Title I, Part A — Comparability of Services Requirement

Comparability of Services is a fiscal requirement for recipients of Title I, Part A funds under the Every Student SucceedsÌýAct (ESSA). This requirement is an assessment of services provided at Title I, Part A and Non-Title I, Part A campuses. Local educational agencies (LEAs) that receive Title I, Part A funds must use their state and local funds to provide comparable services at their campuses receiving Title I, Part A funds and their campuses that are not receiving Title I, Part A funds.

If all campuses in an LEA receive Title I, Part A funds, then one of the following conditions is required:

  • State and local funds used to provide services at Title I, Part A campuses are substantially comparable, taken as a whole, at each Title I campus.
  • State and local funds used to provide services at Title I, Part A campuses with higher percentages of low income students are equal to or greater than the services provided at Title I, Part A campuses with lower percentages of low-income students.Ìý

LEA Requirements

The following sections explain what is required of your LEA.

All LEAs

All LEAs that receive Title I, Part A funding must complete and submit to TEA the.ÌýÌýThe CAD is now in an online survey format.Ìý If needed, refer to the Comparability Instructions for information on how to complete the CAD.

Non-Exempt LEAs

The CAD lists the criteria an LEA must meet to be exempt from comparability testing. If your organization does not meet any of the criteria listed on the CAD, you must complete and submit a Comparability Computation Form (CCF). Refer to the Comparability instructions for information on how to complete the CCF. Instructions for accessing and submitting the CCF are in the GFFC Reports and Data Collections section below.

TEA Guidance

The sections below provide guidance from TEA regarding Comparability of Services.

Comparability of Services Guidance Handbook

For more information about the comparability of services, you may refer to the Title I, Part A Comparability of Services Guidance Handbook.

Training Modules

Below are Title I, Part A Training Modules to assist LEAs with reporting and documenting data in the Comparability Computation Form.Ìý These presentations are meant to be used in conjunction with the Title I, Part A - Comparability of Services Guidance Handbook and the Comparability Instructions.

Reporting Enrollment Data

Reporting State and Local Expenditures

Reporting State and Local Base Salaries

Reporting State and Local FTEs

GFFC Reports and Data Collections

    Most federal fiscal compliance data, including the CCF should be submitted in GFFC Reports and Data Collections. GFFC Reports and Data Collections is accessible through TEA's secure application portal. Instructions for requesting access and using the tool are listed below.

    How to Request Access to GFFC Reports and Data Collections

    If you do not have a account, visit the TEA Login page and select the Request New User Account link.Ìý Then follow these steps below to request access to GFFC Reports and Data Collections:
    1. Log on to .
    2. Select the Add/Modify Application Access button near the top right corner of the TEASE Application List screen.
    3. From the dropdown menu, select GFFC Reports and Data Collections.
    4. Click Continue.
    5. Select the appropriate role, LEA or ESC.
    6. On the next screen, click Send Request.
    Your access request must be approved by the superintendent or designated official. It takes approximately one week for TEA to process the approved access request.

    How to Download a CCF Template and Upload a Completed CCF to GFFC Reports and Data Collections

    Follow these steps below to download the CCF template:
    1. Log on to .
    2. Select GFFC Reports and Data Collections.
    3. Select Download Response Templates.
    4. Select Comparability Computation Form from the template list.
    5. Save the document to your computer.
    Once the CCF is completed, follow these steps to upload:
    1. Log on to .
    2. Select GFFC Reports and Data Collections.
    3. Select Upload Response Documents.
    4. SelectÌýComparability Computation Form from the Response Template Title drop-down list:Ìý
    5. Select the current school year from the School Year drop-down list.
    6. Select Response Document from the Response Doc Type drop-down list.
    7. Browse for, find, and selectÌýthe file.
    8. ClickÌýUpload Document.

    Federal Guidance

    Use the links listed below to view the federal regulations concerning Comparability:
    Additional guidance will be posted on this page as it becomes available. If you would like to be notified when updates occur, please subscribe to the listserv.
    Contact Information

    Federal Fiscal Compliance and Reporting Division

    (512) 463-9127 (phone)
