19 TAC Chapter 102
Educational Programs
The links below provide PDF versions of each subchapter. You may also access aÌýPDF version of theÌýChapter 102 table of contents.
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Subchapter AA. Commissioner's Rules Concerning Early Childhood Education Programs
- §102.1001. Head Start Educational Component Grant Program.
- §102.1002. Prekindergarten Early Start Grant Program.
- §102.1003. High-Quality Prekindergarten Program.
Subchapter BB. Commissioner Rules Concerning the Rural Pathway Excellence Partnership (R-PEP) Program
- §102.1021. Rural Pathway Excellence Partnership Program.
Subchapter CC. Commissioner's Rules Concerning Coordinated Health Programs
- §102.1031. Criteria for Evaluating Coordinated Health Programs for Elementary, Middle, and Junior High School Students.
Subchapter DD. Commissioner's Rules Concerning the Texas Accelerated Science Achievement Program Grant
- §102.1041. Texas Accelerated Science Achievement Program Grant.
Subchapter EE. Commissioner's Rules Concerning Pilot Programs
- §102.1051. Financial Literacy Pilot Program.
- §102.1055. Collaborative Dropout Reduction Pilot Program.
- §102.1056. Dropout Recovery Pilot Program.
- §102.1057. Intensive Reading or Language Intervention Pilot Program.
- §102.1058. Reading Excellence Team Pilot Program.
Subchapter FF. Commissioner's Rules Concerning Educator Award Programs
- §102.1073. Educator Excellence Innovation Program.
Subchapter GG. Commissioner's Rules Concerning Postsecondary Preparation ProgramsÌý
- §102.1091. College and Career Readiness School Models.
- §102.109. Financial Aid for Swift Transfer Program.
Subchapter HH. Commissioner's Rules Concerning the Texas Adolescent Literacy Academies
- §102.1101. Attendance and Completion Requirements for Texas Adolescent Literacy Academies.
Subchapter II. Commissioner's Rules Concerning Texas High Performance Schools Consortium
- §102.1201. Texas High Performance Schools Consortium.
Subchapter JJ. Commissioner's Rules Concerning Innovation District
- §102.1301. Definitions.
- §102.1303. Eligibility.
- §102.1305. Process Timeline.
- §102.1307. Adoption of Local Innovation Plan.
- §102.1309. Prohibited Exemptions.
- §102.1311. Term.
- §102.1313. Amendment, Rescission, or Renewal.
- §102.1315. Termination.
Subchapter KK. Commissioner's Rules Concerning Compliance Investigations in Connection with State-Funded Education Program Grants
- §102.1401. Compliance Investigations.
Subchapter LL. Commissioner's Rules Concerning Innovative Instructional Programs
- §102.1501. Blended Learning Grant Program.
- §102.1503. Math Innovation Zone Designation.
Subchapter MM. Commissioner's Rules Concerning Supplemental Special Education Services Program
- §102.1601. Supplemental Special Education Services and Instructional Materials Program for Certain Public School Students Receiving Special Education Services.
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Contact Information
For questions about the process of proposing, adopting, or publishing Texas Administrative Code rules; reviewing existing rules; or petitioning for rule changes, email the Rulemaking Division at rules@tea.texas.gov.