ࡱ> 7vy?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstu_ bbjbjPP  y:<\y:<\|"" >%>%>%N,GL(>%&p&p^ppprsDs$=??????$Z  c =yrr"=y=yc pp:x=y p p6=y=6לp 5\|W0s } 8-  `: 2015-2016 PEIMS Data Standards Section 5: Edits Post Addendum Version General Data Submission Rules A district's data will be edited to verify that all required records have been submitted. The record submission specifications found below refer to the submission(s) in which the record is required. The record may not be reported in any submission other than that specified. The type of edit (F = fatal, W = warning, or SW = special warning) is also shown. If a rule applies to an organization type, the appropriate "Rule Applies To" column will contain an "X". If a rule does NOT apply to an organization type, that column will be blank." Record Type General Edits The following rules will govern record type general edits: 9991The number of errors produced for a given edit must not exceed the limit.9992The number of errors produced during data validation must not exceed the limit.9993DISTRICT-ID on the 010 record must match the DISTRICT-ID used in the file name.9994The number of errors produced during data loading must not exceed the limit.9996All fields must follow specified format.9997All PEIMS records must be no more than 80 characters in length.9998Data load error: unable to load record due to invalid record type for collection or school type.9999All fields must contain only valid data for that data type (i.e. Numeric data type elements must contain a string of numeric characters).Record type general edits generate fatal errors. ESCs will forward data only after all record type general edits have been corrected. Data Element General Field Edits Data element fields will be edited against their data element descriptions as provided in Section 3. These descriptions include the length, type, pattern, code table, and domain of values for each data element. The following rules will govern general field edits: 90027Numeric data type elements must contain numeric characters and not have leading spaces.90028If the element has a domain of values specified in Section 3, the reported value must fall within the specified domain.90030Name Field and Coded data type elements must contain only the characters listed with those data types in Section 3.90032If the element is a Coded data type and contains a value, the field must not contain any blanks.90001-90999If an element has a code table, the reported value must be in the specified code table.The general field edits generate fatal errors. Violation of one or more of the general field edit rules will cause the record to be rejected. ESCs will forward a district's PEIMS data submission only after all fatal data element general field edit errors have been corrected. Data Element Record Type Field Edits PEIMS data groups are identified on the following pages by their INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE as listed in Code Table C042. Data element field edits are performed on incoming records according to their record type. The following rules will govern record type field edits: those fields that have been specified as the record key will be used to verify that no duplicate record keys are reported, and if an element is blank, a check will be made to verify that it may be blank. The following pages list specific data element field edit rules that apply to the various record types, the purpose of which is to provide for both the integrity of the PEIMS database and compliance with data standards. Data element record type field edits generate fatal errors. Violation of a data element record type field edit rule will cause the record to be rejected. ESCs will forward a district's PEIMS data submission to the agency only after all data element record type field edit errors have been corrected. 010 Field Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter0100A10010-000A The record key of the 010 record is composed of INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE and DISTRICT-ID.F1, 2, 3, 4XXXX0100B10010-000B This record's mandatory fields are INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, and DISTRICT-NAME.F1, 2, 4XXXX0100C10010-000CThis records mandatory fields are INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, DISTRICT-NAME, TOTAL-NUM-SCHOOL-BOARD-REQUESTS, and TOTAL-COST-SCHOOL-BOARD-REQUESTS.F3X0100D10010-000DThis record's mandatory fields are INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, and DISTRICT-NAME.F3XX 011 Field Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter0110A10011-000A The record key of the 011 record is composed of INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, SHARED-SVCS-ARRANGEMT-TYPE-CODE, and FISCAL-AGENT-DISTRICT-ID.F1, 2XXXX0110B10011-000B This record's mandatory fields are INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, SHARED-SVCS-ARRANGEMT-TYPE-CODE, and FISCAL-AGENT-DISTRICT-ID.F1, 2XXXX 020 Field Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter0200A10020-000A The record key of the 020 record is composed of INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE and CAMPUS-ID.F1, 2, 3, 4XXX0200B10020-000B This record's mandatory fields are INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, CAMPUS-ID, and CAMPUS-NAME.F1, 2, 4XXX0200C10020-000DThis records mandatory fields are INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, CAMPUS-ID, and CAMPUS-NAME.F3XXX 030 Field Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter0300A20030-000A The record key of the 030 record is composed of INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, FUND-CODE, FUNCTION-CODE, OBJECT-CODE, ORGANIZATION-CODE, FISCAL-YEAR, and PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE.F1XXXX0300B20030-000B This record's mandatory fields are INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, FUND-CODE, FUNCTION-CODE, OBJECT-CODE, ORGANIZATION-CODE, FISCAL-YEAR, PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE, and BUDGET-AMOUNT.F1XXXX 032 Field Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter0320A20032-000A The record key of the 032 record is composed of INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, FUND-CODE, FUNCTION-CODE, OBJECT-CODE, ORGANIZATION-CODE, FISCAL-YEAR, and PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE.F2XXXX0320B20032-000B This record's mandatory fields are INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, FUND-CODE, FUNCTION-CODE, OBJECT-CODE, ORGANIZATION-CODE, FISCAL-YEAR, PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE, and ACTUAL-AMOUNT.F2XXXX 033 Field Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter0330A20033-000A The record key of the 033 record is composed of INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, SHARED-SVCS-ARR-MEMBER-DIST-ID, SHARED-SVCS-ARRANGEMT-TYPE-CODE, FUND-CODE, and FISCAL-YEAR.F2XXXX0330B20033-000B All fields on this record type are mandatory.F2XXXX 040 Field Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter0400A30040-000A The record key of the 040 record is composed of INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, and STAFF-ID.F1, 3XXXX0400B30040-000B This record's mandatory fields are INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, STAFF-ID, FIRST-NAME, LAST-NAME, SEX-CODE, STAFF-TYPE-CODE, TOTAL-YEARS-PROF-EXPERIENCE, and HIGHEST-DEGREE-LEVEL-CODE.F1, 3XXXX 043 Field Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter0430AThe record key of the 043 record is composed of INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, and STAFF-ID.F1, 3XXXX0430BThis record's mandatory fields are INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, STAFF-ID, HISPANIC-LATINO-CODE, AMERICAN-INDIAN-ALASKA-NATIVE-CODE, ASIAN-CODE, BLACK-AFRICAN AMERICAN-CODE, NATIVE-HAWAIIAN-PACIFIC-ISLANDER-CODE, WHITE-CODE, DATE-OF-BIRTH, and TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID.F1, 3XXXX 050 Field Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter0500A30050-000A The record key of the 050 record is composed of INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, and STAFF-ID.F1, 3XXXX0500B30050-000B This record's mandatory fields are INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, STAFF-ID, NUMBER-DAYS-EMPLOYED, PERCENT-DAY-EMPLOYED and YEARS-EXPERIENCE-IN-DISTRICT. F1, 3XXXX 055 Field Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter0550A30055-000A The record key of the 055 record is composed of INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, CAMPUS-ID, and PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE.F1XXXX0550B30055-000BAll fields on this record type are mandatory.F1XXXX 060 Field Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter0600A30060-000A The record key of the 060 record is composed of INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, STAFF-ID, PAYROLL-ACTIVITY-CODE, FUND-CODE, FUNCTION-CODE, OBJECT-CODE, ORGANIZATION-CODE, FISCAL-YEAR, and PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE.F1XXXX0600B30060-000B All fields on this record type are mandatory.F1XXXX 090 Field Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter0900A30090-000A The mandatory fields for any 090 record are INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, STAFF-ID, CAMPUS-ID, ROLE-ID, POPULATION-SERVED-CODE, and SERVICE-ID.F1XXXX0900B30090-000B For staff where ROLE-ID is: 002 Art Therapist 007 Corrective Therapist 015 Music Therapist 016 Occupational Therapist 017 Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist (COMS) 018 Physical Therapist 021 Recreational Therapist 026 Speech Therapist/Speech Language Pathologist 032 Work-Based Learning Site Coordinator 033 Educational Aide 036 Certified Interpreter 047 Substitute Teacher, or 087 Teacher the data elements, INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, STAFF-ID, CAMPUS-ID, ROLE-ID, SERVICE-ID, and CLASS-ID-NUMBER constitute the record key.F1XXXX0900C30090-000C For all other staff (records where ROLE-ID is other than those listed in 0900B) the data elements INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, STAFF-ID, CAMPUS-ID, ROLE-ID, and SERVICE-ID constitute the record key.F1XXXX 100 Field Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter1000A40100-000A The record key of the 100 record is composed of INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, and STUDENT-ID.F1, 3, 4XXX1000B40100-000D This record's mandatory fields are INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, STUDENT-ID, FIRST-NAME, and LAST-NAME.F4XXX1000C40100-000C This record's mandatory fields are INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, STUDENT-ID, FIRST-NAME, and LAST-NAME and HOMELESS-STATUS-CODE.F1, 3XXX 101 Field Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter1010AThe record key of the 101 record is composed of INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, and STUDENT-ID.F1, 3, 4XXX1010BThis record's mandatory fields are INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, STUDENT-ID, SEX-CODE, UNSCHOOLED-ASYLEE/REFUGEE-CODE, DATE-OF-BIRTH, AMERICAN-INDIAN-ALASKA-NATIVE-CODE, ASIAN-CODE, BLACK-AFRICAN-AMERICAN-CODE, NATIVE-HAWAIIAN-PACIFIC-ISLANDER-CODE, WHITE-CODE, CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-CD, STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE, AS-OF-STATUS-CODE, GRADE-LEVEL-CODE, MIGRANT-INDICATOR-CODE, HISPANIC-LATINO-CODE, and ECONOMIC-DISADVANTAGE-CODE.F1, 3XXX1010CThis record's mandatory fields are INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, STUDENT-ID, SEX-CODE, DATE-OF-BIRTH, AMERICAN-INDIAN-ALASKA-NATIVE-CODE, ASIAN-CODE, BLACK-AFRICAN-AMERICAN-CODE, NATIVE-HAWAIIAN-PACIFIC-ISLANDER-CODE, WHITE-CODE, STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE, GRADE-LEVEL-CODE, MIGRANT-INDICATOR-CODE, and HISPANIC-LATINO-CODE.F4XXX 102 Field Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter1020AThe record key of the 102 record is composed of INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, and STUDENT-ID.F1, 3, 4XXX1020BThis records mandatory fields are INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, STUDENT-ID, and TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID.F1, 3XXX1020CThis records mandatory fields are INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, STUDENT-ID, TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID, and FOSTER-CARE-INDICATOR-CODE.F4XXX 110 Field Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter1100A40110-000A The record key of the 110 record is composed of INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, and STUDENT-ID.F1XXX1100B40110-000B This record's mandatory fields are INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, STUDENT-ID, GRADE-LEVEL-CODE, ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE, BILINGUAL-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE, ESL-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE, LEP-INDICATOR-CODE, HOME-LANGUAGE-CODE, AT-RISK-INDICATOR-CODE, TITLE-I-PART-A-INDICATOR-CODE, SPECIAL-ED-INDICATOR-CODE, GIFTED-TALENTED-INDICATOR-CODE, DYSLEXIA-INDICATOR-CODE and IMMIGRANT-INDICATOR-CODE.F1XXX 163 Field Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter1630A41163-000A The record key of the 163 record is composed of INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, and STUDENT-ID.F1XXX1630B41163-000B This record's mandatory fields are INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, STUDENT-ID, PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE, MULTIPLY-DISABLED-INDICATOR-CODE, CHILD-COUNT-FUNDING-TYPE-CODE, EARLY-CHILDHOOD-INTERV-IND-CODE, PRESCHL-PROG-CHLDRN-WITH-DISAB-IND-CD, REG-DAY-SCH-PROG-DEAF-CODE, INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE, SPEECH-THERAPY-INDICATOR-CODE, INTERPRETING-SERVICES-TYPE-CODE, AUDIOLOGICAL-SERV-IND-CODE, PPCD-SERVICE-LOCATION-CODE, COUNSELING-SERVICES-IND-CODE, MEDICAL-DIAGNOSTIC-SERV-IND-CODE, OCCUPATIONAL-THERAPY-IND-CODE, ORIENT-MOBILITY-TRNG-IND-CODE, PHYSICAL-THERAPY-IND-CODE, PSYCHOLOGICAL-SERVICES-IND-CODE, RECREATION-IND-CODE, SCHOOL-HEALTH-SERVICES-IND-CODE, SOCIAL-WORK-SERVICES-IND-CODE, TRANSPORTATION-INDICATOR-CODE, ASSISTIVE-TECH-INDICATOR-CODE, and MEDICALLY-FRAGILE-IND-CODE.F1XXX 169 Field Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter1690A41169-000A The record key of the 169 record is composed of INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, and STUDENT-ID.F1XXX1690BAll fields on this record type are mandatory.F1XXX 170 Field Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter1700A40170-000A The record key of the 170 record is composed of INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, STUDENT-ID, and SERVICE-ID.F1XXX1700B40170-000BAll fields on this record type are mandatory.F1XXX 203 Field Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter2030A40203-000A The record key of the 203 record is composed of INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, and STUDENT-ID.F1, 3XXX2030B40203-000B The mandatory fields for this record are INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID, and LEAVER-REASON-CODE.F1XXX2030CThe mandatory fields for this record are INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID, and FHSP-PARTICIPANT-CODE.F3XXX 300 Field Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter3000A50300-000A The record key of the 300 record is INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, CAMPUS-ID, SERVICE-ID, CLASS-ID-NUMBER, and COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE.F3XXX3000B50300-000B All fields on this record type are mandatory.F3XXX 305 Field Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter3050A30305-000A The record key of the 305 record is INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, CAMPUS-ID, STAFF-ID, SERVICE-ID, CLASS-ID-NUMBER, COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE, and ASSIGNMENT-BEGIN-DATE.F3XXX3050B30305-000B All fields on this record type are mandatory. F3XXX 400 Field Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter4000A42400-000A The record key of the 400 record is composed of INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, and GRADE-LEVEL-CODE.F3XXX4000B42400-000B All fields on this record type are mandatory, with the exception of LOCAL-STUDENT-ID, PK-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE, PRIMARY-PK-FUNDING-SOURCE-CODE, and SECONDARY-PK-FUNDING-SOURCE-CODE. F3XXX 405 Field Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter4050A42405-000A The record key of the 405 record is composed of INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, GRADE-LEVEL-CODE, REG-DAY-SCH-PROG-DEAF-CODE, and INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE (first instance).F3XXX4050B42405-000B The mandatory fields for this record are INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT, GRADE-LEVEL-CODE, REG-DAY-SCH-PROG-DEAF-CODE, INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE (first instance), ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-IN-INSTR-SETTING (first instance), and EXCESS-HOURS-IN-INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING (first instance).F3XXX 408 Field Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter4080A42408-000A The record key of the 408 record is composed of INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, GRADE-LEVEL-CODE, and INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE (first instance).F4XXX4080B42408-000B This record's mandatory fields are INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, GRADE-LEVEL-CODE, and the first set of INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE and TOTAL-ESY-CONTACT-HRS-IN-INSTR-SETTING.F4XXX 410 Field Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter4100A42410-000A The record key of the 410 record is composed of INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, and GRADE-LEVEL-CODE.F3XXX4100B42410-000B All fields on this record type are mandatory.F3XXX 415 Field Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter4150A43415-000A The record key of the 415 record is composed of INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, SERVICE-ID, CLASS-ID-NUMBER, COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE, and STUDENT-BEGIN-DATE.F3, 4XXX4150B43415-000B All fields on this record type are mandatory with the exception of COLLEGE-CREDIT-HOURS.F3, 4XXX 425 Field Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter4250A44425-000A The record key of the 425 record is composed of INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, and DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-NUMBER.F3XXX4250B44425-000B All fields on this record type are mandatory, with the exception of CAMPUS-ID-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT.F3XXX 435 Field Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter4350A45435-000A The record key of the 435 record is composed of INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESTRAINT-EVENT, and RESTRAINT-INSTANCE-NUMBER.F3XXX4350B45435-000B All fields on this record type are mandatory except INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE and PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE.F3XXX 461 Field Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter4610A45435-000A The record key of the 461 record is composed of INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, STUDENT-ID and CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT.F3XXX4610B45435-000B This records mandatory fields are INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, and TITLE-I-PART-A-INDICATOR-CODE.F3XXX 500 Field Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter5000A42500-000A The record key of the 500 record is composed of INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, GRADE-LEVEL-CODE, and FLEXIBLE-ATTENDANCE-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE.F3, 4XXX5000B42500-000B All fields on this record type are mandatory, with the exception of LOCAL-STUDENT-ID. F3, 4XXX 505 Field Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter5050A42505-000A The record key of the 505 record is composed of INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, GRADE-LEVEL-CODE, FLEXIBLE-ATTENDANCE-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE, and INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE (first instance).F3, 4XXX5050B42505-000B The mandatory fields for this record are INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT, GRADE-LEVEL-CODE, FLEXIBLE-ATTENDANCE-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE, INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE (first instance), FLEX-ATTEND-DAYS-ELIGIBLE-IN-INSTR-SETTING (first instance), and FLEX-ATTEND-EXCESS-MINUTES-IN-INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING (first instance).F3, 4XXX 510 Field Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter5100A42510-000A The record key of the 510 record is composed of INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, GRADE-LEVEL-CODE and FLEXIBLE-ATTENDANCE-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE.F3, 4XXX5100B42510-000B All fields on this record type are mandatory.F3, 4XXX Context Edit Rules PEIMS data will be edited for context. Some context edits compare data element fields within a single record, while others compare data element fields across records either of the same record type or of different record types. Finally, some data group edits compare data element fields with values registered with the ˿Ƶ (TEA). The following pages list specific context edit rules that apply to the various record types, the purpose of which is to provide for both the integrity of the PEIMS database and compliance with data standards. Context edits generate both warning and fatal errors. Violation of a fatal context edit rule will cause the record to be rejected. ESCs will forward a district's PEIMS data submission to the agency only after all fatal context edit errors have been corrected. Special Rules for Attendance Data Edits (400 Series Records): Due to the complex nature of attendance reporting, certain assumptions must be made so that each edit is performed uniformly for each record (or set of records) throughout the submission. Different assumptions must be made, and are applied based on the wording of the edit. Depending on the wording, the edit will perform the comparison based on data reported on one individual record, aggregated data reported on more than one record, data across record types, or any combination of the three. The following special rules apply to attendance edits. Some edits may combine two or more rules, while others are not affected by any of the three. "For each instance of STUDENT-ID" - This wording limits the edit to one individual record. "For a particular" - This wording will cause the edit to search for all records with identical values for the specified element(s), add the attendance data, then perform the comparison. "Matching" Records - Edits which refer to "matching" elements/records will compare data across related record types (405 record to 400 record, etc.). The records are related when they contain identical values for certain data element fields in each record. The following two situations occur: Some records are related based on identical values for specified element(s). If no element(s) is specified, the records are related based on identical values for six elements from the key of each record. These elements are DISTRICT-ID, STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, and GRADE-LEVEL-CODE. For example, when a 405 record edit refers to a "matching" 400 record, data from the 405 record will be compared to data from the 400 record that contains identical values for the fields listed above. 010 Context Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter0100110010-0001DISTRICT-ID must match an entry registered with the TEA.F1, 2, 3, 4XXXXA district reported on a 010 record must be registered with the TEA.01002Each districts data submission must contain one 010 record.F1, 2, 3, 4XXXXEvery PEIMS submission must include one and only one 010 record.0100310010-0002FINE-ARTS-CATEGORY-CODE, WELLNESS-AND-PHYSICAL-ED-CATEGORY-CODE, COMMUNITY-AND-PARENTAL-INVOLVEMENT-CATEGORY-CODE, 21ST-CENTURY-WORKFORCE-DEVEL-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE, SECOND-LANG-ACQUISITION-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE, DIGITAL-LEARNING-ENVIRONMENT-CATEGORY-CODE, DROPOUT-PREVENTION-STRATEGIES-CATEGORY-CODE, EDUCATIONAL-PGM-FOR-GT-STUDENTS-CATEGORY-CODE, OVERALL-RATING-CATEGORY-CODE, STATUTORY-REPORTING-AND-POLICY-COMPLIANCE-CODE, TOTAL-NUM-SCHOOL-BOARD-REQUESTS, and TOTAL-COST-SCHOOL-BOARD-REQUESTS must be blank.F1, 2, 4XXXXFine Arts Category, Wellness and Physical Education Category, Community and Parental Involvement Category, 21st Century Workforce Development Program Category, Second Language Acquisition Program Category, Digital Learning Environment Category, Dropout Prevention Strategies Category, Educational Programs for Gifted and Talented Students Category, Overall Rating Category, Statutory Reporting and Policy Compliance, Total Number School Board Requests, and Total Cost School Board Requests are not reported for submissions 1, 2, or 4.0100410010-0003Excluding Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622), OVERALL-RATING-CATEGORY-CODE must not be "00".F3XXOverall Rating Category must be reported as a value other than "Not Applicable" for submission 3, except for the TJJD.0100510010-0004Excluding Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622), FINE-ARTS-CATEGORY-CODE, WELLNESS-AND-PHYSICAL-ED-CATEGORY-CODE, COMMUNITY-AND-PARENTAL-INVOLVEMENT-CATEGORY-CODE, 21ST-CENTURY-WORKFORCE-DEVEL-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE, SECOND-LANG-ACQUISITION-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE, DIGITAL-LEARNING-ENVIRONMENT-CATEGORY-CODE, DROPOUT-PREVENTION-STRATEGIES-CATEGORY-CODE, and EDUCATIONAL-PGM-FOR-GT-STUDENTS-CATEGORY-CODE should not all be "00".SW3XXExcept for the TJJD, a district should be reported with at least one performance rating value other than "Not Applicable" for the following categories: Fine Arts Category, Wellness and Physical Education Category, Community and Parental Involvement Category, 21st Century Workforce Development Program Category, Second Language Acquisition Program Category, Digital Learning Environment Category, Dropout Prevention Strategies Category, and Educational Programs for Gifted and Talented Students Category.0100610010-0006TOTAL-NUM-SCHOOL-BOARD-REQUESTS should be greater than 0.W3XEach LEA should be reported with at least one request submitted outside of a school board meeting by a member of the board of trustees for information, documents, and records.0100710010-0007Excluding Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622), the following fields must not be blank: FINE-ARTS-CATEGORY-CODE, WELLNESS-AND-PHYSICAL-ED-CATEGORY-CODE, COMMUNITY-AND-PARENTAL-INVOLVEMENT-CATEGORY-CODE, 21ST-CENTURY-WORKFORCE-DEVEL-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE, SECOND-LANG-ACQUISITION-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE, DIGITAL-LEARNING-ENVIRONMENT-CATEGORY-CODE, DROPOUT-PREVENTION-STRATEGIES-CATEGORY-CODE, EDUCATIONAL-PGM-FOR-GT-STUDENTS-CATEGORY-CODE, OVERALL-RATING-CATEGORY-CODE, and STATUTORY-REPORTING-AND-POLICY-COMPLIANCE-CODE.F3XXExcept for the TJJD, every district must report performance ratings for the following: Fine Arts Category, Wellness and Physical Education Category, Community and Parental Involvement Category, 21st Century Workforce Development Program Category, Second Language Acquisition Program Category, Digital Learning Environment Category, Dropout Prevention Strategies Category, Educational Programs for Gifted and Talented Students Category, Overall Rating Category, and Statutory Reporting and Policy Compliance.0100810010-0008TOTAL-NUM-SCHOOL-BOARD-REQUESTS and TOTAL-COST-SCHOOL-BOARD-REQUESTS must be blank.F3XThe total number of school board member information requests and the total cost of school board member information requests are not reported by open enrollment charter schools.0100910010-0009If STATUTORY-REPORTING-AND-POLICY-COMPLIANCE-CODE is "0", then a warning will be issued for the PEIMS user to verify their intention to report that the district is not in compliance.W3XXLEAs and open enrollment charter schools will be asked to verify if they report that they are not in compliance on the Statutory Reporting and Policy Compliance Code.0101010010-0010If STATUTORY-REPORTING-AND-POLICY-COMPLIANCE-CODE is "1" on the 010 record, but STATUTORY-REPORTING-AND-POLICY-COMPLIANCE-CODE is "0" on every 020 record reported by this district, then a warning message will be issued for the PEIMS user to verify their intention to report that the district is in compliance.W3XXLEAs and open enrollment charter schools will be asked to verify if they report that they are in compliance on the Statutory Reporting and Policy Compliance Code, but none of their campuses are in compliance.01098If DISTRICT-ID is a Stage One LEA who is using Texas Student Data System (TSDS) for submission of their 2015-2016 PEIMS data, then they should not submit data through the EDIT+ system.F1, 2, 3, 4XXXStage One LEAs who are using TSDS to submit their PEIMS data beginning with 2015-2016 should not submit data through EDIT+.0109910010-0099If DISTRICT-ID is "014802". "015803", "015816", "015823", "015832", "054801", "057815", "101801", "101805", "101809", "101848", "108801", "116801", "220818", or "243801", then the data submission must not contain any 011, 030, 040, 055, or 110 records.F1XXLEAs or charters that have closed or consolidated, or charters that have been revoked or surrendered, must not report shared services arrangement, budget, staff, contracted instructional staff, or student enrollment data. 011 Context Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter0110210011-0003 FISCAL-AGENT-DISTRICT-ID must match an entry registered with the TEA.F1, 2XXXXThe district that is reported as the fiscal agent for a shared services arrangement on an 011 record must be registered with the TEA. 0110310011-0005 If DISTRICT-ID and FISCAL-AGENT-DISTRICT-ID are the same value, then at least one 032 record must show a FUND-CODE of "292"-"295", "297", "298", "300"-"302", "307", "309", "311"-"317", "319", "325"-"340", "342", "343", "347"-"352", "354"-"361", "364"-"367", "379", "431"-"442", or "459".F2XXXXIf the district reporting the 011 record is also the fiscal agent for a SSA type, then that district must also report actual financial data to include a shared services arrangement fund code that matches the SSA type.0110410011-0006 If SHARED-SVCS-ARRANGEMT-TYPE-CODE is "10", then FISCAL-AGENT-DISTRICT-ID must not be "227906".F1, 2XXXXTexas School for the Deaf must not be reported as a shared services arrangement fiscal agent for a Regional Day School Program for the Deaf (RDSPD).01105The value of DISTRICT-ID in this record must match the value of DISTRICT-ID on the district's 010 record.F1, 2XXXXThe district id on the 011 record must match the district id on the 010 record.0110610011-0007 Each districts data submission should contain one 011 record for each shared services arrangement type in which a district is a member or fiscal agent.W1, 2XXXGenerally, each local education agency participates in at least one shared services arrangement and should report the applicable data for each shared services arrangement type in which they are a member or fiscal agent.0110710011-0001 For districts registered with the TEA as the Texas School for the Deaf (227906), the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), or the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622), the data submission must not contain 011 records.F1XThe Texas School for the Deaf, the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department must not report participation in a shared services arrangement as either a member or the fiscal agent. 0110810011-0004 FISCAL-AGENT-DISTRICT-ID must not be registered with the TEA as a charter district.F1, 2XXXXAn open enrollment charter school may not be reported as the fiscal agent for a shared services arrangement.0110910011-0002 If DISTRICT-ID and FISCAL-AGENT-DISTRICT-ID are the same value, then there must be at least one 033 record with a matching SHARED-SVCS-ARRANGEMT-TYPE-CODE.F2XXXXIf a district is the fiscal agent for a shared services arrangement, then that district must report 033 SSA actual financial records for each member district of that SSA. 0111010011-0008 If DISTRICT-ID and FISCAL-AGENT-DISTRICT-ID are NOT the same value, then there should not be a 033 record for that SHARED-SVCS-ARRANGEMENT-TYPE-CODE.SW2XXXXIf a district is not the fiscal agent for a shared services arrangement, then that district should not report 033 SSA actual financial records for that SSA. Verify that the 011 SSA record is not for a member district (other than the reporting district). The fiscal agent for a particular SSA does not report an 011 record for each SSA member district.0111110011-0009 If DISTRICT-ID is not "057814", "057840", "101807", "101811", "174801", "220810", "227806", or "227819", then there must not be an 011 record.F1, 2XOpen enrollment charter schools cannot be reported as a member district of a shared services arrangement, unless they are a "governmental" charter school, therefore they must not report any 011 SSA records.0111210011-0010If SHARED-SVCS-ARRANGEMT-TYPE-CODE is "10", then FISCAL-AGENT-DISTRICT-ID must match a Regional Day School Program for the Deaf fiscal agent district in the Texas School Directory.F1XXIf the shared services arrangement type reported is a Regional Day School Program for the Deaf (RDSPD), then the fiscal agent district must be designated as a RDSPD fiscal agent in the Texas School Directory. 020 Context Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter0200110020-0005 The last three characters of CAMPUS-ID must be "001" - "698".F1, 2, 3, 4XXXCampus id must end with "001" - "698". 0200210020-0003 There must be an 020 record for each campus registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus.F3XXCampus data must be reported for each campus registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus.0200310020-0010 CAMPUS-ID should match an entry registered with the TEA.SW1, 3, 4XXXA campus id must be registered with the TEA.0200410020-0001 There must be an 020 record for each campus registered with the TEA with campus status of active or under construction.F1XXThere must be an 020 record for each campus registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus.02005The value of DISTRICT-ID in this record must match the value of DISTRICT-ID on the district's 010 record.F1, 2, 3, 4XXXThe district id on the 020 record must match the district id on the 010 record.0200610020-0017 If a campus is registered with the TEA as an active regular, JJAEP, or alternative instructional campus, then there should be at least one 400 or 500 record with a matching CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT.SW3XXA campus registered with the TEA as an active regular, JJAEP, or alternative instructional campus should report Attendance and/or Flexible Attendance with a matching campus id of enrollment. 0200710020-0015 If a campus is registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus, excluding DAEPs and budgeted campuses, then there should be at least one 110 record with a matching CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT.SW1XXA campus registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus (except for DAEPs and budgeted campuses) should report student enrollment. 0200810020-0004An ESC must not submit a 020 record.F1, 2XESCs dont submit 020 records.0200910020-0011 CAMPUS-ID should match an entry registered with the TEA as active instructional or under construction in the prior school year.SW2XXXThe campus id must be a valid campus registered with the TEA as active instructional or under construction in the prior school year.0201010020-0006 For a particular CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT must be identical on all 400 and 500 records.F3XXXNumber days taught must be identical on all Attendance and Flexible Attendance with the same values for campus id of enrollment, instructional track, and reporting period. 0201110020-0002 There must be an 020 record for each campus registered with the TEA in the prior year with campus status of active or under construction.F2XXCampus data must be reported for each campus registered with the TEA in the prior year with campus status of active or under construction. 0201210020-0025FINE-ARTS-CATEGORY-CODE, WELLNESS-AND-PHYSICAL-ED-CATEGORY-CODE, COMMUNITY-AND-PARENTAL-INVOLVEMENT-CATEGORY-CODE, 21ST-CENTURY-WORKFORCE-DEVEL-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE, SECOND-LANG-ACQUISITION-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE, DIGITAL-LEARNING-ENVIRONMENT-CATEGORY-CODE, DROPOUT-PREVENTION-STRATEGIES-CATEGORY-CODE, EDUCATIONAL-PGM-FOR-GT-STUDENTS-CATEGORY-CODE, OVERALL-RATING-CATEGORY-CODE, and STATUTORY-REPORTING-AND-POLICY-COMPLIANCE-CODE must be blank.F1, 2, 4XXXFine Arts Category, Wellness and Physical Education Category, Community and Parental Involvement Category, 21st Century Workforce Development Program Category, Second Language Acquisition Program Category, Digital Learning Environment Category, Dropout Prevention Strategies Category, Educational Programs for Gifted and Talented Students Category, Overall Rating Category, and Statutory Reporting and Policy Compliance are not reported for submissions 1, 2, or 4.0201310020-0026If a campus is registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus (with exceptions noted below), and there is at least one 400 or 500 record reported with a matching CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, then OVERALL-RATING-CATEGORY-CODE must not be "00". Exceptions: This rule excludes DAEPs, JJAEPs, and any Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622) campus. In addition, this rule excludes the following AEP campuses that serve only students in TJJD facilities: 003903201, 007902005, 014906025, 015808003, 015808006, 015808007, 015808008, 015907195, 020902004, 021902014, 031903204, 031906003, 031912201, 043907006, 061911003, 068901005, 079901133, 084901011, 084901012, 091906004, 091906035, 092903200, 094901112, 101811001, 101811003, 101811004, 101811006, 108904040, 108911006, 116905003, 133903106, 147902003, 152901017, 161914444, 161920003, 167902002, 170902201, 205906002, 220905024, 220905066, 221901008, 227901027, 227901030, 227901035, 234904002, 235902008, 246904199, 246907004, 246908006, 246909016, and 246911011.F3XXXOverall Rating Category must be reported as a value other than "Not Applicable" for submission 3 for all active instructional campuses that report attendance or flexible attendance indicating that students were enrolled. The exceptions are DAEPs, JJAEPs, any TJJD campus, and certain AEPs that serve only students in TJJD facilities.0201410020-0027If a campus is registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus (with exceptions noted below), then FINE-ARTS-CATEGORY-CODE, WELLNESS-AND-PHYSICAL-ED-CATEGORY-CODE, COMMUNITY-AND-PARENTAL-INVOLVEMENT-CATEGORY-CODE, 21ST-CENTURY-WORKFORCE-DEVEL-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE, SECOND-LANG-ACQUISITION-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE, DIGITAL-LEARNING-ENVIRONMENT-CATEGORY-CODE, DROPOUT-PREVENTION-STRATEGIES-CATEGORY-CODE, and EDUCATIONAL-PGM-FOR-GT-STUDENTS-CATEGORY-CODE should not all be "00". Exceptions: This rule excludes DAEPs, JJAEPs, and any Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622) campus. In addition, this rule excludes the following AEP campuses that serve only students in TJJD facilities: 003903201, 007902005, 014906025, 015808003, 015808006, 015808007, 015808008, 015907195, 020902004, 021902014, 031903204, 031906003, 031912201, 043907006, 061911003, 068901005, 079901133, 084901011, 084901012, 091906004, 091906035, 092903200, 094901112, 101811001, 101811003, 101811004, 101811006, 108904040, 108911006, 116905003, 133903106, 147902003, 152901017, 161914444, 161920003, 167902002, 170902201, 205906002, 220905024, 220905066, 221901008, 227901027, 227901030, 227901035, 234904002, 235902008, 246904199, 246907004, 246908006, 246909016, and 246911011.SW3XXXEvery active instructional campus should be reported with at least one performance rating value other than "Not Applicable" for the following categories: Fine Arts Category, Wellness and Physical Education Category, Community and Parental Involvement Category, 21st Century Workforce Development Program Category, Second Language Acquisition Program Category, Digital Learning Environment Category, Dropout Prevention Strategies Category, and Educational Programs for Gifted and Talented Students Category. The exceptions are DAEPs, JJAEPs, any TJJD campus, and certain AEPs that serve only students in TJJD facilities.0201510020-0029If a campus is registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus (with exceptions noted below), and there is at least one 400 or 500 record reported with a matching CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, then the following fields must not be blank: FINE-ARTS-CATEGORY-CODE, WELLNESS-AND-PHYSICAL-ED-CATEGORY-CODE, COMMUNITY-AND-PARENTAL-INVOLVEMENT-CATEGORY-CODE, 21ST-CENTURY-WORKFORCE-DEVEL-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE, SECOND-LANG-ACQUISITION-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE, DIGITAL-LEARNING-ENVIRONMENT-CATEGORY-CODE, DROPOUT-PREVENTION-STRATEGIES-CATEGORY-CODE, EDUCATIONAL-PGM-FOR-GT-STUDENTS-CATEGORY-CODE, OVERALL-RATING-CATEGORY-CODE, and STATUTORY-REPORTING-AND-POLICY-COMPLIANCE-CODE. Exceptions: This rule excludes DAEPs, JJAEPs, and any Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622) campus. In addition, this rule excludes the following AEP campuses that serve only students in TJJD facilities: 003903201, 007902005, 014906025, 015808003, 015808006, 015808007, 015808008, 015907195, 020902004, 021902014, 031903204, 031906003, 031912201, 043907006, 061911003, 068901005, 079901133, 084901011, 084901012, 091906004, 091906035, 092903200, 094901112, 101811001, 101811003, 101811004, 101811006, 108904040, 108911006, 116905003, 133903106, 147902003, 152901017, 161914444, 161920003, 167902002, 170902201, 205906002, 220905024, 220905066, 221901008, 227901027, 227901030, 227901035, 234904002, 235902008, 246904199, 246907004, 246908006, 246909016, and 246911011.F3XXXEvery active instructional campus that reports attendance or flexible attendance (indicating that students were enrolled) must report performance ratings for the following: Fine Arts Category, Wellness and Physical Education Category, Community and Parental Involvement Category, 21st Century Workforce Development Program Category, Second Language Acquisition Program Category, Digital Learning Environment Category, Dropout Prevention Strategies Category, Educational Programs for Gifted and Talented Students Category, Overall Rating Category, and Statutory Reporting and Policy Compliance. The exceptions are DAEPs, JJAEPs, any TJJD campus, and certain AEPs that serve only students in TJJD facilities.0201610020-0030If the campus is a DAEP, JJAEP, or is not an active instructional campus, then the following fields must be blank: FINE-ARTS-CATEGORY-CODE, WELLNESS-AND-PHYSICAL-ED-CATEGORY-CODE, COMMUNITY-AND-PARENTAL-INVOLVEMENT-CATEGORY-CODE, 21ST-CENTURY-WORKFORCE-DEVEL-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE, SECOND-LANG-ACQUISITION-PGM-CATEGORY-CODE, DIGITAL-LEARNING-ENVIRONMENT-CATEGORY-CODE, DROPOUT-PREVENTION-STRATEGIES-CATEGORY-CODE, EDUCATIONAL-PGM-FOR-GT-STUDENTS-CATEGORY-CODE, OVERALL-RATING-CATEGORY-CODE, and STATUTORY-REPORTING-AND-POLICY-COMPLIANCE-CODE.F3XXXDAEPs, JJAEPs, and campuses that are not active instructional must not report any of the performance ratings. 0201710020-0031If a campus was registered with TEA as an active instructional campus in the prior school year with grade 11 or 12, then NUMBER-OF-STUDENTS-REVIEWED-BY-IGC must not be blank.F1XXXAny campus with students in grades 11 or 12 in the 2014-2015 school year must report a value for the number of students reviewed by an individual graduation committee (IGC). 030 Context Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter0300120030-0015If OBJECT-CODE is within the range "6100"-"6600", then FUNCTION-CODE must not be "00".F1XXXXFor budgeted expenditures, the function code must not be reported as "no function".0300320030-0016If OBJECT-CODE is within the range "6100"-"6600", then PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE must not be "00".F1XXXXFor budgeted expenditures, the program intent code must not be reported as "no program".0300720030-0017 If OBJECT-CODE is within the range "6100"-"6600", then ORGANIZATION-CODE must not be "000", "709"-"719", "726"-"749", or "800"-"997". F1XXXXFor budgeted expenditures, the organization code must not indicate any of the following: no organization (000), direct costs-locally defined (709-719), indirect costs-locally defined (726-749), or locally defined (800-997). 0301020030-0018 If FUND-CODE is "599", then OBJECT-CODE must be "5XXX", "64XX", "65XX", "791X", "7949", "7989", "891X", "8949", or "8989".F1XXXXFor budget data, if the fund code is "debt service funds", then the object code must be a revenue (5XXX), an other operating costs (64XX), a debt service (65XX), selected other resources/non-operating revenue (791X, 7949, or 7989), or selected other uses/non-operating expenses (891X, 8949, or 8989).0302720030-0045If OBJECT-CODE is "5XXX", then BUDGET-AMOUNT should not be less than or equal to 0.SW1XXXXFor budgeted revenues, the budget amount reported should be greater than zero ($0). 0302920030-0069 The sum of BUDGET-AMOUNTs where FUNCTION-CODE is not "81" and OBJECT-CODE is not "5XXX" or "6500"-"899X" divided by ADA should be between "5000" and "20000". SW1XXThe total amount budgeted per Average Daily Attendance (ADA) unit should be between $5,000 and $20,000 where the object codes reported are "payroll costs" (6100), "professional and contracted services" (6200), "supplies and materials" (6300), or "other operating costs" (6400), and excluding amounts where the function code is "facilities acquisition and construction" (81).0303420030-0056If OBJECT-CODE is "6100"-"6600", then the sum of all BUDGET-AMOUNTs should not exceed "50,000,000".SW1XXXXThe total budget expenditures should not be greater than $50,000,000. 0303620030-0001There must be at least one record where FUND-CODE is "199" and OBJECT-CODE is "5XXX".F1XXXThe budget data reported for a local education agency must include revenues in the "General Fund". 0303720030-0002There must be at least one record where FUND-CODE is "199" and OBJECT-CODE is "6XXX".F1XXXThe budget data reported for a local education agency must include expenditures in the "General Fund".0303820030-0026The sum of all records where OBJECT-CODE is "5XXX" must not be less than or equal to 0.F1XXXXThe budget data reported must include total revenues greater than zero ($0). 0304020030-0019 If OBJECT-CODE is "6100"-"6600", and FUNCTION-CODE is not "34", then BUDGET-AMOUNT must not be a negative number.F1XXXXThe budget data reported must not include negative expenditure amounts, with the exception of the function code for "student (pupil) transportation". 0304120030-0068 The sum of BUDGET-AMOUNTs where FUND-CODE is "199", FUNCTION-CODE is "11", OBJECT-CODE is "6100", and PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "11" divided by ADA should be between "2000" and "10000". SW1XXThe total budget per ADA should be between $2,000 and $10,000 for all budget amounts where the fund code is "general fund" (199), the function code is instruction" (11), the object code is "payroll" (6100), and the program intent code is "basic educational services" (11).0304220030-0077 If FUND-CODE is "199", then the difference between total expenditures (OBJECT-CODE "6XXX") for current year budget (030 records) and the prior year budget should not increase by more than 25%.SW1XXThe total expenditures for the current year budget for the "General Fund" should not increase by more than 25% over the prior year budget for the "General Fund".0304320030-0076 If FUND-CODE is "199", then the difference between total revenues (OBJECT-CODE "5XXX") for current year budget (030 records) and the prior year budget should not increase by more than 25%.SW1XXThe total revenues for the current year budget for the "General Fund" should not increase by more than 25% over the prior year budget for the "General Fund".0304920030-0067 The sum of all BUDGET-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "5XXX" divided by ADA should not exceed "19,000".SW1XXThe total budget revenues for a local education agency should not be greater than $19,000 per ADA. 0305520030-0040 There should be at least one record where OBJECT-CODE is "6100" and ORGANIZATION-CODE is "701".SW1XXXThe budget data reported for a local education agency should include payroll expenditures for the Superintendent's Office.0305620030-0041 There should be at least one record where OBJECT-CODE is "6100" and ORGANIZATION-CODE is not "999", and at least one record where OBJECT-CODE is "6100" and ORGANIZATION-CODE is "750".SW1XXXThe budget reported for a local education agency should include payroll expenditures in an organization code other than the "undistributed" (999) organization code, and should also include payroll expenditures in the "Indirect Costs General Administration" (750) organization code. 0305920030-0057The sum of all BUDGET-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "6XXX" should not be more than twice the sum of all BUDGET-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "5XXX".SW1XXXXThe total budget expenditures reported should not be more than twice the total budget revenues reported. 0306020030-0003There must be at least one record where FUNCTION-CODE is "41".F1XXXXThe budget data reported must include amounts for the "general administration" function.0306920030-0070 The sum of all BUDGET-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "5711", and "5719", should not vary by more than 15% from the district's total tax levy as reported to the State Comptroller's Office for the prior year.SW1XThe total budget amounts for "taxes, current year levy" (5711) and "penalties, interest and other tax revenues" (5719) reported should not vary by more than 15% from the LEA's total tax levy as reported to the State Comptroller's Office for the prior year. 0307120030-0004 There must be at least one record where FUNCTION-CODE is "51", OBJECT-CODE is "6100"-"6600", and BUDGET-AMOUNT is greater than 0.F1XXXXThe budget data reported must include at least one instance where the expenditure amount is greater than zero ($0) for "facilities maintenance and operations".0307220030-0027 The sum of all BUDGET-AMOUNTs where FUND-CODE is "199" and OBJECT-CODE is "5711"-"5949" must be greater than 0.F1XXXThe budget data reported for the "general fund" (199) must include total revenues originating from state and local object codes (5711-5949) greater than zero ($0).0307520030-0071 The sum of all BUDGET-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "6100"-"6400" and PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "21" should not be greater than 7% of the sum of all BUDGET-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "6100"-"6400".SW1XXXXThe budget data reported for the "gifted and talented" program (PIC 21) should not be more that 7 percent of the total expenditures for the "payroll costs" (6100), "professional and contracted services" (6200), "supplies and materials" (6300), and "other operating costs" (6400) object codes.0307620030-0072 The sum of all BUDGET-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "6100"-"6400" and PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "23" should not be greater than 25% of the sum of all BUDGET-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "6100"-"6400".SW1XXXThe budget data reported for the "special education" program (PIC 23) should not be more that 25 percent of the total expenditures for the "payroll costs" (6100), "professional and contracted services" (6200), "supplies and materials" (6300), and "other operating costs" (6400) object codes.0307720030-0073 If FUND-CODE is not "599", the sum of all BUDGET-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "6500" should not be greater than 20% of the sum of all BUDGET-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "6100"-"6600".SW1XXXXFor all fund codes except for "debt service funds" (599), the total budget amounts for the "debt service" object code (6500) should not be greater than 20% of the total budget amounts for all expenditure object codes (6100-6600).0307920030-0028 The sum of all BUDGET-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "6100"-"6400" and FUNCTION-CODE is "13" or "41" must be greater than 0.F1XXXXThe total budget amount reported for the "payroll costs" (6100), "professional and contracted services" (6200), "supplies and materials" (6300), and "other operating costs" (6400) object codes in function codes "curriculum development and instructional staff development" (13) and "general administration" (41) must be greater than zero ($0).0308120030-0029 The sum of all BUDGET-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "6100"-"6600" and FUNCTION-CODE is "12" or "31"-"33" must be greater than 0.F1XXXXThe total budget amount reported for the expenditures object codes in function codes "instructional resources and media services" (12), "guidance, counseling, and evaluation services" (31), "social work services" (32), and "health services" (33) must be greater than zero ($0).0308220030-0030 The sum of all BUDGET-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "5811" must be greater than 0.F1XXThe budget data reported for a local education agency must include total "per capita apportionment " revenue greater than zero ($0).0308320030-0031 If DISTRICT-ID is not "015913", "015906", "015914", or "180901", then the sum of all BUDGET-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "571X" must be greater than 0.F1XXThe Lackland (Air Force Base) ISD, Randolph Field (Air Force Base) ISD, Fort Sam Houston (Army Base) ISD, and Boys Ranch (Foster Child Group Home) ISD do not levy or collect property taxes for school district funding purposes. All other local education agencies, excluding charter schools, must report budget data where the budget amounts for "taxes, penalties, interest and other tax revenues" are greater than zero ($0).0308520030-0032 The sum of all BUDGET-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "6100"-"6400" and PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "11" must be greater than 0.F1XXXXThe budget data reported for the "payroll costs" (6100), "professional and contracted services" (6200), "supplies and materials" (6300), and "other operating costs" (6400) object codes in program intent code "basic educational services" (11) must be greater than zero ($0).0308920030-0035 If there are any records where FUND-CODE is "240", then there should be at least one record each where OBJECT-CODE is "5751" and "592X".SW1XXXXIf a local education agency reports budget data for the "National School Breakfast and Lunch Program" fund code (240), then there should be budget data reported for that fund for the "food service activity" object code (5751) and at least one of the following object codes: "school breakfast program" (5921), "National School Lunch Program" (5922), "USDA donated commodities" (5923), or "federal revenues distributed by TEA" (5929).0309120030-0033 There should be at least one record where FUND-CODE is "101", "240", or "701".SW1XXThe budget data reported for a local education agency should include amounts for the following fund codes: "food service" (101), "National School Breakfast and Lunch Program" (240), or "enterprise fund - National School Breakfast and Lunch Program" (701).0301G20030-0054 If the sum of BUDGET-AMOUNTs for OBJECT-CODE "5921" is greater than 0, and the sum of BUDGET-AMOUNTs for OBJECT-CODE "5922" is greater than 0, then the sum of BUDGET-AMOUNTs for OBJECT-CODE "5829" should be greater than 0.SW1XXXXIf the budget data reported includes positive revenue amounts for the "school breakfast program" (5921) and the "National School Lunch Program" (5922), then the budget data should also include positive revenue amounts for the "state program revenues distributed by the TEA" (5829).0301J20030-0034 There should be at least one record where FUND-CODE is "199" and FUNCTION-CODE is "13".SW1XXXThe budget data reported should include at least one budget amount where the fund code is "general fund" (199) and the function code is "curriculum development and instructional staff development" (13).0301N20030-0020 If FUNCTION-CODE is "91" or "92", then PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE must be "99".F1XXXXIf the budget data reported includes amounts for "contracted instructional services between public schools" (91) or "incremental costs associated with chapter 41, Texas Education Code, purchase or sale of WADA" (92) function codes, then the program intent code must be "undistributed" (99).0301T20030-0021 If FUNCTION-CODE is "34", and OBJECT-CODE is "6100"-"6300" or "6600", then BUDGET-AMOUNT must not be a negative number.F1XXXXThe budget data reported must not include negative amounts where the function code is "student (pupil) transportation" (34) and the object code is any of the following: "payroll costs" (6100), "professional and contracted services" (6200), "supplies and materials" (6300), or "capital outlay-land, buildings, equipment" (6600).0301V20030-0008 FISCAL-YEAR must be "6".F1XXXXThe budget data reported through PEIMS must be for the current school year.0301W20030-0039 For each active instructional CAMPUS-ID, excluding JJAEPs, reported on the district's 020 records, there should be at least one record where OBJECT-CODE is "6100" or "6200", FUNCTION-CODE is "11", PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is not "99", and ORGANIZATION-CODE matches the last three characters of CAMPUS-ID.SW1XXXThe budget data reported for each active instructional campus (excluding JJAEPs), should include amounts where the object code is "payroll costs" (6100) or "professional and contracted services" (6200), the function code is "instruction" (11), the program intent code is not "undistributed" (99), and the organization code matches the last three characters of campus ID.0301X20030-0058 If ADA is less than 500, then the sum of all BUDGET-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "6XXX" should not be greater than 10,000,000. SW1XXIf the ADA for a local education agency is less than 500, then the total budget expenditures should not be greater than $10,000,000.0301Y20030-0059 If ADA is between 500 and 1,000, then the sum of all BUDGET-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "6XXX" should not be greater than 20,000,000. SW1XXIf the ADA for a local education agency is between 500 and 1,000, then the total budget expenditures should not be greater than $20,000,000.0301Z20030-0060 If ADA is between 1,001 and 5,000, then the sum of all BUDGET-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "6XXX" should not be greater than 70,000,000. SW1XXIf the ADA for a local education agency is between 1,001 and 5,000, then the total budget expenditures should not be greater than $70,000,000.0302A20030-0061 If ADA is between 5,001 and 10,000, then the sum of all BUDGET-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "6XXX" should not be greater than 125,000,000. SW1XXIf the ADA for a local education agency is between 5,001 and 10,000, then the total budget expenditures should not be greater than $125,000,000.0302B20030-0062 If ADA is between 10,001 and 20,000, then the sum of all BUDGET-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "6XXX" should not be greater than 200,000,000. SW1XXIf the ADA for a local education agency is between 10,001 and 20,000, then the total budget expenditures should not be greater than $200,000,000.0302C20030-0063 If ADA is between 20,001 and 30,000, then the sum of all BUDGET-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "6XXX" should not be greater than 300,000,000. SW1XXIf the ADA for a local education agency is between 20,001 and 30,000, then the total budget expenditures should not be greater than $300,000,000.0302D20030-0064 If ADA is between 30,001 and 50,000, then the sum of all BUDGET-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "6XXX" should not be greater than 450,000,000. SW1XXIf the ADA for a local education agency is between 30,001 and 50,000, then the total budget expenditures should not be greater than $450,000,000.0302E20030-0065 If ADA is between 50,001 and 60,000, then the sum of all BUDGET-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "6XXX" should not be greater than 600,000,000. SW1XXIf the ADA for a local education agency is between 50,001 and 60,000, then the total budget expenditures should not be greater than $600,000,000.0302F20030-0066 If ADA is between 60,001 and 80,000, then the sum of all BUDGET-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "6XXX" should not be greater than 800,000,000. SW1XXIf the ADA for a local education agency is between 60,001 and 80,000, then the total budget expenditures should not be greater than $800,000,000.0302G20030-0049 If FUNCTION-CODE is "71", then OBJECT-CODE should be "6500". SW1XXXXIf the budget data reported includes amounts where the function code is "debt service" (71), then the object code should be "debt service" (6500).0302H20030-0012 FUND-CODE must not be "102".F1XXXOnly education service centers can report budget data for the "ESC state support" fund code.0302I20030-0013 FUNCTION-CODE must not be "62".F1XXXOnly education service centers can report budget data for the "school district administrative support services" function code.0302J20030-0014 PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE must not be "71"-"79", or "81"-"89".F1XXXOnly education service centers can report budget data for the program intent codes "reserved for use by education service centers" (71-79, or 81-89).0302K20030-0074 The sum of all BUDGET-AMOUNTs where FUNCTION-CODE is "11", OBJECT-CODE is "6100", and ORGANIZATION-CODE is "999" should not be greater than 10% of the sum of all BUDGET-AMOUNTs where FUNCTION-CODE is "11", OBJECT-CODE is "6100", and ORGANIZATION-CODE matches a campus number that is registered with the TEA for this district or is "999".SW1XXXThe total budget amounts for function code "instruction" (11), object code "payroll costs" (6100), and organization code "undistributed" (999) should not be greater than 10% of the total budget amounts for function code "instruction" (11), object code "payroll costs" (6100), and organization code "undistributed" (999) as well as organizations registered with the TEA as a campus in the reporting LEA.0302O20030-0051 If ORGANIZATION-CODE is "701"-"750", then FUNCTION-CODE should be "41" or "53" or "99".SW1XXXThe budget data reported for a local education agencys "administrative organizations" (701 750) should only include function codes: "general administration" (41), "data processing services" (53), and "other intergovernmental charges" (99).0302Q20030-0005There must be at least one record where FUND-CODE is "102".F1XThe budget reported for an education service center must include at least one amount for the "ESC state support" fund.0302RORGANIZATION-CODE must not be "700", "704"-"719", "721"-"749", or "752"-"997".F1XXXXThe budget data reported for a local education agency must not include amounts for the following administrative organizations: "general administration" (700), "reserved for future state definition" (704-708, 721-725, or 752-799), "direct costs - locally defined" (709-719), "indirect costs - locally defined" (726-749), or "locally defined" (800-997).0302S20030-0048 If ORGANIZATION-CODE is less than "699", then ORGANIZATION-CODE should be registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus or an under construction campus.SW1XXXXFor budget data, an organization within the range of 001-698 should be registered with the TEA as an "active instructional" or "under construction" campus.0302W20030-0055 The sum of all BUDGET-AMOUNTs where FUNCTION-CODE is "31"-"33" should be greater than or equal to the sum of all BUDGET-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "5932".SW1XXXXThe total budget amounts for function codes "guidance, counseling, and evaluation services" (31), "social work services" (32), and "health services" (33) should be greater than or equal to the total budget amounts for the object code "Medicaid Administrative Claiming Program-MAC" (5932).0302Y20030-0022 If DISTRICT-ID is not "057814", "057840", "101807", "101811", "174801", "220810", "227806", or "227819", then ORGANIZATION-CODE must not be "700", "703"-"719", "721"-"749", or "751"-"997".F1XThe budget data reported for an open enrollment charter school (excluding governmental charter schools) must not include budget amounts for any of the following organizations: "general administration" (700), "tax costs" (703), "reserved for future state definition" (704-708, 721-725, or 752-799), "direct costs - locally defined" (709-719), "indirect costs - locally defined" (726-749), "fiscal agent SSAs" (751), or "locally defined" (800-997).0302Z20030-0023 If DISTRICT-ID is not "057814", "057840", "101807", "101811", "174801", "220810", "227806", or "227819", then FUNCTION-CODE must not be "62" or "9X".F1XThe budget data reported for an open enrollment charter school (excluding governmental charter schools) must not include budget amounts for function codes "school district administrative support services" (62), or "intergovernmental charges" (9X).0303A20030-0024 If DISTRICT-ID is not "057814", "057840", "101807", "101811", "174801", "220810", "227806", or "227819", then FUND-CODE must not be "599" or "701".F1XThe budget data reported for an open enrollment charter school (excluding governmental charter schools) must not include budget amounts for fund codes "debt service funds" (599), or "enterprise fund - National School Breakfast and Lunch Program" (701).0303B20030-0044 If OBJECT-CODE is "7959" or "7999", then DISTRICT-ID should be registered with the TEA as a charter district.SW1XXXThe budget data reported should only include the object codes "other gains" (7959) or "net assets released from temporary restrictions" (7999) when the LEA is an open enrollment charter school.0303C20030-0006 There must be at least one record for each of the following OBJECT-CODEs: "6100", "6200", "6300", and "6400".F1XXXThe budget data reported for a local education agency must include expenditures for each of the following object codes: "payroll costs" (6100), "professional and contracted services", (6200), "supplies and materials" (6300), and "other operating costs" (6400).0303D20030-0053 If PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "91", then FUNCTION-CODE should be "36", "51", or "52".SW1XXXXIf the budget data reported includes amounts for the "athletics and related activities" (91) program intent code, then the function code should be "extracurricular activities" (36), "facilities maintenance and operations" (51), or "security and monitoring services" (52).0303E20030-0011BUDGET-AMOUNT must not exceed "100000000".F1XA budget item reported for an open enrollment charter school must not be reported in an amount greater than 100 million dollars ($100,000,000).0303F20030-0038There should be at least two records where the OBJECT-CODE is "5XXX".SW1XXXThe budget data reported should include revenues (5XXX) for at least two different object codes.0303H20030-0046 If OBJECT-CODE is "5921" or "5922", then the FUND-CODE should be "101" or "240".SW1XIf the budget data reported for an open enrollment charter school includes the object codes "school breakfast program" (5921) or "National School Lunch Program" (5922), then the fund code should be "food service" (101) or "National School Breakfast and Lunch Program" (240).0303I20030-0075The sum of all Budget-Amounts where OBJECT-CODE is "5929" should not exceed 5% of the sum of all BUDGET-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "5XXX".SW1XFor an open enrollment charter school, the total budget amounts for object code "federal revenues distributed by TEA" (5929) should not be greater than 5% of the total budgeted revenues reported.0303J20030-0025 If DISTRICT-ID is not "057814", "057840", "101807", "101811", "174801", "220810", "227806", or "227819", then OBJECT-CODE must not be "5711"-"5715", "5721"-"5726", "5730"-"5739", "5745"-"5747", "5754", "5756", "5762"-"5765", "5770"-"5790", "5814"-"5816", "5821"-"5825", "5831"-"5835", "5840"-"5890", "5911"-"5915", "5924"-"5926", "5933"-"5935", "5941"-"5945", "5950"-"5990", "66XX", "7911"-"7915", "7918", "7949", "7952"-"7958", "7989", or "8912".F1XThe budget data reported for an open enrollment charter school (excluding governmental charter schools) must not include budget amounts for object codes dedicated to independent school districts and governmental charter schools.0303KThe value of DISTRICT-ID in this record must match the value of DISTRICT-ID on the district's 010 record.F1XXXXThe district id on the 030 record must match the district id on the 010 record.0303L20030-0007Each district's data submission must contain at least one 030 record with object "5XXX" and at least one 030 record with object "6XXX".F1XXXThe budget data reported for a local education agency must include amounts for revenues and expenditures.0303M20030-0036 There should be at least one record where FUND-CODE is "420" and OBJECT-CODE is "5XXX".SW1XThe budget data reported for an open enrollment charter school should include revenue amounts for the "foundation school program and other state aid (420) fund code.0303N0030-0037There should be at least one record where FUND-CODE is "420" and OBJECT-CODE is "6XXX".SW1XThe budget data reported for an open enrollment charter school should include expense amounts for the "foundation school program and other state aid" (420) fund code.0303O20030-0043BUDGET-AMOUNT should not exceed 3 billion.SW1XXXXA budget item reported for a local education agency should not be reported in an amount greater than 3 billion dollars ($3,000,000,000).0303P20030-0050 If FUNCTION-CODE is "9X", then ORGANIZATION-CODE should be "999".SW1XXXXIf the budget data reported for a local education agency includes amounts for "intergovernmental charges" (9X) function codes, then the organization code should be "undistributed" (999).0303Q20030-0079If FUND-CODE is "420", then the difference between total expenses (OBJECT-CODE "6XXX") for current year budget (030 records) and the prior year budget may not increase by more than 25%.SW1XFor an open enrollment charter school, the total expenses for the current year budget for the "foundation school program and other state aid" fund code should not increase by more than 25% over the prior year budget for that fund code.0303R20030-0078 If FUND-CODE is "420", then the difference between total revenues (OBJECT-CODE "5XXX") for current year budget (030 records) and the prior year budget (030 records) may not increase by more than 25%.SW1XFor an open enrollment charter school, the total revenues for the current year budget for the "foundation school program and other state aid" fund code should not increase by more than 25% over the prior year budget for that fund code.0303S20030-0010FUND-CODE must not be "420".F1XXXOnly open enrollment charter schools can report budget data for the "foundation school program and other state aid" (420) fund code.0303U20030-0042 If DISTRICT-ID is not "015913", "015906", "015914", or "180901", then there should be at least one record where FUNCTION-CODE is "41" or "99" and ORGANIZATION-CODE is "703".SW1XFor all independent school districts, excluding Lackland (Air Force Base) ISD, Randolph Field (Air Force Base) ISD, Fort Sam Houston (Army Base) ISD, and Boys Ranch (Foster Child Group Home) ISD, the budget data reported should include amounts where the function code is "general administration" (41) or "other intergovernmental charges" (99) and the organization code is "tax costs" (703).0303V20030-0047If OBJECT-CODE is "6500", then FUNCTION-CODE should be "71".SW1XXXXIf the budget data reported includes amounts where the object code is "debt service" (6500), then the function code should be "debt service" (71).0303W20030-0052 If PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "31", then FUND-CODE should be "199" or "420".W1XXXXIf the budget data reported includes budget amounts for the program intent code "high school allotment" (31), then the fund code should be "general fund" (199) or "foundation school program and other state aid" (420). 032 Context Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business Meaning Edit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter0320120032-0018If OBJECT-CODE is within the range "61XX"-"66XX", then FUNCTION-CODE must not be "00".F2XXXXFor actual financial expenditures, the function code must not be reported as "no function".0320320032-0019If OBJECT-CODE is within the range "61XX"-"66XX", then PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE must not be "00".F2XXXXFor actual financial expenditures, the program intent code must not be reported as "no program".0320720032-0020 If OBJECT-CODE is within the range "61XX"-"66XX", then ORGANIZATION-CODE must not be "000", "709"-"719", "726"-"749", or "800"-"997". F2XXXXFor actual financial expenditures, the organization code must not indicate any of the following: no organization (000), direct costs-locally defined (709-719), indirect costs-locally defined (726-749), or locally defined (800-997).0321020032-0021 If FUND-CODE is "599", then OBJECT-CODE should be "3480", "3490", "3525", "3545", "3565", "3590", "5XXX", "64XX", "65XX", "791X", "7949", "7989", "891X", "8949", or "8989".SW2XXXFor actual financial data, if the fund code is "debt service funds", then the object code should be selected fund balances (3480, 3490, 3525, 3545, 3565, 3590), a revenue (5XXX), an other operating costs (64XX), a debt service (65XX), selected other resources/non-operating revenue (791X, 7949, or 7989), or selected other uses/non-operating expenses (891X, 8949, or 8989).0321220032-0093 If OBJECT-CODE is "65XX", then FUNCTION-CODE should be "71" or "81". SW2XXXXIf the actual financial data reported includes amounts where the object code is "debt service" (6500), then the function code should be "debt service" (71) or "facilities acquisition and construction" (81).0321320032-0099If PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "23", then FUND-CODE should be "102", "199", "204", "205", "208", "224"-"230", "236"-"239", "253", "255", "258", "259", "266", "269"-"273", "283", "284", "289", "293", "297", "313"-"317", "319", "325"-"328", "340", "347", "357", "364"-"366", "379", "383"-"386", "389", "392", "393", "399", "402", "410", "413"-"416", "419"-"422", "425", "426", "429", "434", "435", "437", "439"-"441", "459", "461", "479", "499", or "699".SW2XXXXIf the actual financial data reported includes amounts for the program intent code "services to students with disabilities (special education)" (23), then the fund code should be "ESC state support" (102), "general fund" (199), selected "special revenue (federal programs)" funds, selected "special revenue (federally funded SSAs)" funds, selected "special revenue (state funded)" funds, selected "special revenue (state/locally funded SSAs)" funds, selected "special revenue (local programs)" funds, or "capital projects funds" (699).0321420032-0098If PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "22", then FUND-CODE should be "102", "199", "204", "208", "212", "243"-"252", "255", "258", "259", "266", "269"-"273", "289", "293", "297", "301", "330"-"339", "347", "357", "366", "379", "383", "384", "387", "388", "389", "391", "393", "396", "410", "413", "414", "417", "420"-"422", "425", "426", "429", "433", "439", "440", "459", "461", "479", "499", or "699".SW2XXXXIf the actual financial data reported includes amounts for the program intent code "career and technical" (22), then the fund code should be "ESC state support" (102), "general fund" (199), selected "special revenue (federal programs)" funds, selected "special revenue (federally funded SSAs)" funds, selected "special revenue (state funded)" funds, selected "special revenue (state/locally funded SSAs)" funds, selected "special revenue (local programs)" funds, or "capital projects funds" (699).0321620032-0097 If PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "21", then FUND-CODE should be "102", "199", "204", "208", "212", "218", "255", "258", "259", "266", "269"-"273", "289", "293", "301", "307", "347", "357", "366", "379", "383", "384", "388", "389", "391", "393", "397", "402", "405", "410", "413", "414", "420"-"422", "425", "426", "429", "433", "439", "440", "459", "461", "479", "499", or "699".SW2XXXXIf the actual financial data reported includes amounts for the program intent code "gifted and talented" (21), then the fund code should be "ESC state support" (102), "general fund" (199), selected "special revenue (federal programs)" funds, selected "special revenue (federally funded SSAs)" funds, selected "special revenue (state funded)" funds, selected "special revenue (state/locally funded SSAs)" funds, selected "special revenue (local programs)" funds, or "capital projects funds" (699).0321820032-0096 If PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "11", then FUND-CODE should be "102", "199", "204", "208", "212", "236"-"239", "255", "258", "259", "262", "266", "269"-"273", "279", "289", "293", "297", "300", "301", "347", "357", "361", "366", "379", "383", "384", "388", "389", "391", "393", "399", "402", "404", "406", "408", "410", "413", "414", "415", "420"-"422", "424"-"426", "429", "433", "439", "440", "459", "461", "479", "499", or "699".SW2XXXXIf the actual financial data reported includes amounts for the program intent code "basic educational services" (11), then the fund code should be "ESC state support" (102), "general fund" (199), selected "special revenue (federal programs)" funds, selected "special revenue (federally funded SSAs)" funds, selected "special revenue (state funded)" funds, selected "special revenue (state/locally funded SSAs)" funds, selected "special revenue (local programs)" funds, or "capital projects funds" (699).0323220032-0053There should be at least one record where FUND-CODE is "199" and OBJECT-CODE is "5XXX".SW2XXThe actual financial data reported for a local education agency should include revenues in the "General Fund".0323320032-0060 There should be at least one record where FUND-CODE is "199" and OBJECT-CODE is "6XXX".SW2XXThe actual financial data reported for a local education agency should include expenditures in the "General Fund".0323420032-0033The sum of ACTUAL-AMOUNT for all records where OBJECT-CODE is "5XXX" must not be a negative number.F2XXXXThe actual financial data reported must not include total revenues less than zero ($0).0323520032-0073No records where OBJECT-CODE is "5XXX" may have a negative ACTUAL-AMOUNT.SW2XXXXFor actual financial revenues, the actual amount reported should be greater than zero.0323720032-0132 The sum of ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where FUND-CODE is "199", FUNCTION-CODE is "11", OBJECT-CODE is "6119", and PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "11" divided by ADA should be between "2000" and "10000". SW2XThe total actual amounts per ADA should be between $2,000 and $10,000 for all actual amounts where the fund code is "General Fund" (199), the function code is "Instruction" (11), the object code is " Salaries Or Wages-Teachers And Other Professional Personnel" (6119), and the program intent code is "Basic Educational Services" (11).0323820032-0143If FUND-CODE is "199", then the difference between total expenditures (OBJECT-CODE "6XXX") for current year actual (032 records) and the prior year actual (032 records) may not increase by more than 25%.SW2XThe total expenditures for the current year actual financials for the "General Fund" should not increase by more than 25% over the prior year actual financials for the "General Fund".0323920032-0142 If FUND-CODE is "199", then the difference between total revenues (OBJECT-CODE "5XXX") for current year actual (032 records) and the prior year actual (032 records) may not increase by more than 25%.SW2XIf FUND-CODE is "199", then the difference between total revenues for current year actual (032 records) and the prior year actual (032 records) may not increase by more than 25%.0324120032-0133 If FUND-CODE is not "292"-"295", "297", "298", "300"-"302", "307", "309", "311"-"317", "319", "325"-"340", "342", "343", "347"-"352", "354"-"361", "364"-"367", "379", "431"-"442", or "459", FUNCTION-CODE is not "71" or "81", and OBJECT-CODE is not "3XXX", "5XXX", or "65XX"-"89XX", then the sum of all ACTUAL-AMOUNTs divided by ADA should not exceed "10,000".SW2XXThe total actual financial amounts per Average Daily Attendance (ADA) unit should not be greater than $10,000 where the object codes reported are "payroll costs" (6100), "professional and contracted services" (6200), "supplies and materials" (6300), or "other operating costs" (6400), and excluding amounts with SSA fund codes and amounts where the function code is "debt service" (71) and "facilities acquisition and construction" (81).0324220032-0134 The sum of all ACTUAL-AMOUNTs for OBJECT-CODEs "5811" and "5812" should not vary more than 20% from the Foundation Master File amount that includes Available School Fund, Foundation School Fund and Reduction for WADA Sold.SW2XXThe total actual financial amounts for "per capita apportionment" (5811) and "foundation school program act entitlements" (5812) reported should not vary by more than 20% from the LEA's Foundation Master File amount that includes Available School Fund, Foundation School Fund, and Reduction for WADA Sold.0324420032-0131 The sum of all ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where FUND-CODE is not "292"-"295", "297", "298", "300"-"302", "307", "309", "311"-"317", "319", "325"-"340", "342", "343", "347"-"352", "354"-"361", "364"-"367", "379", "431"-"442", "459", "599", or "699", and OBJECT-CODE is "5XXX" divided by ADA should not be greater than "10,000".SW2XXThe total actual financial revenues per Average Daily Attendance (ADA) unit should not be greater than $10,000 for all amounts, excluding those with "SSA fund codes", "debt service funds" (599), or "capital projects funds" (699).0324720032-0057 There should be at least two records where OBJECT-CODE is "61XX" and ORGANIZATION-CODE is different on the two records.SW2XXXThe actual financial data reported should include "payroll costs" expenditures (61XX) for at least two different organization codes.0325020032-0002There must be at least one record where FUNCTION-CODE is "41".F2XXXXThe actual financial data reported must include amounts for the "general administration" function.0325620032-0022 If ORGANIZATION-CODE is "751", then FUND-CODE must be "292"-"295", "297", "298", "300"-"302", "307", "309", "311"-"317", "319", "325"-"340", "342", "343", "347"-"352", "354"-"361", "364"-"367", "379", "431"-"442", or "459".F2XXXXIf the actual financial data reported has a "fiscal agent shared services arrangement" (751) organization code, then the fund code must be a shared services arrangement fund code.0325820032-0100 If PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "24", "26", "28", or "29", then FUND-CODE should be "102", "199", "204"-"206", "208", "211"-"213", "220", "222", "223", "236"-"239", "255", "256", "258", "259", "261", "262", "264"-"276", "279", "280", "285", "286", "289", "292"-"295", "297", "300"-"302", "309", "311", "312", "325", "326", "327", "328", "329", "342", "343", "347"-"349", "351", "352", "354"-"361", "366", "367", "379", "381"-"384", "388", "389", "390", "391", "392", "393"-"396", "397", "398", "399", "401", "402", "404", "409", "410", "412"-"416", "419", "420"-"422", "425"-"426", "429", "431"-"433", "439", "440", "441", "459", "461", "479", "499", or "699".SW2XXXXIf the actual financial data reported includes amounts for the program intent codes "accelerated education" (24), "non-disciplinary alternative education programs - AEP services" (26), "disciplinary alternative education programs - DAEP basic services" (28), or "disciplinary alternative education programs - DAEP state compensatory education supplemental costs" (29), then the fund code should be "ESC state support" (102), "general fund" (199), selected "special revenue (federal programs)" funds, selected "special revenue (federally funded SSAs)" funds, selected "special revenue (state funded)" funds, selected "special revenue (state/locally funded SSAs)" funds, selected "special revenue (local programs)" funds, or "capital projects funds" (699).0326020032-0101 If PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "25", then FUND-CODE should be "102", "199", "204", "208", "212", "255", "258", "259", "263", "266", "269"-"273", "289", "293", "297", "301", "347", "350", "357", "366", "379", "383", "388", "389", "390", "391", "393", "399", "402", "407", "410", "412"-"415", "420"-"423", "425", "426", "429", "433", "439", "440", "442", "459", "461", "479", "499", or "699".SW2XXXXIf the actual financial data reported includes amounts for the program intent code "bilingual education and special language programs" (25), then the fund code should be "ESC state support" (102), "general fund" (199), selected "special revenue (federal programs)" funds, selected "special revenue (federally funded SSAs)" funds, selected "special revenue (state funded)" funds, selected "special revenue (state/locally funded SSAs)" funds, selected "special revenue (local programs)" funds, or "capital projects funds" (699).0326320032-0041The sum of all ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where FUND-CODE is "199" and OBJECT-CODE is "57XX"-"59XX" must be greater than 0.F2XXXThe actual financial data reported for the "general fund" (199) must include total revenues originating from local, state and federal object codes (57XX-59XX) greater than zero ($0).0326420032-0044 The sum of all ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where FUND-CODE is "199" and OBJECT-CODE is "79XX" must be greater than 0.F2XXXThe actual financial data reported for the "general fund" (199) must include total other resources originating from "other resources/non-operating revenues" object codes (79XX) greater than zero ($0).0326520032-0042 The sum of all ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where FUND-CODE is "199" and OBJECT-CODE is "61XX"-"64XX" must be greater than 0.F2XXXThe actual financial data reported for the "general fund" (199) must include total expenditures greater than zero ($0) from the following object codes: "payroll costs" (61XX), "professional and contracted services" (62XX), "supplies and materials" (6300), and "other operating costs" (64XX).0326620032-0043 The sum of all ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where FUND-CODE is "199" and OBJECT-CODE is "65XX"-"66XX" must be greater than 0.F2XXXThe actual financial data reported for the "general fund" (199) must include total expenditures from "debt service" and "capital outlay" object codes (65XX-66XX) greater than zero ($0).0326720032-0045 The sum of all ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where FUND-CODE is "199" and OBJECT-CODE is "89XX" must be greater than 0.F2XXXThe actual financial data reported for the "general fund" (199) must include total other uses originating from "other uses/non-operating expenses" object codes (89XX) greater than zero ($0).0326820032-0034The sum of all ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "57XX"-"59XX" must be greater than 0.F2XXXThe actual financial data reported must include total revenues greater than zero ($0).0326920032-0039The sum of all ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "79XX" must be greater than 0.F2XXXThe actual financial data reported must include total "other resources" greater than zero ($0).0327020032-0037 The sum of all ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "61XX"-"64XX" must be greater than 0.F2XXXXThe actual financial data reported must include total expenditures greater than zero ($0) from the following object codes: "payroll costs" (61XX), "professional and contracted services" (62XX), "supplies and materials" (6300), and "other operating costs" (64XX).0327120032-0038 The sum of all ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "65XX"-"66XX" must be greater than 0.F2XXXThe actual financial data reported must include total expenditures from "debt service" and "capital outlay" object codes (65XX-66XX) greater than zero ($0).0327220032-0040 The sum of all ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "89XX" must be greater than 0.F2XXXThe actual financial data reported must include total "other uses" greater than zero ($0).0327320032-0135 The sum of all ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "61XX"-"64XX" and PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "21" should not be greater than 7% of the sum of all ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "61XX"-"64XX".SW2XXXThe actual financial data reported for a local education agency for the "gifted and talented" program (PIC 21) should not be more that 7 percent of the total expenditures for the "payroll costs", "professional and contracted services", "supplies and materials", and "other operating costs" object codes.0327420032-0137 The sum of all ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "61XX"-"64XX" and PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "23" should not be greater than 25% of the sum of all ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "61XX"-"64XX".SW2XXXThe actual financial data reported for a local education agency for the "special education" program (PIC 23) should not be more that 25 percent of the total expenditures for the "payroll costs", "professional and contracted services", "supplies and materials", and "other operating costs" object codes.0327520032-0140 If FUND-CODE is not "599" or "699", the sum of all ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "65XX"-"66XX" should not be greater than 30% of the sum of all ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "61XX"-"66XX".SW2XXXFor all fund codes except for "debt service funds" (599) and "capital projects funds" (699), the total actual financial amounts for the "debt service" and "capital outlay" object codes (65XX-66XX) should not be greater than 30% of the total actual financial amounts for all expenditure object codes (61XX-66XX).0327620032-0035 The sum of all ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "57XX" must be greater than 0.F2XXXThe actual financial data reported must include total local and intermediate revenues (57XX) greater than zero ($0).0327820032-0003 There must be at least one record where FUNCTION-CODE is "13".F2XXXXThe actual financial data reported must include at least one amount where the function code is "curriculum development and instructional staff development" (13).0327920032-0047 For each reported FUNCTION-CODE the sum of all ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "61XX"-"66XX" must be greater than 0.F2XXThe actual financial data reported must include total expenditures (61XX-66XX) greater than zero ($0) for each function code reported.0328120032-0036 The sum of all ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "5811" must be greater than 0.F2XXThe actual financial data reported for a local education agency must include total "per capita apportionment" revenue greater than zero ($0).0328220032-0046 If DISTRICT-ID is not "015913", "015906", "015914", or "180901", then the sum of all ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "571X" must be greater than 0.F2XXThe Lackland (Air Force Base) ISD, Randolph Field (Air Force Base) ISD, Fort Sam Houston (Army Base) ISD, and Boys Ranch (Foster Child Group Home) ISD do not levy or collect property taxes for school district funding purposes. All other local education agencies, excluding charter schools, must report actual financial data where the amounts for "taxes, penalties, interest and other tax revenues" are greater than zero ($0).0328420032-0048 For each reported PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE, the sum of all ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "61XX"-"64XX" must be greater than 0.F2XXXThe actual financial data reported for each program intent code must include total expenditures greater than zero ($0) for the following object codes: "payroll costs" (61XX), "professional and contracted services" (62XX), "supplies and materials" (6300), and "other operating costs" (64XX).0328520032-0004 If DISTRICT-ID is not "015913", "015906", "015914", or "180901", then there must be at least one record each where OBJECT-CODE is "6119", "6212", and "6259".F2XFor all independent school districts, excluding Lackland (Air Force Base) ISD, Randolph Field (Air Force Base) ISD, Fort Sam Houston (Army Base) ISD, and Boys Ranch (Foster Child Group Home) ISD, the actual financial data reported must include amounts for each of the following object codes: "salaries or wages-teachers and other professional personnel" (6119), "audit services" (6212), and "utilities" (6259).0328620032-0052 There should be at least one record for each of the following OBJECT-CODEs: "5811", "5812", "6319", and "6429".SW2XXThe actual financial data reported for a local education agency should include amounts for each of the following object codes: "per capita apportionment" (5811), "foundation school program act entitlements" (5812), "supplies for maintenance and/or operations" (6319), and "insurance and bonding costs" (6429).0328720032-0005 If DISTRICT-ID is not "015913", "015906", "015914", or "180901", then there must be at least one record where OBJECT-CODE is "5711".F2XXFor all independent school districts, excluding Lackland (Air Force Base) ISD, Randolph Field (Air Force Base) ISD, Fort Sam Houston (Army Base) ISD, and Boys Ranch (Foster Child Group Home) ISD, the actual financial data reported must include amounts for the "taxes, current year levy" object code (5711).0328820032-0072If OBJECT-CODE is "3XXX", then ACTUAL-AMOUNT should not be a negative number.W2XXXXThe actual financial data reported should not include negative fund balances/net assets amounts.0328920032-0007 There must be at least one record where FUND-CODE is "199" and OBJECT-CODE is "3XXX".F2XXThe actual financial data reported for a local education agency must include fund balances/net assets in the "General Fund".0329020032-0064 For each active instructional CAMPUS-ID, excluding JJAEPs, reported on the district's 020 records that also existed during the prior school year, there should be at least one record for FUNCTION-CODE "11".SW2XXThe actual financial data reported for each active instructional campus that existed in the prior school year (excluding JJAEPs), should include amounts where the function code is "instruction" (11).0329720032-0081 If OBJECT-CODE is "6211", then FUNCTION-CODE should be "41", "81", or "92".SW2XXXXIf the actual financial data reported includes amounts where the object code is "legal services" (6211), then the function code should be "general administration" (41), "facilities acquisition and construction" (81), or "incremental costs associated with chapter 41, Texas Education Code, purchase or sale of WADA" (92).0329820032-0085 If OBJECT-CODE is "6259", then FUNCTION-CODE should be "51" or "81".SW2XXXXIf the actual financial data reported includes amounts where the object code is "utilities" (6259), then the function code should be "facilities maintenance and operations" (51), or "facilities acquisition and construction" (81).0321A20032-0087 If OBJECT-CODE is "6339", then FUNCTION-CODE should be "11", "31", or "61".SW2XXXXIf the actual financial data reported includes amounts where the object code is "testing materials" (6339), then the function code should be "instruction" (11), "guidance, counseling, and evaluation services" (31), or "community services" (61).0321C20032-0089 If OBJECT-CODE is "6412", then FUNCTION-CODE should be "11", "36", or "61".SW2XXXXIf the actual financial data reported includes amounts where the object code is "travel and subsistence-students" (6412), then the function code should be "instruction" (11), "extracurricular activities" (36), or "community services" (61).0321D20032-0090 If OBJECT-CODE is "6413", then FUNCTION-CODE should not be "71", "81", or "93".SW2XXXXIf the actual financial data reported includes amounts where the object code is "stipends-non-employees" (6413), then the function code should not be "debt service" (71), "facilities acquisition and construction" (81), or "payments to fiscal agent/member district of shared services arrangements" (93).0321E20032-0091 If OBJECT-CODE is "6439", then FUNCTION-CODE should be "41" or "81".SW2XXXXIf the actual financial data reported includes amounts where the object code is "election costs" (6439), then the function code should be "general administration" (41), or "facilities acquisition and construction" (81).0321F20032-0092 If OBJECT-CODE is "6449", then FUND-CODE should be "7XX".SW2XXXIf the actual financial data reported includes amounts where the object code is "depreciation expense" (6449), then the fund code should be a "proprietary fund" (7XX).0321H20032-0094 If OBJECT-CODE is "6619" or "6629", then FUNCTION-CODE should be "51" or "81".SW2XXXXIf the actual financial data reported includes amounts where the object code is "land purchase and improvement" (6619) or "building purchase, construction, or improvements" (6629), then the function code should be "facilities maintenance and operations" (51), or "facilities acquisition and construction" (81).0321M20032-0084 If OBJECT-CODE is "6222", or "6223", then FUNCTION-CODE should be "11", "95", or "99".SW2XXXXIf the actual financial data reported includes amounts where the object code is "student tuition-public schools" (6222) or "student tuition-other than to public schools" (6223), then the function code should be "instruction" (11), "payments to JJAEP programs" (95). or "other intergovernmental charges" (99).0321N20032-0023 If OBJECT-CODE is "6224", then FUNCTION-CODE must be "91".F2XXXXIf the actual financial data reported includes amounts where the object code is "student attendance credits" (6224), then the function code must be "contracted instructional services between public schools" (91).0321P20032-0024 If FUND-CODE is "101", "102", "199", "240", "420", or "701", then FISCAL-YEAR must be "5".F2XXXXFor actual financial reporting, the fiscal year must indicate the prior school year if the fund code is "food service" (101), "ESC state support" (102), "general fund" (199), "National School Breakfast and Lunch Program" (240), "foundation school program and other state aid" (420), or "enterprise fund-National School Breakfast and Lunch Program" (701).0321U20032-0058 There should be at least one record where OBJECT-CODE is "6146".SW2XXXXThe actual financial data reported should include amounts for the "teacher retirement/TRS care" object code.0321X20032-0074 If FUND-CODE is "199", FUNCTION-CODE is not "34", and OBJECT-CODE is not "6494", then ACTUAL-AMOUNT should not be less than zero.SW2XXXXThe actual financial data reported should not include negative expenditure amounts for the general fund, with the exception of the function code for "student (pupil) transportation" (34) and the object code for "reclassified transportation expenditures/expenses" (6494).0321Z20032-0006 If DISTRICT-ID is not "015913", "015906", "015914", or "180901", then there must be at least one record where OBJECT-CODE is "6213".F2XXFor all independent school districts, excluding Lackland (Air Force Base) ISD, Randolph Field (Air Force Base) ISD, Fort Sam Houston (Army Base) ISD, and Boys Ranch (Foster Child Group Home) ISD, the actual financial data reported must include amounts for the "tax appraisal and collection" object code (6213).032XA20032-0008 There must be at least one record where FUND-CODE is "199" and OBJECT-CODE is "6144".F2XXXThe actual financial data reported for a local education agency must include amounts in the "General Fund" for the "teacher retirement/TRS Care - on-behalf payments" object code (6144).032XB20032-0122 If ADA is less than 500, then the sum of all ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "6XXX" and FUND-CODE is not "292"-"295", "297", "298", "300"-"302", "307", "309", "311"-"317", "319", "325"-"340", "342", "343", "347"-"352", "354"-"361", "364"-"367", "379", "431"-"442", or "459" should not be greater than 10,000,000.SW2XXIf the ADA for a local education agency is less than 500, then the total actual financial expenditures (excluding SSA fund codes) should not be greater than $10,000,000.032XC20032-0123 If ADA is between 500 and 1,000, then the sum of all ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "6XXX" and FUND-CODE is not "292"-"295", "297", "298", "300"-"302", "307", "309", "311"-"317", "319", "325"-"340", "342", "343", "347"-"352", "354"-"361", "364"-"367", "379", "431"-"442", or "459" should not be greater than 20,000,000.SW2XXIf the ADA for a local education agency is between 500 and 1,000, then the total actual financial expenditures (excluding SSA fund codes) should not be greater than $20,000,000.032XD20032-0124 If ADA is between 1,001 and 5,000, then the sum of all ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "6XXX" and FUND-CODE is not "292"-"295", "297", "298", "300"-"302", "307", "309", "311"-"317", "319", "325"-"340", "342", "343", "347"-"352", "354"-"361", "364"-"367", "379", "431"-"442", or "459" should not be greater than 100,000,000.SW2XXIf the ADA for a local education agency is between 1,001 and 5,000, then the total actual financial expenditures (excluding SSA fund codes) should not be greater than $70,000,000.032XE20032-0125 If ADA is between 5,001 and 10,000, then the sum of all ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "6XXX" and FUND-CODE is not "292"-"295", "297", "298", "300"-"302", "307", "309", "311"-"317", "319", "325"-"340", "342", "343", "347"-"352", "354"-"361", "364"-"367", "379", "431"-"442", or "459" should not be greater than 175,000,000.SW2XXIf the ADA for a local education agency is between 5,001 and 10,000, then the total actual financial expenditures (excluding SSA fund codes) should not be greater than $175,000,000.032XF20032-0126If ADA is between 10,001 and 20,000, then the sum of all ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "6XXX" and FUND-CODE is not "292"-"295", "297", "298", "300"-"302", "307", "309", "311"-"317", "319", "325"-"340", "342", "343", "347"-"352", "354"-"361", "364"-"367", "379", "431"-"442", or"459" should not be greater than 275,000,000.SW2XXIf the ADA for a local education agency is between 10,001 and 20,000, then the total actual financial expenditures (excluding SSA fund codes) should not be greater than $275,000,000.032XG20032-0127 If ADA is between 20,001 and 30,000, then the sum of all ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "6XXX" and FUND-CODE is not "292"-"295", "297", "298", "300"-"302", "307", "309", "311"-"317", "319", "325"-"340", "342", "343", "347"-"352", "354"-"361", "364"-"367", "379", "431"-"442", or "459" should not be greater than 400,000,000.SW2XXIf the ADA for a local education agency is between 20,001 and 30,000, then the total actual financial expenditures (excluding SSA fund codes) should not be greater than $400,000,000.032XH20032-0128If ADA is between 30,001 and 50,000, then the sum of all ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "6XXX" and FUND-CODE is not "292"-"295", "297", "298", "300"-"302", "307", "309", "311"-"317", "319", "325"-"340", "342", "343", "347"-"352", "354"-"361", "364"-"367", "379", "431"-"442", or "459" should not be greater than 650,000,000.SW2XXIf the ADA for a local education agency is between 30,001 and 50,000, then the total actual financial expenditures (excluding SSA fund codes) should not be greater than $650,000,000.032XI20032-0129 If ADA is between 50,001 and 60,000, then the sum of all ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "6XXX" and FUND-CODE is not "292"-"295", "297", "298", "300"-"302", "307", "309", "311"-"317", "319", "325"-"340", "342", "343", "347"-"352", "354"-"361", "364"-"367", "379", "431"-"442", or "459" should not be greater than 750,000,000.SW2XXIf the ADA for a local education agency is between 50,001 and 60,000, then the total actual financial expenditures (excluding SSA fund codes) should not be greater than $750,000,000.032XJ20032-0130 If ADA is between 60,001 and 80,000, then the sum of all ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "6XXX" and FUND-CODE is not "292"-"295", "297", "298", "300"-"302", "307", "309", "311"-"317", "319", "325"-"340", "342", "343", "347"-"352", "354"-"361", "364"-"367", "379", "431"-"442", or "459" should not be greater than 1,000,000,000.SW2XXIf the ADA for a local education agency is between 60,001 and 80,000, then the total actual financial expenditures (excluding SSA fund codes) should not be greater than $1,000,000,000.032XK20032-0065 For each active instructional CAMPUS-ID, excluding JJAEPs reported on the district's 020 records, there should be at least one record where OBJECT-CODE is "61XX" and FUNCTION-CODE is "11".SW2XXXThe actual financial data reported for each active instructional campus that existed in the prior school year (excluding JJAEPs), should include amounts where the object code is "payroll costs" (61XX) and the function code is "instruction" (11).032XL20032-0029 If FUNCTION-CODE is "91", then OBJECT-CODE must be "6XXX".F2XXXXIf the actual financial data reported includes amounts for the function code "contracted instructional services between public schools" (91), then the object code must be an expenditure (6XXX).032XM20032-0077 If FUNCTION-CODE is "71", then OBJECT-CODE should be "65XX".SW2XXXXIf the actual financial data reported includes amounts for the function code "debt service" (71), then the object code should be "debt service" (65XX).032XN20032-0095 If ORGANIZATION-CODE is "701"-"703", "720", or "750", then FUNCTION-CODE should be "41", "53", or "99".SW2XXXThe actual financial data reported for a local education agencys "administrative organizations" (701-703, 720, 750) should only include function codes: "general administration" (41), "data processing services" (53), and "other intergovernmental charges" (99).032XO20032-0012 FUNCTION-CODE must not be "62".F2XXXOnly education service centers can report actual financial data for the "school district administrative support services" function code.032XP20032-0013 PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE must not be "71"-"79", or "81"-"89".F2XXXOnly education service centers can report actual financial data for the program intent codes "reserved for use by education service centers" (71-79, or 81-89).032XS20032-0083 If OBJECT-CODE is "6213", then FUNCTION-CODE should be "41" or "92" or "99".SW2XXXXIf the actual financial data reported includes amounts where the object code is "tax appraisal and collection" (6213), then the function code should be "general administration" (41), "incremental costs associated with chapter 41, Texas Education Code, purchase or sale of WADA" (92), or "other intergovernmental charges" (99).032XU20032-0014 FUND-CODE must not be "749", "751"-"755", or "799".F2XXXXActual financial data must not be reported to PEIMS for the following fund codes: "enterprise funds" (749), "transportation" (751), "print shop" (752), "insurance" (753), "computer operations" (754), "public entity risk pool" (755), or "internal service funds" (799).032XV20032-0015 ORGANIZATION-CODE must not be "700", "704"-"719", "721"-"749", or "752"-"997".F2XXXXThe actual financial data reported for a local education agency must not include amounts for the following administrative organizations: "general administration" (700), "reserved for future state definition" (704-708, 721-725, or 752-799), "direct costs - locally defined" (709-719), "indirect costs - locally defined" (726-749), or "locally defined" (800-997).032XW20032-0080If ORGANIZATION-CODE is less than "699", then ORGANIZATION-CODE should be registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus or an under construction campus in the prior school year.SW2XXXXFor actual financial data, an organization within the range of 001-698 should be registered with the TEA as an "active instructional" or "under construction" campus in the prior school year.032YC20032-0026If DISTRICT-ID is not "057814", "057840", "101807", "101811", "174801", "220810", "227806", or "227819", then ORGANIZATION-CODE must not be "700", "703"-"719", "721"-"749", or "751"-"997".F2XThe actual financial data reported for an open enrollment charter school (excluding governmental charter schools) must not include amounts for any of the following organizations: "general administration" (700), "tax costs" (703), "reserved for future state definition" (704-708, 721-725, or 752-799), "direct costs - locally defined" (709-719), "indirect costs - locally defined" (726-749), "fiscal agent SSAs" (751), or "locally defined" (800-997).032YD20032-0027 If DISTRICT-ID is not "057814", "057840", "101807", "101811", "174801", "220810", "227806", or "227819", then FUNCTION-CODE must not be "62" or "9X".F2XThe actual financial data reported for an open enrollment charter school (excluding governmental charter schools) must not include amounts for function codes "school district administrative support services" (62), or "intergovernmental charges" (9X).032YE20032-0028 If DISTRICT-ID is not "057814", "057840", "101807", "101811", "174801", "220810", "227806", or "227819", then FUND-CODE must not be "102", "292"-"379", "400", "403", "405"-"408", "431"-"459", "479", or "5XX" - "9XX".F2XThe actual financial data reported for an open enrollment charter school (excluding governmental charter schools) must not include amounts for the following fund codes: "ESC only" (102, 400, 403, 405-408), shared services arrangements (292-379, 431-459), "permanent fund" (479), "debt service funds" (5XX), "capital projects funds" (6XX), "proprietary fund types" (7XX), "fiduciary fund types" (8XX), or "general capital assets and long-term debt" (9XX).032YF20032-0071 If OBJECT-CODE is "7959" or "7999", then DISTRICT-ID should be registered with the TEA as a charter district.SW2XXXThe actual financial data reported should only include the object codes "other gains" (7959) or "net assets released from temporary restrictions" (7999) when the LEA is an open enrollment charter school.032YG20032-0009 There must be at least one record where OBJECT-CODE is "6212".F2XXThe actual financial data reported must include amounts for the "audit services" object code.032YH20032-0121 The sum of all ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where FUNCTION-CODE is "31"-"33" and OBJECT-CODE is "61XX"-"66XX" should be greater than or equal to the sum of all ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "5932".SW2XXThe total actual financial amounts for expenditures for function codes "guidance, counseling, and evaluation services" (31), "social work services" (32), and "health services" (33) should be greater than or equal to the total budget amounts for the object code "Medicaid Administrative Claiming Program-MAC" (5932).032YI20032-0136 The sum of all ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "61XX"-"64XX" and PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "22" should not be greater than 12% of the sum of all ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "61XX"-"64XX".SW2XXXThe actual financial data reported for the "career and technical" program (PIC 22) should not be more that 12 percent of the total expenditures for the "payroll costs" (6100), "professional and contracted services" (6200), "supplies and materials" (6300), and "other operating costs" (6400) object codes.032YJ20032-0139 The sum of all ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "61XX"-"64XX" and PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "25" should not be greater than 10% of the sum of all ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "61XX"-"64XX".SW2XXXThe actual financial data reported for the "bilingual education and special language" programs (PIC 25) should not be more that 10 percent of the total expenditures for the "payroll costs" (6100), "professional and contracted services" (6200), "supplies and materials" (6300), and "other operating costs" (6400) object codes.032YK20032-0138 The sum of all ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "61XX"-"64XX" and PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "24" should not be greater than 20% of the sum of all ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "61XX"-"64XX".SW2XXXThe actual financial data reported for the "accelerated education" programs (PIC 24) should not be more that 20 percent of the total expenditures for the "payroll costs" (6100), "professional and contracted services" (6200), "supplies and materials" (6300), and "other operating costs" (6400) object codes.032YL20032-0011There must be at least one record where PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "11" and OBJECT-CODE is "61XX"-"66XX".F2XXThe actual financial data reported for a local education agency must include expenditures for the "basic educational services" program intent code.032YM20032-0010There must be at least one record where OBJECT-CODE is "6399".F2XXXXThe actual financial data reported must include amounts for the "general supplies" object code.032YO20032-0030 If FUNCTION-CODE is "41", then ORGANIZATION-CODE must be "701"-"703", "720", "750", or "751".F2XXXIf the actual financial data reported includes amounts where the function code is "general administration" (41), then the organization code must be an administrative organization (701-703, 720, 750) or "fiscal agent SSA" (751).032YP20032-0105 If PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "91", then FUNCTION-CODE should be "36", "51", or "52".SW2XXXXIf the budget data reported includes amounts for the "athletics and related activities" (91) program intent code, then the function code should be "extracurricular activities" (36), "facilities maintenance and operations" (51), or "security and monitoring services" (52).032YR20032-0075 If FUND-CODE is "2XX"-"429", then FISCAL-YEAR should be "3", "4", "5", or "6".SW2XXXXFor actual financial reporting in selected special revenue fund codes (2XX-429) the fiscal year should indicate the current or the three prior school years.032YS20032-0031 FUND-CODE must not be "102", "400", "403", or "405"-"408".F2XXXOnly education service centers can report actual financial data for the following fund codes: "ESC state support" (102), "school health" (400), "certification" (403), "gifted and talented" (405), "teacher recruitment" (406), "bilingual education" (407), and "technology" (408).032YT20032-0017ACTUAL-AMOUNT must not exceed "125000000".F2XAn actual financial item reported for an open enrollment charter school must not be reported in an amount greater than 125 million dollars ($125,000,000).032YX20032-0051 There should be at least two records where the OBJECT-CODE is "5XXX".SW2XThe actual financial data reported should include revenues (5XXX) for at least two different object codes.032YZ20032-0079 If OBJECT-CODE is "5921" or "5922", then the FUND-CODE should be "240".SW2XIf the actual financial data reported for an open enrollment charter school includes the object codes "school breakfast program" (5921) or "National School Lunch Program" (5922), then the fund code should be "National School Breakfast and Lunch Program" (240).032ZA20032-0141 The sum of all ACTUAL-Amounts where OBJECT-CODE is "5929" should not exceed 5% of the sum of all ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is "5XXX".SW2XFor an open enrollment charter school, the total actual financial amounts for object code "federal revenues distributed by TEA" (5929) should not be greater than 5% of the total actual financial revenues reported.032ZB20032-0069 There should be at least one 033 record submitted, if OBJECT-CODE is "5722", "5841", or "5951".SW2XXIf the actual financial data reported includes the object codes "SSA-local revenues from member districts" (5722), "SSA-state revenues from member districts" (5841), "SSA-federal revenues from member districts" (5951), then 033 Shared Services Arrangement Actual Financial data should also be reported.032ZCThe value of DISTRICT-ID in this record must match the value of DISTRICT-ID on the district's 010 record.F2XXXXThe district id on the 032 record must match the district id on the 010 record.032ZD20032-0001Each district's data submission must contain at least one 032 record with object "5XXX" and at least one 032 record with object "6XXX".F2XXXThe actual financial data reported for a local education agency must include amounts for revenues and expenditures.032ZE20032-0055 There should be at least one record where FUND-CODE is "410" and OBJECT-CODE is "5829". SW2XXThe actual financial data reported for a local education agency should include at least one amount where the fund code is "state textbook fund" (410) and the object code is "state program revenues distributed by TEA" (5829).032ZF20032-0062 There should be at least one record where FUND-CODE is "410" and OBJECT-CODE is "6XXX".SW2XXThe actual financial data reported for a local education agency should include expenditures for the "state textbook fund" fund code (410).032ZG20032-0106The sum of all ACTUAL-AMOUNT for all records where OBJECT-CODE is "3XXX" should not be less than zero.SW2XXXXThe actual financial data reported should not include total fund balances/net assets less than zero ($0).032ZH20032-0070ACTUAL-AMOUNT should not exceed 3 billion.SW2XXXAn actual financial item reported for a local education agency should not be reported in an amount greater than 3 billion dollars ($3,000,000,000).032ZI20032-0056 There should be at least one record where FUND-CODE is "420" and OBJECT-CODE is "5XXX".SW2XThe actual financial data reported for an open enrollment charter school should include revenue amounts for the "foundation school program and other state aid (420) fund code.032ZJ20032-0063 There should be at least one record each where FUND-CODE is "420" and OBJECT-CODE is "6XXX".SW2XThe actual financial data reported for an open enrollment charter school should include expense amounts for the "foundation school program and other state aid (420) fund code.032ZM20032-0145 If FUND-CODE is "420", then the difference between total expenses (OBJECT-CODE "6XXX") for current year actual (032 records) and the prior year actual (032 records) may not increase by more than 25%.SW2XFor an open enrollment charter school, the total expenses for the current year for the "foundation school program and other state aid" fund code should not increase by more than 25% over the prior year amounts for that fund code.032ZN20032-0144 If FUND-CODE is "420", then the difference between total revenues (OBJECT-CODE "5XXX") for current year actual (032 records) and the prior year actual (032 records) may not increase by more than 25%.SW2XFor an open enrollment charter school, the total revenues for the current year for the "foundation school program and other state aid" fund code should not increase by more than 25% over the prior year amounts for that fund code.032ZO20032-0032 If FUNCTION-CODE is "91" or "92", then ORGANIZATION-CODE must be "999".F2XXXXIf the actual financial data reported includes amounts for "contracted instructional services between public schools" (91) or "incremental costs associated with chapter 41, Texas Education Code, purchase or sale of WADA" (92) function codes, then the organization code must be "undistributed" (999).032ZP20032-0016 FUND-CODE must not be "420".F2XXXOnly open enrollment charter schools can report actual financial data for the "foundation school program and other state aid" (420) fund code.032ZQ20032-0067 If FUND-CODE is "292"-"295", "297", "298", "300"-"302", "307", "309", "311"-"317", "319", "325"-"340", "342", "343", "347"-"352", "354"-"361", "364"-"367", "379", "431"-"442", or "459", then there should be at least one 033 record.SW2XXXIf the actual financial data reported includes amounts for shared services arrangement fund codes, then 033 Shared Services Arrangement Actual Financial data should also be reported.032ZR20032-0078 If FUNCTION-CODE is "99" and OBJECT-CODE is "6213", then ORGANIZATION-CODE should be "703".SW2XXIf the actual financial data reported for a local education agency includes amounts for "other intergovernmental charges" (99) function code, and the "tax appraisal and collection" (6213) object code, then the organization code should be "tax costs" (703).032ZS20032-0059There should be at least one record where OBJECT-CODE is "6212".SW2XThe actual financial data reported for an open enrollment charter school should include amounts for the "audit services" object code.032ZT20032-0082If OBJECT-CODE is "6212" or "6214", then FUNCTION-CODE should be "41".SW2XIf the actual financial data reported includes amounts where the object code is "audit services" (6212) or "lobbying" (6214), then the function code should be "general administration" (41).032ZU20032-0086If OBJECT-CODE is "6321", then FUNCTION-CODE should be "11" or "61".SW2XXXIf the actual financial data reported includes amounts where the object code is "textbooks" (6321), then the function code should be "instruction" (11) or "community services" (61).032ZV20032-0088If OBJECT-CODE is "634X", then FUNCTION-CODE should be "35", "36", or "61".SW2XXXIf the actual financial data reported includes amounts where the object code is "food service or other resale items" (634X), then the function code should be "food services" (35), "extracurricular activities" (36), or "community services" (61).032ZY20032-0102If PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "30", then FUND-CODE should be "102", "199", "211", "266", "271", "272", "276","285", "286", "289", "300", "358"-"360", "366" or "420".SW2XXXIf the actual financial data reported includes amounts for the program intent code "Title I, Part A schoolwide activities related to state compensatory education costs on campuses with 40% or more educationally disadvantaged students" (30), then the fund code should be "ESC state support" (102), "general fund" (199), selected "special revenue (federal programs)" funds, selected "special revenue (federally funded SSAs)" funds, or selected "special revenue (state funded)" funds.032ZZ20032-0068If OBJECT-CODE is "6259" and ACTUAL-AMOUNT is less than "100", there should be at least one 011 record where SHARED-SVCS-ARRANGEMT-TYPE-CODE is "26".SW2XXIf the actual financial data reported includes expenditures on "utilities" (6259) less than $100, then a 011 Shared Services Arrangement with shared services arrangement type code of "utilities" (26) should also be reported.0322A20032-0103If PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "31", then FUND-CODE should be "199" or "420".W2XXXXIf the actual financial data reported includes amounts for the program intent code "high school allotment" (31), then the fund code should be "general fund" (199) or "foundation school program and other state aid" (420).0322B20032-0110The sum of ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where FUND-CODE is "199" and PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "24", "26", "28", "29" or "30" should be greater than 0.SW2XThe actual financial data reported for the "general fund" (199) should include total amounts greater than zero ($0) for the following program intent codes: "accelerated education" (24), "non-disciplinary alternative education programs - AEP services" (26), "disciplinary alternative education programs - DAEP basic services" (28), "disciplinary alternative education programs - DAEP state compensatory education supplemental costs" (29), and "Title I, Part A schoolwide activities related to state compensatory education costs on campuses with 40% or more educationally disadvantaged students" (30).0322C20032-0107The sum of ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where FUND-CODE is "199" and PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "21" should be greater than 0.SW2XThe actual financial data reported for the "general fund" (199) must include total amounts greater than zero ($0) for the "gifted and talented" (21) program intent code.0322D20032-0108The sum of ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where FUND-CODE is "199" and PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "22" should be greater than 0.SW2XThe actual financial data reported for the "general fund" (199) should include total amounts greater than zero ($0) for the "career and technical" (22) program intent code.0322E20032-0109The sum of ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where FUND-CODE is "199" and PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "23" should be greater than 0.SW2XThe actual financial data reported for the "general fund" (199) should include total amounts greater than zero ($0) for the "special education" (23) program intent code.0322F20032-0111The sum of ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where FUND-CODE is "199" and PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "25" should be greater than 0.SW2XThe actual financial data reported for the "general fund" (199) should include total amounts greater than zero ($0) for the "bilingual education and special language programs" (25) program intent code.0322G20032-0117The sum of ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where FUND-CODE is "420" and PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "24", "26", "28", "29" or "30" should be greater than 0.SW2XThe actual financial data reported for the "foundation school program and other state aid" (420) fund code should include total amounts greater than zero ($0) for the following program intent codes: "accelerated education" (24), "non-disciplinary alternative education programs - AEP services" (26), "disciplinary alternative education programs - DAEP basic services" (28), "disciplinary alternative education programs - DAEP state compensatory education supplemental costs" (29), and "Title I, Part A schoolwide activities related to state compensatory education costs on campuses with 40% or more educationally disadvantaged students" (30).0322H20032-0114The sum of ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where FUND-CODE is "420" and PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "21" should be greater than 0.SW2XThe actual financial data reported for the "foundation school program and other state aid" (420) fund code should include total amounts greater than zero ($0) for the "gifted and talented" (21) program intent code.0322I20032-0115The sum of ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where FUND-CODE is "420" and PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "22" should be greater than 0.SW2XThe actual financial data reported for the "foundation school program and other state aid" (420) fund code should include total amounts greater than zero ($0) for the "career and technical" (22) program intent code.0322J20032-0116The sum of ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where FUND-CODE is "420" and PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "23" should be greater than 0.SW2XThe actual financial data reported for the "foundation school program and other state aid" (420) fund code should include total amounts greater than zero ($0) for the "special education" (23) program intent code.0322K20032-0118The sum of ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where FUND-CODE is "420" and PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "25" should be greater than 0.SW2XThe actual financial data reported for the "foundation school program and other state aid" (420) fund code should include total amounts greater than zero ($0) for the "bilingual education and special language programs" (25) program intent code.0322L20032-0025If DISTRICT-ID is a charter, but not a governmental charter ("057814", "057840", "101807", "101811", "174801", "220810", "227806", or "227819"), then OBJECT-CODE must not be "3200" - "3480", "3510" - "3580", "3800", "3900", "5711", "5712", "5721" - "5723", "5739", "5745", "5746", "5754", "5831", "5841", "5842", "5849", "5941", "5951", "5952", "5959", "6144", "6213", "6224", "6439", "6492", "6493", "6511" - "6513", "6519", "66XX", "7912" - "7915", "7918", "7949", "7952" - "7957", "7989", or "8912".F2XThe actual financial data reported for an open enrollment charter school (excluding governmental charter schools) must not include amounts for object codes dedicated to independent school districts and governmental charter schools.0322N20032-0146The ((sum of ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is 6XXX and FUND-CODE is not equal to "599" or "699" and FUNCTION-CODE is not equal to "81" or "91") divided by the (sum of ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is 5XXX and FUND-CODE is not equal to "599" or "699" and FUNCTION-CODE is not equal to "81" or "91")) multiplied by 100 should be less than 150.00.SW2XFor actual financial data amounts for all fund codes, except "debt service funds" (599) and "capital projects funds" (699), and all function codes, except "facilities acquisition and construction" (81) and "contracted instructional services between public schools" (91), the total expenditures (6XXX) should be less than 150% of the total revenues (5XXX).0322P20032-0049The ((sum of ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is 6XXX and FUND-CODE is not equal to "599" or "699" and FUNCTION-CODE is not equal to "81" or "91") divided by the (sum of ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is 5XXX and FUND-CODE is not equal to "599" or "699" and FUNCTION-CODE is not equal to "81" or "91")) multiplied by 100 must be less than 200.00.F2XFor actual financial data amounts for all fund codes, except "debt service funds" (599) and "capital projects funds" (699), and all function codes, except "facilities acquisition and construction" (81) and "contracted instructional services between public schools" (91), the total expenditures (6XXX) must be less than 200% of the total revenues (5XXX).0322Q20032-0147The ((sum of ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is 6XXX) divided by the (sum of ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is 5XXX)) multiplied by 100 should be less than 125.00.SW2XFor actual financial data, the total expenses (6XXX) should be less than 125% of the total revenues (5XXX).0322R20032-0050The ((sum of ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is 6XXX) divided by the (sum of ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where OBJECT-CODE is 5XXX)) multiplied by 100 must be less than 200.00.F2XFor actual financial data, the total expenses (6XXX) must be less than 200% of the total revenues (5XXX).0322S20032-0104 If PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "32", "33", "34", or "35", then FUND-CODE should be "199", "205", "206", "212", "213", "237", "263", "266", "269", "270", "272", "274"-"276", "280", "286", "289", "294", "295", "301", "302", "326", "347", "350", "356", "358", "360", "366", "367", "379", "388", "390", "391", "393", "395", "396", "401", "402", "404", "410", "413"-"416", "419"-"423", "426", "429", "439"-"442", "459", "461", "479", or "499".SW2XXXXIf the actual financial data reported includes amounts for the program intent codes "pre-kindergarten-regular education" (32), "pre-kindergarten-special education" (33), "pre-kindergarten-compensatory education" (34), or "pre-kindergarten-bilingual education" (35), then the fund code should be "general fund" (199), selected "special revenue (federal programs)" funds, selected "special revenue (federally funded SSAs)" funds, selected "special revenue (state funded)" funds, selected "special revenue (state/locally funded SSAs)" funds, or selected "special revenue (local programs)" funds.0322T20032-0112 The sum of ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where FUND-CODE is "199" and PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "31" should be greater than 0.SW2XThe actual financial data reported for the "general fund" (199) should include total amounts greater than zero ($0) for the "high school allotment" (31) program intent code.0322U20032-0119 The sum of ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where FUND-CODE is "420" and PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "31" should be greater than 0.SW2XThe actual financial data reported for the "foundation school program and other state aid" (420) fund code should include total amounts greater than zero ($0) for the "high school allotment" (31) program intent code.0322V20032-0113 The sum of ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where FUND-CODE is "199" and PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "32", "33", "34", or "35" should be greater than 0.SW2XThe actual financial data reported for the "general fund" (199) should include total amounts greater than zero ($0) for the "pre-kindergarten-regular education" (32), "pre-kindergarten-special education" (33), "pre-kindergarten-compensatory education" (34), or "pre-kindergarten-bilingual education" (35) program intent codes.0322W20032-0120 The sum of ACTUAL-AMOUNTs where FUND-CODE is "420" and PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "32", "33", "34", or "35" should be greater than 0.SW2XThe actual financial data reported for the "foundation school program and other state aid" (420) fund code should include total amounts greater than zero ($0) for the "pre-kindergarten-regular education" (32), "pre-kindergarten-special education" (33), "pre-kindergarten-compensatory education" (34), or "pre-kindergarten-bilingual education" (35) program intent codes.0323B20032-0076 If FUND-CODE is "292"-"295", "297", "298", "300"-"302", "307", "309", "311"-"317", "319", "325"-"340", "342", "343", "347"-"352", "354"-"361", "364"-"367", "379", "431"-"442", or "459", and OBJECT-CODE is "61XX"-"66XX", then ORGANIZATION-CODE should be "751".SW2XXXIf the actual financial data reported has an expenditure amount in a shared services arrangement fund code, then the organization code should be "fiscal agent shared services arrangement" (751).0323C20032-0066 If FUND-CODE is "292"-"295", "297", "298", "300"-"302", "307", "309", "311"-"317", "319", "325"-"340", "342", "343", "347"-"352", "354"-"361", "364"-"367", "379", "431"-"442", or "459", then there should be at least one 011 record and DISTRICT-ID in the 033 record should equal FISCAL-AGENT-DISTRICT-ID in the 011 record.SW2XXXIf the actual financial data reported includes amounts for shared services arrangement fund codes, then at least one 011 SSA record should be reported with a fiscal agent district id that matches the district id on an 033 SSA financial actual data record. 033 Context Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter0330120033-0008 For a particular FUND-CODE and FISCAL-YEAR, the sum of all ACTUAL-AMOUNTs on 033 records should equal the sum of all ACTUAL-AMOUNTs on 032 records for the same FUND-CODE and FISCAL-YEAR combination where OBJECT-CODE is "6XXX", but not "6492" and "6493".SW2XXXXFor each matching combination of fund code and fiscal year, the total of all expenditures (6XXX) on SSA financial actual data (033 records) reported by the fiscal agent district should equal the total of all expenditures (6XXX) reported on their actual financial data (032 records), excluding the object codes "payments to fiscal agents of SSAs" (6492) and "payments to member districts of SSAs" (6493).0330220033-0001 SHARED-SVCS-ARR-MEMBER-DIST-ID must match a DISTRICT-ID registered with the TEA.F2XXXXThe district id reported for a shared services arrangement member district must be registered with the TEA in the prior school year.0330320033-0003 DISTRICT-ID must not be a district registered with the TEA as a charter district.F2XAn open enrollment charter school cannot be reported as the fiscal agent of a shared services arrangement, and therefore cannot report 033 SSA financial actual data. Each open enrollment charter school reports its own share of SSA expenditures on its own 032 actual financial records.0330420033-0004 FISCAL-YEAR must be "3", "4", "5", or "6".F2XXXFor shared services arrangement actual financial data reported, the fiscal year must indicate the current or the three prior school years.03305The value of DISTRICT-ID in this record must match the value of DISTRICT-ID on the district's 010 record. F2XXXXThe district id on the 033 record must match the district id on the 010 record.0330620033-0002 SHARED-SVCS-ARR-MEMBER-DIST-ID must not be a district registered with the TEA as a charter district unless SHARED-SVCS-ARR-MEMBER-DIST-ID is "057814", "057840", "101807", "101811", "174801", "220810", "227806", or "227819".F2XFor SSA financial actual data, an open enrollment charter school cannot be reported as a member district of a shared services arrangement unless they are a "governmental" charter school.0330820033-0006DISTRICT-ID on the 033 record must equal FISCAL-AGENT-DISTRICT-ID on the 011 record.F2XXXThe fiscal agent district reporting SSA actual financial data must report SSA organization data on the 011 record.0331020033-0007 SHARED-SVCS-ARRANGEMENT-TYPE-CODE on the 033 record must equal SHARED-SVCS-ARRANGEMENT-TYPE-CODE on the 011 record where DISTRICT-ID matches FISCAL-AGENT-DISTRICT-ID on the 011 record.F2XXXThe fiscal agent district reporting SSA financial actual data (033 record) should report SSA organization data (011 record) with a matching shared services arrangement type code. 040 Context Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter0401930040-0018 TOTAL-YEARS-PROF-EXPERIENCE should be less than "41".W1, 3XXXAn employee should have less than 41 total years of professional experience.0403330040-0014 If there is a value reported for TOTAL-YEARS-PROF-EXPERIENCE and also a value reported for YEARS-EXPERIENCE-IN-DISTRICT, then TOTAL-YEARS-PROF-EXPERIENCE must be greater than or equal to YEARS-EXPERIENCE-IN-DISTRICT.F1, 3XXXAn employees total years of professional experience must be equal to or more than an employees years of experience in the district.0403430090-0084 If ROLE-ID is "003"-"005", "008", "011"-"013", "018"-"020", "023", "026"-"028", "040"-"042", "054", "060"-"065", "079", or "087", then HIGHEST-DEGREE-LEVEL-CODE should not be "0".SW1, 3XXXFor a staff person the highest level of education completed should be at least a bachelors degree or higher if they serve as one of the following role ids: "003"-"005", "008", "011"-"013", "018"-"020", "023", "026"-"028", "040"-"042", "054", "060"-"065", "079", or "087". These roles generally require that the staff person have a bachelors degree at a minimum.0403630040-0003Each character of STAFF-ID must not be the same number.F1, 3XXXThe Social Security number for a staff person must not be made up of all the same numbers.0403730040-0004 The first three characters of STAFF-ID must not be "000" or "666".F1, 3XXXThe Social Security number for a staff person must not have "000" or "666" as the first three characters.04038The fourth and fifth characters of STAFF-ID must not be "00".F1, 3XXXThe Social Security number for a staff person must not have "00" as the fourth and fifth characters. 04039The last four characters of STAFF-ID must not be "0000".F1, 3XXXThe Social Security number for a staff person must not have "0000" as the last four characters.0404030040-0024 FIRST-NAME, LAST-NAME, SEX-CODE, and DATE-OF-BIRTH should not be identical on records reported with two or more different STAFF-IDs.SW1, 3XXXTwo different staff persons should not be reported with the same first name, last name, sex code, and date of birth.0404130040-0022 FIRST-NAME, MIDDLE-NAME, and/or LAST-NAME should not end with " JR", " SR", " I", " II", " III", " IV", " V", " VI" , " VII", " VIII", " IX", or " X". SW1, 3XXXFor a staff person, the first name, middle name, and/or last name should not end with a space and then characters that would suggest a generation indicator.04048The first character of STAFF-ID must be "0"-"8".F1, 3XXXThe Social Security number for a staff person must have "0"-"8" as the first character.04049FIRST-NAME, MIDDLE-NAME, or LAST-NAME must only contain the following characters: A-Z, apostrophe, hyphen, or the space character.F1, 3XXXFor a staff person, first name, middle name, and last name must only contain the following characters: capital letters A-Z, apostrophe, hyphen, and the space character.0405030040-0005STAFF-ID must be 9 numeric characters.F1, 3XXXThe Social Security number for a staff person must be nine numeric characters.04052The value of DISTRICT-ID in this record must match the value of DISTRICT-ID on the district's 010 record.F1, 3XXXThe district id on the 040 record must match the district id on the 010 record.0405310020-0009 Except for Texas School For the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), Texas School for the Deaf (227906), and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622), each districts data submission must contain one 040 record for each staff person.F1XXXFor each LEA's data submission (except for Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Texas School for the Deaf, and Texas Juvenile Justice Department), staff data must be reported for each staff person.0405430040-0015If STAFF-ID matches a STUDENT-ID on a 100 record, then FIRST-NAME, LAST-NAME, and DATE-OF-BIRTH must match FIRST-NAME, LAST-NAME, and DATE-OF-BIRTH on the corresponding 100 record. F1, 3XXXIf a staff person is at the same time a student (matching Social Security numbers), then the first name, last name, and date of birth must match the student record for the same person.0405530040-0002Each districts data submission must contain at least one 305 record with a matching STAFF-ID for each staff person submitted on an 040 record.F3XXFor submission 3, each teacher (role ids 047 and 087) reported with an 040 staff record must also be reported with a 305 teacher class assignment record. 0405630040-0016 If the last four characters of DATE-OF-BIRTH are greater than "1996", then TOTAL-YEARS-PROF-EXPERIENCE must be 0 (Staff person is 18 years of age or younger).F1, 3XXXXIf a staff person is 18 years of age or younger then total years of professional experience must be 0.0405730040-0017 If TOTAL-YEARS-PROF-EXPERIENCE is greater than 0, then the last four characters of DATE-OF-BIRTH must be less than "1997" (Staff person must be at least 19 years of age or older). F1, 3XXXXIf a staff person has years of professional experience greater than zero, then the staff person must be at least 19 years of age.0405910020-0028Each districts data submission must contain one 040 record for each teacher.F3XXFor each LEA's data submission, staff data must be reported for each teacher.0406030040-0042The Texas School For the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), the Texas School for the Deaf (227906), and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622) must not submit a 040 record.F1XThe Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, the Texas School for the Deaf, and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department must not report staff data in a submission 1. 043 Context Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter0430230040-0023The last four characters of DATE-OF-BIRTH should not be less than "1940" or greater than "1999".SW1, 3XXXA staff person should be between 16 and 75 years old.0430330040-0008The last four characters of DATE-OF-BIRTH must not be less than "1917" or greater than "2001". F1, 3XXXA staff person must be between 14 and 98 years old.0430530040-0007DATE-OF-BIRTH must be a valid date.F1, 3XXXOnly a valid date must be reported as the date of birth for a staff person.04306The value of DISTRICT-ID in this record must match the value of DISTRICT-ID on the district's 010 record.F1, 3XXXThe district id on the 043 record must match the district id on the 010 record.04307The value of STAFF-ID on this record must match the value of STAFF-ID on some 040 record.F1, 3XXXThe Social Security number reported for a staff person on the 043 record must match a Social Security number reported on the 040 record.04308Each districts data submission must contain one 043 record for each staff person submitted on an 040 record.F1, 3XXXFor every 040 staff record a 043 staff record with a matching Social Security number must be reported.0430930040-0009AMERICAN-INDIAN-ALASKA-NATIVE-CODE, ASIAN-CODE, BLACK-AFRICAN AMERICAN-CODE, NATIVE-HAWAIIAN-PACIFIC-ISLANDER-CODE, and WHITE-CODE must not all be 0. F1, 3XXXA staff person must be reported with at least one race code.0431230040-0038TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID must match an entry in the TSDS Unique ID system.F1, 3XXXXThe TX unique staff id number reported must match a TX unique staff id number in the TSDS Unique ID system.0431330040-0039If TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID matches a Unique Id in the TSDS Unique ID system, but NONE of the four major demographics (FIRST-NAME, LAST-NAME, DATE-OF-BIRTH, and STAFF-ID) match the major demographics for that entry in the TSDS Unique ID system, then a fatal error will be issued.F1, 3XXXXIf the TX unique staff id reported matches a TX unique staff id in the TSDS Unique ID system and none of the major demographics (first name, last name, date of birth, and Social Security number) match, the EDIT+ system will not load the data for that staff person.0431430040-0040For this TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID, at least one of the following race and ethnicity fields must have a value of 1 in the TSDS Unique ID system: AMERICAN-INDIAN-ALASKA-NATIVE-CODE, ASIAN-CODE, BLACK-AFRICAN AMERICAN-CODE, NATIVE-HAWAIIAN-PACIFIC-ISLANDER-CODE, WHITE-CODE, or HISPANIC-LATINO-CODE.F1, 3XXXXBefore PEIMS data can be processed for this staff person, the TSDS Unique ID system must be updated with their most recent race and ethnicity data.0431530040-0041For this TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID, SEX-CODE must be M or F in the TSDS Unique ID system.F1, 3XXXXBefore PEIMS data can be processed for this staff person, the TSDS Unique ID system must be updated with a valid value for sex/gender.0431630040-0047TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID must not match TX-UNIQUE-STAFF-ID for any other 043 record reported for this LEA.F1, 3XXXXA particular Texas unique staff id may only be used for one staff person at an LEA. 050 Context Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter0500730040-0019 YEARS-EXPERIENCE-IN-DISTRICT should be less than "41". W1, 3XXXThe number of years of experience in the district for a staff person should not be greater than "41" years.0501030050-0002 NUMBER-DAYS-EMPLOYED should be between "100" and "261". W1, 3XXXThe number of days of employment for a staff person should range between "100" and "261" days.0501830050-0001PERCENT-DAY-EMPLOYED should not be less than "020".SW1, 3XXXThe percentage of the day employed for a staff person should not be less than 20 percent.05020The value of DISTRICT-ID in this record must match the value of DISTRICT-ID on the district's 010 record.F1, 3XXXThe district id on the 050 record must match the district id on the 010 record.0502130050-0004The value of STAFF-ID on this record must match the value of STAFF-ID on some 040 record.F1, 3XXXThe Social Security number reported for a staff person on the 050 record must match the Social Security number reported on a 040 record.0502230040-0043Each districts data submission must contain one 050 record for each staff person submitted on an 040 record.F1, 3XXXFor every 050 staff record a 040 staff record with a matching Social Security number must be reported. 055 Context Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter0550130055-0007 TOTAL-CONTRACTED-INSTR-STAFF-FTES should not be greater than "03000".SW1XXThe total number of contracted instructional staff FTEs reported for a particular program intent code should not be greater than "03000", indicating 30 FTEs.0550230055-0005 PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE must not be "00", "7X", "8X", or "99".F1XXThe program intent code reported with contracted instructional staff data must not be any of the following: "no program" (00), "reserved for us by ESCs" (7X, 8X), or "undistributed" (99).0550330055-0003 CAMPUS-ID must match an entry registered with the TEA, and must not end with "000", "699", "701"-"703", "720", or "750".F1XXThe campus id reported with contracted instructional staff data must be an instructional campus registered with the TEA, and must not end with "000", "699", "701"-"703", "720", or "750".05504The value of DISTRICT-ID in this record must match the value of DISTRICT-ID on the district's 010 record.F1XXThe district id on the 055 record must match the district id on the 010 record.0550530055-0001If the district has an 040 Staff Identification Demographic record where STAFF-TYPE-CODE is "2", then there must at least one 055 record for Contracted Instructional Staff.F1XXIf staff are reported with staff type code "contracted instructional staff serving as a classroom teacher" (2), then contracted instructional staff must also be reported.0550630055-0004 The first six characters of CAMPUS-ID must match DISTRICT-ID.F1XXFor contracted instructional staff, the campus id must be a campus in the reporting district.0550730055-0002ESCs must not submit 055 records.F1XEducation Service Centers do not report 055 records.0550830055-0006If the district has a 055 Contracted Instructional Staff record, then there should be at least one 040 Staff Identification Demographic record where STAFF-TYPE-CODE is "2".W1XXIf contracted instructional staff are reported on the 055 record, then at least one 040 record with staff type code "contracted instructional staff serving as a classroom teacher" (2) should be reported for staff with teaching responsibilities.0550930055-0008The Texas School For the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), the Texas School for the Deaf (227906), and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622) must not submit a 055 record.F1XThe Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, the Texas School for the Deaf, and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department must not report contracted instructional staff data. 060 Context Edits SPECIAL NOTE for the 060 Record Edits Full Time Equivalents (FTEs) are calculated in the following manner: If NUMBER-DAYS-EMPLOYED is greater than or equal to 187 then FTE = PERCENT-DAY-EMPLOYED divided by 100. If NUMBER-DAYS-EMPLOYED is less than 187, then FTE = (PERCENT-DAY-EMPLOYED divided by 100) X (NUMBER-DAYS-EMPLOYED) 187 Base Salary is the total of all PAYROLL-AMOUNTs where PAYROLL-ACTIVITY-CODE is 80. FTE Salary is Base Salary divided by FTE. 060 Context Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter0600430060-0042 If OBJECT-CODE is "6112" and FUNCTION-CODE is "11" and ROLE-ID is not "047", then a warning message will be issued asking for verification that this staff member is a substitute teacher serving in a classroom where the teacher has quit, died, or been terminated.W1XXXFor staff payroll, if the object code is "salaries or wages for substitute teachers and other professionals", and the function code is "instruction"), then the staff role id should be "substitute teacher", indicating this staff person is a substitute teacher serving in a classroom where the teacher has quit, died, or been terminated.0600630040-0044If STAFF-TYPE-CODE on the 040 record is "1", then there must be at least one 060 record for that person where PAYROLL-ACTIVITY-CODE is "80", Base Salary, or "78".F1XXXIf a staff person is reported as a school district or charter school employee, then they must be reported with a 060 payroll record with payroll activity code "base salary" (80) or "non-salary" (78).0600730060-0006PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE must not be "00".F1XXXFor staff payroll data, the program intent code must not be reported as "no program".0600830060-0012 If FUNCTION-CODE is "11", then PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE must not be "91".F1XXXFor staff payroll reporting, if the function code is "instruction", then the program intent code must not be "athletics and related activities".0600930060-0049 For a particular STAFF-ID, if ROLE-ID is always "033" or "036", PERCENT-DAY-EMPLOYED is "100", and NUMBER-DAYS-EMPLOYED is greater than or equal to "187", then the sum of all PAYROLL-AMOUNTs for PAYROLL-ACTIVITY-CODE "80" should be between "10000" and "29000". SW1XXXIf a full-time staff person is always an Educational Aide or Certified Interpreter, then their total Base Salary should be between $10,000 and $29,000 and reported with a payroll activity code of "base salary".0601130060-0050 For a particular STAFF-ID, if ROLE-ID is "002", "005"-"008", "011", "013"-"015", "018", "021"-"023", "026", "028", "032", "040"-"042", "047", "064", "065", or "079", then the sum of all PAYROLL-AMOUNTs for PAYROLL-ACTIVITY-CODE "80" should not be greater than "68000".W1XXXIf a staff person has a role id of "002", "005"-"008", "011", "013"-"015", "018", "021"-"023", "026", "028", "032", "040"-"042", "047", "064", "065", or "079", then their total base salary should not be greater than $68,000.0601230060-0058 If ROLE-ID is always "002", "005"-"008", "011", "013", "015"-"018", "021"-"024", "026", "028"-"030", "032", "040"-"042", "054", "058", "064", "065", or "079", and PERCENT-DAY-EMPLOYED is "100" and NUMBER-DAYS-EMPLOYED is greater than or equal to "187", then for that staff member the sum of all PAYROLL-AMOUNTs for PAYROLL-ACTIVITY-CODE "80" should not be less than "32000".SW1XXXIf a full-time staff person is only reported with the following role ids "002", "005"-"008", "011", "013", "015"-"018", "021"-"024", "026", "028"-"030", "032", "040"-"042", "054", "058", "064", "065", or "079", then their total base salary should not be less than $32,000.0601330060-0052 For a particular STAFF-ID, if ROLE-ID is "003", "004", "012", "020", "040", "043"-"045", "061"-"065", or "079", then the sum of all PAYROLL-AMOUNTs for PAYROLL-ACTIVITY-CODE "80" should not be greater than "87000".SW1XXXIf a staff person has a role id of "003", "004", "012", "020", "040", "043"-"045", "061"-"065", or "079", then their total base salary should not be greater than $87,000.0601430060-0055 If ROLE-ID is "003", "004", "012", "020", "061"-"065", or "079", and PERCENT-DAY-EMPLOYED is "100" and NUMBER-DAYS-EMPLOYED is greater than or equal to "187" and the sum of all PAYROLL-AMOUNTs for PAYROLL-ACTIVITY-CODE "80" is less than "44000".W1XXXIf a full-time staff person has a role id of "003", "004", "012", "020", "061"-"065", or "079", then their total base salary should not be less than $44,000.0601530060-0044 If PAYROLL-ACTIVITY-CODE is not "80" and the sum of all PAYROLL-AMOUNTs is greater than "10000".W1XXXFor staff payroll reporting, the total non-base salary for a staff person should not be greater than $10,000.0602230060-0005 If OBJECT-CODE is "6119", then at least one 090 record must exist for that staff member.F1XXXIf the staff person has a payroll record with an object code indicating "salaries or wages for teachers and other professional personnel", then they must have a 090 staff responsibility record reported.0602330060-0046 The sum of all PAYROLL-AMOUNTs where PAYROLL-ACTIVITY-CODE is "80" must be greater than the sum of all PAYROLL-AMOUNTs where PAYROLL-ACTIVITY-CODE is not "80".SW1XXXFor staff payroll reporting, the total base salary amount for a staff person should be greater than their total non-base salary.0602830060-0047 The sum of all PAYROLL-AMOUNTs for each unique PAYROLL-ACTIVITY-CODE, except "02", "05", or "80", should not exceed "10000".SW1XXXFor staff payroll for each payroll activity code (except UIL Athletics, Band or Orchestra, and Base Salary), the total of all payroll amounts should not be greater than $10,000.0602930060-0048 If ROLE-ID is always "033", then for that staff member the sum of all PAYROLL-AMOUNTs for PAYROLL-ACTIVITY-CODE "80" should not exceed "30000".SW1XXXIf a staff person is always an educational aide, then their total base salary should not be greater than $30,000.0603130060-0053 If ROLE-ID is "003", "004", "012", "020", "027", "043"-"045", or "060"-"063", then the sum of all PAYROLL-AMOUNTs for PAYROLL-ACTIVITY-CODE "80" should not exceed "120000".SW1XXXIf a staff person has a role id of "003", "004", "012", "020", "027", "043"-"045", or "060"-"063", then their total base salary should not be greater than $120,000.0603330060-0045 If PAYROLL-ACTIVITY-CODE is not "80", then the sum of all PAYROLL-AMOUNTs should not be greater than "25000".SW1XXXThe total of the non-base salary amounts for a staff person should not be greater than $25,000. 0603630060-0013 If ORGANIZATION-CODE is "751", then FUND-CODE must be "292"-"295", "297", "298", "300"-"302", "307", "309", "311"-"317", "319", "325"-"340", "342", "343", "347"-"352", "354"-"361", "364"-"367", "379", "431"-"442", or "459".F1XXXIf the staff payroll data reported has a "fiscal agent shared services arrangement" (751) organization code, then the fund code reported must be a shared services arrangement fund code.0603730060-0060 If no 090 record exists for a staff member, then the sum of all PAYROLL-AMOUNTs must not exceed "100000".F1XXXIf a staff person does not have any Staff Responsibility data reported on a 090 PEIMS record, then the sum of their payroll amounts must not be greater than 100,000.0604030060-0020 There should be at least one record where ORGANIZATION-CODE is "701".W1XXThere should be at least one staff member reported that is paid from the Superintendents Office organization code.0604130060-0004 Except for Texas School for the Deaf (227906), Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), and Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622), each district's data submission must contain at least one 060 record where ORGANIZATION-CODE is not "701".F1XXFor each LEA's data submission (except for Texas School for the Deaf, Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and Texas Juvenile Justice Department), there must be at least one staff member payroll reported that is not paid from the Superintendents Office organization code.0604430060-0008 ORGANIZATION-CODE must not be "000", "700", "704"-"719", "721"-"725", "726"-"749", "752"-"799", or "800"-"997". F1XXXFor staff payroll, the organization code must not indicate any of the following: no organization (000), general administration (700), direct costs-locally defined (709-719), indirect costs-locally defined (726-749), reserved for future state definition (704-708, 721-725, 752-799), or locally defined (800-997).0604530060-0056 If ROLE-ID is "043"-"045", PERCENT-DAY-EMPLOYED is "100", NUMBER-DAYS-EMPLOYED is greater than or equal to "187" and the sum of all PAYROLL-AMOUNTs for PAYROLL-ACTIVITY-CODE "80" is less than "25000".W1XXXIf a full-time staff person has a role id of Business Manager, Tax Assessor/Collector, or Human resources Director, then their total base salary should not be less than $25,000.0604630060-0063 The average salary (PAYROLL-ACTIVITY-CODE "80" PAYROLL-AMOUNTs only) for all staff where ROLE-ID is "013" or "087", TOTAL-YEARS-PROF-EXPERIENCE is "00"-"05", PERCENT-DAY-EMPLOYED is "100", and NUMBER-DAYS-EMPLOYED is greater than or equal to "187" should not be less than "27320" or greater than "50000".SW1XXXFull-time Librarians and Teachers with up to 5 years of professional experience should have an average Base Salary between $27,320 and $50,000.0604730060-0064 The average salary (PAYROLL-ACTIVITY-CODE "80" PAYROLL-AMOUNTs only) for all staff where ROLE-ID is "013" or "087", TOTAL-YEARS-PROF-EXPERIENCE is "06"-"10", PERCENT-DAY-EMPLOYED is "100", and NUMBER-DAYS-EMPLOYED is greater than or equal to "187" should not be less than "32800" or greater than "56000".SW1XXXFull-time Librarians and Teachers with 6-10 years of professional experience should have an average base salary between $32,800 and $56,000.0604830060-0065 The average salary (PAYROLL-ACTIVITY-CODE "80" PAYROLL-AMOUNTs only) for all staff where ROLE-ID is "013" or "087", TOTAL-YEARS-PROF-EXPERIENCE is "11"-"20", PERCENT-DAY-EMPLOYED is "100", and NUMBER-DAYS-EMPLOYED is greater than or equal to "187" should not be less than "37960" or greater than "59000".SW1XXXFull-time Librarians and Teachers with 11-20 years of professional experience should have an average base salary between $37,960 and $59,000.0604930060-0066 The average salary (PAYROLL-ACTIVITY-CODE "80" PAYROLL-AMOUNTs only) for all staff where ROLE-ID is "013" or "087", TOTAL-YEARS-PROF-EXPERIENCE is greater than or equal to "21", PERCENT-DAY-EMPLOYED is "100", and NUMBER-DAYS-EMPLOYED is greater than or equal to "187" should not be less than "44270" or greater than "68000".SW1XXXFull-time Librarians and Teachers with more than 20 years of professional experience should have an average base salary between $44,270 and $68,000.0605030060-0059 If ROLE-ID is always "013" or "087", then the sum of all PAYROLL-AMOUNTs for PAYROLL-ACTIVITY-CODE "80" should not be greater than "65000".SW1XXXIf a staff persons Role ID is a Librarian or Teacher, then their total base salary should not be greater than $65,000.0605130060-0051 If ROLE-ID is "002", "005"-"008", "011", "013", "015"-"018", "021"-"023", "026", "028", "032", "041"-"042", "056", or "058", then the sum of all PAYROLL-AMOUNTs for PAYROLL-ACTIVITY-CODE "80" should not be greater than "70000".SW1XXXIf a staff person is an Art Therapist, Psychological Associate, Audiologist, Corrective Therapist, Educational Diagnostician, Librarian, Music Therapist, Occupational Therapist, COMS, Physical Therapist, Recreational Therapist, School Nurse, LSSP/Psychologist, Speech Therapist/Speech-Language Pathologist, Teacher Supervisor, Work-Based Learning Site Coordinator, Teacher Facilitator, Teacher Appraiser, Athletic Trainer, or Other Campus Professional Personnel, then their total base salary should not be greater than $70,000.0605230060-0057 If ROLE-ID is "003", "004", "012", "020", "027", "040", or "043"-"045", and PERCENT-DAY-EMPLOYED is "100", and NUMBER-DAYS-EMPLOYED is greater than or equal to "187", then the sum of all PAYROLL-AMOUNTs for PAYROLL-ACTIVITY-CODE "80" should not be less than "35000".SW1XXXA full-time Assistant Principal, Assistant/Associate/Deputy Superintendent, District Instructional Program Director or Executive Director, Principal, Superintendent/Chief Administrative Officer/Chief Executive Officer/President, Athletic Director, Business Manager, Tax Assessor/ Collector, and Director of Personnel/Human Resources should not have a total base salary less than $35,000.0605330060-0054 If ROLE-ID is "003", "004", "012", "020", "027", "040", or "043"-"045", then the sum of all PAYROLL-AMOUNTs for PAYROLL-ACTIVITY-CODE "80" should not be greater than "105000".W1XXXAn Assistant Principal, Assistant/Associate/Deputy Superintendent, District Instructional Program Director or Executive Director, District Instructional Program Director or Executive Director, Principal, Superintendent/Chief Administrative Officer/Chief Executive Officer/President, Athletic Director, Business Manager, Tax Assessor And/Or Collector, or Director Of Personnel/Human Resources should not have a total base salary greater than $105,000.0605430060-0062 If staff responsibility data exists for a staff person, then FTE Salary should be between "5000" and "90000".SW1XXXFor staff payroll reporting, if a staff person is reported with 090 record staff responsibility data, then the Full-time Equivalent Salary should be between $5,000 and $90,000.0605530060-0061FTE Salary should not be greater than "350,000".SW1XXXAn staff person's FTE salary should not be greater than $350,000.0605730060-0014 If PAYROLL-AMOUNT is "000000", then PAYROLL-ACTIVITY-CODE must be "78".F1XXXIf staff payroll amount is $0, then the payroll activity code must be reported as "non-salary".060580060-0015 If PAYROLL-ACTIVITY-CODE is "78", then PAYROLL-AMOUNT must be "000000".F1XXXIf the payroll activity code reported for a staff person is "non-salary", then the staff payroll amount must be $0.0605930060-0021 If PAYROLL-ACTIVITY-CODE is "78", then there should not be a record where PAYROLL-ACTIVITY-CODE is "80".SW1XXXStaff reported with a "non-salary" payroll activity code should not have another payroll record where the payroll activity code is "base salary".0606530060-0023 If ROLE-ID is always "033", then there should be at least one record where FUNCTION-CODE is "11", "12", or "31".SW1XXXIf a staff person is always and only an Educational Aide, then they should have staff payroll with function code indicating "instruction", "instructional resources and media services", or "guidance, counseling and evaluation services".0608130060-0031 If PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "11", then FUND-CODE should be "102", "199", "204", "208", "212", "236"-"239", "255", "258", "259", "262", "266", "269"-"273", "279", "289", "293", "297", "300", "301", "347", "357", "361", "366", "379", "383", "384", "388", "389", "391", "393", "399", "402", "404", "406", "408", "410", "413", "414", "415", "420"-"422", "424"-"426", "429", "433", "439", "440", "459", "461", "479", or "499".SW1XXXIf the staff payroll data reported includes amounts for the program intent code "basic educational services" (11), then the fund code should be "ESC state support" (102), "general fund" (199), selected "special revenue (federal programs)" funds, selected "special revenue (federally funded SSAs)" funds, selected "special revenue (state funded)" funds, selected "special revenue (state/locally funded SSAs)" funds, or selected "special revenue (local programs)" funds.0608230060-0032 If PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "21", then FUND-CODE should be "102", "199", "204", "208", "212", "218", "255", "258", "259", "266", "269"-"273", "289", "293", "301", "307", "347", "357", "366", "379", "383", "384", "388", "389", "391", "393", "397", "402", "405", "410", "413", "414", "420"-"422", "425", "426", "429", "433", "439", "440", "459", "461", "479", or "499".SW1XXXIf the staff payroll data reported includes amounts for the program intent code "gifted and talented" (21), then the fund code should be "ESC state support" (102), "general fund" (199), selected "special revenue (federal programs)" funds, selected "special revenue (federally funded SSAs)" funds, selected "special revenue (state funded)" funds, selected "special revenue (state/locally funded SSAs)" funds, or selected "special revenue (local programs)" funds.0608330060-0033 If PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "22", then FUND-CODE should be "102", "199", "204", "208", "212", "243"-"252", "255", "258", "259", "266", "269"-"273", "289", "293", "297", "301", "330"-"339", "347", "357", "366", "379", "383", "384", "387", "388", "389", "391", "393", "396", "410", "413", "414", "417", "420"-"422", "425", "426", "429", "433", "439", "440", "459", "461", "479", or "499".SW1XXXIf the staff payroll data reported includes amounts for the program intent code "career and technical" (22), then the fund code should be "ESC state support" (102), "general fund" (199), selected "special revenue (federal programs)" funds, selected "special revenue (federally funded SSAs)" funds, selected "special revenue (state funded)" funds, selected "special revenue (state/locally funded SSAs)" funds, or selected "special revenue (local programs)" funds.0608430060-0034 If PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "23", then FUND-CODE should be "102", "199", "204", "205", "208", "224"-"230", "236"-"239", "253", "255", "258", "259", "266", "269"-"273", "283", "284", "289", "293", "297", "313"-"317", "319", "325"-"328", "340", "347", "357", "364"-"366", "379", "383"-"386", "389", "392", "393", "399", "402", "410", "413"-"416", "419"-"422", "425", "426", "429", "434", "435", "437", "439"-"441", "459", "461", "479", or "499".SW1XXXIf the staff payroll data reported includes amounts for the program intent code "services to students with disabilities (special education)" (23), then the fund code should be "ESC state support" (102), "general fund" (199), selected "special revenue (federal programs)" funds, selected "special revenue (federally funded SSAs)" funds, selected "special revenue (state funded)" funds, selected "special revenue (state/locally funded SSAs)" funds, or selected "special revenue (local programs)" funds.0608530060-0035 If PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "24", "26", "28", or "29", then FUND-CODE should be "102", "199", "204"-"206", "208", "211"-"213", "220", "222", "223", "236"-"239", "255", "256", "258", "259", "261", "262", "264"-"276", "279", "280", "285", "286", "289", "292"-"295", "297", "300"-"302", "309", "311", "312", "325", "326", "327", "328", "329", "342", "343", "347"-"349", "351", "352", "354"-"361", "366", "367" "379", "381"-"384", "388" -"399", "401", "402", "404", "409", "410", "412"-"416", "419"-"422", "429", "431"-"433", "439", "440", "441", "459", "461", "479", or "499".SW1XXXIf the staff payroll data reported includes amounts for the program intent codes "accelerated education" (24), "non-disciplinary alternative education programs - AEP services" (26), "disciplinary alternative education programs - DAEP basic services" (28), or "disciplinary alternative education programs - DAEP state compensatory education supplemental costs" (29), then the fund code should be "ESC state support" (102), "general fund" (199), selected "special revenue (federal programs)" funds, selected "special revenue (federally funded SSAs)" funds, selected "special revenue (state funded)" funds, selected "special revenue (state/locally funded SSAs)" funds, or selected "special revenue (local programs)" funds.0608630060-0036 If PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "25", then FUND-CODE should be "102", "199", "204", "208", "212", "255", "258", "259", "263", "266", "269"-"273", "289", "293", "297", "301", "347", "350", "357", "366", "379", "383", "388", "389", "390", "391", "393", "399", "402", "407", "410", "412"-"415", "420"-"423", "425", "426", "429", "433", "439", "440", "442", "459", "461", "479", or "499".SW1XXXIf the staff payroll data reported includes amounts for the program intent code "bilingual education and special language programs" (25), then the fund code should be "ESC state support" (102), "general fund" (199), selected "special revenue (federal programs)" funds, selected "special revenue (federally funded SSAs)" funds, selected "special revenue (state funded)" funds, selected "special revenue (state/locally funded SSAs)" funds, or selected "special revenue (local programs)" funds.0608730060-0039 If PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "91", then FUND-CODE should be "199", "272", "420", "461", "479", "499", or "699".SW1XXXIf the staff payroll data reported includes amounts for the program intent code "athletics and related activities" (91), then the fund code should be "general fund" (199), selected "special revenue (federal programs)" funds, selected "special revenue (state funded)" funds, selected "special revenue (local programs)" funds, or "capital projects funds" (699).0608830060-0041 If PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "99", then FUND-CODE should be "101", "102", "199", "203"-"206", "208", "209", "211"-"213", "218", "220", "222", "223", "236"-"242", "253", "255", "256", "258", "259", "261"-"266", "267"-"274", "279", "280", "285", "289", "292"-"295", "297", "298", "300", "301", "302", "307", "309", "311", "312", "325"-"329", "340", "342", "343", "347", "356", "357", "359", "361", "366", "367", "379", "381"-"384", "387", "388", "389", "390", "391", "392", "393", "394", "395", "396", "397", "398"-"400", "402"-"404", "406", "408", "409", "410", "412"-"414", "415", "416", "417", "419", "420", "421", "422", "425", "426", "429", "431"-"433", "436", "438", "439", "440", "441", "459", "461", "479", "499", "599", "699", "701", "749", "751"-"755", or "799".SW1 XXXIf the staff payroll data reported includes amounts for the program intent code "undistributed" (99), then the fund code should be "food service" (101), "ESC state support" (102), "general fund" (199), selected "special revenue (federal programs)" funds, selected "special revenue (federally funded SSAs)" funds, selected "special revenue (state funded)" funds, selected "special revenue (state/locally funded SSAs)" funds, selected "special revenue (local programs)" funds, "debt service funds" (599), "capital projects funds" (699), "enterprise fund-National School Breakfast and Lunch Program" (701), "enterprise funds" (749), "transportation" (751), "print shop" (752), "insurance" (753), "computer operations" (754), "public entity risk pool" (755), or "internal service funds" (799).0608930060-0009 FUND-CODE must not be "102" or "400".F1XXFor school district and charter school staff payroll reporting, the fund code must not be "ESC state support" (102) or "school health" (400), which are reserved for use by Education Service Centers.0609030060-0040 If PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "91", then FUNCTION-CODE should be "36", "51", or "52".SW1XXXFor staff payroll reporting, if the program intent code is "athletics and related activities", then the function code should be "extracurricular activities" (36), "facilities maintenance and operations" (51), or "security and monitoring services" (52).0609130060-0022 If FUNCTION-CODE is "11", then there should be an 090 record with a matching STAFF-ID.SW1XXXFor staff payroll reporting, if a staff person has payroll with a function code indicating "instruction", then there should be a 090 staff responsibility data record reported for that person.0609230060-0011 FUNCTION-CODE must not be "62".F1XXFor school district and charter school staff payroll reporting, the function code must not be "school district administrative support services", which is reserved for use by Education Service Centers.0609330060-0007 PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE must not be "71"-"79", or "81"-"89".F1XXFor school district and charter school staff payroll reporting, the program intent code must not be programs reserved for use by Education Service Centers.0609630060-0030If ORGANIZATION-CODE is less than "699", then ORGANIZATION-CODE should be registered with the TEA as an active or under construction campus.SW1XXXFor staff payroll reporting, if the organization code is an instructional campus organization type, then the organization code should be registered with the TEA as an active or under construction campus.0601A30060-0024 PAYROLL-ACTIVITY-CODE should be "79" or "80".SW1XFor ESC staff payroll reporting, the payroll activity code should be "base salary" or "other supplemental duties".0601C30060-0027 ORGANIZATION-CODE should not be "703" or "751".SW1XFor charter school staff payroll reporting, the organization code should not be "tax costs" or "fiscal agent shared services arrangement".0601D30060-0026FUNCTION-CODE should not be "9X".SW1XFor charter school staff payroll reporting, the function code should not be "intergovernmental charges".0601E30060-0016 FUND-CODE must not be "292"-"295", "297", "298", "300"-"302", "307", "309", "311"-"317", "319", "325"-"340", "342", "343", "347"-"352", "354"-"361", "364"-"367", "379", "431"-"442", "459", "6XX", or "7XX".F1XFor charter school staff payroll reporting, the fund code must not be a shared services arrangement fund, a capital project fund, or a proprietary fund.0601F30060-0025 FUND-CODE should not be "400", "403", or "405"-"408".SW1XXFor staff payroll reporting, the fund code should not be "school health" (400), "certification" (403), "gifted and talented" (405), "teacher recruitment" (406), "bilingual education" (407), or "technology" (408), which are reserved for use by Education Service Centers.0601G30060-0010FUNCTION-CODE must not be "00".F1XXXFor staff payroll reporting, the function code must not be "no function". 0601H30060-0017 If FUND-CODE is "292"-"295", "297", "298", "300"-"302", "307", "309", "311"-"317", "319", "325"-"340", "342", "343", "347"-"352", "354"-"361", "364"-"367", "379", "431"-"442", or "459", then ORGANIZATION-CODE must be "751" or "999".F1XXFor staff payroll reporting, if the fund code is a shared services arrangement fund, then the organization code must be "fiscal agent shared services arrangement" or "undistributed".0601JThe value of DISTRICT-ID in this record must match the value of DISTRICT-ID on the district's 010 record.F1XXXThe district id on the 060 record must match the district id on the 010 record.0601K30060-0003The value of STAFF-ID on this record must match the value of STAFF-ID on some 040 record.F1XXXThe value reported for the Social Security number on a 060 Payroll record must match the Social Security number on a 040 staff record.0601O30060-0043 If there is at least one record where the FUND-CODE is "292"-"295", "297", "298", "300"-"302", "307", "309", "311"-"317", "319", "325"-"340", "342", "343", "347"-"352", "354"-"361", "364"-"367", "379", "431"-"442", or "459" (a Shared Service Arrangement fund) then ESC-SSA-STAFF-INDICATOR-CODE should be "2".SW1XIf a staff person has a payroll record where the fund code is a shared services arrangement fund in code table C145, then this person's ESC shared services arrangement staff indicator code should indicate they are part of the ESC Shared Services Arrangement, for which the ESC is the fiscal agent.0601P30060-0018 If there are no records where the FUND-CODE is "292"-"295", "297", "298", "300"-"302", "307", "309", "311"-"317", "319", "325"-"340", "342", "343", "347"-"352", "354"-"361", "364"-"367", "379", "431"-"442", or "459" then ESC-SSA-STAFF-INDICATOR-CODE must be "1".F1XIf there are no payroll records where the fund code is a shared services arrangement fund, then all of the 090 staff responsibilities records must have an ESC shared services arrangement staff indicator code indicating that the staff member is not part of an ESC Shared Services Arrangement.0601Q30060-0037 If PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "30", then FUND-CODE should be "102", "199", "211", "266", "271", "272", "276", "285", "286", "289", "300", "358"-"360", "366", or "420".SW1XXXIf the staff payroll data reported includes amounts for the program intent code "Title I, Part A schoolwide activities related to state compensatory education costs on campuses with 40% or more educationally disadvantaged students" (30), then the fund code should be "ESC state support" (102), "general fund" (199), selected "special revenue (federal programs)" funds, selected "special revenue (federally funded SSAs)" funds, or selected "special revenue (state funded)" funds.0601R30060-0028 If FUND-CODE is "101", "102", "199", "240", "420", or "701", then FISCAL-YEAR should be "6".SW1XXXFor staff payroll reporting, the fiscal year should indicate the current school year if the fund code is "food service" (101), "ESC state support" (102), "general fund" (199), "National School Breakfast and Lunch Program" (240), "foundation school program and other state aid" (420), or "enterprise fund-National School Breakfast and Lunch Program" (701).0601S30060-0029 If FUND-CODE is "2XX"-"429", then FISCAL-YEAR should be "3", "4", "5", or "6". SW1XXXFor staff payroll reporting in selected special revenue fund codes (2XX-429) the fiscal year should indicate the current or the three prior school years.0601T30060-0038 If PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "31", then FUND-CODE should be "199" or "420".W1XXXIf the staff payroll data reported includes amounts for the program intent code "high school allotment" (31), then the fund code should be "general fund" (199), or "foundation school program and other state aid" (420).0601U30040-0045If STAFF-TYPE-CODE on the 040 record is a "2", then there must not be a matching 060 record for that particular staff IDF1XXIf a staff person is reported as contracted instructional staff serving as a classroom teacher, then they must not have any 060 staff payroll records reported.0601W30060-0019 For a particular STAFF-ID, if SERVICE-ID on some 090 record is "01010000", then at least one 060 record with matching STAFF-ID should have a PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE of "32", "33", "34", or "35".SW1XXXFor a staff person, if a 090 staff responsibility record has a service id for pre-kindergarten, then at least one 060 staff payroll record for that staff person should have a program intent code indicating pre-kindergarten.0601X30060-0067 If PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "32", "33", "34", or "35", then FUND-CODE should be "199", "205", "206", "211"-"213", "237", "256", "261", "263", "266", "269", "270", "272", "274"-"276", "280", "286", "289", "294", "295", "300"-"302", "326", "343", "347", "348", "350", "356", "358", "360", "366", "367", "379", "388", "390", "391", "393", "395", "396", "401", "402", "404", "410", "413"-"416", "419"-"423", "426", "429", "439"-"442", "459", "461", "479", or "499".SW1XXXIf the staff payroll data reported includes amounts for the program intent codes "pre-kindergarten-regular education" (32), "pre-kindergarten-special education" (33), "pre-kindergarten-compensatory education" (34), or "pre-kindergarten-bilingual education" (35), then the fund code should be "general fund" (199), selected "special revenue (federal programs)" funds, selected "special revenue (federally funded SSAs)" funds, selected "special revenue (state funded)" funds, selected "special revenue (state/locally funded SSAs)" funds, or selected "special revenue (local programs)" funds.0601Y30060-0068The Texas School For the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), the Texas School for the Deaf (227906), and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622) must not submit a 060 record.F1XThe Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, the Texas School for the Deaf, and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department must not report staff payroll data. 090 Context Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter0900130090-0007 If ROLE-ID is found in edit 0900B, then MONTHLY-MINUTES, CLASS-ID-NUMBER, CLASS-TYPE-CODE, and NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASS must not be blank.F1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting where the role id is an instructional role, the following data elements must be reported: monthly minutes, class id number, class type code, and number of students in class.0901130090-0054 There should be one and only one record where ROLE-ID is "027".SW1XXA school district or open enrollment charter school should have one and only one Superintendent/Chief Admin Officer/CEO/President.0901230090-0021 If SERVICE-ID is "SA000003", then ROLE-ID must be "033".F1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, if the service id is "instructional educational aide", then the role id must be "educational aide".0901330090-0063 If ROLE-ID is not found in edit 0900B, then the first character of SERVICE-ID should not be "0"-"9", "M", "A", or "I".SW1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, if the role id is not an instructional role, then the service id should not be an instructional service id.0901830090-0062 If SERVICE-ID is not "02000000", "02530002"-"02530003", "03150100"-"03152400", "03823000", "SR000001", "SR000003", "SR000005", "SE000002", "03830100"-"03830400", "02890000", or "SS011000", then NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASS should not be greater than "040".W1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, if the service id is "02000000", "02530002"-"02530003", "03150100"-"03152400", "03823000", "SR000001", "SR000003", "SR000005", "SE000002", "03830100"-"03830400", "02890000", or "SS011000", then the number of students in class should be 40 or less..0902030090-0060 If SERVICE-ID is "127XXXXX", "130XXXXX", "N127XXXX", or "N130XXXX", then POPULATION-SERVED-CODE should be "05" or "06".SW1XXXXIf a staff responsibility is reported with a service id beginning with "127", "130", "N127", or "N130" , then the population served code should be "career and technical students" (05) or "special education students" (06).0902130090-0061 If SERVICE-ID is "01010000", then POPULATION-SERVED-CODE should be "02", "03", "07", or "10".W1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, if the service id is "pre-kindergarten", then the population served code should be "bilingual students" (02), "compensatory/remedial education students" (03), "ESL students" (07), or "migrant students" (10).0902330090-0022 If SERVICE-ID begins with "SE" or "9", then POPULATION-SERVED-CODE must be "06". F1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, if the service id begins with "SE" indicating special education, or "9" indicating local-credit course for students receiving special education and related services, then the population served code must be "special education students" (06).0902530090-0077 If ROLE-ID is "080", then SERVICE-ID should be "SS010000", "SS006000", "SS012000"-"SS019000", or "SS021000", "SS023000" or "SS025000".W1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, if the role id is "other non-campus professional personnel", then the service id should be "SS010000", "SS006000", "SS012000"-"SS019000", or "SS021000", "SS023000" or "SS025000".0902630090-0026 If ROLE-ID is "004", then SERVICE-ID must be "SSXXXXXX".F1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, if the role id is "assistant/associate/deputy superintendent", then the service id must begin with "SS" indicating non-teaching responsibilities for district-wide activities.0902730090-0064 If ROLE-ID is "002" or "015", then SERVICE-ID should be "SE000001", "SE000005", or "SE000006".W1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, if the role id is "art therapist" or "music therapist", then the service id should be "special education, generic", "visually impaired", or "auditorially impaired".0902830090-0025 If ROLE-ID is "003" or "020", then SERVICE-ID must be "SS003000".F1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, if the role id is "assistant principal" or "principal", then the service id must be "school administration".0902930090-0066 If ROLE-ID is "005" or "023", then SERVICE-ID should be "SE000001", or "SS007000"-"SS009000".W1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, if the role id is "psychological associate" or "LSSP/psychologist", then the service id should be "special education, generic", "guidance and counseling services", "social work services", or "health services".0903030090-0067 If ROLE-ID is "006", then SERVICE-ID should be "SE000001"-"SE000003" or "SE000006".W1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, if the role id is "audiologist", then the service id should be "special education, generic", "speech therapy", "speech assessment", or "auditorially impaired".0903130090-0068 If ROLE-ID is "007", "011", or "016", then SERVICE-ID should be "SE000001".W1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, if the role id is "corrective therapist", "educational diagnostician", or "occupational therapist", then the service id should be "special education, generic".0903230090-0027 If ROLE-ID is "008", then SERVICE-ID must be "SS007000".F1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, if the role id is "counselor", then the service id must be "guidance and counseling services".0903330090-0041 If ROLE-ID is "036", then SERVICE-ID must be "SA000004".F1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, if the role id is "certified interpreter", then the service id must be "interpreting services provider".0903430090-0028 If ROLE-ID is "012", then SERVICE-ID must be "SS001XXX", "SS002000", "SS004XXX", "SS005XXX", "SS006000", "SS007000", or "SS011000".F1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, if the role id is "instructional officer", then the service id must be one of the following: "instructional administration", "instructional resources and media services", "instructional research and development", "curriculum and personnel development", "communication and dissemination", "guidance and counseling services", or "extracurricular activities".0903530090-0029 If ROLE-ID is "013", then SERVICE-ID must be "SS002000".F1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, if the role id is "librarian", then the service id must be "instructional resources and media services".0903630090-0070 If ROLE-ID is "017", "018", or "021", then SERVICE-ID should be "SE000001" or "SE000004"-"SE000006".W1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, if the role id is "Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist (COMS)", "physical therapist", or "recreation therapist", then the service id should be one of the following: "special education, generic", "adaptive physical education", "visually impaired", or "auditorially impaired".0903730090-0031 If ROLE-ID is "019" or "022", then SERVICE-ID must be "SS009000".F1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, if the role id is "physician" or "school nurse", then the service id must be "health services".0903930090-0051 If ROLE-ID is "047" or "087", then SERVICE-ID must not be "SS001000"-"SS010000", "SS012000"-"SS019000", or "SAXXXXXX".F1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, if the role id is "substitute teacher" or "teacher", then the service id must not be any of the following: "instructional administration", "instructional resources and media services", "school administration", "instructional research and development", "curriculum and personnel development", "communication and dissemination", "guidance and counseling services", "social work services", "health services", "pupil transportation", "food services", "general administration", "plant maintenance and operation", "data processing management", "computer processing", "data processing development", "data processing technical assistance", "community services", "instructional educational aides", or "interpreting services provider".0904030090-0033 If ROLE-ID is "026", then SERVICE-ID must be "SE000002" or "SE000003".F1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, if the role id is "speech therapist/speech language pathologist", then the service id must be "speech therapy" or "speech assessment".0904130090-0035 If ROLE-ID is "027" or "043"-"045", then SERVICE-ID must be "SS013000".F1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, if the role id is "superintendent/chief admin officer/CEO/president", "business manager", "tax assessor/collector", or "director of personnel/human resources", then the service id must be "general administration".0904230090-0036 If ROLE-ID is "028", then SERVICE-ID must be "SS001XXX", "SS002000", or "SS004XXX"-"SS005XXX".F1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, if the role id is "teacher supervisor", then the service id must be one of the following: "instructional administration", "instructional resources and media services", "instructional research and development", or "curriculum and personnel development".0904530090-0072 If ROLE-ID is "032", then SERVICE-ID should not be "SAXXXXXX", "SSXXXXXX", or "SE000002"-"SE000006".W1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, if the role id is "work-based learning site coordinator", then the service id should not be "instructional educational aides and interpreters", non-teaching responsibilities, "speech therapy", "speech assessment", "adaptive physical education", "visually impaired", or "auditorially impaired".0904730090-0042 If ROLE-ID is "040", then SERVICE-ID must be "SS011000".F1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, if the role id is "athletic director", then the service id must be "extracurricular activities".0904830090-0073 If ROLE-ID is "041", then SERVICE-ID should be "SS001XXX", "SS002000", "SS004XXX", or "SS005XXX".W1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, if the role id is "teacher facilitator", then the service id should be "instructional administration", "instructional resources and media services", "instructional research and development", or "curriculum and personnel development".0905030090-0011 CAMPUS-ID must match an entry registered with the TEA as an active or under construction campus, or match an entry registered with the TEA as a financial campus with "701"-"703", "720", "750", "751", "998", or "999" appended as the last three digits.F1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, the campus id must be an active campus, an under construction campus, or a financial campus for one of the following: superintendent's office, school board, tax costs, direct costs-general administration, indirect costs-general administration, fiscal agent shared services arrangement, unallocated organization unit, or undistributed organization unit.0905230090-0071 If ROLE-ID is "022", then the last three digits of CAMPUS-ID should not be "701"-"703", "720", "750", or "751".W1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, if the role id is "school nurse", then the campus id should not be a financial campus for one of the following: superintendent's office, school board, tax costs, direct costs-general administration, indirect costs-general administration, or fiscal agent shared services arrangement.0905330090-0065 If ROLE-ID is "004" or "043"-"045", then the last three digits of CAMPUS-ID should be "701"-"703", "720", "750", "751", "998", or "999".SW1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, if the role id is "superintendent/chief admin officer/CEO/president", "business manager", "tax assessor/collector", "director of personnel/human resources", then the Campus ID should not be a financial campus for one of the following: superintendent's office, school board, tax costs, direct costs-general administration, indirect costs-general administration, fiscal agent shared services arrangement, unallocated, or undistributed.0905530090-0069 If ROLE-ID is "013", then the last three digits of CAMPUS-ID should not be "701"-"703", "720", or "750".W1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, if the role id is "librarian", then the campus id should not be an administrative organization for the following: superintendent's office, school board, tax costs, direct costs-general administration, or indirect costs-general administration.0905630090-0055 If the first six digits of CAMPUS-ID do not match DISTRICT-ID, then there should be at least one 011 record reported.SW1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, if the campus id is not in this district, then a shared services arrangement (011 record) should be reported.0905730090-0043 If ROLE-ID is "054", then SERVICE-ID must be "SS002000" or "SS004000"-"SS006000".F1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, if the role id is "department head", then the service id must be one of the following: "instructional resources and media services", "instructional research and development", "curriculum and personnel development", or "communication and dissemination".0905930090-0045 If ROLE-ID is "055", then SERVICE-ID must be "SS003000" or "SS013000".F1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, if the role id is "registrar", then the service id must be "school administration" or "general administration".0906030090-0052 If ROLE-ID is "087" and POPULATION-SERVED-CODE is not "06" or "08", then the last three digits of CAMPUS-ID must not be "701"-"703", "720", or "750".F1XXXXfor staff responsibility reporting, if the role id is "teacher" or "substitute teacher", and population served code is not special education students or adult basic education students, then the campus id must not be an administrative campus for the following: superintendent's office, school board, tax costs, direct costs-general administration, or indirect costs-general administration.0906130090-0046 If ROLE-ID is "056", then SERVICE-ID must be "SS011000".F1XXXXfor staff responsibility reporting, if the role id is "athletic trainer", then the service id must be "extracurricular activities".0906230090-0075 If ROLE-ID is "058", then SERVICE-ID should not be "SEXXXXXX", "SS001XXX", "SS013000"-"SS014000" or "SS019000".W1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, if the role id is "other campus professional personnel", then the service id should not be "special education and related services", "instructional administration", "general administration", or "plant maintenance and operation".0906330090-0081 The total number of staff where ROLE-ID is "003", "004", "012", "020", "027", "040", "043"-"045", "060"-"065", or "079" should not vary by more than 50% from the total number of staff reported with these ROLE-IDs for the prior year.W1XXXThe total number of administrative staff should not vary by more than 50% from the total administrative staff reported last year.0906430090-0080 The total number of staff where ROLE-ID is "002", "005"-"008", "011", "013", "015"-"019", "021"-"023", "026", "028", "032", "041", "042", "058", or "080" should not vary by more than 50% from the total number of staff reported with these ROLE-IDs for the prior year.W1XXXThe total number of support staff should not vary by more than 50% from the total support staff reported last year.0906530090-0082 The total number of staff where ROLE-ID is "033" should not vary by more than 50% from the total number of staff reported with this ROLE-ID for the prior year.W1XXXThe total number of educational aides should not vary by more than 50% from the total educational aides reported last year.0906630090-0083 The total number of staff where ROLE-ID is "033" and POPULATION-SERVED-CODE is "06" should not vary by more than 50% from the total number of staff reported with this ROLE-ID and POPULATION-SERVED-CODE for the prior year.W1XXXThe total number of educational aides for special education students should not vary by more than 50% from the total educational aides for special education students reported last year.0906730090-0034 If ROLE-ID is "027", then CAMPUS-ID must match DISTRICT-ID with "701" appended.F1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, if the role id is "superintendent/chief admin officer/ceo/president", then the campus id must this district's superintendent's office.0907630090-0057 If the first six characters of CAMPUS-ID match DISTRICT-ID and the last three characters of CAMPUS-ID are not "751" and for each campus that has a ROLE-ID "087", there should be at least one 110 record with a matching CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT.SW1XXXFor each campus in the school district or charter school that is a high school, junior high/middle school, or elementary school, if there are staff with the role id of "teacher", there should be enrolled students at the same campus.0907830090-0044 If ROLE-ID is "054", then the last three digits of CAMPUS-ID must not be "701"-"703".F1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, if the role id is "department head", then the campus id must not be a financial campus for one of the following: superintendent's office, school board, or tax costs.0907930090-0047 If ROLE-ID is "058" and POPULATION-SERVED-CODE is not "06" or "08", then the last three digits of CAMPUS-ID must not be greater than "698".F1XXXFor staff responsibility reporting, if the role id is "other campus professional personnel", and population served code is not special education students or Adult Basic Education students, then the campus id must not be a campus ending in a value greater than "698".0908030090-0050 If ROLE-ID is "080", then the last three digits of CAMPUS-ID must be "702", "703", "720", "750", "751", "998", or "999".F1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, if the role id is "other non-campus professional personnel", then the campus id must be a financial campus for one of the following: school board, tax costs, direct costs-general administration, indirect costs-general administration, fiscal agent shared services arrangement, unallocated organization unit, or undistributed organization unit.0908230090-0074 If ROLE-ID is "042", then SERVICE-ID should be "SS001000"-"SS001003", or "SS005000".W1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, if the role id is "teacher appraiser", then the service id should be "instructional administration" (elementary, middle/junior high, or secondary), or "curriculum and personnel development".0908330090-0012 The first six characters of CAMPUS-ID must match a valid district number registered with the TEA.F1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, the first six characters of the campus id must match a valid district id.0908430090-0018 If the first six characters of CAMPUS-ID match DISTRICT-ID, then there must be an 020 record with the same CAMPUS-ID, unless the last three characters of CAMPUS-ID are "701"-"703", "720", "750", "751", "998", or "999".F1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, if the campus id is in this district, then a campus must be reported with the same the campus id, or the campus id must be a financial campus for one of the following: superintendent's office, school board, tax costs, direct costs-general administration, indirect costs-general administration, fiscal agent shared services arrangement, unallocated organization unit, or undistributed organization unit.0908630090-0015 The last three characters of CAMPUS-ID must be "751", "998", or "999".F1XFor ESC staff responsibility reporting, the campus id must be a non instructional campus for one of the following: fiscal agent shared services arrangement, unallocated organization unit, or undistributed organization unit.0908730090-0032 If ROLE-ID is "024", then SERVICE-ID must be "SS008000".F1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, if the role id is "social worker", then the service id must be "social work services".0908830090-0038 If ROLE-ID is "030", then SERVICE-ID must be "SS020000".F1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, if the role id is "truant officer/visiting teacher", then the service id must be "truant officer/visiting teacher services".0909030090-0079 For a particular STAFF-ID, the sum of the MONTHLY-MINUTES on all 090 records should not be less than 60.SW1XXXXStaff responsibilities should have a total monthly minutes of at least 60 minutes.0909130090-0078 If ROLE-ID is "087", then CAMPUS-ID should not end with "998" or "999".SW1XXXFor staff responsibility reporting, if the role id is "teacher" or "substitute teacher", then the campus id should not be "unallocated" or "undistributed".0909230090-0030 If ROLE-ID is "019", then the last three characters of CAMPUS-ID must not be "701"-"703", "720", or "750".F1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, if the role id is "physician", then the campus id must not be a financial campus for the following: superintendent's office, school board, tax costs, direct costs-general administration, or indirect costs-general administration.0909330090-0037 If ROLE-ID is "028", then the last three characters of CAMPUS-ID must not be "701"-"703".F1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, if the role id is "teacher supervisor", then the campus id must not be a financial campus for the following: superintendent's office, school board, or tax costs.0909430090-0024 If ROLE-ID is "002", "005"-"007", "011", "015"-"018", "021", "023"-"024", "026", "036", "040"-"042", "047", or "056", then CAMPUS-ID must not be "701"-"703", "720", or "750".F1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, if the role id is one of the following: 002 Art Therapist, 005 Psychological Associate, 006 Audiologist, 007 Corrective Therapist, 011 Educational Diagnostician, 015 Music Therapist, 016 Occupational Therapist, 017 Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist (COMS), 018 Physical Therapist, 021 Recreational Therapist, 023 LSSP/Psychologist, 024 Social Worker, 026 Speech Therapist/Speech-Language Pathologist, 036 Certified Interpreter, 040 Athletic Director, 041 Teacher Facilitator, 042 Teacher Appraiser, 047 Substitute Teacher, or 056 Athletic Trainer then the campus id must not be a financial campus for the following: superintendent's office, school board, tax costs, direct costs-general administration, or indirect costs-general administration.0909530090-0013 The last three digits of CAMPUS-ID must not be "699".F1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, the campus id must not be Summer School.0909630090-0014 ROLE-ID must not be "060"-"065", or "079".F1XXXFor non-ESC staff responsibility reporting, the role id must not be the following: "executive director", "assistant/associate/deputy executive director", "component/department director", "coordinator/manager/supervisor", "specialist/consultant", "field service agent", or "other educational service center professional personnel".0909730090-0016 ROLE-ID must not be "002"-"004", "015", "019"-"021", "027", "030", "044", "047", "054"-"056", "058", or "080".F1XFor ESC staff responsibility reporting, the role id must not be the following: 002 Art Therapist, 003 Assistant Principal, 004 Assistant/Associate/Deputy Superintendent, 015 Music Therapist, 019 Physician, 020 Principal, 021 Recreational Therapist, 027 Superintendent/Chief Administrative Officer/Chief Executive Officer/President, 030 Truant Officer/Visiting Teacher, 044 Tax Assessor And/Or Collector, 047 Substitute Teacher, 054 Department Head, 055 Registrar, 056 Athletic Trainer, 058 Other Campus Professional Personnel, or 080 Other Non-instructional District Professional Personnel.0909830090-0048 If ROLE-ID is "060", then SERVICE-ID must be "SS013000".F1XFor ESC staff responsibility reporting, if the role id is "executive director", then the service id must be "general administration".0909930090-0049 If ROLE-ID is "061"-"065" or "079", then SERVICE-ID must be "SSXXXXXX".F1XFor ESC staff responsibility reporting, if the role id is "assistant/associate/deputy executive director", "component/department director", "coordinator/manager/supervisor", "specialist/consultant", "field service agent", or "other esc professional personnel", then the service id must begin with "SS" indicating non-teaching responsibilities for district-wide activities.0901A30090-0076 If ROLE-ID is "065", then SERVICE-ID should be "SS022000".SW1XFor ESC staff responsibility reporting, if the role id is "field service agent", then the service id should be "liaison services".0901B30090-0058There should not be more than 99 090 records for a particular STAFF-ID.SW1XXXXA staff person should not have more than 99 staff responsibility data records.0901C30090-0006There must not be more than 150 090 records for a particular STAFF-ID.F1XXXXA staff person must not have more than 150 responsibilities.0901D30090-0010 ESC-SSA-STAFF-INDICATOR-CODE must not be blank.F1XFor ESC staff responsibility reporting, the ESC SSA Staff Indicator Code must be reported.0901E30090-0009 ESC-SSA-STAFF-INDICATOR-CODE must be blank.F1XXXFor school district and charter school staff responsibility reporting, the ESC SSA Staff Indicator Code must be blank.0901G30090-0023 If SERVICE-ID is "SR000007", then NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASS must be "000".F1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, if the service id is "unassigned professional classroom duty", then the number of students in class must be zero (0).0901H30090-0040 If ROLE-ID is "033", or "036", then NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASS must be "000".F1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, if the role id is "educational aide" or "certified interpreter", then the number of students in class must be zero (0).0901I30090-0019 If the last three characters of CAMPUS-ID are "751", then ESC-SSA-STAFF-INDICATOR-CODE must be "2".F1XFor ESC staff responsibility reporting, if campus id indicates "fiscal agent shared services arrangement", then the ESC SSA staff indicator code must indicate that the staff member is part of an ESC shared services arrangement.0901J30090-0005 If ESC-SSA-STAFF-INDICATOR-CODE is "2", then there must be at least one 060 record with a matching STAFF-ID where FUND-CODE is "292"-"295", "297", "298", "300"-"302", "307", "309", "311"-"317", "319", "325"-"340", "342", "343", "347"-"352", "354"-"361", "364"-"367", "379", "431"-"442", or "459" (a Shared Service Arrangement fund).F1XFor ESC staff responsibility reporting, if the ESC SSA staff indicator code indicates that the staff member is part of an ESC shared services arrangement, then at least some of their salary must be paid from a shared services arrangement fund code.0901K30090-0004 If ESC-SSA-STAFF-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then there must be at least one 060 record with a matching STAFF-ID where FUND-CODE is not "292"-"295", "297", "298", "300"-"302", "307", "309", "311"-"317", "319", "325"-"340", "342", "343", "347"-"352", "354"-"361", "364"-"367", "379", "431"-"442", or "459".F1XFor ESC staff responsibility reporting, if the ESC SSA staff indicator code indicates that the staff member is not part of an ESC shared services arrangement, then at least some of their salary must be paid from a fund code that is not a shared services arrangement fund.0901L30090-0020 If ESC-SSA-STAFF-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then the last three characters of CAMPUS-ID must not be "751".F1XFor ESC staff responsibility reporting, if the ESC SSA staff indicator code indicates that the staff member is not part of an ESC shared services arrangement, then the campus id must not indicate "fiscal agent shared services arrangement".0901P30090-0008 If ROLE-ID is not found in edit 0900B, then MONTHLY-MINUTES, NUMBER-STUDENTS-IN-CLASS, CLASS-TYPE-CODE and CLASS-ID-NUMBER must be blank.F1XXXXFor a staff responsibility where the role id is NOT instructional, the following must be blank: monthly minutes, number of students in class, class type code, and class id number.0901R30090-0002The value of STAFF-ID on this record must match the value of STAFF-ID on some 040 record.F1XXXFor staff responsibility data reported, there must be corresponding staff data reported.0901T30090-0001 Except for Texas School for the Deaf (227906), Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), and Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622), each districts data submission must contain one 090 record for each responsibility that can be specified using the roles and services found in the Data Standards code tables for each professional and each paraprofessional.F1XXXFor each LEA's data submission (except for Texas School for the Deaf, Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and Texas Juvenile Justice Department), The staff responsibility data must be reported for each professional and paraprofessional staff person.0901UThe value of DISTRICT-ID in this record must match the value of DISTRICT-ID on the district's 010 record.F1XXXXThe district id on the 090 record must match the district id on the 010 record.0901V30090-0053 The Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), the Texas School for the Deaf (227906), and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622) must not submit a 090 record.F1XThe Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, the Texas School for the Deaf, and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department must not report staff responsibility data.0901Z30090-0059 MONTHLY-MINUTES should not be less than "00060" or greater than "09600".SW1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, the monthly minutes should not be less than 60 or greater than 9600.0902A30090-0017 For records with the same CAMPUS-ID, SERVICE-ID, and CLASS-ID-NUMBER, the STAFF-ID values must be different. F1XXXFor school districts and charter schools, the same staff person can only have one combination of campus id, service id, and class id number. 0902B30090-0039 If ROLE-ID is "033" then SERVICE-ID must be "SA000003".F1XXXXFor staff responsibility reporting, if the role id is "educational aide", then the service id must be "instructional educational aide".0902D30040-0046If STAFF-TYPE-CODE on the 040 record is "2", then there must be at least one matching 090 record for that staff ID, and the ROLE-ID must be "047" or "087". F1XXXXIf a staff person is a contracted instructional staff serving as a classroom teacher, then they must be reported with a staff responsibility with the role id of "teacher" or "substitute teacher".0902F30090-0056 If SERVICE-ID is "01010000", then there should be at least one 060 record with a matching STAFF-ID where PROGRAM-INTENT-CODE is "32", "33", "34", or "35".SW1XXXFor a staff responsibility, if service id is "pre-kindergarten", then this staff person should be reported with payroll with a pre-kindergarten program intent code.  100 Context Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter1000140100-0012The first character of STUDENT-ID must be "S" or "0"-"8".F1, 3, 4XXXThe first character of the Social Security number for a student must be "0" - "8". The first character of the alternate id number for a student must be "S".1000240100-0013Each character of STUDENT-ID must not be the same number.F1, 3, 4XXXThe Social Security number or the alternate id number for a student must not be made up of all the same numbers.1000340100-0014The first three characters of STUDENT-ID must not be "000" or "666".F1, 3, 4XXXThe first 3 three characters of a Social Security number or alternate id number for a student must not be "000" or "666".1000540100-0015 The fourth and fifth characters of a STUDENT-ID that does not have a first character of "S" must not be "00".F1, 3, 4XXXThe fourth and fifth characters of a Social Security number for a student must not be "00".10006The last four characters of a STUDENT-ID that does not have a first character of "S" must not be "0000".F1, 3, 4XXXThe last four characters of a Social Security number for a student must not be "0000".1000840100-0080 FIRST-NAME, MIDDLE-NAME, and/or LAST-NAME should not end with " JR", " SR", " I", " II", " III", " IV", " V", " VI", " VII", " VIII", " IX", or " X". SW1, 3, 4XXXThe first, middle, and/or last name of a student should not end with any of the following characters that suggest a generation indicator: " JR", " SR", " I", " II", " III", " IV", " V", " VI", " VII", " VIII", " IX", or " X".10015FIRST-NAME, MIDDLE-NAME, or LAST-NAME must only contain the following characters: A-Z, 0-9, apostrophe, hyphen, the space character.F1, 3, 4XXXThe first, middle, and last name of a student must only contain the following the following characters: A-Z, 0-9, apostrophe, hyphen, and the space character.1001740100-0079 FIRST-NAME, MIDDLE-NAME, or LAST-NAME should not contain "0" "9".SW1, 3, 4XXXThe first, middle and/or last name of a student should not contain "0" - "9".10018There must be a 101 record with a matching STUDENT-ID.F1, 3, 4XXXThe student id on the 100 record must match a student id on a 101 record.10019The value of DISTRICT-ID in this record must match the value of DISTRICT-ID on the district's 010 record.F1, 3, 4XXXThe district id on the 100 record must match the district id on the 010 record.10021For every 100 record reported, there must be a 101 record and a 400 or 500 record reported with a matching student.F3XXXEvery student reported on the 100 record must have a 101 record and a matching 400 or 500 attendance record with a matching student id.1002240100-0001Each districts data submission must contain one 100 record for each student served in the district.F1, 3, 4XXXEach district's and charter schools data submission must contain one 100 record for each student served in the district.1002440100-0028ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE must be blank.F3, 4XXXADA eligibility code must be blank for all students in submission 3 and 4.1002540100-0040 If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is not "A", then ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE must not be blank.F1XXXIf a student is enrolled in the current year, then an ADA eligibility code must be reported.1002640100-0041 If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is "A", then ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE must be blank.F1XXXEvery student enrolled in the prior year but did not return must have a blank ADA eligibility code.1002740100-0091If MIDDLE-NAME is blank, then a warning will be issued for the PEIMS user to check whether or not a middle name exists for the person.W1, 3, 4XXXIf a students middle name is not reported, then a warning will be issued so this can be verified.1002840100-0095 If HOMELESS-STATUS-CODE is not "0", then UNACCOMPANIED-YOUTH-STATUS-CODE must not be blank.F1, 3XXXIf a student is reported as homeless, then an unaccompanied youth status code must be reported.1002940100-0096 If HOMELESS-STATUS-CODE is "0", then UNACCOMPANIED-YOUTH-STATUS-CODE must be blank.F1, 3XXXIf a student is not reported as homeless, the unaccompanied youth status code must be blank.1003040100-0110If DISTRICT-ID matches the Texas School for the Deaf (227906) or the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), then ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE must be "0", "4", or "5".F1XStudents enrolled in the TSD or TSBVI are not eligible for average daily attendance funding and must be reported as "not in membership", "ineligible-full day", or "ineligible-half day".1003140100-0110For the Texas School for the Deaf (227906) and the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), at least one student must have ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE "4" or "5".F1XAt least one student enrolled in the TSD, TSBVI, and TJJC must be reported as "ineligible-full day" or "ineligible-half day".1003340100-0138HOMELESS-STATUS-CODE and UNACCOMPANIED-YOUTH-STATUS-CODE must be blank.F4XXXHomeless status code and unaccompanied youth status code are not reported for students in submission 4. 101 Context Edits PEIMS September 1, 2015 Age Calculation Algorithm for the 101 Record If the Birth Year is either of the calendar years spanned by the school year, then calculated Age is 0. Otherwise, the Birth Year is subtracted from 2015 resulting in the Age. The Age is then adjusted for the month and day to get September 1 Age. If the Birth Month is Before September then no adjustments are needed. If the Birth Month is After September then 1 is subtracted from the Age. If the Birth Month Is September and the Birth Day is after the first, then 1 is subtracted from the Age. If the Birth Month Is September and the Birth Day is the first, then no adjustments are needed. Unless otherwise specified in an edit, Age refers to September 1 Age. Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter1010540100-0078The students age should not be greater than 25.SW1, 3, 4XXXA student should not be older than 25 years old on September 1 of the current year.1010640110-0097 If CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE is not blank, then CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE must be "255000000" or match an entry registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus ending in "001" - "698" (excluding charters, JJAEPs, Texas School for the Deaf (227906), Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), or Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622)).F1, 3, 4XXXIf reported, a student's campus id of residence must indicate an out of state campus ("255000000") or be registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus ending in "001" - "698" that is not an open enrollment charter school, JJAEP, Texas School for the Deaf, Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, or Texas Juvenile Justice Department.1011040100-0089 FIRST-NAME, MIDDLE-NAME, LAST-NAME, SEX-CODE, AMERICAN-INDIAN-ALASKA-NATIVE-CODE, ASIAN-CODE, BLACK-AFRICAN-AMERICAN-CODE, NATIVE-HAWAIIAN-PACIFIC-ISLANDER-CODE, WHITE-CODE, HISPANIC-LATINO-CODE, and DATE-OF-BIRTH should not be identical on records reported with two or more different STUDENT-IDs.SW1, 3, 4XXXStudents with different Social Security numbers or alternate identification numbers should not have identical demographic information.1011140100-0018 DATE-OF-BIRTH must not be equal to or greater than the PEIMS fall snapshot date, if there is one; otherwise DATE-OF-BIRTH must not be equal to or greater than the submission date.F1, 3, 4XXXA students date of birth must be before the PEIMS fall snapshot date, or on or before the submission date.1011840100-0086If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "PK", then age should be 3 or 4.SW1, 3, 4XXXA student with a grade level of "PK" should be three or four years old on September 1.1013140100-0088If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "12", then age should be 16-25.SW1, 3, 4XXXA 12th grade student should be in the age range of 16-25 years old on September 1.1013240100-0085If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "EE", then age should be less than 6.SW1, 3, 4XXXA student with a grade level of "EE" should be less than 6 years old on September 1.1013340100-0051 If CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE is "255000000", then ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE must be "0", "4", "5" or "8".F1XXXA student residing outside of Texas can be enrolled in a Texas Public School but must not be in membership or must be ineligible for ADA. 1013440110-0110 If STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE is "00", "12", "22", "24", "26"or "28", then CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE must be blank. F1, 3, 4XXIf a student resides within the boundaries of the school district, then the campus id of residence must be blank.1013540110-0111 If STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE is "03", "06", "07", or "10", then CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE must not be blank, and the first six characters of CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE must not match DISTRICT-ID.F1, 3, 4XXIf a student resides outside of the school district, as indicated by student attribution code of Public Education Grant (PEG) Program ("03"), Transfer Between Public School Districts ("06"), Lives Out-Of-State ("07"), or Parent Referral To The Texas School For The Deaf ("10"), then the campus id of residence must be reported and it must not be in the reporting district.1013640110-0112If STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE is "07", then CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE must be "255000000".F1, 3, 4XXXIf a student lives out-of-state (attribution code "07"), then campus id of residence must be "255000000" indicating the student resides outside of Texas.1013740110-0113 If CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE is "255000000", then STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE must be "07".F1, 3, 4XXXIf a student's campus id of residence is "255000000" indicating the student resides outside of Texas, then student attribution code must be "07" indicating student lives out-of-state.1013940110-0100 CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE should not be a campus registered with the TEA as an alternative education program (AEP) campus or a disciplinary alternative education program (DAEP) campus.SW1, 3, 4XXXA students campus id of residence should not be a campus registered with the TEA as an alternative education program (AEP) campus or a disciplinary alternative education program (DAEP) campus.1014040110-0107If STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE is "01", then DISTRICT-ID must be registered with the TEA as an open enrollment charter school.F1, 3, 4XXIf a student is reported with an attribution code of "01"(charter school) then students district id must be registered with the TEA as an open enrollment charter school.1014140100-0017DATE-OF-BIRTH must be a valid date.F1, 3, 4XXXA students date of birth must be a valid date.1014240100-0087If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "KG", then age should be 5 or 6 on September 1.SW1, 3, 4XXXA student in kindergarten should be 5 or 6 years old on September 1.1014540100-0004 If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is "A", "C", "E", or "G", then there must not be a 110 record with a matching STUDENT-ID.F1XXXEnrollment data must not be reported if the student is not enrolled this year on the fall snapshot date or the last Friday in October.1014640100-0074 If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is "D", or "E", then there should be a 203 record with a matching STUDENT-ID.W1XXXIf a student is indicated as being enrolled last year but not this year in the school start window, then they should be reported as a Leaver.1014740100-0002If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is "B", "D", "F", or "X", then there must be a 110 record with a matching STUDENT-ID.F1XXXIf a student is enrolled this year on the PEIMS fall snapshot date, then enrollment data must be reported for that student. 1014840100-0006 If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is "B" or "C", then there must not be a 203 record with a matching STUDENT-ID, unless LEAVER-REASON-CODE is "01".F1XXXIf a student is enrolled this year within the school start window, leaver data must not be reported for that student, unless to report that they graduated.1015340100-0043 If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", or "G", then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE must be "07"-"12".F1XXXIf a student is a secondary student (falling into leaver range), then grade level must be "07"-"12".1015440100-0052If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "EE"-"06", then AS-OF-STATUS-CODE must be "X".F1, 3XXXA student's as of status code must be "X" if their grade level is "EE"-"06".1015540110-0106STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE must not be "00" or "03".F1, 3, 4XAn open enrollment charter school student must not be reported with a student attribution code of "00" (No Attribution) or "03"(PEG).1015640110-0108STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE should be "01".SW1, 3, 4XAn open enrollment charter school student should be reported with a student attribution code of "01".1015740110-0094 The first six characters of CAMPUS-ID-OF-ACCOUNTABILITY must match DISTRICT-ID.F1, 3XXXA students campus id of accountability must be in the reporting district.1015840110-0095 CAMPUS-ID-OF-ACCOUNTABILITY must match an entry registered with the TEA as an active regular instructional or AEP campus ending in "001" - "698" (excluding DAEP and JJAEP).F1, 3XXA students campus id of accountability must be an active regular instructional or AEP campus ending in "001" - "698" and is not a DAEP or JJAEP.1016040110-0102If CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT on this student's attendance records(s) (400 and 500 if applicable) is always a DAEP, then CAMPUS-ID-OF-ACCOUNTABILITY must not be blank.F3XXA campus id of accountability must be reported for a student who is enrolled in a DAEP for the entire school year.1016140110-0103If CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT on this student's attendance records(s) (400 and 500 if applicable) is always a JJAEP, then CAMPUS-ID-OF ACCOUNTABILITY must not be blank.F3XXA campus id of accountability must be reported for a student who is enrolled in a JJAEP for the entire school year.1016540100-0025 CAMPUS-ID-OF-ACCOUNTABILITY and AS-OF-STATUS-CODE must be blank. F4XXXCampus id of accountability and as of status code are not reported for students in submission 4.10166If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is not "C", "E", or "G", then CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT on the 101 record must be blank.F1XXXIf a students as-of status code indicates they were a leaver or were enrolled on the fall snapshot date, then the students campus id of enrollment on the 101 record must be blank.1016740100-0044If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is "C", "E", or "G", then CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT on the 101 record must not be blank and must be registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus.F1XXXIf a student's as-of status code indicates they were not enrolled on the fall snapshot date, then campus id of enrollment must be reported and must match an entry registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus.10168CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must be blank.F3XXXCampus id of enrollment on the 101 record is not reported in submission 3.1016940110-0104 If CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT on this students 400 or 500 record(s) is always a DAEP and a JJAEP, then CAMPUS-ID-OF ACCOUNTABILITY must not be blank.F3XA campus id of accountability must be reported for a student who is attends a combination of DAEP and JJAEP campuses for the entire school year.10171There must be a 100 record with a matching STUDENT-ID.F1, 3, 4XXXThe student id on the 101 record must match a student id on a 100 record.1017240110-0116BILINGUAL/ESL-SUMMER-SCHOOL-INDICATOR-CODE must be blank.F1, 3XXXBilingual/ESL summer school participation is only reported in submission 4. 1017340110-0118If BILINGUAL/ESL-SUMMER-SCHOOL-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE must be "EE", "PK", "KG", or "01".F4XXXBilingual/ESL Summer School Program, must be reported for a student in grade level of "EE", "PK", "KG", or "01".1017440110-0117BILINGUAL/ESL-SUMMER-SCHOOL-INDICATOR-CODE must not be blank.F4XXXBilingual/ESL summer school participation must be reported in submission 4.10175The value of DISTRICT-ID in this record must match the value of DISTRICT-ID on the district's 010 record.F1, 3, 4XXXThe district id on the 101 record must match the district id on the 010 record.1017640100-0009 For any 101 record reported, there must be at least one 400 or one 500 record reported with a matching STUDENT-ID and GRADE-LEVEL-CODE.F3XXXFor each student, attendance or flexible attendance must be reported with a matching student id and grade level.1017840110-0115 If BILINGUAL/ESL-SUMMER-SCHOOL-INDICATOR-CODE is "0", then there must be at least one 408, 415 or 500 record with a matching STUDENT-ID.F4XXXFor a student not participating in the Bilingual/ESL Summer program, Extended School Year Services, Course Completion, or Flexible Attendance must be reported for that student.1018040110-0119If BILINGUAL/ESL-SUMMER-SCHOOL-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must not be blank and must be registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus.F4XXXFor a student participating in the Bilingual/ ESL Summer program, campus id of enrollment must be reported and must match an entry registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus.1018140110-0120If BILINGUAL/ESL-SUMMER-SCHOOL-INDICATOR-CODE is "0" then CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must be blank.F4XXXFor a student not participating in the Bilingual ESL Summer program, campus id of enrollment must be blank.10182The first six characters of CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must match DISTRICT-ID.F4XXXStudent campus id of enrollment must be in the reporting district.1018340100-0003 If STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE is "12", then there must be a matching 110 record where SPECIAL-ED-INDICATOR-CODE is "1".F1XXXIf student attribution code indicates a student with a disability enrolled in a private/home school, there must be enrollment data indicating participation in special education.10184If STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE is "12", then there must be a matching 110 record where ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE is "0".F1XXXIf student attribution code indicates a student with a disability enrolled in a private/home school, there must be enrollment data with ADA eligibility code indicating "not in membership".1018540110-0105 STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE must not be "12".F3, 4XXXFor submission 3 and submission 4, students with an attribution code of "12" (student with a disability enrolled in a private/home school) are not reported. 1018640110-0099 If DISTRICT-ID matches the Texas School for the Deaf (227906) or the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), then CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE must not be blank.F1, 3, 4XFor each student in the Texas School for the Deaf or the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, campus id of residence must be reported.1018740100-0075 If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is "H", then the student should have at least one matching 400 or 500 record where REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE is "6".SW3XXXIf a student's as-of status code indicates they are enrolled on the final day of the school year, they should be reported with attendance or flexible attendance in the last reporting period.1018840100-0069 If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is "I" and if the student has matching 400 record(s) where REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE is "6", then NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT on the students 400 record(s) must be greater than TOTAL-DAYS-ABSENT plus TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT plus TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT.F3XXXIf a students as-of status code indicates they were not enrolled on the final day of the school year, then in reporting period 6, the number days taught must be more than the number of days in membership.1018940100-0056 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "07"-"12", AS-OF-STATUS-CODE must be "H" or "I".F3XXXA student in grade "07"-"12" must have an as-of status code that indicates grades 07-12 students enrolled on the final day of the school year, or enrolled at some time during the year but not on the final day of the school year.1019340110-0096 CAMPUS-ID-OF-ACCOUNTABILITY must match an entry registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus ending in "001" - "698".F1, 3XA students campus id of accountability must be an active instructional campus ending in "001" - "698".1019440100-0005 If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is "A", then there must be a 203 record with a matching STUDENT-ID.F1XXXIf a student was enrolled last year but has never enrolled this year, then leaver data must be reported for that student.1019640100-0055 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "07", then AS-OF-STATUS-CODE must be "A" - "G" or "X".F1XXXA student in grade level "07" must have an as-of status code of "A" - "G" or "X".1019740110-0085 If CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-CD is "1", then there must be a 169 and a 170 record for that student.F1XXXA student enrolled in a career and technical education course must be reported with career and technical education program and course data.1019840110-0088 If CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-CD is not "0", then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE must be "06"-"12".F1, 3XXXA student in the career and technical education program must be in grade level "06"-"12".1019940110-0089If there is at least one record where GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "06"-12", then there should be at least one record where CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-CD is not "0".SW1, 3XXXIf there are students in grade level "06"-"12", then generally at least one should be in the career and technical education program.1011A40110-0090At least one record should have a CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-CODE that is not "0" or "1".SW1, 3XXXThere should be at least one Career & Technical Education student that is a participant in a coherent sequence of courses or a Tech Prep program.1011B40110-0086 If CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-CD is "2" or "3", then there should be a 169 and a 170 record for that student.SW1XXXA career and technical education student that is a participant in a coherent sequence of courses or a Tech Prep program should be reported with career and technical education program and course data.1011C40110-0087 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "06", "07", or "08" then CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-CODE must not be "2" or "3".F1, 3XXXA student in grades "06", "07", or "08" must not be reported as a participant in the career and technical education coherent sequence of courses or Tech Prep program.1011D40110-0093 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "09"-"12" and CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-CD is "2" or "3", then there should be a 410 and/or 510 record for that student.W3XXXA career and technical education student in grades "09"-"12" that is a participant in a coherent sequence of courses or a Tech Prep program should be reported with career and technical education attendance and/or flexible attendance.1011E40110-0121LAST-DATE-OF-ENROLLMENT must be a valid date.F3XXXA student's last date of enrollment must be a valid date.1011F40110-0122LAST-DATE-OF-ENROLLMENT must be blank.F1, 4XXXA student's last date of enrollment is not reported for submissions 1 and 4.1011G40110-0101 If CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT on the students 110 record is DAEP or JJAEP, then CAMPUS-ID-OF-ACCOUNTABILITY must not be blank.F1XXFor a student enrolled in a DAEP or JJAEP, a campus id of accountability must be reported.1011H40100-0042 If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is "A", then CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-CD must be "0".F1XXXA student who was enrolled in the district during the prior school year but has never enrolled in the district during the current year must not be reported as participating in the career and technical education program.1011J40110-0091 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "09"-"12" and CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-CD is "1", then there must be a 415 record for that student where SERVICE-ID is a Career and Technical Education course (CTE Course = "H" in code table C022).F3XXXIf a student in grades "09"-"12" is enrolled in a career and technical education course, then a 415 course completion record must be reported for a career and technical education course for that student.1011K40110-0092 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "09"-"12" and CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-CD is "2" or "3", then there should be a 415 record for that student where SERVICE-ID is a Career and Technical Education course (CTE Course = "H" in code table C022).W3XXXIf a student in grades "09"-"12" is a participant in a coherent sequence of courses or Tech Prep program, then a 415 course completion record should be reported for a career and technical education course for that student.1011M40100-0035 AMERICAN-INDIAN-ALASKA-NATIVE-CODE, ASIAN-CODE, BLACK-AFRICAN AMERICAN-CODE, NATIVE-HAWAIIAN-PACIFIC-ISLANDER-CODE, or WHITE-CODE must be "1". F1, 3, 4XXXA student must be reported with at least one race code.1011N40100-0034 UNSCHOOLED-ASYLEE/REFUGEE-CODE, CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-CD, and ECONOMIC-DISADVANTAGE-CODE must be blank. F4XXXUnschooled asylee/refugee code, career and technical education indicator code, and economic disadvantage code are not reported for students in submission 4.1011O40110-0123If grade is less than "07", then LAST-DATE-OF-ENROLLMENT must be blank.F3XXXStudents below 7th grade are not reported with a last date of enrollment.1011P40110-0124 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "07"-"12", then LAST-DATE-OF-ENROLLMENT must not be blank.F3XXXStudents in grade "07"-"12" (secondary students falling into leaver range) must be reported with a last date of enrollment.1011U40100-0070 At least one record should have an ECONOMIC-DISADVANTAGE-CODE of "01", "02", or "99".SW1, 3XXXThere should be at least one student with one of the following economic disadvantage: Eligible For Free Meals Under The National School Lunch And Child Nutrition Program, Eligible For Reduced-price Meals Under The National School Lunch And Child Nutrition Program, or Other Economic Disadvantage.1011X40100-0060 If UNSCHOOLED-ASYLEE/REFUGEE-CODE is not "0", then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE must be "07"-"12".F1, 3XXXUnschooled asylee/refugee code must only be reported for students in grades "07"-"12".1011Z40110-0098CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE must not be blank, and the first six characters of CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE must not match DISTRICT-ID. F1, 3, 4XFor charter schools, a students campus id of residence must be reported and must not be part of the charter school organization.1012B40110-0114 If STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE is "21", "23", "25", or "27", then CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE should not be blank and the first six characters should not match DISTRICT-ID.SW1, 3, 4XXIf a student does not normally reside in the regular boundaries of the district, then a campus id of residence should be reported and it should not be in the reporting district.1012C40100-0058If age is less than 3 on September 1, then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE should be "EE". SW1, 3, 4XXXA student that is less than 3 years old on September 1 should be reported with grade level "EE".1012HFor each value of STUDENT-ID on some 101 record there must be a matching 102 record.F1, 3, 4XXXFor every student id on a 101 record, there must be a matching student id on a 102 record.1012J40100-0097If age is less than 3 on September 1 and GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "PK", then ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE must be "0", "4", or "5".F1XXXIf a student is less than 3 years old on September 1 and in "PK", then the students ADA Eligibility must indicate the student is not eligible for state funding.1012K40110-0109STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE should not be "06".W1, 3, 4XGenerally, open enrollment charter schools do not enroll students from outside their charter school boundaries.1012L40110-0084If STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE is "02", then CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE must not be blank, must not be a DAEP or JJAEP, and the first six characters must match DISTRICT-ID.F1, 3, 4XXIf a students attribution code indicates a JJAEP, then the campus id of residence must be reported, must not be a DAEP, must not be a JJAEP, and must be in the reporting district.1012N40100-0125If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is "X", then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE must be "EE"-"07".F1, 3XXXOnly students in grade level "EE"-"07" (first year seventh graders) may use as of status code of "X".1012P40100-0139If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "08"-"12", then AS-OF-STATUS-CODE must be "A" - "G".F1XXXA student in grade level "08"-"12" must have an as-of status code of "A" - "G".1012Q40110-0127If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "09"-"12" and CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-CD is "1", then there should be a 410 and/or 510 record for that student.SW3XXXA student in grades "09"-"12" that is enrolled in a career and technical education course should be reported with career and technical education attendance and/or flexible attendance.1012R40100-0141If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is "F" or "G", then there must not be a 203 record with a matching STUDENT-ID.F1XXXIf a student was not enrolled in the district in the prior school year, then leaver data must not be reported for that student.1012S40110-0128If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "09"-"12", then there must be a 203 record with a matching STUDENT-ID.F3XXXEach student in grades "09"-"12" must be reported with Foundation High School Program graduation intention data in submission 3.1012T40110-0129If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is not "09"-"12", then there must not be a 203 record with a matching STUDENT-ID.F3XXXOnly students in grades "09"-"12" may be reported with Foundation High School Program graduation intention data in submission 3.1012U40110-0130If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "09"-"10", then FHSP-PARTICIPANT-CODE should be "1" on the students graduation program intention data. SW3XXXA student in grade "09" or "10" should report graduation program intention data indicating the student is currently enrolled in the Foundation High School Program.1012V40110-0139If CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-CD is "3", then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE must be "12".F1, 3XXXA student in the Tech Prep career and technical education program must be in grade level "12". 102 Context Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter10201The value for DISTRICT-ID on the 102 record must match the value for DISTRICT-ID on the 010 record.F1, 3, 4XXXThe district id on the 102 record must match the district id on the 010 record.10205The value of STUDENT-ID on this record must match the value of STUDENT-ID on some 100 record.F1, 3, 4XXXThe student id on the 102 record must match a student id on a 100 record.1020640100-0092If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "KG", "01", or "02", then EARLY-READING-INDICATOR-CODE must not be blank.F1, 3XXXA student in kindergarten, first, or second grade must be reported with an early reading indicator code.1020740100-0093If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is not "KG", "01", or "02", then EARLY-READING-INDICATOR-CODE must be blank.F1, 3XXXEarly reading indicator code is not reported for students who are not in kindergarten, first, or second grade.1020840100-0094EARLY-READING-INDICATOR-CODE and MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE must be blank.F4XXXThe early reading indicator code and military connected student code are not reported for submission 4.1020940100-0099TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID must match an entry in the TSDS Unique ID system.F1, 3, 4XXXA students unique id must match an entry in the TSDS Unique ID system.1021040100-0100If TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID matches a Unique Id in the TSDS Unique ID system, but NONE of the four major demographics (FIRST-NAME, LAST-NAME, DATE-OF-BIRTH, and STUDENT-ID) match the major demographics for that entry in the TSDS Unique ID system, then a fatal error will be issued.F1, 3, 4XXXEven though a students unique id matches an entry in the TSDS Unique ID system, if none of their major demographics match, a fatal error will occur.1021140100-0119If FOSTER-CARE-INDICATOR-CODE is "1" and AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is B, D, F, or X, then AT-RISK-INDICATOR-CODE must be "1".F1XXXA student that is enrolled this year on the PEIMS fall snapshot date and is reported as in the conservatorship of the Department of Family and Protective Services (in foster care) is an At-Risk student by definition.1021240100-0120If FOSTER-CARE-INDICATOR-CODE is "2", then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE must be "PK".F1, 3XXXA student that is reported with the foster care indicator code that only applies to Pre-kindergarten students (code 2) must be reported in grade level "PK".1021340100-0121If MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE is "4", then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE must be "PK" and ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE must be "1", "2", "3", or "6".F1XXXFor submission 1, a student that is reported with the military connected student code that only applies to Pre-kindergarten students (code 4) must be reported in grade level "PK" and eligible for ADA funding.1021440100-0122If MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE is "4", then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE should be "PK".SW3XXXFor submission 3, a student that is reported with the military connected student code that only applies to Pre-kindergarten students (code 4) should be reported in grade level "PK".1021540100-0123If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "EE", then MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE should be "0".SW3XXXThe military connected student code is only applicable to students in grades "PK" - "12".1021640100-0124If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is "A", then FOSTER-CARE-INDICATOR-CODE and MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE must be blank.F1XXXFoster care indicator code and military connected student code are not reported for students not enrolled in the current school year.1021740100-0134If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "PK", then MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE must be "0" or "4".F1, 3XXXA student in grade level "PK" can only be reported with military connected student codes "0" or "4".1021840100-0135For this TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID, at least one of the following race and ethnicity fields must have a value of 1 in the TSDS Unique ID system: AMERICAN-INDIAN-ALASKA-NATIVE-CODE, ASIAN-CODE, BLACK-AFRICAN AMERICAN-CODE, NATIVE-HAWAIIAN-PACIFIC-ISLANDER-CODE, WHITE-CODE, or HISPANIC-LATINO-CODE.F1, 3, 4XXXBefore PEIMS data can be processed for this student, the TSDS Unique ID system must be updated with their most recent race and ethnicity data.1021940100-0136For this TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID, SEX-CODE must be "M" or "F" in the TSDS Unique ID system.F1, 3, 4XXXBefore PEIMS data can be processed for this student, the TSDS Unique ID system must be updated with a valid value for sex/gender.1022040100-0140If AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is not "A", then FOSTER-CARE-INDICATOR-CODE and MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE must not be blank.F1, 3XXXIf a student is enrolled in the current school year, then foster care indicator code and military connected student code must be reported.1022140100-0144If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "EE", then MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE must be "0".F1XXXThe military connected student code is only applicable to students in grades "PK" - "12".1022240100-0145TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID must not match TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID for any other 102 record reported for this LEA.F1, 3, 4XXXA particular Texas unique student id may only be used for one student at an LEA.1022340100-0148If T-STEM-INDICATOR-CODE is 1, then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE must be 06-12.F1, 3, 4XXXA student enrolled in a Texas Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (T_STEM) Academy must be in grade level "06"-"12".1022440100-0149If ECHS-INDICATOR-CODE is 1, then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE must be 06-12.F1, 3, 4XXXA student enrolled in an Early College High School must be in grade level "06"-"12". 110 Context Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter1100340110-0002 If SPECIAL-ED-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then there must be a 163 record for that student.F1XXXIf a student is reported as a special education student, then the 163 special education record must be reported.1101140110-0003 If CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT is not blank, then CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must match an entry registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus in the reporting LEA ending in "001" - "698".F1XXXIf reported, a student's campus id of enrollment must be registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus in the reporting LEA ending in "001" - "698".1101840110-0056 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "EE" and age is 3 - 5 on the PEIMS fall snapshot date, then PRESCHL-PROG-CHLDRN-WITH-DISAB-IND-CD should be "1".SW1XXXIf a student is 3 - 5 years old on the PEIMS fall snapshot date and is enrolled in "EE", generally they will be a special education participant in the Preschool Program for Children with Disabilities.1102340163-0046 If ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE is "0" and age is 3 - 5 on the PEIMS fall snapshot date, then PRESCHL-PROG-CHLDRN-WITH-DISAB-IND-CD should be "1".SW1XXXIf a student is 3 - 5 years old on the PEIMS fall snapshot date and is "not in membership", generally they will be a special education participant in the Preschool Program for Children with Disabilities.1102440110-0004 If ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE is "3" or "6", then CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESIDENCE must not be blank and the first six characters must not match DISTRICT-ID.F1XXXIf a student is a transfer student, then campus id of residence must be reported and it must not be in the reporting district.1102540110-0059 The GRADE-LEVEL-CODE shown for the STUDENT-ID should be found in the grade range of the campus shown in CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT for the student, unless CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT is blank or SPECIAL-ED-INDICATOR-CODE is "1".SW1XXXA student should generally be enrolled in a grade applicable to their campus id of enrollment, unless they are in special education or their campus id of enrollment is blank.1102940100-0115At least one record should have an AT-RISK-INDICATOR-CODE of "1".SW1XXXThere should be at least one student identified as at-risk.1103040110-0041At least one record should have a SPECIAL-ED-INDICATOR-CODE of "1".SW1XXXThere should be at least one student identified as special education.1103140110-0042At least one record should have a GIFTED-TALENTED-INDICATOR-CODE of "1".SW1XXXThere should be at least one student identified as gifted and talented.1103340100-0116 At least one record should have a LEP-INDICATOR-CODE of "1".SW1XXXThere should be at least one student identified as limited English proficient (LEP).1103540110-0007 If BILINGUAL-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE is "2"-"5", then ESL-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE must be "0".F1XXXA student must not participate in both the ESL Program and the Bilingual Program on the fall snapshot date. 1103640110-0053 If age is less than 5 on September 1, then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE should be "EE" or "PK".SW1XXXA student that is age 4 or less on September 1 should be enrolled in "EE" or "PK". 1104140100-0142 If LEP-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then PARENTAL-PERMISSION-CODE must not be blank.F1XXXAn LEP student must be reported with a bilingual/ESL parental permission code.1104640110-0016 If PARENTAL-PERMISSION-CODE is "C", "7", or "8", then LEP-INDICATOR-CODE must be "1", and BILINGUAL-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE must be "0" and ESL-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE must be "0".F1XXXIf bilingual/ESL parental permission code indicates the parent or guardian did not respond, was not contacted, or denied placement in any special language program, then the student must have been identified LEP, but may not participate in the Bilingual Program or the ESL Program.1105140110-0008 If ESL-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE is "2" or "3", then BILINGUAL-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE must be "0".F1XXXA student must not participate in both the ESL Program and the Bilingual Program on the fall snapshot date.1105240100-0117At least one record should have an ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE of "1".SW1XXXThere should be at least one student identified as eligible for full day attendance.1105340110-0045At least one record should have a TITLE-I-PART-A-INDICATOR-CODE of "6"-"9".SW1XXXThere should be at least one student identified as participating in the Title I program.1105440110-0046At least one record should have a BILINGUAL-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE of "2", "3", "4", or "5".SW1XXXThere should be at least one student identified as participating in a Bilingual program.1105540110-0047At least one record should have an ESL-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE of "2" or "3".SW1XXXThere should be at least one student identified as participating in an English as a Second Language (ESL) program.1105740110-0055 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "EE" and age is less than 3 on September 1, then the EARLY-CHILDHOOD-INTERV-IND-CODE should be "1" or the PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE or SECONDARY-DISABILITY-CODE or TERTIARY-DISABILITY-CODE should be set to "03", "04" or "05".SW1XXXIf a student is less than 3 years of age on September 1 and is enrolled in "EE", then the student generally should be participating in the Early Childhood Intervention program, or have one of the following disabilities: auditory impairment, visual impairment, or deaf-blind.1105840110-0050 If there is at least one record on a campus where GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "12", then there should be at least one 203 record with a matching CAMPUS-ID where LEAVER-REASON-CODE is "01".SW1XXXIf student enrollment is reported for grade "12" on a campus, then at least one student leaver generally should be reported as graduated from that campus. 1105940110-0052 If there is at least one 110 record with a CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT for a given campus, then there should be at least one 090 record with a matching CAMPUS-ID and a ROLE-ID of "047", or "087", unless the campus is registered with the TEA as a JJAEP.SW1XXXUnless the campus is a JJAEP, if student enrollment is reported on a campus, then a teacher or substitute teacher should generally be reported for that campus.1106040110-0067The total number of 110 records with a given CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT divided by the total number of staff with a unique STAFF-ID, ROLE-ID of "047", or "087", and matching CAMPUS-ID should not be greater than 30.W1XXXFor a given campus, the ratio of students to teachers generally should not be greater than 30 to 1.1106440110-0014 If PARENTAL-PERMISSION-CODE is "A", "B", "E", "F", or "J", then LEP-INDICATOR-CODE must be "1", and ESL-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE must be "2" or "3"F1XXXIf the parental permission code indicates that an LEP student has been approved for participation in the ESL Program, then the student must be reported as LEP and as participating in the ESL Program.1106540110-0013 If PARENTAL-PERMISSION-CODE is "3", then BILINGUAL-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE must not be "0", and LEP-INDICATOR-CODE must not be "1".F1XXXIf the parental permission code indicates a parent or guardian has requested placement of a non-LEP student in the Bilingual Program, then the student must be reported as participating in the Bilingual Program and must not be reported as LEP.1106640110-0017 If PARENTAL-PERMISSION-CODE is "D", then LEP-INDICATOR-CODE must be "1" and BILINGUAL-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE must be "2" "5".F1XXXIf the parental permission code indicates a parent or guardian has approved placement of an LEP student in the Bilingual Program, then the student must be reported as LEP and as participating in the Bilingual Program.1107040100-0112 If LEP-INDICATOR-CODE is "1" and age on the PEIMS fall snapshot date is less than 26, then AT-RISK-INDICATOR-CODE must be "1".F1XXXA student that is reported as LEP and is less than 26 years of age on the PEIMS fall snapshot date must be reported as At-Risk. 11073If CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT is not blank, then there must be an 020 record with a matching CAMPUS-ID.F1XXXA students campus id of enrollment must match on both the 110 student enrollment record and the 020 campus record.1107740110-0005 If ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE is "1"-"8", then CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must not be blank.F1XXXIf a student is in membership, then a campus id of enrollment must be reported for the student.1107840110-0006 For a particular STUDENT-ID, if the ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE is "1", "2", "3", "6" or "7" and the SPECIAL-ED-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", the students age on September 1 must be less than 22.F1XXXA special education student must be less than 22 years of age on September1 to be eligible for ADA. 1107940100-0114 If a student's age on September 1 of the current school year is greater than 25, then ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE must be "0", "4", "5" or "8".F1XXXA student that is more than 25 years old on September 1 must be reported as "not in membership" or ineligible for ADA.1108040110-0058 If a student's age on September 1 of the current school year is less than 5, and GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "KG"-"06", then ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE should be "0", "4", or "5".SW1XXXIf a student is less than 5 years old on September 1, and is reported in grades "KG"-"06", then the ADA eligibility code should indicate the student is "not in membership", ineligible-full day, or ineligible-half day.1108140110-0023 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "EE" or "PK", then GIFTED-TALENTED-INDICATOR-CODE must be "0".F1XXXStudents enrolled in grades "EE" and "PK" must not be reported as participating in the Gifted and Talented program.1108340110-0049 If a campus is registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus, excluding DAEPs, then there should be at least one record with a matching CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT with a GRADE-LEVEL-CODE for each grade registered as a grade of instruction for the campus.SW1XXEach grade level for each active instructional campus in a district generally should have student enrollment reported.1108540110-0060 If STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE is "06", then ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE should be "3" or "6".SW1XXXIf a students attribution code indicates a transfer between districts, then their ADA eligibility should indicate eligible transfer student-full day or eligible transfer student-half day.1108640110-0026 If STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE is "06", then ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE must not be "1" or "2".F1XXXIf a students attribution code indicates a transfer between districts, then their ADA eligibility must not indicate eligible for full day or half day attendance, and should indicate eligible transfer student-full day or eligible transfer student-half day.11087There must be a 101 record with a matching STUDENT-ID and GRADE-LEVEL-CODE.F1XXXFor each 110 student enrollment record reported, there must be a 101 student demographic record with a matching student id and grade level code.1108840110-0051 If there is at least one record on a campus where GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "07"-"12", then there should be at least one 203 record with a matching CAMPUS-ID where LEAVER-REASON-CODE is not "01".SW1XXXIf student enrollment is reported for grades "07"-"12" on a campus, then at least one student leaver record should be reported with a leaver reason code other than graduated.1108940110-0027 If STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE is "02", then CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must be a campus registered with the TEA as a JJAEP.F1XXXIf a students attribution code indicates a JJAEP, then the students campus id of enrollment must be a JJAEP.1109040110-0018 If PARENTAL-PERMISSION-CODE is "F", then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE must be "09"-"12".F1XXXIf a parent or guardian of a grade "09" - "12" LEP student has approved services in accordance with the LPAC Plan, then that student must be enrolled in grades "09"-"12".1109340110-0024 If CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT is a campus registered with the TEA as a JJAEP, then STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE must be "02".F1XXXIf a students campus id of enrollment is a JJAEP, then the students attribution code must indicate a JJAEP.1109540110-0066 If PARENTAL-PERMISSION-CODE is "D", then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE should not be "09"-"12".SW1XXXIf a parent or guardian has approved placement of an LEP student in the Bilingual Program, then the student should not be enrolled in grades "09"-"12".11097The value of DISTRICT-ID in this record must match the value of DISTRICT-ID on the district's 010 record.F1XXXThe district id on the 110 record must match the district id on the 010 record.1109840110-0001There must be a 100 record with a matching STUDENT-ID and ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE.F1XXXFor each 110 student enrollment record reported, there must be a 100 student identification record with a matching student id and ADA eligibility code.1109940100-0143If PARENTAL-PERMISSION-CODE is "G", then LEP-INDICATOR-CODE must be "0", "F", or "S".F1XXXIf a parent or guardian has approved the placement of a recently exited non-LEP student in a Bilingual or ESL Program, then the student must not be reported as LEP, or must be reported as a student exited from LEP Status and being monitored.1101A40110-0054 If ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE is "0" and age is less than 3 on September 1, then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE should be "EE".SW1XXXA student that is reported as "not in membership" and is less than 3 years old on September 1 should be reported in grade level "EE".1101B40110-0064 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is not "05"-"09", then SSI-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODE should be blank.SW1XXXThe SSI promotion retention code only applies to students in grades "05"-"09".1101J40110-0063If SSI-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODE is "03", "05", or "07", then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE should be "06".SW1XXXSSI promotion retention codes "03", "05", and "07" only apply to students in grade "06".1101K40110-0020 If SSI-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODE is "04", "06", or "08", then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE must be "05".F1XXXSSI promotion retention codes "04", "06", and "08" only apply to students in grade "05".1101L40110-0061 FORMER EDIT DELETED FOR 15-16 ONLY, REINSTATE FOR 16-17 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "05" and SSI-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODE is not blank, then SSI-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODE should be "04", "06", or "08".SW1XXXA student in grade level "05" generally should have an SSI promotion retention code of blank, "04", "06", or "08".1101M40110-0062 FORMER EDIT DELETED FOR 15-16 ONLY, REINSTATE FOR 16-17 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "06" and SSI-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODE is not blank, then SSI-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODE should be "03", "05", or "07".SW1XXXA student in grade level "06" generally should have a SSI promotion retention code of blank, "03", "05", or "07".1101N40110-0048FORMER EDIT DELETED FOR 15-16 ONLY, REINSTATE FOR 16-17 For grade levels "05" and "06", at least one record should have an SSI-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODE of "03", "04", "05", "06", "07", or "08".W1XXXAt least one student in grade levels "05" and "06" generally should have an SSI promotion retention code of "03" - "08".1101R40110-0010 If LEP-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then BILINGUAL-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE must be "2", "3", "4", or "5", or ESL-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE must be "2" or "3", unless PARENTAL-PERMISSION-CODE is "C", "7", or "8".F1XXXIf a student is LEP, then they must participate in either the Bilingual Program or the ESL Program, unless parental permission to participate was not obtained. 1101S40110-0015If PARENTAL-PERMISSION-CODE is "B", then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE must be "PK"-"08".F1XXXIf a students parental permission indicates the parent or guardian has approved placement of a grade PK-8 LEP student in the required ESL program, then the student must be grade level "PK"-"08".1101T40110-0028 If CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT is blank, then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE must be "EE".F1XXXOnly certain students in grade level "EE" can be reported without a campus id of enrollment.1101U40110-0012 If BILINGUAL-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE is not "0", or ESL-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE is not "0", then PARENTAL-PERMISSION-CODE must not be blank.F1XXXA student participating in the Bilingual Program or the ESL Program must be reported with a parental permission code.1101V40110-0031 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "PK", then PK-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE must not be blank.F1XXXA "PK" student must be reported with a PK program type code.1101W40110-0032 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "PK" and PK-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE is "00", "02", "04", or "05", then PRIMARY-PK-FUNDING-SOURCE-CODE must not be blank.F1XXXA "PK" student that is in a PK program full day or is ineligible for PK must be reported with a primary PK funding source code to describe how their program is funded above the state allotment (FSP).1101X40110-0033 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "PK" and PK-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE is "01" or "03", then PRIMARY-PK-FUNDING-SOURCE-CODE must be blank.F1XXXA "PK" student that is in a PK program less than full day or is served additionally with special education services does not need to be reported with a primary PK funding source.1101Y40110 -0030If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is NOT "PK", then PK-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE, PRIMARY-PK-FUNDING-SOURCE-CODE, and SECONDARY-PK-FUNDING-SOURCE-CODE must be blank.F1XXXA student not enrolled in grade level PK must not report a PK program type code, primary PK funding source code, or a secondary PK funding source code.1101Z40110-0034 If SECONDARY-PK-FUNDING-SOURCE-CODE is not blank then PRIMARY-PK-FUNDING-SOURCE-CODE must not be blank.F1XXXAny student reported with a secondary PK funding source must be reported with a primary PK funding source.1102A40100-0113 If age on the PEIMS fall snapshot date is greater than 25, then AT-RISK-INDICATOR-CODE must be "0".F1XXXThe at-risk indicator is only applicable to students who are less than 26 years old on the PEIMS fall snapshot date.1102D40100-0109If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "PK", and ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE is "1", "2", "3", or "6", then either LEP-INDICATOR-CODE must be "1", ECONOMIC-DISADVANTAGE-CODE must be "01", "02", or "99", MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE must be "4", FOSTER-CARE-INDICATOR-CODE must be "1" or "2", or HOMELESS-STATUS-CODE must not be "0".F1XXXA student that is enrolled in "PK" as an eligible student must be reported as one or more of the following: LEP, economically disadvantaged, military connected, a current or former foster care child, or homeless.1102E40110-0072If SSI-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODE is "10", "12", or "14", then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE must be "08".F1XXXSSI promotion retention codes "10", "12", and "14" only apply to students in grade "08". 1102F40110-0073If SSI-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODE is "09", "11", or "13", then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE should be "09".SW1XXXSSI promotion retention codes "09", "11", and "13" only apply to students in grade "09".1102G40110-0074FORMER EDIT DELETED FOR 15-16 ONLY, REINSTATE FOR 16-17 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "08" and SSI-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODE is not blank, then SSI-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODE should be "10", "12", or "14".SW1XXXA student in grade level "08" generally should have an SSI promotion retention code of blank, "10", "12", or "14".1102H40110-0075FORMER EDIT DELETED FOR 15-16 ONLY, REINSTATE FOR 16-17 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "09" and SSI-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODE is not blank, then SSI-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODE should be "09", "11", or "13".SW1XXXA student in grade level "09" generally should have an SSI promotion retention code of blank, "09", "11", or "13".1102J40110-0076FORMER EDIT DELETED FOR 15-16 ONLY, REINSTATE FOR 16-17 For GRADE-LEVEL-CODE "08" and "09", at least one record should have an SSI-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODE of "09"-"14".W1XXXAt least one student in grade levels "08" and "09" generally should have an SSI promotion retention code of "09" - "14".1102K40110-0126If a student's age on September 1 of the current school year is 5, and GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "PK", then ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE should be "4" or "5".F1XXXIf a student is 5 years old on September 1 and is in grade "PK", then the ADA eligibility code must indicate the student is ineligible-full day, or ineligible-half day for average daily attendance.1102L40110-0131If TITLE-I-PART-A-INDICATOR-CODE is "9", then HOMELESS-STATUS-CODE must not be "0".F1XXXIf a student is receiving "services for the homeless" under the Title I, Part A program, then the student must be reported as homeless on the 100 student identification record.1102M40110-0137If LEP-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then HOME-LANGUAGE-CODE should not be "98".W1XXXAn LEP student should not be reported with English as the language spoken in their home.1102N40100-0146If HOMELESS-STATUS-CODE is not "0" and AS-OF-STATUS-CODE is B, D, F, or X, then AT-RISK-INDICATOR-CODE must be "1".F1XXXA student that is enrolled this year on the PEIMS fall snapshot date and is reported as homeless is an At-Risk student by definition.1102P40100-0147SSI-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODE must not be "05", "06", "07", "08", "11", "12", "13", or "14".F1XXXSSI promotion retention codes must not be "05", "06", "07", "08", "11", "12", "13", or "14". The SSI requirement that students in grades 5 and 8 must pass the STAAR mathematics assessment in order to move to the next grade level is suspended for the 2014-2015 school year. Therefore these SSI promotion retention codes cannot be reported in 2015-2016.1102Q40110-0154If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "05", then SSI-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODE must be blank or "04".F1XXXA student in grade level "05" must have an SSI promotion retention code of blank or "04".1102R40110-0155If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "06", then SSI-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODE must be blank or "03".F1XXXA student in grade level "06" must have an SSI promotion retention code of blank or "03".1102S40110-0156For all students in GRADE-LEVEL-CODE "05" and "06", at least one record should have an SSI-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODE of "03" or "04".W1XXXAt least one student in grades "05" and "06" should have an SSI promotion retention code of "03" - "04".1102T40110-0157If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "08", then SSI-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODE must be blank or "10".F1XXXA student in grade level "08" must have an SSI promotion retention code of blank or "10".1102U40110-0158If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "09", then SSI-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODE must be blank or "09".F1XXXA student in grade level "09" must have an SSI promotion retention code of blank or "09".1102V40110-0159For all students in GRADE-LEVEL-CODE "08" and "09", at least one record should have an SSI-PROMOTION-RETENTION-CODE of "09" or "10".W1XXXAt least one student in grades "08" and "09" should have an SSI promotion retention code of "09" - "10". 163 Context Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter1630141163-0001 For each 163 record, there must be a 110 record with a matching STUDENT-ID where SPECIAL-ED-INDICATOR-CODE is "1".F1XXXFor each 163 special education record reported, there must be a 110 student enrollment record reported indicating that the student is participating in special education.1630241163-0005 If TERTIARY-DISABILITY-CODE is not blank, then SECONDARY-DISABILITY-CODE must not be blank.F1XXXIf a student is reported with a tertiary disability code, then the student must also be reported with a secondary disability code.1630341163-0006If MULTIPLY-DISABLED-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then SECONDARY-DISABILITY-CODE must not be blank.F1XXXIf a special education student is multiply disabled, then a secondary disability code must be reported.1630641163-0007 If PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE is "12", then EARLY-CHILDHOOD-INTERV-IND-CODE must be "1".F1XXXIf the primary special education disability is a "developmental delay", then the student must be participating in the Early Childhood Intervention program.1630841163-0027 If EARLY-CHILDHOOD-INTERV-IND-CODE is "1", then INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE should be "01", "31", "32", or "34".W1XXXIf a special education student is participating in the Early Childhood Intervention program, then the instructional setting code generally should be homebound, home-based instruction, center-based instruction, or other environment.1630941163-0012 If EARLY-CHILDHOOD-INTERV-IND-CODE is "0", then INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE must not be "31", "32", or "34".F1XXXIf a special education student does not participate in the Early Childhood Intervention program, then the instructional setting code must not be home-based instruction, center-based instruction, or other environment for students 0-2 years of age receiving services in ECI programs.1631041163-0014If PRESCHL-PROG-CHLDRN-WITH-DISAB-IND-CD is "1", then age on the PEIMS fall snapshot date must be 3, 4 or 5, and EARLY-CHILDHOOD-INTERV-IND-CODE must be "0".F1XXXA special education student participating in the Preschool Program for Children with Disabilities must be 3 - 5 years old on the PEIMS snapshot date, and is not eligible to participate in the Early Childhood Intervention program. 1631141163-0028 If PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE is "09", and INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE is not "40", then SPEECH-THERAPY-INDICATOR-CODE should not be "0".W1XXXIf a students primary disability is speech impairment and the instructional setting code is mainstream, then the student generally should receive speech therapy.1631341163-0013 If EARLY-CHILDHOOD-INTERV-IND-CODE is "1", then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE must be "EE", and PRESCHL-PROG-CHLDRN-WITH-DISAB-IND-CD must be "0". F1XXXA special education student participating in the Early Childhood Intervention program must be in grade level "EE" and is not eligible to participate in the Preschool Program for Children with Disabilities.1631541163-0029 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "PK" and SPECIAL-ED-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then PRESCHL-PROG-CHLDRN-WITH-DISAB-IND-CD should be "1".SW1XXXA special education student in grade level "PK" generally should participate in the Preschool Program for Children with Disabilities.1631741163-0011 If SPEECH-THERAPY-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE must be "00".F1XXXA special education student receiving speech therapy only must have an instructional setting code of "00".1631941163-0026 If REG-DAY-SCH-PROG-DEAF-CODE is not "0", then there must be at least one 011 record where SHARED-SVCS-ARRANGEMT-TYPE-CODE is "10".F1XXIf Regional Day School Program for the Deaf indicates a special education student is receiving instructional services from the Regional Day School Program for the Deaf, then a Shared Services Arrangement must be reported for Regional Day School Program for the Deaf.1632041163-0008 If PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE, SECONDARY-DISABILITY-CODE, or TERTIARY-DISABILITY-CODE is "12", then age on the PEIMS fall snapshot date must be less than 3.F1XXXIf primary, secondary, or tertiary is "developmental delay", then the student must be less than 3 years old on the PEIMS fall snapshot date. 1632141163-0031 If INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE is "00", then SPEECH-THERAPY-INDICATOR-CODE must be "1". F1XXXA special education student with an instructional setting code "00" indicating no instructional setting must receive speech therapy only with no other services through another special education instructional setting.1632241163-0010 If REG-DAY-SCH-PROG-DEAF-CODE is not "0", then either PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE, SECONDARY-DISABILITY-CODE, or TERTIARY-DISABILITY-CODE must be "03" or "05".F1XXXIf a special education student is receiving services from the Regional Day School Program for the Deaf, then either primary, secondary, or tertiary disability must indicate auditory impairment or deaf-blind disabilities.1632341163-0030 If age is at least 3 on the PEIMS fall snapshot date and less than 22 on September 1, then CHILD-COUNT-FUNDING-TYPE-CODE must not be "0".F1XXXIf a special education student is at least 3 on the PEIMS fall snapshot date and less than 22 years old on September 1, then child count funding type code must not be "0".1632441163-0017 If age is 3 or more on the PEIMS fall snapshot date, then EARLY-CHILDHOOD-INTERV-IND-CODE must be "0".F1XXXIf a special education student is 3 years old or older on the PEIMS fall snapshot date, then they must not participate in the Early Childhood Intervention program.1632641163-0020 If INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE is "50" or "60", then ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE must be "0".F1XXXIf a special education student receives instruction in a residential nonpublic school program or a nonpublic day school, then ADA eligibility must indicate "not in membership".1632741163-0015 If age is less than 3 on the PEIMS fall snapshot date or greater than 21 on September 1, then CHILD-COUNT-FUNDING-TYPE-CODE must be "0".F1XXXIf a special education student is less than 3 years old on the PEIMS fall snapshot date or greater than 21 years old on September 1, then the child count funding type code must be "0".1633041163-0002 Neither SECONDARY-DISABILITY-CODE nor TERTIARY-DISABILITY-CODE can be "14".F1XXXNeither secondary nor tertiary disability can be noncategorical early childhood for a special education student.1633141163-0009 If PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE is "14", then age must be at least 3 but less than 6 on the PEIMS fall snapshot date.F1XXXFor a special education student, if primary disability is noncategorical early childhood, then the student must be 3, 4 or 5 years old on the PEIMS fall snapshot date. 1633341163-0003 Neither PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE, SECONDARY-DISABILITY-CODE, nor TERTIARY-DISABILITY-CODE may be "00".F1XXXAt least one disability must be reported for a special education student.16334The value of DISTRICT-ID in this record must match the value of DISTRICT-ID on the district's 010 record.F1XXXThe district id on the 163 record must match the district id on the 010 record.1633641163-0025 Each districts data submission should contain at least one 163 record.SW1XXXThere generally should be at least one special education student reported for each Local Education Agency.1633741163-0019 If INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE is "45", "89", or "98", then age on the PEIMS fall snapshot date must be at least 3 and less than 6.F1XXXIf instructional setting code indicates a full-time early childhood special education setting, then the special education student must be 3, 4 or 5 years old on the PEIMS fall snapshot date.1633841163-0004 PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE, SECONDARY-DISABILITY-CODE, or TERTIARY-DISABILITY-CODE must not be the same code.F1XXXPrimary, secondary, and tertiary disability must all be different.1633941163-0021 If INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE is "70" then DISTRICT-ID must match the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired.F1XOnly the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired may report itself as the instructional setting code.1634041163-0022 If INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE is "71" then DISTRICT-ID must match the Texas School for the Deaf (227906).F1XOnly the Texas School for the Deaf may report itself as the instructional setting code. 1634241163-0016 If age on the PEIMS fall snapshot date is 3, 4 or 5 then PRESCHL-PROG-CHLDRN-WITH-DISAB-IND-CD must be "1".F1XXXA special education student that is 3, 4 or 5 years old on the PEIMS fall snapshot date must participate in the Preschool Program for Children with Disabilities.1634341163-0023 If INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE is "70", or "71", then ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE must be "0", "4", "5", or "8".F1XXXIf a special education students instructional setting code indicates Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired or Texas School for the Deaf, then the students ADA eligibility must indicate the student is "not in membership" or is ineligible for ADA.1634441163-0018 If PPCD-SERVICE-LOCATION-CODE is not "0", then age on the PEIMS fall snapshot date must be 3, 4 or 5.F1XXXIf a special education students PPCD service location indicator code is applicable to the student, then the student must be 3, 4 or 5 years old on the PEIMS fall snapshot date.1634541163-0032 If PRESCHL-PROG-CHLDRN-WITH-DISAB-IND-CD is "1", then PPCD-SERVICE-LOCATION-CODE must not be "0".F1XXXIf a special education student participates in the Preschool Program for Children with Disabilities, then a PPCD service location indicator code must be reported.1634641163-0033If SPEECH-THERAPY-INDICATOR-CODE is "2", then INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE must not be "00". F1XXXIf a student is enrolled speech therapy then their instructional setting code must not be "00" (no instructional setting).1634741163-0034If REG-DAY-SCH-PROG-DEAF-CODE is "0", then DISTRICT-OF-RDSPD-SERVICE must be blank.F1XXXIf a student is not enrolled in the Regional Day School Program for the Deaf, then the district of RDSPD service must be blank.1634841163-0035If REG-DAY-SCH-PROG-DEAF-CODE is not "0", then DISTRICT-OF-RDSPD-SERVICE must not be blank.F1XXXIf a student is enrolled in the Regional Day School Program for the Deaf, then the district of RDSPD service must be reported.1634941163-0036If DISTRICT-OF-RDSPD-SERVICE is not blank, then DISTRICT-OF-RDSPD-SERVICE on the 163 Special Education record must match FISCAL-AGENT-DISTRICT-ID on a 011 record where SHARED-SVCS-ARRANGEMT-TYPE-CODE is "10".F1XXA students district of RDSPD service on the 163 record must match the fiscal agent district id on an 011 SSA record where SSA type is "10" (Regional Day School Program for the Deaf).1635041163-0037If PRESCHL-PROG-CHLDRN-WITH-DISAB-IND-CD is "1" and INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE is "40", "81" or "91", then PPCD-SERVICE-LOCATION-CODE should be "1" or "4".SW1XXXA PPCD student reported with a mainstream instructional setting generally should be reported with a PPCD service location code of "1" or "4". 1635141163-0038If PRESCHL-PROG-CHLDRN-WITH-DISAB-IND-CD is "1" and INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE is "41", "42", "82", "83", "92" or "93", then PPCD-SERVICE-LOCATION-CODE should be "1", "4", "5", or "6".SW1XXXA PPCD student reported with a resource room instructional setting generally should be reported with a PPCD service location code of "1", "4", "5", or "6".1635241163-0039If PRESCHL-PROG-CHLDRN-WITH-DISAB-IND-CD is "1" and INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE is "43", "44", "84", "85", "94" or "95", then PPCD-SERVICE-LOCATION-CODE should be "5" or "6".SW1XXXA PPCD student reported with a self-contained mild/moderate/severe regular campus instructional setting generally should be reported with a PPCD service location code of "5" or "6".1635341163-0040If PRESCHL-PROG-CHLDRN-WITH-DISAB-IND-CD is "1" and INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE is "02", "45", "86", "87", "89", "96", "97" or "98", then PPCD-SERVICE-LOCATION-CODE should be "3".SW1XXXA PPCD student reported with a separate campus/class instructional setting should be reported with a PPCD service location code of "3".1635441163-0041If PRESCHL-PROG-CHLDRN-WITH-DISAB-IND-CD is "1" and INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE is "01", then PPCD-SERVICE-LOCATION-CODE must be "7".F1XXXA PPCD student reported with a homebound instructional setting code must be reported with a PPCD service location code of "7".1635641163-0043If EARLY-CHILDHOOD-INTERV-IND-CODE is "1", then PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE must be "03", "04", "05", or "12".F1XXXA student participating in the Early Childhood Intervention program must be reported with a primary disability of "auditory impairment, "visual impairment", deaf-blind, or "developmental delay".1635741163-0046If PRESCHL-PROG-CHILDRN-WITH-DISAB-IND-CD is "0", then PPCD-SERVICE-LOCATION-CODE must be "0".F1XXXIf a special education student is not a participant in the Preschool Program for Children with Disabilities, then PPCD service location indicator code must be reported as not applicable to this student ("0"). 169 Context Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter1690141169-0001 For each 169 record, there must be a 101 record with a matching STUDENT-ID where CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-CD is not "0".F1XXXFor each 169 career and technical education record reported, there must be a 101 student demographic record reported indicating that the student is participating in career and technical education.1690241169-0002 For each 169 record, there must be at least one 170 record with a matching STUDENT-ID.F1XXXIf career and technical education program data is reported for a student, then career and technical education course data must also be reported.1690441169-0003 If TRANSPORTATION-CTE-SUPPORT-SERVICE is "1", then ECONOMIC-DISADVANTAGE-CODE must not be "00".F1XXXA career and technical education student receiving special transportation services must be economically disadvantaged. 16906The value of DISTRICT-ID in this record much match the value of DISTRICT-ID on the districts 010 record.F1XXXThe district id on the 169 record must match the district id on the 010 record.1690841169-0004 Each districts data submission should contain at least one 169 record.W1XXThere generally should be at least one career and technical education student reported for each LEA. 16910For each 169 record, there must be a 110 record with a matching STUDENT-ID.F1XXXFor each 169 career and technical education record reported, there must be a 110 enrollment record reported for the student.1691141169-0005If DISPLACED-HOMEMAKER-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then AT-RISK-INDICATOR-CODE should be "1".W1XXXA career and technical education student that is reported as a displaced homemaker should be reported as an At-Risk student.1691241169-0006If SGL-PARENT-PREG-TEEN-CODE is not "0", then AT-RISK-INDICATOR-CODE must be "1".F1XXXA career and technical education student that is reported as a single parent or pregnant teen must be reported as an At-Risk student. 170 Context Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter1700140170-0001 For each unique STUDENT-ID found on some 170 record, there must be a 101 record with a matching STUDENT-ID where CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-CD is not "0".F1XXXFor each 170 career and technical education course record reported, there must be a 101 student demographic record reported indicating that the student is participating in career and technical education. 1700240170-0002 For each unique STUDENT-ID found on some 170 record, there must be a 169 record with a matching STUDENT-ID.F1XXXIf career and technical education course data is reported for a student, then career and technical education program data must also be reported. 1700340170-0003 SERVICE-ID must a Career and Technical Education course.F1XXXThe service id reported on a 170 record must be a career and technical education course.1700840170-0004 If SERVICE-ID is "12700300", "12700400", "12700410", "12700420", and "12700430" then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE must be "06"-"08".F1XXXIf the service id reported on a 170 record is a middle school career and technical education course, then the student must be in grade level "06"-"08".17010The value of DISTRICT-ID in this record must match the value of DISTRICT-ID on the district's 010 record.F1XXXThe district id on the 170 record must match the district id on the 010 record.1701240170-0005 Each districts data submission should contain at least one 170 record.W1XXThere generally should be at least one career and technical education course reported for each LEA.17013For each 170 record, there must be a 110 record with a matching STUDENT-ID.F1XXXFor each 170 career and technical education record reported, there must be a 110 enrollment record reported for the student. 203 Context Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter2030140203-0002 CAMPUS-ID must match an entry that is registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus in the reporting district, in the previous school year ending in "001" - "698".F1XXXFor a leaver, the campus reported must have been an active instructional campus in the reporting LEA in the previous school year and must end in "001" - "698".2030340203-0008 For a particular CAMPUS-ID, if the only LEAVER-REASON-CODE shown other than "01" is "98", then the total number of students in this category will be shown.SW1XXXFor a particular campus, if the only leavers reported are designated as "graduated" and "other", there could be miscoded leavers or missing leavers from the data reported. 2030740203-0004 If LEAVER-REASON-CODE is "01", then DATE-OF-GRADUATION, GRADUATION-TYPE-CODE, and INDIVIDUAL-GRADUATION-COMMITTEE-GRADUATE-CODE must not be blank.F1XXXIf a leaver has graduated, then the Date of Graduation, Graduation Type Code, and Individual Graduation Committee Graduate Code must be reported.2030840203-0005 If LEAVER-REASON-CODE is not "01", then DATE-OF-GRADUATION, GRADUATION-TYPE-CODE, and INDIVIDUAL-GRADUATION-COMMITTEE-GRADUATE-CODE must be blank.F1XXXIf a leaver has not graduated, then the Date of Graduation, Graduation Type Code, and Individual Graduation Committee Graduate Code must be blank.2031140203-0003 If LEAVER-REASON-CODE is "01", then DATE-OF-GRADUATION must be greater than 072014 and less than 092015.F1XXXFor a graduate leaver, the date of graduation must be between the month of July preceding the previous school year and the month of September following the previous school year. 2031340203-0006 If GRADUATION-TYPE-CODE is "07" or "57", then the student should be at least 22 years of age as of September 1 of the current school year.SW1XXXFor a leaver, if graduation type code indicates the student has reached age 22, then the student's September 1 age in the current school year should be at least 22.2031540203-0001 There must be a 101 record with a matching STUDENT-ID where GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "07"-"12".F1XXXThe student id on the 203 record must match the student id for a grade level "07"-"12" student on a 101 record.2031740203-0007 If CAMPUS-ID is a campus registered with the TEA as a JJAEP, then STUDENT-ATTRIBUTION-CODE should be "02".SW1XXXFor a leaver, if the campus reported was registered with the TEA as a JJAEP in the prior school year, then the students attribution code on the 101 record should be "JJAEP".2031840203-0009 The students prior year September 1 age should not be greater than 25 or less than 10.SW1, 3XXXA leaver's prior year September 1 age generally should not be greater than 25 or less than 10.20319The value of DISTRICT-ID in this record much match the value of DISTRICT-ID on the districts 010 record.F1, 3XXXThe district id on the 203 record must match the district id on the 010 record.2032110020-0016Each districts data submission should contain at least one 203 record.SW1XXEach LEA that served students in the prior school year in grades "07"-"12" should generally leavers to report.2032248011-0001FHSP-PARTICIPANT-CODE must be blank.F1XXXFHSP Participant Code is not reported for submission 1.20323If GRADUATION-TYPE-CODE is "34" or "54"-"57", then the following fields must each be "0" or "2": FHSP-DISTING-LEVEL-ACHIEVE-INDICATOR-CODE, STEM-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, BUSINESS-AND-INDUSTRY-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, PUBLIC-SERVICES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, ARTS-AND-HUMANITIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, and MULTI-DISCIPLINARY-STUDIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE.F1XXXFor 2015-2016 reporting, if a leaver has graduated in 2014-2015 under the Foundation High School Program (Graduation Type Code "34", or "54"-"57"), then the FHSP Distinguished Level of Achievement Indicator and the FHSP Endorsement Indicators must be reported as either the student is not pursuing or participating (0), or the student has completed (2). Note: Graduates with Graduation Type Code "35" do not report FHSP Distinguished Level of Achievement or the FHSP Endorsement Indicators.20324If GRADUATION-TYPE-CODE is not "34" or "54"-"57", then the following fields must be blank: FHSP-DISTING-LEVEL-ACHIEVE-INDICATOR-CODE, STEM-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, BUSINESS-AND-INDUSTRY-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, PUBLIC-SERVICES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, ARTS-AND-HUMANITIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, and MULTI-DISCIPLINARY-STUDIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE.F1XXXIf a leaver has not graduated under the Foundation High School Program (Graduation Type Code "34", or "54"-"57"), then the FHSP Distinguished Level of Achievement Indicator and the FHSP Endorsement Indicators must not be reported. Note: Graduates with Graduation Type Code "35" do not report FHSP Distinguished Level of Achievement or the FHSP Endorsement Indicators.2032540203-0013Former Edit Deleted2032648011-0003There must be a 101 record with a matching STUDENT-ID where GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "09"-"12".F3XXXA student reported in submission 3 with graduation program intention data must be reported in grade level "09"-"12" at the end of the school year.2032748011-0005CAMPUS-ID must match an entry that is registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus in the reporting district, in the current school year ending in "001" - "698".F3XXXFor a student's graduation program intention, the campus reported must have been an active instructional campus in the reporting LEA in the current school year and must end in "001" - "698".20328LEAVER-REASON-CODE, DATE-OF-GRADUATION, and GRADUATION-TYPE-CODE must be blank.F3XXXLeaver Reason Code, Date of Graduation, and Graduation Type Code are not reported for submission 3.2032948011-0006If FHSP-PARTICPANT-CODE is "0", then the following fields must be blank: FHSP-DISTING-LEVEL-ACHIEVE-INDICATOR-CODE, STEM-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, BUSINESS-AND-INDUSTRY-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, PUBLIC-SERVICES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, ARTS-AND-HUMANITIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, and MULTI-DISCIPLINARY-STUDIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE.F3XXXIf a student is not currently enrolled in the Foundation High School Program, then the FHSP Distinguished Level of Achievement Indicator and the FHSP Endorsement Indicators must not be reported.2033048011-0007If FHSP-PARTICIPANT-CODE is not "0", then the following fields must not be blank: FHSP-DISTING-LEVEL-ACHIEVE-INDICATOR-CODE, STEM-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, BUSINESS-AND-INDUSTRY-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, PUBLIC-SERVICES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, ARTS-AND-HUMANITIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, and MULTI-DISCIPLINARY-STUDIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE.F3XXXIf a student is currently enrolled in the Foundation High School Program, then the FHSP Distinguished Level of Achievement Indicator and the FHSP Endorsement Indicators must be reported.2033248011-0008If FHSP-DISTING-LEVEL-ACHIEVE-INDICATOR-CODE is not "0" or blank, then at least one of the following fields must be "1" or "2": STEM-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, BUSINESS-AND-INDUSTRY-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, PUBLIC-SERVICES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, ARTS-AND-HUMANITIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, or MULTI-DISCIPLINARY-STUDIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE.F1, 3XXXIf FHSP Distinguished Level of Achievement Indicator Code indicates a student is currently participating in the Distinguished Level of Achievement Program, then at least one of these fields must indicate the student is currently pursuing or has successfully completed a program to earn an endorsement: STEM Endorsement Indicator Code, Business and Industry Endorsement Indicator Code, Public Services Endorsement Indicator Code, Arts and Humanities Endorsement Indicator Code, or Multi-Disciplinary Studies Endorsement Indicator Code.2033348011-0009If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "09"-"11", then FHSP-DISTING-LEVEL-ACHIEVE-INDICATOR-CODE should not be "2".SW1, 3XXXA student in grades "09"-"11" generally will not have completed the FHSP Distinguished Level of Achievement program before their senior year of high school.2033448011-0010If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "09", then none of the following fields should be "2": STEM-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, BUSINESS-AND-INDUSTRY-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, PUBLIC-SERVICES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, ARTS-AND-HUMANITIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, or MULTI-DISCIPLINARY-STUDIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE.SW1, 3XXXA student in grade "09" generally will not have completed any of the FHSP Endorsements.2033548011-0011If FHSP-PARTICIPANT-CODE is "2", then the following fields must be "0" or "2": FHSP-DISTING-LEVEL-ACHIEVE-INDICATOR-CODE, STEM-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, BUSINESS-AND-INDUSTRY-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, PUBLIC-SERVICES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, ARTS-AND-HUMANITIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, and MULTI-DISCIPLINARY-STUDIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE.F3XXXIf a student has completed the Foundation High School Program, then the FHSP Distinguished Level of Achievement Indicator Code and the FHSP Endorsement Indicators must be reported as either the student is not pursuing or participating (0), or the student has completed (2). The student would no longer be pursuing a component if they have completed the program.2033648011-0013If at least one of the endorsement fields (STEM-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, BUSINESS-AND-INDUSTRY-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, PUBLIC-SERVICES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, ARTS-AND-HUMANITIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, or MULTI-DISCIPLINARY-STUDIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE) is "1" or "2", then FHSP-DISTING-LEVEL-ACHIEVE-INDICATOR-CODE should be 1 or 2.W1, 3XXXIf one or more of the endorsement fields (STEM Endorsement Indicator Code, Business and Industry Endorsement Indicator Code, Public Services Endorsement Indicator Code, Arts and Humanities Endorsement Indicator Code, or Multi-Disciplinary Studies Endorsement Indicator Code) indicate the student is currently pursuing or has successfully completed a program to earn an endorsement, then the FHSP Distinguished Level of Achievement Indicator Code should indicate the student is currently participating in the Distinguished Level of Achievement Program.2033740203-0014For a particular CAMPUS-ID, there should be at least two different LEAVER-REASON-CODE values reported.W1XXXFor a particular campus, all of the leavers should not be reported with the same leaver reason code.2033840203-0015If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is less than "09", then LEAVER-REASON-CODE must not be "01" (graduated).F1XXXStudents reported as graduates must have been in high school.2033940203-0016If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "09" or "10", then LEAVER-REASON-CODE should not be "01" (graduated).SW1XXXStudents reported as graduates generally should not be in grade "09" or "10".2034040203-0017If DISTRICT-ID is "211901" (Texhoma ISD), then LEAVER-REASON-CODE must not be "01" (graduated).F1XXTexhoma ISD must not report graduates with Leaver Reason Code "01".2034148011-0014If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "09" or "10", and FHSP-PARTICIPANT-CODE is "1", then at least one of the following fields should be "1": STEM-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, BUSINESS-AND-INDUSTRY-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, PUBLIC-SERVICES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, ARTS-AND-HUMANITIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE, or MULTI-DISCIPLINARY-STUDIES-ENDORSEMENT-INDICATOR-CODE.SW3XXXA student in grade "09" or "10" who is pursuing the Foundation High School Program should specify at least one of the FHSP Endorsements.2034240203-0018If LEAVER-REASON-CODE is "01", then INDIVIDUAL-GRADUATION-COMMITTEE-GRADUATE-CODE must be "00" or "02".F1XXXFor a graduate leaver, the Individual Graduation Committee Graduate Code must indicate "Not applicable" (00) or "IGC Graduate" (02).2034340203-0019If INDIVIDUAL-GRADUATION-COMMITTEE-GRADUATE-CODE is 02, then GRADE-LEVEL-CODE must be 12.F1XXXA student cannot be an IGC graduate before the 12th grade.2034440203-0020For a particular CAMPUS-ID, the number of IGC graduates (203 records with LEAVER-REASON-CODE "01" and INDIVIDUAL-GRADUATION-COMMITTEE-GRADUATE-CODE = "02") must not be more than the NUMBER-OF-STUDENTS-REVIEWED-BY-IGC.F1XXXFor a particular campus, there cannot be more IGC graduates than there were students reviewed by an IGC from the prior year.2034548011-0015If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "11" or "12", then INDIVIDUAL-GRADUATION-COMMITTEE-REVIEW-CODE must not be blank, and must be "00" or "01".F3XXXFor graduation program intention data reported for a student in grade 11 or 12, the Individual Graduation Committee Review Code must indicate Not applicable (00) or IGC Reviewed (01).2034648011-0016If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is not 11 or 12, then INDIVIDUAL-GRADUATION-COMMITTEE-REVIEW-CODE must be blank.F3XXXIndividual Graduation Committee Review Code is only reported for students in grades 11 and 12. A student cannot have an IGC established before the 11th grade. 300 Context Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter3000110020-0022 There should be at least one 300 record for each instructional campus listed in the Texas School Directory.SW3XXEach active instructional campus should report course section data for each reportable course offered at the campus.3000250300-0003 CAMPUS-ID must match an entry registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus in the reporting LEA ending in "001" - "698".F3XXXA campus reporting course section data must be an active instructional campus registered with the TEA in the reporting LEA and must end in "001" - "698".3000350300-0004 SERVICE-ID must match an instructional entry on the SERVICE-ID code table C022 and must not begin with "SA", "SE", "SR", "SS", "01", "8", or "9".F3XXXCourse section records must not be reported with service ids that indicate: educational aides (starts with "SA"), special education and related services (starts with "SE"), teachers with additional responsibilities (starts with "SR"), faculty with non-teaching responsibilities (starts with "SS"), pre-first grade courses (starts with "01"), or local-credit courses (starts with "8" or "9").3000450300-0006 If SERVICE-ID is a high school course, then COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE must not be "A".F3XXXCourse sequence code "A" is only reported for non-high school courses.30005For each 300 record where NON-CAMPUS-BASED-INSTRUCTION-CODE is "00", there must be a matching 305 record where CAMPUS-ID, SERVICE-ID, CLASS-ID-NUMBER, and COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE is the same.F3XXXFor a course section where the non campus based instruction code is "not applicable", there must a teacher assignment record reported with a matching course section.3000650300-0002 For each 300 record, there must be a corresponding 415 record where CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT matches CAMPUS-ID, and SERVICE-ID, CLASS-ID-NUMBER, and COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE are the same.F3XXXEach course section that is scheduled must also have at least one student reported as participating in the course section on a 415 course completion record.3000750300-0001 For each 300 record where NON-CAMPUS-BASED-INSTRUCTION-CODE is "00", there must be a matching 305 record (DISTRICT-ID, CAMPUS-ID, SERVICE-ID, CLASS-ID-NUMBER, and COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE) where CLASS-ROLE is "01". F3XXXEach course section that was taught with campus staff must be reported with at least one "teacher of record".3000850300-0007 If NON-CAMPUS-BASED-INSTRUCTION-CODE is "10", then SERVICE-ID must be "PES00008" "PES00011".F3XXXIf the non campus based instruction code indicates a "non-district PE substitution program", then the service id must be a "PE substitution non-district program" course.3000950300-0008 If NON-CAMPUS-BASED-INSTRUCTION-CODE is "09", then CAMPUS-ID must be registered in the Texas School Directory as a DAEP campus type. F3XXXIf the non campus based instruction code indicates an "out of district DAEP program", then the campus id must be registered with the TEA as a DAEP campus.3001050300-0005 SERVICE-ID must not be "02497009", "02510001", "02520004", "02530002", "02540005", "02550020", "02560005", "02561005", "02620001", "02630001", "02640005", "02650000", "02660009", "02670000", "11400000", "11401800", "11403600".F3XXXFor course section data, courses that are designated for grade levels less than 1st grade cannot be reported.3001150300-0009 If SERVICE-ID is a Career and Technical Education course, then NON-CAMPUS-BASED-INSTRUCTION-CODE must be "00".SW3XXXIf the service id is a career and technical education course, then the course generally will be taught by campus staff.3001250300-0010 If CAMPUS-ID is "019907005", "101912100", or "221801022", then NON-CAMPUS-BASED-INSTRUCTION-CODE must be "04".F3XXXIf a course section record indicates a Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN) Online Schools campus, then the non campus based instruction code must be reported as Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN) Online Schools Program.30013The value of DISTRICT-ID in this record must match the value of DISTRICT-ID on the districts 010 record.F3XXXThe district id on the 300 record must match the district id on the 010 record. 305 Context Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter3050110020-0023 There should be at least one 305 record for each instructional campus listed in the Texas School Directory.SW3XXThere should be at least one 305 teacher class assignment record for each instructional campus that is listed in the AskTED system.3050230305-0003 CAMPUS-ID must match an entry registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus in the reporting LEA ending in "001" - "698".F3XXXThe campus id reported on a 305 teacher class assignment record must be an active instructional campus in the AskTED system in the reporting LEA and must end in "001" - "698".3050330305-0001 For each 305 record, there must be an existing 300 record with a matching CAMPUS-ID, SERVICE-ID, CLASS-ID-NUMBER, and COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE.F3XXXFor each 305 teacher class assignment record, there must be a matching 300 course section record with the same campus id, service id, class id number, and course sequence code.3050430305-0004 SERVICE-ID must match an instructional entry on the SERVICE-ID code table C022 and must not begin with "SA", "SE", "SR", "SS", "01", "8", or "9". F3XXXA teacher class assignment record must not be reported with service ids that indicate: educational aides (starts with "SA"), special education and related services (starts with "SE"), teachers with additional responsibilities (starts with "SR"), faculty with non-teaching responsibilities (starts with "SS"), pre-first grade courses (starts with "01"), or local-credit courses (starts with "8" or "9").3050530305-0012 If SERVICE-ID is a high school course, then COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE must not be "A".F3XXXCourse sequence code "A" is only reported for non-high school courses.3050630305-0002For a particular STAFF-ID on a 305 record, there must be a matching STAFF-ID on some 040, 043, and 050 records.F3XXXA staff person that is reported on a 305 record must have the required corresponding staff identification, demographic, and employment records.3050730305-0006 ROLE-ID must be "047" or "087".F3XXXOnly staff persons who are teachers or substitute teachers can be reported on a 305 record.3050830305-0007 ASSIGNMENT-BEGIN-DATE must be a valid date. F3XXXA teachers class assignment begin date must be a valid calendar date.3050930305-0009 ASSIGNMENT-END-DATE must be a valid date. F3XXXA teachers class assignment end date must be a valid calendar date.3051030305-0008 ASSIGNMENT-BEGIN-DATE must be between June 1, 2015 and August 31, 2016.F3XXXA teachers class assignment begin date must be within the current school year within the range of the months from June through August.3051130305-0010 ASSIGNMENT-END-DATE must be between June 1, 2015 and August 31, 2016. F3XXXA teachers class assignment end date must be within the current school year within the range of the months from June through August.3051230305-0005 SERVICE-ID must not be "02497009", "02510001","0252000", "02530002", "02540005", "02550020", "02560005", "02561005", "02620001", "02630001", "02640005", "02650000", "02660009", "02670000", "11400000", "11401800", "11403600".F3XXXFor teacher class assignment data, courses that are designated for grade levels less than 1st grade cannot be reported.3051330305-0011ASSIGNMENT-END-DATE must be greater than ASSIGNMENT-BEGIN-DATE.F3XXXThe date that a teacher was assigned to, or reassigned to, a course must occur before the last date a teacher was assigned to a course.30514The value of DISTRICT-ID in this record must match the value of DISTRICT-ID on the districts 010 record.F3XXXThe district id on the 305 record must match the district id on the 010 record. 400 Context Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter4000242400-0002 CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must match an entry registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus in the reporting district ending in "001" - "698". F3XXXA students attendance campus id of enrollment must be registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus in the reporting LEA and must end in "001" - "698".4000342400-0040 For each instance of STUDENT-ID, GRADE-LEVEL-CODE should be found in the grade range registered with the TEA for the campus shown in CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, unless there is at least one matching 405 record.SW3XXXStudent attendance generally should be in a grade level found in the grade range for the campus id reported as registered with the TEA, unless the student has special education attendance in an instructional setting other than "mainstream".4000442400-0059 For a particular CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT should not be greater than "040".W3XXXEach particular campus id of enrollment, instructional track, and reporting period should have less than 40 days of instruction.4000542400-0048 For a particular CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT should not be less than "024".W3XXXEach particular campus id of enrollment, instructional track, and reporting period generally should have at least 24 days of instruction.4000742400-0005The last character of TOTAL-DAYS-ABSENT must be either "0" or "5".F3XXXA students total days absent must be reported as either full or half days.4000942400-0006 The last character of TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT must be either "0" or "5".F3XXXA students total ineligible days present must be reported as either full or half days.4001042400-0033 For a particular CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, if there are any students whose sum of TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT and TOTAL-DAYS-ABSENT for all reporting periods is greater than "1800", (180 days), then a message showing the total number of students in this category will be issued asking for verification.W3XXXStudents should generally not be reported with more than 180 days of enrollment.4001142400-0012 For each instance of STUDENT-ID, TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT must not be greater than NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT less TOTAL-DAYS-ABSENT less TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT.F3XXXA student cannot be reported with more attendance than there are days taught in a reporting period.4001242400-0007The last character of TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT must be either "0" or "5".F3XXXA students total eligible days present must be reported as either full or half days.4001342400-0013 For each instance of STUDENT-ID, TOTAL-ELIG-BILINGUAL/ESL-DAYS-PRESENT must not be greater than TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT.F3XXXA students total bilingual/ESL eligible days present must not be more than total eligible days present.4001442401-0001The last character of TOTAL-ELIG-BILINGUAL/ESL-DAYS-PRESENT must be either "0" or "5".F3XXXA students total bilingual/ESL eligible days present must be reported as either full or half days.4001542400-0014 For each instance of STUDENT-ID, TOTAL-ELIG-PREG-REL-SVCS-DAYS-PRESENT must not be greater than TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT.F3XXXA students total Pregnancy Related Services eligible days present must not be more than total eligible days present.4001642401-0002The last character of TOTAL-ELIG-PREG-REL-SVCS-DAYS-PRESENT must be either "0" or "5".F3XXXA students total Pregnancy Related Services eligible days present must be reported as either full or half days.4001742400-0015 For each instance of STUDENT-ID, TOTAL-ELIG-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-PRESENT must not be greater than TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT.F3XXXA students total special education mainstream eligible days present must not be more than total eligible days present. 4001842400-0034 For each instance of STUDENT-ID, the sum of TOTAL-ELIG-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-PRESENT plus all instances of ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-IN-INSTR-SETTING (from all matching 405 records where INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE is not "00") must not be greater than TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT.F3XXXA student cannot be reported with more special education attendance than they are reported with regular attendance.4002042401-0003The last character of TOTAL-ELIG-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-PRESENT must be either "0" or "5".F3XXXA students total special education mainstream eligible days present must be reported as either full or half days.4002642401-0008For a particular STUDENT-ID where TOTAL-ELIG-PREG-REL-SVCS-DAYS-PRESENT is not "0000", SEX-CODE must be "F" on the 101 record with a matching STUDENT-ID.F3XXXPregnancy related services total eligible days present may only be reported for female students.4002742400-0047 For a particular REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, and GRADE-LEVEL-CODE, the sum of TOTAL-DAYS-ABSENT should not be "0".SW3XXXGenerally at least one student will be reported with an absence(s) in a particular campus id of enrollment, instructional track, reporting period, and grade level.4002942401-0004For each instance of STUDENT-ID where GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "EE", TOTAL-ELIG-BILINGUAL/ESL-DAYS-PRESENT must be "0000".F3XXXStudents in grade "EE" must not be reported with Bilingual/ESL program attendance.4003042401-0009For each instance of STUDENT-ID where GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "EE", "PK", "KG", "01", "02", or "03", TOTAL-ELIG-PREG-REL-SVCS-DAYS-PRESENT should be "0000".SW3XXXStudents in grade level "EE"-"03" should not be reported with pregnancy related services attendance.4003142400-0016 For each instance of STUDENT-ID, the sum of TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT, TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT, and TOTAL-DAYS-ABSENT must be greater than 0.F3XXXFor students reported with attendance, at least one of the fields total eligible days present, total ineligible days present, or total days absent must be greater than 0.4003242400-0044 For a particular STUDENT-ID, the sum of TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT for all reporting periods should not be greater than "1800", (180 days).SW3XXXA sum of all total eligible days present for a particular student, across all reporting periods, generally should not be greater than 180 days. 4003342400-0046For a particular STUDENT-ID and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, the sum of TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT plus TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT plus TOTAL-DAYS-ABSENT should not be greater than "0400" (40 days).W3XXXFor a student in a particular reporting period, the sum of their total eligible days present and total ineligible days present and total days absent generally should not be more than 40 days.4003642400-0003 The first six characters of CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must not be a district registered with the TEA as an ESC.F3XXXA students campus id of enrollment must not be an ESC.40037CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must match CAMPUS-ID on an 020 record.F3XXXA students campus id of enrollment on a 400 record must match a campus id on a 020 record.4003842400-0017 For a particular CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT must be identical on all records.F3XXXNumber days taught must be the same on all attendance records with the same campus id of enrollment, instructional track, and reporting period.4004042400-0045 For a particular STUDENT-ID, TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT plus TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT plus TOTAL-DAYS-ABSENT should not be greater than "2000" (200 days).SW3XXXThe sum of all total eligible days present, total ineligible days present, and total days absent for a particular student, across all reporting periods, should not be more than 200 days.4004142400-0050 For a particular CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT that has students in all six reporting periods, the sum of TOTAL-DAYS-ABSENT should be greater than 0. A special warning message showing the total number of students with no absences will be issued asking for verification.SW3XXXFor each campus id of enrollment, where students are reported in all six reporting periods, there should generally not be perfect attendance reported for that campus. 4004342400-0043 If age is less than 5 and GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is always greater than or equal to "KG", then TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT should be "0000".SW3XXXStudents who are less than 5 years of age on September 1 and are reported in grade "KG" or higher are generally not eligible for attendance. 4004741163-0044If PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE is "00", then MULTIPLY-DISABLED-INDICATOR-CODE must be "0".F3XXXTo be reported as multiply disabled, a student must be reported with a primary disability. 4004841163-0045 If MULTIPLY-DISABLED-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE must not be "00".F3XXXA primary disability must be reported if a student is reported as multiply disabled.40049 42400-0037 If TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT is greater than "0000" and PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE is not "00", then there should be at least one 405 record with a matching STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE or at least one 400 record with a matching STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE where TOTAL-ELIG-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-PRESENT is not "0000".SW3XXXIf a student is reported with eligible attendance and a primary disability, then that student should be reported with special education attendance in the same campus id of enrollment and reporting period.4005042400-0038There should be at least one record where MULTIPLY-DISABLED-INDICATOR-CODE is not "0".W3XXXGenerally, at least one student in a LEA should be reported as multiply disabled. 4005242400-0023 For a particular STUDENT-ID, if September 1 age is 26 or greater, then all instances of TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT must be "0000".F3XXXA student's eligibility for attendance funding ends when they are age 26 on September 1. 4005342401-0010For each instance of STUDENT-ID where TOTAL-ELIG-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-PRESENT is greater than "0000", PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE must not be "00".F3XXXA student who is reported with mainstream eligible days present greater than 0 must also be reported with a primary disability that is not "00". 4005442401-0012For each instance of STUDENT-ID, if TOTAL-ELIG-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-PRESENT is "0000", and there is not a matching 405 record, then PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE should be "00".SW3XXXA primary disability should not be reported for a student unless there is special education attendance reported.4005542400-0035 For a particular STUDENT-ID, the sum of all instances of TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT plus TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT must be greater than or equal to "0005".F3XXXEach student must be reported with at least a half day of attendance between total eligible days present and total ineligible days present.4005642400-0039 If CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT is a campus registered with the TEA as a JJAEP or a DAEP, then there should be a 425 record with a matching STUDENT-ID.SW3XXXIf a student's attendance is reported with a campus id of enrollment that is a JJAEP or a DAEP, then the student should also have a disciplinary action reported.4005842400-0001For a particular STUDENT-ID, there must be a 101 record with a matching STUDENT-ID.F3XXXFor each 400 attendance record reported, there must be a 101 student demographic record reported for the student.4005942400-0036 For a particular STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, and INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, the sum of TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT plus TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT plus TOTAL-DAYS-ABSENT must not be greater than NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT.F3XXXFor a student, and particular campus id of enrollment, instructional track, and reporting period, there cannot be more attendance reported than there are days taught in the reporting period. 40060The value of DISTRICT-ID in this record must match the value of DISTRICT-ID on the district's 010 record.F3XXXThe district id on the 400 record must match the district id on the 010 record.4006142405-0005For a particular STUDENT-ID, if September 1 age is greater than 21, then no 405 record can be reported.F3XXXSpecial education attendance must not be reported for students over 21 years old on September 1.4006242401-0011For a particular STUDENT-ID, if September 1 age is greater than 21, then TOTAL-ELIG-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-PRESENT must not be greater than 0.F3XXXStudents age 22 and older on September 1 must not report more total eligible days present than reported for special education mainstream attendance.4006342400-0031 If CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT is not a campus registered with the TEA as a JJAEP, then NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT must not be greater than "045" for reporting periods 15 for a particular CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODEF3XXXExcept for JJAEP campuses, a campus may not have number days taught greater than 45 in a reporting period for the first five reporting periods. 4006442400-0032 If CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT is not a campus registered with the TEA as a JJAEP, then NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT must not be greater than "090" for reporting period 6 for a particular CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE.F3XXXExcept for JJAEP campuses, a campus may not have number days taught greater than 90 in the sixth reporting period. 4006542400-0011REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE must be "1" "6".F3XXXFor a student reported with attendance in submission 3, the reporting period must be "1" - "6". 4006742400-0026 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "PK" and TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT is greater than 0, then PRIMARY-PK-FUNDING-SOURCE-CODE should not be blank.SW3XXXA pre-kindergarten student who is reported with ineligible days present should also be reported with a primary PK funding source code. 4006842400-0028 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "PK" and PK-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE is "01" or "03", then PRIMARY-PK-FUNDING-SOURCE-CODE should be blank.SW3XXXThe primary PK funding source code should be blank for an eligible pre-kindergarten student who participates in a half day PK program or is a half day PK program and also receives special education services.4006942400-0029 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "PK" and PK-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE IS "02", "04", or "05" then PRIMARY-PK-FUNDING-SOURCE-CODE must not be blank.F3XXXThe primary PK funding source code is only reported for pre-kindergarten students when a student is funded for half-day but attends full-day, or the PK student is ineligible for funding.4007042400-0030 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "PK" and SECONDARY-PK-FUNDING-SOURCE-CODE is not blank then PRIMARY-PK-FUNDING-SOURCE-CODE must not be blank.F3XXXFor a pre-kindergarten student, a primary PK funding source code must be reported if a secondary PK funding source code is reported.4007142400-0021 If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is NOT "PK", then PK-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE, PRIMARY-PK-FUNDING-SOURCE-CODE, and SECONDARY-PK-FUNDING-SOURCE-CODE must be blank.F3XXXThe PK program type code, primary PK funding source code, and secondary PK funding source code must be blank if a student is not reported in grade level PK. 4007242400-0027If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "PK", then PK-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE must not be blank or "00".F3XXXA "PK" student must be reported with a PK program type code other than "00".4007342400-0060 If DISTRICT-ID is "019907", "101912", or "221801", then there must be at least one 400 STUDENT BASIC ATTENDANCE record where CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT is "019907005", "101912100", "221801022" respectively.F3XXThe Texas Virtual School Network Online Schools program requires that the approved campuses report attendance data as instructed in the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook.4007442401-0005For a particular STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, if TOTAL-ELIG-BILINGUAL/ESL-DAYS-PRESENT is greater than "0000", then LEP-INDICATOR-CODE must be "1".F3XXXOnly LEP students can be reported with bilingual or ESL attendance.4007542401-0006For a particular STUDENT-ID and CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, if the sum of all TOTAL-ELIG-BILINGUAL/ESL-DAYS-PRESENT is "0000", then LEP-INDICATOR-CODE should not be "1" on any of these 400 records.SW3XXXA student who is reported without bilingual or ESL attendance should not be reported as LEP unless the parent has refused the bilingual or ESL services for the student.4007742400-0064If DISTRICT-ID matches the Texas School for the Deaf (227906) or the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), then the sum of TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT and TOTAL-DAYS-ABSENT must be greater than "0000".F3XStudents enrolled in the TSD and TSBVI must be reported with total ineligible days present plus total days absent greater than zero (0).4007842400-0065If DISTRICT-ID matches the Texas School for the Deaf (227906), or the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), then TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT, TOTAL-ELIG-BILINGUAL/ESL-DAYS-PRESENT, TOTAL-ELIG-PREG-REL-SVCS-DAYS-PRESENT, and TOTAL-ELIG-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-PRESENT must all be "0000".F3XStudents enrolled in the TSD and TSBVI must not be reported with total eligible days present, total eligible pregnancy related services days present, or total eligible special education mainstream days present greater than zero (0).4007942401-0013If DISTRICT-ID matches the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622), then TOTAL-ELIG-BILINGUAL/ESL-DAYS-PRESENT, TOTAL-ELIG-PREG-REL-SVCS-DAYS-PRESENT, and TOTAL-ELIG-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-PRESENT must all be "0000".F3XStudents enrolled in the TJJD must not be reported with total eligible bilingual/ESL days present, total eligible pregnancy related services days present, or total eligible special education mainstream days present greater than zero (0).4008042400-0066If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "PK" and TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT is greater than "0000", then either LEP-INDICATOR-CODE should be "1", ECONOMIC-DISADVANTAGE-CODE should not be "00", MILITARY-CONNECTED-STUDENT-CODE should be "4", FOSTER-CARE-INDICATOR-CODE should be "1" or "2", or HOMELESS-STATUS-CODE should not be "0".SW3XXXA student that is reported with eligible attendance in grade level "PK" should be reported as one or more of the following: LEP, economically disadvantaged, military connected, a current or former foster care child, or homeless. 405 Context Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter4050142405-0012 For a particular STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, and GRADE-LEVEL-CODE, the sum of all instances of ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-IN-INSTR-SETTING (where INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE is not "00") must not be greater than TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT on the matching 400 record.F3XXXFor a student reported with special education attendance, the total of all total eligible days present reported in any instructional setting other than Speech Therapy must not be greater than the total eligible days present on the matching 400 attendance record.4050242405-0008 The last character of ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-IN-INSTR-SETTING must be either "0" or "5".F3XXXFor a student reported with special education attendance, the total eligible days present for a particular instructional setting must be reported as either full or half days. 4050342405-0007 INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE must not be "31", "32", "34", "40", "50", "60", "70", or "71".F3XXXThe following instructional settings are not eligible for special education attendance funding: home-based instruction, center-based instruction, other environment, mainstream, residential nonpublic school program, nonpublic day school, Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and Texas School for the Deaf. The mainstream instructional setting attendance is reported on the 400 record.40505For each instance of STUDENT-ID where the third instance of the INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE set is not blank, there must be an entry for the first and second instances of the INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE set.F3XXXIf a student has a third instance of an instructional setting code on a 405 record, then the first and second instances of an instructional setting code on that 405 record must be reported.4050642405-0006 For each instance of STUDENT-ID where EXCESS-HOURS-IN-INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE is greater than "000000", there must be a matching 410 record.F3XXXExcess special education contact hours can only be generated for a special education student who is also a career and technical education student, and the sum of special education contact hours and CTE contact hours for a given day must not be greater than 6 hours.4050742405-0019 For a particular STUDENT-ID and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, the sum of all instances of EXCESS-HOURS-IN-INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING should not be greater than "140000".SW3XXXFor a student reported with special education attendance, for a particular reporting period, the sum of all excess hours in instructional setting should not be more than 140 hours. 4050842405-0013 For a particular STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, and GRADE-LEVEL-CODE, the sum of all instances of ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-IN-INSTR-SETTING (where INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE is "00") must not be greater than TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT on the matching 400 record.F3XXXFor a student reported with special education attendance, the total of all total eligible days present reported in the Speech Therapy instructional setting must not be greater than the total eligible days present on the matching 400 attendance record. 4050942405-0020For a particular STUDENT-ID and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, the sum of all instances of EXCESS-HOURS-IN-INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING (where INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE is "00" in the same set) should not be greater than "010000".SW3XXXFor a student reported with special education attendance, for a particular reporting period, the sum of all excess hours in the Speech Therapy instructional setting should not be greater than 10 hours. 4051042405-0014 For a particular STUDENT-ID and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, where INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE is "00" and EXCESS-HOURS-IN-INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING in the same set is greater than "000000", ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V6 for the same STUDENT-ID and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE on the 410 record must not be "0000".F3XXXFor a special education student reported only in the Speech Therapy instructional setting, excess contact hours can only be reported if the student is also reported with V6 days eligible attendance on the 410 career and technical education attendance record. 4051142405-0018 For a particular STUDENT-ID and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, where INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE is "00" and EXCESS-HOURS-IN-INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING in the same set is greater than "000000", all other INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE sets for the same reporting period should be blank.SW3XXXFor a student reported with special education attendance, if the instructional setting is Speech Therapy (00), then the excess contact hours should not be more than 0 if there is another special education attendance instructional setting reported.4051242405-0024For each instance of STUDENT-ID where INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE is not blank, ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-IN-INSTR-SETTING and EXCESS-HOURS-IN-INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING, and REG-DAY-SCH-PROG-DEAF-CODE must not be blank within the same set.F3XXXFor a student reported with special education attendance, if the instructional setting code is not blank, then eligible days present in instructional setting, excess hours in instructional setting, and Regional Day School Program for the Deaf code must be reported in the same set.4051342405-0025For each instance of STUDENT-ID where ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-IN-INSTR-SETTING is not blank, INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE and EXCESS-HOURS-IN-INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING, and REG-DAY-SCH-PROG-DEAF-CODE must not be blank within the same set.F3XXXFor a student reported with special education attendance, if the eligible days present in instructional setting is not blank, then instructional setting code, excess hours in instructional setting, and Regional Day school Program for the Deaf code must be reported blank in the same set.4051442405-0026For each instance of STUDENT-ID where EXCESS-HOURS-IN-INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING is not blank, INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE and ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-IN-INSTR-SETTING, and REG-DAY-SCH-PROG-DEAF-CODE must not be blank within the same set.F3XXXFor a student reported with special education attendance, if the excess hours in instructional setting is not blank, then instructional setting code, eligible days present in instructional setting, and Regional Day School Program for the Deaf code must be reported in the same set.4051542405-0002 For each instance of STUDENT-ID, there must be a matching 400 record where PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE is not "00".F3XXXA student reported with special education attendance must also be reported with a primary disability code other than "00" on a matching 400 attendance record. 4051742405-0010ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-IN-INSTR-SETTING must not be "0000".F3XXXFor a student reported with special education attendance, if eligible days present in instructional setting is not blank, then eligible days present in instructional setting must be greater than 0.40518For a particular STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, and GRADE-LEVEL-CODE, there should not be a matching 405 record.W3XXXFor each student reported with special education attendance, there should not be duplicate entries for student id, campus id of enrollment, instructional track, reporting period indicator code, and grade level code.4051942405-0015 For a particular STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, and GRADE-LEVEL-CODE, then each combination of REG-DAY-SCH-PROG-DEAF-CODE and INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE must not have identical repeating values.F3XXXFor each student reported with special education attendance, there must not be duplicate entries for student id, campus id of enrollment, instructional track, reporting period indicator code, grade level code, instructional setting code, and Regional Day School Program for the Deaf code.4052042405-0016 For a particular CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT must be identical on all records.F3XXXNumber days taught must be the same on all special education attendance records with the same campus id of enrollment, instructional track, and reporting period.4052142405-0009 CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must match an entry registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus in the reporting district ending in "001""698". F3XXXA student's special education campus id of enrollment must be registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus in the reporting LEA and must end in "001" - "698". 40522The value of DISTRICT-ID in this record must match the value of DISTRICT-ID on the district's 010 record.F3XXXThe district id on the 405 record must match the district id on the 010 record.4052342405-0001 The value of STUDENT-ID on this record must match the value of STUDENT-ID on some 100 record.F3XXXFor each 405 special education attendance record reported, there must be a 100 student identification record reported for that student.4052442405-0017 Each districts data submission should contain at least one 405 record, except for Texas School for the Deaf (227906), Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), and Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622).SW3XXXThere generally should be at least some special education attendance reported for each Local Education Agency, except for Texas School for the Deaf, Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and Texas Juvenile Justice Department.4052542405-0004 The Texas School for the Deaf (227906), the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622) must not submit a 405 record.F3XThe Texas School for the Deaf, the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department are not eligible for special education funding through special education attendance.4052742405-0003 For a particular CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, and NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT, there must be a 400 record with matching CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, and NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT.F3XXXA student reported with special education attendance must also be reported with a matching 400 attendance record.4052842405-0027For each instance of STUDENT-ID where REG-DAY-SCH-PROG-DEAF-CODE is not blank, INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE, ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-IN-INSTR-SETTING, and EXCESS-HOURS-IN-INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING must not be blank within the same set.F3XXXFor a student reported with special education attendance, if the Regional Day School Program for the Deaf code is not blank, then instructional setting code, eligible days present in instructional setting, and excess hours in instructional setting must be reported in the same set.4052942405-0011REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE must be "1" "6".F3XXXFor a student reported with special education attendance, the reporting period must be "1" - "6". 4053042405-0021If all three instances of REG-DAY-SCH-PROG-DEAF-CODE are "0" or blank, then DISTRICT-OF-RDSPD-SERVICE must be blank.F3XXXFor a student reported with special education attendance, if they are not participating in the Regional Day School Program for the Deaf, then the RDSPD district of service must be blank. 4053142405-0022If any of the three instances of REG-DAY-SCH-PROG-DEAF-CODE are not "0" or blank, then DISTRICT-OF-RDSPD-SERVICE must not be blank.F3XXXFor a student reported with special education attendance, if they are participating in the Regional Day School Program for the Deaf, then the RDSPD district of service must be reported. 4053242405-0023If DISTRICT-OF-RDSPD-SERVICE is not blank, then the value for DISTRICT-OF-RDSPD-SERVICE must match a Regional Day School Program for the Deaf fiscal agent district in the Texas School Directory.F3XXXFor a student reported with special education attendance, if the RDSPD district of service is not blank, then it must match a Regional Day School Program for the Deaf fiscal agent district in the Texas School Directory.4053342405-0028For a particular STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, the sum of all instances of EXCESS-HOURS-IN-INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING must be less than or equal to the sum of all instances of ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-IN-INSTR-SETTING multiplied by 5.75.F3XXXFor each student, campus id of enrollment, instructional track, and reporting period, the excess hours in instructional setting must not exceed 5.75 hours for each eligible day present in an instructional setting.4053442405-0029For a particular STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, and INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE (where INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE is not 00), if there is a 410 record with a matching STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE with ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V6 greater than 0, and ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-IN-INSTR-SETTING plus ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V6 is greater than NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT, then EXCESS-HOURS-IN-INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING must be greater than 0 for that INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE.F3XXXFor each student, campus id of enrollment, instructional track, reporting period and instructional setting (other than Speech Therapy), if a student is also reported with 6 contact hours a day of career and technical education attendance, and the sum of the special education eligible days and the CTE eligible days present in V6 is greater than the number of days taught (indicating at least one overlapping day of attendance), then excess hours in instructional setting must be more than 0 for that instructional setting.4053542405-0030If a student is reported with Special Education Attendance in INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE 00 (Speech Therapy) only and no other instructional setting, then for a particular STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, if there is a 410 record with a matching STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE with ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V6 greater than 0, and ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-IN-INSTR-SETTING plus ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V6 is greater than NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT, then EXCESS-HOURS-IN-INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING must be greater than 0.F3XXXIf a student is reported with only Speech Therapy Special Education Attendance, then for each student id, campus id of enrollment, instructional track, and reporting period, if a student is also reported with 6 contact hours a day of career and technical education attendance, and the sum of the special education eligible days and the CTE eligible days present in V6 is greater than the number of days taught (indicating at least one overlapping day of attendance), then excess hours in instructional setting must be more than 0 for that instructional setting. 408 Context Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter4080142408-0002 The last character of TOTAL-ESY-CONTACT-HRS-IN-INSTR-SETTING must be either "0" or "5".F4XXXA students ESY contact hours must be reported in 30 minute increments (full or half hours only). 4080242408-0003 INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE must not be "31", "32", "34", "40", "50", "60", "70", or "71".F4XXXThe following instructional settings are not eligible for extended school year services: home-based instruction, center-based instruction, other environment, mainstream, residential nonpublic school program, nonpublic day school, Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and Texas School for the Deaf.4080342408-0005For each instance of STUDENT-ID where the second instance of the INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE set is not blank, there must be entries for the first instance of the INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE set, and the values for the two INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE fields must be different.F4XXXIf a student has a second instance of an instructional setting code on a 408 record, then the first instance of an instructional setting code on that 408 record must be reported and must be a different value.4080442408-0006For each instance of STUDENT-ID where the second instance of the INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE is not blank, there must be one entry where INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE is "00".F4XXXIf a student has a second instance of an instructional setting code reported, then one of the two instructional setting codes must be Speech Therapy (00).4080542408-0007For each instance of STUDENT-ID where INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE is not blank, TOTAL-ESY-CONTACT-HRS-IN-INSTR-SETTING must not be blank or "0000" within the same set.F4XXXFor a student reported with ESY attendance, if the instructional setting code is not blank, then the total ESY contact hours must not be blank or zero (0) within the same set.4080642408-0008For each instance of STUDENT-ID where TOTAL-ESY-CONTACT-HRS-IN-INSTR-SETTING is not blank, INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE must not be blank within the same set.F4XXXFor a student reported with ESY attendance, if the total ESY contact hours is not blank, then the instructional setting code must not be blank within the same set.4080842408-0004 CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must match an entry registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus in the reporting district ending in "001" - "698".F4XXXFor extended school year services, the campus id of enrollment must be registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus in the reporting LEA and must end in "001" - "698".40809For a particular STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, and GRADE-LEVEL-ODDE, the INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE must not have identical repeating values.F4XXXFor each student reported with ESY attendance, there must not be duplicate entries for student id, campus id of enrollment, grade level code, and instructional setting code.4081042408-0001There must be a 101 record with a matching STUDENT-ID and GRADE-LEVEL-CODE.F4XXXFor a student reported with ESY attendance, there must be a 101 student demographic record reported with a matching student id and grade level.40811The value of DISTRICT-ID in this record must match the value of DISTRICT-ID on the district's 010 record.F4XXXThe district id on the 408 record must match the district id on the 010 record.4081242408-0009The Texas School for the Deaf (227906), the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622) must not submit a 408 record.F4XThe Texas School for the Deaf, the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department must not report ESY attendance. 410 Context Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter4100142410-0007 The last character of ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V1 must be either "0" or "5".F3XXXFor a student reported with CTE attendance, the V1 CTE eligible days present must be reported as either full or half days.4100242410-0008 The last character of ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V2 must be either "0" or "5".F3XXXFor a student reported with CTE attendance, the V2 CTE eligible days present must be reported as either full or half days.4100342410-0009 The last character of ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V3 must be either "0" or "5".F3XXXFor a student reported with CTE attendance, the V3 CTE eligible days present must be reported as either full or half days.4100442410-0010 The last character of ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V4 must be either "0" or "5".F3XXXFor a student reported with CTE attendance, the V4 CTE eligible days present must be reported as either full or half days.4100542410-0011 The last character of ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V5 must be either "0" or "5".F3XXXFor a student reported with CTE attendance, the V5 CTE eligible days present must be reported as either full or half days.410062410-0012 The last character of ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V6 must be either "0" or "5".F3XXXFor a student reported with CTE attendance, the V6 CTE eligible days present must be reported as either full or half days.4100742410-0016 For each instance of STUDENT-ID, the sum of ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V1, ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V2, ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V3, ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V4, ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V5, and ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V6 must not be greater than TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT on the matching 400 record.F3XXXFor a student reported with CTE attendance, the total of all CTE eligible days present must not be greater than the total eligible days present on the matching 400 attendance record.4100842410-0018 For a particular STUDENT-ID and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, the sum of all instances of ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V1, ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V2, ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V3, ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V4, ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V5, and ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V6 plus the sum of all instances of ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-IN-INSTR-SETTING (405 record) where INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE (405 record) is "01", "02", and/or "30" should not be greater than TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT (400 record).SW3XXXA student reported with CTE attendance, and also reported with special education attendance in the homebound, hospital class, or state supported living centers, should generally not be reported with CTE attendance in the same reporting periods. 4100942410-0001 For each instance of STUDENT-ID, there must be a matching 400 record.F3XXXA student reported with CTE attendance must also be reported with a matching 400 attendance record. 4101042410-0006 GRADE-LEVEL-CODE must be "07"-"12".F3XXXA student reported with CTE attendance must also be reported in grades "07"-"12". 4101242410-0015 For each instance of STUDENT-ID, the sum of ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V1, ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V2, ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V3, ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V4, ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V5, and ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT-V6 must not be "0000".F3XXXFor a student reported with CTE attendance, at least one of the CTE eligible days present fields (V1-V6) must be greater than zero. 4101342410-0014 For a particular CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT must be identical on all records.F3XXXNumber days taught must be the same on all CTE attendance records with the same campus id of enrollment, instructional track, and reporting period.4101442410-0003 For each instance of STUDENT-ID where GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "07" or "08", there must be a matching 405 record or a matching 400 record where TOTAL-ELIG-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-PRESENT is not "0000".F3XXXA CTE student in grade "07" or "08" is not eligible for CTE attendance funding unless they are also reported with special education attendance. Only grade "07" and "08" special education students who are participating in the CTE Program for the Disabled are eligible for CTE attendance funding. 4101542410-0005 CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must match an entry registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus in the reporting district ending in "001" - "698".F3XXXA student's career and technical education campus id of enrollment must be registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus in the reporting LEA and must end in "001" - "698".41016The value of DISTRICT-ID in this record must match the value of DISTRICT-ID on the district's 010 record.F3XXXThe district id on the 410 record must match the district id on the 010 record.4101742410-0017Except for Texas School for the Deaf (227906), Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), and Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622), each districts data submission should contain one or more 410 records for each student in membership who was enrolled in a secondary career and technical education class.W3XXXEach LEA's data submission generally should report CTE attendance for each student in membership who was enrolled in a secondary CTE class, except for Texas School for the Deaf, Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and Texas Juvenile Justice Department.4101842410-0004 The Texas School for the Deaf (227906), the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622) must not submit a 410 record.F3XThe Texas School for the Deaf, the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department are not eligible for CTE attendance funding.4101942410-0002For a particular CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, and NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT, there must be a 400 record with matching CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, and NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT.F3XXXA student reported with CTE attendance must also be reported with a matching 400 attendance record. 4102042410-0013 REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE must be "1" "6".F3XXXFor a student reported with CTE attendance, the reporting period must be "1" - "6".  415 Context Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter4150143415-0023 CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must match an entry registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus in the reporting district ending in "001" - "698".F3, 4XXXA students campus id of enrollment must be registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus in the reporting district and must end in "001" - "689".4150243415-0026 For the campus shown in CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, the grade range registered with the TEA must include at least one of grades "01"-"12".F3XXXFor student course completion record, the grade range for a campus id of enrollment must include at least one of the grades "01"-"12".4150643415-0019 SERVICE-ID must not begin with "SA", "SE", "SR", "SS", "01", "8", or "9".F3XXXA student's course completion records must not be reported with service ids that indicate: educational aides (starts with "SA"), special education and related services (starts with "SE"), teachers with additional responsibilities (starts with "SR"), faculty with non-teaching responsibilities (starts with "SS"), pre-first grade courses (starts with "01"), or local-credit courses (starts with "8" or "9"). 4150943415-0006 For a particular STUDENT-ID, there must be at least one 400 and/or 500 record where GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "01"-"12".F3XXXA student reported with a course completion record must be membership for at least one day during the school year, and therefore must be reported with at least one attendance record (400 or 500 record) where the grade level is in the range "01"-"12".4151343415-0007 CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must match CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT on a 400 and/or 500 record with a matching STUDENT-ID.F3XXXA course completion record can only be reported on a campus on which the student has been reported with attendance.41517The value of DISTRICT-ID in this record must match the value of DISTRICT-ID on the districts 010 record.F3, 4XXXThe district id on the 415 record must match the district id on the 010 record.4151843415-0001 Each districts data submission must contain at least one or more 415 records where the COURSE-COMPLETION-INDICATOR is "1". F3XXXEach LEAs data submission must include at least one course completion record for each student and for each reportable course in which the student was enrolled. 4151943415-0031 If SERVICE-ID is a grade 9-12 CTE course (eligible for high school credit = "Y" and CTE course = "H" in code table C022) and COURSE-COMPLETION-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-CD must be "1", "2", or "3".F3XXXIf a student has completed a high school career and technical education course, then the student must be reported with the appropriate CTE indicator code.4152043415-0034 If ATC-INDICATOR-CODE is 1, then DUAL-CREDIT-INDICATOR-CODE must be 0.F3, 4XXXA course that is taught for advanced technical credit cannot also be taught for dual high school/college credit for the same student.4152143415-0035If DUAL-CREDIT-INDICATOR-CODE is 1, then ATC-INDICATOR-CODE must be 0.F3, 4XXXA course that is taught for dual high school/college credit cannot also be taught for advanced technical credit for the same student.4152310020-0020 There should be at least one 415 record for each instructional campus listed in the Texas School Directory.SW3XXXEach campus registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus serving any of the grade levels "01"-"12" must report a course completion record for each student and for each reportable course in which the student was enrolled.4152443415-0008 For each 415 record, there must be a corresponding 300 record where CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT matches CAMPUS-ID, and SERVICE-ID, CLASS-ID-NUMBER, and COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE are the same.F3XXXFor each course completion record reported, the course section from that record must match a course section on a 300 course section record.4152643415-0028 If SERVICE-ID is a high school course, then COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE must not be "A".F3, 4XXXCourse sequence code "A" is only reported for non-high school courses.4152743415-0013STUDENT-BEGIN-DATE must be a valid date.F3, 4XXXThe date that a student was assigned to, or reassigned to, a course must be a valid date.4152843415-0015STUDENT-END-DATE must be a valid date. F3, 4XXXThe last date a student was assigned to a course must be a valid date.4152943415-0014 STUDENT-BEGIN-DATE must be between June 1, 2015 and August 31, 2016.F3, 4XXXThe date that a student was assigned to, or reassigned to, a course must be within the current school year within the range of the months from June through August.4153043415-0016 STUDENT-END-DATE must be between June 1, 2015 and August 31, 2016.F3, 4XXXThe last date a student was assigned to a course must be within the current school year within the range of the months from June through August.4153443415-0038 If COURSE-COMPLETION-INDICATOR is "0" then PASS/FAIL-CREDIT-INDICATOR-CODE must be "00".F3, 4XXXFor a student reported with a course completion record, if they did not complete the course, then it is not possible for them to have passed or failed the course. The course is incomplete.4153543415-0040 If PASS/FAIL-CREDIT-INDICATOR-CODE is "00", then COURSE-COMPLETION-INDICATOR must be "0". F3, 4XXXFor a student reported with a course completion record, if they did not pass or fail the course, then it is not possible for them to have completed the course. The course is incomplete.4153743415-0032 If SERVICE-ID is a grade 6-8 CTE course (eligible high school credit = "N" and CTE course = "M" in code table C022) and COURSE-COMPLETION-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then CAREER-AND-TECHNICAL-ED-IND-CD must be "1".F3XXXIf a grade 6-8 student has completed a middle school career and technical education course, then the student must be reported as enrolled in a career and technical education course (CTE indicator code = "1").4153843415-0043 If PASS/FAIL-CREDIT-INDICATOR-CODE is "13" or "14", then SERVICE-ID must not be a high school course.F3XXXIf the pass/fail indicator code indicates a non-high school course passed (13), or a non-high school course failed (14), then the service id must be a non-high school course.4153943415-0024DUAL-CREDIT-INDICATOR-CODE must be "1". F4XXXOnly dual credit courses are reported in submission 4.4154243415-0005For a particular Student-ID on some 415 record, there must be a matching 100 and matching 101 record.F4XXXFor a student reported with a course completion record, there must be a 100 student identification and a 101 student demographic record reported for the student.4154343415-0027 For the campus shown in CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, the grade range registered with the TEA must include at least one of grades "09"-"12".F4XXXFor student course completion records, the grade range for a campus id of enrollment must include at least one of the grades "09"-"12".4154443415-0009 There should not be more than six 415 records for a particular STUDENT-ID.SW4XXXFor submission 4, a student reported with course completion records may not have more than six courses reported.4154543415-0020 SERVICE-ID must be a high school course (eligible for high school credit = "Y") and must not begin with "8" or "9".F4XXXFor submission 4, a student course completion record must be reported with a high school service ID that is also not a local-credit course (starts with "8" or "9"). Only high school courses are eligible for dual credit.4154743415-0025 PASS/FAIL-CREDIT-INDICATOR-CODE must not be "13" or "14". F4XXXFor submission 4, the pass/fail indicator codes for a non-high school course passed and a non-high school course failed are not valid. Only high school courses can be reported in submission 4.4154843415-0036If PASS/FAIL-CREDIT-INDICATOR-CODE is "01", and DUAL-CREDIT-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then COLLEGE-CREDIT-HOURS must be greater than "0".F3, 4XXXIf a student has passed a course that has been designated as a dual credit course, then the student must be reported with college credit hours greater than zero (0).4154943415-0037 If DUAL-CREDIT-INDICATOR-CODE is "0", then COLLEGE-CREDIT-HOURS must be "0". F3, 4XXXIf a student is reported with a course that is not reported as dual-credit, then it is not possible for a student to have earned college credit hours.4155043415-0039 If COURSE-COMPLETION-INDICATOR is "0" and DUAL-CREDIT-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then COLLEGE-CREDIT-HOURS must be "0". F3, 4XXXIf a student is reported as not completing a dual credit course, then it is not possible for a student to have earned college credit hours.4155243415-0010 For a particular CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, STUDENT-ID, SERVICE-ID, CLASS-ID-NUMBER, and COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE, only one record may have a COURSE-COMPLETION-INDICATOR of "1".F3, 4XXXA student can only complete a particular course section one time.4155343415-0011 For a particular CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, STUDENT-ID, SERVICE-ID, CLASS-ID-NUMBER, and COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE, only one record may have a PASS-FAIL-CREDIT-INDICATOR other than "00".F3, 4XXXA student can only pass, fail, or not complete a particular course section one time.4155443415-0042 If PASS-FAIL-CREDIT-INDICATOR is "09" then COURSE-COMPLETION-INDICATOR must be "1".F3, 4XXXIf a student is reported with a pass/fail credit indicator code that indicates the coursework is incomplete and no credit has been awarded, then the student must be reported as finishing the full sequence of instruction for the course.4155543415-0033 If SERVICE-ID is an Advanced Placement course (begins with an "A"), then DUAL-CREDIT-INDICATOR-CODE should be "0".SW3, 4XXXIf a student is reported with a course that is an advanced placement course, then the course generally should not be reported as dual credit.4155643415-0047 For each campus listed in the Texas School Directory, there should be at least one 415 record for each instructional campus.SW3XXXAt least one 415 record generally should be reported for each active instructional campus that reports attendance and/or flexible attendance.4155743415-0003 For each "regular instructional" campus, where there is a 400 and/or 500 attendance record for any GRADE-LEVEL-CODE "01"-"12", there should be at least one 415 record for each GRADE-LEVEL-CODE from the 400 and/or 500 records where the COURSE-COMPLETION-INDICATOR is "1". SW3XXXEach campus registered with the TEA as a "regular instructional" campus serving any of grade levels "01"-"12" should report at least one completed course in each grade level.4155843415-0004 For each grade "01"-"12" student who is not in Special Education and where there is a 400 and/or 500 record and REPORITING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE greater than Z2", there should be a matching (STUDENT-ID) 415 record.SW3XXXEach non-special education student in grades "01"-"12" reported with attendance or flexible attendance in a reporting period greater than "2" generally should be reported with at least one course completion record.4156243415-0022 SERVICE-ID must not be "02497009", "02510001", "02520004", "02530002", "02540005", "02550020", "02560005", "02561005", "02620001", "02630001", "02640005", "02650000", "02660009", "02670000", "11400000", "11401800", "11403600".F3XXXFor course completion data, courses that are designated for grade levels less than 1st grade cannot be reported.4156343415-0017STUDENT-END-DATE must be equal to or greater than STUDENT-BEGIN-DATEF3, 4XXXThe date that a student was assigned to, or reassigned to, a course must occur before the last date a student was assigned to a course.4156443415-0018 If COURSE-COMPLETION-INDICATOR is "1", and NON-CAMPUS-BASED-INSTRUCTION-CODE on a corresponding 300 Course Section record (CAMPUS-ID, SERVICE-ID, CLASS-ID-NUMBER, and COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE) is not "08", then STUDENT-END-DATE should be greater than STUDENT-BEGIN-DATE.SW3XXXThe last date that a student was assigned to a course should be after the date a student was assigned to or reassigned to a course, unless the non-campus based instruction code for that course section indicates the course was offered as "credit by exam" and/or the course is reported as completed.4156543415-0050 If SERVICE-ID is not a high school course then DUAL-CREDIT-INDICATOR-CODE must be "0" and COLLEGE-CREDIT-HOURS must be "0".F3,4XXXOnly high school courses are eligible for dual credit and college credit hours.4156643415-0051 If DUAL-CREDIT-INDICATOR-CODE is "1" then SERVICE-ID must be a high school course. (Eligible for High School Credit = Y in C022).F3,4XXXOnly high school courses are eligible for dual credit.4156743415-0052 If DUAL-CREDIT-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then there should be at least one 400 Basic Attendance and/or 500 Flexible Attendance record where GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "09"-"12".SW3XXXIn submission 3, only students in grade levels "09"-"12" can be reported with dual credit courses.4156943415-0054 If DISTRICT-ID is "019907", "101912", or "221801", then there must be at least one 415 STUDENT COURSE COMPLETION where CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT is "019907005", "101912100", "221801022" respectively.F3XXThe Texas Virtual School Network Online Schools program requires that the approved campuses report course completion data as instructed in the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook.4157043415-0055 STUDENT-END-DATE must equal STUDENT-BEGIN-DATE if NON-CAMPUS-BASED-INSTRUCTION-CODE on a corresponding 300 Course Section record (CAMPUS-ID, SERVICE-ID, CLASS-ID-NUMBER, and COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE) is "08".F3XXXFor students reported with course completion records that indicate a course section for credit by exam, the last date that a student is assigned to the course must be equal to the date the student was assigned to thecourse.4157143415-0056If DUAL-CREDIT-INDICATOR-CODE is "1" and COLLEGE-CREDIT-HOURS is greater than "0", then PASS/FAIL-CREDIT-INDICATOR-CODE should be "01".SW3, 4XXXIf a student has been reported as completing a dual credit course with college credit hours greater than zero (0), then the course should be reported as passed.4157243415-0057If PASS/FAIL-CREDIT-INDICATOR-CODE is "01", and COLLEGE-CREDIT-HOURS is greater than "0", then COURSE-COMPLETION-INDICATOR must be "1" and DUAL-CREDIT-INDICATOR-CODE must be "1".F3, 4XXXIf a student has passed and received high school credit for a course, and college credit hours are also received, then the course must have been completed, and it must be a dual credit course.4157343415-0058SERVICE-ID should not begin with A.SW4XXXAdvanced Placement courses cannot be reported as dual credit unless the course has been approved as an AP course by the College Board through the AP Course Audit. This means the college instructor must have submitted his/her course syllabus and have received approval in advance. 425 Context Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter4250344425-0032 OFFICIAL-LENGTH-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT should not be greater than 200.SW3XXXA students official length of disciplinary assignment generally should not be greater than 200 school days.4250444425-0033 ACTUAL-LENGTH-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT should not be "201" - "260" (201 - 260 days).SW3XXXA students actual length of disciplinary assignment generally should not be between 201 and 260 school days.4250744425-0013 If DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE is "02"-"04", "06"-"08", "10", "12", "13", "26", "51"-"55", "57", "59", or "60", then CAMPUS-ID-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT must not be blank.F3XXXA student reported with disciplinary action data resulting in an assignment to a DAEP, JJAEP, or in-school suspension must be reported with a campus id of disciplinary assignment.4250844425-0011 If DISCIPLINARY-LENGTH-DIFFERENCE-REASON-CODE is "00", then the values for OFFICIAL-LENGTH-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT and ACTUAL-LENGTH-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT must not be different.F3XXXIf a students disciplinary length difference reason indicates there is no difference between the official and actual lengths of disciplinary assignment, then official length of disciplinary assignment and actual length of disciplinary assignment must be the same.425094425-0012 If DISCIPLINARY-LENGTH-DIFFERENCE-REASON-CODE is not "00", then the values for OFFICIAL-LENGTH-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT and ACTUAL-LENGTH-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT must be different.F3XXXIf a students disciplinary length difference reason indicates a difference between the official and actual lengths of disciplinary assignment, then official length of disciplinary assignment and actual length of disciplinary assignment must be different.4251044425-0014 If DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE is "02", "12", "13", "15", "51", "59", "60", or "61", then CAMPUS-ID-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT must be a campus registered with the TEA as a JJAEP.F3XXXFor a student reported with disciplinary action data that indicates an assignment to a JJAEP, the students campus id of disciplinary assignment must be registered with the TEA as a JJAEP.4251144425-0015If DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE is "04" or "53", then CAMPUS-ID-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT must be a campus registered with the TEA as a DAEP.F3XXXFor a student reported with disciplinary action data that indicates an assignment to an off-campus DAEP, the students campus id of disciplinary assignment must be registered with the TEA as a DAEP.4251544425-0016 If DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE is "01", "05", "25", "27", "28", 29 or "50", then CAMPUS-ID-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT must be blank.F3XXXA student reported with disciplinary action data that does not result in an assignment to a DAEP, JJAEP, or in-school suspension must be reported without a campus id of disciplinary assignment.4252244425-0028 If the first three characters of DISTRICT-ID are "014", "015", "020", "021", "031", "043", "057", "061", "071", "079", "084", "101", "105", "108", "123", "126", "152", "161", "170", "178", "220", "221", "227", "240", "243", or "246", then there should not be a record where DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE is "01" or "50".SW3XXXFor districts in counties required to participate in a JJAEP, there should not be a disciplinary action code indicating expulsion without placement in another educational setting.4252344425-0002 If DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE is "50"-"61", then there must be at least one 405 and/or 505 record with a matching STUDENT-ID and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, or one 400 record with a matching STUDENT-ID and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE where TOTAL-ELIG-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-PRESENT is greater than 0, or one 500 record with a matching TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE where FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-ELIGIBLE is greater than 0.F3XXXIf a student is reported with a disciplinary action code that indicates an assignment as a result of a determination by a non-district special education hearing officer", then the student must be a special education student with mainstream attendance or special education attendance in the same reporting period.4252444425-0022If DISCIPLINARY-INCIDENT-NUMBER and CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT match DISCIPLINARY-INCIDENT-NUMBER and CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT on another record(s), then DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE must be the same value, unless DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE is "23".F3XXXFor any disciplinary actions that have the same disciplinary incident number and campus id of enrollment, the disciplinary action reason codes must be the same except in the case of disciplinary action reason code emergency placement or expulsion.4252544425-0049 If the first three characters of DISTRICT-ID are "014", "015", "020", "021", "031", "043", "057", "061", "071", "079", "084", "101", "105", "108", "123", "126", "152", "161", "170", "178", "220", "221", "227", "240", "243", or "246", and for a particular STUDENT-ID if DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE is "11"-"14", "16"-"19", "29"-"32", "36", "37", "46"-"48", or "57" then the sum of all instances of TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT should be greater than 0.SW3XXXFor a student reported with a mandatory expellable disciplinary action reason code in a mandatory JJAEP county, the student should also be reported with ineligible attendance for the duration of the JJAEP assignment.4252644425-0037If DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE is "01", "02", "07", "21", "28", "33", "34", "41", 42, 44, "45", or "56" then DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE should not be "01"-"04", "09", "11", "12", "15", "50"-"53", "56", "58", "59" or "61".SW3XXFor a student reported with disciplinary action data, if the disciplinary action reason reported is a non-expellable offense, then the disciplinary action should not be an expulsion action.4252744425-0025If DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE is "23", then there should be another 425 record with a matching STUDENT-ID and DISCIPLINARY-INCIDENT-NUMBER.SW3XXXFor a student reported with disciplinary action data, if the disciplinary action reason is "emergency placement or expulsion", then there should be additional disciplinary action(s) reported for this student and incident to complete the "due process" requirements.4253144425-0038If DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE is "23", then DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE should be "01", "03", "04", or "07".SW3XXXIf a campus administrator has determined it necessary to order an emergency placement or expulsion without due process, then the disciplinary actions should only be one of the following: "expulsion without placement in another educational setting" (01), "expulsion to an on-campus DAEP" (03), "expulsion to an off-campus DAEP" (04), or "placement in an on-campus or off-campus DAEP" (07).4253244425-0017If DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE is "13" or "14", then DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE must be "21".F3XXXIf a campus administrator does not have original jurisdiction over a students behavior for a particular incident and the student has been court ordered to a DAEP or JJAEP, then the disciplinary action reason code must only be violation of student code of conduct (21).4253344425-0026If a students age as of DATE-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ACTION is > 5 and DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE is "02", "04"-"09", "26"-"28", "35", or "55" and DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE is "05", "06", "25", or "26", then there should be another 425 record with a matching STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, DISCIPLINARY-INCIDENT-NUMBER, and DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE, where DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE is "07", "08", "10", "27", "28", "54", "55", or "57" or else there should be another 425 record with a matching STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, and DISCIPLINARY-INCIDENT-NUMBER, where DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE is "04"-"06", "08", "09", "26", "27", or "35" and DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE is "01"-"04", "09", "11", "12", "15", "50"-"53", "56", "58", "59" or "61".SW3XXXFor a student reported with a DAEP assignment, they must have been at least 6 years old on the date the incident occurred. If a student has committed a mandatory DAEP assignment behavior and was placed in an in-school or out-of-school suspension setting pending the completion of due process for that incident, then there should also be a disciplinary action reporting that the student was assigned to a DAEP. If the incident is also a discretionary expulsion reason, then the disciplinary action may be an expulsion. If the campus administrator has decided to not place the student in a DAEP, then disciplinary action code required action not taken (codes 27 or 28) should be reported.4253444425-0027 If a students age as of DATE-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ACTION > 9 and DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE is "11"-"14", "16"-"19", "29"-"32", "36", "37", "46", "47", "48", or "57" and DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE is "05"-"08", "10", "25", "26", "54", "55", or "57", then there should be another 425 record with a matching STUDENT-ID, DISCIPLINARY-INCIDENT-NUMBER, and DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE where DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE is "01"-"04", "09", "11", "12", "15", "27", "28", "50"-"53", "56", "58", "59" or "61".SW3XXXFor a student reported with an expulsion assignment, they must have been at least 10 years old on the date the incident occurred. If a student has committed a mandatory expulsion behavior and was placed in an in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension, or a DAEP setting pending the completion of due process for that incident, then there should also be an additional disciplinary action reported that the student was expelled. If the campus administrator has decided to not expel the student, then disciplinary action code required action not taken (codes 27 or 28) should be reported.4253544425-0006 The first six characters of CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, CAMPUS-ID-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT, and CAMPUS-ID-OF-DISCIPLINARY-RESPONSIBILITY must match DISTRICT-ID, and an entry registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus.F3XXXFor a students disciplinary action, the campus id of enrollment, campus id of disciplinary assignment, and campus id of disciplinary responsibility must all be active instructional campuses in the reporting district registered with the TEA.4253644425-0039If DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE is "23", then OFFICIAL-LENGTH-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT and ACTUAL-LENGTH-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT should not be greater than 10.SW3XXXIf a campus administrator has determined it necessary to order an emergency placement or expulsion without due process, then the official and actual length of disciplinary assignmentshould not be greater than 10 days.4254444425-0040 If REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE is "2", then ACTUAL-LENGTH-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT should not be greater than 160.SW3XXXFor a student reported with disciplinary action data in reporting period "2", the number of days remaining in the school year limits the actual length of disciplinary assignment to not be greater than 160 days.4254544425-0041 If REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE is "3", then ACTUAL-LENGTH-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT should not be greater than 130.SW3XXXFor a student reported with disciplinary action data in reporting period "3", the number of days remaining in the school year limits the actual length of disciplinary assignment to not be greater than 130 days.4254644425-0042 If REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE is "4", then ACTUAL-LENGTH-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT should not be greater than 100.SW3XXXFor a student reported with disciplinary action data in reporting period "4", the number of days remaining in the school year limits the actual length of disciplinary assignment to not be greater than 100 days.4254744425-0043 If REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE is "5", then ACTUAL-LENGTH-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT should not be greater than 70.SW3XXXFor a student reported with disciplinary action data in reporting period "5", the number of days remaining in the school year limits the actual length of disciplinary assignment to not be greater than 70 days.4254844425-0044 If REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE is "6", then ACTUAL-LENGTH-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT should not be greater than 40.SW3XXXFor a student reported with disciplinary action data in reporting period "6", the number of days remaining in the school year limits the actual length of disciplinary assignment to not be greater than 40 days.4254944425-0005DATE-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ACTION must be a valid date.F3XXXFor a students disciplinary action, the date of disciplinary action must be a valid date.4255044425-0009DATE-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ACTION must not be equal to or greater than September 1, 2016.F3XXXThe date of disciplinary action must be within the current school year.4255144425-0045 If the students age as of the DATE-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ACTION is less than 10, then DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE should not be "01", "02", "11"-"13", "15", "50", "51", "56", or "58"-"61".SW3XXXIf a student is less than 10 years old on the date an expellable incident occurred, then they cannot legally be expelled. Students between the ages of 6 and 9 can be assigned to a DAEP or in-school suspension in lieu of an expulsion assignment.4255244425-0046 If the students age as of the DATE-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ACTION is less than 6, then DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE should not be "03", "04", "07", "08", "10", "14", "52"-"55", or "57".SW3XXXIf a student is less than 6 years old on the date a DAEP placement incident occurred, then they cannot legally be placed in a DAEP. Students under the age of 6 can be assigned to in-school suspension in lieu of a DAEP assignment.4255344425-0007 CAMPUS-ID-OF-DISCIPLINARY-RESPONSIBILITY must not be a JJAEP.F3XXXA JJAEP campus cannot receive an accountability rating from the TEA. Therefore a JJAEP cannot be the campus id of disciplinary responsibility for a disciplinary action.4255544425-0024 CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE should match CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE on a 400 and/or 500 record with a matching STUDENT-ID.SW3XXXA student reported with disciplinary action data should also be reported with a matching 400 attendance and/or 500 flexible attendance record.4255644425-0036 CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT should not be a JJAEP unless DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE is "12", "15", "59", or "61".SW3XXXFor a student reported with disciplinary action data, the campus ID of enrollment cannot be a JJAEP unless the student is continuing a JJAEP assignment from the previous school year and began the JJAEP continuation assignment on the first day of enrollment in the current school year. 4255744425-0019 If DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE is 29, then DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE must be "42", 44, or "45".F3XXXFor a student reported with disciplinary action data, if the disciplinary action code is Truancy Complaint Filed in Truancy Court (29), then the disciplinary action reason code must be truancy (42, 44, or 45).42558The value of DISTRICT-ID in this record must match the value of DISTRICT-ID on the district's 010 record.F3XXXThe district id on the 425 record must match the district id on the 010 record.4255944425-0001There must be a 101 record with a matching STUDENT-ID.F3XXXFor each student reported with a disciplinary action, there must be a 101 student demographic record reported for the student.4256044425-0029 If the first three characters of DISTRICT-ID are "014", "015", "020", "021", "031", "043", "057", "061", "071", "079", "084", "101", "105", "108", "123", "126", "152", "161", "170", "178", "220", "221", "227", "240", "243", or "246", and the student's age as of the date of disciplinary action is > 9 and DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE is "11"-"14", "16"-"19", "29"-"32", "36", "37", "46", "47", "48", or "57" and DISCIPLINE-ACTION -CODE is not "02", "12", "13", "15", "51", or "59"-"61", then there should be at least one 425 record with a matching STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-DISCIPLINARY- RESPONSIBILITY, DISCIPLINARY-INCIDENT-NUMBER and DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE, where DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE is "02", "12", "13", "15", "27", "28", "51", "59" or "61".SW3XXXFor a student reported with a JJAEP expulsion assignment, they must have been at least 10 years old on the date the incident occurred. If a student has committed a mandatory expulsion behavior in a mandatory JJAEP county school district and was placed in an in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension, or a DAEP setting pending the completion of due process for that incident, then there should also be an additional disciplinary action reported that the student was expelled to a JJAEP. If the campus administrator has decided to not expel the student to a JJAEP, then disciplinary action code mandatory disciplinary action not taken (codes 27 or 28) should be reported.4256144425-0021 If OFFICIAL-LENGTH-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT is "000", then DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE must be "27", "28", or 29.F3XXXFor a student reported with disciplinary action data, if the official length of disciplinary assignment is zero (0) days, then the disciplinary action reported must be "mandatory disciplinary action not taken" (27 or 28) or "Truancy Complaint Filed in Truancy Court" (29).4256244425-0034 DATE-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ACTION should be greater than or equal to June 1, 2015.SW3XXXThe date of a reported disciplinary action should be within the current school year.4256344425-0035DATE-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ACTION should be greater than or equal to August 1, 2015 and less than or equal to July 1, 2016.W3XXXThe date of a reported disciplinary action should be within the current school year within the range of the months from August through July.4256410020-0021 Each districts data submission should contain at least one 425 record.SW3XXEach campus registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus generally should report at least one student disciplinary action.4256544425-0020 If DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE is "42", 44, or "45", then DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE must be 29.F3XXXFor a student reported with disciplinary action data, if the disciplinary action reason code is "truancy" (42, 44, or 45), then the disciplinary action code must be "Truancy Complaint Filed in Truancy Court" (29).4256744425-0047 For a particular STUDENT-ID and DISCIPLINARY-INCIDENT-NUMBER and CAMPUS-ID-OF-DISCIPLINARY-RESPONSIBILITY, the sum of OFFICIAL-LENGTH-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT for all records where DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE is "05" or "25" may not be greater than 3.SW3XXXFor a student reported with disciplinary action data, the sum of official length of disciplinary assignment days for out-of-school suspension are limited by law to three days per incident.4256844425-0048 For a particular STUDENT-ID and DISCIPLINARY-INCIDENT-NUMBER and CAMPUS-ID-OF-DISCIPLINARY-RESPONSIBILITY, the sum of ACTUAL-LENGTH-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT for all records where DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE is "05" or "25" may not be greater than 3.SW3XXXFor a student reported with disciplinary action data, the sum of actual length of disciplinary assignment days for out-of-school suspension are limited by law to three days per incident.4256944425-0018 If DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE is "27" or "28" then DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE must be "02", "04"-"09", "11"-"14", "16"-"19", "26"-"28", "29"-"32", "35", "36"-"37", "46"-"48", "55", or "57".F3XXXIf the disciplinary action code reported for a student is mandatory action not taken (27 or 28), then the disciplinary action reason code must be a mandatory DAEP placement or mandatory expulsion reason.4257044425-0004 If DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE is "27" or "28", then there must be another 425 record with a matching STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, and DISCIPLINARY-INCIDENT-NUMBER with another DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE reported.F3XXXIf the disciplinary action code reported for a student is mandatory action not taken (27 or 28), then there must be another disciplinary action reported for this student with the same campus id of enrollment and incident number but a different disciplinary action code.4257144425-0003 If DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE is "27", then there must be a 405 and/or 505 record with a matching STUDENT-ID and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, or there must be a 400 record with a matching STUDENT-ID and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE where TOTAL-ELIG-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-PRESENT is greater than 0, or there must be a 500 record with a matching STUDENT-ID and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE where FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-ELIGIBLE is greater than 0.F3XXXIf the disciplinary action code reported for a student is mandatory action not taken for a special education student (27), then that student must be reported with special education mainstream attendance, or special education attendance.4257244425-0023 DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE "27" and "28" must not both be reported on different records with the same STUDENT-ID and DISCIPLINARY-INCIDENT-NUMBER and CAMPUS-ID-OF-DISCIPLINARY-RESPONSIBILITY.F3XXXOnly one mandatory action not taken (27 or 28) disciplinary action code can be reported for a particular student and incident.4257344425-0030 If DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE is "55", and DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE is not "02", "03", "04", "07", "08", "10", "12", "15", "51"-"55", "57" or "59"-"61", then there must be another 425 record with a matching STUDENT-ID, DISCIPLINARY-INCIDENT-NUMBER, and DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE where DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE is "02", "03", "04", "07", "08", "10", "12", "15", "51"-"55", "57" or "59"-"61". SW3XXXIf the disciplinary action reason code reported for a student is "student is required to register as a sex offender under Chapter 62 of The Code Of Criminal Procedure and the student is under court supervision" (55), then at least one disciplinary action code reported for this incident should be a DAEP assignment or a JJAEP assignment.4257444425-0031 If the first three characters of DISTRICT-ID are not "014", "015", "020", "021", "031", "043", "057", "061", "071", "079", "084", "101", "105", "108", "123", "126", "152", "161", "170", "178", "220", "221", "227", "240", "243", or "246", then DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE should not be "02", "12", "13", "15", "51", "59", "60", or "61".SW3XXXIf a district is not in a JJAEP county, then the disciplinary action code reported for this incident should not be a JJAEP assignment.4257544425-0010REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE must be "1" "6".F3XXXFor a student reported with disciplinary action data, the reporting period must be "1" - "6".4257644425-0050 If DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE is "21"-"23", "33", "34", "41", 42, 44, "45", "55", or "56", then BEHAVIOR-LOCATION-CODE must be "00".F3XXXIf a student is reported with a disciplinary action reason code for which the Texas Education Code Chapter 37 does not specify a location, then the behavior location code must be reported as "not applicable".4257744425-0051 If DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE is "09" or "10", then BEHAVIOR-LOCATION-CODE must be "04".F3XXXIf a student is reported with a disciplinary action reason code for a Title 5 or Non-Title 5 felony committed off campus and not at a school related/sponsored activity, then the behavior location must be reported as "off campus, not at a school related/sponsored activity.4257844425-0052For a particular STUDENT-ID and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, the number of 425 records must not be greater than the sum of TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT, TOTALINELIGIBLEDAYS-PRESENT, and TOTAL-DAYS-ABSENT on all 400 records with the same STUDENT-ID and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE.F3XXXA student must not be reported with more disciplinary removals in a six week reporting period than the number of days that they are reported in membership on their 400 attendance records.4257944425-0053If DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE is "25" or "26", and DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE is not "01", then OFFICIAL-LENGTH-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT and ACTUAL-LENGTH-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT should be less than "002".SW3XXXA student should not have more than one day of disciplinary removal assigned or served for a partial day out-of-school suspension or partial day in-school suspension, unless the reason for the disciplinary removal is permanent removal from class by a teacher.4258044425-0054The number of 425 records with a particular STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE, DISCIPLINARY-INCIDENT-NUMBER, and DATE-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ACTION must not be greater than 1.F3XXXFor a particular district, no two (2) 425 records can be reported with the same student id, campus id of enrollment, disciplinary action code, disciplinary incident number, and date of disciplinary action.4258144425-0055If DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE is not "21"-"23", "33", "34", 41, 42, 44, 45, "55", or "56", then BEHAVIOR-LOCATION-CODE must not be "00".F3XXXIf a student is reported with a disciplinary action reason for which the Texas Education Code Chapter 37 does specify a location, then the behavior location must not be reported as "not applicable".4258244425-0056If DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE is "01" or "59", then BEHAVIOR-LOCATION-CODE must be "01".F3XXXIf a student is reported with a disciplinary action reason for "permanent removal by a teacher from class" (01) or "serious misbehavior while in a DAEP" (59) , then the behavior location must be reported as "on campus" (01).4258344425-0057If DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE is "04" - "07", "27", "28", or "49", then BEHAVIOR-LOCATION-CODE must be "01" - "03".F3XXXIf a student is reported with a disciplinary action reason for "possessed, sold, used, or was under the influence of marihuana or other controlled substance" (04), "possessed, sold, used, or was under the influence of an alcoholic beverage" (05), "abuse of a volatile chemical" (06), "public lewdness or indecent exposure" (07), "assault under penal code 22.01(a)(1) against a school district employee or volunteer" (27), "assault under penal code 22.01(a)(1) against someone other than a school district employee or volunteer" (28), or "engages in deadly conduct" (49), then the behavior location must be reported as "on campus" (01), "off-campus, within 300 ft" (02), or "off-campus, at school related/sponsored activity" (03).4258444425-0058If DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE is "08", then BEHAVIOR-LOCATION-CODE must be "01" - "04".F3XXXIf a student is reported with a disciplinary action reason for "retaliation against school employee" (08), then the behavior location must be reported as "on campus" (01), "off-campus, within 300 ft" (02), "off-campus, at school related/sponsored activity" (03), or "off campus, not at a school related/sponsored activity (04).4258544425-0059If DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE is "11" - "14", "16" - "19", "30" - "32", or "57", then BEHAVIOR-LOCATION-CODE must be "01", "02", "03", or "05".F3XXXIf a student is reported with a disciplinary action reason for "Brought a Firearm to School-TEC 37.007(e) or Unlawful Carrying of a Handgun under Penal Code 46.02 TEC 37.007(a)(1) (11), "Unlawful Carrying of an Illegal Knife under Penal Code 46.02 TEC 37.007(a)(1)" (12), "Unlawful Carrying of a Club under Penal Code 46.02 TEC 37.007(a)(1)" (13), "Conduct Containing the Elements of an Offense Relating to Prohibited Weapon Under Penal Code 46.05 TEC 37.007(a)(1)" (14), "arson" (16), "murder, capital murder, criminal attempt to commit murder, or capital murder" (17), "indecency with a child" (18), "aggravated kidnapping" (19), "aggravated assault under penal code 22.02 against someone other than a school district employee or volunteer" (30), "sexual assault under penal code 22.011 or aggravated sexual assault under penal code 22.021 against a school district employee or volunteer" (31), "sexual assault under penal code 22.011 or aggravated sexual assault under penal code 22.021 against someone other than a school district employee or volunteer" (32), "continuous sexual abuse of young child or children under penal code 21.02 occurring on school property or while attending a school-sponsored or school-related activity on or off school property" (57), then the behavior location must be reported as "on campus" (01), "off-campus, within 300 ft" (02), "off-campus, at school related/sponsored activity" (03), or "on campus of another school district, or at school related/sponsored activity of another school district" (05).4258644425-0060If DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE is "36" or "37", then BEHAVIOR-LOCATION-CODE must be "01", "03", or "05".F3XXXIf a student is reported with a disciplinary action reason for "felony controlled substance violation" (36) or "felony alcohol violation" (37), then the behavior location must be reported as "on campus" (01), "off-campus, at school related/sponsored activity" (03), or "on campus of another school district, or at school related/sponsored activity of another school district" (05).4258744425-0061If DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE is "44", then the students age on the DATE-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ACTION should be 12 18 years old.SW3XXXIf a student is reported with a disciplinary action reason for "Truancy (failure to attend school) Student is at least 12 years old and less than 19 years old with 10 unexcused absences" (44), then the student should be 12 18 years old on the date that the truancy complaint is filed.4258844425-0062If a students age on the DATE-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ACTION is less than 10 and DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE is "12"-"14", "16"-"19", "29"-"32", "36", "37", "46"-"48", or "57", then there should be a 425 record (this one or another one) for this student where DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE is "07", "08", "10", "27", "28", "54", "55", or "57".SW3XXXFor reasons other than bringing a firearm to school, if a student is less than 10 years old on the date a mandatory expellable incident occurred, then they cannot legally be expelled and will generally be assigned to a DAEP in lieu of an expulsion assignment.4258944425-0063If a students age on the DATE-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ACTION is less than 10 and DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE is "11", then there should be a 425 record (this one or another one) for this student where DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE is "03", "04", "52", or "53".SW3XXXIf a student, who is less than 10 years old, brings a firearm to school, they should be expelled with placement to a DAEP4259044425-0064If DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE is "42", 44, or "45", then OFFICIAL-LENGTH-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT must be "000", ACTUAL-LENGTH-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ASSIGNMENT must be "000", and DISCIPLINARY-LENGTH-DIFFERENCE-REASON-CODE must be "00".F3XXXFor a student reported with disciplinary action data, if the disciplinary action reason code is "truancy" (42, 44, or 45), then the official length of disciplinary assignment must be zero (0) days, the actual length of disciplinary assignment must be zero (0) days, and the disciplinary length difference reason must indicate there is no difference between them. 435 Context Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter4350145435-0001 The value of STUDENT-ID on this record must match the value of STUDENT-ID on some 101 record.F3XXXFor each student reported with a restraint event, there must be a 101 student demographic record reported for the student.4350245435-0004 The first six characters of CAMPUS-ID-OF-RESTRAINT-EVENT must match the DISTRICT-ID, and must match an entry registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus ending in "001" - "698".F3XXXFor a student restraint event, the campus id of restraint event must be registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus in the reporting LEA and must end in "001" - "698".43503The value of DISTRICT-ID in this record must match the value of DISTRICT-ID on the districts 010 record.F3XXXThe district id on the 435 record must match the district id on the 010 record.4350445435-0005 If RESTRAINT-STAFF-TYPE-CODE is "01", then PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE must not be "00" and SPECIAL-ED-INDICATOR-CODE must be "1".F3XXXFor a student restraint event, if the restraint staff type code indicates the restraint was administered by a school district or charter school employee or volunteer, then the student must be a special education student.4350545435-0002 The value of STUDENT-ID on this record must match the value of STUDENT-ID on some 400 and/or 500 record.F3XXXA student reported with a restraint event must be reported with at least one attendance record (400 or 500 record).4350745435-0009 DATE-OF-RESTRAINT-EVENT should be greater than or equal to August 1, 2015 and less than or equal to July 1, 2016.SW3XXXThe date of a student restraint event should be within the current school year within the range of the months from August through July.43508Excluding Texas School for the Deaf (227906), the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), and Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622), if SPECIAL-ED-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then there must be at least one 405 and/or 505 record with a matching STUDENT-ID, INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE, and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE or at least one 400 and/or 500 record with a matching STUDENT-ID and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE where TOTAL-ELIG-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-PRESENT is not "0000".F3XXXExcluding Texas School for the Deaf, Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and Texas Juvenile Justice Department schools, if a student is reported with a restraint event and is also reported as a special education student, then that student must be reported with mainstream attendance or special education attendance in the same reporting period of the restraint event.4350945435-0008 If SPECIAL-ED-INDICATOR CODE is "1", then there should be a 400 and/or 500 record with a matching STUDENT-ID, REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, and PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE.SW3XXXIf a student reported with a restraint event is also reported as a special education student, then that student should be reported with a matching reporting period and primary disability code on the students attendance record.4351045435-0006DATE-OF-RESTRAINT-EVENT must be a valid date.F3XXXA student's date of restraint event must be a valid date.4351145435-0007REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE must be "1" "6".F3XXXFor a student reported with a restraint event, the reporting period must be "1" - "6".4351245435-0011 If SPECIAL-ED-INDICATOR-CODE is "1", then INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE and PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE must not be blankF3XXXIf a student reported with a restraint event is also reported as a special education student, then the instructional setting code and primary disability must be reported.4351345435-0012If RESTRAINT-REASON-CODE is "08", then RESTRAINT-STAFF-TYPE-CODE must be "02". F3XXXIf a student is reported with a restraint event that indicates a restraint by a school district police officer or school resource officer performing law enforcement duties on school property or at a school-sponsored or school-related activity, then the restraint staff type code must indicate the restraint was administered by a school district police officer or school resource officer.4351445435-0013If RESTRAINT-STAFF-TYPE-CODE is "01", then RESTRAINT-REASON-CODE must be "01" "07". F3XXXIf a student is reported with a restraint event that indicates the student was restrained by a school employee or volunteer, then the restraint reason code must indicate that the student was an imminent serious physical harm to themselves, others, property, or a combination of the three.4351545435-0014If RESTRAINT-STAFF-TYPE-CODE is "02", then RESTRAINT-REASON-CODE must be "08". F3XXXIf a student is reported with a restraint event that indicates a the restraint was administered by a school district police officer or school resource officer, then the restraint reason code must be restraint by a school district police officer or school resource officer performing law enforcement duties on school property or at a school-sponsored or school-related activity. 461 Context Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter4610141461-0003 TITLE-I-PART-A-INDICATOR-CODE must not be "0" or "8".F3XXXThe Title I, Part A indicator codes "0" and "8" indicate "no participation" in the Title I, Part A program, and therefore are not valid for the 461 record.4610241461-0005 If TITLE-I-PART-A-INDICATOR-CODE is "6", then TITLE-I-PART-A-READING-INDICATOR-CODE, TITLE-I-PART-A-MATHEMATICS-INDICATOR-CODE, TITLE-I-PART-A-SCIENCE-INDICATOR-CODE, TITLE-I-PART-A-SOCIAL-STUDIES-INDICATOR-CODE, TITLE-I-PART-A-GUIDANCE-COUNSELING-SERVICES-INDICATOR-CODE, TITLE-I-PART-A-SOCIAL-WORK-SERVICES-INDICATOR-CODE, and TITLE-I-PART-A-HEALTH-SERVICES-INDICATOR-CODE must be blank.F3XXXIf a student attends a campus that offers the Title I, Part A schoolwide program, then none of the Title I, Part A instructional and support services can be specifically reported.4610341461-0006 If TITLE-I-PART-A-INDICATOR-CODE is "7", "9" or "A", then TITLE-I-PART-A-READING-INDICATOR-CODE, TITLE-I-PART-A-MATHEMATICS-INDICATOR-CODE, TITLE-I-PART-A-SCIENCE-INDICATOR-CODE, TITLE-I-PART-A-SOCIAL-STUDIES-INDICATOR-CODE, TITLE-I-PART-A-GUIDANCE-COUNSELING-SERVICES-INDICATOR-CODE, TITLE-I-PART-A-SOCIAL-WORK-SERVICES-INDICATOR-CODE, and TITLE-I-PART-A-HEALTH-SERVICES-INDICATOR-CODE must not be blank, and at least one of these fields must have a value of "1".F3XXXIf a student is participating in the Title I, Part A program under "targeted assistance", "services for the neglected", or "services for the homeless", then the specific Title I services provided for the student must be reported.4610741461-0004 CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must match an entry registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus in the reporting district ending in "001" - "698".F3XXXIf a student is reported with Title I Part A program participation, then the campus id of enrollment must be registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus in the reporting LEA ending in "001" - "698".46108The value of DISTRICT-ID in this record must match the value of DISTRICT-ID on the district's 010 record.F3XXXThe district id on the 461 record must match the district id on the 010 record.4610941461-0001 There must be a 101 record with a matching STUDENT-ID.F3XXXFor each 461 Title I, Part A record reported, there must be a 101 demographic record reported for that student.4611041461-0011 Each districts data submission should contain at least one 461 record.W3XXStudent Title I, Part A program data should be reported for each LEA.4611141461-0008 For a particular CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, if one 461 record has TITLE-I-PART-A-INDICATOR-CODE of "6", then all other 461 records with the same CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must also have TITLE-I-PART-A-INDICATOR-CODE of "6"F3XXXIf a campus offers the Title I, Part A schoolwide program, then all students with that campus id of enrollment must be reported as participating in the Title I, Part A schoolwide program.4611241461-0009 For a particular CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, if one 461 record has TITLE-I-PART-A-INDICATOR-CODE of "7", then all other 461 records with the same CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must also have TITLE-I-PART-A-INDICATOR-CODE of "7".F3XXXIf a campus is participating in the Title I, Part A program under "targeted assistance", then all students with that campus id of enrollment participating in the Title I, Part A program must be reported as "targeted assistance".4611341461-0007 If TITLE-I-PART-A-INDICATOR-CODE is "9", then HOMELESS-STATUS-CODE must not be "0".F3XXXIf a student is receiving "services for the homeless" under the Title I, Part A program, then the student must be reported as homeless on the 100 student identification record.4611441461-0010 For a particular CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, all 461 records must have a TITLE-I-PART-A-INDICATOR-CODE of "9" or "A" if any one 461 record has a TITLE-I-PART-A-INDICATOR-CODE of "9" or "A".F3XXXIf a campus is participating in the Title I, Part A program under services for the neglected or services for the homeless, then all students with that campus id of enrollment participating in the Title I, Part A program must be reported as receiving services for the neglected or services for the homeless.4611541461-0002 CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must match CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT on a 400 and/or 500 record with a matching STUDENT-ID.F3XXXFor each student reported as participating in the Title I, Part A program, the student must also be reported with at least one attendance record with a matching campus id of enrollment. 500 Context Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter5000142500-0036 For a particular CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT and STUDENT-ID, if FLEXIBLE-ATTENDANCE-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE is "1" and a 415 record with a matching STUDENT-ID does not exist, then the total number of students in this category will be shown.SW3XXXStudents participating in the Optional Flexible School Day Program (OFSDP) should be reported with at least one course completion record.5000242500-0002 CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must match an entry registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus in the reporting district ending in "001" - "698".F3,4XXXA student's flexible attendance campus id of enrollment must be registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus in the reporting LEA and must end in "001" - "698".5000342500-0030 For a particular STUDENT-ID, GRADE-LEVEL-CODE should be found in the grade range registered with the TEA for the campus shown in CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, unless there is at least one matching 505 record.SW3, 4XXXStudent flexible attendance generally should be in the grade level found in the grade range for the campus id reported as registered with the TEA, unless the student has special education flexible attendance in an instructional setting other than "mainstream".5000442500-0013 If CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT is not a campus registered with the TEA as a JJAEP, then NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT must not be greater than "045" for reporting periods 15 for a particular CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE.F3XXXExcept for JJAEP campuses, a campus may not have number days taught greater than 45 in a reporting period for the first five reporting periods.5000542500-0014 If CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT is not a campus registered with the TEA as a JJAEP, then NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT must not be greater than "090" for reporting period 6 for a particular CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODEF3XXXExcept JJAEP campuses, a campus may not have number days taught greater than 90 in the sixth reporting period.5000642500-0033 NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT should not be less than "024" for a particular CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE.W3XXXEach students campus id of enrollment, instructional track, and reporting period generally should have at least 24 days of instruction.5000842500-0034 For a particular STUDENT-ID, the sum of FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT for all reporting periods should not be greater than "64800" (180 days).SW3XXXThe sum of all flexible attendance total eligible minutes present for a particular student, across all reporting periods, generally should not be greater than 64,800 minutes (180 days).5000942500-0035 For a particular STUDENT-ID, the sum of FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT for all reporting periods should not be greater than "64800" (180 days).SW3XXXThe sum of all flexible attendance total ineligible minutes present for a particular student, across all reporting periods, generally should not be greater than 64,800 minutes (180 days).5001042500-0031 For a particular STUDENT-ID, FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT should not be greater than NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT multiplied by 360.SW3, 4XXXA student's flexible attendance total eligible minutes present should not be greater than 360 minutes (6 hours) a day for the number of days taught.5001142500-0015 FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-PRS-DAYS-ELIGIBLE, FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-ELIGIBLE, and FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-BILINGUAL/ESL-DAYS-ELIGIBLE must each be less than or equal to NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT.F3, 4XXXA student cannot be reported with more flexible attendance eligibility for Pregnancy Related Services, special education mainstream, or bilingual/ESL than there are "days taught" in a reporting period.5001242500-0016 For a particular STUDENT-ID, if FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-PRS-DAYS-ELIGIBLE is not "00," SEX-CODE must be "F" on the 101 record with a matching STUDENT-ID.F3, 4XXXPregnancy related services total eligible days present may only be reported for female students.5001442500-0025For a particular CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, STUDENT-ID, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, the sum of FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT and FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT must be equal to or greater than 45.F3, 4XXXFor students reported with flexible attendance, at least one of the fields flexible attendance total eligible minutes present and flexible attendance total ineligible minutes present must be greater than 0 for a particular campus id of enrollment, instructional track, and reporting period.5001542500-0003The first six characters of CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must not be a district registered with the TEA as an ESC.F3, 4XXXA student's campus id of enrollment must not be an ESC.50016CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must match an entry registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus ending in "001" - "698".F3, 4XXXA students campus if of enrollment must be a registered active TEA campus.5001742500-0017 For a particular CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT must be identical on all records.F3, 4XXXNumber days taught must be the same on all flexible attendance records with the same campus id of enrollment, instructional track, and reporting period.500194163-0044If PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE is "00," then MULTIPLY-DISABLED-INDICATOR-CODE must be "0."F3, 4XXXTo be reported as multiply disabled, a student must be reported with a primary disability.500204116-0045If MULTIPLY-DISABLED-INDICATOR-CODE is "1," then PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE must not be "00."F3, 4XXXA primary disability must be reported if a student is reported as multiply disabled.5002142500-0026 If FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT is greater than "00000" and PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE is not "00," then there should be at least one 505 record with a matching STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE or at least one 500 record with a matching STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE where FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-ELIGIBLE is not "000".SW3, 4XXXIf a student is reported with eligible flexible attendance and a primary disability, then that student should be reported with special education flexible attendance in the same campus id of enrollment and reporting period.5002242500-0027There should be at least one record where MULTIPLY-DISABLED-INDICATOR-CODE is not "0."W3, 4XXXGenerally, at least one student in a LEA should be reported as multiply disabled.5002342500-0020 For a particular STUDENT-ID, if FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-ELIGIBLE is greater than "000", then September 1 age must be less than 22. F3, 4XXXStudents age 22 and older on September 1 must not report total eligible days present more than 0 for special education mainstream flexible attendance.5002542500-0021 For a particular STUDENT-ID, if FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-ELIGIBLE is greater than "000", PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE must not be "00."F3, 4XXXA student who is reported with mainstream eligible days present greater than 0 must also be reported with a primary disability that is not "00".5002642500-0032 For a particular STUDENT-ID, if FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-ELIGIBLE is "000", and there is not a matching 505 record, then PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE should be "00".SW3, 4XXXFor a student reported with flexible attendance, a primary disability should not be reported unless there is special education flexible attendance reported.5002742500-0028 If CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT is a campus registered with the TEA as a DAEP, then there should be a 425 record with a matching STUDENT-ID.SW3XXXIf a student's flexible attendance is reported with a campus id of enrollment that is a JJAEP or a DAEP, then the student should also have a disciplinary action reported.5002842500-0001 For a particular STUDENT-ID, there must be a 101 record with a matching STUDENT-ID.F3, 4XXXFor each 500 flexible attendance record reported, there must be a 101 student demographic record reported for the student.50029The value of DISTRICT-ID on this record must match the value of DISTRICT-ID on the district's 010 record.F3, 4XXXThe district id on the 500 record must match the district id on the 010 record.5003042500-0029 For a particular STUDENT-ID and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, there should not be a 400 record with a matching STUDENT-ID and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE.SW3XXXA student should not be reported with both flexible attendance (500 records) and regular attendance (400 records) in the same reporting period.5003242500-0004 CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must not be a campus registered with the TEA as a Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP) campus.F3, 4XXXFor a student reported with flexible attendance, the campus id of enrollment must not be a Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP).5003342500-0005 CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must not be a campus registered with the TEA as a Discipline Alternative Education Program (DAEP) campus.F4XXXFor a student reported with flexible attendance, the campus id of enrollment must not be a Discipline Alternative Education Program (DAEP).5003442500-0007REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE must be "7" or "8".F4XXXFor a student reported with flexible attendance in submission 4, the reporting period must be "7" or "8".5003542500-0010NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT must be 30.F4XXXFor a student reported with flexible attendance in submission 4, the number days taught must be 30.5003642500-0009 FLEXIBLE-ATTENDANCE-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE must be "3".F4XXXFor a student reported with flexible attendance in submission 4, the flexible attendance program type code must be the OFSDP Credit/Promotion Recovery Program.5003742500-0011 The value for FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT must be 0 or equal to or greater than 45.F3, 4XXXA student's flexible attendance total eligible minutes present must be either 0 or greater than 44.5003842500-0012 The value for FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT must be 0 or equal to or greater than 45.F3, 4XXXA student's flexible attendance total ineligible minutes present must be either 0 or greater than 44.5003942500-0008 FLEXIBLE-ATTENDANCE-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE must not be "3".F3XXXFor a student reported with flexible attendance in submission 3, the flexible attendance program type code must not be the OFSDP Credit/Promotion Recovery Program.5004042500-0006REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE must be "1" "6".F3XXXFor a student reported with flexible attendance in submission 3, the reporting period must be "1" - "6".5004642500-0037CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must not be "221801022", "101912100", or "019907005".F3, 4XXXFlexible attendance cannot be reported by a Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN) Online school. TxVSN Online schools are funded through course completion data.5004742500-0038For a particular STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, if FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-BILINGUAL/ESL-DAYS-ELIGIBLE is greater than "0000", then LEP-INDICATOR-CODE must be "1".F3, 4XXXOnly LEP students can be reported with bilingual or ESL flexible attendance.5004842500-0039For a particular STUDENT-ID and CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, if the sum of all FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-BILINGUAL/ESL-DAYS-ELIGIBLE is "0000", then LEP-INDICATOR-CODE should not be "1" on any of these 500 records.SW3, 4XXXA student who is reported without bilingual or ESL flexible attendance should not be reported as LEP unless the parent has refused the bilingual or ESL services for the student.5005042500-0041If DISTRICT-ID matches the Texas School for the Deaf (227906) or the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), then FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-INELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT must be greater than "0000".F3, 4XStudents enrolled in the TSD and TSBVI must be reported with flexible attendance total ineligible minutes present greater than zero (0).5005142500-0042If DISTRICT-ID matches the Texas School for the Deaf (227906) or the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), then FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-MINUTES-PRESENT must be "00000", and, FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-PRS-DAYS-ELIGIBLE, FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-ELIGIBLE, and FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-BILINGUAL/ESL-DAYS-ELIGIBLE must all be "000".F3, 4XStudents enrolled in the TSD and TSBVI must not be reported with flexible attendance total eligible minutes present, flexible attendance total PRS days eligible, flexible attendance total special education mainstream days eligible, or flexible attendance total bilingual/ESL days eligible greater than zero (0).5005242401-0014If DISTRICT-ID matches the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622), then FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-PRS-DAYS-ELIGIBLE, FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-ELIGIBLE, and FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-BILINGUAL/ESL-DAYS-ELGIBLE must all be "000".F3, 4XStudents enrolled in the TJJD must not be reported with flexible attendance total PRS days eligible, flexible attendance total special education mainstream days eligible, or flexible attendance total bilingual/ESL days eligible greater than zero (0). 505 Context Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter5050142505-0008 INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE must not be "31", "32", "34", "40", "50", "60", "70", or "71".F3, 4XXXThe following instructional settings are not eligible for special education flexible attendance funding: home-based instruction, center-based instruction, other environment, mainstream, residential nonpublic school program, nonpublic day school, Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, or Texas School for the Deaf. The mainstream instructional setting flexible attendance is reported on the 500 record50502For a particular STUDENT-ID, if the second instance of the INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE set is not blank, there must be entries for the first instance of the INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE set, and the values for the two INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODEs must be different.F3, 4XXXIf a student has a second instance of an instructional setting code on a 505 record, then the first instance of an instructional setting code on that 505 record must be reported and must be a different value.50503For a particular STUDENT-ID, if the third instance of the INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE set is not blank, there must be entries for the first and second instances of the INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE sets, and all values for the three INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODEs must be different.F3, 4XXXIf a student has a third instance of an instructional setting code on a 505 record, then the first and second instances of an instructional setting code on that 405 record must be reported, and they must all be different values.5050442505-0005 For a particular STUDENT-ID, if FLEX-ATTEND-EXCESS-MINUTES-IN-INSTR-SETTING is greater than "00000," there must be a matching 510 record.F3, 4XXXThe "excess special education contact minutes" reported for flexible attendance can only be generated for a special education student who is also a career and technical education student, and when the sum of special education contact minutes and CTE contact minutes for a given day are greater than 6 hours (360 minutes).5050542505-0018 For a particular STUDENT-ID and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, the sum of all instances of FLEX-ATTEND-EXCESS-MINUTES-IN-INSTR-SETTING should not be greater than "84000" (233.33 days).SW3XXXFor a student reported with special education flexible attendance, for a particular reporting period, the sum of all excess minutes in instructional setting should not be more than 84,000 minutes, or 233.33 days.5050642505-0019 For a particular STUDENT-ID and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, the sum of all instances of FLEX-ATTEND-EXCESS-MINUTES-IN-INSTR-SETTING (where INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE is "00" in the same set) should not be greater than "10000".SW3XXXFor a student reported with special education flexible attendance, for a particular reporting period, the sum of all excess minutes in the Speech Therapy instructional setting should not be greater than 10,000 minutes.5050742505-0020For a particular STUDENT-ID, if INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE is not blank, FLEX-ATTEND-EXCESS-MINUTES-IN-INSTR-SETTING must not be blank within the same set.F3, 4XXXFor a student reported with special education flexible attendance, if the instructional setting code is not blank, then the flexible attendance excess minutes in instructional setting must be reported in the same set.5050842505-0021For a particular STUDENT-ID where FLEX-ATTEND-EXCESS-MINUTES-IN-INSTR-SETTING is not blank, INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE and FLEX-ATTEND-DAYS-ELIGIBLE-IN-INSTR-SETTING must not be blank within the same set.F3, 4XXXFor a student reported with special education flexible attendance, if the flexible attendance excess minutes in instructional setting is not blank, then the instructional setting code and the flexible attendance days eligible in instructional setting must be reported in the same set.5051042505-0002 For a particular STUDENT-ID, there must be a matching 500 record with a PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE that is not "00."F3, 4XXXA student reported with special education flexible attendance must also be reported with a primary disability code other than "00" on a matching 500 flexible attendance record.5051242505-0009 FLEX-ATTEND-DAYS-ELIGIBLE-IN-INSTR-SETTING must not be "000."F3, 4XXXFor a student reported with special education flexible attendance, if flexible attendance days eligible in instructional setting is not blank, then flexible attendance days eligible in instructional setting must be greater than 0.50513For a particular STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, and GRADE-LEVEL-CODE, there should not be a matching 505 record.W3, 4XXXFor each student reported with special education flexible attendance, there should not be duplicate entries for student id, campus id of enrollment, instructional track, reporting period indicator code, and grade level code.5051442505-0015 For a particular STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, and GRADE-LEVEL-CODE, the INSTRUCTIONAL-SETTING-CODE must not have identical repeating values.F3, 4XXXFor each student reported with special education flexible attendance, there must not be duplicate entries for student id, campus id of enrollment, instructional track, reporting period indicator code, grade level code, and instructional setting code.5051542505-0016 For a particular CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT must be identical on all records.F3, 4XXXNumber days taught must be the same on all special education flexible attendance records with the same campus id of enrollment, instructional track, and reporting period.5051642505-0006 CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must match an entry registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus in the reporting district ending in "001" "698".F3, 4XXXA student's special education flexible attendance campus id of enrollment must be registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus in the reporting LEA and must end in "001" - "698".50517The value of DISTRICT-ID on this record must match the value of DISTRICT-ID on the district's 010 record.F3, 4XXXThe district id on the 505 record must match the district id on the 010 record.5051842505-0001The value of STUDENT-ID on this record must match the value of STUDENT-ID on some 100 record.F3, 4XXXFor each 505 special education flexible attendance record reported, there must be a 100 student identification record reported for that student.5051942505-0017 Each districts data submission generally should contain at least one 505 record, except for Texas School for the Deaf (227906), Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), and Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622).W3, 4XXXIf an LEA reports any flexible attendance, then it generally should report special education flexible attendance, except for Texas School for the Deaf, Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and Texas Juvenile Justice Department.5052042505-0004 The Texas School for the Deaf (227906), the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622) must not submit a 505 record.F3, 4XThe Texas School for the Deaf, the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department are not eligible for special education funding through special education flexible attendance.5052242505-0003 For a particular CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, and NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT, there must be a 500 record with matching CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, and NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT.F3, 4XXXA student reported with special education flexible attendance must also be reported with a matching 500 flexible attendance record.5052342505-0011REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE must be "7" or "8".F4XXXFor a student reported with special education flexible attendance in submission 4, the reporting period must be "7" or "8".5052442505-0014NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT must be 30.F4XXXFor a student reported with special education flexible attendance in submission 4, the number days taught must be 30.5052542505-0013FLEXIBLE-ATTENDANCE-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE must be "3".F4XXXFor a student reported with special education flexible attendance in submission 4, the flexible attendance program type code must be the OFSDP Credit/Promotion Recovery Program.5052642505-0012 FLEXIBLE-ATTENDANCE-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE must not be "3".F3XXXFor a student reported with special education flexible attendance in submission 3, the flexible attendance program type code must not be the OFSDP Credit/Promotion Recovery Program.5052742505-0010REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE must be "1" "6".F3XXXFor a student reported with special education flexible attendance in submission 3, the reporting period must be "1" - "6". 510 Context Edits Rule Applies ToLegacy Edit #TEDS Rule #Legacy Edit Rule Text and Business MeaningEdit TypeSubESCDistrictCampusCharter5100142510-0001 For a particular STUDENT-ID, there must be a matching 500 record.F3, 4XXXA student reported with CTE flexible attendance must also be reported with a matching 500 flexible attendance record.5100242510-0007 GRADE-LEVEL-CODE must be "07"-"12."F3, 4XXXA student reported with CTE flexible attendance must also be reported in grades "07"-"12".5100442510-0014 For a particular STUDENT-ID, the sum of FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-CAREER-TECH-MINUTES-PRESENT must not be less than "00045."F3, 4XXXFor a student reported with CTE Flexible Attendance, the total of all flexible attendance CTE eligible minutes present must not be less than 45 minutes.5100542510-0013 For a particular CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, and REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT must be identical on all records.F3, 4XXXNumber days taught must be the same on all CTE flexible attendance records with the same campus id of enrollment, instructional track, and reporting period.5100642510-0005 CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT must match an entry registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus in the reporting district ending in "001" - "698".F3, 4XXXA student's career and technical education flexible attendance campus id of enrollment must be registered with the TEA as an active instructional campus in the reporting LEA and must end in "001" - "698".51007The value of DISTRICT-ID on this record must match the value of DISTRICT-ID on the district's 010 record.F3, 4XXXThe district id on the 510 record must match the district id on the 010 record.5100842510-0015 Except for Texas School for the Deaf (227906), Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), and Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622), each districts data submission should contain one or more 510 records for each student in membership who was enrolled in a secondary career and technical education class.W3, 4XXXEach LEA's data submission generally should report CTE flexible attendance for each student in membership who was enrolled in a secondary career and technical education class, except for Texas School for the Deaf, Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and Texas Juvenile Justice Department.5100942510-0004 The Texas School for the Deaf (227906), the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (227905), and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (227622) must not submit a 510 record.F3, 4XThe Texas School for the Deaf, the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and the Texas Juvenile Justice Department are not eligible for CTE flexible attendance funding.5101042510-0002 For a particular CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, and NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT, there must be a 500 record with matching CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, INSTRUCTIONAL-TRACK-INDICATOR-CODE, REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE, and NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT.F3, 4XXXA student reported with CTE flexible attendance must also be reported with a matching 500 flexible attendance record.5101142510-0003 For each instance of STUDENT-ID where GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is "07" or "08", there must be a matching 505 record or a matching 500 record where FLEX-ATTEND-TOTAL-SPED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-ELIGIBLE is not "000".F3, 4XXXA CTE student in grade "07" or "08" is not eligible for CTE flexible attendance funding unless they are also reported with special education flexible attendance. Only grade "07" and "08" special education students who are participating in the CTE Program for the Disabled are eligible for CTE flexible attendance funding.5101242510-0009 REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE must be "7" or "8".F4XXXFor a student reported with career and technical education flexible attendance in submission 4, the reporting period must be "7" or "8".5101342510-0012 NUMBER-DAYS-TAUGHT must be 30.F4XXXFor a student reported with career and technical education flexible attendance in submission 4, the number days taught must be 30.5101442510-0011 FLEXIBLE-ATTENDANCE-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE must be "3".F4XXXFor a student reported with career and technical education flexible attendance in submission 4, the flexible attendance program type code must be the OFSDP Credit/Promotion Recovery Program.5101542510-0010 FLEXIBLE-ATTENDANCE-PROGRAM-TYPE-CODE must not be "3".F3XXXFor a student reported with career and technical education flexible attendance in submission 3, the flexible attendance program type code must not be the OFSDP Credit/Promotion Recovery Program5101642510-0008 REPORTING-PERIOD-INDICATOR-CODE must be "1" "6".F3XXXFor a student reported with career and technical education flexible attendance in submission 3, the reporting period must be "1" - "6".     2004-2005 PEIMS Data Standards Section 5: Edits 2015-2016 PEIMS Data Standards Section 5: Edits 2015-2016 PEIMS Data Standards Section 5: Edits 5. PAGE 188 5. PAGE 187 2015-2016 PEIMS Data Standards Section 5: Edits 2015-2016 PEIMS Data Standards Section 5: Edits 5. PAGE 264 5. PAGE 265  DOCPROPERTY DS_Cur_School_Yr \* MERGEFORMAT Error! Unknown document property name. 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