Self-Reported Data Unit
շ’s Self-Reported Data Unit (SRDU) works together with local educational agencies (LEAs) to improve data submissions and ensure that they are in compliance with related state and federal laws, rules, and regulations. The team supports multiple data-driven systems, including the state accountability system, and TEA program areas by examining thedata submitted through the Texas Student Data System (TSDS) Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) as well as Performance-Based Monitoring (PBM) data validation indicators. When data anomalies are identified, compliance review letters are typically issued to more closely review the LEA’s data reporting and programmatic policies and procedures. SRDU often works with LEAs to bring them into compliance and/or to establish better local practices, but also collaborates with TEA program areas to ensure LEAs have access to the information and tools necessary to establish better local practices and accurately report data to the agency.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1.What is a compliance review?
շ’s self-reported data compliance reviews are a collaborative review process with LEAs to ensure they are acting in accordance with state law and other regulatory requirements. TEA requests documentation and other information from LEAs by a particular deadline to review and determine whether there has been a violation and commonly works with the districts to bring them into compliance and/or to establish better local practices.
2. What could happen as a result of SRDU’s compliance review? How might this impact an LEA's accountability rating?
Generally, TEA may take any of the following actions as a result of a compliance review:
- TEA may close it's review with no further action if the LEA's response satisfies TEA's concerns.
- TEA may work with the LEA to complete corrective actions to ensure more accurate information is provided and/or appropriate policies are implemented in the future.
- TEA may refer the compliance review toTEA's Special Investigations Unit(SIU) for further investigation.
շ’s 2024 State Accountability Manual includes additional information about շ’s process regarding compliance reviews that relate to state accountability data. If TEA makes a preliminary determination that the accuracy and/or integrity of performance results may have been compromised (whether intentional or not), a case may be referred to SIU. If a case is referred to SIU, an LEA may receive a temporary "Data Under Review” label, on either a preliminary or final rating, on and their Texas Academic Performance Reports (TAPR). As a result of state accountability compliance reviews and investigations, TEA has the discretion to issue one the following accountability ratings for an LEA:
- Issue a "Not Rated: Data Integrity Issues" accountability rating;
- Issue a rating consistent with the actual performance of the district (which may or may not change from the preliminary rating); or
- Lower the district's accountability rating.
If an LEA’s accountability rating is changed, a label representing this change will be added to their accountability reports that states “Overall score or rating updated as a result of a Data Compliance Review”. Please note, when a rating is updated, the underlying data in these reports are not updated and are still reflective of the LEA’s original data submission. This label informs parents, researchers, and the general public that the new accountability rating is reflective of the findings from a data-related compliance review.
3. Is an LEA required to put the current TAPR Report on the district’s website if they have been issued a state accountability data-related compliance review?
LEAs that are undergoing a compliance review related to state accountability data and/or who have a temporary “Data Under Review” label are still required to post performance related information on their district’s website as specified in. Updated performance reports will be available on շ’s website for download shortly after the LEA's final rating has been issued. For more information on posting requirements in general, please see the page.
4. My district triggered an indicator in the Leaver Record Data Validation / Discipline Data Validation / Student Assessment Data Validation system(s). What are my next steps?
For the 2024 data validation cycle, if an LEA triggers one or more data validation indicators, they will not automatically be issued a compliance review this year. Instead, these LEAs are strongly encouraged to conduct a local review or audit. LEAs are encouraged to review their data and related policies and procedures to ensure that accurate data have been reported to the agency and if program implementation concerns and/or incorrect data are identified, LEAs should address those issues locally. LEAs can reference the document, that outlines some recommended steps and resources to help LEAs when conducting local reviews (please note, a similar document for student assessment local reviews will be released at a later date). LEAs are encouraged to work with an independent third party, such as their Education Service Center (ESC), for additional assistance conducting a local review.
A select number of LEAs that trigger one or more data validation indicators will be issued a compliance review by SRDU. Please note, the Intervention, Stage, and Activity Manager (ISAM) application will no longer be used to issue compliance reviews for discipline and leaver record data validation. Superintendents will be notified by email if their LEA is issued a compliance review.
5. My district was issued a compliance review in response to triggering an indicator in the Leaver Record Data Validation / Discipline Data Validation / Student Assessment Data Validation system(s). Who should I reach out to with questions?
As of Fall 2024, the Self-Reported Data Unit is now monitoring LEA compliance with applicable data reporting and program requirements for the Leaver Record Data Validation (LRDV) and Discipline Data Validation (DDV) systems. SRDU will also continue to monitor compliance for the Student Assessment Data Validation (SADV) system, in addition to issuing compliance reviews for other data-related concerns. For more information about these data monitoring systems, you may review thedata validation manuals.
If your LEA has been issued a data-related compliance review for any of these data validation systems, you may contact the Self-Reported Data Unit
If you have questions about the data validation indicators, you may contact the Performance Reporting Division at
If you have questions about student assessment score codes, participation requirements, or other program implementation concerns, theincludes an FAQ and provides an opportunity to submit any questions to the Assessment team. The website also provides helpful guidance, including information on the next steps LEAs should take if testing irregularities or other errors are identified.
If you have questions about student leaver or discipline data reporting, including questions about data elements, descriptor tables, or documentation requirements, please submit a TSDS Incident Management System (TIMS) Ticket. If you do not have access to TIMS, please email and we will ensure your question is routed to the appropriate team.
6. What should I do if I would like to file a complaint against a school district or charter school related to the falsification or manipulation of PEIMS data?
շ’s general complaint form can be found here:. Please visit ourTEA General Education Complaintswebsite for more information on շ’s formal complaint process.
Self-Reported Data Unit