Amplify Digital Supplemental Tools
Temporary Licensed Supplemental Online LearningÂ
Amplify Reading Texas is a supplemental, personalized learning product that provides students with self-directed, customized lessons designed to improve their reading proficiency. It can be used to supplement any core reading curriculum. Versions specific to K–2 and 6–8 of the product were temporarily licensed via emergency procurement to assist with remote instruction in the early portion of the COVID-19 pandemic, and to provide ongoing tutoring to accelerate student learning for students whose level of literacy was impacted by the disruptions of the pandemic. School systems may use these resources if they choose to do so locally, free of charge, until the license expires. Beyond these dates, or for grade levels outside these, school systems must determine if they wish to pay the cost to license the products themselves.
K–2 Supplemental Reading: For early elementary students, Amplify Reading provides an engaging adventure that practices phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. The agency provided temporary licenses for Amplify Reading, but those statewide licenses expired in August 2022.Â
6–8 Supplemental Reading:  For middle schoolers, the Amplify Reading Texas adaptive learning program has storylines that engage students in powerful, independent reading instruction and practice. Whether students are learning to read fluently or sharpening analytical reading skills, Amplify Reading Texas accelerates their growth while freeing educators up to work with small groups or individual students. The 6-8 statewide license expires in September 2023.
Amplify mClass Intervention + Tutoring
(Amplify mClass + Intervention) Amplify mClass Intervention + Tutoring is a student tutoring and reading intervention tool that does the heavy lifting of data analysis and lesson sequencing, freeing up teachers to teach the reading skills each student needs. Statewide licenses to the Amplify mClass + Intervention are freely available through September 2024.