TEA Launches First Set of Innovative Learning Solutions for K-12 Math to Support Schools Across Texas


Next phase of Texas Home Learning 3.0 will reach millions of Texas public school students

AUSTIN, Texas – September 4, 2020 – The ˿Ƶ today announced the first set of instructional materials – covering K-12 Math – that will be made available to school systems through the Texas Home Learning 3.0 (THL 3.0) initiative. Like other THL 3.0 offerings, these instructional materials are digitized, customized, and aligned to Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)—the state standards for what students should know and be able to do. These resources are optional and free to all Texas school systems to utilize.

TEA has partnered with Carnegie Learning for 6-12 Math and Great Minds for K-5 Math to develop and deliver this first set of high-quality, TEKS-aligned unit and lesson plans. The first sets of materials are ready for school systems to adopt and adapt and additional materials will be released on a continuous basis. Before release, all THL 3.0 instructional materials undergo a rigorous review process that includes Texas teacher feedback to confirm alignment with TEKS and quality standards.

THL 3.0 is a comprehensive initiative to support school systems, teachers, parents, and students during the public health crisis and beyond with high-quality instructional materials, technology solutions, and professional development resources. Additional THL 3.0 instructional materials for other subjects and grade levels will be announced over the coming weeks.

TEA has partnered with Carnegie Learning for 6-12 Math and Great Minds for K-5 Math to develop and deliver this first set of high-quality, TEKS-aligned unit and lesson plans.

“Texas Home Learning 3.0 is a milestone achievement in Texas public education. The significant ways in which these high-quality, free instructional offerings across core subjects will shape learning throughout the Lone Star State in the months and years to come is hard to gauge at this moment, though we are confident the outcomes will be positive,” said Texas Education Commissioner Mike Morath. “Our state’s hard-working students and teachers will benefit immensely from this digital TEKS-aligned offering. School systems are having to adjust to these extraordinary times—and we at TEA are doing the same. We will continue to provide our schools with support in all realms so that the learning can continue uninterrupted.”

The provides educators and students with free access to its highly rated middle school and high school content to support flexible learning in the 2020-21 school year and beyond. Educators who choose to participate will receive access to TEKS-aligned curriculum materials and adaptive math learning software, MATHia®, all customized for Texans to access high quality content that works seamlessly between remote and in-classroom environments. The Texas Math Solution includes daily teacher lesson plans with accessible student materials, guidance for remote learning for teachers, and family guides to support learning regardless of setting.

“We are proud to partner with the ˿Ƶ to make our materials available to all who need them during this challenging time,” says Barry Malkin, CEO of Carnegie Learning. “Texas educators don’t have to compromise on high quality instructional materials in order to have the flexibility they need to transition between in-person and remote learning – we’re here to support them with both.”

Great Minds’ in Sync TEKS Edition is built specifically for Texas. Crafted by teachers and math scholars, the instructional materials carefully sequence mathematical progressions to maximize coherence across grade levels. The materials are designed to meet the needs of today’s hybrid and virtual learning environments, allowing students and teachers to access the Eureka Math in Sync TEKS Edition materials wherever, whenever. Features of these materials include short, digestible videos for each lesson along with downloadable and fillable PDFs so students can show their work and communicate with teachers via annotations and comments.

“As a native Texan, I’m proud to see the state’s commitment to high quality instructional materials, especially at this unique time in the history of education,” said Jill Diniz, Great Minds Chief Academic Officer for math. “We’ve learned so much about math instruction since my own time in the classroom. It’s wonderful to be able to bring that to Texas—to teach math as a body of knowledge, not just a set of skills. The TEKS outline high standards. The Eureka Math TEKS Edition will make those standards accessible to all while bringing joy and wonder to students.”

TEA previously announced that it will offer all Texas school systems a world-class Learning Management System (LMS) from PowerSchool’s Schoology for two years at no cost. More than 300 Texas school systems have already signed up, with another 200 more currently engaging with the Schoology team.

For more information on Texas Home Learning 3.0, please click here.
