19 TAC Chapter 101
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Subchapter A. General Provisions
§101.1. Scope of Rules.
§101.3. Policy.
§101.5. Student Testing Requirements.
Subchapter B. Implementation of Assessments
§101.25. Schedule.
§101.27. Administrative Procedures.
§101.31. Private Schools.
§101.33. Release of Tests.
Subchapter C. Local Option
§101.101. Group-Administered Tests.
Subchapter AA. Commissioner's Rules Concerning the Participation of English Language Learners in State Assessments
Division 1. Assessments of English Language Proficiency and Academic Content for English Language Learners
§101.1001. Scope of Rules.
§101.1003. English Language Proficiency Assessments.
§101.1005. Assessments of Achievement in Academic Content Areas and Courses.
§101.1007. Assessment Provisions for Graduation.
Subchapter CC. Commissioner's Rules Concerning Implementation of the Academic Content Areas Testing Program
Division 1. Implementation of Assessment Instruments
§101.3011. Implementation and Administration of Academic Content Area Assessment Instruments.
§101.3012. Parent Notification.
§101.3013. Accommodations.
§101.3014. Scoring and Reporting.
§101.3015. Test Development.
§101.3016. National Comparative Data.
§101.3017. Release of Tests.
Division 2. Participation and Assessment Requirements for Graduation
§101.3021. Required Participation in Academic Content Area Assessments.
§101.3022. Assessment Requirements for Graduation.
§101.3023. Participation and Graduation Assessment Requirements for Students Receiving Special Education Services.
§101.3024. Assessment Requirements for Students First Enrolled in Grade 9 Prior to 2011-2012 School Year or First Enrolled in Grade 10 or Above in 2011-2012 School Year.
Division 3. Security of Assessments, Required Test Administration Procedures and Training Activities
§101.3031. Required Test Administration Procedures and Training Activities to Ensure Validity, Reliability, and Security of Assessments.
Division 4. Performance Standards
§101.3041. Performance Standards.
Subchapter DD. Commissioner's Rules Concerning Substitute Assessments for Graduation
§101.4001. Testing Requirements for Graduation.
§101.4002. State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness End-of-Course Substitute Assessments.
§101.4003. Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills Exit-Level Alternate Assessments.
§101.4005. Verification of Results.
Subchapter EE. Commissioner's Rules Concerning the Statewide Testing Calendar and UIL Participation
§101.5001. Testing Calendar.
§101.5003. Alternate Test Dates.
Subchapter FF. Commissioner's Rules Concerning Diagnostic Assessment
§101.6001. Texas Middle School Diagnostic Reading Assessment.
§101.6003. Local Assessments.
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For questions about the process of proposing, adopting, or publishing Texas Administrative Code rules; reviewing existing rules; or petitioning for rule changes, email the Rulemaking Division at rules@tea.texas.gov.