Instructional Continuity Grant for districts with Targeted Support and Improvement campuses
ٲٱ: | April 6 2020 |
Subject: | Instructional Continuity Grant for districts with Targeted Support and Improvement campuses |
Category: | Grant to support Instructional Continuity |
Next Steps: | 1) Share with District Leadership: Director of Federal Programs, District Coordinator of School Improvement (DCSI) and/or Business Office 2) Apply for this grant on the TEA Grant Opportunities webpage |
TEA is pleased to announce the opening of the application for the 2019–2021 Instructional Continuity Grant on the TEA Grant Opportunities Page. Districts and open-enrollment charter schools with at least one federally identified Targeted Support and Improvement Title I campus are eligible to apply for the formula grant and may receive a grant to support the work of instructional continuity during campus closures due to COVID-19. District awards will range between $10,500 and $220,000 based on the number of Targeted Support and Improvement campuses, and these award amounts may increase based on the redistribution of unclaimed LEA funds.
The application is due on May 22, 2020, by 5 p.m. CT and must be emailed to Any questions concerning the grant may be submitted to
What is the Instructional Continuity Grant?
The Instructional Continuity Grant is designed to provide supplemental resources to districts to support improved student outcomes on targeted support and improvement campuses. The purpose of this grant is to increase the capacity of a district to facilitate instructional continuity and distance, remote, and/or virtual learning for identified campuses that have been affected by campus closures due to COVID-19.
The Instructional Continuity Grant may be used to support costs associated with the development and deployment of curriculum and curricular resources for remote or at-home schools, professional development for teachers on delivering effective virtual instruction, additional remediation or supplemental instructional supports, technical assistance from a Regional Education Service Center and costs associated with the activities aligned to the Instructional Continuity Framework.
Districts also can reserve up to 50% of the grant award to support additional Title I campuses that are within one level in the direct feeder pattern of the targeted support and improvement campus. For example, a junior high that is designated for targeted support and improvement, the Title I elementary schools that feed into the junior high, and Title I high schools into which the junior high feeds would also be eligible for use of these grant funds.
Key Dates
The following are important dates that districts should follow:
- March 13, 2020: Pre-award date. Districts will be able to use the grant to cover instructional continuity expenses that have occurred since March 13.
- April 6, 2020: Search for “2019-2021 Instructional Continuity Grant” on the TEA Grant Opportunities page and review the application and program guidelines
- May 22, 2020 by 5 p.m. CT: Deadline to submit application to
If you have any questions regarding the 2019-2021 Instructional Continuity Grant, please contact the Division of School Improvement at (512) 463-5226 or
Mike Morath