LASO Cycle 1

The Learning Acceleration Support Opportunities (LASO) is the next iteration of a universal consolidated application cycle that strategically batches grant funding opportunitiesthat aresupporting with continued learning acceleration and innovation opportunities.

LASO Cycle 1 program grants are focused on three of the five learning acceleration strategies: Instructional Materials, More Time and Innovative School Models. Use the links on this page to browse all the grants and read up on each grant's latest news, access to newsletters, program guidelines, contact information, and resources.

For general follow up questions, email For program specific questions, please email the contact for each grant found in their corresponding section below.

LASO Cycle 1 Grant Application is now closed.

  • LASO application opened on November 7th, 2022 and closed on December 22nd, 2022.
  • LEAs may download a print copy of the application.
  • The Qualtrics application link can be accessed via the email sent to the LEA's Superintendent on November 7th. If LEA's Superintendent has not received the email with the application link,to request one.
  • Please note, it takes about 24 hours to generate a link within the system. Therefore, link request would only be accepted until December 21st 5pm to allow for enough processing time ahead of the application deadline on December 22, 2022.
  • View the LASO Award List for LEAs. LEAs are listed alphabetically. Please find in the columns labeled for each LASO initiative a 'yes' indicating the LEA was awarded the corresponding LASO initiative grant, and a 'no' if the LEA was not selected for award for the corresponding LASO initiative grant.

Strong Foundations Planning Supports


  • Implementation Plans are due January 19th.

Upcoming Events

Do you have districts that could use a vision for the possible when it comes to HQIM in their district?Visit our new and improvedand request a Learning Lab visit today!

Your District Leader CoP is Friday, 1/12, at 10:00am.We have several exciting guests scheduled for this “don’t want to miss” meeting! Becky Krsnak from Midlothian ISD will present on developing a walk-through form based on their Instructional Framework, as well as how they trained leaders, practiced, and calibrated on use of the form. Bonus – she'll share some videos they created as exemplars in teaching showcasing the RBIS and framework in action. We will also have district leaders and approved providers share their experiences with visiting a Learning Lab!

to sign up for the CoP.


Looking to connect with other district leadersparticipatingin Strong Foundations Planning? You have theat your fingertips!


Hanna Cox
Director, HQIM Adoption

Alleigh Stewart
Project Manager


Program Description

Two Strong Foundations grant supports will be offered: (1) Implementation Supports, for LEAs ready to implement high quality curriculum in school year 2023-24, and (2) Planning Supports for LEAs ready to commit to a planning year in school year 2023-24.

This opportunity describes Option 2: Strong Foundations Planning grant provides support to LEAs to develop a strong instructional framework in math or literacy, provides optional adoption supports in selecting new HQIM if LEAs choose to make a materials switch; and trainings to support creating systems to effectively manage instruction at the district level.

Key Program Commitments to Consider

Note: Intended to provide key program commitments, not an exhaustive list of program assurances or requirements.

  • Instructional Framework Creation | Create a vision and instructional framework for the content area (Math or Literacy) that the LEA selects
  • Collective Learning | Completion of all required trainings on the research-based instructional strategies covering math or RLA, assessment, and implementation best practices by LEA’s selected committee
  • Participation of senior leadership | Participation of at least 1 senior district leader at monthly communities of practice
  • Creation of District Committee | Districts must create a committee including teachers, coaches, school leaders, and district leaders to participate in collective learning on the research-based instructional strategies and contribute to the creation of an instructional framework

Funding Estimates

  • Estimated total funding available | ~15 million
  • Estimated range of award | LEAs can receive up to ~400K
  • Estimated number of awards | 50-250 LEAs (will vary based on size of LEA



LEAs are eligible to apply

  • LEAs that have previously engaged in the Strong Foundations Framework Development Grant may not re-apply for the same subject area focus as previous grant cycles
  • Prior grantees for the Strong Foundations Framework Development Grant are eligible applicants in new subject areas

Approximate Program Timeline

Begin date | SY 23-24
End Date | SY 24-25

Strong Foundations Implementation Supports

Program Updates

The professional learning pilots are structured with specific supports for high-fidelity implementation at every level. Pilot timelines and communications are also specific to role, cohort, HQIM products being piloted, and whether an ESC is providing direct support. To ensure that LEAs and pilot participants are receiving the most up to date information about Next Steps, Program Updates, Upcoming Events, and Newsletters, we encourage both ESC and LEA participants to access their TEALearn courses.

  • LASO 1A/1B:
  • LASO 1C:
    • (Resource hub for Product Advisors)
    • *LASO 1C Teacher and Coach participants should reach out to their regional Education Service Center for course information.

(Notes: An “Access Denied” error will appear to TEALearn user who have not been given access to their applicable TEALearn courses)

Upcoming Events

  • August 10, 2023 | (CRIMSI 1A/1B LEADER) Problem of Practice Session 1
  • August 15, 2023 | (CRIMSI 1A/1B LEADER) Register Participants - Verify Participant Enrollment
  • August 22, 2023 | (CRIMSI 1A/1B LEADER) Problem of Practice Session 2

Stay up to date with future events on the .


For specific questions regarding Strong Foundations Implementations grant, please contact your ESC representative directly. For general questions and assistance with accessing TEALearn courses or for any questions about the pilots, please email


SFI Newsletters are generally handled by vendors. More SFI newsletters can be found in the .

Program Description

To continue to accelerate student learning in Texas, TEA launched the Strong Foundations Implementation Supports grant for local education agencies (LEAs) implementing High-Quality Instructional Materials (HQIM). For the 2023–24 school year, LEAs applied to the following options as a part of the Learning Acceleration Support Opportunities (LASO) Grant:

  • LASO 1A CRIMSI provides professional learning directly to teachers, coaches, and leaders through asynchronous modules and live virtual communities of practice.
  • LASO 1B CRIMSI Local Implementation is a “training of trainers” model that provides professional learning directly to coaches and leaders to redeliver to teachers locally.
  • LASO 1C ESC Strong Foundations Implementation Support provides professional learning directly to teachers, coaches, and leaders through synchronous and asynchronous modules and live virtual or in-person job-embedded supports delivered by Education Service Centers.

All options include pre-implementation planning supports, ongoing progress monitoring supports, and additional communities of practice for senior district leaders.

Key Program Commitments to Consider

Note: Intended to provide key program commitments, not an exhaustive list of program assurances or requirements.

  • Implementation of approved core products | Implementation with fidelity of approved core products for K-5 RLA (Amplify Texas Elementary Literacy Program, Amplify Texas Lectoescritura En Español) and/or K-5 Math (Eureka Math TEKS Edition), including following the year-long scope and sequence, meeting the minimum number of instructional minutes, and using the curriculum-embedded assessments
  • Participation of school leaders and coaches | Participation of at least 1 school leader per participating campus and at least 1 coach per product (coaches may include instructional coaches, administrators, or other individuals directly supporting teachers)
  • Participation of senior leadership | Participation of at least 1 senior district leader at monthly communities of practice
  • Professional Learning | Completion of all required professional learning by teachers, coaches, and administrators.
  • Data | Commitment to submitting all required data
  • Printed Instructional Materials | Ensuring all participating teachers and students have print materials (note: in-kind print support is only included for LEAs awarded CRIMSI)

Funding Estimates

  • Estimated total funding available | ~$60 million
  • Estimated range of award | This is in-kind technical assistance only with no direct funding for LEAs
  • Estimated number of awards | 75-175 LEAs (will vary based on the size of LEAs awarded)



LEAs implementing approved core products in one or more of the following:

  • K-5 RLA (Amplify Texas Elementary Literacy Program)
  • K-5 RLA (Amplify Texas Lectoescritura En Español)
  • K-5 Math (Eureka Math TEKS Edition)

Approximate Program Timeline

Begin date | March 2023
End Date | August 2024

Additional Resources

Technology Lending Grant

Program Updates

TLG End Date Extended

The Technology Lending Grant (TLG) has extended its end date to June 30, 2024. The extension gives all local educational agencies (LEAs) that received a grant for the 2023–24 school year an additional two months to use funds. For additional questions, please contact or

It is recommended that LEAs continue to spend down TLG awards. If you need to change an award, please contactGrants@tea.texas.govto get the process started.

Program Highlights

We want to hear from you! How are you using the TLG to enhance learning opportunities for your students? Whether you have purchased student devices, internet hotspots, or classroom display devices with the TLG funds, we would love to see how they are making a difference in your classrooms.

Please send us a summary of your TLG implementation and some photos that showcase your students’ engagement and achievement. We will feature some of the best stories and photos in our upcoming TLG newsletter. Don’t miss this chance to celebrate your accomplishments and inspire others with your innovative practices!

Send your spotlights totechlending@tea.texas.govby April 15, 2024. (Student media permissions apply.)

Engagement Opportunities

We value our partners in the field and want to stay connected!Whether it’s through site visits, review opportunities, or focus groups, we offer various ways for you to connect with TEA and contribute to the field of education.If you are interested in participating in engagement opportunities,!


Lisa Walker


Program Description

The Technology Lending Grant program awards grant funds to school districts and open-enrollment charter schools to provide students the equipment necessary to access and use digital instructional materials at school and at home.

Key Program Commitments to Consider

Note: Intended to provide key program commitments, not an exhaustive list of program assurances or requirements.

  • Current Equipment and Tech Plan | Applicants must provide the availability of existing equipment to students in the LEA and other funding available for the purchase of student technology devices. TEA may request the LEA's technology plan.
  • ​ċċċPerformance Data | The LEA may, upon TEA request, provide any performance data necessary to assess the success of the program.
  • TEA Available Materials| The LEA must ensure that devices will be prioritized for classrooms and students using TEA available materials (Texas Open Educational Resources).
  • Training | The LEA must provide the teacher, associated instructional coach, and students with training in the proper use of the device within 90 days of installation of the device in the classroom.

Funding Estimates

  • Estimated total funding available | ~11 million
  • Estimated range of award | LEAs can receive up to ~225K
  • Estimated number of awards | 50-100 LEAs



  • Eligible applicants include school districts and open-enrollment charter schools

Approximate Program Timeline

Begin date | February 2023
End Date | April 2024

Blended Learning Grant

Program Updates & Upcoming Events

[SY 23-24] August Fidelity of Implementation Webinar (must join one session)

LEAs will dive deeper into BLG implementation expectations + timelines for the 2023-2024 school year, including the fall pilot and spring execution semesters.

  • August 8th, 2023,10:00am-11:00am
  • August 15th, 2023,11:00am-12:00pm
    • Required District Personnel - District Program Manager
    • Optional District Personnel - Additional Campus and/or Administrative Leadership

Stay up to date with future events on the.

Next Steps

[SY 23-24] Fidelity of Planning Documentation

Texas Tech University is currently evaluating district FOP responses. Remember that these are embedded within your “district snapshot” document. Please double check that your snapshot is shared as VIEW ONLY - ANYONE WITH LINK so there are no permission issues for them.

You will receive an evaluation/feedback document from them by Friday, July 28th that will include the evaluation document with scores + feedback broken down by each category. If any categories did not meet proficiency, they will need to be resubmitted in August.


Michael Strange
Program Manager


Program Description

The Blended Learning grant will support school districts and open-enrollment charter schools to plan and implement a high-quality blended learning model in math (through Math Innovation Zones - MIZ) and/or reading language arts (RLA) aligned with a TEA open education resource (OER) core curriculum.

Key Program Commitments to Consider

Note: Intended to provide key program commitments, not an exhaustive list of program assurances or requirements.

  • Planning Deliverables | The LEA will submit items such as a master schedule, assessment calendar, stakeholder engagement plan, professional learning calendars, etc.
  • Project Management | The LEA will designate and provide a district-level project manager who will be available to dedicate approximately 50% of his or her time to designing and implementing the Blended Learning plan.
  • Training | The LEA will complete all required trainings to build competency in the online curriculum.
  • Communities of Practice | The LEA will participate in required communities of practice and any additional grant program meetings.

Funding Estimates

  • Estimated total funding available | ~9 million
  • Estimated range of award | LEAs can receive up to ~500K
  • Estimated number of awards | 25-50 LEAs


LEAs who have participated in:

  • COVID Response Instructional Materials Initiative (CRIMSI) or
  • TCLAS Decision 2 State Approved Vendor List to implement a TEA-available math or RLA OER products

Approximate Program Timeline

Begin date | June 2023
End Date | April 2025

Additional Days School Year Planning and Execution Program – Summer (ADSY PEP Summer)

Program Updates & Upcoming Events

We are seeking districts interested in learning more about ADSY. Training and conferences will be provided in the Fall of 2023.

Newly Available Resources

Stay up to date with future events on the.

Program Highlights

  • Serve at least one grade-level within grades PreK-5 
  • Campus academic calendar(s) include at least 180 instructional days with 75,600 operational minutes, not including staff development waivers
  • Add up to 30 additional days of instruction in addition to the 180 instructional days in its regular academic calendar
  • Have a certified teacher deliver at least two hours of instruction on designated ADSY days
  • Host ADSY days separate from the regular instructional calendar days (e.g., ADSY days cannot be hosted in the second part of a regular instructional day) 

Next Steps

If you are interested in hearing about how ADSY can help your district increase student achievement, retain, and attract talent, and position it for growth, .


Erik Torres
ADSY and Strategic Scheduling Manager


Program Description

High-quality, evidence-based summer learning programs help to prevent summer slide, i.e., learning loss created by the lack of student engagement in rigorous content between academic school years. Prekindergarten through 5th grade campuses are eligible for this grant and will undertake a year-long planning process to design a research-based summer program that enables districts to strengthen implementation of Additional Days School Year (ADSY) funding.

Key Program Commitments to Consider

Note: Intended to provide key program commitments, not an exhaustive list of program assurances or requirements.

  • Planning Deliverables | The LEA will complete and submit items such as a comprehensive strategic plan over the course of their planning year.
  • Project Management | The LEA will designate and provide a district-level project manager who will spearhead a steering committee to complete the Strategic Plan.
  • Communities of Practice | The LEA will participate in required communities of practice and any additional grant program meetings.
  • High Quality Instructional Materials | The LEA agrees to utilize high quality instructional materials for math and reading language arts instruction as defined in the program requirements.
  • Summer Program Parameters | The LEA agrees to design a research-based summer program of at least 25 6-hour days, with three hours devoted to math and reading instruction.

Funding Estimates

  • Estimated total funding available |~ 1-3 Million
  • Estimated range of award | This is in-kind technical assistance only with no direct funding for LEAs from TEA
  • Estimated number of awards | 25-50 LEAs



Any Local Education Agency (LEA) intending to utilize ADSY funding for a summer program that includes at least one grade level from PK-5 may apply. ADSY eligibility requirements, such as a 180-day instructional calendar at participating campuses, do not need to be met until the execution year (2024-2025).

Participation in this grant program is not required to access ADSY funding itself, but rather is intended to strengthen ADSY implementation through evidence-based planning and implementation practices.

Approximate Program Timeline

Begin date | Summer 2023
End Date | Summer 2024

P-TECH (Pathways in Technology Early College High School)

Program Updates

The CCRSM Program Application Cycle will open on August 1. Texas schools can learn more about the College and Career Readiness School models and apply for a Planning Year or renew their yearly Designation.

Program Highlights

The Texas College and Career Readiness School Models (CCRSM) are open enrollment programs that blend high school and college coursework to help historically underserved and at-risk students develop technical skills, earn college credentials and degrees, and pursue in-demand career paths.

The statewide CCRSM network is comprised of over 540 campuses implementing or planning to implement one or more of the following CCRSM programs: Early College High Schools (ECHS), and Pathways in Technology Early College High Schools (P-TECH).

Upcoming Events

Training Opportunities

Are you a new CCRSM campus principal or program leader? If so, welcome to the CCRSM Network! Each year, TEA provides professional development designed to help acclimate you to the resources and partners that you can access through the CCRSM Network. This year's New Leader Convening will occur in person and will be hosted at the three locations listed below. Educate Texas has designed this professional development opportunity to help acclimate you to the network, provide space to meet your peers, and connect you to resources and tools to support model implementation.

  • July 25, 2023 | San Antonio ()
  • July 27, 2023 | Waco()
  • August 1, 2023 | Midland()

Stay up to date with future events on the.


Darin Ford
Program Manager


Program Description

The P-TECH grant offers campuses an opportunity to plan to build a Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-TECH) within their district. P-TECH Academies offer opportunities for students to earn a high school diploma while simultaneously earning industry certifications, and/or an associate degree on or before the sixth anniversary of a student's first day of high school and at no cost to the student.

The P-TECH grant requires a campus to maintain a partnership with an institution of higher education (IHE) that will serve to provide dual credit opportunities to the P-TECH academy and with a business/industry partner to provide work-based support.

Key Program Commitments to Consider

Note: Intended to provide key program commitments, not an exhaustive list of program assurances or requirements.

  • Community College Partnership | The LEA partners with the identified community college to implement the PTECH model
  • P-TECH Blueprint | The P-TECH campus will implement the design elements included within the 6 benchmarks of the P-TECH Blueprint and strive to fulfill the state standard for student success as measured by the outcomes-based measures.
  • Recruitment Plan | P-TECH campuses must establish recruitment and enrollment processes and requirements that are open to all students
  • CTE study | P-TECH campuses must provide for a TEA CTE program of study that enables a participating student in grade levels 9–12 to combine high school courses and postsecondary courses.
  • Postsecondary Training | P-TECH campuses must enter into an articulation agreement with accredited institution of higher education to postsecondary educational and training opportunities
  • Industry experience | P-TECH campuses must enter into a MOU with regional industry or business partners in Texas to provide access to students for appropriate work-based education at every grade level

Funding Estimates

  • Estimated total funding available | ~1 million
  • Estimated range of award | LEAs can receive up to ~100K
  • Estimated number of awards | 10 LEAs


LEAs that:

  • Serve students in Grades 9–12; or
  • Will begin serving students in Grade 9 or students in Grades 9 and 10 in the first year of implementation (2024-2025) and will progressively scale up by adding at least one grade level per year after the first year of implementation
  • Recipients of the 2018–2019 P-TECH and ICIA Planning Grant 2019-2020 P-TECH and ICIA Planning Grant, 2018–2020 P-TECH and ICIA Success Grant, the 2019-2021 P-TECH and ICIA Success Grant, the 2020-2022 P-TECH and ICIA Planning and Implementation Grant, the 2021 – 2023 P-TECH Planning and Implementation grant, the 2021-2023 CCRSM P-TECH Planning and Implementation Grant, the TCLAS 1.0 Decision 9a P-TECH Planning and Implementation or 9b P-TECH Success or the 2020-2022 P-TECH Success Grant are not eligible for this grant.

Approximate Program Timeline

Begin date | SY 23-24
End Date | SY 24-25

ECHS (Early College High School)

Program Updates

The CCRSM Program Application Cycle will open on August 1. Texas schools can learn more about the College and Career Readiness School models and apply for a Planning Year or renew their yearly Designation.

Program Highlights

The Texas College and Career Readiness School Models (CCRSM) are open enrollment programs that blend high school and college coursework to help historically underserved and at-risk students develop technical skills, earn college credentials and degrees, and pursue in-demand career paths.

The statewide CCRSM network is comprised of over 540 campuses implementing or planning to implement one or more of the following CCRSM programs: Early College High Schools (ECHS), and Pathways in Technology Early College High Schools (P-TECH).

Upcoming Events

Training Opportunities

Are you a new CCRSM campus principal or program leader? If so, welcome to the CCRSM Network! Each year, TEA provides professional development designed to help acclimate you to the resources and partners that you can access through the CCRSM Network. This year's New Leader Convening will occur in person and will be hosted at the three locations listed below. Educate Texas has designed this professional development opportunity to help acclimate you to the network, provide space to meet your peers, and connect you to resources and tools to support model implementation.

  • July 25, 2023 | San Antonio ()
  • July 27, 2023 | Waco()
  • August 1, 2023 | Midland()

Stay up to date with future events on the.


Darin Ford
Program Manager


Program Description

The ECHS grant offers campuses an opportunity to plan to build an Early College High School within their district. Early College High Schools (ECHS) offer opportunities for campuses to provide targeted supports for historically underserved students through rigorous instruction and accelerated postsecondary courses to provide academic and wrap around strategies that help students succeed in college level coursework at no cost to the students.

The ECHS grant requires a campus to maintain a partnership with an institution of higher education (IHE) that will serve to provide dual credit opportunities to the ECHS.

Key Program Commitments to Consider

Note: Intended to provide key program commitments, not an exhaustive list of program assurances or requirements.

  • ECHS model planning and implementation | LEAs will engage in 29 months of ECHS model planning and implementation design elements and requirements aligned to the 2020-21 ECHS Blueprint
  • Crosswalks | Together, the LEA and IHE develop course equivalency crosswalks which lead to Level 1 and Level 2 certificates, associate degrees, or completion of the Texas Core Curriculum to provide stackable credentials as students advance on the academic pipeline.

Funding Estimates

  • Estimated total funding available | ~1 million
  • Estimated range of award | LEAs can receive up to ~100K
  • Estimated number of awards | 10 LEAs


LEAs that:

  • Currently serve students in Grades 9–12
  • Will begin serving students in Grade 9 or students in Grades 9 and 10 in the first year of implementation (2024-2025) and will progressively scale up by adding at least one grade level per year after the first year of implementation
  • Recipients of the 2021–2023 ECHS Planning and Implementation Grant and the 2022 – 2024 ECHS Planning Grant are not eligible for this grant.

Approximate Program Timeline

Planning Year | SY 23-24
Implementation Year | SY 24-25

School Action Fund

Joint SAF and Additional Days School Year (ADSY) funding opportunity

  • The SAF and ADSY teams are collaborating to bring an exciting new opportunity to amplify the power of both school actions and additional school days.
  • ADSY Full Year will now be a part of the School Action Fund starting in LASO 2.0.
  • SAF-eligible campuses are invited to apply, and priority will be given to campuses that also want to implement an ADSY Summer program in the summer of 2024.
  • ADSY Summer will continue to be a separate grant.

Next steps

  • Stay tuned for more information about LASO 2.0, including SAF and ADSY webinars, Q&A sessions, and eligibility information.

Join the Innovation Cohort

The Innovation Cohort is a three-month learning experience during which district leaders will analyze their district and campus-level data and develop an action plan in a small cohort of like-minded leaders from across the state.

  • TEA is launching the Innovation Cohort through the Center for School Actions.
  • At the end of the series, district leaders will be equipped to make informeddecisions about LASO and other grant opportunities to better serve communitiesand families with the schools that they want, need, and deserve.
  • General criteria for the Innovation Cohort invitation are districts that have Title I,Targeted, and/or Comprehensive campuses.

Next steps

  • Complete this four question Letter of Interest Form.
  • Registerto attend the Innovation Cohort Overview Webinar on August 28, 2023.
  • Upon completion of the Innovation Cohort Overview Webinar, submit a short application.

Upcoming Events

  • The School Action Fund SY 2023-2024 Kickoff will be held on August 24, 2023, 1:00 – 2:00 pm.
    • All grantees will be sent an email invitation at least two weeks in advance. If there are any changes, we will let you know ahead of time.
  • Innovation Cohort Overview Webinar will be held on August 28, 2023, 10am.
    • Register to attend the Innovation Cohort Overview Webinar today!
  • Gate 1 Deliverables are due on Friday, October 13, 2023.
    • Please work with your assigned Technical Assistance (TA) provider for an on-time submission!

Stay up to date with future events on the.


Laura Hyatt


Program Description

The SAF grant provides technical assistance, resources, and grant funds to support school actions for individual campuses. School districts also receive support in adopting a broader continuous improvement strategy to improve schools and provide parents and families with the schools and programs they want and need.

Key Program Commitments to Consider

Note: Intended to provide key program commitments, not an exhaustive list of program assurances or requirements.

  • School Action Selection | The LEA will select one of the eligible school actions and related models (restart, create a new school, redesign, or reassign).
  • Commitment to a Whole School Action | The LEA will complete a whole school model action, which may require changes to current school approach to staffing, scheduling, curriculum, instruction, culture, and other aspects of the school model (depending on model selection).
  • Impactful School Leader Release Time | The LEA must craft methods to ensure campus leaders are guaranteed release time to design, plan, implement, and shepherd the work of school actions for their school and community.
  • Project Management | Districts will identify a qualified Project Manager. The applicant may use grant funds or other funds for this position.
  • HQIM | LEAs will commit to selecting, adopting, and implementing with fidelity high-quality instructional materials to be integrated into the design and implementation of the chosen action.
  • Eligibility | Districts may apply for a school action at a Title I-serving Comprehensive OR Targeted campus. Districts may also opt to create a new school that will be Title I and prioritize students zoned for comprehensive/targeted campuses. Campuses with a School Action Fund grant in 2019 or later are not eligible.

Funding Estimates

  • Estimated total funding available | ~7million
  • Estimated range of award | LEAs can receive up to ~500K
  • Estimated number of awards | 30 campuses


  • Eligible applicants are LEAs serving Title I Comprehensive Schools and Targeted Schools, based on school year 2021-2022 ratings
  • For new schools, there must be clear intent to obtain Title I status for the SY 2024-2025
  • A campus may not have received funding from the 2019-2020 School Action Fund (SAF) Planning grant or any subsequent School Action Fund grants, or a TCLAS Decision 10 grant
  • Applicants pursuing a SAF implementation grant may not receive concurrent funding from the 2021-2023 Effective Schools Framework-Focused Support (ESF-FS) grant

Approximate Program Timeline

Begin Date | March 2023
End Date | June 2024

Campuses that meet program milestones may be eligible for continuation funding to support the implementation of the school action.

Resources & Additional Information

Title Description
LASO Overview General Webinar (|Slide Deck| FAQ)

The general webinar deck and recording provides information on the following:

  • Overview of Learning Acceleration Support Opportunities (LASO) Grant
  • Application Timeline and Key Components
  • Key Resources Available
LASO Grant-SpecificOne Pagers

The LASO One Pager Overview document provides key preliminary grant information like: Program Description,Program Commitments,Eligibility,Program Timeline,Funding.

LASO Grant Overview Deck Provides overview of the grants included in the LASO cycle.
Strong Foundations Technical Assistance Provider Information More information for technical assistance providers interested in applying to become an approved provider for the Strong Foundations Planning grant.
LASO State Approved Vendors The Learning Acceleration Support Opportunities (LASO) state approvedvendor guide is a pre-vetted list of organizations that TEA has determinedhave the experience and expertise to support local education agencies(LEAs) with these grant opportunities. The vendor list is organized by LASO grant to help LEAs exploreavailable support and vendor partnerships.
Learning Acceleration in Math TEA Supports for Acceleration Math Achievement
LASO Award List The purpose of this document is to showcase the LASO award summary for LEAs. LEAs are listed alphabetically. Please find in the columns labeled for each LASO initiative a 'yes' indicating the LEA was awarded the corresponding LASO initiative grant, and a 'no' if the LEA was not selected for award for the corresponding LASO initiative grant.
Errata Start Date Change (February 2023) The purpose of this errata notice is to update grant program begin dates for TLG, PTECH and ECHS initiatives within the LASO Grant.
Grant Program Estimated Total Funding Available Estimated Range of award Estimated Number of Awards
Strong Foundations Implementation Supports

~60 Million*​

-쾱Ի​ 75-175 LEAs (will vary based on size of LEAs)
Strong Foundations Planning Supports ~15 Million*​ ~ Up to $400K​ 50-250 LEAs (will vary based on size of LEA)
PTECH- Pathway in Technology Early College ~1 Million​ ~ Up to 100K​ 10 LEAs​
ECHS- Early College High School ~1 Million ~ Up to 100K 10 LEAs
School Action Fund ~9.5 Million ~ Up to 500K 30 campuses
Technology Lending Grant ~11 Million ~ Up to 225K 50-100 LEAs
Blended Learning Grant ~9 Million ~ Up to 500K 25- 50 LEAs
ADSY Planning and Execution Program - Summer ~1-3 Million* In- Kind 25- 50 LEAs

Date Event

October 17th - 18th, 2022

General Webinar

November 7th, 2022 Application OpeningDate
November 14th, 2022

Grant Specific Webinars

  • 8:00am - 9:00am | ECHS - Early College High School(Option 1)
  • 9:00am - 10:00am | P-TECH - Pathway in Technology Early College High School(Option 1)
  • 10:00am - 11:00am | Strong Foundation Implementation(Option 1)
  • 11:00am - 12:00pm | Blended Learning Grant(Option 1)
  • 2:00pm - 3:00pm | Technology Lending Grant(Option 1)
  • 3:00pm - 4:00pm | School Action Fund(Option 1)
November 15th, 2022

Grant Specific Webinars

  • 1:00pm - 2:00pm | ADSY Planning and Execution Program -Summer(Option 1)
  • 2:00pm - 3:00pm | Technology Lending Grant(Option 2)
November 16th, 2022

Grant Specific Webinars

  • 10:00am - 11:00am | ADSY Planning and Execution Program -Summer(Option 2)
November 17th, 2022

Grant Specific Webinars

  • 8:00am - 9:00am | Strong Foundation Planning(Option 1)
  • 10:00am - 11:00am | Blended Learning Grant(Option 2)
  • 2:00pm - 3:00pm | Strong Foundation Implementation(Option 2)
November 18th, 2022

Grant Specific Webinars

  • 8:00am - 9:00am | Strong Foundation Planning(Option 2)
  • 11:00am - 12:00pm | School Action Fund(Option 2)
  • 1:00pm - 2:00pm | ECHS - Early College High School(Option 2)
  • 2:00pm - 3:00pm | P-TECH - Pathway in Technology Early College High School(Option 2)

December 22nd, 2022

Application Closing Date
Name Date Time
Strong Foundations Implementation (SFI)

Tuesday, November 29

2-3 pm
Strong Foundations Planning (SFP) Wednesday, November 30 3-4 pm
Early College High School (ECHS) Friday, December 2 12-1 pm
Pathways in Technology Early College High School Friday, December 2 1-2 pm
School Action Fund Thursday, December 1 9-10 am
Technology Lending Grant Thursday, December 1 10-11 am
Blended Learning Grant Monday, November 28 1-2 pm
Blended Learning Grant Monday, December 5 1-2 pm
Additional Days School Year (ADSY PEP) Wednesday, November 30 2-3 pm
SFI Print Materials Office Hours Tuesday, November 29 1-2 pm
ESC Strong Foundations Implementation Supports Webinar Monday, December 5 9-10 am
ESC Strong Foundations Implementation Supports Office Hours #1 Wednesday, December 7 2-3 pm
ESC Strong Foundations Implementation Supports Office Hours #2 Friday, December 9 2-3 pm
SFI CRIMSI Webinar Thursday, December 1 9-10am
SFI CRIMSI Office Hours #1 Monday, December 5 10-11am
SFI CRIMSI Office Hours #2 Friday, December 9 10-11am
SFI CRIMSI Local Implementation Webinar Tuesday, November 29 9-10am
SFI CRIMSI Local Implementation Office Hours #1 Thursday, December 1 10-11am
SFI CRIMSI Local Implementation Office Hours #2 Thursday, December 8 10-11am
Strong Foundations Professional Development Tuesday, December 6 10-11am
Strong Foundations Implementation Assurances Wendesday, December 7 10-11am
SFI Amplify Texas Elementary Literacy Program (K-2) Monday, November 28 10am-11am
SFI Amplify Texas Elementary Literacy Program (3-5) Wednesday, November 30 10am-11am
SFI Amplify Texas Lectoescritura en Español (K-5) Tuesday, November 29 10am-11am
SFI Eureka Math TEKS Edition (K-5) Friday, December 2 10am-11am