Certification Based on Credentials from another Country

Individuals who hold all 3 of the following may apply for a review of out-of-country credentials:

  1. The equivalent of a bachelor’s degree granted by an accredited institution of higher education in the United States.
  2. Completed an educator preparation program, including a teaching practicum.
  3. Hold an appropriate educator certificate or credential issued by another country.

The detailed checklist below can be used to guide you through the entire process.

View Detailed Checklist

Application Information

You must apply for the review of out-of-country credentials and pay a $164 non-refundable fee.

  1. Create a TEAL user account.
  2. Submit an original course-by-course evaluation by a recognized foreign evaluation service. On the application form, indicate the “˿Ƶ” for purpose of evaluation. The evaluation must be signed by an authorized representative of the evaluation service and must verify that the applicant:
    • holds the equivalent of a bachelor’s degree granted by an accredited institution of higher education in the United States, including the month, day, and year that the degree was conferred
    • has completed an educator preparation program, including teaching practicum
    • holds an appropriate educator certificate or credential issued by another country, including the effective date and validity period of the certificate, certification areas, and grade levels

      The following organizations are members of either theAssociation of International Credential Evaluators, Inc. (AICE)or theNational Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES) and have been vetted by the TEA to provide specific required information in the evaluation for educators applying for a Texas review of credentials. For your credential evaluation to be accepted, you must select a company from this list. Completed evaluations must be emailed by the service provider to OSC75@tea.texas.gov. Evaluations should not be sent via U.S. mail.
      • (Formerly SpanTran)
  3. Submit acceptabledocumentation of English language proficiency.

Frequently Asked Questions

You must apply for a review of credentials if you are seeking certification in Texas and you hold a teaching credential from another country. A detailed checklist can be used to guide yourself through the entire process.

No. You must submit an original course-by-course evaluation by a recognized foreign evaluation service. The list of recognized foreign evaluation services can be found on this page in the Application Information section above. Completed evaluations must be emailed by the service provider to OSC75@tea.texas.gov. Evaluations should not be sent via U.S. mail.

Please apply as an out-of-state applicant and you will submit an original course-by-course evaluation by a recognized foreign evaluation service.

You do not qualify for a review of credentials and would be required to go through a Texas Educator Preparation Program. 

If you did not complete a program in another country, including student teaching, you do not qualify for a review of credentials and would be required to go through a Texas Educator Preparation Program. 

If you do not have at least a bachelor’s degree, you do not qualify for a review of credentials and would be required to go through a Texas Educator Preparation Program. 

Individuals who hold the equivalent of a bachelor’s degree granted by an accredited institution of higher education in the United States, who have completed an educator preparation program, including a teaching practicum, and who hold an appropriate educator certificate or credential issued by another country may apply for a review of credentials.

Without a standard teaching certificate, you are not eligible for a review of credentials. We do not review transcripts, degree level or completion of program coursework. You will be required to go through a Texas Educator Preparation Program. 

Please review the English Language Proficiency website.

Social Security Number Required for Certification

Before a certificate can be issued, you must complete the fingerprinting process. To complete this process, you must first obtain a social security number. For more information on how to obtain a social security number, visit the .

Contact Information

(512) 936-8400
Phone Options:
Option 2-Educator Preparation and Certification
Option 3-Fingerprinting
Option 6-Investigations
Testing questions: (512) 463-9039

Please use the TEA to submit your questions. Allow several business days for staff to respond to your ticket.

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