COVID Emergency Release V4 (CER 4.0), 2023–24, English Reading Language Arts (RLA)

Link to Artes del Lenguaje y Lectura en Español

TEA developed these learning materials as a contingency option for school districts during COVID. All materials are optional. Due to copyright restrictions, some texts and elements utilized in the curriculum are not available in digital form. Please reference the "Reader Information" document embedded in the unit PDFs to see a full list of the authentic texts utilized in the curriculum.

Prior to publication, materials went through a rigorous third-party review. Review criteria included Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) alignment, support for all learners, progress monitoring, implementation support, and more. Materials were also subject to a focus group of Texas educators. Given the timeline for development, errors are to be expected. If you find an error or have additional questions about materials, send an email to

Feedback is gathered from educators and organizations across the state to inform the continuous improvement of subsequent units and editions. TEA is expanding its approach to editorial review to ensure every aspect of content is closely scrutinized and fully reflects Texas standards, TEKS alignment, support for all learners, progress monitoring, implementation supports, and more. This will result in a large amount of content changes. “Content Changes for School Year 2023-24 (Digital and Print)” summarizes changes for the 2023–24 school year.

If you would like to share feedback and help guide the continuous improvement of the RLA instructional materials, please complete this .

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