Adopted Commissioner of Education Rules — Not Yet Effective

All new rules or amendments to existing rules with effective dates in the future are available on this site after the agency has filed the rules with the Texas Register. Rule actions will remain on this page until their effective dates.

The following links present the preamble filed with the Texas Register in PDF format. The preamble includes information describing the adopted rule action as well as the rule text. The PDF contains a bookmark that will allow you to navigate directly to the beginning of the rule text using the bookmarks feature of your PDF reader.

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If there are changes to rule text since it was published as proposed, the changes are shown in a separate document.

Adopted Repeal of 19 TAC Chapter 61, School Districts, Subchapter BB, Commissioner's Rules on Reporting Requirements, §61.1028, Reporting of Bus Collisions
The adopted repeal relocates the existing requirements to proposed new 19 TAC §103.1231. The adopted new rule includes an update to remove the requirement related to the color of a multifunction school activity bus to align with statute. No changes were made to the rule since published as proposed.
Effective Date: March 10, 2025

Adopted New 19 TAC Chapter 103, Health and Safety, Subchapter CC, Commissioner's Rules Concerning Safe Schools, §103.1231, Reporting of Bus Collisions
The adopted new section relocates existing requirements from 19 TAC §61.1028. The new section includes an update to remove the requirement related to the color of a multifunction school activity bus to align with statute. No changes were made to the rule since published as proposed.
Effective Date: March 10, 2025

Contact Information

For questions about the process of proposing, adopting, or publishing Texas Administrative Code rules; reviewing existing rules; or petitioning for rule changes, email the Rulemaking Division at