Charter Schools — Funding

Public schools in Texas receive state funds based on the average daily attendance (ADA) of students. This process is the same for independent school districts and for open-enrollment charter schools. The Foundation School Program (FSP) is the source for these funds.  See the page for more information.

Unlike independent school districts, open-enrollment charter schools do not receive funds from local tax revenue.


Open-enrollment charter schools may accept charitable donations from private sources and other public sources. Any donations must be voluntary and cannot be a condition for admission or continued enrollment.

Tuition and Fees

Open-enrollment charter schools may not charge tuition. They may only charge fees that independent school districts can charge.

Charter School Grants

Charter schools are also eligible for grants. TEA is the recipient of two grants specifically earmarked for the initial planning and implementation of charter schools. More information on these grants may be found on the Charter School Program Grants webpage. Additionally, other grants administered by TEA may be found on on the page (for the Program/Subject Area box, choose Charter Schools).

Contact Information

If you have any questions about the information on this page, contract the Charter School Authorizing and Administration Division by e-mail at or by phone at (512) 463-9575.