Educational Resources on Israeli Conflict for Texas Students

ٲٱ: October 20, 2023
Subject: Educational Resources on Israeli Conflict for Texas Students
Category: Instructional Resources
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The effects of the recent acts of war carried out against the State of Israel and its people by the terrorist organization Hamas are being felt all over the world and in Texas. As details of the attacks on Israel and violence in the region are shared daily by news outlets and on social media, it is important to help our students learn about the roots of the conflict and how to report incidents of hate speech and/or acts of violence.

The following four optional resources and theseadditional resources and lessonsmay be used to support lessons and conversations with students about the current conflict. These materials are available for educators and parents to use to help students talk about war and violence and better understand the conflict in Israel. Parents and educators should determine which resources, if any, best fit the needs of their families and community.

(Institute for Curriculum Services)
Grades 6–12

For many students and educators, the scale and violence of the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7, 2023, and the events that have unfolded since, have evoked many different thoughts and emotions. Members of your school community may be worrying about loved ones or mourning a personal loss.

It is important to be aware, especially as the enormity of the situation unfolds, that these events will likely spur difficult, but important conversations with your students.

The following resources have been developed to provide you with tools to help facilitate those conversations:

  • ICS’s “Teaching the History of the Arab-Israeli Conflict Using Primary Sources” curriculum
  • Guiding discussions on difficult topics
  • Making sense of the news and social media (including avoiding misinformation and awareness of harmful mental health impacts)

(Council on Foreign Relations)
Grades 9–12

The United States has long tried to negotiate a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but several factors, including deep divisions between and within the parties and declining U.S. interest in carrying out its traditional honest-broker role, have hurt the chances of a peace deal.

(Anti-Defamation League)
Grades 6–12

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict invokes strong emotions and differences of opinion and perspective for many people. These disagreements are heightened in times of crisis. Remember that antisemitism, anti-Muslim bias, and other forms of hate can manifest during crises, often exacerbated byand it is essential to reflect on how biases can show up in conversations. Allowing antisemitism or anti-Muslim bias to go unchecked not only harms the groups that are targeted by those biases, but also undermines the trust and connection necessary to have productive conversations and learning experiences.

(Common Sense Media)
All ages

Today, issues involving violence, crime, and war -- whether they're in popular shows, video games, books, or news coverage -- reach even the youngest kids. And with wall-to-wall TV coverage, constant social media updates, streaming services that broadcast age-inappropriate content any time of day, plus the internet itself, having a plan is critical for discussing these issues in a manner that's age-appropriate, helps kids understand, and doesn't cause more harm.

The mission of the(THGAAC) is to combat and confront hatred, prejudice, and indifference by educating all Texans about the Holocaust and other genocides in an effort to dismantle antisemitism and prevent such future atrocities. The THGAAC provides support for Holocaust Remembrance Week, but also has a number of resources onand guidelines for teaching about antisemitism that may be useful to educators and parents as they help students better understand the violent acts of war carried out against the State of Israel and its people by the terrorist organization Hamas and the ongoing conflict. THGAAC is available to assist schools with Holocaust, genocide, and antisemitism education..