Commissioner Morath names Marlin ISD board of managers

Feb. 1, 2017

AUSTIN – Commissioner of Education Mike Morath today announced the appointment of a five-member board of managers for the Marlin Independent School District.

On Sept. 23, 2016, Commissioner Morath notified the Marlin ISD of his decision to appoint a board of managers due to the district receiving academic accountability ratings of Improvement Required over multiple years.Ìý

The appointed board of managers will replace the current elected board of trustees and be responsible for overseeing the management of the school district. The Commissioner will also appoint an interim superintendent. A majority of the board of managers must consist of members of the Marlin ISD community who are committed to service on behalf of the students of the district.

The Commissioner’s appointees to the Marlin board of managers are:Ìý

  • Kevin Benjamin – Benjamin works a corrections officer and is a 1990 graduate from the Marlin ISD.Ìý
  • Billy Johnson – A local business owner, Johnson is a retired educator and coach in Marlin.
  • Maggie Majors – President of the Marlin Rotary Club and vice-president of the Lions Club in Marlin, Majors is a retired educator from the Seattle Public School System.
  • Byrleen Terry – A past member of the Marlin ISD board of trustees, (2000-2005), Terry currently works at Falls Community Hospital and Clinic. Through the years, Terry has served in various capacities at three local financial institutions.
  • Rose Cameron – Cameron is a former superintendent at Copperas Cove ISD and former deputy superintendent and assistant superintendent in Joshua ISD. She presently serves as the TEA-appointed conservator in Marlin ISD.Ìý

In addition to appointing the members of the Marlin ISD board of managers, Commissioner Morath announced that current district superintendent Michael Seabolt will continue in that role.

The board of managers will be sworn into office at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 2, during a public meeting at the Marlin Junior Academy school library, 678 Success Drive, in Marlin.Ìý

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