College Preparatory Courses for CCMR Accountability

In the 2024-2025 school year, TEA is implementing a process to review and approve college preparatory courses that count for college, career and military readiness (CCMR) credit in the public-school accountability system.

The College Preparatory Courses for Accountability process aims to ensure that college preparatory courses (defined in Texas Education Code (TEC), §28.014) align with standards consistent with other indicators of college readiness. Under TEC, §28.014, college preparatory courses in English language arts and mathematics are courses developed through partnership(s) between a school district and at least one institution of higher education (IHE).

College Preparatory Courses for CCMR Accountability Updates

List of College Preparatory Course Provider Applicants

An institution, ESC, program or partnership that has completed an interest form to apply for TEA’s CCMR accountability consideration will be provided in the following document and will be noted in the column, “Completed TEA Interest Form” of the following chart. Texas College Bridge has completed a TEA Interest Form and an application on behalf of the Texas College Bridge participating institutions noted in the column, “Texas College Bridge Participating Institutions” in the second chart below.

School districts may not apply for approval on behalf of their institutional partners. School districts that are partnered with an institution, ESC, program or partnership that is noted in the “Completed TEA Interest Form” column do not need to take any further action at this time.

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Proposed 2027 Accountability Changes to CCMR Component

Proposed changes to the Accountability Manualwill include college preparatory courses (defined in Texas Education Code (TEC), §28.014) that meet standards consistent with other indicators of college readiness.

The proposed rule includes information about two planned changes to the use of College Preparatory courses for credit in the CCMR component of A–F state accountability.

Specifically, the changes start in 2025-26 A-F ratings, and are:

  1. Credit forapprovedCollege Preparatory courses only starting with 2026 graduates in 2027 Accountability: To ensure a consistent standard of course quality,

  2. TEA will begin a process to review and approve College Preparatory courses for the purpose of demonstrating college readiness in the public school accountability system. Starting with 2026 graduates, students must complete an approved course to be eligible for CCMR credit.

  3. Credit for 12th grade College Preparatory courses only starting with 2026 graduates in 2027 Accountability: Because College Preparatory courses are statutorily required to be designed for 12th grade students, in the future, only students completing the College Preparatory course as 12th graders will be eligible for CCMR credit.

    1. To accommodate a transition for 11th-grade students currently enrolled in College Preparatory courses, 2025 graduates will be eligible for CCMR credit with courses completed in 12th grade or 11th grade. 2026 graduates and future cohorts will only be eligible for CCMR credit with College Preparatory courses completed in the 12th grade.

Important Information regarding College Preparatory Courses for CCMR Accountability Process

Eligible College Preparatory Course for Public School Accountability Provider Applicants:

  • Institutions of Higher Education (IHE)
  • Education Service Centers that have an agreement to partner with an IHE to offer college preparatory courses that will be accepted at that partnering institution
  • Entities that have Memorandums of Understanding with IHE to offer college preparatory courses that will be accepted at that partnering institution

Please be advised that the responsibility to apply to offer college preparatory courses that count toward College, Career, and Military Readiness (CCMR) credit in the public school accountability system lies with the college preparatory course providers, such as Institutions of Higher Education or Education Service Centers.

School districts may not apply for approval on behalf of their course providers.

College preparatory course providers that wish to participate must submit an application that includes narrative responses and data files indicating their interest to be considered an approved provider of a college preparatory course that counts toward the College, Career and Military readiness (CCMR) credit in the public-school accountability system.

If an institution chooses not to submit materials for consideration, their college preparatory courses will not be included on the official list of approved courses that count toward a school district's accountability measures for College, Career and Military Readiness (CCMR). College preparatory courses may still exist and operate independent of this TEA process, but only those approved by TEA through this process are eligible for TEA's CCMR accountability consideration.

TEA will work with faculty reviewers to assess submitted application materials for college preparatory courses for public school accountability through a comprehensive review process. Each college preparatory course approved for public school accountability will be assigned a unique Service ID enabling data collection related to participation and outcomes.

A provider of an approved College Preparatory Course for Public School Accountability must:

  • have served students in 2021-2022 and still be actively serving students,
  • apply through Qualtrics to the ˿Ƶ (TEA) that includes three .csv files containing previous college preparatory course participation (district Information for 2021-2022, 2022-2023, and 2023-2024),
  • undergo a quality review of the application by faculty reviewers from across the state

The course review process will result in the following:

  • A 2025-2030 college preparatory course for public school accountability list of approved providers
  • Assignment of a unique Service ID for each approved college preparatory English language arts courses and each college preparatory mathematics course approved for credit in the public-school accountability system
  • Continuous improvement to support consistent high-quality courses for students

College Preparatory Courses for CCMR Accountability Timeline

The College Preparatory Courses for CCMR Accountability timeline is as follows:

  • College Preparatory Course for CCMR Accountability Provider Interest Formopen on November 20, 2024and available through January 10, 2025
  • College Preparatory Course for CCMR Accountability Provider Application available November 20, 2024 through January 31, 2025
  • Application scoring and faculty review January through March 2025
  • College Preparatory Course Provider status notification March 2025
  • College Preparatory Course Providers begin serving students with unique service IDs in Fall 2025

Contact Information

Advanced Academics

For more information regarding College Preparatory Courses for CCMR Accountability please reach out to the Advanced Academics team.
