TEAL Applications Reference Program Descriptions
21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) is a database instrument used for tracking and reporting information about Texas 21st CCLC grant programs and the participants they serve. Fiscal Agent grantee staff, as well as grant contacts, and center coordinators request access to the application in order to input participant and program data, run reports, and approve data for submission to TEA.
Accountability provides performance-based monitoring analysis system (PBMAS) reports, and state and federal accountability confidential unmasked data tables, summary tables, confidential student listings, data files, and other helpful accountability information to school districts and charters. Each superintendent and charter school executive director should apply for access; they may designate others in their district to also have access.
APEX is a web based application for LEAs (local education agencies) to request an IDEA-B High Cost Fund award. The purpose of the award is to assist school districts and charter schools by lessening the financial impact associated with providing direct special education and related services to high-need children with disabilities.
Ascend Texas is an online applications to assist local education agencies (LEAs) with collecting and managing data while engaging in required activities within the Differentiated Monitoring and Support (DMS) system. The application provides a secure platform for LEA staff to enter self-assessment data and upload required artifacts, including required submissions related to cyclical monitoring activities and annual Results-Driven Accountability (RDA) determinations.
Texas Education Directory (AskTED) is an online directory that provides current organizational and mailing information for public schools (including charter schools and Texas state agency schools), school districts and regional education service centers. With required authorization, access is provided to public school districts and regional education service centers to update address, contact, and personnel information online.
Audits & Indirect Cost Rates(AUDIT) enables TEA to record, monitor and assess the accuracy of key financial criteria from audit schedules reported by each school district within the State as required by law. With required authorization, access is provided to public school districts, charter schools and regional education service centers; superintendents, directors, business personal and certified public accountants to upload the school’s GASB data feed, the annual financial and compliance report, state comp ed agreed upon procedures report, district and campus improvement plans, state comp ed evaluations and to view their School FIRST report.
Communities in Schools(CIS) tracks and reports information about Communities In Schools fiscal agents and the participants they serve. CIS staff entering data into CIS must request access to the application in order to input participant and CIS program data and run reports.
Career and Technology Education Report (CTER) allows districts to view their Career and Technology Education (CTE) High School Senior Follow-up Reports. These provide information on higher education enrollment and employment of previous high school seniors.
The Charter School Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST or CSSF) is theÌýrating system to evaluate quality of business management of charter schools.Ìý With required authorization, access is provided to charter schools and regional education service centers; superintendents, directors, and business personnel.
Educator Certification Online System for Educators (ECOS for Educators)Ìýallows Texas educators and prospective Texas educators to apply and pay for certification, renew standard certifications, transfer out-of state or country credentials, and fingerprint services. The application also enables certified Texas educators to view examinations, certifications, view and upload documents, change their address and pay fees online.
Educator Certification Online System for Entities (ECOS for Entities)Ìýallows personnel from Educator Preparation Programs (EPPs) to add prospective Texas educators to their program, approve exams and recommend applicants for certification through their program.Ìý It also allows Independent School Districts (ISDs) and Charter Schools to apply for temporary permits, recommend educational aides, complete surveys, and upload certified educators and non-certified prospective employees for fingerprint services. The application also enables the personnel from EPPs and ISDs to pay for various fees for current and prospective Texas educators.
Electronic Grants (eGrants) is a comprehensive web portal which provides online submission, tracking, review and processing of K through 12 and adult education grant applications, grant compliance reporting, and expenditure reporting. The Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ's envisions eGrants to be the one easy, efficient, and effective online grant management system for all discretionary and formula grants.
Expenditure Reporting(ER) provides a means for recipients of federal and state education grants to submit expenditure reports for reimbursements from the grant and for TEA staff to review, approve and adjust those reports.
Educational Materials and Educational Materials for the Visually Impaired (EMAT/EVI) is a web based application for school districts and charters to requisition educational materials and track district inventory through the TEA. It is also used by publishers, depositories, and freight companies to provide order, shipping, and freight payment information.
The Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST) is the rating system to evaluate quality of business management of school districts. With required authorization, access is provided to public school districts and regional education service centers; superintendents, directors, and business personnel.
Foundation School Program (FSP) payment system supports the fundamental process by which the School Funding Division calculates and makes payments to school districts for transportation, charter schools, Staff Salary and NIFA.
Grants and Federal Fiscal Compliance (GFFC) Reports and Data Collections is a secure software application implemented byÌýthe Office for Grants and Federal Fiscal Compliance for the collection and distribution of federal fiscal-related data and reports, such as NCLB Title I, Part A Comparability of Services, IDEA-B Local Educational Agency (LEA) maintenance of effort (MOE), NCLB LEA MOE, and indirect cost rate proposals. LEAs and Educational Service Centers (ESCs) use GFFC Reports and Data Collections to submit and/or access these federal fiscal-related data and reports.
Interventions is a Web portal for administering access to intervention applications including Residential Facility (RF) Tracker and Intervention Stage and Activity Manager (ISAM).
Misconduct Reporting Portal (Portal)is a web portal which provides online submission of misconduct reports to the Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ by Independent School Districts (ISDs), Charter Schools, and certain accredited private schools.
NCLB Reports is a web based application that provides reports on NCLB related programs(i.e., AMAOs, Random Validations) and other helpful information to local education agencies. Each superintendent and charter school executive director should apply for access. Other authorized officials may also be granted access by the LEA superintendent or charter school director.
Physical Fitness Assessment Initiative (PFAI) is a web based application that allows Texas schools to securely transfer fitness data to TEA to be aggregated for analysis; i.e., determine if there is any correlation between student academic achievement, attendance, obesity, disciplinary problems, and school meal programs.
Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS EDIT+) is a web-based application that offers a single location for school districts, open-enrollment charters, campuses, and Education Service Centers (ESC) to submit their PEIMS data to TEA via secure internet connections between the users and TEA. EDIT+ tools allow users to transfer, validate, run reports, and submit PEIMS data files as many times as needed to ensure the quality of their PEIMS data. Superintendents must obtain access to review their district PEIMS reports and for access to the electronic Superintendent Approval Form (SAF). Other types of users are ESCs, districts and campus personnel representatives responsible for the PEIMS submission.
PID, the Person Identification Database, is used by TEA to manage and store identifying information on individuals who are reported to TEA through PEIMS EDIT+. The PID system includes records for students and teachers. The purpose of the PID system is to ensure that each time data are collected for the same individual, basic identifying information matches. The PID system verifies that social security number or alternative identification number, last name, first name, and date of birth match on every record submitted for an individual. The matched data supported by the PID system allow data to be linked across multiple data collections. The PID system also provides a unique identifying number for each individual that can be used to maintain the confidentiality of personally identifiable data. The numbers of PID errors are calculated for each school district and charter and compared to a PID error rate standard. The types of users of the PID system are district, charter, and campus personnel responsible for correcting PID errors.
PET is PID Enrollment Tracking, a PID subapplication. It is used to maintain student enrollment and withdrawal data. For additional information visit the PEIMS Personal Identification Database home page.Ìý
Reading Initiative - Accelerated Reading Instruction / Accelerated Math Program Evaluation(ARI/AMI) is the data capture system for all school districts for the tracking of the number of students by grade level served by the Accelerated Reading and Math programs. School district staff who input student information must now request access through the eGrants system.
Reading & Math Initiative Funding Expenditure Report is a data capture and tracking system of expenditures by grouping and time of instruction. Each School district staff responsible for reporting ARI/AMI expenditures must now request access through the eGrants system.
Reading Initiative - Early Reading Initiative Instruments Report is a data capture and reporting system of the number of students assessed using the early reading instruments in K – 2nd grade. Each school district staff responsible for entering instrument information must now request access through the eGrants system.
Registry of Persons Not Eligible for Employment (Registry)Ìý is an online database containing people who are not eligible for employment in Independent School Districts (ISDs), Charter Schools, regional service centers, and shared services agreements. The Do Not Hire Registry is also accessible to certain accredited private schools and to the general public.
TPRI & TejasLee Reading Initiative Online Order Form is used by each school district or Charter school staff who orders Early Reading instruments provided by TEA. Staff responsible for placing instrument orders with TEA must request access to this online order form.
The Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas (FIRST or School FIRST) is the new rating system to evaluate quality of business management of school districts. With required authorization, access is provided to public school districts and regional education service centers; superintendents, directors, and business personnel.
State Performance Plan Indicator Seven(SPP7) is a web based data collection system available for school districts and charter schools who are required to enter campus and district level data for Indicator 7 of the special education State Performance Plan.
State Performance Plan Indicators Eleven and Twelve (SPP11and12) is a web based data collection system available for school districts and charter schools who are required to enter campus and district level data for Indicators 11 and 12 of the special education State Performance Plan.
State Performance Plan Indicator Thirteen (SPP13) is a web based data collection system available for school districts and charter schools who are required to enter campus and district level data for Indicator 13 of the special education State Performance Plan.
State Performance Plan IndicatorÌýFourteen (SPP14) is a web based data collection system comprised of the Grade 12 Exit Survey for school districts and charter schools to enter student demographic data to be used for collecting and reporting post-school outcomes.
Texas Certificate of High School Equivalency (TxCHSE)Ìý exams measure an examinee's knowledge and academic skills against those of today's traditional high school graduates. As of August 2016, there are three high school equivalency exams: the GED test, the HiSET exam and the TASC test. Upon passing the full battery of a test series, the test taker is awarded a Texas Certificate of High School Equivalency. Accommodations to testing conditions may be permitted for adults with documented disabilities to provide them fair access to the exams. ISD lever-recovery staff are eligible to apply for online access to TxCHSE certificate information.
Texas Records Exchange (TREx) allows school registrars to electronically request and receive student records for Texas public school students.
Texas Student Data Systems (TSDS) Portal - Unique ID (UID) is used by local education agencies (LEAs) to assign unique ID numbers to students and staff. Each person has a single unique identifier for his or her entire career within the Texas educational system (from early education programs through the twelfth grade). Individuals retain the same unique identifier even if they leave the Texas education system and return years later or transition from being a student to a staff member. The unique identifier is needed to load student and staff data to the TSDS Education Data Warehouse (EDW).