Release of Fiscal Year 2020–2021 Preliminary Compliance Reviews for IDEA-B LEA MOE

ٲٱ: March 24, 2022
Subject: Release of Fiscal Year 2020–2021 Preliminary Compliance Reviews for IDEA-B LEA MOE
Category: Funding Implications and Upcoming Deadline
Next Steps: Prepare data and documentation to submit to TEA, if applicable, by April 8, 2022

The ˿Ƶ (TEA) has calculated 2020–2021 preliminary compliance reviews for Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B (IDEA-B) local educational agency (LEA) maintenance of effort (MOE). Please use the following steps to find your LEA’s preliminary review in the GFFC Reports and Data Collections secure application:

  1. Log on to.
  2. Select “GFFC Reports and Data Collections.”
  3. Select your LEA’s name or county-district number (CDN).
  4. From the Report Title drop-down menu, select “IDEA-B LEA MOE Compliance Review.”
  5. From the School Year drop-down menu, select “2020–2021.”

TEA has also released the 2020–2021 Exceptions/Adjustment Workbook, which is available in the GFFC Reports and Data Collections secure application and on theIDEA-B LEA MOE pageof the TEA website. LEAs must use the workbook if they choose to respond to TEA.

LEA Review of TEA’s Preliminary IDEA-B LEA MOE Compliance Review

As described in the “To the Administrator Addressed” letter dated 3/3/22, LEAs should review their preliminary compliance review and compare it to their own internal MOE calculations. TEA has published a calculation tool on theIDEA-B LEA MOE pageof the TEA website so LEA’s can make these calculations.

LEA Response

Once your LEA has made its comparison, select one of the following four options for response:

  • Option 1: Accept TEA’s results.
  • Option 2: Respond to TEA by submitting exceptions and/or adjustments.
  • Option 3: Respond to TEA by requesting a recalculation.
  • Option 4: Respond to TEA by submitting an alternate local calculation methodology.

Here aredetails about these options and step-by-step instructions. Please note that Option 1 requires no further action on your part, while the remaining three options require you to submit documentation to and/or communicate with TEAby April 8, 2022.

Do Not Remit Refunds

If the preliminary compliance review shows that your LEA is not in compliance with the IDEA-B LEA MOE requirement, your LEA may owe a refund to TEA. TEA will notify your LEA in thefinalcompliance review, if your LEA owes a refund, and provide additional instructions at that time. Pleasedo not remit refundsto TEA based on thepreliminarycompliance review.


Please refer to theIDEA-B LEA MOEpage of the TEA website for further information and additional resources regarding IDEA-B LEA MOE.

For Further Information and Support

For any questions regarding the IDEA-B LEA MOE compliance review process, please contact the Federal Fiscal Compliance and Reporting Division by email