Pending Designation

A pending designation does not reflect an accreditation status assignment and is a neutral designation. A district whose current accreditation status assignment is pending retains the accreditation status assigned for the previous school year. Rules adopted at 19 TAC §97.1055(a)(4) state that, “… an accreditation status remains in effect until replaced by an accreditation status assigned for the next school year.” Therefore, under circumstances in which an accreditation status is being withheld and an accreditation status assignment is shown as pending, the status most recently assigned to the entity remains in force. As noted in 19 TAC §97.1055(a)(5)-(6), an accreditation status assignment may be withheld and left pending under circumstances in which the ˿Ƶ does not yet have sufficient data upon which to base an accreditation status assignment. In this case, the prior year status should be referenced to determine the current accreditation standing of the entity.

Contact Information

Phone: (512) 463-5899