Maintenance of Effort Reduction and Coordinated Early Intervening Services Survey

The Maintenance of Effort (MOE) Reduction and Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS) survey is a requirement of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B (IDEA-B). TEA staff compile this survey and report this information to the US Department of Education (USDE) every year. The USDE Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) publishes the data in its Annual Report to Congress on the Implementation of IDEA-B. The data are also used to monitor IDEA-B programs and activities.

Reporting Requirements

TEA reports data for every local educational agency (LEA) that receives either an IDEA-B Formula or IDEA-B Preschool sub-grant. The survey requires TEA to report data produced by the agency and the following information collected from LEAs:

MOE Reduction Amounts

The reported data includes the amount the LEA reduced its local and/or state funds spent on Special Education and related services during the previous school year, if any. TEA collects preliminary information from each LEA in Schedule BS6016 of the Special Education Consolidated Grant Application (Federal). LEAs must amend this schedule to ensure the data reflects the actual reduction amount taken and not a budgeted figure. LEAs must do this before the amendment deadline specified on the TEA Grant Opportunities webpage. For reporting purposes, TEA will use actual amounts later reported in the IDEA-B LEA MOE Exceptions Workbook for that same year.

Amounts Reserved for Required Comprehensive Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CCEIS) or Voluntary Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS)

The reported data includes whether each LEA was required to reserve IDEA-B funds for CCEIS due to significant disproportionality during the previous school year and, if so, the dollar amount reserved.

If the LEA was not required to reserve funds, the reported data indicates whether each LEA voluntarily reserved IDEA-B funds for CEIS during the previous school year and, if so, the dollar amount reserved.

Number of Children Receiving CCEIS or CEIS

The reported data includes the following data subsequently collected from LEAs in the SC5100 Special Collection:

If the LEA voluntarily reserved CEIS funds:

  • The number of children who received CEIS during the current school year.
  • The number of children who received CEIS at any time in the past three school years ²¹²Ô»åÌýreceived special education and related services during the current school year.

If the LEA reserved required CCEIS funds:

  • The number of students with disabilities served by required CCEIS funds
  • The number of students without disabilities served by required CCEIS funds

TEA collects this information from each LEA that reserved either CCEIS or CEIS funds in Schedule SC5100 of the Special Education Consolidated Application at the end of the school year that is being reported. For example, TEA reports on the 2022–2023 school year using data that the LEA submits on Schedule SC5100 at the end of the 2022–2023 school year. The Schedule SC5100 has a due date each Spring, i.e., the SC5100 for the 2022–2023 school year, for instance, is due in Spring 2023.

    Federal Guidance

    For more information regarding the data reported in the Maintenance of Effort Reduction and Coordinated Early Intervening Services survey, refer to the following guidance.

    • (external link)– Adjustment to local fiscal efforts in certain fiscal years (MOE reduction) 
    • (external link)– Early intervening services

    Training Materials

    Contact Information

    Federal Fiscal Compliance and Reporting Division

    Phone:  (512) 463-9127
