19 TAC Chapter 249
Disciplinary Proceedings, Sanctions, and Contested Cases
The links below provide PDF versions of each subchapter. You may also access a PDF version of the Chapter 249 table of contents.
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Subchapter A. General Provisions
§249.3. Definitions
§249.4. Applicability
§249.5. Purpose; Policy Governing Disciplinary Proceedings
§249.6. Construction
§249.7. Signature Authority
§249.8. Agreements to Be in Writing
§249.9. Ex Parte Communications
§249.10. Conduct and Decorum
Subchapter B. Enforcement Actions and Guidelines
§249.11. Test Irregularities; Appeal; Sanctions
§249.12. Administrative Denial; Appeal
§249.13. Cancellation of an Erroneously Issued Certificate
§249.14. Complaint, Required Reporting, and Investigation; Investigative Notice; Filing of Petition
§249.15. Disciplinary Action by State Board for Educator Certification
§249.16. Eligibility of Persons with Criminal History for a Certificate under Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 53, and Texas Education Code, Chapter 21
§249.17. Decision-Making Guidelines
Subchapter C. Prehearing Matters
§249.18. Jurisdiction
§249.19. Powers and Duties of Administrative Law Judge
§249.20. Recusal and Disqualification of Administrative Law Judge
§249.21. Substitution of Administrative Law Judge
§249.22. Classification of Parties; Current Addresses
§249.23. Representation of Parties
§249.24. Filing or Serving Documents on the Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ Staff or the Administrative Law Judge
§249.25. Pleadings
§249.26. Petition
§249.27. Answer
§249.28. Stipulations
§249.29. Discovery
Subchapter D. Hearing Procedures
§249.30. Notice of Hearing
§249.31. Venue
§249.32. Conduct and Record of Hearings
§249.33. Use of Deposition Transcripts in Contested Case Hearings
§249.34. Consolidated Proceedings
§249.35. Disposition Prior to Hearing; Default
Subchapter E. Post-Hearing Matters
§249.36. Proposal for Decision
§249.37. Exceptions and Replies
§249.38. Review and Presentation of Proposal to Board
§249.39. Final Decisions and Orders
§249.40. Motion for Rehearing; Administrative Finality; Appeal
§249.41. Procedure for Reprimand; Restriction
§249.42. Procedure for the Suspension, Surrender, or Revocation of a Certificate
§249.43. Procedure for Reinstating a Suspended Certificate
§249.44. Reapplication Following Denial, Surrender, or Revocation