Information for Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) and Campuses Identified to Engage in School Improvement Interventions

¶Ù²¹³Ù±ð:Ìý August 18, 2022
Subject: Information for Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) and Campuses Identified to Engage in School Improvement Interventions
Category: Division of School Improvement Communication
Next Steps:Ìý Share with appropriate staff


The purpose of this correspondence is to provide information regarding requirements under Texas Education Code (TEC), Chapters §39 and §39A; Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Title 19, Chapter 97, Subchapter EE, Division 1; and agency resources to support the improvement of LEA and campus performance.ÌýÌý

State Academic AccountabilityÌýÌý

The Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ (TEA) expects campuses that received an overall D or F in 2019 and which did not receive a rating of A, B, or C in 2022 to continue to update their targeted improvement plans (TIPs) to identify and analyze areas of growth and areas that require improvement. For reference, please see (TEC), §39A.060(1). As in the previous year, these plans should be maintained locally.Ìý Ìý

For 2022 state academic accountability, LEAs and campuses will receive a label of A, B, C, or Not Rated: Senate Bill 1365. As with other Not Rated labels, when a district or campus receives a Not Rated: Senate Bill 1365 label, the LEA or campus is expected to implement the previously ordered sanctions and interventions.ÌýÌý

As with other Not Rated labels, all LEAs and campuses that received an overall D or F in 2019 are expected to update as necessary and continue to maintain a Targeted Improvement Plan (TIP) locally. The template for both the LEA and campus local TIPs can be found on the School Improvement website on the following link:ÌýIntervention Guidance and Tools for Locally Maintained TIPs.ÌýIf campuses have access to the web-based TIP, they may use this template to develop their TIP, rather than the Excel template posted online.Ìý

Furthermore, while no D or F ratings will be issued in 2022, an overall rating of D or F in 2019 and an overall rating of D or F in 2023 will be considered consecutive for the determination of multiple-year unacceptable status.ÌýÌý

In addition to the TIP, campuses with two consecutive unacceptable ratings have the option to implement the Commissioner-approved turnaround plan (TAP) from the 2019-2020 school year. Campuses with three or more consecutive unacceptable ratings are required to implement their approved turnaround plan.ÌýÌý

Summary of Intervention Requirements - State AccountabilityÌý

The chart below summarizes intervention requirements for campuses that are not identified for comprehensive support and improvement (CSI) or engaging in school improvement interventions via the ESF-Focused Support Grant or the Title I, 1003 School Improvement Grant.


1st YearÌýOverall DÌý

1st YearÌýOverall F

2nd Year Overall FÌý

3+ Years Overall FÌý

Expected to Develop a TIPÌý Yes
TEA TIP Template Format

Excel-based template posted on SI websiteÌý


Can use the web-based template if LEA has accessÌý

Board Hearing & Approval of TIP No
Submit Plan/Progress Report to TEAÌý No, maintain locally.
Implement Turnaround Plan N/AÌý N/AÌý OptionalÌý YesÌý

Federal AccountabilityÌýÌý

CSI campuses are required to participate in interventions. Title I-served Comprehensive campuses will have an entitlement for the Title 1, 1003 School Improvement Grant to financially support the improvement efforts on the campus. Campuses identified for Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI), and Additional Targeted Support (ATS) who choose not to formally engage in school improvement support and interventions via the ESF-Focused Support Grant, are strongly encouraged to develop and maintain a TIP and retain this plan locally. These campuses may use a template of their choice to document their improvement efforts, including embedding their school improvement plan in their Campus Improvement Plan. Title I- served CSI, TSI and ATS campuses will have the opportunity to apply for the 2023-2025 ESF Focused Support Grant, an LOI competition grant, in the Spring of 2023. This grant program will provide funding to LEAs to engage with Effective Schools Framework Vetted Improvement Programs.Ìý

Summary of Intervention Requirements - Federal AccountabilityÌý

The chart below summarizes intervention requirements for campuses that are both engaged and non-engaged in school improvement interventions via the ESF-Focused Support Grant or the Title I, 1003 School Improvement Grant.

Requirement CSI campuses receiving Title I, 1003 School Improvement Grant ALL Campuses receiving ESF-FS GrantÌý CSI ATS TSI
Required to Develop a TIPÌý Yes
TIP Template Web-based TIP​​Ìý Web-based TIP​ Web-based TIP​​Ìý No, any format; ex: embed in CIPÌý
Board Hearing & Approval of TIPÌý Yes Yes Yes No
Submit Plan/Progress Report to TEA Yes Yes Yes No, maintain TIP locally

In cases where more than one identification applies to a campus, LEAs are required to engage in the more rigorous intervention requirement.ÌýÌýÌý

Identification for InterventionsÌýÌý

The overall design of the accountability system evaluates performance according to three domains: Student Achievement, School Progress, and Closing the Gaps, which are explained in theÌý2022 Accountability Manual.

For questions related to academic accountability ratings, please contact the Division of Performance Reporting at (512) 463-9704 orÌý

Intervention Requirements for Campuses Engaging with School Improvement Supports and Interventions

All campuses that are required to engage with school improvement supports and interventions via the ESF-Focused Support Grant or the Title 1, 1003 School Improvement Grant must determine who will serve as their District Coordinator of School Improvement (DCSI)/Grant Contact, as stated in the grant program guidelines. The DCSI/Grant Contact is a member of the campus intervention team (CIT) and is responsible for overseeing all intervention activities and submission requirements, including conducting a needs assessment and developing and implementing a TIP as outlined in the campus or district/charter school Intervention and Submission Calendar. If the DCSI/Grant Contact is not the principal’s supervisor, then the principal’s supervisor must also be a member of the CIT, per 19 TAC §97.1063(b)(2).Ìý

Please ensure that the DCSI/Grant Contact selected by the district or charter school can fulfill the responsibilities described in the DCSI job description in the School Improvement website. Additionally, the superintendent must enter the DCSI/Grant Contact’s contact information in the contacts tab in ISAM by August 31, 2022.Ìý

Campuses engaging with school improvement support and intervention will establish a Campus Leadership Team, to include the principal and other campus leaders responsible for the development, implementation, and monitoring of the targeted improvement plan, that will work with the DCSI and CIT to fulfill campus intervention requirements.ÌýÌý

Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) campuses and ESF Focused Support Grant required participants (DCSI and Principal) that are new to the comprehensive campus or LEA in the Fall of 2022 are required to participate in the TIP development and ESF overview trainings. CSI, SIG, and ESF-Focused Support Grant DCSIs and Principals that attended both the TIP development and ESF overview trainings in 2021-2022, are not required to attend the trainings until Fall 2023.ÌýÌý

Additional Resources, Training, and Technical AssistanceÌý

We encourage you to work closely with your regional education service center (ESC) for technical assistance, resources, guidance, and training. Additional information regarding accountability, intervention requirements, and resources are located on theÌýDivision of School Improvement webpage.Ìý

Contact Information

Division of School Improvement
(512) 463-5226


