Healthy and Safe School Environment of the Coordinated School Health Model

The physical and aesthetic surroundings and the psychosocial climate and culture of the school are critical factors that influence the health of students. Factors that influence the physical environment include the school building and the area surrounding it, any biological or chemical agents that are detrimental to health, and physical conditions such as temperature, noise, and lighting.Ìý The psychological environment includes the physical, emotional, and social conditions that affect the well-being of students and staff.


Bleeding Control Training

The Texas Education Code (TEC), §38.030, as added by , 86th Texas Legislature, requires the Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ (TEA) to approve training for the use of a bleeding control station in the event of an injury to another person.

The following list of bleeding control training programs meet all requirements outlined in statute:

American College of Surgeons
Stop the Bleed
(312) 202-5790

Cost: FreeÌý

Con10gency Consulting
Bleeding Control Basics
1(855) 590-4065

Cost: From $0-$500

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas-Department of Emergency Medicine
Campus Emergency Preparedness and Survival Training (EPAST)
(214) 648-5347

Cost: Contact for quote

Williamson County Emergency Medical Services (WCEMS)
WCEMS Hemorrhage Control

Cost: Free

Additionally, TEC, §38.030, requires each school district and open-enrollment charter school to develop a protocol for school employees to follow in the event of a traumatic injury. This protocol must require that the following personnel complete the state-approved training in the use of a bleeding control station: each school district peace officer commissioned under TEC, §37.081; each school security personnel employed under TEC, §37.081, who provides security services at a campus; each school resource officer who provides law enforcement at a campus; and all other district or school personnel who may reasonably be expected to use a bleeding control station.

The traumatic injury response protocol must also require each school district and open-enrollment charter school to annually offer instruction on the use of a bleeding control station to students enrolled at the campus in Grade 7 or higher. The instruction must be provided by a school resource officer or other appropriate district or school personnel who has received the state-approved training.

Traumatic Injury Response FAQ (PDF)

Seizure Management and Treatment Form

Senate Bill (SB) 1506, 88th Texas Legislature, 2023, amended Texas Education Code (TEC) §38.032 requiring TEA to adopt and post a form on the agency’s website to be used in submitting a seizure management and treatment plan to a student’s school that includes a specific list of information and the signatures of the student’s parent or guardian and the physician responsible for the seizure treatment. ÌýÌý

This change in law only applies to a seizure management and treatment plan submitted to a school district or open-enrollment charter school on or after January 1, 2024.

Seizure Recognition and Related First Aid Programs

The Texas Education Code (TEC), §38.033, as added by House Bill (HB) 684, 86th Texas Legislature, permits the Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ (TEA) to approve an online course of instruction for seizure recognition and related first aid provided by a nonprofit national foundation that supports the welfare of individuals with epilepsy and seizure disorders. School nurses employed by a school district and school district employees whose duties include regular contact with students are required to complete the online course of instruction.

The following list of online courses meet all requirements outlined in statute:

  • Cost: Free

  • Cost: Free

Hot Topics

In an effort to assist educators, parents, students and administrators for effectively responding to acts of bullying and cyberbullying, the agency has developed a new website with a focus on preparedness and response.Ìý This website provides definitions, statutory references and requirements, guidance documents, presentations and other resources and materials related to bullying and cyberbullying.

Law Related to Health and SafetyÌý

The following links direct you to the law for each specific item:

  • ÌýCardiopulmonary Resuscitation And Automated External Defibrillator Instruction (Outside Source)
  • ÌýInstruction Related To Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation And Use Of Automated External Defibrillator (Outside Source)
  • ÌýCertification In Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation And First Aid (Outside Source)
  • ÌýFootball Helmet Safety Requirements (Outside Source)
  • ÌýSafety Training Required (Outside Source)
  • ÌýCertain Safety Precautions Required (Outside Source)
  • ÌýSchool Bus Emergency Evacuation Training (Outside Source)
  • ÌýDiscipline Management Programs;ÌýSexual Harassment Policies (Outside Source)
  • ÌýDating Violence Policies (Outside Source)
  • ÌýBullying Prevention Policies And Procedures (Outside Source)
  • ÌýMultihazard Emergency Operations Plan; Safety And Security Audit (Outside Source)
  • ÌýSchool Safety Certification Program (Outside Source)
  • ÌýSchool Safety Task Force (Outside Source)
  • ÌýSchool Safety And Security Committee (Outside Source)
  • ÌýInformation Regarding Gang-Free Zones (Outside Source)
  • ÌýCommunity Education Relating To Internet Safety (Outside Source)
  • ÌýPrograms On Dangers Of Students Sharing Visual Material Depicting Minor Engaged In Sexual Conduct (Outside Source)
  • ÌýPolicies Addressing Sexual Abuse And Other Maltreatment Of Children (Outside Source)
  • ÌýAvailability Of Automated External Defibrillator (Outside Source)
  • ÌýProcedures Regarding Response To Cardiac Arrest (Outside Source)
  • ÌýSchool Visitors (Outside Source)
  • ÌýList Of Resources Concerning Internet Safety (Outside Source)
  • ÌýInsurance Against Student Injuries (Outside Source)
  • ÌýOversight Of Concussions By School Districts And Charter Schools; Return-To-Play Protocol Development By Concussion Oversight Team (Outside Source)
  • ÌýConcussion Oversight Team: Membership (Outside Source)
  • ÌýRequired Annual Form Acknowledging Concussion Information (Outside Source)
  • ÌýRemoval From Play In Practice Or Competition Following Concussion (Outside Source)
  • ÌýReturn To Play In Practice Or Competition (Outside Source)
  • ÌýTraining Courses (Outside Source)

Related Links

The following links may provide useful information:Ìý

    • Ìý(outside source)Ìý
    • Child Abuse Prevention an Overview
    • Ìý(outside source)
    • Ìý(outside source)Ìý
    • Ìý(outside source)Ìý
    • Ìý(outside source)Ìý
    • Ìý(outside source)Ìý
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    • Ìý(outside source)

      The Sports Link to Prevention of Drug UseÌý

      This information is provided to support administrators, coaches, teachers, parents, and students who wish to prevent students from illegal drug use. Student athletes who participate in the University Interscholastic League events each year can find information here that should strengthen their resolve to avoid use of anabolic steroids and other illegal drugs. Provided below are links to information that students need to make the right decisions for healthy, productive athletic careers.

      Get the Facts

      For every dollar spent in preventing students from using drugs, society saves ten dollars in paying for the consequences.

      Negative effects on students using anabolic steroids include:

      • Weakening the body’s immune system;
      • Thinning of scalp hair and growth of facial hair in females
      • Impairing learning
      • Increased aggression, mood swings, and depression
      • Increased memory loss
      • Decreased testosterone and sperm-count level

      Law Related to SteroidsÌý

      The following links provide additional information about steroids:

      • ÌýPrevention of Illegal Steroid Use; Random Testing (outside source)
      • ÌýPosting of Steroid Law Notice (outside source)
      • ÌýInformation about Steroids (outside source)
      • ÌýDietary Supplements (outside source)

      Related Links

      The following links may provide useful information:

      • Ìý(outside source)
      • Ìý(outside source)Ìý
      • (outside source)
      • Ìý(outside source)
      • Ìý(outside source)
      Contact Information

      For questions or additional information, please submit a Curriculum Request Form through the TEA Help Desk.

      ÌýÌý Ìý