Fiscal Year Start Date

A school district or a charter school may choose a fiscal year from the following two options.

Starting Date of the Fiscal Year Ending Date (in the Next Calendar Year)

July 1

June 30

September 1

August 31

Related Statutes and Rules

The following statutes and rules apply to the fiscal year start date:

Changing the Fiscal Year Start Date 

If a district or charter school wants to change its fiscal year start date, it must file the following items with the Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ: 

Instructions on how to submit the form and the minutes are included on the form. Detailed information on this process can be found in the FASRG - Module 1: Financial Accounting and Reporting, 1.1.5 District Fiscal Year.

Charter schools will also need to submit a completed Non-Expansion Amendment Request to the Charter School Authorizing and Administration Division concerning their request to change their fiscal year.

Summary of Required Submissions

Detailed information on this process can be found in the FASRG - Module 1: Financial Accounting and Reporting, 1.1.5 District Fiscal Year.

Changing fiscal year end from
August 31 to June 30
Changing fiscal year end from
June 30 to August 31

AFR Document in PDF Format

AFR Document in PDF Format

The AFR is for the 10-month period of September 1 through June 30.

The AFR is for the 14-month period of July 1 through August 31.

The AFR should include two J-1 Delinquent Tax Schedules. The first schedule should include the 10-month ending (September 1 through June 30) row amounts. The second schedule should include the 12-month ending (September 1 through August 31) row amounts.  

Alternatively, one J-1 Delinquent Tax Schedule can be submitted, which should include both a 10-month ending amount and a 12-month ending amount.

The AFR should include two J-1 Delinquent Tax Schedules. The first schedule should include the 14-month ending (July 1 through August 31) row amounts. The second schedule should include the 12-month ending (September 1 through August 31) row amounts.  

Alternatively, one J-1 Delinquent Tax Schedule can be submitted, which should include both a 14-month ending amount and a 12-month ending amount.

The 10-month ending total ending balance (column 50) on the Schedule of Delinquent Taxes Receivable (Exhibit J-1) should agree with property taxes delinquent on Exhibit C-1.

The 14-month ending total ending balance (column 50) on the Schedule of Delinquent Taxes Receivable (Exhibit J-1) should agree with property taxes delinquent on Exhibit C-1.

AFR Data Feed Text File

 AFR Data Feed Text File

The electronic data feed data for all schedules should be for the 10-month period except the J-1 Delinquent Tax Schedule, which should be the 12-month ending amount.

The electronic data feed data for all schedules should be for the 14-month period except the J-1 Delinquent Tax Schedule, which should be the 12-month ending amount.

PEIMS Reporting

PEIMS Reporting

For the year of the change, the reported PEIMS financial data must be for a 12-month period, September 1 through August 31. That is, two months beyond the schools' fiscal year-end date. The same period, as if the school had not changed fiscal years.

For the year of the change, the reported PEIMS financial data must be for a 12-month period, September 1 through August 31. Two months beyond the July 1 start date of the preceding fiscal year.

For the year after the fiscal year change, the reported PEIMS financial data must be for a 12-month period, July 1 through June 30, which includes the previously reported July and August months. 

For the year after the fiscal year change, the reported PEIMS financial data must be for a 12-month period, September 1 through August 31. 

Submission Deadlines

The district or charter school must file the form and board minutes by June 30, one calendar year before the new fiscal year start date.     

Subsequent Change

A district or a charter school must submit a new form FIN-003 and board minutes if it:  

  • submits a form and board minutes and then decides not to change or 
  • decides to change back to its former start date.

List of Districts and Charter Schools with a Fiscal Year Start Date of July 1  

The following document shows all school districts and charter schools that have selected a fiscal year start date of July 1: 

All Schools with a June 30th Fiscal Year-End (PDF, 180 KB)

Contact Information

Thanh Quach (512) 463-7652 or

Financial Compliance Division

Phone: (512) 463-9095

Fax: (512) 463-1777
