Social Studies TEKS Review Work Group Drafts
Social studies TEKS review feedback will be accepted in response to Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) work group drafts throughout the review and revision process. Comments on drafts will help to inform future work groups' recommendations.
When providing specific comments and recommendations for a work group, please identify the work group in the subject line of the email. For example, in the subject line, please indicate "Social Studies TEKS Review Work Group CÌýFeedback." Please submit comments to TEA atÌý
Work Group F Draft Recommendations: Kindergarten–Grade 8
Work Group F convened in August 2022 to make recommendations for revisions to the TEKS for kindergarten–grade 8. An introduction for each grade level has been added to the document. Click on the item to download the PDF.
- Work Group F Draft Recommendations with Introductions (PDF, 1,579 KB)
Work Group E Draft Recommendations: Ethnic Studies Courses
Work Group E: Ethnic Studies convened for a series of meetings in June and July 2022 to make recommendations for revisions to the African American Studies and Mexican American Studies courses. The work group has also drafted TEKS for two new courses, Asian American Studies and American Indian/Native Studies. Click on the item to download the PDF.
- Work Group E Draft Recommendations (PDF, 2,392 KB)
Work Group D Draft Recommendations: Kindergarten–Grade 8
Work Group D convened in June and July 2022 for a series of meetings to make recommendations for revisions to the TEKS for kindergarten–grade 8. Click on the item to download the PDF.
- Work Group D Draft Recommendations (PDF, 2,157 KB)
The following document was prepared by the work group to show the alignment between the current TEKS for Texas history in grades 4 and 7 and the draft recommendations.
- Work Group D Texas History Alignment (PDF, 1,004 KB)
Work Group B Draft Recommendations: Social Studies Practices
Work Group B convened for a series of meetings from April through July 2022 to develop student expectations (SEs) for social studies practices that would replace the social studies skills SEs in the current TEKS. The social studies practices SEs are organized in a standalone strand and differentiated by grade bands: kindergarten–grade 2, grades 3–5, grades 6–8, and grades 9–12. The practices would be integrated into the beginning of the TEKS (knowledge and skills statements 1 and 2) for each grade level/course. Click on the item to download the PDF.
- Work Group B Draft Recommendations (PDF, 217 KB)
Work Groups A and C: Draft Recommendations
Work groups A and C have completed draft recommendations for revisions to the TEKS for 11 existing high school social studies courses:
- U.S. History Studies
- World History Studies
- World Geography Studies
- U.S. Government
- Economics with an Emphasis on the Free Enterprise System and Its Benefits
- Personal Financial Literacy
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Special Topics in Social Studies
- Advanced Research Methods
- Advanced Applications in Social Studies
Additionally, Work Group C has proposed a new high school social studies special topics course titled Independent Study in Social Studies.
Work Group A completed draft recommendations for the economics and personal financial literacy courses in March 2022. In June, Work Group C completed draft recommendations for the other nine courses with the exception of World History Studies. The world history work group reconvened later in June 2022 to finish its draft recommendations. Click on the item to download the PDF.
Work Group C: Working Documents
Work Group C met in February and March 2022 to begin developing recommendations for revisions to the TEKS for Grade 8 and selected high school courses. Work Group C’s drafts are working documents and not yet final. Recommendations for changes to the TEKS are still under consideration by the work group and subject to change.ÌýThe work group will reconvene at a later date to finalize its draft recommendations. Click on the item to download the PDF.
- U.S. History Studies Since 1877 (PDF, 1,438KB)
- World History Studies (PDF, 1,428KB)
- World Geography Studies (PDF, 1,235KB)
- U.S. Government (PDF, 781KB)
- Psychology and Sociology (PDF, 1,406KB)
- Special Topics in Social Studies (PDF, 1,351KB)
Work Group A: Draft Recommendations for Additional Courses
Work Group A met in February and March 2022 to develop recommendations for revisions to the TEKS for three additional high school social studies courses: Economics with Emphasis on the Free Enterprise System and Its Benefits; Personal Financial Literacy; and Advanced Economics Studies. Click on the item to download the PDF.
- Work Group A Draft Recommendations–March 2022 (PDF, 1,213KB)
Work Group A: Final Recommendations for NewÌýPersonal Financial Literacy and Economics Course
Work Group A met in February and March 2022 to address feedback and finalize their recommendations. Click on the item to download the PDF.
- Work Group A Final Recommendations (PDF, 277KB)
Work Group A: Personal Financial Literacy and Economics
Work Group A met in January 2022 to make recommendations in response to Senate Bill (SB) 1063 from the 87th Texas Legislative Session. SB 1063 requires the State Board of Education to adopt TEKS for a new combined personal financial literacy and economics course that may fulfill a student's graduation requirement for economics. Click on the item to download the PDF.
- Work Group A Draft Recommendations (PDF, 264KB)
Curriculum Standards and Student Support Division
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