TEA Releases 2022 A–F Accountability Ratings
Ratings are up since last issued in 2019, reflecting improvements in student academic growth rates
AUSTIN – August 15, 2022 – The ˿Ƶ (TEA) today released 2022 A–F accountability ratings for districts and campuses, the first to be issued since 2019 due to two years of COVID-related pauses.
1,195 districts and 8,451 campuses were rated this year, with returns showing promising signs of progress in Texas’s efforts to catch students up academically. Driven by significant gains in student academic growth, 2022 saw 25% of districts and 33% of campuses improve their letter grade from 2019. 18% of high-poverty campuses in Texas were rated an A, continuing to prove that demographics do not equal destiny.
“These results show our state’s significant investment in the post-pandemic academic recovery of Texas public school students is bearing fruit,” said Texas Education Commissioner, Mike Morath. “I’m grateful for the driving force behind this year’s success: our teachers and local school leaders. Statewide policy in Texas continues to remain focused on meeting the needs of students, with an accountability system that supports high expectations, robust tutoring supports, rigorous curricular resources, and an investment in evidence-based training for our teachers.”
Established by House Bill 22 during the 85th Texas Legislature, the A–F accountability system provides educators, parents, and communities with a transparent view of the academic performance of Texas public schools based on three domains: Student Achievement, School Progress, and Closing the Gaps. This year, to align with Senate Bill 1365, districts and campuses received an A, B or C rating or were assigned a label of Not Rated: Senate Bill 1365, both overall and in each domain. This Not Rated: Senate Bill 1365 label was applied when the domain or overall scaled score for a district or campus was less than 70. 42 districts and 564 campuses received this label.
To view the 2022 accountability ratings for districts and campuses, visit . Users can search for schools using an address and even compare schools across selected data points.