Minimum Standards for Bullying Prevention Policies and Procedures

ٲٱ: March 31, 2022
Subject: Minimum Standards for Bullying Prevention Policies and Procedures
Category: Student Discipline Program
Next Steps: Submit public comments

Texas Education Code (TEC), §37.0832(c), requires school districts to adopt policies and procedures concerning bullying prevention. TEC, §12.104(b)(3)(Q), also subjects open-enrollment charter schools to this requirement. Senate Bill 2050, 87th Texas Legislature, Regular Session, 2021, added TEC, §37.0832(c-1), which requires the ˿Ƶ (TEA) to adopt minimum standards for the bullying prevention policies and procedures adopted under TEC, §37.0832(c).

TEA is inviting comment from any interested person on the proposed minimum standards for bullying prevention policies and procedures. The proposed minimum standards is available effective today, March 31, 2022, on the TEAStudent Disciplinewebpage. Public comments will be accepted April 1 through April 30, 2022, and should be submitted toStudentDisciplineSupport@tea.texas.govwith the subject line “Minimum Standards Public Comment.” All submitted comments will be reviewed and considered prior to release of the final minimum standards on or about July 1, 2022.