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DOMINGUEZ El Paso District 1 THOMAS RATLIFF Mount Pleasant District 9 BARBARA CARGILL, Chair THOMAS RATLIFF, Vice Chair MAVIS B. KNIGHT, SecretaryRUBEN CORTEZ, JR. Brownsville District 2 TOM MAYNARD Florence District 10MARISA B. PEREZ San Antonio District 3 PATRICIA HARDY Fort Worth District 11LAWRENCE A. ALLEN, JR. Fresno District 4 GERALDINE MILLER Dallas District 12KEN MERCER San Antonio District 5 ERIKA BELTRON Dallas District 13DONNA BAHORICH Houston District 6 SUE MELTON-MALONE Waco District 14DAVID BRADLEY Beaumont District 7 MARTY ROWLEY Amarillo District 15BARBARA CARGILL The Woodlands District 8 Michael Williams Commissioner of Education (Executive Officer of the State Board of Education) INSTRUCTION Sue Melton-Malone, Chair Geraldine Miller, Vice Chair Barbara Cargill Tom Maynard Marisa B. Perez SCHOOL INITIATIVES Marty Rowley, Chair Martha M. Dominguez, Vice Chair Donna Bahorich Erika Beltron Ruben Cortez, Jr. SCHOOL FINANCE/PERMANENT SCHOOL FUND Patricia Hardy, Chair Lawrence A. Allen, Jr., Vice Chair David Bradley Ken Mercer Thomas Ratliff  Table Of Contents FOREWORD ii PREFACE iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS vi Section 1: DATA SUBMISSION RESPONSIBILITIES 1. 1 Section 2: DATA SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS 2. 1 Data Submission Requirements 2. 1 Organization Data 2. 4 District Finance Data 2.33 Staff Data 2.53 Student Data 2.106 Section 3: DESCRIPTION OF DATA ELEMENTS 3. 1 Alphabetical List of Data Elements 3. 3 The Definitions 3. 8 Section 4: DESCRIPTION OF CODES 4. 1 Alphabetical List of Code Tables 4. 2 Code Tables 4. 4 Section 5: EDITS 5. 0 General Data Submission Rules 5. 2 Record Type General Edits 5. 2 Data Element General Field Edits 5. 2 Data Element Record Type Field Edits 5. 2 Context Edit Rules 5.17 Appendix A - Data Overview A. 1 Appendix B - Data Elements by Record Type B. 1 Appendix C - Cross Reference Table C. 1 Appendix D - Leaver Reason Codes and Documentation Standards D. 1 Appendix E - Additional Information Related to Discipline E. 1 Appendix F - Supplemental Information for Ethnicity and Race Data Reporting F. 1 Appendix G - Person Enrollment Tracking (PET) G. 1 Foreword The collection of Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) data is required of all school districts and charter schools [local education agencies (LEAs)] by TEC 42.006. The PEIMS Data Standards provides instructions regarding the submission of PEIMS data from LEAs to the ˿Ƶ. The 2015-2016 standards: ( describe the PEIMS data reporting requirements; ( provide descriptions of data elements and the codes used to report them; ( detail the responsibilities of local education agencies, education service centers, and the ˿Ƶ in connection with the data collection process; and ( provide descriptions of the data collection requirements, including collection record layout specifications and data edit specifications. The PEIMS Data Standards is for all persons involved in the PEIMS data collection process, including school district/charter school administrators, special program personnel, data control personnel, data processing staff, service center coordinators, PEIMS software vendors, and others. The Data Standards is for data delivery only. It should not be construed to represent the format of data available for retrieval from the PEIMS database. Commissioner of Education Preface A description of the contents for each section of the 2015-2016 PEIMS Data Standards follows. Section 1: Data Submission Responsibilities and Specifications This section provides a general description of the PEIMS data collection system. It specifies the PEIMS fall snapshot date and data delivery due dates for the four data collections as well as the Person Enrollment Tracking (PET) submissions. It also includes a discussion of the various responsibilities of the LEAs, education service centers, and the ˿Ƶ. See the right margin change bars in this section for the specific Data Submission Responsibilities and Specifications changes for the 2015-2016 school year. Section 2: Data Submission Requirements This section includes a chart of the data file layouts, a chart of the PEIMS Records Submission Schedule, a description of each record type, and the record layouts (including the data record: description, business rules by data element, reporting requirements, special reporting requirements, and reporting examples). The following record types were revised for the 2015-2016 school year: (See the right margin change bars in Section 2: Data Submission Requirements and Change Document 2 for the specific revisions for the 2015-2016 school year.) PageRecordRecord Name2.4010ORGANIZATION DATA DISTRICT2.17020ORGANIZATION DATA CAMPUSES2.24030DISTRICT FINANCE DATA BUDGET2.33032DISTRICT FINANCE DATA ACTUAL2.47033DISTRICT FINANCE DATA SHARED SERVICES ARRANGEMENT ACTUAL2.53040STAFF DATA IDENTIFICATION/DEMOGRAPHIC2.82090STAFF DATA RESPONSIBILITIES2.106100STUDENT DATA IDENTIFICATION2.113101STUDENT DATA DEMOGRAPHIC2.139102STUDENT DATA DEMOGRAPHIC2.147110STUDENT DATA ENROLLMENT2.180203STUDENT - SCHOOL LEAVER AND GRADUATION PROGRAM2.257415COURSE COMPLETION DATA STUDENT2.272425DISCIPLINARY ACTION DATA STUDENT2.290435STUDENT RESTRAINT STUDENT2.306500FLEXIBLE ATTENDANCE DATA STUDENT2.318505SPECIAL EDUCATION FLEXIBLE ATTENDANCE DATA STUDENT2.325510CAREER & TECHNICAL EDUCATION (CTE) FLEXIBLE ATTENDANCE STUDENT Section 3: Description of Data Elements This section provides a chart illustrating the description of the information found on each data element page, an alphabetical listing of the data elements, and a detailed description (including the definition and technical specifications) for each data element. The following data elements were revised for the 2015-2016 school year: (See the right margin change bars in Section 3: Description of Data Elements and Change Document 3 for the specific revisions for the 2015-2016 school year.) PageElementElement Name3.8E0001STUDENT-ID3.10E0006DATE-OF-BIRTH3.28E0319ORGANIZATION-CODE3.51E0791DATE-OF-GRADUATION3.130E1032CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESTRAINT-EVENT3.131E1033RESTRAINT-REASON-CODE3.132E1034DATE-OF-RESTRAINT-EVENT3.133E1035RESTRAINT-INSTANCE-NUMBER3.134E1036DATE-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ACTION3.141E1044LAST-DATE-OF-ENROLLMENT3.162E1065ASSIGNMENT-BEGIN-DATE3.163E1066ASSIGNMENT-END-DATE3.166E1069STUDENT-BEGIN-DATE3.167E1070STUDENT-END-DATE3.207E1559STEM-INDICATOR-CODE3.208E1560ECHS-INDICATOR-CODE3.209E1561NUMBER-OF-STUDENTS-REVIEWED-BY-IGC3.210E1562INDIVIDUAL-GRADUATION-COMMITTEE-GRADUATE-CODE3.211E1563INDIVIDUAL-GRADUATION-COMMITTEE-REVIEW-CODE Section 4: Description Of Codes This section provides a description of the information found on each code table page, an alphabetical list of the code tables, and a listing of the codes and translations for each code table. The following code tables were revised for the 2015-2016 school year: (See the right margin change bars in Section 4: Description of Codes and Change Document 4 for the specific revisions for the 2015-2016 school year.) PageTableTable Name4.14C022SERVICE-ID4.89C062GRADUATION-TYPE-CODE4.110C142CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-CD4.111C145FUND-CODE4.136C164DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE4.139C165DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE4.163C189HOMELESS-STATUS-CODE4.165C192UNACCOMPANIED-YOUTH-STATUS-CODE4.173C201INDIVIDUAL-GRADUATION-COMMITTEE-CODE Section 5: Edits This section provides the record type data element field edits and context edits. Edits that were applicable for prior year record types have been revised or deleted, as needed, to be applicable for the current year data submissions. Additional edits to check for the reasonableness of the data have also been added. These additional edits are based on the analysis of problems or discrepancies in previously submitted PEIMS data. There are three types of edits: fatal errors, special warning errors, and warning errors. See the right margin change bars in Section 5: Edits and Change Document 5 for the specific edits that have been deleted, added, or revised for the 2015-2016 school year. Appendix A: Data Overview This appendix provides a discussion, by category, of the data to be collected. No changes were made to Appendix A for the 2015-2016 school year. Appendix B: Data Elements by Record type This appendix provides each category of data, along with record types, data elements, and code tables, presented in matrix form. See the right margin change bars in Appendix B for the changes made for the 2015-2016 school year. Appendix C: Cross Reference Table This appendix includes a listing of the data elements in an alphabetical cross reference table. See the right margin change bars in Appendix C for the changes made for the 2015-2016 school year. Appendix D: Leaver Reason Codes and Documentation Standards This appendix provides an expanded definition and specific guidelines on acceptable documentation for each of the leaver reason codes. See the right margin change bars in Appendix D for the specific changes related to the Leaver Reason Codes Documentation Standards for the 2015-2016 school year. Appendix E: Additional Information Related to Discipline This appendix contains additional information related to student discipline. See the right margin change bars in Appendix E for the revised information related to the student discipline data reporting for the 2015-2016 school year. Appendix F: Supplemental Information for Ethnicity and Race Data Reporting This appendix provides additional information related to collecting and reporting the Ethnicity and Race data elements. No changes were made to Appendix F for the 2015-2016 school year. Appendix G: person enrollment tracking (PET) Guidelines This appendix provides the reporting details of Person Enrollment Tracking (PET). See the right margin change bars in Appendix G for the revised information related to the PET reporting requirements for the 2015-2016 school year. Acknowledgements The following ˿Ƶ staff were involved in developing this publication. Melody Parrish, Chief Information Officer/Chief Data Officer Information Technology Services/Statewide Education Data Systems Terri Hanson, Director Statewide Education Data Systems Bryce Templeton, Manager Statewide Education Data Systems Amanda Callinan Statewide Education Data Systems Fernando Garcia Statewide Education Data Systems Jeanine Helms Statewide Education Data Systems Glenn Shelton Statewide Education Data Systems Section 1: Data Submission Responsibilities and Specifications Data Submission Responsibilities and Specifications Close cooperation of LEAs, regional Education Service Centers (ESCs), and the ˿Ƶ (TEA) is required for the successful creation of the PEIMS database. Responsibilities for the PEIMS data collection process are divided as follows: Submission descriptions: Collection 1 represents the state of the LEAs and ESCs as of the Fall Snapshot date. The submission includes organization, staff, budget, shared service arrangement, and student enrollment and program data. Although the Fall Snapshot Date may not be a day of instruction, LEAs still report all students served and staff employed on that date. Exception: Leaver data are reported based on leaver status as of the last Friday in September. Collection 2 includes the audited actual financial data for the prior school year. Each LEA and ESC reports this information. This reporting requirement includes school districts and charter schools that cease operations as a result of consolidations or closures. Collection 3 includes yearlong student attendance (regular and flexible) and program data, course completions, disciplinary actions, student restraints, Title I, Part A participation, course sections, teacher class assignments/staff data, district/charter school and campus performance ratings, and Foundation High School Program participation data. Collection 4 includes program data for instructional activities between school years for special education extended year services (ESY) student data, student flexible attendance for credit recovery, and dual credit course completions for students. The collection will include the following records for the collection period shown: FileRecordsWhen CollectedOrganization010, 020Collections 1, 2, 3, and 4011Collections 1 and 2Finance030Collection 1032, 033Collection 2Course Section300Collection 3Staff040, 043, 050, 055, 060, 090Collection 1040, 043, 050, 305Collection 3Student100, 101, 102Collections 1, 3, and 4110, 163, 169, 170, 203Collection 1102, 203, 400, 405, 410, 415, 425, 435, 461, 500, 505, 510Collection 3102, 408, 415, 500, 505, 510Collection 4NOTE: Please refer to appendix A for a complete description of the categories and groupings within each category. 2015-2016 PEIMS Submission and Resubmission TimelinesFall (Collection 1) (prior/current year data)Close of school-start window - Last Friday in SeptemberSeptember 25, 2015EDIT+ ready to process dataOctober 5, 2015Snapshot Date (Last Friday in October)October 30, 2015EDIT+ ready for ESCs to accept LEA and ESC files.November 2, 2015First submission due date for LEAs and ESCs December 10, 2015Resubmission due date for LEAs and ESCsJanuary 21, 2016Data available to customersFebruary 18, 2016Midyear (Collection 2) (prior year data)EDIT+ ready to process dataOctober 5, 2015EDIT+ ready for ESCs to accept LEA and ESC filesDecember 14, 2015First submission due date for LEAs and ESCs January 28, 2016Resubmission due date for LEAs and ESCsFebruary 11, 2016Data available to customersMarch 3, 2016Summer (Collection 3) (current year data)EDIT+ ready to process dataApril 4, 2016EDIT+ ready for ESCs to accept LEA filesMay 9, 2016First submission due date for LEAsJune 23, 2016Resubmission due date for LEAs*July 21, 2016*Data available to customersSeptember 15, 2016Extended Year (Collection 4) (current year data)EDIT+ ready to process dataApril 4, 2016EDIT+ ready for ESCs to accept LEA filesAugust 8, 2016First submission due date for LEAs September 1, 2016Resubmission due date for LEAsSeptember 22, 2016Data available to customersOctober 20, 2016 * LEAs registered with TEA with year-round tracks ending later than June 23, 2016 may delay resubmission until two weeks following completion of the latest year-round track or August 18, 2016, whichever comes first. However, the initial data delivery for submission 3 must still be made by June 23, 2016, for all LEAs. In no case will any resubmission be processed after August 18, 2016. Corrections made beyond August 18, 2016 will be handled by State Funding. LEA Responsibilities LEAs are responsible for: 1. submitting current, complete, and accurate data for all record groups required for each collection; 2. validating and editing data according to edit rules in the PEIMS Data Standards; 3. reviewing all EDIT+ reports for data accuracy; 4. correcting all errors found by the ESC during the data validation process in a timely manner; and 5. delivering fatal-free corrected data on or before the due dates set by their ESCs and TEA. LEAs are responsible for meeting the ESC established due dates for each collection. The ESCs establish due dates to allow sufficient time to process and accept LEA data before the TEA deadline for each collection (see the PEIMS Submission and Resubmission Timelines). Superintendents/Chief Administrative Officers/Chief Executive Officers/Presidents of LEAs are responsible for submitting the electronic "Superintendents Statement of Approval of Summary Report and Error Listing" (SAF) for each submission and resubmission based on the final review of the LEAs PEIMS data file. The electronic signature (SAF) certifies 1. the LEA has submitted all required data with zero fatal errors; 2. the LEA has verified the accuracy and the authenticity of the data submitted for the collection; 3. the data presented in the summary reports and all warning messages in the edit error listing have been reviewed for accuracy; and 4. the accuracy and authenticity of the data submitted for the collection. The electronically signed SAF form is stored on a secured TEA server and a copy is emailed to the email addresses listed in EDIT+ under SAF administration for the LEA. PEIMS Submission and Resubmission Policy School districts and open enrollment charter schools (LEAs) are required to send complete and accurate data, free of fatal errors, by the first submission deadline for each data collection as specified in the PEIMS Submission and Resubmission Timelines. The data must be approved by the LEA Superintendent/Chief Administrative Officer/Chief Executive Officer/President and accepted by the LEAs Education Service Center PEIMS Coordinator before it can be accepted by TEA. Failure of a LEA to submit required data for a particular collection will result in the LEA being referred to the TEA General Counsel for further action. LEAs are not required to send a resubmission data file. The period of time between the first submission and the resubmission deadlines is an extension provided to all LEAs to review their original submission for any errors and make corrections. If a LEA does not submit a PEIMS file during the resubmission window, or if the resubmission PEIMS file is not free of fatal errors, TEA will use the data the LEA submitted for the first submission. Immediately following the closure of Collections 1, 2, and 4, the approved data is loaded to TEA databases and made available for use. TEA program areas use PEIMS data to create products such as Standard Reports and Core products, accountability reports, dropout reports, Snapshot, TAPR reports, and School Report Cards. Any data not submitted by the submission or resubmission deadlines are excluded from these important products. For Collection 3, all LEAs must meet the published First Submission deadline. Resubmissions for Collection 3 are due by the published deadline, with the single exception of LEAs operating year-round schools. If the school year for a particular campus has not ended when the submission is due, report the actual number of instructional days completed thus far. A LEA that provides year-round education is allowed to delay its one resubmission until two weeks following the end of its latest year-round school track, or until August 18, 2016, whichever comes first. Report the full attendance data set for the entire school year with the resubmission. PEIMS Data Reporting Support Questions concerning the Data Standards reporting requirements, or any of the above topics, should be first directed to the PEIMS Coordinator at the LEAs ESC. The ESC PEIMS staff will make every effort to answer the question, and/or may find it necessary to contact TEA for assistance. If the ESC PEIMS Coordinator, or the ESC PEIMS Coordinator's alternate, is not available after a reasonable amount of time, LEA personnel may contact TEA directly at (512) 463-9229 for PEIMS or EDIT+ questions. A LEA should always attempt to contact the ESC PEIMS staff before calling TEA. Education Service Center Responsibilities ESCs are responsible for 1. assisting LEAs with their PEIMS data submissions to the EDIT+ system in order to meet published deadlines; 2. using edit rules in the PEIMS Data Standards to review data submitted by LEAs; 3. verifying that LEA submissions contain data for all records required by the collections; 4. ensuring that all fatal errors are corrected; 5. approving the data in the format specified in this section, by the specified due dates for each collection; 6. notifying LEAs when the LEA PEIMS data have been approved and made available for further processing by TEA; 7. submitting current, complete, and accurate ESC data for all record groups required for the Fall and Midyear Collections; 8. validating and editing ESC data according to edit rules in the PEIMS Data Standards; and 9. delivering fatal-free corrected data on or before the due dates set by TEA. ESC Executive Directors are responsible for submitting the electronic "Superintendents Statement of Approval of Summary Report and Error Listing" (SAF) for each submission and resubmission based on the final review of the ESCs PEIMS data file. The electronic signature (SAF) certifies: 1. the ESC has submitted all required data with zero fatal errors; 2. the ESC has verified the accuracy and the authenticity of the data submitted for the collection; 3. the data presented in the summary reports and all warning messages in the edit error listing have been reviewed for accuracy; and 4. the accuracy and authenticity of the data submitted for the collection. The electronically signed SAF form is stored on a secured TEA server and a copy is emailed to the email addresses listed in EDIT+ under SAF administration for the ESC. To facilitate accuracy and timely data delivery, the ESCs 1. explain the overall data collection requirements for PEIMS and Person Enrollment Tracking (PET) to LEA personnel; 2. train LEAs to adequately meet the data submission requirements; and 3. train LEA personnel on TSDS Unique ID error corrections in order to meet the TSDS Unique-ID Error Rate standard. The ESC training covers: 1. overall data flow; 2. delivery schedules; 3. data element definitions; 4. data submission formats; 5. editing requirements; 6. correction cycles; 7. approval of the summary report and error listing; 8. operations of the web-based PEIMS EDIT+ system; 9. operations of the Person Enrollment Tracking (PET) system; and 10. TSDS Unique ID error corrections. The ESCs play a consulting role to assist LEAs in preparing the data submissions and to ensure data quality and compliance with the schedules. The ESCs designate a contact person and alternate who coordinate ESC assistance by: 1. answering questions about the Data Standards; 2. organizing the data submission schedules (PEIMS and PET); 3. answering questions about the edit and summary reports; 4. organizing the error correction schedule; and 5. initiating final approval of the LEAs submission to TEA. Special Instructions for Shared Services Arrangements (See Record Type 011) An ESC that serves as a fiscal agent for a shared services arrangement reports the data for the shared services arrangement. The instructions for reporting shared services arrangement data found in Section 2 also apply for ESC fiscal agents. ˿Ƶ Responsibilities The ˿Ƶ is responsible for: 1. facilitating the instructional process; 2. explaining the overall data requirements to ESC personnel; and 3. assisting ESCs in understanding the data requirements. To facilitate the data validation process, TEA provides the ESCs and LEAs with a standard editing and reporting system. The PEIMS EDIT+ system, available through the TEA website, ensures consistent use of edit rules for data validation. Changes or additions to the Data Standards can be incorporated through modifications to the edit rules. Specifically, TEA provides: edit criteria (Section 5 of the Data Standards); edit code tables (and the ability to print or download from PEIMS EDIT+); reports; and user documentation and training to each Regional ESC. There are three categories of edits. The first type of edit is the fatal error. Neither a LEA nor an ESC can mark complete a file with fatal error(s). A file with a fatal error(s) must be corrected. The second type of edit is the special warning error. A special warning error indicates a discrepancy in the data that must be scrutinized carefully. In unusual situations, the data are correct. Warning errors are the third type of edit. A warning error indicates a possible error or inconsistency. The PEIMS EDIT+ Application PEIMS EDIT+ is a web-based application developed to provide a single resource for Texas school ESCs, LEAs, and LEA campuses to submit their PEIMS data to the TEA via the Internet. The application is used to validate data; determine fatal errors; generate special warnings and warnings; transfer files; generate reports; and query the PET. From a business process point of view, the application is comprised of four distinct parts: edit validation with LEA summary reports, TSDS Unique ID verification, PEIMS EDIT+ reports, and Person Enrollment Tracking (PET). User documentation is available within the application in the form of online help files and as reference guides on the Internet at the HYPERLINK "http://tea.texas.gov/Reports_and_Data/Data_Submission/PEIMS/PEIMS_EDIT_Plus/PEIMS_EDIT_/"PEIMS EDIT+ External website . Standard hardware capable of running the Microsoft Windows operating system, as well as the Microsoft .NET Framework, is required. To review the minimum system requirements, refer to the section Minimum System Requirements by Product, page 1.8. Data and File Requirements for Electronic Transmission via the Internet PEIMS EDIT+ provides users with the capability to upload PEIMS data files or PET extract files from their data systems to TEA, as well as download data and reports from TEA to their data systems. The following requirements must be in place to transmit PEIMS data files: 1. Each PEIMS EDIT+ user must have access to the Internet using Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 to 11.0 and have email capability. No other Internet Browser is supported by PEIMS EDIT+. 2. Establishing a TEA Secure Environment (TEASE) account is necessary to access PEIMS EDIT+. Complete user instructions and forms are available from the HYPERLINK "http://tea.texas.gov/Reports_and_Data/Data_Submission/PEIMS/PEIMS_EDIT_Plus/PEIMS_EDIT_/"PEIMS EDIT+ External Website. (Also see Procedures, below.) 3. PEIMS EDIT+ automatically compresses and encrypts/decrypts the files during the data file upload process. No additional encryption or file transfer software is required. 4. All PEIMS EDIT+ users are required to install the Microsoft .NET Framework to transfer their PEIMS or PET data files. To transfer data files, each user must have .NET Framework 2.0 or higher and Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher installed. In addition, Internet Explorer 8 and above require a patch be applied to their PC. Instructions for downloading and installing the patch may be requested from the LEAs ESC or by contacting  HYPERLINK "mailto:EDITPLUSCustomerSupport@tea.state.tx.us" EDITPLUSCustomerSupport@tea.state.tx.us. 5. Records are validated against edit rules and error reports are available for on-screen review, printing, or downloading. 6. Once the file is free of fatal errors and contains all required record groups, the option for completing and accepting the PEIMS data is available on the PEIMS EDIT+ Collection Status webpage. The Complete process provides the LEA PEIMS Coordinator with a mechanism for indicating that he or she has validated the data submission and for communicating to the ESC PEIMS Coordinator that the submission is ready for review. The Accept process provides the ESC PEIMS Coordinator with a mechanism for verifying the completeness of the LEAs data submission and for releasing the data for access by TEA. 7. All events associated with the file are tracked in the File Activity Log. Minimum System Requirements by Product Minimum system requirements necessary to run the PEIMS EDIT+ application are presented in the table below. Because EDIT+ is a web-based application, the minimum system requirements are those required by: (1) the version of the Windows operating system installed on the users PC or, (2) the .NET Framework, whichever is greater. For system requirements specific to a particular version of the Windows operating system, see the  HYPERLINK "http://www.microsoft.com/windows/default.mspx" Microsoft Windows Family Home page to obtain detailed information. Product/SpecificationEDIT+Minimum Processor/Memory300 MHz or faster as required by the Windows operating system 256 MB or higher as required by the Windows operating systemMinimum Operating SystemMicrosoft Windows 2000 Professional Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition Microsoft Windows XP Professional Microsoft Windows 7 Data Submission Specifications The following requirements are for use by PEIMS users in formatting files for transmission to the agency. Failure to adhere to these standards can delay processing of the data or cause the data to be returned. General Requirements 1. Records must be in INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE order within each LEA PEIMS file. 2. Once the data are ready to be validated, it can be submitted to the TEA server. Data and File Requirements 1. Data files for each reporting entity are transferred to TEA via EDIT+ using a TEA-specified file format Files are classified as campus (containing campus data), district (containing district or charter school data), and ESC (containing ESC data). The final file for the 1st submission and resubmission must be fatal free and contain all record groups for the collection. 2. PEIMS data files must be constructed using the following specifications: a) Each record is contained in one line in the file. b) Each record (line) is terminated by a consecutive carriage return and line feed (only). c) Records can be variable length, but cannot exceed 80 bytes. d) Record filler at the end of each record is optional. If included, filler must contain blanks. e) Any position not containing a data element must contain blanks. f) No tab characters are allowed. g) All data elements are represented in ASCII code. h) There are no special characters before the first character of the first record in the file. Special characters are defined as any character not specifically described in the "Description of Data Elements" in Section 3. i) There are no special characters after the last record in the file. The file must be terminated by a carriage return, line feed, and end-of-file marker (Control-Z) following the last record. 3. Negative numbers must be over punched in the rightmost digit using ASCII format. See the "Description of Data Elements" at the beginning of Section 3 for additional information about over punching. 4. Alpha characters must be in upper case only. 5. The file name identifies the reporting entity and follows this naming convention: Minimum 11 characters Maximum 17 characters Position1st2nd -5th6th-11th12th-14th (opt)15th-17th (opt)Description:Collection Period (F,M,S,E)Four digits of school yearCounty-District NumberCampus ID if campus data 000 if partial data for LEA or ESCUse as required to create unique name for partial file Examples: F2016227950 = 2015-2016 Fall Collection for Region XIII F2016227901 = 2015-2016 Fall Collection for Austin ISD F2016227901000BUD = 2015-2016 Fall Collection for Austin ISD (partial file contains budget groups) F2016227901002 = 2015-2016 Fall Collection for Austin High School (AISD) Note: Updating the file outside the vendor software can cause invalid characters to be stored. This can cause problems in processing the data at TEA. It is recommended that any updating of data be done within the vendor software. Partial Submissions Partial data submissions may be submitted for data validation. There are five partial groups: a) Budget (record type 030) b) Actual Financial (record types 032 and 033) c) Course Section (record type 300) d) Staff (record types 040, 043, 050, 055, 060, 090, and 305) e) Student (record types 100, 101, 102, 110, 163, 169, 170, 203, 400, 405, 408, 410, 415, 425, 435, 461, 500, 505, and 510) Partial submissions must be complete within a record group; for example, school leavers cannot be submitted without the rest of the student record group. All partial submissions must include all of the organization records (record types 010, 011, 020) that are applicable for the collection. A partial submission can contain multiple groups as long as the organization records are included with the submission. The final file for the 1st submission and resubmission must be fatal free and contain all record groups for the collection. The groupings for each submission are identified on page 1.1. PEIMS EDIT+ assumes the file is a partial submission if the file name contains any character in the 9th position (see Data and File Requirements, above). Therefore, partial groups can be submitted as often as necessary. Special File Procedures User procedure for requesting Max Load removal: A Max Load Errors Exceeded status indicates that the file contained more than 500 load errors. Load errors prevent data from being loaded into the database on the EDIT+ server. Load errors occur due to data formatting problems or missing mandatory fields. The first 500 errors are displayed in the edit error report. When more than 500 loader errors occur, overall data processing stops. The user should first attempt to find and correct the issue within their Student Information System as most likely, the error affects all records of the same record type within the file. The user must contact PEIMS EDIT+ Customer Support and request the Max Load Limit be removed for its County-District ID by either; Emailing:  HYPERLINK "mailto:editplus@tea.state.tx.us" editplus@tea.state.tx.us , or Creating a "Customer Service Request from within EDIT+. The user receives email notification with the expiration date of his or her request. If additional time is needed after the request has expired, the user repeats Step # 1. User procedure for requesting to raise the Max Rule Error Limit: A Max Validation Errors Exceeded (per Rule Error Limit) status indicates that the file contains greater than a default number of validation errors on a specific edit. The default starts at 500 errors. When the Max Validation Errors Exceed rule is applied, the validation process stops for the particular edit and validation continues on to the next edit. The default listing of errors is displayed in the error report. All special warnings and warnings are displayed as well. The user should first attempt to find and correct the issue within their Student Information System as most likely, the error affects all records of the same record type within the file. The user must contact PEIMS EDIT+ Customer Support and request the Max Rule Error Limit be removed for its County-District ID by either; Emailing:  HYPERLINK "mailto:editplus@tea.state.tx.us" editplus@tea.state.tx.us or Creating a "Customer Service Request from within EDIT+. The user receives email notification with the expiration date of his or her request. Access to PEIMS EDIT+ A TEASE ID and access to the PEIMS EDIT+ application are requirements for using EDIT+, PET (Person Enrollment Tracking), and SAF (Superintendent Approval Form). Request TEASE ID 1. Fill out the online TEASE application found at:  HYPERLINK "http://tea.texas.gov/index4.aspx?id=2684" http://tea.texas.gov/index4.aspx?id=2684. 2. The Applicant identified in Section 1 signs in the Applicants Signature field in Section 4. The Applicants Supervisor must also sign the application. If the Applicant is the Superintendent or ESC Executive Director, no Supervisor Signature is required. 3. The LEA PEIMS Coordinator creates the new user profile in EDIT+ using the standard TEASE ID format assigned by TEA Computer Access. NOTE: Some ESCs provide this service for their LEAs. Check with your ESC PEIMS Coordinator for the procedure appropriate for your LEA. 4. For more information regarding establishing EDIT+ user access, see Chapter 2 EDIT+ User: IDs and Profiles in the EDIT+ Administrator Reference and Training Guide. A copy of the Guide can be obtained from the User Materials section of the User Setup link on the EDIT+ external website at  HYPERLINK "http://tea.texas.gov/index4.aspx?id=6553" http://tea.texas.gov/index4.aspx?id=6553. 5. Scan the completed and signed form and email to PEIMSCustomerSupport@tea.state.tx.us. 6. Once all documentation is received and verified, TEA finishes the profile and the TEASE ID is issued. 7. The TEASE system automatically emails the TEASE ID to the Applicant and sends a temporary password by separate email. PEIMS EDIT+ with SAF Access (available only to Superintendents or persons acting in the role and responsibility of a Superintendent) This responsibility may not be delegated or shared with a second person. 1. Superintendents follow the steps in Request TEASE ID, above. 2. TEA assigns access to SAF in the profile created by the LEA PEIMS Coordinator (see Request TEASE ID, Step #3 above). PET Access Answer the four questions related to the applicants plan to protect the confidential data. PEIMS EDIT+, PET, and SAF access to a LEA outside the applicants home Region (Alternate Agent IDs) If you need access to a LEA outside your Region, you must request an Alternate Agent ID rather than an additional TEASE username. 1. If the applicant does not have a TEASE ID with PEIMS EDIT+ access, complete the steps in Request TEASE ID, above. 2. In Section 3A, enter the District ID (county-district number) of the LEA the applicant needs to access. 3. In addition to the signatures required in Request TEASE ID, above, obtain the signature of the Superintendent of the LEA to which the applicant needs access. 4. Upon receipt of the completed form, TEA adds the Alternate ID to the profile created by the LEA PEIMS Coordinator (see Request TEASE ID, Step #3 above) and notifies the user by email. Person Enrollment Tracking (PET) OVERVIEW (See Appendix G) PET maintains up-to-date enrollment data for all students in Texas public school districts. Districts submit enrollment data for students in grades Early Education (EE) through 12 weekly, using an EDIT+ sub-application. The enrollment data required are: BirthDate, SexCode, GenerationCode, AmericanIndianAlaskanNativeCd, AsianCd, BlackAfricanAmericanCd, NativeHawaiianPacificIslandCd, WhiteCd, HispanicLatinoCd, EnrollDate, WithdrawDate, campus ID of enrollment, enrollment date and withdrawal date. School districts can only submit PET data as extracted from their SIS. Districts can search PET to locate students or view enrollment histories. The Person Enrollment Tracking (PET) extension was developed in order to provide an up-to-date record of Texas public school enrollment for Texas public school students, improve leaver reporting by eliminating from the leaver system the reporting of LEA-to-LEA student movers within Texas, assist Texas public schools in finding students who have left one LEA to attend school another LEA within the Texas public school system, and assist Texas public schools in identifying the previous Texas LEA of enrollment for a student newly enrolling in their LEA. 2015-2016 PET Submission Timelines TEA requires submission of PET extract files as part of the Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) data submissions. PET files are required to be submitted each week a LEA is in session based on the local instructional calendar. PET file submissions should begin on or before the third week of school based on the local instructional calendar. PET files are not required in weeks that a LEA is not in session for at least one day or during the weeks that PEIMS collections are due at TEA. Exception: Once a LEA has completed its final summer submission and its PEIMS data file has reached a status of TURNAROUND REPORTS AVAIL, one additional PET submission is required.     2013-2014 PEIMS Data Standards Foreword 2015-2016 PEIMS Data Standards Table of Contents  PAGE ii  PAGE vii 2015-2016 PEIMS Data Standards Foreword 2015-2016 PEIMS Data Standards Preface 2009-2010 PEIMS Data Standards Data Submission Responsibilities and Specifications 2015-2016 PEIMS Data Standards Data Submission Responsibilities and Specifications 1. PAGE 12 1. 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