19 TAC Chapter 75


The links below provide PDF versions of each subchapter. You may also access aÌýPDF version of theÌýChapter 75 table of contents.

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Subchapter AA. Commissioner's Rules Concerning Driver Education Standards of Operation for Public Schools, Education Service Centers, and Colleges or Universities

§75.1002. Driver Education Teachers.
§75.1003. Teaching Assistants.

Subchapter BB. Commissioner's Rules Concerning Provisions for Career and Technical Education

§75.1021. Applicability.
§75.1022. General Provisions.
§75.1023. Provisions for Individuals Who Are Members of Special Populations.
§75.1024. Career and Technical Student Organizations.
§75.1025. Program Evaluations.
§75.1031. Voluntary Workforce Training Standards and Agreements.
§75.1032. Certification Standards.
§75.1033. Certified Program Agreements.
§75.1034. Dispute Resolution.


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Contact Information

For questions about the process of proposing, adopting, or publishing Texas Administrative Code rules; reviewing existing rules; or petitioning for rule changes, email the Rulemaking Division at rules@tea.texas.gov.