Commissioner Morath ends IEP Analysis Project

Dec 15, 2017

AUSTIN – Commissioner of Education Mike Morath has ordered an immediate end to the ˿Ƶ’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) Analysis Project. 

“Improving educational outcomes for special education students is a priority for the State. TEA believed that IEP analysis could be an important project that had the potential to greatly strengthen local and state support for special education students across our state,” said Commissioner Morath. “Significant concerns have been raised regarding our agency’s processes and the scope of the project. The efficacy of the project would be undermined without real support from parents and educators alike. As a result, this project cannot proceed effectively. TEA will continue to work with parents and educators to identify methods to improve outcomes for our special education students.”

As part of the Commissioner’s directive to halt the project, TEA has sent SPEDx – the vendor carrying out the project – a formal notice of contract termination. Contract termination takes effect in 15 days (per terms of the contract). In addition, terms of the contract require SPEDx to destroy all student information it currently possesses. No state level report using data from this project will be produced. Commissioner Morath has also begun a review of contracting processes within the agency.

Commissioner Morath noted that initial feedback from school districts participating in the project had been positive. In addition, SPEDx has been very responsive and met contract expectations, with some local school districts already receiving an initial local-level report.

Districts who have engaged in the project will still receive funding to support any expenses planned or incurred by their participation. Districts can use these funds to support special education students.

Launched earlier this year, the goal of the IEP Analysis Project was to identify specific approaches to individual education programs that show the most promise for students in special education. An IEP is a written education program designed to provide a free appropriate public education to students in special education. With information from the project, Texas school districts could have significantly improved the academic resources available to teachers who support special education students.

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