Dropout Prevention and Recovery Resources

The following links include some of the available resources specifically targeted to dropout prevention and recovery.

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These strategies were developed by Dr. Jay Smink, executive director of the National Dropout Prevention Center at Clemson University in association with Franklin P. Schargel.

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Founded by General Colin Powell, America's Promise Alliance forges strong and effective partnerships committed to seeing that children experience the fundamental resources they need to succeed at home, in school and out in the community.

Best Practices in Dropout Prevention Study (PDF)
This study, conducted by TEA to meet the requirements of House Bill 2237 passed by the Texas Legislature in 2007, identifies programs with the most potential for success in Texas, highly effective dropout prevention programs and strategies, and provides recommendations for legislative and other actions regarding dropout prevention efforts.

Communities In Schools (CIS)
Communities In Schools is a dropout prevention program that uses a student case management system and coordinates community resources to help students successfully learn, stay in school and prepare for life.

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The annual Diplomas Count issue of Education Week, produced by the Editorial Projects in Education Research Center focuses on college readiness, provides a guide to key issues, debates and developments on the topic.

Dropout Recovery Resource Guide (PDF)
The Dropout Recovery Resource Guide was developed for TEA based on information and findings associated with the following activities whose goal was to identify effective dropout recovery programs, strategies and practices.

Grad Nation, commissioned by America's Promise and written by Robert Balfanz and John Bridgeland, is a guidebook that contains a roadmap to help communities tackle the dropout crisis. It is designed to help communities develop tailored plans for keeping students on track to graduates from high school and prepare for college, work and life.

This site is a central resource for and link to all State and Federal grant opportunities administered by TEA. Grant seeking opportunities, grant management and administrative guidance, and other tools and resources are also included in this site.

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This guide provides specific recommendations for program design, development and implementation.

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The Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk (MCPER) is dedicated to generating and disseminating empirically validated knowledge and practices to influence educators, researchers, policymakers, families, and other stakeholders who are striving to reduce academic, behavioral, and social risk in all learners, particularly those with disabilities.

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NSPC/N and NDPC-SD provide knowledge and promote networking for researchers, practitioners, policymakers and families to increase opportunities for youth in at-risk situations to receive the quality education and services necessary to successfully graduate from high school. 

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The National High School Center, based at the American Institutes for Research, provides the latest research, user-friendly tools and products, and high-quality technical assistance on high school improvement issues.

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Own Your Own Future provides grade-appropriate information for middle and high school students and educators on postsecondary readiness, awareness, and success.  A resource of Texas GEAR UP, the site features multimedia content on topics including interest surveys, graduation plans, postsecondary options, the application process, and skills necessary to succeed after high school.

Secondary School Completion and Dropouts in Texas Public Schools
The Secondary School Completion and Dropouts in Texas Public Schools report provides information about state dropout rates and related information, including summaries on dropout and completion rate calculations.

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Dropout prevention resources for parents, educators, policymakers and students.

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The purpose of the program is to support effective, sustainable and coordinated dropout prevention and reentry programs in high schools with annual dropout rates that exceed their state average annual dropout rate. Middle schools that have students who continue on to these high schools also are supported. The program provides grants to state education agencies (SEAs) and local education agencies (LEAs) to support school dropout prevention and re-entry efforts.