TEA Releases 2019 A-F Accountability Ratings
AUSTIN – The ˿Ƶ (TEA) today released its 2019 state accountability ratings for approximately 1,200 school districts and charter schools. Districts and charters once again received A-F ratings, but new this year are A-F ratings for individual schools. Statewide, hundreds of districts and schools improved their overall rating from 2018.
“Performance continues to improve in Texas schools because of the tireless effort of Texas teachers, administrators and staff. I am particularly proud of the educators at the 296 high-poverty schools that achieved an A rating this year,” said Education Commissioner Mike Morath. “With resources on , educators and parents and empowered as they never have been before to support even greater improvements in the future.”
For a closer look at the new ratings, TEA encourages parents, educators and community members to visit to view district and school report cards.
has been enhanced with new several new features allowing visitors to better understand the accountability ratings data. These include ways to analyze trends, compare performance, and correlate results, as well as a new map feature which provides parents the ability to more easily view ratings of nearby schools.
The A-F system has remained consistent with last year’s system. As in 2018, districts, charters, and schools are given an overall rating based on performance in three areas:
- Student Achievementshows how much students know and are able to do at the end of the school year.
- School Progressshows how students perform over time and how that growth compares to similar schools.
- Closing the Gapsshows how well different groups of students within a school are performing.
A-F accountability uses a variety of indicators such as graduation rates, college, career and military readiness, SAT/ACT scores, and college prep course completion. The majority of a district’s rating is based on indicators other than the State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR) test.
District ratings (including charter districts) by category include:
A | 257 | 44 | 301 |
B | 622 | 55 | 677 |
C | 114 | 40 | 154 |
D | 21 | 22 | 43 |
F | 6 | 8 | 14 |
Not Rated | 2 | 10 | 12 |
TOTAL | 1,022 | 179 | 1,201 |
Statewide A-F Ratings: 2018 vs. 2019
*These percentages do not include districts that did not receive a rating
Schools received –F ratings for the first time in 2019. School ratings are as follows:
A | 1,584 | 166 | 1,750 | 19.8 |
B | 3,051 | 225 | 3,276 | 37.1 |
C | 2,014 | 157 | 2,171 | 24.6 |
D | 627 | 76 | 703 | 8.0 |
F | 363 | 39 | 402 | 4.5 |
Not rated | 452 | 84 | 536 | 6.1 |
TOTAL | 8,091 | 747 | 8,838 | 100.0 |
School ratings in 2019 (including charter schools) by category and school type are as follows:
A | 913 | 279 | 437 | 121 | 1,750 |
B | 1,674 | 658 | 761 | 183 | 3,276 |
C | 1,419 | 469 | 224 | 59 | 2,171 |
D | 464 | 150 | 71 | 18 | 703 |
F | 275 | 104 | 18 | 5 | 402 |
Not Rated | 64 | 47 | 264 | 161 | 536 |
TOTAL | 4,809 | 1,707 | 1,775 | 547 | 8,838 |
Statewide A-F Ratings: 2018 vs. 2019
*These percentages do not include schools that did not receive a rating
To view the 2019 state accountability ratings for districts, charters and campuses, visit .