19 TAC Chapter 235
Classroom Teacher Certification Standards
The links below provide PDF versions of each subchapter. You may also access a PDF version of the Chapter 235 table of contents.
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Subchapter A. General Provisions
§235.1. General Requirements
Subchapter B. Elementary School Certificate Standards
§235.11. Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities Standards, Early Childhood: Prekindergarten-Grade 3
§235.13. Content Standards, Early Childhood: Prekindergarten-Grade 3
§235.21. Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities Standards, Early Childhood-Grade 6
Subchapter C. Middle School Certificate Standards
§235.41. Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities Standards, Grades 4-8
Subchapter D. Secondary School Certificate Standards
§235.61. Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities Standards, Grades 7-12
§235.63. Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities Standards, Grades 6-12, Trade and Industrial Workforce Training
Subchapter E. Science of Teaching Reading Standards
§235.101. Science of Teaching Reading Standards
Subchapter F. Supplemental Certificate Standards
§235.115. English as a Second Language Standards
§235.117. Bilingual Spanish Standards
Subchapter F. Supplemental Certificate Standards
§235.115. English as a Second Language Standards.
§235.117. Bilingual Spanish Standards.
Subchapter G. Special Education Certificate Standards
§235.131. Special Education Standards: Early Childhood-Grade 6
§235.133. Special Education Standards: Grades 6-12
§235.135. DeafBlind Standards: Early Childhood-Grade 12