Adoption Resources for ESCs

This page contains information for education service centers (ESCs) regarding their role in the review, adoption, and distribution of state-adopted instructional materials.

Requirements of ESCs

  • Designate the person who will supervise the sample materials and publish a news release notifying area districts about the availability of materials
  • Provide in-person public access to adopted instructional materials upon request
  • Provide public access to materials under consideration for adoption by the State Board of Education
  • Notify TEA of any irregularities of missing information in pre- and post-adoption samples and correlation documents


Proclamation 2024 Education Service Centers Webinar—February 10, 2023


Adopted materials must be viewed in person at TEA or one of the 20 ESCs. Materials under consideration may be viewed online on the TEA website, on one of the 20 ESCs' websites, or in person at TEA or one of the 20 ESCs. All samples for materials adopted prior to Proclamation 2014Ìýare available in their final format—print or digital. All samples for materials adopted in Proclamation 2014Ìýor later are only available as digital samples. Samples remain available for the duration of their adoption.

The document below outlines the status of samples for each subject area.

Adopted Materials

Important Dates

The following is a list of important dates for ESC instructional materials staff.

  • Monday, April 10, 2023―Pre-adoption samples for batch A courses are due to TEA and each ESC.
  • Monday, April 17, 2023―ESCs must notify TEA of any irregularities in the batch A pre-adoption samples.
  • Monday, May 8, 2023―Final correlations for batch A courses are due to TEA and each ESC.
  • Tuesday, May 30, 2023―Pre-adoption samples for batch B courses are due to TEA and each ESC.
  • Tuesday, June 6, 2023―ESCs must notify TEA of any irregularities in the batch B pre-adoption samples.
  • Monday, June 26, 2023―Final correlations for batch B courses are due to TEA and each ESC.

Batch A Courses: K─12 science, CTE courses excluding courses in computer science and cybersecurity

Batch B Courses: K─6 Spanish science, K─8 technology applications, CTE courses in computer science and cybersecurity, and Personal Financial Literacy and Economics

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Contact Information

Instructional Materials and Implementation Division
1701 North Congress Avenue, Room 3-110
Austin, Texas 78701-1494