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Name of Superintendent (Please print) Signature (Original) Name of Chairperson District Signature (Original) Committee (Please print) (not applicable to Charters) ______________________________ __________________________________ Name of PEIMS Coordinator involved in Signature (Original) the self-evaluation (Please print) Name of ESC reviewer (Please print) Signature (Original) PEIMS DATA QUALITY SELF EVALUATION QUESTIONAIRE FOR DESK REVIEW Procedure for Completing the Self-Evaluation Document As part of the PEIMS data quality review, the district is requested to complete the self-evaluation document prior to the scheduled date. The Superintendent should submit the completed self-evaluation plan to the PEIMS coordinator at their Education Service Center. The ESC will review the self-evaluation and will forward the self-evaluation with any additional comments to TEA. The due date to the ˿Ƶ, PEIMS Division, is noted in the PID Error Rate letter in EDIT+. You may fax the self-evaluation to (512) 463-1775 or mail it to this address: ˿Ƶ PEIMS Division 1701 North Congress Ave. Austin, Texas 78701 Any questions concerning this self-evaluation document, please contact the TEA PID Coordinator at (512) 463-9820. Attach additional pages for comments if needed. Responses to the district self-evaluation document are to be completed collaboratively by the district PEIMS Coordinator and other staff members designated by the superintendent. Responses should be succinct. STAFF & ANCILLARY ISSUES How many staff members with primary duties involving PEIMS does the district employ? Who is the districts chief PEIMS director/supervisor? (Include Telephone Number) Who is responsible for PEIMS data quality at the campus level? Who is the primary ESC contact for PEIMS related issues? (Include Telephone Number) Who is the primary vendor contact for software concerns? (Include Telephone Number) Who is responsible for running PID reports, reviewing and correcting errors, and submitting the updates? (Include Telephone Number) TRAINING ISSUES Identify any/all PID training attended by staff for the current school year to date. Training Title Date Provider Location Staff Participants Identify any upcoming scheduled PID training. Training Title Date Provider Location Staff Participants (anticipated) At the end of the current school year, what percent of the PEIMS staff will be trained in PID? Identify any/all other PEIMS training attended by staff for the current school year to date. Training Title Date Provider Location Staff Participants Explain how the faculty/staff at large has been trained to assist in the PEIMS data quality effort. Describe what training the PEIMS software vendor has provided to the staff regarding the use of their product. COLLABORTION & PLANNING ISSUES Other than training previously identified, how has the local Education Service Center assisted the district to address PID issues? Describe the process through which the current PEIMS software was selected and purchased. How often does the PEIMS staff meet to discuss relevant issues and share information? Describe how the issue of PID errors has been incorporated into the district and campus improvement planning process. Explain any PEIMS issues presented to the local Site Based Decision Making (SBDM) committees for consideration, and any resulting actions. Discuss any specific future actions targeted to improve the districts PID error rate and overall data quality. LOCAL PROCEDURES ISSUES Discuss administrative procedures for ensuring the accuracy of information submitted in PEIMS. Describe the process for PEIMS information transfer between the district and campuses. Explain the process/timelines for running the PID Discrepancy Reports from Edit+. How much time have you allowed for updating PID discrepancies prior to acceptance of data by ESC staff? Describe any shortcomings your vendor software possesses that impede the districts ability to update demographic and student ID data, e.g., is the name field long enough? As a result of the districts self-analysis, identify any causal factors discovered that affect PEIMS data quality and specifically PID errors. What actions have been implemented to date to address the PEIMS/PID concerns revealed through the districts self-analysis? Describe how requisite PEIMS information is gathered and processed throughout the district. What procedural standards are present to ensure the consistent gathering and input of PEIMS information district wide? Identify any local school board policies pertaining to PEIMS data quality. ESC additional comments:     County District Number ________________ PAGE  PAGE 1 B ; A W     * 8 D N O Q R S U }   A K ` } ~     9 : D %js7NǾhgXh" h8=aJ h8=;h8=;>*CJ h8=CJ h8=5\ h8=5CJ h8=5>* h8=5 h8=5; h8=5CJ h8=5CJ h8=A>?@AB ; < = > ? @ A   $a$  O P Q U  L ~     9 : 7$8$H$@&$a$  #@& #bgh+,kl>? $h^h`a$$ & Fa$$h^ha$$ & Fa$ 7$8$H$gd8=MeCDEFLMNPQWXYZ[_`ahgX0JmHnHu h"0Jjh"0JUh" h"6CJ h"5CJ h"CJhKjhKUh8=5CJ\h8=h8=5CJ\ h8=CJ$?mr%&NO$ & F a$$^a$$a$$h^ha$ $h^`ha$$ & Fa$OKLMefpqjkh^h & F $ & F a$$h^ha$$ & F a$kRDENOP[]^_`h]h&`#$$a$h^h & F `a6 00&P1h/ =!"#$% ^ 666666666vvvvvvvvv666666>6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666hH6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~_HmH nH sH tH @`@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DA`D Default Paragraph FontViV  Table Normal :V 44 la (k (No List 6>@6 Title$a$ 5CJ\NON 99 level 2 headd5>*CJaJ2O2 99 normalaJF @"F Footer  !B*CJaJphF@2F Header  !B*CJaJph.)@A. 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