same instructional track during a specific reporting period, only one 400 attendance record is required. A400 BASIC ATTENDANCE DATA - STUDENTRevisionTEXAS SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF (TSD) AND THE TEXAS SCHOOL FOR THE BLIND AND VISUALLY IMPAIRED (TSBVI): Students who are enrolled in the TSD and the TSBVI will be reported with a 400 attendance record (reported as TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT) for the period of time that they are in attendance at either school. Sending districts will report attendance data on these students for the period(s) of time during the school year that the student is in attendance at the sending district. TEXAS SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF (TSD) AND THE TEXAS SCHOOL FOR THE BLIND AND VISUALLY IMPAIRED (TSBVI): Students who are enrolled in the TSD and the TSBVI will be reported with a 400 attendance record (reported as TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT) for the period of time that they are in attendance at either school.A400 BASIC ATTENDANCE DATA-STUDENTRevisionThere must be at least one 400 attendance record for each student who was in membership. In order to be counted in membership, a student must be enrolled and scheduled for at least two hours (120 minutes) of instruction each school day. (enrolled for at least two hours for one or more days within the indicated reporting period). Students enrolled for less than two hours per day are not counted in membership and are not reported on the 400 record for the period of time that they were not in membership. For each student reported with a 400 attendance record, there must be a 101 Student Demographic record with a matching STUDENT-ID. All schools must submit attendance data by the required reporting date. If the school year for a particular school/track has not ended when the submission is due, report the actual number of instructional days completed thus far. Include the completed attendance data for the entire school year with the resubmission. Districts with year-round programs that end after the reporting date will be permitted to delay their one resubmission, as specified in the resubmission policy. Report 400 records only for each student who was in membership in the district during the course of the school year. Report 400 records only for those students who are in membership in the district. In order to be counted in membership, a student must be enrolled for at least two hours per day. Do not report a 400 record for students in GRADE-LEVEL-CODE EE who are not served through the special education program at least two hours each day. Students who are enrolled in more than one grade, track, or campus during a unique reporting period will have a 400 attendance record for each grade, track, or campus. TOTAL-DAYS-ABSENT, TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT, TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT, TOTAL-ELIG-BILINGUAL/ESL-PRESENT, TOTAL-ELIGIBLEPREG-REL-SVCS-DAYS-PRESENT, and TOTAL-ELIG-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-PRESENT (days present) can only be reported as whole days or half days. The "days present" reported for students in half-day programs, such as prekindergarten, cannot be more than half of the NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT for that reporting period. The "days present" reported for each data element on the 400 attendance record is the total for that specific reporting period. If a student has multiple entries and withdrawals in the same grade, in the same school, on the same instructional track during a specific reporting period, only one 400 attendance record is required and the total days for each data element are reported. TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT and TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT can be reported on the same 400 attendance record for a unique reporting period. Do not create a 400 attendance record for a student who was not in attendance during a unique reporting period. Refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook for the complete guidelines for attendance, special program eligibility, and audit concerns. Rules for the collection of all the data required on the 400, 405 and 410 records are addressed in the Handbook. For a particular CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, if there are any students where REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR CODE is 3 or 6, GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is 09-12, and there is not at least one 415 record with a matching STUDENT-ID, then the total number of students in this category will be shown. For a particular STUDENT-ID where TOTAL-ELIG-PREG-REL-SVCS-DAYS-PRESENT is not 0000, SEX-CODE must be F on the 101 record with a matching STUDENT-ID. If CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT is a campus registered with the TEA as a JJAEP or a DAEP, then there must be a 425 record with a matching STUDENT-ID.There must be at least one 400 attendance record for each student who was in membership. In order to be counted in membership, a student must be enrolled and scheduled for at least two hours (120 minutes) of instruction each school day. Students enrolled for less than two hours per day are not counted in membership and are not reported on the 400 record for the period of time that they were not in membership. For each student reported with a 400 attendance record, there must be a 101 Student Demographic record with a matching STUDENT-ID. Students who are enrolled in more than one grade, track, or campus during a unique reporting period will have a 400 attendance record for each grade, track, or campus. TOTAL-DAYS-ABSENT, TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT, TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT, TOTAL-ELIG-BILINGUAL/ESL-PRESENT, TOTAL-ELIGIBLEPREG-REL-SVCS-DAYS-PRESENT, and TOTAL-ELIG-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-PRESENT (days present) can only be reported as whole days or half days. The "days present" reported for students in half-day programs, such as prekindergarten, cannot be more than half of the NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT for that reporting period. The "days present" reported on the 400 attendance record is the total for that specific reporting period. If a student has multiple entries and withdrawals in the same grade, in the same school, on the same instructional track during a specific reporting period, only one 400 attendance record is required. TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT and TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT can be reported on the same 400 attendance record for a unique reporting period. Do not create a 400 attendance record for a student who was not in attendance during a unique reporting period. Refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook for the complete guidelines for attendance, special program eligibility, and audit concerns. Rules for the collection of all the data required on the 400, 405 and 410 records are addressed in the Handbook. A400 BASIC ATTENDANCE DATA-STUDENTRevisionTEXAS SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF (TSD) AND THE TEXAS SCHOOL FOR THE BLIND AND VISUALLY IMPAIRED (TSBVI): Students who are enrolled in the TSD and the TSBVI will be reported with a 400 attendance record (reported as TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT) for the period of time that they are in attendance at either school. Sending districts will report attendance data on these students for the period(s) of time during the school year that the student is in attendance at the sending district.TEXAS SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF (TSD) AND THE TEXAS SCHOOL FOR THE BLIND AND VISUALLY IMPAIRED (TSBVI): Students who are enrolled in the TSD and the TSBVI will be reported with a 400 attendance record (reported as TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT) for the period of time that they are in attendance at either school. A405 SPECIAL EDUCATION ATTENDANCE DATA - STUDENTRevisionA student who changes INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODEs during a reporting period may be reported on the same 405 record, unless the record key changes. The INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE for speech therapy is 00. Students receiving speech therapy services should be reported on the 405 record unless exempted by other reporting requirements (such as ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE 0 students). Students receiving speech therapy services who are also receiving services in another instructional setting should have both instructional settings reported on the 405 record unless exempted by other reporting requirements (such as ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE 0 students). A student who changes INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODEs during a reporting period may be reported on the same 405 record, unless the record key changes. The INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE for speech therapy is 00. Students receiving speech therapy services should be reported on the 405 record unless exempted by other reporting requirements (such as ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE 0 students). Students receiving speech therapy services who are also receiving services in another instructional setting should have both instructional settings reported on the 405 record unless exempted by other reporting requirements (such as ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE 0 students). Each special education instructional setting has a unique contact-hour multiplier. Use the following chart when computing special education contact hours. Please refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook for additional rules concerning the assignment of the INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE for special education students. Instructional Arrangement/Setting Code(s) Contact-Hour Multiplier Speech Therapy - code 00 .25 Homebound - code 01 1.00 Hospital Class - code 02 4.50 Vocational Adjustment Class - code 08 5.50 State Supported Living Center - code 30 5.50 Resource Room - codes 41 and 42 2.859 Mild/Moderate/Severe - codes 43 and 44 2.859 Full-Time Early Childhood - code 45 2.859 Off Home Campus - codes 9198 4.25 Residential Care and Treatment Facility - codes 8189 5.50 A405 SPECIAL EDUCATION ATTENDANCE DATA - STUDENTDeletionDeletion: For each instance of STUDENT-ID where EXCESS-HOURS-IN-INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE is greater than 000000, there must be a matching 410 record. The value of STUDENT-ID on this record must match the value of STUDENT-ID on some 100 record. None.A405 SPECIAL EDUCATION ATTENDANCE DATA - STUDENT AdditionNone.Warning: School calendar tracks exceeding 180 days will result in less ADA funding per day for the school district/campus. For the 405 Special Education Attendance record, the REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE is limited to codes 1 6. A405 SPECIAL EDUCATION ATTENDANCE DATA - STUDENT AdditionNone.The Foundation School funding for LEAs is based on and limited to 6.0 contact hours per day per student. Excess contact hours for special education students occur when the education contact hours earned for a particular day exceed 6.0 hours. This generally occurs when a special education student is receiving special education instruction and career and technical education instruction on the same day. A405 SPECIAL EDUCATION ATTENDANCE DATA - STUDENT AdditionNone.Texas School for the Deaf (TSD) and Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (TSBVI), and Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD) (formerly TYC) do not report the 405 special education attendance record. A405 SPECIAL EDUCATION ATTENDANCE DATA - STUDENT DeletionFor each instance of STUDENT-ID where EXCESS-HOURS-IN-INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE is greater than 000000, there must be a matching 410 record. The value of STUDENT-ID on this record must match the value of STUDENT-ID on some 100 record. None.A408 STUDENT DATA-EXTENDED SCHOOL YEAR (ESY) SERVICESDeletion Deletion: This does not mean that districts should not or cannot administer mainstream services in their ESY services program. If a student who received ESY services during the regular school year needs mainstream services through the summer, then the school district should serve the student accordingly. However, funding for this mainstream service must come from sources other than ESY services. None.A408 STUDENT DATA-EXTENDED SCHOOL YEAR (ESY) SERVICESDeletionFor each 408 ESY record there must be a 101 Student Demographic record with a matching STUDENT-ID and GRADE-LEVEL-CODE. Do not create a 408 record for students who did not participate in special education during the regular school year. Refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook for the complete ESY services eligibility and attendance coding instructions. NoneA408 STUDENT DATA-EXTENDED SCHOOL YEAR (ESY) SERVICESAdditionNone.A 408 ESY record must be reported for each special education student served in the ESY services program. A408 STUDENT DATA-EXTENDED SCHOOL YEAR (ESY) SERVICESAdditionNone.Texas School for the Deaf (TSD) and Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (TSBVI), and Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD) (formerly TYC) do not report the 408 ESY special education record. A408 STUDENT DATA EXTENDED SCHOOL YEAR (ESY) SERVICESDeletionTOTAL-ESY-CONTACT-HRS-IN-INSTR-SETTING should be the number of actual contact hours each student was served in the ESY services program. None.A408 STUDENT DATA EXTENDED SCHOOL YEAR (ESY) SERVICESDeletionThis record is reported only by those districts operating a special education ESY services program according to TEC 42.151(k). Each ESY services student must be recommended for ESY services by the ARD committee (as documented in the students IEP) based on the justification that, without participation in the ESY services program, the student may regress over the summer months. None.A408 STUDENT DATA EXTENDED SCHOOL YEAR (ESY) SERVICESDeletionThis record will collect actual contact hours, by the instructional setting code documented in the students IEPs, of special education students served in an ESY services program so that ESY services funding can be computed and distributed. Actual ESY contact hours are needed to fund the special education ESY services program. In order for a district to receive ESY services state funding, a 408 record must be reported for each special education student served in the ESY services program. None.A410 CAREER & TECHNICAL EDUCATION (CTE) ATTENDANCE-STUDENTAdditionNoneWarning: School calendar tracks exceeding 180 days will result in less ADA funding per day for the school district/campus. For the 410 Special Education Attendance record, the REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE is limited to codes 1 6. The values reported for the REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE on the 410 CTE attendance record must match those values reported on the 400 student attendance record. A410 CAREER & TECHNICAL EDUCATION (CTE) ATTENDANCE-STUDENTAdditionNoneA 410 CTE attendance record is required for each CTE student who was in membership for at least one day during the course of the school year and was enrolled in an approved CTE course eligible for CTE funding. LEAs who offer CTE courses that have not been approved for funding do not report a 410 CTE attendance record. A410 CAREER & TECHNICAL EDUCATION (CTE) ATTENDANCE-STUDENTAdditionNoneTexas School for the Deaf (TSD) and Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (TSBVI), and Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD) (formerly TYC) do not report the 410 CTE attendance record. A410 CAREER & TECHNICAL EDUCATION (CTE) ATTENDANCE - STUDENT RevisionStudents in grades 7 and 8 can only be reported for approved Career and Technical Education for the Disabled (CTED) courses. Revision: Students in grades 7 and 8 can only be reported with a 410 CTE attendance record for approved Career and Technical Education for the Disabled (CTED) courses. A410 CAREER & TECHNICAL EDUCATION (CTE) ATTENDANCE-STUDENTDeletionThere must be a 410 CTE attendance record for each eligible student enrolled in the attendance records for more than two hours per day and served by an approved vocational education program in your district. Districts who offer CTE courses that have not been approved for funding do not create a 410 record for students served in these courses. None.A410 CAREER & TECHNICAL EDUCATION (CTE) ATTENDANCE-STUDENTDeletionFor each instance of STUDENT-ID, there must be a matching 400 record. For each instance of STUDENT-ID where GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is 07 or 08, there must be a matching 405 record or a matching 400 record where TOTAL-ELIG-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-PRESENT is not 0000. None.A410 CAREER & TECHNICAL EDUCATION (CTE) ATTENDANCE-STUDENTAdditionNone.No single career and technical education course can generate more that 3 contact hours per day.A415 COURSE COMPLETION DATA - STUDENT Revision415 COURSE COMPLETION DATA STUDENT Remove E1071 COURSE-GRADE from columns 72-74.NoneA415 COURSE COMPLETION DATA - STUDENT Revision415 COURSE COMPLETION DATA STUDENT Remove E1072 FINAL-COURSE-GRADE from columns 75-77.NoneA415 COURSE COMPLETION DATA - STUDENT AdditionNone.If the SERVICE-ID listed in Code Table C022 begins with SA, SE, SR, SS, 01, 8 or 9, that SERVICE-ID cannot be reported on the 415 course completion records. A415 COURSE COMPLETION DATA - STUDENT AdditionNone.The COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE identifies the order in which the course was scheduled in the class scheduling system. A415 COURSE COMPLETION DATA - STUDENT AdditionNone.If a student is assigned to a class, withdraws from that class, and then returns to that class at a later date, there must be a 415 course completion record for each of these STUDENT-BEGIN-DATEs. A415 COURSE COMPLETION DATA - STUDENT AdditionNone.If a student withdraws from a class, returns to that class, and then withdraws from class at a later date, there must be a 415 course completion record for each of these STUDENT-END-DATEs. A415 COURSE COMPLETION DATA - STUDENT AdditionNone.In submission 3, there must be one 415 Course Completion record for each reportable course from PEIMS code table C022 that was attempted or completed by each student in membership in grades 1 through 12. The LEA must begin tracking these classes for reporting purposes as of the PEIMS fall snapshot date. A415 COURSE COMPLETION DATA - STUDENT AdditionNone.In submission 3, a 415 Course Completion record is required for all student courses that were completed prior to the PEIMS fall snapshot date. Any reportable course from PEIMS code table C022 that was attempted but not completed prior to the PEIMS fall snapshot date is not required to be reported on the 415 Course Completion record. A415 COURSE COMPLETION DATA - STUDENT AdditionNone.In submission 4, all and only the dual credit courses attempted or completed, by students during the summer (between school years), must be reported with a 415 Course Completion record. A415 COURSE COMPLETION DATA - STUDENTDeletionThe COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE identifies how the course was taught to the student during the school year, or in the summer. None.A415 COURSE COMPLETION DATA - STUDENTDeletionFor submission 3, STUDENT-BEGIN-DATE identifies the first date a student was assigned to the class in the current school year. None.A415 COURSE COMPLETION DATA - STUDENTDeletionFor submission 3, STUDENT-END-DATE identifies the last date a student was assigned to the class in the current school year.None.A415 COURSE COMPLETION DATA - STUDENT DeletionDelete chart: Allowable Uses of Career and Technical Education SERVICE-IDs on Code Table C022, Labeled with an H or M in the CTE column (Submission 3 only)None.A415 COURSE COMPLETION DATA - STUDENT DeletionFor each 415 Course Completion record, there must be a corresponding 305 Teacher Assignment record (CAMPUS-ID, SERVICE-ID, CLASS-ID-NUMBER, and COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE). where the earliest ASSIGNMENT-BEGIN-DATE is the same as the earliest STUDENT-BEGIN-DATE on the 415 record The information for the 415 Course Completion record is required to be tracked and reported beginning with the last Friday in October of each school year. Minimum Reporting Standards for the 2011-2012 School Year (Submission 3) NoneA415 COURSE COMPLETION DATA - STUDENT DeletionFor the 2011 2012 school year, districts and charter schools must report all courses attempted by a student as of the last Friday in October. For the 2011-2012 school year, the exact STUDENT-BEGIN-DATEs and the STUDENT-END-DATEs for each class in which the student is enrolled as of the Last Friday in October must be reported. For example, if a student started a semester with Biology I and changed to a different course such as Theatre on November 1st, then both the Biology I and the Theatre course must be reported on a 415 record along with the actual STUDENT-BEGIN-DATEs and the STUDENT-END-DATEs for each class. Classes completed prior to the fall snapshot date must also be reported along with the classes completed after the fall snapshot date. None. A415 COURSE COMPLETION DATA - STUDENT DeletionDo not include courses with SERVICE-IDs that begin with SA, SR, SS, 01, 8, or 9. For a particular Student-ID on some 415 record, there must be a matching 100 and 101 record. For each student who is not in Special Education and where there is a 400 and/or 500 record, there must be a matching (SUDENT-ID) 415 record. NoneA415 COURSE COMPLETION DATA - STUDENT DeletionFor each campus listed in the Texas School Directory, there must be at least one 415 record for each instructional campus, and GRADE-LEVEL-CODE from the 400 and/or 500 records. For each 415 record, there must be a corresponding 305 record where the last ASSIGNMENT-END-DATE is the same as the latest STUDENT-END-DATE on the 415 record. None.A415 COURSE COMPLETION DATA - STUDENT Addition None.Texas School for the Deaf (TSD) and Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (TSBVI), and Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD) (formerly TYC) must report the 415 Course Completion record. A415 COURSE COMPLETION DATA - STUDENT Revision For students that are assigned to an in-district DAEP program, the 415 Course Completion records should reflect the course sections that are associated with the students teacher of record based upon the definition of teacher of record (CLASS-ROLE 01) from PEIMS code table C180. If it is determined that the teaching staff at the DAEP program are not the teacher(s) of record for the student(s) assigned to the DAEP, then the students should continue to be assigned to the home campus course sections they were assigned to prior to being removed to the DAEP program. Short term homebound students should remain in the course section with the teacher of record prior to moving into the homebound setting. For long term homebound students (full grading period/semester), the district should determine the teacher of record and report the 415 Course Completion records for the student(s) based on the definition of teacher of record (CLASS-ROLE 01) from PEIMS code table C180. High school students enrolled in English I for Speakers of Other Languages (03200600) and English II for Speakers of Other Languages (03200700) may not receive high school graduation credit unless they are LEP and are immigrants to the United States. Additionally the SERVICE-IDs for Prekindergarten and Kindergarten that begin with 02 cannot be reported on the 415 Course Completion record. This rule is enforced by a fatal edit. For students that are assigned to an in-district DAEP program, the 415 Course Completion records should reflect the course sections that are associated with the students teacher of record based upon the definition of teacher of record (CLASS-ROLE 01) from PEIMS code table C180. If it is determined that the teaching staff at the DAEP program are not the teacher(s) of record for the student(s) assigned to the DAEP, then the students should continue to be assigned to the home campus course sections they were assigned to prior to being removed to the DAEP program. Short term homebound students should remain in the course section with the teacher of record prior to moving into the homebound setting. For long term homebound students (full grading period/semester), the district should determine the teacher of record and report the 415 Course Completion records for the student(s) based on the definition of teacher of record (CLASS-ROLE 01) from PEIMS code table C180. High school students enrolled in English I for Speakers of Other Languages (03200600) and English II for Speakers of Other Languages (03200700) may not receive high school graduation credit unless they are LEP and are immigrants to the United States.A415 COURSE COMPLETION DATA - STUDENT Addition  The COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE identifies the order in which the course was scheduled in the class scheduling system. A415 COURSE COMPLETION DATA - STUDENT Revision Advanced Placement courses reported on the 415 Course Completion record cannot as taken at the high school are not to be reported as dual credit.Advanced Placement courses reported on the 415 Course Completion record cannot be reported as dual credit unless the course has been approved as an AP course by the College Board through the AP Course Audit. A College Board-approved AP course must adhere to the AP course descriptions and be approved through the AP Course Audit. This means the college instructor must have submitted his/her course syllabus and have received approval in advance.A415 COURSE COMPLETION DATA - STUDENT Addition None. The CLASS-ID-NUMBER and SERVICE-ID reported on the 415 Course Completion record must be unique for a particular course section at the campus level and must match an entry on the 300 Course Section record. (CAMPUS-ID, SERVICE-ID, CLASS-ID-NUMBER, and COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE) CLASS-ID-NUMBER must be unique such that when one or more students are assigned to a particular course section, the students can be linked to a particular 300 Course Section record through the 415 Course Completion records. Additionally, the uniqueness of the CLASS-ID-NUMBER will allow the students reported on the 415 Course Completion Record to be linked to the particular 305 Teacher Assignment records. The union of these three data records creates the classroom link. A415 COURSE COMPLETION DATA - STUDENT Addition None.For submission 4, STUDENT-BEGIN-DATE identifies the date the dual credit course began. A415 COURSE COMPLETION DATA - STUDENTAdditionNone.The student(s) that are assigned to a particular course section on the last date the course section meets must be reported on their 415 Course Completion record with a STUDENT-END-DATE that reflects the last date the class met. Whether or not a student completes a particular course section, report the STUDENT-END-DATE as the last day the student was assigned to the class. The STUDENT-END-DATE should never be greater than a students withdrawal date from the school. For submission 4, STUDENT-END-DATE identifies the date the dual credit course ended. A415 COURSE COMPLETION DATA - STUDENT RevisionIn submission 3, there must be one 415 Course Completion record for each reportable course from PEIMS code table C022 that was attempted or completed by each student in membership in grades 1 through 12. The LEA must begin tracking these classes for reporting purposes as of the PEIMS fall snapshot date and for any courses that were completed prior to the PEIMS fall snapshot date. (Each campus that enrolls and serves students should report 415 Course Completion records.) In submission 3, a 415 Course Completion record is required for all student courses that were completed prior to the PEIMS fall snapshot date. Any reportable course from PEIMS code table C022 that was attempted but not completed prior to the PEIMS fall snapshot date is not required to be reported on the 415 Course Completion record. Students who are assigned to a course section while enrolled in a JJAEP campus must be reported with 415 Course Completion records that reflect the campus in which they were enrolled while attending the JJAEP. Additionally, the 415 Course Completion records for the JJAEP students must match the 300 Course Section records that the students were assigned to while enrolled in the JJAEP. In submission 4, all and only the dual credit courses attempted and/or completed, by students during the summer (between school years), must be reported with a 415 Course Completion record. This reporting requirement is based on the assumption that the LEA has knowledge of the dual credit courses attempted by the Submission 4 due dates published in Section 1 of the PEIMS Data Standards. Given the course participation restrictions placed on students enrolling in college summer school programs, there must not be more than six (6) 415 Course Completion records for a particular STUDENT-ID in Submission 4. In submission 3, for each 415 Course Completion record reported, there must be a 400 Basic Attendance and/or 500 Flexible Attendance record with a matching STUDENT-ID where GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is 01-12. This rule is enforced by a fatal edit. In submission 3, for each 415 Course Completion record reported, there must be a corresponding 300 Course Section record with a matching CAMPUS-ID, SERVICE-ID, CLASS-ID-NUMBER, and COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE. This rule is enforced by a fatal edit. For each 415 Course Completion record, there must be a corresponding 305 Teacher Assignment record (CAMPUS-ID, SERVICE-ID, CLASS-ID-NUMBER, and COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE). where the earliest ASSIGNMENT-BEGIN-DATE is the same as the earliest STUDENT-BEGIN-DATE on the 415 record The information for the 415 Course Completion record is required to be tracked and reported beginning with the last Friday in October of each school year. Minimum Reporting Standards for the 2011-2012 School Year (Submission 3) For the 2011 2012 school year, districts and charter schools must report all courses attempted by a student as of the last Friday in October. For the 2011-2012 school year, the exact STUDENT-BEGIN-DATEs and the STUDENT-END-DATEs for each class in which the student is enrolled as of the Last Friday in October must be reported. For example, if a student started a semester with Biology I and changed to a different course such as Theatre on November 1st, then both the Biology I and the Theatre course must be reported on a 415 record along with the actual STUDENT-BEGIN-DATEs and the STUDENT-END-DATEs for each class. Classes completed prior to the fall snapshot date must also be reported along with the classes completed after the fall snapshot date. Do not include audited courses or courses taken for local credit only. Do not include courses with SERVICE-IDs that begin with SA, SR, SS, 01, 8, or 9. For a particular Student-ID on some 415 record, there must be a matching 100 and 101 record. For each student who is not in Special Education and where there is a 400 and/or 500 record, there must be a matching (SUDENT-ID) 415 record. For each campus listed in the Texas School Directory, there must be at least one 415 record for each instructional campus, and GRADE-LEVEL-CODE from the 400 and/or 500 records. For each 415 record, there must be a corresponding 305 record where the last ASSIGNMENT-END-DATE is the same as the latest STUDENT-END-DATE on the 415 record. In submission 3, there must be one 415 Course Completion record for each reportable course from PEIMS code table C022 that was attempted or completed by each student in membership in grades 1 through 12. The LEA must begin tracking these classes for reporting purposes as of the PEIMS fall snapshot date and for any courses that were completed prior to the PEIMS fall snapshot date. (Each campus that enrolls and serves students should report 415 Course Completion records.) In submission 3, a 415 Course Completion record is required for all student courses that were completed prior to the PEIMS fall snapshot date. Any reportable course from PEIMS code table C022 that was attempted but not completed prior to the PEIMS fall snapshot date is not required to be reported on the 415 Course Completion record. However, a LEA may choose to report these courses that were attempted but not completed prior to the PEIMS fall snapshot date. The 415 Course Completion data must reflect the campus where the student was enrolled while assigned to a particular course section. In the case of a JJAEP assignment, a student is withdrawn from their home campus and enrolled on the JJAEP campus for the duration of the JJAEP assignment. Students who are assigned to a course section while enrolled in a JJAEP campus must be reported with 415 Course Completion records that reflect the campus in which they were enrolled while attending the JJAEP. Additionally, the 415 Course Completion records for the JJAEP students must match the 300 Course Section records that the students were assigned to while enrolled in the JJAEP. In submission 4, all and only the dual credit courses attempted and/or completed, by students during the summer (between school years), must be reported with a 415 Course Completion record. This reporting requirement is based on the assumption that the LEA has knowledge of the dual credit courses attempted by the Submission 4 due dates published in Section 1 of the PEIMS Data Standards. Given the course participation restrictions placed on students enrolling in college summer school programs, there must not be more than six (6) 415 Course Completion records for a particular STUDENT-ID in Submission 4. In submission 3, for each 415 Course Completion record reported, there must be a 400 Basic Attendance and/or 500 Flexible Attendance record with a matching STUDENT-ID where GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is 01-12. This rule is enforced by a fatal edit. In submission 3, for each 415 Course Completion record reported, there must be a corresponding 300 Course Section record with a matching CAMPUS-ID, SERVICE-ID, CLASS-ID-NUMBER, and COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE. This rule is enforced by a fatal edit. For submission 4, the 300 Course Section and 305 Teacher Class Assignments are not reported. A425 STUDENT DISCIPLI-NARY ACTIONAddition to Campus ID of Enrollment NoneThe last three characters of CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must be in the range of 001-698. CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must match CAMPUS-ID on a 020 record. CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must match CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT on a 400 and/or 500 record with a matching STUDENT-ID. A425 STUDENT DISCIPLI-NARY ACTIONAddition to Behavior Location Code NoneThe Behavior Location Code identifies those DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODEs that have a location specified in the Texas Education Code Chapter 37. In most cases where the BEHAVIOR-LOCATION-CODE is applicable to a particular DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE, there is more than one possible action for that DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE depending upon where the behavior occurred. If a DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE only has a BEHAVIOR-LOCATION-CODE of 00 - Not Applicable, then the Texas Education Code Chapter 37 is silent as to a location of the behavior and it does not matter where the behavior occurred so long as the local Student Code of Conduct addresses the LEAs ability to take action for the behavior where it occurred. Please refer to Appendix E for a complete guide to all DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODEs, the related BEHAVIOR-LOCATION-CODEs, and the allowable actions per Texas Education Code Chapter 37. A425 STUDENT DISCIPLI-NARY ACTIONDeletionInclude only the actual number of instructional school days that the student was in attendance when calculating this number. Do not include days absent.None.A425 STUDENT DISCIPLI-NARY ACTIONRevisionUnder the requirements of TEC 37.008(m-1), failure to report all disciplinary removals and truancy actions as required by state and federal law may result in a review by the commissioner of education and notice to the local school board of any problems noted in the districts data, or a violation of a law or other rule. This review may also result in a notification to the county attorney, district attorney, criminal district attorney, as appropriate, and the attorney general. This provision can apply to missing, inaccurate, and/or falsified information/data. A 425 record is created if a student is placed in a JJAEP. However, once in the JJAEP, no further 425 records are reported for disciplinary actions that occur while in the JJAEP. The only exception to this rule is when a student is continuing a JJAEP assignment from either a prior school district or prior school year. In counties where the population is over 125,000, state law requires that expelled students be placed in an alternative education setting of some type. Districts located in these counties usually place expelled students in a DAEP operated by the district or in a JJAEP operated by the district or by the juvenile board for the county. Other districts may voluntarily serve expelled students in alternative settings such as DAEPs.The 425 Disciplinary Assignment record is only reported in submission 3. For each 425 Discipline Action record there must be a 400 Basic Attendance and/or 500 Flexible Attendance record with a matching STUDENT-ID. A 425 record is created if a student is placed in a JJAEP. However, once in the JJAEP, no further 425 records are reported for disciplinary actions that occur while in the JJAEP. The only exception to this rule is when a student is continuing a JJAEP assignment from either a prior school district or prior school year.A435 STUDENT RESTRAINT STUDENTRevision- Add a new data element to the record.None435 STUDENT RESTRAINT STUDENT Add E1516 RESTRAINT-STAFF-TYPE-CODE to column 49-50.A435 STUDENT RESTRAINT STUDENTRevision- Add a new data element to the record.None435 STUDENT RESTRAINT STUDENT Add E0794 SPECIAL-ED-INDICATOR-CODE to column 51.A435 STUDENT RESTRAINT STUDENTDeletionThe data entered on the 435 special education child restraint record for a particular restraint event should reflect current data for the student as of the time the restraint occurred.None.A435 STUDENT RESTRAINT -STUDENTDeletionThis campus ID may or may not reflect the campus ID where the student was enrolled (within the district) but does reflect the campus ID at which the student was restrained. None.A435 STUDENT RESTRAINT -STUDENTAdditionNone.For the purposes of reporting student restraints, the REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE on the 435 Student Restraint record is limited to Reporting Period codes 1 6.A435 STUDENT RESTRAINT STUDENTDeletionThe Texas School for the Deaf, Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired and the Texas Youth Commission are also required to report 435 records for their respective populations related to restraint events that occur within the educational program of the school and subject to any limitations imposed by TEC 37.0021.None.A435 STUDENT RESTRAINT -STUDENTAdditionNone.School staff persons performing student restraints are divided into two categories: 1) LEA employees or volunteers, and 2) LEA police officers or school resource officers (SRO). LEA employees for the purposes of the 435 Student Restraint record are not law enforcement personnel. Student restraints performed by these staff are only reported if the student was a special education student at the time of the restraint event. Do not report non-special education student restraints performed by LEA employees or volunteers. LEA police officers are licensed peace officers who are employed by a police department created by a particular LEA school board. School Resource Officers (SRO) are licensed peace officers who are employed by a state, county, or municipal law enforcement agency who through contract with a school district or charter school provide a police presence at a school district or charter school, or at a school campus.A435 STUDENT RESTRAINT -STUDENTAdditionNone.SPECIAL-ED-INDICATOR-CODE (E0794) indicates whether the student is participating in a special education instructional and related services program or a general education program using special education support services, supplementary aids, or other special arrangements. (See 34 CFR 300.13 and 19 TAC 89.1060 and 89.1090.)A461 STUDENT DATA TITLE I, PART AAdditionNone.CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT on the 461 Title I Part A record must match CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT on a 400 and/or 500 record with a matching STUDENT-ID.A500 FLEX ATTENDANCE DATA -STUDENTRevisionFor submission 4, the REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE is limited to codes 7 and 8. Create 500 records for only those students who are enrolled in the OFSDP or the HSEP in the district. For the 500 Flexible Attendance Data record, the REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE is limited to codes 1 6 for Submission 3 and codes 7 8 for Submission 4. A500 FLEX ATTENDANCE DATA -STUDENTAdditionNone.For Submission 3, NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT may not exceed 45 days for the first five six-week reporting periods or 90 days for the sixth six-week reporting period. For submission 4, the DAYS-TAUGHT for the OFSDP Credit Recovery Program must be reported as 30 days. A500 FLEX ATTENDANCE DATA -STUDENTAdditionNone.If a student changes grade levels during the course of the school year, then the GRADE-LEVEL-CODE will reflect each grade level that the student was assigned during the course of the year. A500 FLEX ATTENDANCE DATA -STUDENTRevision1. Program Type Code 3 is used to designate this program on these records. If a student has not maintained the minimum attendance requirements under TEC 25.92, this program may be used to generate Average Daily Attendance (ADA) to make up these absences. However, a student cannot generate for than 1.000 ADA of funding for a school by combining the regular year and post school year eligible days present. The Flexible-Attendance-Program-Type-code indicates whether the students attendance information is related to the OFSDP or the HSEP. The OFSDP and HSEP provide alternatives to the traditional attendance program and provide flexible attendance schedules. Students in these programs are still subject to minimum attendance requirements (Texas Education Code, 25.092). There are five (5) unique programs that generate attendance data on the 500 Flexible Attendance data record. 1: Optional Flexible School Day Program (OFSDP) Submission 3 only, 2: High School Equivalency Program (HSEP) Submission 3 only, 3: OFSDP Credit/Promotion Recovery Program Submission 4 only, 4: Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN) Online Schools program (Formerly Electronic Course Program (eCP)) Submission 3 only. 5: Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN) Statewide Online Course Catalog Submission 3 only The following is a brief description of each of the Flexible Attendance Program Types: 1 - Optional Flexible School Day Program (OFSDP) This is an attendance program for students who: 1) have dropped out of school or are at risk of dropping out, 2) are participating in an approved early college high school plan, or 3) are attending a campus implementing an innovative redesign under a plan approved by the commissioner of education. For the complete eligibility and program rules, refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook. 2 - High School Equivalency Program (HSEP) - The High School Equivalency Program (HSEP) is also known as the "In-School GED Program." The Texas In-School GED Program provides an alternative for high school students aged 16 and older who are at risk of not graduating from high school and earning a high school diploma. For the complete eligibility and program rules, refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook. 3 - OFSDP Credit/Promotion Recovery Program This is an attendance program that occurs in the summer period between school years for students who as a result of not meeting the attendance requirements under TEC, 25.092, will be denied credit (promotion) for one or more classes in which the students have been enrolled. For the complete eligibility and program rules, refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook. 4 Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN) Online Schools program (Formerly Electronic Course Program (eCP)) This is a full-time virtual program available only to eligible students in grade levels 3 - 12 who are enrolled in an eligible LEA participating in the program. In order for a school to receive state funding for students enrolled in the TxVSN online school, all TxVSN Online Schools program course sections offered to students must be reported with this code. For the complete eligibility and program rules, refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook. 5 - Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN) Statewide Online Course Catalog This program provides a supplemental statewide online course catalog of high school, advanced placement, and dual credit courses to eligible students in grade levels 8 - 12 who are enrolled in the LEA. In order for a school to receive state funding for students enrolled in courses offered through the TxVSN statewide course catalog, all TxVSN Statewide course catalog course sections offered to students must be reported with this code. For the complete eligibility and program rules, refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook. In all cases a student is limited to 1.000 ADA of Foundation School Program funding per school year. If a student attends both the regular school year and the OFSDP Credit/Promotion Recovery Program in the summer, that student cannot generate for than 1.000 ADA of funding for a LEA by combining the regular year and post school year eligible days present.A500 FLEX ATTENDANCE DATA -STUDENT Revision Each increment of 360 minutes reported for FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT will be converted to one day of eligible days present. For a particular six weeks, TEA will divide the FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT by 360 to calculate the equivalent number of days present. This number will be calculated to two (2) decimal places. E.g. 10,000 FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT divided by 360 minutes will equal 27.78 equivalent Eligible Days Present. The following is an illustration of how TEA will convert FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT to Average Daily Attendance for funding purposes. Data Conversion Formulas/Rules Equivalent Days Present Calculation: FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT/360 minutes (6 hours x 60 minutes) = Equivalent Days Present for the six-week reporting period Equivalent Days Present/days taught = Average Daily Attendance (ADA) value for six-week reporting period In order for a students attendance in the flexible attendance programs to be counted for a particular school day, the student must attend their specific flexible attendance program for at least 45 minutes on that day. If a student does not attend their flexible attendance program for at least 45 minutes on a particular school day, then that amount of time (greater than zero minutes) cannot be counted toward the value reported for FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT for the particular reporting period. Each increment of 360 minutes reported for FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT will be converted to one day of eligible days present. For a particular six weeks, TEA will divide the FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT by 360 to calculate the equivalent number of days present. This number will be calculated to two (2) decimal places. E.g. 10,000 FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT divided by 360 minutes will equal 27.78 equivalent Eligible Days Present. The following is an illustration of how TEA will convert FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT to Average Daily Attendance for funding purposes. Data Conversion Formulas/Rules Equivalent Days Present Calculation: FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT/360 minutes (6 hours x 60 minutes) = Equivalent Days Present for the six-week reporting period Equivalent Days Present/days taught = Average Daily Attendance (ADA) value for six-week reporting period A500 FLEX ATTENDANCE DATA -STUDENT AdditionNoneReport FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT in whole numbers only, rounded down to the nearest minute. The minimum value for FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT is 45 minutes per reporting period. Each increment of 360 minutes reported for FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT will be converted to one day of ineligible days present. For a particular six weeks, TEA will divide the FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT by 360 to calculate the equivalent number of days present. This number will be calculated to two (2) decimal places. E.g. 10,000 FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT divided by 360 minutes will equal 27.78 equivalent Ineligible Days Present. The following is an illustration of how TEA will convert FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT to Ineligible Days Present. Data Conversion Formulas/Rules Equivalent Days Present Calculation: FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT/360 minutes (6 hours x 60 minutes) = Equivalent Days Present for the six-week reporting period A500 FLEX ATTENDANCE DATA -STUDENT RevisionReport flex-attend-total-PRS-Days-ELIGIBLE on the 500 record only for a female OFSDP student who meets the eligibility requirements for the Pregnancy Related Services (PRS) program (pregnant or in the postpartum period) and is receiving PRS services from the district. Male students are not eligible for pregnancy related services. If a student was eligible for PRS services for the entire reporting period, then the value reported for flex-attend-total-PRS-Days-ELIGIBLE will be equal to the value for NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT for that reporting period. Otherwise, report the number of school calendar days that the student was eligible to receive PRS services during the reporting period. The eligible days present that a student can generate for the PRS program are limited to the lesser of the Equivalent Days Present calculated from the FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT on the 500 Flexible Attendance record or the FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-PRS-Days-ELIGIBLE. For example, if a student is eligible for PRS services every day of a 30-day six-week reporting period, but attends only a equivalent of 20.83 days present (7500 minutes) during the reporting period, then only 20.83 days of the 25 days of PRS program services eligibility can be used in the calculation of PRS ADA. The following is an illustration of how TEA will convert FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL- PRS-DAYS-ELIGIBLE to PRS days present to PRS ADA. Example of Flexible Attendance PRS ADA: Student Sue Reporting Period 5 Days Taught = 30 Days PRS eligible = 25 FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT = 7500 minutes Flexible Attendance Equivalent Days Present = 7500 minutes / 360 minutes = 20.833 days present Student Sue would be funded for 20.83 days of Flexible Attendance PRS Days Present. (20.83 is the lower of the Flexible Attendance Equivalent Days Present and the 25 days eligible for the PRS program.) Note: Fractional days will be rounded to the nearest hundredth (2 decimal places). 20.833 days would be rounded to 20.83 Flexible Attendance Equivalent Days Present Result: Flexible Attendance PRS ADA = (20.83 PRS days present / 30 Days Taught) = .694 PRS ADA for Reporting Period 5. A500 FLEX ATTENDANCE DATA -STUDENT Revision The eligible days present that a student can generate in the Mainstream special education program are limited to equivalent days present calculated from the on the 500 Flexible Attendance record. For example, Student John is eligible for Mainstream special education services every day of a 30-day six-week reporting period, but only attends 10.69 equivalent days present during the reporting period (3850 from the 500 Flexible Attendance Record / 360 minutes), then only 10.69 days of the 30 days of Mainstream special education services eligibility can be used in the calculation of Mainstream special education ADA. Special Education Mainstream Eligible Days Calculation Example of Flexible Attendance Special Education Mainstream ADA: Student Joe Reporting Period 3 Days Taught = 30 FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-ELIGIBLE = 30 FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT = 3,850 minutes Flexible Attendance Equivalent Days Present = 3,850 minutes / 360 minutes = 10.694 days Student Joe would be funded for 10.69 days of Flexible Attendance Mainstream Days Present. (10.69 is the lower of the Flexible Attendance equivalent days present and the 30 days eligible for special education mainstream.) Note: Fractional days will be rounded to the nearest hundredth (2 decimal places). 10.694 days would be rounded to 10.69 equivalent days present Result: Flexible Attendance Special Education Mainstream ADA = (10.69 Flexible Attendance Mainstream Days Present / 30 Days Taught) = .357 Special Education Mainstream ADA for Reporting Period 3.If a student was eligible for Mainstream special education services for the entire reporting period, then the value reported for FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-ELIGIBLE will be equal to the value for NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT for that reporting period. Otherwise, report the number of school calendar days that the student was eligible to receive Mainstream special education services during the reporting period. The eligible days present that a student can generate in the Mainstream special education program are limited to the lesser of the equivalent days present calculated from the FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT on the 500 Flexible Attendance record or the FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-ELIGIBLE. For example, Student John is eligible for Mainstream special education services every day of a 30-day six-week reporting period, but only attends 10.69 equivalent days present during the reporting period (3850 FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT from the 500 Flexible Attendance Record / 360 minutes), then only 10.69 days of the 30 days of Mainstream special education services eligibility can be used in the calculation of Mainstream special education ADA. The following is an illustration of how TEA will convert FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-ELIGIBLE to Mainstream special education days present to Mainstream special education ADA. Special Education Mainstream Eligible Days Calculation Example of Flexible Attendance Special Education Mainstream ADA: Student Joe Reporting Period 3 Days Taught = 30 FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-ELIGIBLE = 30 FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT = 3,850 minutes Flexible Attendance Equivalent Days Present = 3,850 minutes / 360 minutes = 10.694 days Student Joe would be funded for 10.69 days of Flexible Attendance Mainstream Days Present. (10.69 is the lower of the Flexible Attendance equivalent days present and the 30 days eligible for special education mainstream.) Note: Fractional days will be rounded to the nearest hundredth (2 decimal places). 10.694 days would be rounded to 10.69 equivalent days present Result: Flexible Attendance Special Education Mainstream ADA = (10.69 Flexible Attendance Mainstream Days Present / 30 Days Taught) = .357 Special Education Mainstream ADA for Reporting Period 3.A500 FLEX ATTENDANCE DATA -STUDENTRevisionThe eligible days present that a student can generate for the program are limited to Equivalent Days Present calculated. For example, if a student is eligible for Bilingual or ESL services every day of a 30-day six-week reporting period, but attends only a equivalent of 22.22 days (8000 minutes) during the reporting period, then only 22.22 days of the 30 days of Bilingual or ESL services eligibility can be used in the calculation of Bilingual/ESL weighted funding. Example of Flexible Attendance Bilingual/ESL ADA: Student Jane Reporting Period 1 Days Taught = 30 Days Bilingual/ESL eligible = 30 FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT = 8000 minutes Flexible Attendance Equivalent Days Present = 8000 minutes / 360 minutes = 22.222 days Student Jane would be funded for 22.22 days of Flexible Attendance Bilingual/ESL Days Present. (22.22 is the lower of the Flexible Attendance Equivalent Days Present and the 30 days eligible for the Bilingual/ESL program.) Note: Fractional days will be rounded to the nearest hundredth (2 decimal places). 22.222 days would be rounded to 22.22 equivalent days present Result: Flexible Attendance Bilingual/ESL ADA = (22.22 Bilingual/ESL days present / 30 Days Taught) = .740 Bilingual/ESL ADA for Reporting Period 1. The eligible days present that a student can generate for the Bilingual/ESL program are limited to the lesser of the Equivalent Days Present calculated from the FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT on the 500 Flexible Attendance record or the FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-BILINGUAL/ESL-DAYS-ELIGIBLE. For example, if a student is eligible for Bilingual or ESL services every day of a 30-day six-week reporting period, but attends only a equivalent of 22.22 days (8000 minutes) during the reporting period, then only 22.22 days of the 30 days of Bilingual or ESL services eligibility can be used in the calculation of Bilingual/ESL ADA. The following is an illustration of how TEA will convert FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL- BILINGUAL/ESL-DAYS-ELIGIBLE to Bilingual/ESL days present to Bilingual/ESL ADA. Example of Flexible Attendance Bilingual/ESL ADA: Student Jane Reporting Period 1 Days Taught = 30 Days Bilingual/ESL eligible = 30 FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT = 8000 minutes Flexible Attendance Equivalent Days Present = 8000 minutes / 360 minutes = 22.222 days Student Jane would be funded for 22.22 days of Flexible Attendance Bilingual/ESL Days Present. (22.22 is the lower of the Flexible Attendance Equivalent Days Present and the 30 days eligible for the Bilingual/ESL program.) Note: Fractional days will be rounded to the nearest hundredth (2 decimal places). 22.222 days would be rounded to 22.22 equivalent days present Result: Flexible Attendance Bilingual/ESL ADA = (22.22 Bilingual/ESL days present / 30 Days Taught) = .740 Bilingual/ESL ADA for Reporting Period 1.A500 FLEX ATTENDANCE DATA -STUDENTRevisionGIFTED-TALENTED-INDICATOR-CODE must reflect the student's participation in the G/T program for the six-week reporting period. If a student leaves the program during a reporting period, show a "0" code for him or her in the subsequent period, unless the student returns to the G/T program during that period. The GIFTED-TALENTED-INDICATOR-CODE must reflect the student's participation in the G/T program for each six-week reporting period. If a student leaves the G/T program during a reporting period, report the student with a GIFTED-TALENTED-INDICATOR-CODE of 1 for the current reporting period and with a GIFTED-TALENTED-INDICATOR-CODE of "0" in the subsequent reporting period. If a student begins or returns to the G/T program during a reporting period, report the student with a GIFTED-TALENTED-INDICATOR-CODE of 1 for the current reporting period. For additional rules concerning the reporting of Gifted and Talented Indicator Code for a particular student, please refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook.A500 FLEX ATTENDANCE DATA -STUDENTAdditionNone.For submission 3, the PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE is reported for each reporting period that a student was in attendance. If the PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE changes for a student during the course of a school year, then the students 500 Flexible Attendance records will reflect the different PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODEs for each reporting period. Refer to the 163 Student Data - Special Education record for additional information regarding PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE. A500 FLEX ATTENDANCE DATA -STUDENTAdditionNone.Multiply disabled is not a disability in the Disability Code Table C053. A student should not be coded as multiply disabled unless an ARD committee has determined that the student has a combination of disabilities included in TAC 89.1040 and meets all of the conditions listed below. The student's disability is expected to continue indefinitely; and The student's disabilities severely impair performance in two or more of the following areas: psychomotor skills; self-care skills; communication; social and emotional development; or cognition. Refer to the 163 Student Data - Special Education record for additional information regarding the MULTIPLY-DISABLED-CODE. A500 FLEX ATTENDANCE DATA -STUDENTRevisionIf a student has been identified as Limited English Proficient (LEP) at any time during the school year, identify the student as LEP using the appropriate LEP-INDICATOR-CODE on the 500 record, regardless of what was reported on the 110 record. The LEP-INDICATOR-CODE must reflect LEP identification for the six-week reporting period. The LEP-INDICATOR-CODE is 1 if a student was identified as LEP for one or more days during the reporting period. The purpose for collecting the LEP-INDICATOR-CODE on the 500 record is to meet cumulative reporting requirements for reporting to the United States Department of Education (Title l, Part A).For submission 3, the LEP-INDICATOR-CODE must reflect the students LEP status for each six-week reporting period. LEP-INDICATOR-CODE is 1 if the student was identified as LEP for one or more days during the reporting period. The purpose for collecting the LEP-INDICATOR-CODE on the 500 Flexible Attendance record is to meet cumulative reporting requirements to the United States Department of Education (Title l, Part A). Monitored 1 or Monitored 2 LEP status is reported for those students who have recently been exited from the bilingual/ESL programs and are determined to no longer be Limited English Proficient (LEP). This information is reported for the first two school years on all students who have exited LEP status. For additional information on LEP requirements, refer to the 110 Student Enrollment data record.A500 FLEX ATTENDANCE DATA -STUDENTRevisionCreate a 500 record for each eligible student who was enrolled in and attended either the Optional Flexible School Day Program (OFSDP) for at least 45 minutes on a particular day within a particular six weeks, or the High School Equivalency Program (HSEP) for at least 45 minutes on a particular day within a particular six weeks. OFSDP students attending fewer than 45 minutes of instruction on a particular day will not be eligible for reporting time/minutes for that day (e.g., a student who attended only 30 minutes of instruction on September 19 would not be eligible for reporting time/minutes for that day). HSEP students attending fewer than 45 minutes of instruction on a particular day will not be eligible for reporting time/minutes for that day. Refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook for additional rules concerning flexible attendance school day student attendance accounting rules. For FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-PRS-DAYS-ELIGIBLE, FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-ELIGIBLE, and FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-BILINGUAL/ESL-DAYS-ELIGIBLE, report days of eligibility only in whole numbers. A school district must be pre-approved by TEA School Finance Staff to operate an Optional Flexible School Day Program. For the submission 3, only students who have 1) dropped out of school, 2) are at-risk of dropping out of school, 3) are enrolled in an early-college high school, or 4) are enrolled on a campus that is operating under a Monitoring and Intervention Campus Improvement Plan may participate in the Optional Flexible School Day Program (OFSDP). Create a 500 attendance record for only those students that meet these criteria. A flexible attendance student may not be simultaneously enrolled in the OFSDP and the traditional attendance program (2 hour / 4 hour membership rule) as referenced in the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook). It is acceptable to create and report both 400 and 500 records for the student if the students enrollment status changes from a traditional program to the Flexible Attendance Program or if the status changes back to a traditional program from the Flexible Attendance Program. Note: If a student is participating in both the traditional attendance program and the OFSDP, all attendance must be reported through the OFSDP 500 series records. A school district must be pre-approved by TEA High School Equivalency Program staff to operate a High School Equivalency Program. Only students who have been court ordered to participate in a HSEP program, or students who are at least 16 years of age, who are at-risk of dropping out of school, whose parent or guardian has approved participation, and at least two school years have elapsed since the student first enrolled in ninth grade, and the student has accumulated less than one third of the credits required to graduate under the minimum graduation requirements may participate in the High School Equivalency Program (HSEP). Create a 500 attendance record for only those HSEP students that meet these criteria. Regardless of the structure of the actual instructional calendar, a district must report the full school year (usually 180 days) for each instructional track offered by the district in six approximately equal reporting periods. NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT may not exceed 45 days for the first five six-week reporting periods or 90 days for the sixth six week reporting period. A district must submit attendance data by the required reporting date. If the school year for a particular school/instructional track has not ended when the submission is due, report the actual number of instructional days completed so far. Include the completed attendance data for the entire school year with the resubmission. Districts with year-round programs that end after the reporting date are permitted to delay their one resubmission, as specified in the resubmission policy. For students in ADA eligibility categories 7 and 8, create at least one 500 record for each student who attended at least 45 minutes in the OFSDP within the indicated reporting period, or who attended at least 45 minutes in the HSEP within the indicated reporting period. The "total minutes" and total days of eligibility reported for several of the data elements on the 500 record are the totals for the specific reporting period. If a student has multiple entries and withdrawals in the same grade in the same school on the same instructional track during a specific reporting period, create only one 500 record for the student. Report the total minutes and total days of eligibility for each data element on that single 500 record. If a student has generated both and Instructional Track, report both on the same 500 record. The PEIMS 500, 505, and 510 Flexible Attendance data records are used to report Optional Flexible School Day Program (OFSDP) and High School Equivalency Program (HSEP) attendance data. Do not report OFSDP or HSEP attendance data on the 400, 405, or 410 attendance records. For a particular CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT and STUDENT-ID, if FLEXIBLE-ATTENDANCE-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE is 1 and a 415 record with a matching STUDENT-ID does not exist, then the total number of students in this category will be shown. For a particular STUDENT-ID, if FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-PRS-DAYS-ELIGIBLE is not 00, SEX-CODE must be F on the 101 record with a matching STUDENT-ID. Note that the sum of Flex-Attend-Total-Eligible-Minutes-PRESENT and Flex-Attend-Total-Ineligible-Minutes-Present for the entire school year is usually not more than 64,800 for any student (1.000 ADA per year = 360 minutes x 180 days, or 1.000 ADA per year = 64,800 minutes). For a particular STUDENT-ID, there must be a 101 record with a matching STUDENT-ID. For a particular STUDENT-ID, if FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-ELIGIBLE is 000, PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE must be 00, unless there is at least one matching 505 record. If CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT is a campus registered with the TEA as a DAEP, then there must be a 425 record with a matching STUDENT-ID. Each increment of 360 minutes reported on the 500 record under FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT or FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT will be converted to one day of eligible or ineligible day present. For a particular six weeks, TEA will divide the FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT by 360 to calculate the equivalent number of days present. This number will be calculated to two (2) decimal places. E.g. 10,000 FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT divided by 360 minutes will equal 27.78 equivalent Eligible Days Present. A district must report all minutes of instruction attended by a student for each six week reporting period. However, no student may generate more than one (1.000) ADA for Foundation School Program funding purposes for a school year within a district and/or campus. If a student participates in both a flexible attendance program and the traditional attendance program, the student may not generate more than one (1.000) ADA for Foundation School Program funding purposes for a six-week reporting period within a district and/or campus. For a student who attends more than one grade, instructional track, or campus during a specific reporting period, create one 500 record for each grade, track, or campus. There must be a matching 500 record for each 505 record and 510 record. For a particular STUDENT-ID, there must not be a 400 record with a matching STUDENT-ID.Create 500 records for only those students in the LEA who were enrolled in the Optional Flexible School Day Program (OFSDP), High School Equivalency Program (HSEP), Electronic Course Program (eCP), or the OFSDP Credit/Promotion Recovery Program at some point during the school year. Refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook for additional rules concerning flexible attendance school day student attendance accounting rules. A school district must be pre-approved by TEA School Finance Staff to operate an Optional Flexible School Day Program. For the submission 3, only students who have 1) dropped out of school, 2) are at-risk of dropping out of school, 3) are enrolled in an early-college high school, or 4) are enrolled on a campus that is operating under a Monitoring and Intervention Campus Improvement Plan may participate in the Optional Flexible School Day Program (OFSDP). A flexible attendance student may not be simultaneously enrolled in the OFSDP and the traditional attendance program (2 hour / 4 hour membership rule) as referenced in the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook). It is acceptable to create and report both 400 and 500 records for the student if the students enrollment status changes from a traditional program to the Flexible Attendance Program or if the status changes back to a traditional program from the Flexible Attendance Program. Note: If a student is participating in both the traditional attendance program and the OFSDP, all attendance must be reported through the OFSDP 500 series records. A school district must be pre-approved by TEA High School Equivalency Program staff to operate a High School Equivalency Program. Only students who have been court ordered to participate in a HSEP program, or students who are at least 16 years of age, who are at-risk of dropping out of school, whose parent or guardian has approved participation, and at least two school years have elapsed since the student first enrolled in ninth grade, and the student has accumulated less than one third of the credits required to graduate under the minimum graduation requirements may participate in the High School Equivalency Program (HSEP). If a student has generated both FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT and FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT for a particular Campus, Reporting Period, and Instructional Track, , report both values on the same 500 record. Note that the sum of Flex-Attend-Total-Eligible-Minutes-PRESENT and Flex-Attend-Total-Ineligible-Minutes-Present for the entire school year is usually not more than 64,800 for any student (1.000 ADA per year = 360 minutes x 180 days, or 1.000 ADA per year = 64,800 minutes). A500 FLEX ATTENDANCE DATA -STUDENTAddition None.Texas School for the Deaf (TSD) and Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (TSBVI), and Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD) (formerly TYC) must report the 500 Flexible Attendance record for any students served using the Flexible Attendance Accounting Rules. A500 FLEX ATTENDANCE DATA -STUDENTDeletionThe PEIMS 500, 505, and 510 Flexible Attendance data records are used to report Optional Flexible School Day Program (OFSDP) and High School Equivalency Program (HSEP) attendance data. Do not report OFSDP or HSEP attendance data on the 400, 405, or 410 attendance records.None.A505 SPECIAL EDUCATION FLEX ATTENDANCE DATA-STUDENTAdditionNone.Warning: School calendar tracks exceeding 180 days will result in less ADA funding per day for the school district/campus. For the 505 Special Education Flexible Attendance record, the REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE is limited to codes 1 6 for Submission 3 and codes 7 8 for submission 4. A505 SPECIAL EDUCATION FLEX ATTENDANCE DATA-STUDENTRevisionFor Submission 3, the values for NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT are restricted to a maximum of 045 for Reporting Periods 15 and 090 for Reporting Period 6. NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT is the actual number of instructional days in the school/track calendar for a specific reporting period. Instructional days do not include days of teacher in-service or preparation, or holidays. All the students in a particular school/track will have the same NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT. NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT may not exceed 45 days for the first five six-week reporting periods or 90 days for the sixth six-week reporting period. Note: For the OFSDP Credit Recovery Program reported in Submission 4, NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT must be reported as 30 days. Instructional days do not include days of teacher in-service or preparation, or holidays. All students assigned to a particular instructional track will have the same NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT. Warning: School calendar tracks exceeding 180 days will result in less ADA funding per day for the school district/campus. The instructional calendar(s) for each campus must be divided into six approximately equal reporting periods. For Submission 3, NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT may not exceed 45 days for the first five six-week reporting periods or 90 days for the sixth six-week reporting period. For submission 4, the REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE is limited to codes 7 and 8. Instructional days do not include days of teacher in-service or preparation, or holidays. All students assigned to a particular instructional track will have the same NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT. For Submission 3, NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT may not exceed 45 days for the first five six-week reporting periods or 90 days for the sixth six-week reporting period. For submission 4, the DAYS-TAUGHT for the OFSDP Credit Recovery Program must be reported as 30 days. A505 SPECIAL EDUCATION FLEX ATTENDANCE DATA-STUDENTAdditionNone.If a student changes grade levels during the course of the school year, then the GRADE-LEVEL-CODE will reflect each grade level that the student was assigned during the course of the year. If the student changes grade levels during a reporting period, then the student will have a 500 Flexible Attendance data record for the days of attendance associated with each grade level in that reporting period.A505 SPECIAL EDUCATION FLEX ATTENDANCE DATA-STUDENTRevisionThe Flexible-Attendance-Program-Type-code indicates whether the students attendance information is related to the OFSDP or the HSEP. There are five (5) unique programs that generate attendance data on the 500 Flexible Attendance data record. 1: Optional Flexible School Day Program (OFSDP) Submission 3 only, 2: High School Equivalency Program (HSEP) Submission 3 only, 3: OFSDP Credit/Promotion Recovery Program Submission 4 only, 4: Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN) Online Schools program (Formerly Electronic Course Program (eCP)) Submission 3 only. 5: Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN) Statewide Online Course Catalog Submission 3 only The following is a brief description of each of the Flexible Attendance Program Types: 1 - Optional Flexible School Day Program (OFSDP) This is an attendance program for students who: 1) have dropped out of school or are at risk of dropping out, 2) are participating in an approved early college high school plan, or 3) are attending a campus implementing an innovative redesign under a plan approved by the commissioner of education. For the complete eligibility and program rules, refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook. 2 - High School Equivalency Program (HSEP) - The High School Equivalency Program (HSEP) is also known as the "In-School GED Program." The Texas In-School GED Program provides an alternative for high school students aged 16 and older who are at risk of not graduating from high school and earning a high school diploma. For the complete eligibility and program rules, refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook. 3 - OFSDP Credit/Promotion Recovery Program This is an attendance program that occurs in the summer period between school years for students who as a result of not meeting the attendance requirements under TEC, 25.092, will be denied credit (promotion) for one or more classes in which the students have been enrolled. For the complete eligibility and program rules, refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook. 4 Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN) Online Schools program (Formerly Electronic Course Program (eCP)) This is a full-time virtual program available only to eligible students in grade levels 3 - 12 who are enrolled in an eligible LEA participating in the program. In order for a school to receive state funding for students enrolled in the TxVSN online school, all TxVSN Online Schools program course sections offered to students must be reported with this code. For the complete eligibility and program rules, refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook. 5 - Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN) Statewide Online Course Catalog This program provides a supplemental statewide online course catalog of high school, advanced placement, and dual credit courses to eligible students in grade levels 8 - 12 who are enrolled in the LEA. In order for a school to receive state funding for students enrolled in courses offered through the TxVSN statewide course catalog, all TxVSN Statewide course catalog course sections offered to students must be reported with this code. For the complete eligibility and program rules, refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook. In all cases a student is limited to 1.000 ADA of Foundation School Program funding per school year. If a student attends both the regular school year and the OFSDP Credit/Promotion Recovery Program in the summer, that student cannot generate for than 1.000 ADA of funding for a LEA by combining the regular year and post school year eligible days present.A505 SPECIAL EDUCATION FLEX ATTENDANCE DATA-STUDENTAdditionNoneA student who changes INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODEs during a reporting period may be reported on the same 405 record, unless the record key changes. The INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE for speech therapy is 00. Students receiving speech therapy services should be reported on the 405 record unless exempted by other reporting requirements (such as ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE 0 students). Students receiving speech therapy services who are also receiving services in another instructional setting should have both instructional settings reported on the 405 record unless exempted by other reporting requirements (such as ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE 0 students). Each instructional setting has a different contact-hour multiplier. Use the following chart when computing special education contact hours. Please refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook for additional rules concerning the assignment of the INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE for special education students. Instructional Arrangement/Setting Code(s) Contact-Hour Multiplier Speech Therapy - code 00 .25 Homebound - code 01 1.00 Hospital Class - code 02 4.50 Vocational Adjustment Class - code 08 5.50 State Supported Living Center - code 30 5.50 Resource Room - codes 41 and 42 2.859 Mild/Moderate/Severe - codes 43 and 44 2.859 Full-Time Early Childhood - code 45 2.859 Off Home Campus - codes 9198 4.25 Residential Care and Treatment Facility - codes 8189 5.50 A505 SPECIAL EDUCATION FLEX ATTENDANCE DATA-STUDENTAdditionNone.FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT = 9000 (from the 500 Flexible Attendance record NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT in six week reporting period 2 = 30 INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE = 02 Hospital Class with FLEX-ATTEND-DAYS-ELIGIBLE-IN-INSTR-SETTING = 10 days INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE = 01 Homebound with FLEX-ATTEND-DAYS-ELIGIBLE-IN-INSTR-SETTING = 20 days Data Conversion Formulas/Rules Equivalent Days Present Calculation: 9000 FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT/360 minutes (6 hours x 60 minutes) = 25 Equivalent Days Present for the 2nd six-week reporting period 10 days of Hospital Class eligibility = 33.3 % of the Total Days of special education eligibility (10/(10+20)) Hospital Class Days Eligible = 33.3% of 25 Equivalent Days Present = 8.325 = 8.32. 20 days of Homebound eligibility = 66.7 % of the Total Days of special education eligibility (20/(10+20)) Homebound Days Eligible = 66.7% of 25 Equivalent Days Present = 16.675 = 16.68. For additional rules concerning the reporting of special education days present for a particular special education student, please refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook.A505 EDUCATION FLEX ATTENDANCE DATA-STUDENTAdditionNone.The Foundation School funding for LEAs is based on and limited to 6.0 contact hours per day per student. Excess contact hours for special education students occur when the special education contact hours earned for a particular day exceed 6.0 hours (360 minutes for flexible attendance accounting). This occurs when a special education student is receiving special education instruction and career and technical education instruction at the same time. Excess contact hours are always subtracted from the students primary Instructional Setting Code. Excess contact hours are not subtracted from speech therapy contact hours unless there is no other special education Instructional Setting during the time excess hours are earned. Example: Student Jerry is a Career and Technical Education (CTE) and Special Education student. He attends two CTE classes that collectively generate V3 (3.0) contact hours per day of attendance. He also is participating in the special education Instructional Setting Resource Room/Services (Less than 21%/day) that generates 2.859 contact hours per day of attendance, and the special education Speech Therapy Instructional Setting that generated .25 contact hours per day of attendance. Since the 405 Special Education Flexible Attendance data record is reported as aggregate data by the REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODEs, it is the responsibility of the LEA to determine which days a student has generated Excess Contact Hours. (In many cases the LEA student information system will compute the occurrences and extract them to the PEIMS file for submission.) In the case of Student Jerry, each day that he attends 360 minutes of instruction would generate 7 minutes of FLEX-ATTEND-EXCESS-MINUTES-IN-INSTR-SETTING (3.0 CTE hours + 2.859 Special Education Resource contact hours + .25 Special Education Speech Therapy contact hours = 6.109 total contact hours minus 6 hours maximum = .109 contact hours x 60 minutes = 6.54 Excess Minutes (rounds to 7 Excess Minutes)). If Student Jerry was present for 360 minutes 15 times during a 30 day Reporting Period, then the value reported for FLEX-ATTEND-EXCESS-MINUTES-IN-INSTR-SETTING would be 105 minutes (15 occurrences x 7 minutes). A505 SPECIAL EDUCATION FLEX ATTENDANCE DATA-STUDENTRevisionFor students participating in the OFSDP create at least one a 505 record for each reporting period for each special education student who was served in a funded instructional setting. and attended the Optional Flexible School Day Program (OFSDP) or the High School Equivalency Program (HSEP) within the indicated reporting period and received special education services per the individualized education program (IEP), or attended the High School Equivalency Program (HSEP) within the indicated reporting period and received special education services per the IEP. For each student reported with a 505 record, there must be a 500 record with matching values for CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT, and GRADE-LEVEL-CODE. The PEIMS 505 Special Education Flexible Attendance data record is also used to report the Optional Flexible School Day Credit Recovery Program attendance. Flexible Attendance Program Type Code 3 is used to designate the Optional Flexible School Day Credit Recovery Program attendance on these records. This attendance information is collected in Submission 4. However, a student cannot generate for than 1.000 ADA of funding for a school by combining the regular year and post school year eligible days present. If a Special Education Flexible Attendance student changes INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODEs during a particular reporting period, report both Instructional Setting Codes on a single 505 record, unless the data record key changes. Create a separate 505 Special Education Flexible Attendance record for a student anytime the CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT, or GRADE-LEVEL-CODE changes. Do not create a 505 Special Education Flexible Attendance record for a student who did not participate in special education during the reporting period indicated, or who was ineligible for ADA for the entire reporting period. For each STUDENT-ID on a 505 Special Education Flexible Attendance record where FLEX-ATTEND-EXCESS-MINUTES-IN-INSTR-SETTING is greater than 00000, there must be a 510 CTE Flexible Attendance record with a matching STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, and NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT. Do not report FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-ELIGIBLE information on the 505 record. Report this information on the 500 record. Refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook for the complete special education eligibility information and attendance coding instructions.For special education students participating in the Flexible Attendance Program, report a 505 Special Education Flexible Attendance record for each reporting period for each student who was eligible for and served in a funded instructional setting. For each student reported with a 505 Special Education Flexible Attendance record, there must be a 500 Flexible Attendance record with matching values for CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT, and GRADE-LEVEL-CODE. If a Special Education Flexible Attendance student changes INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODEs during a particular reporting period, report both Instructional Setting Codes on a single 505 record, unless the data record key changes. Create a separate 505 Special Education Flexible Attendance record for a student anytime the CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT, or GRADE-LEVEL-CODE changes. Do not create a 505 Special Education Flexible Attendance record for a student who did not participate in special education during the reporting period indicated, or who was ineligible for ADA for the entire reporting period. For each STUDENT-ID on a 505 Special Education Flexible Attendance record where FLEX-ATTEND-EXCESS-MINUTES-IN-INSTR-SETTING is greater than 00000, there must be a 510 CTE Flexible Attendance record with a matching STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, and NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT. FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-ELIGIBLE are reported on the 500 Flexible Attendance record. Refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook for the complete special education eligibility information and attendance coding instructions. A505 SPECIAL EDUCATION FLEX ATTENDANCE DATA-STUDENTRevisionTexas School for the Deaf (TSD) Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (TSBVI).Texas School for the Deaf (TSD) and Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (TSBVI), and Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD) (formerly TYC) do not report the 505 Special Education Flexible Attendance record for any students served using the Flexible Attendance Accounting Rules. These schools are not eligible to earn special education contact hour funding. A510 CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION (CTE) FLEXIBLE ATTENDANCE -STUDENTRevisionEnter 0-9, as appropriate, to reflect the assigned instructional track for the student. Although this is a mandatory field, the choice of track number is at the discretion of the district/campus. It is recommended that the tracks on a campus are numbered beginning with 0, and following in sequence. These numbers are needed for differentiation between calendars.Campuses which make use of multiple instructional calendars are considered to have more than one instructional track. A campus can have up to 10 instructional tracks (0-9). Anytime the NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT for a particular sixweek reporting period at a campus are different, then there must be an additional INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE for that sixweek reporting period. It is recommended that the instructional tracks on a campus are numbered beginning with 0, and following in sequence. The INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE is used by TEA to differentiate between multiple instructional calendars when calculating Foundation School Funding.A510 CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION (CTE) FLEXIBLE ATTENDANCE -STUDENTAdditionNone. Warning: School calendar tracks exceeding 180 days will result in less ADA funding per day for the school district/campus. For the 510 CTE Flexible Attendance record, the REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE is limited to codes 1 6 for Submission 3 and codes 7 8 for Submission 4. A510 CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION (CTE) FLEXIBLE ATTENDANCE -STUDENTRevisionFor Submission 3, the values for NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT are restricted to a maximum of 045 for Reporting Periods 15 and 090 for Reporting Period 6. Warning: School calendar tracks exceeding 180 days will result in less ADA funding per day for the school district/campus. NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT is the actual number of instructional days in the school/track calendar for a specific reporting period. Instructional days do not include days of teacher in-service or preparation, or holidays. All the students in a particular school/track will have the same NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT. NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT may not exceed 45 days for the first five six-week reporting periods or 90 days for the sixth six-week reporting period. Note: For the OFSDP Credit Recovery Program reported in Submission 4, DAYS-TAUGHT must be reported as 30 days. Instructional days do not include days of teacher in-service or preparation, or holidays. All students assigned to a particular instructional track will have the same NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT. Warning: School calendar tracks exceeding 180 days will result in less ADA funding per day for the school district/campus. The instructional calendar(s) for each campus must be divided into six approximately equal reporting periods. For Submission 3, NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT may not exceed 45 days for the first five six-week reporting periods or 90 days for the sixth six-week reporting period. For submission 4, the REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE is limited to codes 7 and 8. For submission 4, the DAYS-TAUGHT for the OFSDP Credit Recovery Program must be reported as 30 days. A510 CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION (CTE) FLEXIBLE ATTENDANCE -STUDENTAdditionNone.If a student changes grade levels during the course of the school year, then the GRADE-LEVEL-CODE will reflect each grade level that the student was assigned during the course of the year. If the student changes grade levels during a reporting period, then the student will have a 500 Flexible Attendance data record for the days of attendance associated with each grade level in that reporting period. A510 CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION (CTE) FLEXIBLE ATTENDANCE -STUDENT RevisionThe Flexible-AtTendance-Program-Type-code indicates whether the students attendance information is related to the OFSDP or the HSEP. There are five (5) unique programs that generate attendance data on the 500 Flexible Attendance data record. 1: Optional Flexible School Day Program (OFSDP) Submission 3 only, 2: High School Equivalency Program (HSEP) Submission 3 only, 3: OFSDP Credit/Promotion Recovery Program Submission 4 only, 4: Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN) Online Schools program (Formerly Electronic Course Program (eCP)) Submission 3 only. 5: Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN) Statewide Online Course Catalog Submission 3 only The following is a brief description of each of the Flexible Attendance Program Types: 1 - Optional Flexible School Day Program (OFSDP) This is an attendance program for students who: 1) have dropped out of school or are at risk of dropping out, 2) are participating in an approved early college high school plan, or 3) are attending a campus implementing an innovative redesign under a plan approved by the commissioner of education. For the complete eligibility and program rules, refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook. 2 - High School Equivalency Program (HSEP) - The High School Equivalency Program (HSEP) is also known as the "In-School GED Program." The Texas In-School GED Program provides an alternative for high school students aged 16 and older who are at risk of not graduating from high school and earning a high school diploma. For the complete eligibility and program rules, refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook. 3 - OFSDP Credit/Promotion Recovery Program This is an attendance program that occurs in the summer period between school years for students who as a result of not meeting the attendance requirements under TEC, 25.092, will be denied credit (promotion) for one or more classes in which the students have been enrolled. For the complete eligibility and program rules, refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook. 4 Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN) Online Schools program (Formerly Electronic Course Program (eCP)) This is a full-time virtual program available only to eligible students in grade levels 3 - 12 who are enrolled in an eligible LEA participating in the program. In order for a school to receive state funding for students enrolled in the TxVSN online school, all TxVSN Online Schools program course sections offered to students must be reported with this code. For the complete eligibility and program rules, refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook. 5 - Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN) Statewide Online Course Catalog This program provides a supplemental statewide online course catalog of high school, advanced placement, and dual credit courses to eligible students in grade levels 8 - 12 who are enrolled in the LEA. In order for a school to receive state funding for students enrolled in courses offered through the TxVSN statewide course catalog, all TxVSN Statewide course catalog course sections offered to students must be reported with this code. For the complete eligibility and program rules, refer to the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook. In all cases a student is limited to 1.000 ADA of Foundation School Program funding per school year. If a student attends both the regular school year and the OFSDP Credit/Promotion Recovery Program in the summer, that student cannot generate for than 1.000 ADA of funding for a LEA by combining the regular year and post school year eligible days present.A510 CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION (CTE) FLEXIBLE ATTENDANCE -STUDENT AdditionNone.The FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-CAREER-TECH-MINUTES-PRESENT for a particular REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE reflect the total actual CTE class time that a student attended the CTE classes in which they were enrolled. Unlike the reporting structure for the 410 CTE Attendance record where the data is reported by the CTE contact hour category (V1, V2, V3, etc), the total amount of CTE class time attended is reported together in a single value. NOTE: No single career and technical education course can generate more that 3 contact hours per day. Forty-Five (45) minutes of CTE attendance is the minimum amount of time that a CTE student must attend a CTE class(es) on a given day in order for that time to be included in the FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-CAREER-TECH-MINUTES-PRESENT. The value reported for FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-CAREER-TECH-MINUTES-PRESENT reported on the 510 CTE Flexible Attendance record for a particular reporting period must always be equal to or less than the value reported for FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT for the same reporting period. For example, Student Mark is enrolled in a funding eligible CTE course and generates 3300 minutes of FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-CAREER-TECH-MINUTES-PRESENT in the 4th Reporting Period which had NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT of 30. Student Mark was reported on his 500 Flexible Attendance record with FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT of 9500 minutes. The following is an illustration of how TEA will convert the FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-CAREER-TECH-MINUTES-PRESENT to CTE FTEs. Career and Technical Education Minutes to FTE Calculation: Student Mark Reporting Period 4 Days Taught = 30 FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-CAREER-TECH-MINUTES-PRESENT = 3300 minutes FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT = 9500 minutes Flexible Attendance Equivalent Days Present = 9500 minutes / 360 minutes = 26.388 = 26.39 days Results: Flex Attend Average Daily Attendance for Reporting Period 4 = 26.39/30 = .8796 = .880 ADA for reporting period 4 Flexible Attendance Career and Technical Education Full Time Equivalents (FTEs) = 3300 CTE Flexible Attendance Minutes Present / (30 Days Taught) x 360 minutes) = 3300 minutes/10800 minutes = .3055 FTEs = .305 CTE Flexible Attendance FTEs for Reporting Period 4. Note: Fractional days present will be rounded to the nearest hundredth (2 decimal places). 26.388 would be rounded to 26.39 equivalent days present. FTEs are rounded to the nearest thousandth (3 decimal places). 8796 would be rounded to .880 FTEs. A510 CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION (CTE) FLEXIBLE ATTENDANCE - STUDENTRevisionFor students participating in the OFSDP, create at least one 510 record for each eligible career and technical education student who was served in a funded CTE course and attended the Optional Flexible School Day Program (OFSDP) or the High School Equivalency Program (HSEP) within the indicated reporting period. For CTE students participating in the Flexible Attendance Program, report a 505 CTE Flexible Attendance record for each reporting period for each CTE student who was eligible for and served in the CTE program. A510 CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION (CTE) FLEXIBLE ATTENDANCE -STUDENTDeletionTime spent at a work-based learning (WBL) training site is instructionally engaged time. Up to 120 minutes required time at a training site can be counted per instructional day in the OFSDP.None.A510 CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION (CTE) FLEXIBLE ATTENDANCE -STUDENTAdditionNone.Texas School for the Deaf (TSD) and Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (TSBVI), and Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD) (formerly TYC) do not report the 510 CTE Flexible Attendance record for any students served using the Flexible Attendance Accounting Rules. These schools are not eligible to earn CTE contact hour funding. PA040 STAFF IDENTIFICATIONAdditionNoneIf the STAFF-ID on the 040 Staff Identification record matches a STUDENT-ID on a 100 Student Identification record, then the FIRST-NAME, LAST-NAME, and DATE-OF-BIRTH must also match.PA425 DISCIPLINARY ACTION DATA STUDENTRevision: Change columns from 76-80 to 76-77.425 DISCIPLINARY ACTION DATA - STUDENT E1083 BEHAVIOR-LOCATION-CODE to columns 76-80.Revision 425 DISCIPLINARY ACTION DATA - STUDENT E1083 BEHAVIOR-LOCATION-CODE to columns 76-77.PA110 STUDENT ENROLLMENT DATA-STUDENTAddition:NoneFor additional information on determining and managing the at-risk status of students, please see the Compensatory and At-Risk Frequently Asked Questions document on the TEA website at:  HYPERLINK "http://www.tea.state.tx.us/index4.aspx?id=4082" http://www.tea.state.tx.us/index4.aspx?id=4082 . UIV102 STUDENT DATA TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-IDAdditionNoneADD New Record: 102 STUDENT DATA TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-IDUIV043 STAFF DATA-DEMOGRAPHICAdditionNoneAdd new data element: E1524 TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-IDUIV043 STAFF DATA-DEMOGRAPHICAdditionNONETX-UNIQUE-STAFF- ID (E1524) is a unique number assigned to a staff member by the ˿Ƶ. The TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID is issued to schools by the TSDS TX Unique ID Application. The TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID cannot be generated by a Local Education Agency (LEA). UIV043 STAFF DATA - DEMOGRAPHICRevisionThis data record also identifies to the ˿Ƶ whether the PID information for the staff person needs to be updated through the Demographic Revision Confirmation Code. All staff demographics must be updated through the TSDS Unique ID Application. Therefore, the DEMOGRAPHIC-REVISION-CONFIRMATION-CODE must be zero for Submission 3 and Submission 4 for 2012-2013. UIV045 STAFF DATA - STAFF ID NUMBER CHANGERevisionThe 045 Staff ID Number Change Data record identifies those situations where a staff person is changing the social security number due to a previously reported social security number being incorrect. TEA uses this information to update the social security number for the affected staff persons in the PID database. For the 2012-2013 school year Submission 3 on the 45 Record is not being reported due to staff demographics are being managed through the TSDS Unique ID Application.UIV045 STAFF DATA - STAFF ID NUMBER CHANGERevisionReporting Requirements This record type is submitted only when a staff members identification number has changed since the most recent PEIMS data submission, due to an error in previous reporting. The 045 Staff ID Number Change record is submitted in both Submission 1 and Submission 3. However, only staff with ROLE-IDs 047 and 087 can be submitted in Submission 3.Reporting Requirements Due to staff demographics being managed by the TSDS Unique ID Application, the 045 Staff ID Number Change Data record is not reported for 2012-2013 school year Submission 3.UIV101 STUDENT DATA - DEMOGRAPHIC RevisionIf a value of "1" is present in this field, then all demographic data currently existing in the TEA Person Identification Database (PID) will be replaced with any new data being reported in that PEIMS submission. Therefore districts must be very careful to guard the accuracy of demographic data being submitted. If data being submitted does not match current demographic data on the PID and a "1" has not been placed in the demographic revision field, then the district will receive an error for that student on the PID Discrepancy Report. This report is a part of the diagnostic process that follows the submission of the data to TEA. Use a "1" in this field only if the student was previously reported in a PEIMS submission and you wish to update the PID. New students should not be reported with a DEMOGRAPHIC-REVISION-CONFIRMATION-CODE. In order to change demographic data in the TEA PID, a "1" must be present in this field. REMINDER: A district can only change one of the three major demographics (FIRST-NAME, LAST-NAME, and DATE-OF-BIRTH) at a time by using the demographic revision code. If more than one of these values needs to be changed, then TEA will have to make the corrections to the PID for you. All student demographics must be updated through the TSDS Unique ID Application. Therefore, the DEMOGRAPHIC-REVISION-CONFIRMATION-CODE must be zero for Submission 3 and Submission 4 for 2012-2013. UIV101 STUDENT DATA - DEMOGRAPHICDeletionThe PID Error Rate Standard and other helpful PID information are available on the TEA website at HYPERLINK "http://www.tea.state.tx.us/peims/pid/index.html"http://www.tea.state.tx.us/peims/pid/index.html. None.UIV043 STAFF DATA - DEMOGRAPHICRevisionDEMOGRAPHIC-REVISION-CONFIRMATION-CODE (E0924) indicates that a change has been made in one of the twelve basic identification or demographic data elements since the last PEIMS data submission on this person. These twelve data elements are: FIRST-NAME, MIDDLE-NAME, LAST-NAME, GENERATION-CODE, SEX-CODE, HISPANIC-LATINO-CODE, AMERICAN-INDIAN-ALASKA-NATIVE-CODE, ASIAN-CODE, BLACK-AFRICAN AMERICAN-CODE, NATIVE-HAWAIIAN-PACIFIC-ISLANDER-CODE, WHITE-CODE, and DATE-OF-BIRTH. This field is optional. However, it must have a value of "1" if there is a change in one or more of the twelve basic demographic data elements since the last PEIMS data submission on this person. If a value of "1" is present, then all twelve elements currently existing in the TEA database will be replaced with the new data being submitted. Therefore districts must always be very careful to guard the accuracy of the demographic data being reported. DEMOGRAPHIC-REVISION-CONFIRMATION-CODE is 0 because the staff demographics are being managed through the TSDS Unique ID Application, so the DEMOGRAPHIC-REVISION-CONFIRMATION-CODE flag must be zero. UIV100 STUDENT DATA - IDENTIFICATIONRevisionReport changes to the STUDENT-ID using the DEMOGRAPHIC-REVISION-CONFIRMATION-CODE found on the 101 Student Demographic Record.All student demographics changes including Student ID must be managed through the TSDS Unique ID Application. UIV101 STUDENT DATA - DEMOGRAPHICRevisionDEMOGRAPHIC-REVISION-CONFIRMATION-CODE (E0924) indicates that a change has been made in one of the twelve basic identification or demographic data elements since the last PEIMS data submission on this person. These twelve data elements are: FIRST-NAME, MIDDLE-NAME, LAST-NAME, GENERATION-CODE, SEX-CODE, HISPANIC-LATINO-CODE, AMERICAN-INDIAN-ALASKA-NATIVE-CODE, ASIAN-CODE, BLACK-AFRICAN AMERICAN-CODE, NATIVE-HAWAIIAN-PACIFIC-ISLANDER-CODE, WHITE-CODE, and DATE-OF-BIRTH. A DEMOGRAPHIC-REVISION-CONFIRMATION-CODE of 1 indicates that a change is being reported in one or more of the twelve basic demographic data elements since the last PEIMS data submission. DEMOGRAPHIC-REVISION-CONFIRMATION-CODE is 0 because the staff demographics are being managed through the TSDS Unique ID Application, so the DEMOGRAPHIC-REVISION-CONFIRMATION-CODE flag must be zero. UIV203 SCHOOL LEAVER DATA - STUDENT DeletionIf there has been a change to the student's basic demographic and identification data elements since the last PEIMS data submission, refer to the instructions about the use of the DEMOGRAPHIC-REVISION-CONFIRMATION-CODE in the Record Type 101 discussion. DeletedUIV045 STAFF DATA - STAFF ID NUMBER CHANGERevisionPRIOR-ID (E0990) indicates the identification number under which the person was reported during the last PEIMS data submission or PID update. PRIOR-ID (E0990) Prior-ID must be blank for 2012-2013 Submission 3 and Submission 4. UIV105 STUDENT DATA - STUDENTRevisionDescription The 105 Student Data record indicates that a students identification number has changed since the last PEIMS submission containing the same student. The 105 Student Data record indicates whether a student is eligible for accelerated reading instruction as a result of reading difficulties or having dyslexia as indicated by the administered reading instrument.Description The 105 Student Data record indicates whether a student is eligible for accelerated reading instruction as a result of reading difficulties or having dyslexia as indicated by the administered reading instrument. UIV105 STUDENT DATA - STUDENTRevisionPRIOR-ID (E0990) indicates the identification number under which the person was reported during the last PEIMS data submission or PID update. Prior-ID must be blank for Submission 3 and Submission 4 for 2012-2013. PRIOR-ID (E0990 Prior-ID must be blank for Submission 3 and Submission 4 for 2012-2013. UIV105 STUDENT DATA - STUDENTRevisionReporting Requirements A 105 Student Data Record is submitted for each Kindergarten, First Grade, and Second Grade student to indicate their Early Reading Indicator status. A 105 Student Data record is submitted when a student is providing their district with a changing alternate ID or a Social Security number. In most cases, a student will not be reported on the 105 Student Data record when a student alternate ID number changes to another alternate ID number. The Prior-ID should be changed only when a student's identification number has changed since the most recent PEIMS data submission. A district should submit any ID number changes even if the most recent PEIMS submission for the student was made when the student was in another district. The Prior-ID should be changed only when a student who has previously been reported with an alternative ID number provides a Social Security number to his district. The Prior-ID should be changed when a student was previously reported with a Social Security Number requests to be assigned and reported with an alternate ID. Note: Prior-ID must be blank for 2012-2013 Submission 3 and Submission 4.Reporting Requirements A 105 Student Data Record is submitted for each Kindergarten, First Grade, and Second Grade student to indicate their Early Reading Indicator status. UIV400 BASIC ATTENDANCE DATA - STUDENT DeletionFor each student reported with a 400 Student Basic Attendance record, there must be a 101 Student Demographic record with a matching STUDENT-ID. DeletionUIV425 DISCIPLINARY ACTION DATA - STUDENTAdditionNoneA student should not have more disciplinary removals in a six week reporting period than there are days in membership (sum of TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT, TOTAL INELIGIBLE DAYS-PRESENT and TOTAL-DAYS-ABSENT) on a 400 record for that student during that same reporting period. UIV425 DISCIPLINARY ACTION DATA - STUDENTAdditionNoneA student may not have more than one day of disciplinary removal assigned or served for a Partial Day Out-Of-School Suspension or Partial Day In-School Suspension (DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODEs 25 or 26). For Partial Day In-School Suspensions or Partial Day Out-Of-School Suspensions, the OFFICIAL-LENGTH-OF DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT and ACTUAL-LENGTH-OF DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT cannot be greater than one (1) day. Disciplinary removal assignments to Out-Of-School Suspension or In-School Suspension that are greater than one day must be coded with DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODEs 05 or 06. UIV425 DISCIPLINARY ACTION DATA - STUDENTAdditionNoneFor all of the 425 PEIMS records reported by a district or charter school there may only be one instance of the values for CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, STUDENT-ID, DISCIPLINARY-INCIDENT-NUMBER, DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE and DATE-OF-DISCPLINARY-ACTION. Whenever a student is reported with multiple 425 PEIMS records at the same CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, at least one of the elements DISCIPLINARY-INCIDENT-NUMBER, DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE, or DATE-OF-DISCPLINARY-ACTION must be differentUIV425 DISCIPLINARY ACTION DATA - STUDENTAdditionNone.An exception to this rule would be an instance where the teacher has permanently removed a student from their classroom (DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE 01) and the campus administrator has no other academic setting available for the student for this particular time period/subject.     2012-2013 Data Standards Change Document - Section 2 Data Submission Requirements Version  Record #  Change 2011-2012 Post Addendum Version2012-2013 Post Addendum Version  2. PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 101 P = Preliminary Version M = March Version A = Addendum Version UIV = Unique ID Version #+,<o1 4 5 6 o p tcOc@chvh,0JOJQJ^J'jhvh,OJQJU^J!jhvh,OJQJU^Jh,5>*ϴ^!v,5>*ϴ^v,>*ϴ^,5Oϴ^v,5Oϴ^v,ϴ^v,>*ϴ,ϴv,ϴ1,ϴ#-<o , ?$IfgdJ- ?x$Ifgd0D ?x$Ifgdv?$x$Ifa$gd?$x$Ifa$gdN , e h i , - v w x 㫚nZnKnhvh,0JOJQJ^J'jhvh,OJQJU^J!jhvh,OJQJU^Jhvh,OJQJ^Jh,5>*OJQJ\^J!hvh,5>*OJQJ\^Jhvh,>*OJQJ\^Jh,OJQJ\^Jh,5OJQJ\^Jhvh,5OJQJ\^Jhvh,OJQJ\^Jhvh,>*OJQJ^J QC5* ?x$Ifgd?$x$Ifa$gd?$x$Ifa$gdkd$$IflruN !7Wh20n:4 layt  & _ b c & ' p q r  Mʺʺʝ~mYmJmʺhvh,0JOJQJ^J'jhvh,OJQJU^J!jhvh,OJQJU^Jh,5>*OJQJ\^J!hvh,5>*OJQJ\^Jhvh,>*OJQJ\^Jh,5OJQJ\^Jhvh,5OJQJ\^Jhvh,OJQJ\^Jhvh,>*OJQJ^Jhvh,OJQJ^Jh1uh,OJQJ^J & mn=kd$$IflruN !7Wh20n:4 layt  ?$IfgdJ- ?x$IfgdMQRTVYZ^-./jknops湨|h|Y|OBOh1uh,OJQJ^Jh,OJQJ^Jhvh,0JOJQJ^J'jhvh,OJQJU^J!jhvh,OJQJU^Jhvh,OJQJ^Jh,5>*OJQJ\^J!hvh,5>*OJQJ\^Jhvh,>*OJQJ\^Jh,5OJQJ\^Jhvh,5OJQJ\^Jhvh,OJQJ\^Jh,OJQJ\^JnpyJ?x$'dIfQgd ?x$'dIfQgd\<?x$'dIfQgd ?x$Ifgd,@ ?$$Ifa$gd?$x$Ifa$gd st568z{|}~  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