19 TAC Chapter 74

Curriculum Requirements

The links below provide PDF versions of each subchapter. You may also access a PDF version of the Chapter 74 table of contents.

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Subchapter A. Required Curriculum

§74.1. Essential Knowledge and Skills.
§74.2. Description of a Required Elementary Curriculum.
§74.3. Description of a Required Secondary Curriculum.
§74.4. English Language Proficiency Standards.
§74.5. Academic Achievement Record (Transcript).
§74.6. College and Career Readiness and Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills Alignment.

Subchapter B. Graduation Requirements

§74.11. High School Graduation Requirements.
§74.12. Foundation High School Program.
§74.13. Endorsements.
§74.14. Performance Acknowledgments.

Subchapter C. Other Provisions

§74.21. Schedule for Implementation.
§74.22. Options for Offering Courses.
§74.23. Correspondence Courses and Distance Learning.
§74.24. Credit by Examination.
§74.25. High School Credit for College Courses.
§74.26. Award of Credit.
§74.27. Innovative Courses and Programs.
§74.28. Students with Dyslexia and Related Disorders.
§74.29. Texas Advanced Placement Incentive Program.
§74.30. Identification of Honors Courses.
§74.31. Health Classifications for Physical Education.
§74.33. Additional Requirements for Social Studies Classes for Grades 3-12.
§74.35. Additional Requirements for High School Health Classes.
§74.36. Requirements for Elective Courses on the Bible's Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) and New Testament and Their Impact on the History and Literature of Western Civilization.
§74.37. Public School Physical Education Curriculum.
§74.38. Requirements for Instruction in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and Use of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED).
§74.39. Requirements for Instruction on Proper Interaction with Peace Officers.

Subchapter F. Graduation Requirements, Beginning with School Year 2007-2008

§74.61. High School Graduation Requirements.
§74.62. Minimum High School Program.
§74.63. Recommended High School Program.
§74.64. Distinguished Achievement High School Program--Advanced High School Program.

Subchapter G. Graduation Requirements, Beginning with School Year 2012-2013

§74.71. High School Graduation Requirements.
§74.72. Minimum High School Program.
§74.73. Recommended High School Program.
§74.74. Distinguished Achievement High School Program--Advanced High School Program.


Subchapter AA. Commissioner's Rules on College Readiness

§74.1001. College Readiness Vertical Team.
§74.1003. Industry-Based Certifications for Public School Accountability.
§74.1005. College and Career Funding and Reimbursements.
§74.1007. College, Career, or Military Readiness Outcomes Bonus.

Subchapter BB. Commissioner's Rules Concerning High School Graduation

§74.1023. Financial Aid Application Requirement for High School Graduation.
§74.1025. Individual Graduation Committee Review.
§74.1027. Diplomas for Certain Individuals Who Entered Grade 9 Before 2011-2012 School Year.
§74.1030. Community-Based Fine Arts Programs.

Subchapter CC. Commissioner's Rules Concerning Reading Practices

§74.2001. Phonics Curriculum.

Subchapter DD. Commissioner's Rules Concerning Mathematics Instruction

§74.2101. Middle School Advanced Mathematics Program.

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Contact Information

For questions about the process of proposing, adopting, or publishing Texas Administrative Code rules; reviewing existing rules; or petitioning for rule changes, email the Rulemaking Division at rules@tea.texas.gov.