Bluebonnet Learning: K–5 and Secondary Mathematics

Bluebonnet Learning K–5 and Secondary Mathematics includes full-subject, tier-one instructional materials for grades K–5,Ìý6–8, and Algebra I. The materials are designed to provide a classroom educator with everything needed to teach math effectively, including, but not limited to, a scope and sequence, daily lesson plans, and student materials.ÌýÌý

Bluebonnet Learning K–5 and Secondary Mathematics instructional materials were submitted in the inaugural cycle of the Instructional Materials Review and Approval (IMRA) process in 2024. All Bluebonnet Learning mathematics instructional materials cover 100% of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and the Texas English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) and achieved high scores on IMRA quality and suitability rubrics.

K–5 Mathematics

The Bluebonnet Learning K–5 Math instructional materials are built on scientific insights about math learning, growing out of cognitive and developmental science. A key feature of these materials is the way they tell the unfolding story of math as expressed in the standards, lesson by lesson, throughout each grade. The story draws together math concepts as it emphasizes key themes: the creation and manipulation of units, and the relationships among those units. Throughout these instructional materials, the main character is the unit—the basic building block of arithmetic.ÌýÌý


A key feature of the Bluebonnet Learning K–5 Math instructional materials is the focus on meaningful assessment. Assessments are driven by a continuous cycle ofÌýdiagnose, plan, teach, assess, and analyze; this cycleÌýprovidesÌýopportunities for teachers to work with students to monitor their progress, celebrate successes, examine mistakes, uncover misconceptions, and engage in self-reflection and analysis.Ìý

The instructional materials also offer an engaging and predictable, four-part lesson structure that develops fluency, helps teachers lead students through fast-paced practice, encourages perseverance, and fosters thoughtful development of conceptual and procedural understanding.

Additionally, Bluebonnet Learning K–5 Math instructional materialsÌýsupport all learners. Quality instruction requires that all students have access to the same high-quality, grade-level content while also supporting students who may need individualized instruction based on their unique needs.Ìý

To best support educators, teachers have access to a Program and Implementation Guide and teacher editions of every unit. The teacher editions include module overviews, misconceptions, terminology, and detailed lessons. Students have workbooks that provide fluency practice, problem solving, problem sets, homework, and extra practice.Ìý

K–5 Math Product Offerings:

  • Program and Implementation Guide
  • Teacher Editions
  • Additional Days School Year (ADSY)
  • Assessments
  • Classroom Manipulative Kits
  • Student Edition Workbooks
    • Learn
    • Practice
    • Succeed
  • Digital Access

Secondary Mathematics

Bluebonnet Learning Secondary Mathematics includes instructional materials designed for grades 6–8 and Algebra I. The secondary mathÌýinstructional materials are built on scientific insights about math learning, growing out of cognitive and developmental science. These materials are strategically and coherently sequenced to build upon learning within modules and across grades,Ìýwith intentionalÌýflexibility and adaptability thatÌýallows a teacher to customize their instruction and cater to the unique needs of their students.Ìý

Bluebonnet Learning secondary mathematics materials provide ample opportunities for students to learn together and individually and equipÌýteachers with the resources needed to ensure all students can engage in grade-level tasks that pursue rigor by balancing fluency, conceptual and procedural understanding, and application. Students become productive problem solvers through multiple opportunities for discussion, practice, representations, and writing that prompts them to explain and revise their thinking.Ìý


The secondary mathematics instructional approach has three phases: engage, develop, and demonstrate. The instructional materials are designed to activate student thinking by tapping into prior knowledge and real-world experience. Students encounter real-world problems, sorting activities, Worked Examples, and peer work analysis while alsoÌýguided to reflect on and evaluate what was learned; the ongoing formative assessments drive real-time adjustments, next steps, insights, and measurements.

To best support educators, the teacher editions of each volume include topic overviews, pacing guides, detailed lessons, and examples of student responses. Students have workbooks that provide Worked Examples, family guides, lessons, application practice, and skills practice.Ìý

Secondary Mathematics Product Offerings:

  • Program and Implementation Guide
  • Teacher Editions
  • Assessments
  • Student Edition Workbooks
    • Volume 1
    • Volume 2
  • Digital Access


If you have product questions, general feedback, or wish to report an error, please email openeducationresources@tea.texas.govÌý