
Effective advising supports all students鈥� individual career and academic planning to and through their career pathways. The goal of an effective advising program is that all students are empowered to engage in individualized career and academic planning, and educators are equipped with the knowledge, resources and time to support all students in the planning and preparing for postsecondary success.

Effective advising begins in elementary school and continues through middle school, high school, and into postsecondary career and education pathways. In a K-12 setting, effective advising is delivered through the individual student planning system of a comprehensive school counseling program.

Effective Advising Framework

(EAF) provides districts with a blueprint for planning, implementing, and evaluating an individual planning system within the comprehensive school counseling program. This framework was designed as a collaborative statewide effort by representatives from education, workforce, military, and community-based organizations. The Effective Advising Framework is being piloted through planning and implementation grants and is available on the .

Effective Advising Framework Timeline:

  • Fall 2020 - EAF 1.0 developed by statewide steering committee and workgroup
  • Spring 2021 - EAF 1.0 field tested with school districts
  • Summer 2021 - EAF 2.0 developed
  • 2021-2022 School Year - EAF Planning Pilot
  • 2022-2023 School Year - EAF Planning and Implementation Grants, 22-23 EAF developed
  • 2023-2024 School Year - EAF Planning and Implementation Grants, EAF website published
  • 2024-2025 School Year - EAF Planning and Implementation Grants, EAF resources released

Please continue to check this webpage for the most recent updates and information related to the Effective Advising Framework.

Effective Advising Grants

The Effective Advising Framework (EAF) supports the development and implementation of an individual student planning system within the context of a comprehensive school counseling program. The EAF grant projects support school districts in the strategic planning and implementation of an individual student planning system, aligned to the EAF. Technical assistance is provided by Effective Advising Framework Coaches (EAF Coaches), located at regional Education Service Centers, who are working toward EAF Coach Designation or Designation with Distinction. The EAF fosters innovation and promotion of promising and proven career and technical education (CTE) programs, which may include nontraditional fields. It also promotes the development, implementation, and adoption of career pathways aligned to high-skill, high-wage, or in-demand careers and industries.

For more information, please visit the webpage.


: A state-funded initiative to improve college and career readiness by equipping all Texas students for an educational and professional future that unlocks their potential.

: A project of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to offer a centralized means for both Texas and non-Texas students to apply to the many outstanding postsecondary institutions available in Texas.

: A user-friendly platform designed to provide individualized support to help 11th and 12th grade students strengthen their Math and English skills prior to enrolling in college. In addition, Texas College Bridge offers additional supports to help students complete college transition milestones. Texas Success Initiative (TSI) exemptions can also be earned at participating higher education institutions.

: The Texas Workforce Commission's Labor Market and Career Information (LMCI) Department produces many valuable resources to provide regional and statewide labor market information to students and their families. LMCI also has several educational tools, such as the and , that can support students in career decision-making.

: The Texas Virtual College Advisor offers assistance to Texas students who need answers to questions about attending college, returning to college, financial aid, and more.

: Launched by Governor Greg Abbott in 2016, this initiative seeks to achieve the ambitious goal of ensuring that all Texans achieve their full potential and contribute to the state's continued economic growth.

Contact Information

Logan Minshew
Director, Counseling, Advising and Student Supports

Brandi Fennell
Effective Advising Program Manager